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      • 원발성과 이차성 기흉에서 비디오흉강경수술의 임상결과

        최순호,류대웅,이미경,이삼윤 원광대학교 의과학연구소 2009 圓光醫科學 Vol.24 No.1

        배경: 젊은 성인에서 자발성기흉의 치료는 논란이 많다. 흉관삽관술로 구성된 고식적인 치료는 흉관 삽관시기의 이환율, 장기간의 입원 그리고 일정기간 안에 수술을 요한다. 젊은 성인에서 기흉은 보통 폐 첨부의 기포를 동반한 것처럼, 저자는 첫 기흉의 발생 시기에 기포의 흉강경하 절제는 낮은 이환율과 짧은 입원 일을 동반하는 효과적인 치료이며 개흉술에 대한 훌륭한 대체수단이라고 가정하였다. 대상 및 방법:2005년 1월부터 2006년 12월까지 166명의 기흉환자에서 비디오흉강경수술을 시행하였다. 155명은 남자이었고 11명은 여자이었다. 평균 나이는 29.3±6.7세(15-75세)이었다. 환자는 특히 날씬하고 키가 컸으며 증상의 발현시기에 경도의 호흡곤란과 흉통을 보였다. 폐 첨부의 기포는 조직 검사로 확인을 하였다.130명의 환자는 5일이상의 지속적인 공기누출과 흉부 컴퓨터사진상 다발성 기포 때문에,15명은 반대편 기흉으로, 7명은 양측성 기흉, 그리고 5명은 흉관삽관술의 치료 후 재발한 경우로 수술을 받았다. 모든 환자에서 Endo-GIA stapler 에 의한 폐 쐐기절제수술과 탈크도포, 그리고 늑막찰과상이 수행되었다. 추적 동안에 환자의 재발 과 잔존 만성 흉통을 관찰하였다. 결과: 수술사망은 없었다. 수술 후 합병증은 1명에서 과도한 늑막찰과상에 기인한 출혈로 재수술,9명의 환자에서는 7일 이상의 지속적인 공기누출, 그리고 3명에서 재발을 보였다. 재발은 수술 후 1-3개월 동안에 발생하였다. 그리고 또한 16명에서 경도의 잔존 흉통을 호소하였지만 진통제는 필요하지 않았다. 입원 일은 원발성 기흉 환자에서는 5.2±2.4일 그리고 이차성 기흉환자는 7.5±3.2일 이었다. 결론: 늑막유착술을 동반한 폐 첨부의 쐐기절제수술은 낮은 이환율과 짧은 입원 일을 동반하고, 초기 흉관삽관술이나 개흉수술 같은 고식적인 수술에 대한 매력적인 대체수단이다. 흉강경수술은 자발성 기흉 환자를 위한 효과적으로 처음 시도하는 수술일 수 있다. 이 질환의 병태생리상 기흉 환자는 기흉의 재발 때문에 엄밀한 추적을 요한다. Background:The treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax in young adult has been controversial. Conventional treatment consisting of chest tube thoracostomy may be associated with morbidity at the time of tube insertion, prolonged hospitalization, and interval operation in many patients. As spontaneous pneumothorax in young adults is usually associated with apical blebs, we hypothesized that video-assisted thoracic surgery(VATS) resection of the blebs at the time the first pneumothorax may be effective treatment associated with low morbidity and short hospital stay, and also viable alternative to thoracotomy. Method & materials. From Jan.2005 to Dec.2006,a series of 165 patients with spontaneous pneumothorax were treated by video-assisted thoracic surgery, there were 135 men and 11 women. The mean age was 29.3±6.7 years old(range:15to 78 years).Patients were predominantly tall and thin and also mildly symptomatic at the time of presentation. Apical bullae was confirmed in the pathologic specimen.139 patients was treated for persistent air leak(>5days) and multiple blebs & bullae on Chest CT, 15 patients for contralateral pneumothorax. 7 patients for bilateral pneumothorax, and another 5 patients for recurrent pneumothotax after conservative treatment. Stalpling of blebs and bullae with Edo-GIA stapler and pleurodesis by Talc poudrage and pleural abrasion was performed in all cases. During follow-up patients were observed for recurrence and residual chronic chest pain. Results: There was no postoperative death. Postoperative complications were reoperation due to excessive pleural abrasion in one patient and continued air leaks more than 7 days in 9 patients, and recurrence in 3 patients.Recurrence were occurred during postoperative 1 to 2 months also mild chronic residual chest pain also noted in 16 patients, but no required analgesics. The hospital stay was mean 5.2±2.4 days in primary spontaneous pneumothorax and mean 7.5±3.2 days in secondary pneumothorax. Conclusions: VATS wedge resection of apical bullaes with pleurodesis is associated with low morbidity and short hospitalization, and provides an attractive alternative to the conventional treatment of initial tube thoracostomy and possible interval repeat thoracostomy or operations. VATS may be an effective first line treatment for spontaneous pneumothorax.Due to the pathophysiology of this disease, patients should be closely followed for the occurrence of the pneumothorax.

      • 전하 제어법을 이용한 압전 액추에이터의 이력저감

        정순종,이대수,송재성,홍원표,강은구,최원종 한국공작기계학회 2005 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2005 No.-

        This paper presents a method to reduce hysteresis in multilayer ceramic actuator by connecting the actuator with a capacitor in a series circuit. The change in hysteresis with respect to the capacitor was examined. 0.2Pb(Mg_(1/3)Nb_(2/3))O₃-0.8Pb(Zr_(0.475)Ti_(0.525)) O₃ ceramic material was used as a piezoelectric material for the actuator. Displacement of the actuator was measured in a capacitive gap sensor measuring system. In case of inserting a capacitor in a total circuit, hysteresis became dramatically decreased, and then finally the hysteresis value can be reduced below 0.2%. It was found in this present study that reducing the hysteresis in the actuator is dependent upon the characteristics of the capacitor in total circuit and also operating frequency

      • CW Laser Annealing 과정중 SOS 상의 시간적 온도변화 측정에 관한 연구

        고년규,윤희중,유동선,최원국,문경순 연세대학교 대학원 1987 延世論叢 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the new method of TSRTM during CW Ar laser annealing using a He-Ne laser probe beam. Optical interference phenomena by a small changes of refractive index of Si, which is induced by the temperature change during short time laser annealing on the Si wafer surface, was used. The samples, SOS(Silicon on Sapphire), used in this work were epi. <100> Si grown on a <1012> insulator sapphire substrate with 2.0μm thickness. From the experimental temperature dependent equation of the refraction of index of Si with respect to the probe beam(λ=6328 Å) in furnace experiment, n(T)=3.98+7×10-4T (℃), the temperature on the destructtve or constructive interference was calculated. Incident Ar laser beam whose power ranges from 1.8W to 2.8W was irradiated and the effect of temperature rise of Si wafer on the elliptical spot whose major and minor axis is 200μm, 15μm respectively is investigated by the He-Ne laser probe beam which is focused 30μm. The annealing time ranges from 8 msec~250 msec to 500 msec~20 sec was adopted to estimate that the first constructive interference is occurred at least total irradiated power density 5.46×102Jㆍsec/cm2, and it is inferred that more than 180msec is needed for the first constructive interference when the total incident energy is 2.8 W. For the longtime annealing, about more than 1 sec, the interference pattern was coincided with the result produced by the furnace experiment. It is investigated from the space-resolved temperature gradient that the irradiated laser beam was focused in center.

      • KCI등재

        자일리톨 껌 저작에 의한 유치 우식증 예방효과 비교분석

        한성근,최연희,손은영,송근배,김영진,남순현 大韓小兒齒科學會 2004 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.31 No.2

        자일리톨 껌 저작에 의해 어린이들의 유치우식증 예방효과를 평가하기 위하여 3개 어린이집에서 만 5~6세 어린이 123명을 최종 선정하였다. 자일리톨 껌을 씹는 군(42명), 솔비톨 껌을 씹는 군(42명) 그리고 아무런 조치도 취하지 않은 대조군(39명)으로 나누어 12개월 동안 하루 5회씩 껌을 저작하게 한 다음 구강검사와 우식활성 검사를 통해 유치우식증 예방효과를 비교 분석 하였다. 12개월 동안 대조군 어린이들에서는 dfs index가 5.19개면 증가하였고 솔비톨 군에서는 2.96개면이 증가한 반면 자일리톨 군에서 2.62개면이 증가하여 대조군에 비해 자일리톨 군은 47.1%가 감소하였고 솔비톨 군에서는 43.6%가 감소한 것으로 나타났다. Dentocult-SM strip 검사 및 site strip 검사 결과 모두에서 대조군에 비해 자일리톨 껌과 솔비톨 껌을 씹은 군의 아동들에서 우식활성도가 공히 감소되었다. 따라서 본 연구와 같은 집중적인 자일리톨 껌의 저작 사업은 대상자들과 부모들의 사업에 대한 호응도가 높았고, 사업 시행이 다른 국책 구강보건사업에 비해 용이하였으며 특히 유치우식증 예방적인 측면에서 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. The effect of xylitol and sorbitol chewing gums on dental caries levels among 5-year old kindergarteners was investigated. Three kindergartens the operations of which were partly subsidized by municipal government of Daegu city, Korea, were chosen as the study sites. The child base of the kindergartens were considered demographically and ethnically similar, representing middle-income families. The subjects were examined at their own kindergarten by the two dentists. Participation in the program was voluntary. Over 12 months, 123 participants chewed xylitol chewjng gums(X group; 42 subjects), sorbitol chewing gum@ group; 42 subjects), or did not receive chewing gum as a control group(C group: 39 subjects). Consumption of xylitol and sorbitol was 4.5 to 5.0 g/day/subject, consumed in five daily chewing episodes of 5 min. Oral examination, Dentocult-SM test and interproximal dental plaque collection were completed at baseline and 12 months later. The dmfs of group C increased 59.2%. but group S increased 33.4% and group X increased only 31.3% during 12 months study period. The caries prevention ratio was 47.1% at group X and 43.6% at group S. There also appeared the reduction of caries activity at group X(1.39), group S(1.50) than control group(1.79). Compared with groups S and C, there was a statistically significant reduction of S. mutans in interproximal plaque in group X. The results suggest that xylitol chewing gum can prevent dental caries of deciduous dentition, and may be a little more effective than a sorbitol-containing product in controlling some caries-associated parameters in kmdergarten-age subjects.

      • KCI등재후보

        결핵성 흉막염의 치료에 있어서의 프레드니솔론의 효과

        조재연,심재정,인광호,유진목,안태훈,강경호,유세화,김건,최영호,유홍옥,김동순 대한내과학회 1990 대한내과학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        Tuberculous pleurisy is a relatively common form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. To evaluate whether prednisolone treatment can prevent pleural adhesion and result in early absorption of effusion in tuberculosu pleurisy, we studied 51 cases of exudative tuberulous pleurisy patients from Dec. 51 to Aug. 1987 by prospective randomized trials. Prednisolone was administered 5㎎/㎏/day for 3 wks in the steroid group. The results obtained were as follows: 1) At 3 months after treatment, the effusion was nearly absorbed in 6 of 18(33.3%) patients of steroid group, in 4 of 33(12.2%) patients of the non steroid group, and in 10 of the total 51(19.6%) patients. 2) At 9 months after treatment, pleural adhesion above the minimal degree was observed in 17 of 33(51. 5%). patients of the steroid group, in 8 of 18(44.4%) patients of non steroid group, and in 25 of 51(49.0%) patients in total. Among those patients, severe adhesion was developed in 2 of 51(4%) patients. 3) Pleural adhesion was developed in 14 of 33(42.4%) patients of the small amount group and 11 of 18(61.1%) patients of the large amount group. 4) Pleural adhesion was developed in 7 of 15(46.4%) patients of the early treatment group(<10 days of symptom onset), and 18 of 36(50%) patients of the late treatment group(>10 days). In conclusion, pleural adhesion was observed in a relatively large number of patients with tuberculous pleurisy after chemotherapy. Prednisolone resulted in early absorption of fluid, but could not prevent pleural adhesion significantly.

      • 저수축형 폴리머 콘크리트의 제조 및 물리·역학적 특성

        연규석,이윤수,최동순,정경현,황진하 강원대학교 부설 석재복합신소재 제품연구센터 2000 석재연 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        본 연구에서는 폴리머 콘크리트의 수축저감을 목적으로 수지량, 수축저감제함량과 S/a 비등을 변화시켜 경화수축의 변화와 강도 특성을 실험적으로 구명하였다. 경화수축량은 수치량이 105%일 때 보다 11.5%일 때, 즉 수지량이 증가할수록 커짐을 알 수 있었다. 수축저감제의 첨가에 따른 경화수축량은 감소함을 알 수 있었다. B10.5-SR10일 경우 수축저감제가 첨가되지 않았을 때 보다 약 30%, B10.5-SR20 일 경우 약 53%, B11.5-SR10일 경우 약 31%, B11.5-SR20 일 경우 약 47% 정도의 수축저감의 효과를 볼 수 있었다. S/a 비에 따른 경화 수축챨ㅇ은 S/a 60일 때 가장 적은 값을 보였으며, S/a 50, S/a 40 일때는 S/a60 일 때 가장 적은 값을 보였으며, S/a 50, S/a 40일 때는 S/a 60일 때 보다 각각 10%, 30% 정도 수축량이 증가함을 알 수 있었다. 압축 및 휨 강도특성은 수지량이 증가할수록 높아지고, 수축저감제의 첨가량이 증가할수록 낮아짐을 알 수 있었다. S/a 비에 따른 강도 특성은 압축강도와 휨강도 모두 S/a 비가 60일 때 가장 큰 값을 보였으며, S/a 비가 50,40 순으로 감소하였다. Many different polymer based concrete materials are known today, but the large setting or hardening shrinkage of polymer concrete is a problem to overcome in their practical applications. The setting shrinkage reaches about five to ten times the drying shrinkage of ordinary cement concrete, i.e, 50 to 60 ×10^4. This paper deals with a reduction in the hardening shrinkage of unsaturated polyester resin concrete which is treated with respect to shrinkage-reducing agent content, S/a ratio and catalyst content, and tested for length change during hardening, and flexural and compressive strengths. It is shown that the change of shrinkage-reducing agent content and S/a ration the length change of the unsaturated polyester resin concrete during hardening.

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