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        황수용,이상이,이승현 서울産業大學校 1996 논문집 Vol.44 No.1

        We investigate the performance of robust pattern matching for defocused images used to recognize an object. The matching method uses the nonlinear joint transform correlator(NJTC) which is able to change the relative contribution of the phase and amplitude signals. Here the nonlinearty is used to make the robustness of the camera focusing. Computer simulation is used to show the correlation peak intensity, peak intensity, peak-to sidelobe ratio for defocused images.

      • 인터넷을 통한 연구센터 데이터베이스 시스템 구축

        황의천,김일남,김남호,이봉형,왕수현 강원대학교 석재복합신소재제품연구센터 1997 석재연 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 석재복합 신소재제품 연구센터의 데이터베이스를 인터넷상에서 구축하여 이 데이터베이스가 연구활동 및 산업지원활동을 지원하도록 하는데 있다. 연구센터와 관련된 데이터베이스를 인터넷상의 세계정보망(world-wide web)이 연계 및 등록시켜 적극적으로 연구소의 활동을 홍보함과 동시에 세계정보망을 통한 각국의 다소 산업체의 산업정보를 실시간(real time)에 검색할 수 있는 정보망을 구축할 것이다. 석재복합 신소재제품 연구센터의 연구활동, 연구결과와 관련 산업체의 활동들을 데이터베이스화한 뒤, 이를 인터넷상에 제공함으로써 연구소의 연구활동 및 관련산업체들의 활동을 국제적으로 홍보하며 각국의 수요와 온라인으로 상담 및 전자우편을 나눌 수 있으므로 해서 지역경제의 국제화를 맞을 것으로 기대된다. 또한 앞으로 있을 정보고속도로의 구축과 활용을 위하여 본 연구는 기여하게 될 것이다. The purpose of this study is to construct the database of RRC research center on internet to support the research activities and industrial activities. Registering the database on internet, the center will proactively advertise the local industrial activities and will construct the information network which will enable the real-time search for industrial information. The database will include RRC's research activities, research output, and related industrial's activities. The homepage will advertise the RRC's activities worldwidely, support the online business, provide the e-mail, and it will enable the research center to be the leader of internationalization of local economy. The study will also contribute to further study of information highway.

      • KCI등재후보

        납노출지표와 적혈구내 protein kinase C 활성도의 연관성

        황규윤,황보영,안현철,김용배,리갑수,이성수,안규동,이병국 大韓産業醫學會 2001 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        목적 : Protein kinase C는 칼슘-인지질 의존형인산화 효소로 'H VJ'tfO에서 납에 의하여 활성화되지만, 납에 노출된 인체내에서 그 영향을 평가한 경우는 얼다. 본 연구의 목적은 납에 직업적으로 노출되는 근로자를 대상으로 납 노출이 적혈구막의 단백질내에서 PKC 활성에 의한 인산화 수준에 영향을 주는지 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 1998년부터 국내 납 근로자를 대상으로 납에 의한 건강 영향조사가 4년간의 코호트 연구로 실행하였다. 1차년도에 630명의 납 근로자와 135명의대조군이 조사되었고 이들중 본 연구에서는 직업적노출이 되는 사업장에 근무하는 212명의 근로자를대상하였다. 156명의 남자와 56명의 여자 근로자를 대상으로 인구학적, 과거병력, 직업력 등을 구조화된 설문과 면접으로 조사되었고 납 노출 평가는 혈중 납농도 및 ZPP, 경골중 납농도를 측정하였다. PKC의 활성도는 적혈구막 단백질내 PKC 의존형인산화 수준으로 평가하였다. 적혈구막 단백질인spectrin과 band 4.9의 후인산화수준을 측정하여각 납 노출지표(혈중 납, ZPP, 경골중 납. 노출기간)와의 관련성은 다중회귀분석을 이용하였다. 결과 : 조사대상자의 평균(SD) 연령은39.1(10.0)세, 근무기간은 8.1(6.5)년 이었으며, 경골중 납농도는 범위가 0.8에서 290.8 trg Pb/gbone mineral로 평근(SD) 34.4(35.2) rig Pb/gbone mineral이었다. 적혈구막 단백질의 후인산화수준은 개인간 변이가 매우 컸으며, spectrin은 평균(SD) 540 7(304.1), band 4.9 SfkDa는198.6(78.2), 48 kDa는 247.7(83.3) PSL이었다.경골중 납농도와 노출 기간은 이들 후인산화 수준과역상관성을 보였으나(p(0.05), 혈중 납 농도와 ZPP는 상관성이 없었다(p)0.05). 가능성 있는 혼란변수를 통제한 상태에서도 경골중 납 농도와 노출기간은 이들 후인산화수준과 유의한 회귀계수를 나타내었다. 결론 : 만성적 납 노출에 의하여 적혈구내 PKC활성도는 영향을 받아 증가되어있는 것으로 평가되어 적혈구막 단백질의 인산화수준은 납의 노출지표로 이용될 수 있을 것이다. 납의 신경독성은 부분적으로 PKC의 활성도왁 관련되어 있을 기전을 배제하기 어렵기 때문에 PfC 활성도와 신경행동학적 기능과의 관련성 평가가 진행되어야 할 것이다. Objectives : Protein kinase C(PKC) , a calcium and phospholipid dependent enzyme, is activated by lead in vitro at picomolar concentrations. However, the effect of lead on PKC has never been studied in a human population. The purpose of the study was to evaluate whether lead exposure was associated with PKC mediated-phosphorylation in erythrocytes among lead workers. Methods : Two hundred and twelve lead workers were studied. To determine the levels of phosphorylation ir vivo, an in vivo back phosphorylation technique was used by adding PKC and γ-32P to preparations of erythrocyte membranes. We measured back phosphorylations of erythrocyte membrane proteins, spectrin, and 52 kDa and 48 kDa, as an indirect measure of PKC activation if vivo. Results : The mean(SD) age and exposure duration was 39.1(10.0) years and 8.1(6.5) years, respectively. Tibial lead ranged from 0.8 to 290.8 μg Pb/g bone mineral with a mean (SD) of 34.4(35.2) μg Pb/g bone mineral. The means(SD) of back phosphorylation levels of the three proteins were 540.7(304.1), 198.6(78.2), and 247.7(83.3) photostimulated luminescence units (PSL), respectively, by phosphoimager. After adjustment for potential confounding factors, tibial lead and exposure duration were significantly and inversely associated with back phosphorylation levels. One unit of increase in tibial lead (1 μg Pb/g bone mineral) is associated with a decline in spectrin, band 4.9 52 kDa, and band 4.9 48 kDa back phosphorylation levels by 1.4(p〈0.05), 0.34(p〈0.05), and 0.47(p〈0.01), respectively However, there were no associations between the back phosphorylation levels and either blood lead or ZPP levels. Conclusions : These findings suggest that the PKC activity in erythrocytes is increased by chronic lead exposure and that erythrocyte membrane protein phosphorylation may be a biomarker of lead exposure.

      • KCI등재
      • 시민참여와 정부신뢰

        정수현,강한솔,황은진,이정주,노승용 서울여자대학교 사회과학연구소 2012 사회과학논총 Vol.19 No.-

        이 연구는 시민참여와 정부신뢰와의 관계를 분석하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여, 이 연구에서는 시민참여를 전통적인 오프라인 시민참여와 디지털 방식인 온라인 시민참여로 그 유형을 분류하고, 오프라인 시민참여와 온라인 시민참여의 경험이 정부신뢰와 어떤 관계가 있는지를 분석하였다. 2차 자료를 활용하여 빈도분석, 교차분석, t-test, 분산분석, 회귀분석 등을 실시한 결과 먼저, 우리나라 시민참여 경험자는 약 22% 정도이며, 오프라인 시민참여 경험자는 약 12%, 온라인 시민참여 경험자는 약 15%, 그리고 온라인과 오프라인 시민참여를 모두 경험한 시민은 약 5% 정도인 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 시민참여와 정부신뢰와는 관계를 분석한 결과 통계적으로 유의미한 관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 오히려, t-test 및 분산분석 결과 오프라인 및 온라인 시민참여 경험자에 비하여 무경험자의 정부신뢰 수준이 상대적으로 약간 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 시민참여의 경험 유무 만으로 정부신뢰를 설명하는데는 한계가 있음을 보여 주는 결과일 뿐만 아니라 시민참여를 제도적으로 보장하는 것에서 나아가서 시민참여가 실질적 효과를 높일 수 있도록 시민참여과정에서 정부와 시민의 보다 적극적인 노력이 필요함을 보여주는 결과라 하겠다. Trust in government adds legitimacy to political system, provides social stability, and helps government to work effectively. In addition it increases cooperation between governments and citizens, and improves effectiveness of government affairs. However, citizens' trust in government has been quite low sine 1990s. In Korea, citizens' trust in government dropped after financial crisis in late 1990s. Various literatures indicated that citizen participation is one of the best ways to increase citizens' trust in governments. Especially as information technology increases, it is expected that citizens acquire information about different policy areas, and actively participate in surveys, discussion, and policy evaluation through internet. This research attempts to prove the relationship between citizen participation and trust in government by comparing online and offline citizen participation. The research utilized 2nd dataset from 'the influence of information on citizens' participation in policy-making.' With various statistical techniques such as frequency analysis, cross tabulation, ANOVA, and regression analysis, the characteristics of offline and online policy participants are examined. The results showed that citizens, who participate in policy-making processes more actively both online and offline, trust in government less. Comparing online and offline participation, online participants distrusted government more than offline participants. Such variables as policy competitiveness, democracy in government, quality of government, and transparency in government have direct influences on trust in government. However, citizen participation is not statistically significant. Key Words:Citizen Participation, Traditional Citizen Pariticipation, Digital Citizen Participation, Trust in Government.

      • 순천향대학 천안병원에 내원한 알레르기환자의 특성

        황규윤,남해선,,안현철,박준수 순천향의학연구소 2001 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.7 No.1

        This study was designed to evaluate gencral features related to allergy of allergic patients living in northern and western Chungchungnamdo, visited to an allergic unit in Soonchunhyang University Chunan Hospital during August 1998 to July 2000. Three hundred allergic patients were enrolled. Among them, 87.7% were outpatients and were analysed for the study. Demographic variables as well as resident living conditions and immunologic results were assessed. Overall IgE, house dust, Dermatophagoides farinae (Df), and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp) antibody were assessed using MAST-CLA in 263 outpatients. Relations between allergens and age, sex, and living conditions were evaluated by chi-square tests. Mean age was 21.0 ± 17.3 year-old and male accounted for 59.3% in total subjects. Among them, 52.0% lived in an apartment and 65.3% were from urban area near Chunan and Asan city. Admission rate of allergic patients was 12.3%. The positive rates of total IgE, house dust, Df, and Dp were in 55.1%. 19.0%, 30.0%, and 29.3% in outpatients, respectively. No significant relations between allergens and sex. living home, and region were observed (P>0.05). Adolescents showed significantly higher positive rate of total IgE (P=0.02). Our data suggested that residential environment may not be a significant factor of main causative allergens in northern and western Chungchungnamdo. However more controlled study should be required to elucidate the relations between living environments and major causative allergens in this area.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 e-Japan 전략과 정보화 성과

        전황수,현창희 현대일본학회 2003 日本硏究論叢 Vol.18 No.-

        1990년대 인터넷의 급속한 보급과 정보통신기술의 발전으로 새로운 정보화혁명이 전개되고 있다. 미국은 신경제하의 고도성장과 생산성 향상을 달성하였으나, 일본은 극심한 내수불황과 정보화의 지체를 ‘잃어버린 10년’이 되어버렸다. 일본은 체계적인 정보화정책의 결여와 정보기술에 대한 투자부족 등으로 인해 새로운 패러다임 변화에 능동적으로 대처하지 못하여 정보화의 낙후국으로 인식되었다. 일본의 지도자들은 e-Japan전략 등 새로운 국가정보화전략을 내놓고 야심찬 목표 하에 민관협력으로 매진한 결과, 초고속인터넷 보급과 서비스속도, 원천기술기반, 차세대 인터넷 주소체계인 IPv6 할당, 홈네트워킹, FTTH 보급, 유비쿼터스 네트워크 환경 구축 등에서 세계를 선도하고 있다. 그 결과, 미래 정보화의 리더국가로 부상하고 있으며, e-Japan전략의 목표가 조기 달성되자 구축된 정보인프라를 기반으로 삶의 질을 추구하는 새로운 정보화전략인 「e-JapanⅡ」를 추진하고 있다. 본 고에서는 일본의 정보화가 지체된 원인과 일본정부의 대응을 e-Japan전략과 e-JapanⅡ를 중심으로 살펴보고, 우리에게 바람직한 시사점을 도출하자 한다. The purpose of this paper are two-fold. First, it looks at the background of nation built on IT strategy and the process of procedures on e-Japan strategy. Second, it examines the achievements of Informatization. On the threshold of the 21st century, Japan is striving to establish an environment where the private sector, based on market force, can exert its full potential and make Japan the world's most advanced IT nation within five years by: 1)building an ultra high-speed Internet network, 2)establishing rules on electronic commerce, 3)realizing an electronic government and 4)nurturing high-quality human resources for the new era, through e-Japan Strategy. It has been two years since Japan's first IT Strategy plan, e-Japan Strategy, was presented to the public. Since that time much work has been done in the way of infrastructure development, and Internet use among the general population has become increasingly widespread. The establishment of the Environment for Internet Utilization target of providing high-speed Internet to 30 million households and ultra-high-speed Internet access to 10 million households was achieved. In addition, Japan has the lowest high-speed Internet connection rate in the world, with more than 7 million households subscribing to DSL service. Great headway has also been made in the development of basic IT technologies, mobile telephone, IPv6, fiber optics(FTTH), and ubiquitous network. Much has been achieved in the past two years. Japan has successfully carried out most of the goals of the first phase of e-Japan Strategy, and are now ready to move ahead to the second phase of Japan's IT Strategy through e-JapanⅡ Strategy.

      • KCI등재

        야뇨증 환아들의 심리사회적 특성에 대한 다기관 연구 : 행동 및 정서 문제를 중심으로

        조수철,김재원,신민섭,황준원,한상원,박관현,이상돈,김경도,김건석,서홍진,이유식,정재용,김영균,문두건,남궁미경,한창희,조원열,김영식,배기수,이종국,정우영,신의진 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.6

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to examine the behavioral and emotional problems associated with nocturnal enuresis in Korean children. Methods : Three hundred eighteen children with nocturnal enuresis, together with their parents, completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Disruptive Behavior Disorder Scale according to DSM-IV (DBDS), Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), and Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (PHCSC). Ninety-three normal students were selected as the control group. Results : Compared to the normal control group, the mean scores with regard to the withdrawn, social problems, attention problems, delinquent behavior, aggressive behavior, externalizing problems and total problems profiles were significantly higher in the nocturnal enuresis group according to the CBCL results. The nocturnal enuresis group also scored significantly higher in the ADHD and ODD profiles of the DBDS. The nocturnal enuresis group was more depressed and anxious than the control group according to the results of the CDI and STAI. The mean score of the PHCSC was significantly lower in the nocturnal enuresis group when compared to the normal control group. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that children with nocturnal enuresis in Korea have clinically relevant behavioral and emotional problems. The findings support the link between nocturnal enuresis and psychopathology in Korean children.

      • 효율적인 분할 시그너춰 화일의 디렉토리 관리

        문현수,황환규,최황규,염상민,김상욱 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 1998 정보통신논문지 Vol.2 No.-

        A partitioned signature file is an enhancement of the signature file that divides all the signatures into blocks in such a way that each block contains the signatures with the same key. Its directory stores all the keys as meta information for avoiding unnecessary block accesses by examining them first before the actual searching of the blocks. Efficient directory management is very important in large database environments since its size gets larger proportionally to that of the database. In this paper, we first point out the problems in the directory management methods of the previous partitioned signature files, and then pressent a new one solving them. Our method offers good features in the following three aspects: (1) suitability for large database environments, (2)adaptability to dynamic situations, and (3) storage overhead for the directory.

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