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      • KCI등재

        기아시 버들치 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus(Sauvage and Dabry)의 일부 영양조건에서의 효과 : 2. 체 절단면 계측형질의 변화 2. Characteristics of the Morphometric Changes in the Sectioned Body

        박인석,임재현,정창화,노재구,김윤해,이영호 한국어류학회 2002 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.14 No.1

        버들치 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus(Sauvage and Dabry) 기아시의 영양 상태 평가를 위하여 비만도, 내장괴지수, dreessing 비를 비롯한 체 횡단 절단면에서의 형태적 변화를 조사였다. 9주간의 기아시 비만도, 내장괴지수 및 대부분의 체 횡단 절단면 계측 형질들에서의 감소를 보였다(P<0.05). 본 연구 결과, 실험에 적용된 영양성 parameter는 본 종의 영양 상태 파악에 유용한 지표임을 시사한다. 연구 결과를 자세히 해석하여, 버들치에서의 주요 체 절단 형질의 산업성을 논의하였다. The effects of starvation on the morphometrical changes in sectioned body traits, condition factor, viscera index and dressing percentage were determined for evaluating nutritional conditions of Rhynchocypris oxycephalus(Sauvage and Dabry). Starvation for nine weeks resulted in a decrease in most sectioned traits as well as in condition factor and viscera index(P<0.05). These findings suggest that nutritional parameters used in this study appear to be a useful index for nutritional status in this species. The data has been interpreted in detail and some important body sectioned values of interest to commercial growers discussed.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        LETTER TO THE EDITOR : Adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia with abnormal cortisol secretion mediated by catecholamines

        ( Harin Rhee ),( Yun Kyung Jeon ),( Sang Soo Kim ),( Yang Ho Kang ),( Seok Man Son ),( Yong Ki Kim ),( In Joo Kim ) 대한내과학회 2014 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.29 No.5

        Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)- independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH) is a rare cause of Cushing syndrome. In AIMAH, cortisol secretion is independent of ACTH, and various hormones and/or cytokines have been thought to stimulate cortisol secretion via the aberrant expression of adrenal receptors or the increased activity of eutopic hormone receptors. Schorr and Ney [1] f irst proposed this concept, and subsequently the ectopic expression of gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), V2 and V3-vasopressin, β -adrenergic, luteinizing hormone (LH)/human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), serotonin, and angiotensin receptors, as well as increased activity of a eutopic V1-vasopressin receptor, have been identified in the adrenal gland [1,2]. Several genetic factors, such as Gs α-subunit mutations associated with McCune-Albright syndrome and MC2R (ACTH receptor gene) mutations, have also been postulated as causes of AIMAH. A 50-year-old male was referred and admitted to our hospital due to uncontrolled hypertension. He had suffered from hypertension for 6 years. His blood pressure was originally well controlled for the first 5 years using a calcium channel blocker, but poorly controlled for 1 year before he visited our hospital, despite his regular use of antihypertensive agents. He was initially referred to the Cardiology Department and underwent cardiologic evaluation after complaining of paroxysmal palpitation and dizziness. His 24-hour Holter monitoring and coronary angiographic results were normal, except for several antigen- presenting cells and a minimal coronary arterial obstruction at the middle left anterior descending artery. He had a past history of major depression and had been prescribed an antidepressive agent 18 months before he visited our hospital. On physical examination, he had a moon face, marked central obesity (height, 167 cm; weight, 77.65 kg; body mass index, 27.84 kg/m2), and multiple bruises on his extremities. He also had prominent purple abdominal striae, and all of his morphological features were consistent with Cushing syndrome. Laboratory examinations revealed 145.7 mEq/L serum sodium and 2.86 mEq/L serum potassium. Arterial blood gas analysis revealed metabolic alkalosis (pH 7.519, HCO3, 37.4 mM/L). His hemoglobin A1c level was 5.9%, and his serum fasting blood glucose was 118 mg/dL. The results of basal endocrinological examinations are summarized in Table 1. The circadian variation in serum cortisol production was disrupted, and basal ACTH levels were suppressed. A 24-hour urinary free cortisol test and overnight dexamethasone suppression test (DMST) were both suggestive of Cushing syndrome. Low- and high-dose DMST revealed Cushing syndrome of primary adrenal origin. An abdominal computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed bilateral large macronodular adrenal tumors. His pituitary gland was normal on brain MRI scans. We thus diagnosed this patient with Cushing syndrome secondary to AIMAH. To identify aberrant receptors on the adrenal gland, we followed the investigative protocol described by Lacroix et al. [3]. Postural and various provocation tests, including ACTH (250 μg, intravascular), arginine vasopressin (AVP; 10 IU, intramuscular), 5-hydroxy triptamine (5-HT; 10 mg, intravascular), isoproterenol (20 ng/kg/min, intravascular for 30 minutes) and mixed meal tests, were performed. His serum cortisol level showed a positive response to ACTH, AVP, and isoproterenol provocation tests, but a negative response to the postural stimulation test. The results are summarized in Fig. 1A. If the patient had β-adrenergic or AVP receptors on his adrenal gland, then he would have responded to the postural stimulation test; but he did not. We repeated the postural stimulation test, and checked his endogenous antidiuretic hormone (ADH) level. He exhibited an increased ADH level on the postural test, but no cortisol secretion (Fig. 1B). A bilateral adrenalectomy was performed. The subsequent pathological examination of both adrenal glands showed hyperplasia with a multinodular growth pattern: the right and left adrenal glands were sized 14.0 × 5.0 × 3.0 cm and 9.0 × 5.0 × 3.0 cm, respectively, and multiple golden yellow nodules measuring up to 4 cm in diameter were present. Microscopic findings showed that the nodules consisted of variable- sized nests of lipid-laden clear cells similar to those of the normal fasiculata layer (Fig. 2). The final clinical and pathological diagnosis was Cushing syndrome secondary to β-adrenergic agonist-responding AIMAH. After the operation, he took physiological doses of prednisolone and f ludrocortisone. He then lost weight gradually and achieved optimal blood pressure with reduced doses of antihypertensive agents. Kirschner et al. [4] first described AIMAH in 1964. They demonstrated that hypercortisolism was ACTH-independent, and that the resected adrenal glands contained multiple nodules. Since then, a number of cases have been described, and the cause of AIMAH has been characterized more precisely. Previously, steroid production in AIMAH was believed to be autonomous. In the previous study that compared the adrenal glands of patients with AIMAH to those in patients with long-standing Cushing disease, and concluded that prolonged adrenal stimulation by ACTH resulted in adrenal bilateral nodular formation and varying ranges of adrenal autonomy [5]. There were also some cases in which autonomy of the adrenal gland was the result of chronic ACTH stimulation, which eventually resulted in ACTH suppression. However, the rarity of Nelson syndrome following bilateral adrenalectomy in patients with AIMAH strongly argued against the adrenal autonomy hypothesis. In 1971, Schorr and Ney [1] first introduced the concept of aberrant adrenal receptor expression in adrenocortical tissue. They performed in vitro studies, and found that cyclic adenosine monophosphate and corticosterone production in rat adrenocortical carcinoma cells were stimulated by non-ACTH hormones such as catecholamines, thyroid stimulating hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, LH, and prostaglandin E1. This hypothesis was later validated in humans by additional in vitro and in vivo studies. Several ectopic receptors such as GIP, β-adrenergic receptors, vasopressin (V2-V3-vasopressin receptor), serotonin (5-HT7 receptors), and angiotensin II receptors, and increased expression or altered activity of eutopic receptors in- cluding the V1-vasopressin receptors, LH/hCG receptors, serotonin (5-HT4 receptor), and leptin receptors was found [5]. In our patient, the serum cortisol level was increased by ACTH stimulation, exogenous AVP, and isoproterenol. Because exogenous AVP could naturally stimulate ACTH and increase serum cortisol levels, we checked serum ACTH levels during an AVP stimulation test. His serum cortisol level was increased by 82%, and serum ACTH level was increased by 11.5%. We were unable to confirm if AVP itself stimulated the adrenal cortex directly, or whether the induced ACTH caused cortisol secretion. A postural test was performed to screen for the aberrant expression of the AVP, β-adrenergic, or angiotensin II receptors. Interestingly, cortisol secretion was stimulated by exogenous AVP and a β-adrenergic agonist; however, a postural test failed to stimulate cortisol secretion. We repeated the postural test, and also checked the patient`s aldosterone level to verify if the test was accurate and determined serum ADH levels to confirm if endogenous ADH stimulated adrenal cortisol secretion. Because serum aldosterone levels increase in response to postural stimulation, the test itself was working; however, the cortisol response was negative. This suggests that the patient`s β-adrenergic receptor showed a blunted response to the test. Because we did not determine the serum catecholamine levels during postural stimulation, it was unclear whether the postural test induced sufficient endogenous catecholamine. Although a stronger stimulus (such as a treadmill test) would have induced endogenous catecholamine and increased serum cortisol levels, the patient refused because he had ischemic heart disease. In our case, exogenous AVP, but not endogenous ADH, stimulated adrenal cortisol secretion. This suggests that the cortisol response to exogenous pharmacological levels of vasopressin was mediated by AVP-induced catecholamine release [3]. We finally concluded that this patient had ectopic β-adrenergic receptors on the adrenal cortex, and recommended long-term propranolol therapy. However, because he strongly desired to undergo treatment with a rapid response, we consulted the Urological Department who recommended bilateral adrenalectomy. The identification of aberrant adrenal hormone receptors in AIMAH provides novel opportunities for specific pharmacological therapies as alternatives to adrenalectomy. In 1997, Lacroix et al. [3] reported the use of propranolol therapy for ectopic β-adrenergic receptors in adrenal Cushing syndrome in 1997. Some studies have revealed aberrant receptor expression in vitro using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. However, a limitation of our study is that we did not confirm aberrant receptor expression using in vitro analyses. In conclusion, we report a rare case of an AIMAH patient. In vivo examinations suggested that altered cortisol regulation due to a β-adrenergic agonist was involved in the pathogenesis of the AIMAH patient.

      • 소아에서 발생한 골수이형성 증후군 2례

        홍성진,윤석중,김성우,조형구,오명호,김기혁,이인성 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1996 건국의과학학술지 Vol.5 No.-

        Myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) is a group of acquired conditions characterized by progressive bone marrow failure associated with normocellular or hypercellular bone marrow that cannot be attributed to nutritional deficiency, chronic infection, or other chronic systemic illness, and cannot be reversed by the successful treatment of those conditions. Whereas the cases of secondary MDS occur at all ages, primary MDS is essentially a disease of elderly, though no age group is exempt and predomonant in men. The MDS is fundamentally clonal disorders at the level of the haemopoietic totipotent stem cell. Clinically, they are characterized by varing degrees of peripheral cytopenia(s) with morphological and functional abnormalities of blood elements. We have experienced two unrelated pediatric cases, who showed pancytopenia on admission and the characteristic marrow findings of MDS. The first case, a 12 months-old girl, showed increased reticulin with abnormal localization of immature precursor cells(ALIP) in her bone marrow, in addition to dysplastic features such as bi-and multi-nucleation of late normoblasts and internuclear bridging. She also showed 22% of blasts in her bone marrow cells thus classified in the category of RAEB-t after FAB classification. Also found were a chromosomal abnormality namely 46 XX t(14q21q), which was an unusual one. Her family brought her home and, 4 month later, she deceased. The second case, a 12 year-old boy, showed pancytopenia with Pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly in neutrophils but no blasts in the peripheral blood. Bone marrow of this case also showed the picture of dyserythropoiesis with binuclearity, internuclear bridging, nuclear fragments, multinuclearity of late normoblasts, in addition to megaloblastoid change in the normoblasts and increased mitosis in granulocytic series. No chromosomal abnormality was found. Classified as RA after FAB classification of MDS. Showed good response to conservative management for anemia for more than one year.

      • 한의진단명과 진단요건의 표준화 연구 III : 3차년도 연구결과 보고

        최선미,양기상,최승훈,박경모,박종현,심범상,김성우,노석선,이인선,정진홍,이진용,김달래,임형호,김윤범,박성식,송태원,김종우,이승기,최윤정,신순식 한국한의학연구원 1997 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        The diagnostic requirements were suggested and explained regarding the systems of differentiation of symptoms and signs in the third year study of standardization and unification of the terms and conditions used for diagnosis in oriental medicine. The systems were as follows : - analyzing and differentiating of epidemic febrile disease - analyzing and differentiating in accordance with the Sasang constitution medicine based on four-type recognition - differentiation of disease according to pathological changes of Chong and Ren channels - standards for diagnosis of women's disease - standards for diagnosis of children's disease - standards for diagnosis of motor and sensor disturbance (-muscle. born, joint, etc.) - standards for diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disease - standards for diagnosis of five sense organ disease - standards for diagnosis of external disease The indivisual diagnosis pattern was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of diagnosis pattern, index of differentiation of symptoms and signs, the main point of diagnosis, analysis of diagnosis pattern, discrimination of diagnosis pattern, prognosis, a way of curing a disease, prescription, herbs in common use, disease appearing the diagnosis pattern, documents. The standards for diagnosis of each disease was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of disease, the main point of diagnosis, analyzing and differentiating of disease, analysis of disease, discrimination of disease, prognosis, a way of curing and prescription of disease, disease in western medicine appearing the disease in oriental medicine, documents.

      • 휴대폰용 FBAR Duplexer에 내장되는 위상천이기에 관한 연구

        윤석출,송인상,이연승,김학선 한밭대학교 정보통신전문대학원 2004 정보통신전문대학원 논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        본 논문은 WCDM용 Duplexer의 소형화를 위한 집적화된 1×lmm^(2)이하 크기의 RF Phase Shifter를 설계 하고 제작 평가하였다. 제안된 Phase Shifter는 PCB상에서 긴 마이크로스트립 라인 대신에 실리콘 기판 상에 집중 수동 소자인 high-Q 인덕터와 MIM 커패시터로 구현되었다. 제작된 Phase Shifter를 측정한 결과 삽입손실은 0.37 dB를 얻었고, 입력 VSWR은 15.69 dB를 얻었으며, 위상은 81˚를 얻었다. 크기도 0.8×O.9㎟ 로 제작되어 Phase Shifter의 소형화의 가능성을 보였다. In this paper, we have designed, and evaluated the integrated RF phase shifter to reduce the chip size below 1×1mm^(2) for WCDMA duplexer application. Instead of the large transmission lines on the PCB, the proposed phase shifter was used small-sized lumped elements, such as integrated high-Q inductor and MIM capacitors on silicon substrates. In the measurement results of the fabricated phase shifters, the insertion loss was 0.37dB and input VSWR was 15.68dB, the phase was 81˚. Also, the final chip size was 0.8×0.9㎟, which clearly showed the feasibility of the miniaturized RF LC phase shifter.


        Organic Solar Cells: Solution‐Processable Reduced Graphene Oxide as a Novel Alternative to PEDOT:PSS Hole Transport Layers for Highly Efficient and Stable Polymer Solar Cells (Adv. Mater. 42/2011)

        Yun, Jin‐,Mun,Yeo, Jun‐,Seok,Kim, Juhwan,Jeong, Hyung‐,Gu,Kim, Dong‐,Yu,Noh, Yong‐,Jin,Kim, Seok,Soon,Ku, Bon‐,Cheol,Na, Seok,In WILEY‐VCH Verlag 2011 Advanced Materials Vol.23 No.42

        <P>Solution‐processable reduced graphene oxide as a hole‐transporting layer for highly efficient and stable organic solar cells is reported on page 4923 by Dong‐Yu Kim, Seok‐In Na, and co‐workers. Introduction of a newly reduced graphene oxide by simple solution processing into solar cells dramatically raises the cell efficiency and cell life‐time. The results will allow full use of chemically reduced graphene and will advance the realization of carbon‐based printable optoelectronic devices. </P>

      • 地方守令에 대한 인사관리 패턴변화 : 1597년에서 1982년까지

        朴錫潤,朴錫仁 충남대학교 기초과학연구소 2005 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.32 No.1

        『Yoenki-Heun Seongsaeng-an』(燕岐縣先生案; a document on local government of Yoeki-Heun), a separate-volume addendum of 『Eup-ji』(邑誌; a town chronicle), is a archive on local government in the late Joseon period (1597-1892). And 『Yoenki-Heun Seonsaeng-an』includes name of county headman, former occupation, date of appointment, date of displacement or removal, reason of dismissal (disciplinary punishment?fire?relegation?registration?replacement?promotion) and remarkable executive services etc. We attempt to find out pattern change and change point of local governors' personal management in the late Joseon period.

      • KCI등재

        The Implication of Cardiac Injury Score on In-hospital Mortality of Coronavirus Disease 2019

        Kim In-Cheol,Song Jin Eun,Lee Hee Jung,Park Jeong-Ho,Hyun Miri,Lee Ji Yeon,Kim Hyun Ah,Kwon Yong Shik,Park Jae Seok,윤종찬,Hwang Jongmin,Lee Cheol Hyun,Cho Yun-Kyeong,Park Hyoung-Seob,Yoon Hyuck-Jun,Nam 대한의학회 2020 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.35 No.39

        Backgrounds: The severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread worldwide. Cardiac injury after SARS-CoV-2 infection is a major concern. The present study investigated impact of the biomarkers indicating cardiac injury in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on patients' outcomes. Methods: This study enrolled patients who were confirmed to have COVID-19 and admitted at a tertiary university referral hospital between February 19, 2020 and March 15, 2020. Cardiac injury was defined as an abnormality in one of the following result markers: 1) myocardial damage marker (creatine kinase-MB or troponin-I), 2) heart failure marker (N-terminal-pro B-type natriuretic peptide), and 3) electrical abnormality marker (electrocardiography). The relationship between each cardiac injury marker and mortality was evaluated. Survival analysis of mortality according to the scoring by numbers of cardiac injury markers was also performed. Results: A total of 38 patients with COVID-19 were enrolled. Twenty-two patients (57.9%) had at least one of cardiac injury markers. The patients with cardiac injuries were older (69.6 ± 14.9 vs. 58.6 ± 13.9 years old, P = 0.026), and were more male (59.1% vs. 18.8%, P = 0.013). They showed lower initial oxygen saturation (92.8 vs. 97.1%, P = 0.002) and a trend toward higher mortality (27.3 vs. 6.3%, P = 0.099). The increased number of cardiac injury markers was significantly related to a higher incidence of in-hospital mortality which was also evidenced by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (P = 0.008). Conclusion: The increased number of cardiac injury markers is related to in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-19.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        고온초전도체 in-situ ramp-edge 형태의 조셉슨 접합 제작 및 특성

        허윤성,김진태,황윤석,이순걸,박광서,김인선,박용기,박종철,Hur, Yun-Sung,Kim, Jin-Tae,Hwang, Yun-Seok,Lee, Sun-Gul,Park, Gwang-Seo,Kim, In-Seon,Park, Yong-Ki,Park, Jong-Chul 한국재료학회 1998 한국재료학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        본 연구에서는 금속 칼날 마스크와 펄스형 레이저 증착장치를 이용하여 $YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}$/$SrTiO_{3}$/$YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}$ 다층박막 형태의 In-situ SIS ramp dege 형태의 접합을 제작하였으며, 이의 특성을 조사하였다. 접합은 RSJ 형태의 전류-전압 특성ㅇ르 나타내고 있으며, 온도 변화에 따른 접합의 normal resistance는 약 $18 \omega$으로 온도에 무관하게 일정한 값을 나타내었다. 접합형태를 이용하여 감도(transfer function, dV/$d\Phi$)가 약 $22\mu$V/$\Phi_{0}$인 dc-SQUID센서를 제작하였으며, in-situ SIS ramp edge 형태의 접합이 센서로의 응용가능성을 충분히 가지고 있음을 보여 주었다. In this study, we have fabricated in-situ multilayer $YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}$/$SrTiO_{3}$/$YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}$ ramp edge type junctions by using a metal mask and pulsed laser deposition method and studied the junction properties. The junctions showed RSJ-like I-V characteristics. The normal state junction resistance R, of $18 \omega$ was nearly constant with temperature. The dc-SQUID sensors fabricated with the junctions show a sensitivity that transfer function dV/$d\Phi$)~$22\mu$V/$\Phi_{0}$, indicating that the in-situ ramp edge type junction is potentially useful for sensor application.

      • FEM에 의한 차체구조용 단일모자형 단면부재의 축압궤특성에 관한 연구

        차천석,황창숙,백경윤,김기형,양인영 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2002 機械技術硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        차체전면부 사이드부재는 점용접에 의해서 이루어진 모자형 단면형상을 갖는 강도부재로써, 차량의 전면충돌에 있어서 중요한 역할을 한다. 전면충돌에 있어서 차량의 전면부에서 충분한 에너지를 흡수한다면, 승차자에게 가해지는 충격에너지를 경감시킬 수 있다. 따라서, 이러한 강도부재는 충분한 강성을 가져야 하지만, 적절한 압궤 또한 이루어져야 한다. 본 연구에서는 단일모자형 단면부재에 대하여 플랜지부 점용접 간격을 변화시켜 준정적(0.017m/sec) 및 충격합궤(7.19m.sec, 1034J)하에서 압궤특성을 해석하고자 유한요소 프로그램인 LS-DYNA3D을 이용하여 준정적 및 충격압궤 시뮬레이션을 행하였다. 시뮬레이션은 압궤실험 결과와 비교함으로서 시뮬레이션의 타당성을 학인하였다. The hat shaped section members of vehicles compose the base frame which plays an important role in a front-end collision. It consists of the hat shaped section members with spot welds. In front-end collision, the impact energy for the passengers will be decreased as the front parts of vehicles has sufficiently absorbed energy. And then, this structures have not to be very stiff but collapse progressively to absorb the kinetic energy as expected. In this study. LS-DYNA3D has been used for analyzing collapse characteristics on hat shaped section members with respect to spot weld pitches under quasi-static(0.017m/sec) and impact load(7.19m/sec. 1034J). By comparing the results from simulation and the experimental results. the utilization fo simulation has been certified.

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