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신경망을 이용한 휴대전화에 의한 RF 노출 평가 모델의 개발
김수찬,남기창,안선희,김덕원,Kim Soo-Chan,Nam Ki-Chang,Ahn Seon-Hui,Kim Deok-Won 한국전자파학회 2004 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.15 No.10
The wide and growing use of cellular phones has raised the question about the possible health risks associated with radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. It would be helpful for phone users to blow the exposure levels during cellular phone use. But it is very difficult to recognize the amount of exposure, because measuring accurate level of RF is a difficult matter. In this study, we developed a model to estimate the exposure level and the individual risk of exposure by utilizing the available informations that we can get. We used such parameters as usage time a day, total using period, distance between cellular phone and head, slope of cellular phone, hands-free usage, antenna pulled out or not SAR(Specific Absorption Rate) of cellular phone, and flip or folder type. We proposed a model presenting individual risk of RF exposure from level 0 to 10 by using a neural network.
모발로 분화하는 종양에 대한 임상 및 병리조직학적 소견 -대한피부과학회 피부병리 연구분과위원회 공동연구-
김유찬 ( You-Chan Kim ),강원형 ( Won-Hyoung Kang ),고재경 ( Jai-Kyoung Koh ),김낙인 ( Nack-In Kim ),김방순 ( Bang-Soon Kim ),김상원 ( Sang-Won Kim ),김수남 ( Soo-Nam Kim ),김수찬 ( Soo-Chan Kim ),노영석 ( Young-Suck Ro ),명기범 ( 대한피부과학회 2003 대한피부과학회지 Vol.41 No.9
Background : Data on the clinicopathologic features of hair follicle tumors in Korea are limited. Objective : The purpose was to investigate the clinical and histopathologic characteristics of hair follicle tumors in Korea. Methods : Two hundred sixty four cases of hair follicle tumors seen from 1999 to 2001 in Korea were analyzed clinically and histopathologically. Results and Conclusion : 1. The most common hair follicle tumor in Korea was pilomatricoma(81.0%), followed by trichoepithelioma(6.4%), dilated pore of Winer(3.8%), and proliferating trichilemmal tumor(2.2%). 2. Hair follicle tumors usually occurred as a solitary skin-colored nodule. The most commonly involved site was the face, and the peak age of presentation was 10 to 19. 3. Pilomatricoma usually occurred as a solitary skin-colored nodule. The most commonly involved site was the arm, and more than 50% of tumors occurred before the age of 20. Histopathologically, the tumor was often surrounded by fibrous capsule and was composed of basophilic and shadow cells. It was usually located in the dermis and extended into the subcutis. Retraction spaces between tumor nests and stroma were frequently observed. 4. Trichoepithelioma usually occurred as multiple skin-colored papules on the face. Histopathologically, the tumor was usually located in the dermis with sometimes connected to the epidermis. It frequently showed peripheral palisading. 5. Dilated pore of Winer usually occurred as a solitary brownish to pigmented papule on the face in middle-aged persons. 6. Proliferating trichilemmal tumor occurred as a solitary or multiple tumors. Histopathologically, the tumor was usually surrounded by incomplete fibrous capsule. Tumor cells frequently showed clear cell formation, nuclear atypia, mitosis, peripheral palisading, trichilemmal keratinization, and individual keratinization. (Korean J Dermatol 2003;41(9) : 1177~1186)
Expert Lecture 1-2 : Diagnostic approaches of bullous diseases
김수찬 ( Soo Chan Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.68 No.1
Blistering diseases are heterogeneous and include many diverse disorders. Over the past three decades, with the availability of new investigatory techniques and more sophisticated laboratory methods, enormous progress has been made in understanding these diseases. Blistering diseases can be mainly divided into the autoimmune bullous diseases and inherited bullous diseases. To do make a correct diagnosis of these blistering disorders, one should apply four different techniques: the clinical, histological, immunological and molecular biological methods. Histologic methods include H&E stain, immunohistochemical stains and electron microscopic examinations. Immunological methods include direct and indirect immunofluorescence studies, and ELISA. Molecular biological methods include immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation.
Symposium 2-2-3 (SYP 2-2-3) : Localized blistering associated with reticular pigmentation
김수찬 ( Soo Chan Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2015 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.67 No.1
A 26-year-old male patient presented with localized blistering since birth, accompanied with patchy, reticulated hyperpigmentation on the flexural areas since mid-teenage. He also showed mild palmoplantar keratoderma and diffuse alopecia on the scalp. Histopathology revealed intraepidermal blistering with degeneration of basal keratinocytes. Direct immunofluorescence showed negative result and immunofluorescence mapping showed KRT5, KRT10, collagen 4 & 7 deposition on the dermal side of the blister. Electron microscopy showed cytolysis and keratin clumping in the epidermis. Increased numbers of melanosomes in keratinocytes and dermal melanophages were also shown. Genetic analysis showed a mutation in KRT14 (exon1 c.374C>C, p.Arg125Cys), which is most commonly reported in the subtype previously known as EBS-DM.
적응 SFLC(Scaled Fourier Linear Combiner)를 이용한 활동 중의 PPG 신호의 잡음 감소
金守贊(Soo-Chan Kim),金性珉(Sung-Min Kim),車殷宗(Eun-Jong Cha),金德源(Deok-Won Kim),柳在河(Jae-Ha Yoo),金東淵(Dong-Yon Kim) 대한전기학회 2006 전기학회논문지 D Vol.55 No.3
Blood flow is one of vital signals related to human physiological information. Photoplethysmograph (PPG) has been used to measure indirectly heart rate, blood oxygen saturation (SpO₂), and so on. Because PPG signal is weak and sensitive to motion artifacts, it is very important to continuously obtain stable PPG signal during free movement. In this study, we applied the scaled Fourier linear combiner (SFLC) using both the adaptive filter and FLC to remove effectively the motion artifacts as well as background noise in the real time without additional signal correlated with motion from a accelerometer. The proposed method would be useful to reduce the movement and background noise which are not synchronized with heart rate.