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        고석규의 죽음의 세계와 여백의 사상

        정원숙(Jung, Won-suk) 한국문학회 2015 韓國文學論叢 Vol.71 No.-

        본 연구는 고석규 시에 나타나는 공포와 불안, 죽음의 세계를 고찰하고자 하였다. 고석규는 개인의 사상적 이유로 인하여 어린 나이에 월남하여 군인으로 직접 전쟁에 참여하였다. 고석규가 전쟁을 통하여 느낀공포와 죽음의식은 전쟁에서의 타자의 죽음에 직면하면서 자신도 곧 죽을지 모른다는 두려움으로부터 촉발된 것이다. 전쟁에서 체험한 인간의 폭력성과 휴머니즘의 상실감은 그의 내면 깊이 각인되어 끊임없이 그를 고통스럽게 만들었고, 그는 죽은 자와 산 자가 공존하는 부조리한 현실 속에 내던져졌다. 이러한 부조리는 그에게 극심한 불안감을 야기하였는 데, 이 불안은 웃음과 울음의 양가적 양상으로 표출된다. 그 양상은 자기방어, 카타르시스, 광기 등으로 다양하게 발현된다. 고석규는 불안 속에서 자신이 죽음으로 향하고 있는 존재라는 사실을 깨닫고 인간의 유한성인 죽음에 대한 허무와 자기 소외감을 절감한다. 또한 그는 폐허가 되어버린 도시의 거리를 방황하며 수많은 주검과 공포와 맞닥뜨린다. 그리고 자신의 육체를 파편화된 상태, 불구의 상태로 인식하면서 자신의 정 신은 이미 죽어 있으며, 육체 또한 망가질 대로 망가진 상태로 인식한다. 그리고 그는 삶이 무엇인지, 죽음이 무엇인지에 대해 골똘히 사유한다. 이러한 사유 속에서 그는 자신의 내면에서 침묵의 형식으로 들려오는 양심의 소리를 듣는다. 그것은 죽음으로부터 도피할 것이 아니라 죽음과 대면하여 죽음에 대해 반항해야 한다는 것이다. 그것은 바로 죽음에의 선구(先驅)였다. 그리고 그는 시의 길을 뛰어넘어 비평의 세계로 나아간다. 그것은 시에서 이루지 못한 공포와 죽음의 세계를 재인식하기 위함이었다. 고석규는 죽음이 아무 것도 없는 무(無)가 아니라 침묵으로 존재하는 여백, 부재로 존재하는 여백으로 파악한다. 이 여백으로 인하여 인간은 그 여백을 채울 수 있는 존재의 가능성을 획득할 수 있기 때문이다. 여백의 사상을 바탕으로 한 그의 글쓰기는 공포와 불안과 부조리를 초월하고 죽음을 초월할 수 있는 하나의 가능성이었다. This study attempts to consider the world of horror, anxiety and death shown in Ko Suk-gyu’s poems. He defected to South Korea due to personal ideology when he was young and he entered the war as a soldier. Consciousness of horror, anxiety and death he experienced through the war was due to the horror that he might soon be killed on the battlefield, facing death of soldiers. Human violence and loss of humanity which he experienced on the battlefield was deeply stamped on his mind so that it distressed him. He was hurled into the irrational reality where the living and the dead coexist. This irrationality causes intense anxiety so that this anxiety was expressed in ambivalent ways of laugh and weeping. These patterns were expressed in the various forms of self-defence, catharsis, madness, etc. Go Suk-gyu realized in anxiety the fact that he was a being towards death and he felt the futility about death, that is to say human finitude and a sence of self-alienation. Also he faced a lot of the dead bodies and horror, wandering in the city streets in ruins. And he recognized that his mind was ready dead and that his body was fully ruined, acknowledging that his body was fragmented state, that is deformed body. And he deeply thinks what is life and what is death. Through this thinking, he listened voice of conscience in the form of silence in his inner side. That is not fleeing from death but fighting against death. That is anticipation to death. And he went out into the world of criticism across the route to poem. That is to have new understanding about the world of horror and death which he could not overcome in his poetic worlds. His new understanding was not that death is nothing where anything is nonexistent but that death is empty space where silence exists, that is to say empty space filled by absence. Man can acquire the possibility of existence to fill the empty space because empty space exists. His writing on the basis of concept of this empty space was a possibility that he could transcend horror and irrationality, and then transcend even death.

      • KCI등재

        일본산 배 SPS 수입금지 조치 해제의 사전분석

        한석호(Suk-Ho Han),서홍석(Hong-Seok Seo),염정완(Jung-Won Youm) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.1

        본 논문은 국산 배와 일본산 배에 대한 국내소비자의 무차별 선호를 가정한 가격격차 방법론을 적용하여 일본산 배의 수입금지 조치 해제 시 경제적 · 정량적 영향을 사전에 분석하는 방법론을 소개한다. 방법론을 이용하여 2018년 일본산 배의 수입허용 가정 시 시뮬레이션을 수행한 결과, 연평균 5만 톤의 일본산 배가 국내시장에 유입될 것으로 추정된다. 이 수입량은 국내 배 가격하락 뿐만 아니라 국산 배 생산량 감소를 야기하여 국내 배 생산 감소효과를 초래하여, 연평균 930억원 수준의 직접적인 피해가 예상된다. 국내 배 재배면적과 생산량은 베이스라인 대비 0.7%, 1.4% 감소할 것으로 예측된다. 또한, 생산 · 소비 대체재를 포함한 다른 품목 부문에 미치는 간접적인 영향을 합한 전체 농업분야의 연평균 감소액은 약 2,090억 원 수준으로 베이스라인 대비 0.4% 감소할 것으로 전망된다. 본 연구에서 제안한 SPS 수입금지 조치 해제 시나리오 영향평가는 기존에 수행해오던 양허안 중심의 시나리오 분석과 병행하여, 메가 FTA 참여 시 농업분야 파급영향의 사전분석 방법론을 개선할 것으로 기대된다. This paper proposed a methodology to analyze the economic and quantitative effects of lifting the import ban on Japanese pears by applying a price gap approach in the absence of any preference for either type of pear. Assuming that Korea will allow Japanese pear imports in 2018, the simulation results show that an annual average of 50,000 tons will flow into the domestic market from Japan. These imports will cause a decrease in the price and production of domestic pears, which would have a direct effect on the domestic pear industry, leading to an annual average reduction of 93 billion won. The cultivation area and production quantity are projected to be decreased by 0.7% and 1.4%, respectively, compared to the baseline. Also, the annual average reduction in the overall agriculture sector is predicted to be about 209 billion won, which is a 0.4% reduction compared to the baseline. This research is expected to improve the methodologies available for proactive analysis, with the existing analysis focused on customs tariffs when Korea considers joining mega-FTAs.

      • 購買力 比較에 의한 원貨 對「달러」換率變動의 分析과 方向에 관한 小考

        吳元奭 東亞大學校 大學院 1982 大學院論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to analyse empirically and theoretically the relations of price index and exchanges-rate changes between the U.S. and Korea. In the theory of purchasing power parity, there are several assumptions which cannot be applied in current economic situations, but this theory holds up very well over the long run according to the many empirical tests. One of the most important problems which this theory can not cover is the existance of the capital account in the international balance of payment. First, I tried to analyse the theory of purchasing power parity and find any problems which do not correspond with actual economic situations. Second, I compared the changes of Korean WPI with the ones of the U.S. for twenty years form 1960 to 1980 for the purpose of pursuiting any consistant trends in the changes of Korean Won vs. U.S. dollar. This theory suggests that any changes in the differential rate of inflation between them tends to be offset over the long run by an equal but opposite changes in the spot exchange rate. As some differences between the spot rate and inflation were found in my analysis, I suggested in this paper that our current exchange rate system, which is called 「Compound Currencies Basket System」, should be reformed to reflect inflation differences accurately. Thus, the exchange rate can reflect real economy. Since the portion of capital account in balance of payment are bigger and bigger to improve capital accounts by widening international finance, manupulating interest rates against international ones, and developing forward market is necessary for Korea which is experiencing chronic deficits in current accounts. Therefore, inflation and interest rate differencs should be considered as main factors, not as strategic factors in the determination of exchange rates. And the rate should not be used as a temporary coordinator in improving exportation, although this may be a temporary measure, but this must be followed by and import-inflation eventually. Finally the exchange rate as an evonomic variable should be changed in accordance with both countries purchasing powers, which only can make Korean Economy to be competitive in a real secter, and chronic deficits of the balance of payment should be improbed by inducing capital inflows through political and economic stabilities, foreign investment, and international finance in a short run, but quality improbement and innovation based on the stability of prices and exchange rates can enhance exportation which results in the improvement of current accounts in a long run.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 미니멀리즘 패션에 나타난 미의식 연구 -도가(道家)의 ‘도(道)’ 미학을 중심으로-

        양정원(Yang, Jung Won),이미숙(Lee, Mi Suk) 한국디자인문화학회 2021 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구 목적은 탈현대적 가치를 갖는 도가사상의 ‘도(道)’ 미학에 주목하여 중국의 미니멀리즘 패션에 내재되어 있는 미의식을 분석하고자 한다. 연구 방법은 선행 연구 및 관련 서적을 중심으로 문헌 고찰을 통해 서양 미니멀리즘과 이와 연관성을 갖는 ‘도’ 미학을 살펴보고 이를 토대로 도가적 미니멀리즘 미의식을 도출한 후 중국의 미니멀리즘 패션의 미의식을 분석하였다. 연구범위는 2008년 이후부터 2021년까지 중국문화에 노출되어 중국문화의 영향을 받은 중국계디자이너들이 전통적 미의식을 통해서 미니멀리즘으로 재해석한 작품을 대상으로 하였다. 서양 미니멀리즘과 상응하는 연관성을 갖는 ‘도’ 미학을 허(虛), 무위자연(無爲自然), 유(遊), 유무상생(有無相生) 등의 미적 개념으로 대별하여 조형적 특성 및 미적 가치를 살펴본 후 도출된 도가적 미니멀리즘의 미의식은 ‘비움의 허무미’, ‘미완의 약졸미’, ‘일기적 공간미’, ‘변증적 상생미’ 등으로 나타났으며 이를 토대로 중국의 미니멀리즘 패션에 내재된 미의식을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 서양의 미니멀리즘의 ‘단순성’은 자연의 ‘본질추구’라는 특성을 내포한 ‘허’의 미적 개념과 연관성이 발견되며, ‘허의 미니멀리즘적 단순성’에서 도출된 ‘비움의 허무미’는 무정형이며 일체의 꾸밈이 없는 직선형 실루엣의 간결한 형식으로 표출된다. 둘째, 미니멀리즘의 ‘환원성’은 ‘자연적 본질로의 회귀’라는 특성을 내포한 ‘무위자연’의 미적 개념과 연관성이 발견되며, ‘무위자연의 미니멀리즘적 환원성’에서 도출된 ‘미완의 약졸미’는 인위적 흔적을 덜어내고 자연의 본성 그대로를 전시하기 위해 천연재료의 본형을 살리려는 방법으로 표출된다. 셋째, 미니멀리즘의 ‘상황성’은 ‘절대 자유의 공간 추구’의 특성을 내포한 ‘유’의 미적 개념과 연관성이 발견되며, ‘유의 미니멀리즘적 상황성’에서 도출된 ‘일기적 공간미’는 비구조적 풍성한 실루엣, 천연의 질감을 갖는 소재 등을 통해 표출된다. 넷째, 미니멀리즘의 ‘전체성’은 ‘유무대립의 관계가 상생하여 강렬한 어울림’을 내포한 ‘유무상생’의 미적 개념과 연관성이 발견되며, ‘유무상생의 미니멀리즘적 전체성’에서 도출된 ‘변증적 상생미’는 비대칭, 비균제적 조화를 통해 표출된다. 이상으로 자연주의적 색채가 강한 도가적 미의식은 환경을 고려한 지속 가능한 패션 디자인의 기초자료로 활용되리라 기대된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetic consciousness inherent in Chinese minimalism fashion by paying attention to the ‘Do’ aesthetics of the Taoism, which has post-modern values. As a research method, through literature review focusing on previous studies and related books, Western minimalism and its related ‘Do’ aesthetics were examined, and the aesthetic consciousness of Taoist minimalism was derived based on this, and then the aesthetic consciousness of Chinese minimalism fashion was analyzed. The scope of the study was targeted at works that were exposed to Chinese culture from 2008 to 2021 and reinterpreted as minimalism by Chinese designers who were influenced by Chinese culture with a traditional aesthetic consciousness. The aesthetic consciousness of Taoist minimalism, which was derived after examining formative characteristics and aesthetic values by dividing the aesthetics of ‘Do’, which has a corresponding connection with Western minimalism, into aesthetic concepts such as ‘Heo’, ‘Muwi-jayeon’, ‘Yu’, ‘Yumusangsaeng’, appeared as ‘Empty Heomu beauty’ and ‘Unfinished Yakzol beauty’, ‘Ilgijeok Space beauty’, ‘Dialectic Win-win beauty’. Based on this, the results of analyzing the aesthetic consciousness inherent in Chinese minimalism fashion are as follows. First, the ‘simplicity’ of Western minimalism is found to be related to the aesthetic concept of ‘Heo’ which implies the ‘pursuit of the essence’ of nature, the ‘Empty Heo-mu beauty’ derived from ‘Heo’s minimalistic simplicity’ is expressed in a concise form of a straight silhouette without any amorphous ornamentation. Second, the ‘reduction’ of minimalism is found to be related to the aesthetic concept of ‘Muwi-jayeon’, which contains the characteristics of ‘return to the essence of nature’ and ‘Unfinished Yakzol beauty’ derived from ‘minimalistic reducibility of Muwi-jayeon’ is expressed as a way to remove artificial traces and reveal nature. Third, the ‘situationality’ of minimalism is found to be related to the aesthetic concept of ‘Yu’, which contains the characteristics of ‘absolute freedom space pursuit’, and the ‘Ilgijeok Space beauty’ derived from ‘minimalistic situationality of Yu’, is expressed through unstructured silhouettes and natural textures. Fourth, the ‘wholeness’ of minimalism is found to be related to the aesthetic concept of ‘Yumusangsaeng’ that implies ‘intense harmony due to the coexistence of relationships’, and ‘Dialectic Win-win beauty’ derived from the ‘Yumusangsaeng’ of the aesthetics of the ‘existence-free coexistence’ is expressed through asymmetric and non-uniform harmony. As mentioned above, the Taoist aesthetic with strong naturalistic colors is expected to be used as a basic material for sustainable fashion design considering the environment.

      • KCI등재

        야뇨증 환아들의 심리사회적 특성에 대한 다기관 연구 : 행동 및 정서 문제를 중심으로

        조수철,김재원,신민섭,황준원,한상원,박관현,이상돈,김경도,김건석,서홍진,이유식,정재용,김영균,문두건,남궁미경,한창희,조원열,김영식,배기수,이종국,정우영,신의진 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.6

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to examine the behavioral and emotional problems associated with nocturnal enuresis in Korean children. Methods : Three hundred eighteen children with nocturnal enuresis, together with their parents, completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Disruptive Behavior Disorder Scale according to DSM-IV (DBDS), Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), and Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (PHCSC). Ninety-three normal students were selected as the control group. Results : Compared to the normal control group, the mean scores with regard to the withdrawn, social problems, attention problems, delinquent behavior, aggressive behavior, externalizing problems and total problems profiles were significantly higher in the nocturnal enuresis group according to the CBCL results. The nocturnal enuresis group also scored significantly higher in the ADHD and ODD profiles of the DBDS. The nocturnal enuresis group was more depressed and anxious than the control group according to the results of the CDI and STAI. The mean score of the PHCSC was significantly lower in the nocturnal enuresis group when compared to the normal control group. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that children with nocturnal enuresis in Korea have clinically relevant behavioral and emotional problems. The findings support the link between nocturnal enuresis and psychopathology in Korean children.

      • 十二變에 대한 考察 : 六元正紀大論을 중심으로

        채영진,남호현,이석모,여성원,한성규,이재원,안민식,정헌영,금경수 한국전통의학연구소 2003 한국전통의학지 Vol.13 No.1

        The six kinds of natural factors(It refers to wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness and fire.) is constantly moving to maintain the balance of whole climate of one year. Four seasons are the largest mediation of whole climate of one year. The cold and the heat have the relationship of mutual intervention. The dampness and the dryness have it also. In this process they raise various climate appearance. And that various climate appearance influence the whole lives on the earth. This paper is concerned with the classification of them.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Preference Analysis for Flower Jewelry Using Conjoint Analysis

        김연희(Yeon Hee Kim),김미진(Mi Jin Kim),윤숙영(Suk Young Yun),장태원(Taeg Won Chang),최병진(Byung Jin Choi) 인간식물환경학회 2022 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Background and objective: This study was conducted to determine the preferences in flower jewelry by conducting a surveyusing conjoint analysis on the perception of flower jewelry and provide basic data for development of flower jewelryproducts. Methods: For the conjoint analysis, four attributes of flower jewelry were selected. Attribute 1 was related to the mainmaterial of flower jewelry, presented in three levels: cut flowers, potted flowers, and processed flowers. Attribute 2 wasrelated to wearing area presented in five levels of wearing area: hair, neck, ear, arm (wrist) and chest (shoulder). Attribute3 was related to price provided for selling products in flower shops, presented in three levels: less than 30,000 won,50,000-70,000 won, and more than 100,000 won. Attribute 4 was related to flower jewelry wearing time, presented inthree levels: less than 6 hours, 12-24 hours, and more than 24 hours. After extracting 25 profiles through orthogonaldesign, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 402 general participants, from which the responses of 343 participantswere analyzed. Results: By attribute of flower jewelry, the respondents attached most importance to price (34.14%), followed by wearingarea (29.18%), wearing time (18.51%), and material (18.17%), proving that the general public attached most importanceto price (Pearson's R = .987, p = .000). The preference in levels by attribute was highest for processed flowers in material,less than 30,000 won in price, hair in wearing area, and 12-24 hours in wearing time. Conclusion: By making flower jewelry based on the results of the analysis, it would be possible to help increase items soldin flower shops as well as their income.

      • Liquid‐Crystalline Blue Phase Laser with Widely Tunable Wavelength (Adv. Mater. 21/2013)

        Hur, Sung‐,Taek,Lee, Bo Ram,Gim, Min‐,Jun,Park, Kyung‐,Won,Song, Myoung Hoon,Choi, Suk,Won WILEY‐VCH Verlag 2013 ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol.25 No.21

        <P>A liquid‐crystalline blue‐phase laser with a tunable photonic bandgap (PBG) of over 150 nm and a wide temperature range is demonstrated by Myoung Hoon Song and Suk‐Won Choi on p. 3002. A lasing peak shift of more than 100 nm is realized due to the large PBG shift of the liquid‐crystalline blue phase. The shift in the lasing wavelength was reversible during repeated temperature changes over the entire stability range of the liquid‐crystalline cubic blue phase. </P>

      • KCI등재

        장애인의 장애특성 및 고용서비스가 장애인 경제활동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이석원,허수정 한국장애인고용공단 고용개발원 2012 장애와 고용 Vol.22 No.1

        최근 장애인복지에 있어 장애인들의 직업재활의 중요성이 부각되고 있고, 이를 위한 다양한 노력들이 이루어지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 이러한 노력들이 장애인의 경제활동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지, 이러한 노력과 무관하게 장애인의 장애특성이 경제활동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보기 위해 제3차 장애인고용패널조사 자료를 활용하여 장애인의 장애특성 및 고용서비스 경험여부가 장애인의 경제활동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 로지스틱 분석 및 생존분석방법을 통해 확인하고자 하였다. 연구의 분석결과, 장애인의 장애특성 중 장애유형의 경우 정신장애인이 다른 유형의 장애인에 비해 경제활동을 함에 있어 부정적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 중증장애인은 취업에 있어 보다 어려움을 겪고 있는 것으로 보이지만, 고용유지에 있어서는 긍정적인 영향을 가진다고 보기는 어려웠다. 장애인에게 제공되는 장애인 고용서비스는 장애인들의 취업에는 큰 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났고, 경증인 신체장애인이 고용서비스를 수혜한 경우 다른 장애인들에 비해 일자리를 가지는데 있어 부정적인 영향을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 고용서비스는 고용주에 의해 고용이 이루어지는 과정에서도 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 고용유지기간에도 유의미한 부정적 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 향후 장애인고용서비스는 이들 특성을 고려하여, 실제 고용에로의 연결을 촉진할 수 있도록 서비스의 질적 수준을 제고함과 더불어 취업 이후 이를 유지하게 하는 사후관리서비스의 확충 등을 통해 장애인들이 건강한 사회구성원으로 기능하는데 도움이 되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to examine the discrimination within the disabilities when they get their jobs and maintain their works especially the degree and type of disabilities and to analysis the effects on the employment services for the disabilities. The main findings of the study were as follows: First, the property of the disabilities(types and degree of disabilities) were not significant factors on employment and the duration of the employment. Mental disorders gave a negative effect on employment, but physical disabilities and mild disabilities had no significant effects on employment and the duration of job maintenance. Second, since there were selection bias, employment services gave no significant effects or negative effects on the employment and duration of job maintenances to people with disabilities. These results suggest that employment services for people with disabilities can give all kinds of disabilities so that they facilitate the employment for the disables. And the importance of follow-up services have to be emphasized. The follow-up services help the disables to maintain their jobs. These services can make the disables to facilitate their economic activities and also can be helpful for the disables to be a good citizens.

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