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      • Cysticercus와 Sparganum에서 추출한 조항원의 면역학적 특성과 그의 면연진단에 응용 2. Sparganum의 조항원성 분의 면역학적 특성

        김창환,James Yang 한국통합생물학회 1989 동물학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Spirometru erinocei의 유충인 sparganum에서 추출한 조항원 단백질을 항원으로 하여 sparganosis, cysticercosis, hydatidosis환자의 IgG 항체와 정상인의 IgG 항체를 혈청반응시켜 ELISA와 EITB에 의해 교차반응을 일으키는 비 특이항원 성분과 종특이항원 성분을 추구하였다. 1. sparganum에서 0.01 M PBS (PH 7.4)로 추출한 조항원 단백질을 SDS-PAGE로 전개하여 290 Kd에서 23 Kd범위의 분자량을 가진 25개의 단백질이 분획되었다. 2. sparganum의 조항원을 항원으로하여 ELISA로 sparganosis, cysticercosis, hydatidosis 환자의 190 항체와의 혈청 반응치는 sparganosis환자에게서는 0.44 $\pm$ 0.07에서 1.90 $\pm$ 0.03으로 negative control normal sera의 0.D (0.15 $\pm$ 0.03)를 기준으로 하였을 때 모두 양성이며 민감도(sensitivity)가 100 %이었으며 cysticercosis, hydatidosis환자혈청에서 양성반응이 나타났으며 교차반응도 있었다. 3. EITB에서는 spargancsis환자의 IgG항체에 의해 16개의 항원성분이 인지되었으며 이 중 6개의 항원성분이 정상인의 혈청에서도 인지되어 교차반응을 일으키는 항원성분이었으며 cysticercosis환자혈청에서 인지된 4개의 항원성분 중 2개의 항원성분이 sparganosis 환자혈청에서 인지된 것과 같았으며 hydatidosis환자의 190항체에 의해 인지된 19개의 항원성분 중 12개의 항원성분이 sparganosis환자혈청에서 인지된 항원 성분과 같았다. 4. 290 Kd, 200 Kd, 28 Kd의 항원성분은 sparganosis환자의 196항체에서만 인지되었고 228 Kd, 152 Kd, 66 Kd항원성분은 hydatidosis환자의 19G항체에서만 인지되었으며 66 Kd항원성분은 sparganosis, cysticercosis, hydatidosis, 정상인의 혈청에서 모두 인지되었다. We studied the serological reaction between the specific and nonspecific antigenic components from metacestode (plerocercoid) of spiromeko erimacei and IgG antibodies in sparganosis, cysticercosis. hydatidosis patients and normal human sera by ELISA and EITB. We prepared the crude extracts of sparganlim from snake, Matrix tigrina laterolis and used as antigenic components. By SDS-PAGE, we detected a total 25 peptide bands (fractions) with 290 Kd to 23 Kd molecular weight, and 8 bands of these detected bands developed strongly by silver stain. In serological test, ELISA, we recognized the cross-reaction of antigenic components reacting with IgG antibodies in heterogenous sera, cysticercosis and hydatidosis patients sera. The crude antigenic components of sparganum showed the high sensitivity in sparganosis, hydatidosis patients sera, but showed lower sensitivity in cysticercosis patients sera than the sparasanosis, hydatidosis patients sera. Sixteen antigenic components of these 25 separated bands were recognized by antibodies In sparsanosis patients sera,8 antigenic components in normal human sera, 4 antigenic components in cysticercosis patients sera and 19 antigenic compoenents in hydatidosis patients sera. The crude antigenic compnenets with 290 Kd, 200 Kd, 125 Kd and 28 Kd molecular weight was only recognized in sparganosis patients sera, but 64 Kd antigenic component was nonspecific antigenic components which were also cross-reacted with sparganosis, hydatidosis, cysticercosis patients sera and normal human sera.

      • KCI등재

        Diagnostic Importance of Recognition of Calcareous Corpuscles and Larva Part in the Diagnosis of Sparganosis by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology: Reports of Three Cases of Mammary Sparganosis

        성우정,박석주,배영경,김미진 대한병리학회 2011 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.45 No.5

        Sparganosis of the breast is an uncommon disease. Cytological granulomatous inflammation is a common feature of sparganosis. The presence of larval fragments is necessary for a definitive diagnosis of sparganosis in a cytological specimen. However, calcareous corpuscles entrapped in necrotic debris can be very diagnostic for sparganosis in endemic areas. We experienced three cases of mammary sparganosis diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology before surgical excision. Two cases showed numerous calcareous corpuscles associated with necrotic debris thought to be degenerated parasitic bodies. The remaining case revealed a few degenerative calcareous corpuscles and parasitic bodies. The presence of calcareous corpuscles and/or degenerative parasitic bodies can be an aid in the differential diagnosis between sparganosis and other forms of granulomatous mastitis, particularly in endemic areas of sparganosis.

      • KCI등재

        Breast Sparganosis Presenting with a Painless Breast Lump: Report of Two Cases

        오문영,김경은,김민정,추아정,이종윤,박정환,김종진,황기태 대한기생충학ㆍ열대의학회 2019 The Korean Journal of Parasitology Vol.57 No.2

        Sparganosis is a parasitic infestation caused by sparganum, a plerocercoid tapeworm larva of the genus Spiro- metra. Since the first case of human sparganosis reported in 1908, sparganosis has been a global disease, and is com- mon in China, Japan, and Southeast Asian countries. Consumption of raw snakes, frogs, fish, or drinking contaminated beverages are sources of human infections. Human sparganosis usually manifests in subcutaneous fat in areas such as the abdomen, genitourinary tract, and limbs. Breast sparganosis cases are rare, representing less than 2% of total cases of human infections. Complete surgical extraction of the sparganum is the treatment of choice. Because of the rarity of the disease, clinical suspicion is vital to reach the diagnosis of breast sparganosis. Here we report 2 rare cases of breast sparganosis presenting with a painless breast lump, both treated with surgical excision and sparganum extraction.

      • KCI등재

        Recurrent Ipsilateral Breast Sparganosis: A Case Report

        Jong-hyuk Ahn,Jin Yook Yi,Sei Joong Kim,허민희 한국유방암학회 2019 Journal of Breast Disease Vol.7 No.2

        Sparganosis is a rare parasitic infection that can infect the abdominal wall, extremities, urogenital system, and/or central nervous system. Because the incidence of sparganosis is less than 2% of all reported cases of sparganosis, early diagnosis of sparganosis is difficult. Breast sparganosis has characteristic radiologic findings. Complete surgical removal is the treatment of choice and has the benefit of producing a definite diagnosis. Herein, we would report a case of recurrent breast sparganosis that occurred two years after surgical excision of worms from the ipsilateral breast.

      • A case of recurrent cutaneous sparganosis in a middle-aged woman

        ( Tae Han Kim ),( Seung Ju Yun ),( Gwanghoon Kim ),( Nam Hee ),( Sung ),( Seung Ho Lee ),( Hyoseung Shin ),( Ai Young Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.68 No.1

        A sparganosis is the plerocerocoid infection that is involved in the Spirometra species, such as Spriometra erinacei, S. mansoni, S. mansonoides. The larva migrates widely and usually lodge in soft tissues like subcutaneous tissue or muscle and seldom invade to dermis. The lesion is characterized by a slow-growing, palpable, migratory nodule. It is clinically presented as a pruritic, serpiginous, 20 days to 14 months after ingestion of infective larvae. A 60-year-old woman visited our hospital with a complaint of a palpable mass on the left buttock. She habitually drank natural spring water in the mountain for 5 years and had a history of eating cooked frog several times in childhood. 7 years ago, she diagnosed as sparganosis but incomplete removal of parasite on the right calf in our hospital. After 7 years, she had a movable subcutaneous nodule on the left buttock. So we performed ultrasonography and excisional biopsy. Once again, we surgically confirmed recurrent sparganosis. Once human become infected, the larvae can invade the muscle, intestine, eye, brain, and/or spinal cord. On admission, for further evaluation, we performed contrast brain MRI and MRA, but there was no evidence that the sparganum had invaded other organs such as brain, eyes in this patient. A previous report hypothesized that recurrent sparganosis depends on potential incomplete removal. So, herein we report a case of recurrent cutaneous sparganosis.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        고충증 ( Sparganosis ) 의 임상 및 병리조직학적 고찰

        이범주(Beom Joo Lee),안성구(Sung Ku Ahn),김수찬(Soo Chan Kim),이승헌(Seung Hun Lee) 대한피부과학회 1992 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.30 No.2

        We reviewed the clinical epidermiologic features and skin biopaies of 23 patients who were diagonosed with sparganosis. Clinically, the parasites were obtained from the lesions and confirmed histopathologically. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the elinical, epidemiological, and histopathological charaeteristics of sparganosis. The results are summurized as follows : 1. There were no difference between male (48%) and female (52%) patients. 2. Age distribution, at first visit, were variable, ranging from 7 to 75, with the mean age of 40 years-old. 3. Duration of symptoms were variable, ranging from 10 years to 15 years, with a mean duration of 3 years. 4. Frequency of clinical features were as follows; movable or fixed subcutaneous nodule (16 cases), subcutaneous nodule with pain & focal warmth t.o touch (6 cases), seizure (I case). 5. Number of parasites per lesion were single lesion with single, parasite (21 cases), single lesion with two parasites (2 cases) and three parasites (3 case). 6. Frequency of location of lesion were abdominal wall (8 cases), thigh (4 cases), breast (3 cases), scrotum (3 cases), arm (3 cases), buttoek (1 cases), ciiest wall (1 case), brain (1 case). 7. The histological change of the affected tissue were characterized as follows ; 1) necrotizing and granulomatous tissue with or without parasif os in the lesions. 2) some cases were associated with marked fibrosis or formation of lymphoid follicles. 3) There were many lympho-histocytes, eosinophils, giant cel1s and some plasma cells near the lesions. (Kor J Dermatol 1992;30(2): 168-174)

      • KCI등재

        Subcutaneous Sparganosis on Abdomen Mimicking Multiple Lipomas

        안승기,최환준,김준혁 대한기생충학ㆍ열대의학회 2019 The Korean Journal of Parasitology Vol.57 No.5

        Human sparganosis is a food-borne zoonosis mainly caused by the plerocercoid belonging to the genus Spirometra. The most common clinical sign of sparganosis is a subcutaneous mass in the trunk including abdominal or chest wall. The mass may be mistaken for a malignant tumor, thereby causing difficulty in terms of diagnosis and treatment. A 66-year-old woman visited our clinic for the removal of a lipoma-like mass. It was movable, hard, and painless. We identified 2 white mass, measuring 0.2×4 cm and 0.2×1 cm. Pathologic findings indicated the white mass was a sparganum. She recalled having eaten a raw frog approximately 60 years before. A 35-year-old who lived North Korea was also presented to our clinic with an asymptomatic nodule on her abdomen. Intraoperatively, we found sparganum approximately 24 cm size. Subcutaneous masses are associated with clinical signs of inflammation or they may mimic a soft tissue neoplasm. While the incidence rate of sparganosis has decreased with economic development and advancements in sanitation, surgeons still encounter patients with sparganosis in the clinical setting. Therefore, a careful history is required in order to diagnose sparganosis.

      • KCI등재

        An Intraosseous Sparganosis with Chronic Osteomyelitis in Mandible

        이상신,박용태,김선진,이상운,박정민,김지혁,권광준,박영욱,최항문,김연숙,이석근 대한구강악안면병리학회 2009 대한구강악안면병리학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        Although the sparganosis involving soft tissues, i.e, tongue, cheek, etc., has been frequently reported, the mandibular involvement of sparganosis is not reported up to date. We present a case of intraosseous sparganosis involving whole mandible, which was clinically diagnosed as chronic osteomyelitis. After surgical operation of saucerization for the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis the removed specimens were pathologically examined and finally turned out intraosseous sparganosis. Radiological findings showed irregular multiple radiolucencies in round to ovoid shape throughout both mandibular body areas, of which peripheral rarefying radiopacity was less remarkable compared to the ordinary osteomyelitis. However, the radiolucencies of periapical granuloma, #34-36, were closely associated with the osteolytic lesions of mandibular body. Pathological examination showed a tunnel like space for the passage of sparganum larva, and heavy infiltration of eosinophilicleukocytes. And more, the parasitic tegument materials were found admixed with eggs in the granulomatous lesion, which were gradually degraded and resolved. Taken together, we presumed that the mandibular inflammatory lesion was primarily involved with sparganosis and secondarily aggravated by the periapical infection of #34-36.

      • KCI등재

        Recurrent Breast Sparganosis: Clinical and Radiological Findings

        박지윤,우옥희,조규란,서보경 대한영상의학회 2015 대한영상의학회지 Vol.73 No.3

        We report a case of recurrent sparganosis of the breast within 6 months following surgical removal of worms from the breast. The patient was referred to our hospital with a palpable mass in the right breast. On admission, breast ultrasonography revealed a tortuous tubular hypoechoic lesion with indistinct margins within a surrounding hyperechoic area, which strongly suggested sparganosis. We performed surgical excision and confirmed sparganosis. After 6 months, the patient detected a new mass in her right breast and visited our hospital. Breast ultrasonography revealed similar features in a different area of the same breast. We confirmed recurrent sparganosis surgically.


        뇌실질내에 발생한 Sparganosis의 임상적 분석

        윤승환,허철,변진수,홍순기,김헌주,한용표 대한신경외과학회 1994 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.23 No.3

        The tape-worm spirometra mansonoides infests man world-widely, particularly in Asian countries with rare involvement of the central nervous system. Recently, the authors have experienced 7 cases of cerebral sparganosis, and reviewed their clinical manifestation, radiographic findings, and follow-up results. The cerebral sparganosis manifests headache, seizure or hemiparesis. Most of patient had episodes of eating frogs or snakes. The brain CT scan showed low density area with ipsilateral ventricular dilatation. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) test showed positive response to serum and cerebrospinal fluid. The best treatment for cerebral sparganosis mansoni is surgical removal, fron which we confirmed 4(17%) cases of live worms in operative and patholgic findings, and most of the seizure disappeared or decreased after operation.

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