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      • 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당 대사 이상 정도에 따른 인슐린 감수성과 인슐린 저항성의 변화

        정인경,김성훈,정재훈,민용기,이명식,이문규,유형준,안규정,노정현,김동준,김광원 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.4

        연구배경 당질 코르티코이드는 당 대사에 매우 중요한 호르몬으로 내인성 당질 코르티코이드 과다상태인 쿠싱증후군에서는 말초조직에서 인슐린 저항이 증가하고 이를 보상하고자 인슐린 분비의 증가로 고인슐린혈증이 동반된다고 보고되고 있다. 하지만 생체 내에서와 달리 시험관내에서는 췌도세포에 당질 코르티코이드를 장시간 처리하면, 인슐린 분비 및 생합성이직접적으로 억제됨이 확인된 바 있어 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당뇨병의 원인으로는 아마도 말초조직에서 증가된 인슐린 저항성 뿐 아니라 이를 충분히 보상하지 못하는 췌장에서의 인슐린 분비 저하가 같이 동반되어있지 않을까 하는 가설을 세우게 되었고, 아직까지 당질코르티코이드가 당대사 이상을 일으키는 기전에 대해 쿠싱증후군을 당대사 정도에 따라 인슐린 감수성과 분비능을 분석한 연구는 없었기에 이를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 삼성서울병원에서 쿠싱증후군으로 진단 받은 환자 15명을 대상으로 하였다. 이에 대한 대조군으로는 쿠싱증후군 환자와 같은 성별 그리고 체질량지수를 갖은 15명의 건강한 성인을 대상으로 비교 하였다 쿠싱증후군 환자를 대상으로 경구당부하 검사를 통해 당대사 정도를 정상군, 내당능장애군, 그리고 당뇨병군으로 나눈 후 정맥 당부하 검사를 시행하여 각군의 인슐린 저항성과 인슐린 분비능의 지표를 비교하고, 수술 후 쿠싱증후군이 완치된 상태에서 수술 전후의 당대사 지표의 변화를 조사하였다. 결과: 1) 쿠싱증후군 환자 중 정상인은 20%, 내당능 장애는 27%, 그리고 당뇨병은 53%였다. 체질량지수, 나이, 그리고 발병 기간은 세 군간에 의미 있는 차이가 없었으나, 24시간 소변검사의 코르티솔 농도는 당뇨병군에서 의미있게 높았다. 2) 정맥당부하 검사 결과, 인슐린 감수성 지표인 Sl는쿠싱증추린」서 1.58±0.10[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 정상 대조군의 3.37±0.49[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]에 비해 의미있게 낮았으나(P=0.024), 쿠싱증후군 환자 중 NGT, IGT, DM 군간에 서로 통계적인 차이는 없었다. 3) SG는 정상 대조군과 쿠싱증후군 환자간에는 의미있는 차이가 없었고, 쿠싱 증후군에 있어서 당대사가 악화될수록 감소하는 경향을 보였으나 의미있는 차이는 없었다. 4) 인슐린 분비능의 지표인 AIRg는 정상인에 비해 전체 쿠싱증후군 환자의 경우 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 의미있는 차이는 없었다. 하지만 쿠싱증후군 환자중에서 당대사 상태에 따라 NGT군은 1299 (1297∼1310)(mu/g/min ×10^(-2))로 정상 대조군(368.9±98.6[mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]) 보다도 의미있게 높았고, DM군{202.2 (91.1~371.4) [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)}은 NGT군에 비해 의미있게 낮았다(P=0.0031). 5) 15명중 현재 완치 상태에 있는 6명에 대해 수술전과 후로 비교하였다. 수술 전 당대사 상태가 1명은정상, 1명은 내당능 장애, 그리고 4명은 당뇨병이었으나 수술 후 시행한 경구 당부하 검사상 모두 정상 당대사 상태를 보였다. 6) 수술 후 완치된 환자 6명에 있어 인슐린 감수성지표인 Sl는 수술전에 중앙값이 1.22[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 대조군에 비해 의미있게 감고』어 있었으나(p.0.05), 수술후 10.95 [×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 정상 수준으로 회복되었고(P=0.0022), 인슐린 분비능을 나타내는 AIRg [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)] 값도 정상수준으로 회복되었다. 특히 인슐린 분비능의 회복양상은 혈당농도에 따라 판이하게 나타나서, 정상과 내당능장애 상태에 있던 2명은 수술전에 1201 [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]로 증가되어 있던 AIRg 값이 수술 후 정상 수준으로 감소하였고, 수술 전에 당뇨병 상태에 있던 4명의 경우 245.9 [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]로 인슐린 분비능이 감고il어 있었는데 이들은 수술 후 모두 정상 수준으로 증가되었다 (P=0.0286). 결론: 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당대사 이상은 80%로 높은 유병률을 보였다. 모든 쿠싱증후군환자에서 인슐린 감수성은 정상인에 비해 저하되어 있어 말초조직의 인슐린 저항이 선행됨을 시사하며, 인슐린 분비능은 당대사의 정도에 따라 다르게 나타났는데, 정상 당대사군에서는 인슐린의 저항성을 극복할 만큼 정상 대조군보다 더 많은 양의 인슐린 분비를 하다가 고코르티솔혈증이 심할수록 인슐린 분비능의 감소로 당뇨병으로 진행됨을 확인할 수 있었고, 이런 인슐린 저항성과 인슐린 분비장애는 수술 후 다시 회복되는 가역적인변화를 보였다. Background: Glucocorticoid plays an important role in the control of carbohydrate metabolism. Patients with Cushing's syndrome have been reported to have an increased incidence of carbohydrate intolerance due to peripheral insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, although the exact incidence and nature of this disorder have remained unclear. Few results have been published about insulin resistance and insulin secretion according to the level of glucose concentration, or about the reversibility of such defects in patients with Cushing's syndrome. Methods: To assess the effect of glucocorticoid on the insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in Cushing's syndrome, 15 patients with Cushing's syndrome were classified into 3 groups (normal glucose tolerance: NGT, impaired glucose tolerance: IGT, diabetes: DM) according to the degree of glucose tolerance based on the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Insulin modified, frequently sampled, intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIGT) was performed before and after curative surgery on these patients and on 15 healthy control subjects. Data were evaluated by non-parametric statistical analysis. Results: 1) Among the 15 patients with Cushing's syndrome, 3 (20%) were NGT, 4 (27%) IGT, and 8 (53%) DM, based on OGTT. Twenty-four hour urinary free cortisol (UFC) was significantly higher in the DM group. 2) Insulin sensitivity index (SI) of Cushing's syndrome was significantly lower than that of the control group p=0.0024), but was not significantly different among the three Cushing's syndrome groups of NGT, IGT and DM. 3) Glucose mediated glucose disposal (SG) (Ed- confirm this abbreviation; it does not seem to match the definition) of Cushing's syndrome was not significantly different from that of the control group. 4) Insulin secretion (AIRg) of Cushing's syndrome tended to be high, but it was not significantly different from that of control. However, according to the level of glucose concentration there was significant difference in AlRg among the three Cushing's syndrome groups p=0.0031); AIRg of DM was significantly lower than that of NGT. 5) After surgical treatment, parameters of insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion were normalized in 6 cured patients; 1 with NGT, 1 with IGT, and 4 with DM, preoperatively. Median SI of all 6 patients was significantly improved up to the normal range postoperatively p=0.0022). Median AIRg of these 6 patients was balanced around that of normal control postoperatively p=0.0286). Conclusion: Eighty percent of patients with Cushing's syndrome had abnormality of carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin sensitivity was significantly decreased in Cushing's syndrome. Insulin secretion was significantly higher only in the NGT and IGT groups of Cushing's syndrome. As the hypercortisolemia is exacerbated, insulin secretion is significantly decreased and causes DM, suggesting that glucocorticoid has a direct or indirect toxic effect on the pancreatic beta cell (J Kor SOC Endocrinol 18:392-403, 2003).

      • KCI등재

        가열 조건을 달리한 단호박 페이스트와 검 종류별 단호박 라떼의 품질특성

        박보람,김나정,유선미,한귀정,김하윤,한혜민,신동선,신말식,Park, Bo-ram,Kim, Na-Jung,Yoo, Seon-Mi,Han, Gwi Jung,Kim, Ha Yoon,Han, Hye-min,Shin, Dong-Sun,Shin, Malshick 한국식품조리과학회 2015 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        가열 조건에 따른 단호박 페이스트를 제조하기 위해, 단호박을 15분 간 초벌 증숙한 뒤, 고압가열 처리 0분(A), 10분(B), 20분(C), 40분(D) 실시하여 실험군의 품질특성 을 조사하였다. 그 결과 일반성분의 경우, 대체적으로 고 압가열 처리 유무에 따른 유의적 차이가 관찰되었으며, 고압가열 처리한 B, C, D 실험군의 수분함량, 조단백질, 조섬유가 고압가열 무처리군 A에 비해 감소하였고, 가용성 무질소물은 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 가열 조건별 단호박 페이스트의 수용성식이섬유는 고압가열 20분 처리군인 C의 측정치가 2.02로 가장 높았으며 무처리군인 A의 1.60 보다 증가하였고, 고압가열 처리 40분의 경우 오히려 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 색도의 L 값은 고압가열 무처리군인 A가 52.20에서 고압가열 처리 10분, 20분, 40분으로 시간이 증가함에 따라 각각 50.33, 49.46, 48.06으로 감소하였고, a 값과 b 값 또한 유의적인 차이를 보이며 감소하였다. 현미경을 통한 단호박 페이스트의 현탁액 입자를 관찰한 결과 카로티노이드를 포함하는 유세포가 관찰되었으며 고압가열 처리와 그 시간이 증가함에 따라 단호박 유세포의 변형이 뚜렷하게 관찰되었으나, 부유안정성 실험 결과 실험군 A, B, C, D 간 차이가 없었다. 이때, 가열조건의 선택은 수용성 식이섬유의 증가, 환원당 증가, 단맛의 관능특성이 유의적으로 높고, 전반적 기호도가 가장 우수한 것으로 나타난 고압가열 처리 20분인 C 실험군으로 결정하였다. 선택된 조건의 단호박 페이스트에 식품가공 시 널리 사용되는 검류인 xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum을 단호박 페이스트에 종류별로 첨가하여 부유안정성을 확인하였는데, 이 결과 guar gum, locust bean gum, xanthan gum 순으로 부유안정성 효과를 나타냈으며 locust bean gum과 xanathan gum은 비슷한 정도의 효과를 보였다. 또한 관능검사를 통한 기호도 확인 결과 텍스쳐와, 전반적인 기호도가 가장 우수했으므로 locust bean gum(0.2%) 첨가 단호박 라떼의 품질이 가장 적절할 것으로 판단된다. For the production of pumpkin paste with respect to heating conditions, we steamed the pumpkin for roughly 15 min, heated it with high pressure treatment for 0 min (A), 10 min (B), 20 min (C), 40 min (D), and subsequently investigated the quality characteristics. Generally a significant difference was observed between the pumpkin paste treated with and without high-pressure heat. The values of water content, crude protein and crude fiber of the high-pressure heat-treated groups B, C, D were decreased compared with untreated group A. The soluble fiber in experimental group B sweet-pumpkin paste treated with high-pressure heat for 20 min was higher than the control, and the highest value at 2.02. Experimental group D sweet-pumpkin paste treated with high-pressure heat for 40 min was found to have a decreased soluble fiber content relative to the control. The L value for the color of the group A untreated control sweet-pumpkin paste (no high-pressure heating) decreased as the time increased from 10 min to 40 min, with L values of 50.33, 49.46, and 48.06, respectively. The b value for the color of the sweet-pumpkin paste also decreased, showing a significant difference. Taking into account all the results, we chose experimental group B in order to prepare sweet-pumpkin latte. We used 0.2% gum (xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum) as a stabilizer. Sweet-pumpkin latte with xanthan and locust bean gum has a suspension stability effect that lasts 90 min. The L and b values of sweet-pumpkin latte with gums increase and a value decrease compared with the control. In terms of the overall acceptance of the sweet-pumpkin latte, the experimental group with xanthan gum scored the best.

      • KCI등재

        열처리 방법에 따른 표고버섯의 이화학적 특성 및 영양학적 분석

        이중규(Jung-Gyu Lee),김광일(Kwang-Il Kim),황인국(In-Guk Hwang),유선미(Seon-Mi Yoo),민상기(Sang-Gi Min),최미정(Mi-Jung Choi) 한국식품영양과학회 2015 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        본 연구는 열수 침지, 증기 및 볶음 처리가 표고버섯에 미치는 이화학적 분석 및 영양성분 분석을 통해 최적 열처리 조건을 확립하고자 진행하였다. 소비자들이 상품을 평가할 때 1차적으로 먼저 관찰되는 색도와 경도를 측정하고 추가로 pH 측정 등으로 인한 이화학적 결과로 최적 조건을 선정한 뒤에 그 조건들에 대해서 영양학적 및 미생물 검사를 실시하였다. 색도는 열처리 시간이 길어질수록 색의 변색 정도가 증가하여 뚜렷한 차이를 나타내었다. pH 값은 열수 침지 처리의 경우 pH 증가량이 가장 높았으며 처리 시간이 지속될수록 pH가 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 다른 처리군의 경우 일정 시간의 처리 시간 이후에는 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 경도에서는 열수 침지와 볶음 처리의 경우 1분 이내의 열처리만으로도 경도가 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 증기처리의 경우 1분 동안 경도가 유지되는 결과를 보였다. 일반성분 분석 결과는 증기 처리가 가장 원물에 가까운 결과를 나타냈다. 유기산 함량은 증기 처리에서 유기산 함량 감소율이 가장 낮았다. 또한 3분간 증기 처리를 하였을 때 미생물의 사멸 효과가 가장 높았다. 열수 침지 처리나 볶음 처리의 경우 전체적으로 증기 처리한 시료에 비해서 영양성분 함량이 줄어드는 경향을 나타냈다. 따라서 표고버섯을 증기 처리방법으로 열처리하는 것이 다른 열처리군에 비해서 최적으로 나타났다. 하지만 본 연구에서는 물리화학 및 영양학적 성분의 변화만을 분석하였기 때문에 실제 식품 산업이나 공정에 적용하기 위해서는 대용량 처리 시에 발생하는 문제들과 관련된 추가적인 연구를 필요로 할 것이다. In the food industry, thermal treatment is an important process for extending shelf-life of foods. However, heating process affects the physicochemical, nutritional, and microbial properties of foodstuff such as color, texture, pH, and proximate compositions. This study was conducted to select an optimal thermal treatment by observing physicochemical, nutritional, and microbial effects of shiitake mushrooms with different thermal treatment methods. Shiitake mushrooms were washed and sliced equally (5 cm×0.5 cm×0.5 cm) and then heat-treated by three methods. Samples were heated in 100°C boiling water, steamed for 10 min, or pan fried at 130°C for 4 min. Total color difference values showed significantly increasing tendency with treatment time. For pH values, boiling water-treated mushrooms showed increasing tendency according to increased thermal treatment. For the results of hardness, boiling water or pan frying-treated mushrooms showed reduced tendency within 1 min. In the case of steam-treated mushrooms, hardness values were maintained for 1 min. Organic acid contents of steam-treated sample showed the lowest value among treatments. For microbial counts, steam-treated samples for 3 min showed the lowest value. Consequently, the results of this study suggest that steam treatment could be the optimal thermal treatment to minimize quality loss of shiitake mushrooms.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대장직장 종양에 대한 내시경 점막하 절제술의 연대순 임상 결과와 학습 곡선

        이상민 ( Sang Min Lee ),김은수 ( Eun Soo Kim ),박경식 ( Kyung Sik Park ),조광범 ( Kwang Bum Cho ),김동춘 ( Dong Choon Kim ),강유진 ( Yu Jin Kang ),이유진 ( Yoo Jin Lee ),이정민 ( Jung Min Lee ),최은성 ( Eun Sung Choi ),최재혁 ( Ja 대한소화기학회 2014 대한소화기학회지 Vol.64 No.4

        Background/Aims: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is an effective procedure for en-bloc curative resection of the colorectal tumor. As it requires high technical skills and experience in therapeutic endoscopy, it is important to understand learning curve of ESD technique. The aim of this study was to retrospectively describe the clinical results of ESD and to evaluate learning curve for the ESD of colorectal tumors. Methods: A total of 90 patients with 90 colorectal neoplasms, who had undergone ESD at a tertiary referral hospital from July 2009 to December 2012, were enrolled. The ESD was performed by a single endoscopist. All ESD cases were divided into three periods: first, cases 1-30; second, cases 31-60; and third, cases 61-90. Results: The en-bloc resection rates in third period (100%) was significantly higher than that of the first (93.3%) and second period (80%) (p=0.025). The perforation rate in third period (0%) also significantly decreased compared with that of the first (13.3%) and second period (20%) (p=0.032). To calibrate the difference of tumor size among periods, proficiency was calculated, as the procedure time per specimen area (min/cm2). The proficiency in third period (4.3) was significantly shorter than that of the first (16.8) and second period (10.2) (p=0.004). Conclusions: The learning curve of colorectal ESD in our study shows that at least 60 cases of ESD have to be conducted to acquire sufficient skill of degree without perforation. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2014;64:198-205)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        가토에서 Vecuronium bromide 의 용량에 따른 근육이완 효과

        김동원,이동호,민경호,전세웅,유희구,김경헌,승익상,김교상,서정국 대한마취과학회 1987 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.20 No.6

        The introduction of muscle relaxants was an epoch making event in the development of clinical anesthesia and their use has hecame essential to anesthesia practice. Vecuronium, one of the newest muscle relaxants, many advantages; it is .apid acting, non-accumulating, has minimals side reactions and is promptly antagonized by anticholinesterases. However, its pharmacological effect, like other conventional muscle relaxants depends upon the dose and is influenced br many factors including body temperature, blood flow, interaction with other drugs, antibiotics, diuretics and so forth, To obtain a dose·response relationship which is important for clinical use, the effect of the vecuronium in various doses on the neuromuscular block in rabbits was investigated. The results were as follows. 1) In the vecuronium 0.025 mg/kg group, maximal twitch depression was varied between 75 to 92% with a mean value of 84,9%. The spontaneous recovery index was 141.0 seconds (2.35 min). 2) In the vecuranium 7.75 mg/kg group, thmean maximum twitch depression and spontaneous recovery index were 98.4% and 218.6 seconds (3.64 min.) respectively. 3) In the vecuronium 7.1 mg/kg group, maximum twitch depression was 100% and the spontaneous recovery index was markedly prolonged to 627.8 seconds (10.35 min).

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        다양한 냉동 및 해동공정 조합이 표고버섯의 품질에 미치는 영향

        심준보 ( Jun Bo Shim ),조연지 ( Yeon Ji Jo ),최미정 ( Mi Jung Choi ),민상기 ( Sang Gi Min ),유선미 ( Seon Mi Yoo ),천지연 ( Ji Yeon Chun ) 한국산업식품공학회 2015 산업 식품공학 Vol.19 No.3

        In this study, the potential of various freezing and thawing combinations was investigated for frozen storage of mushroom (Lentinula edodes). Lentinula edodes were sliced (5×5×50 mm) and then blanched in boiling water for 1 min. Samples were frozen by either natural air convection freezing (NCF, -24℃), air-blast freezing (ABF, -45℃), or liquid nitrogen freezing (LNF, -100℃). Frozen Lentinula edodes were thawed to a central temperature of 4℃ using either flowing water thawing (FT, 10℃), microwave thawing (MT, 400 W), sonication thawing (ST, 40 kHz, 10℃), or natural air convection thawing (NT, 20±5℃). In LNF Lentinula edodes, MT showed the most rapid thawing within 2.5 min followed by ST (30 min), FT (37 min), and NT (75 min). Quality attributes were evaluated by thawing loss, texture (hardness), water content, water holding capacity, pH, and color. A combination of LNF and MT induced the lowest thawing loss among tested combinations of each freezing and thawing. Thawing loss of frozen Lentinula edodes by LNF method was the lowest by MT. pH values NT of ABF method were significantly higher than blanched Lentinula edodes. In our study, MT minimized the quality changes of frozen Lentinula edodes when it was combined with ABF or LNF.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 단위 연료전지 내 가스채널에서의 Phoenics를 이용한 수치모사 연구

        劉旼炡,鄭貴榮 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2005 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The mathematical modeling of MCFC was carried out to observe the effects of the water-gas shift reaction. Using the commercial CFD program Phoenics, studies on the butterfly-type fuel cell was carried out. Calculated results were compared with those of the general type fuel cell. In previous studies, it was assumed that properties of gases along the direction of gas channel height were constant. The consumption and the generation rates of CO_(2) could be decided as the rates which gave 0.4 of the hydrogen utilization in the anode gas channel. The y-directional average values were similar to the values near the separator surface and they positioned near the electrode surface. Therefore it was shown that it is safe to assume that the gas concentration along the direction of gas channel height is constant. Effects of the size of channel height on the x-directional distribution of X_(a)co_(2) appeared greater at a constant linear velocity rather than at a constant volumetric flow rate. As expected, the x-directional distributions of Xco_(2) in the butterfly type gas channels became more uniform.

      • KCI등재

        약물의 in vitro 투과 실험을 위한 사람의 비강점막상피세포 단층막의 일차배양

        유진욱,김유선,이민기,노환중,이치호,김대덕 한국약제학회 2002 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.32 No.1

        The primary culture of human nasal epithelial cell monolayer was performed on a Transwell. The effect of various factors on the tight junction formation was observed in order to develop an in vitro experimental system for nasal transport studies. Human nasal epithelial cells, collected from human normal inferior turbinates, were plated onto diverse inserts. After 4 days, media of the apical surface was removed for air-liquid interface (ALI) culture. Morphological characteristics was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A polyester membrane of 0.4 μm pore size was determined as the most effective insert based on the change in the transepithelial electric resistance (TEER) value as well as the ^14C-mannitol transport study. The ALI method was effective in developing the tight junction as observed in the further increase in the TEER value and reduction in the permeability coefficient (P_app) of ^14C-mannitol transport. Results of the transport study of a model drug, budesonide, showed that the primary culture system developed in this study could be further developed and applied for in vitro nasal transport studies.

      • 습기제거시스템의 성능에 관한 연구

        유성연,정민호,홍정표,심국진,김광영 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1997 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        The performance of moisture removal system is investigated analytically and experimentally. The program for the moist air calculation and for the condensing tube design are developed to examine the factors which affect moisture removal rate. Experimental apparatus comprises condensing tube, cooling system, vacuum pump, measurement and control devices. Thermoelectric cooling system and vapor compression refrigeration system are used to cool the air, and the performance of two systems are compared each other. Thermoelectric cooling system is compact and free from noise and vibration, but cooling rate of it is relatively slow compared to that of vapor compression refrigeration system. Air velocity, indoor temperature and humidity, temperature of coolant, size and material of condensing tube are found to affect the performance of moisture removal.

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