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        광주광역시 치매의 유병률과 위험인자의 도시-농촌 지역 비교

        신일선,김재민,윤진상,김석재,양수진,김웅장,이승현,강순아,곽지영,이형영 大韓神經精神醫學會 2002 신경정신의학 Vol.41 No.6

        연구목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 광주광역시의 도시 및 농촌 지역에 거주하는 노인에서 치매의 유병률과 위험인자를 조사하고자 하였다. 부가적으로 이 두 지역간에 치매의 유병률과 위험인자를 비교하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 광주광역시의 전형적인 도시와 농촌지역의 65세 이상의 노인(N=1,598)을 대상으로, 2단계의 역학연구를 수행하였다. 1차 선별 단계에서는 38명의 훈련된 연구보조원이 대상노인을 면담하여, 사회인구학적 특징을 조사하고 한국판 간이정신상태검사(Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination ; MMSE-K)로 평가하였다. 2차 임상 진단 단계에서는 1차 단계에서 MMSE-K 점수가 24점 이하인 노인(N=431)을 대상으로, 전문연구팀의 임상적 평가를 통해 치매를 진단하고 원인질환별로 알쯔하이머병(Alzheimer's disease ; AD), 혈관성 치매(vascular dementia ; VaD) 및 기타 치매로 분류하였다. 대상노인에서 치매의 유병률을 측정한 후, 광주광역시 전체 노인의 연령보정 유병률을 산출하였다. 전체 대상에서 AD의 위험인자를 조사한 후, 도시와 농촌군으로 나누어 분석을 다시 시행하였다. 결 과 : 1차 및 2차 단계의 참가율은 각각 71.0%(N=1,134) 및 83.2%(N=410) 였다. 연구 참여 노인(N=1,134)에서 전체 치매, AD 및 VaD의 유병률은 최소 각각 9.7%, 5.2%, 1.8%였다. 광주광역시 전체 노인의 연령 보정 유병률은 각각 10.7%, 5.7%, 1.9%인 것으로 산출되었다. AD의 독립 위험인자는 고령, 여성, 무학이었다. 도시와 농촌에 따른 유병률의 차이는 파악되지 않았다. 그러나 AD의 위험인자는 지역에 따라 차이가 있었다. 도시 노인에게는 무학만이, 농촌 노인에게는 고령과 여성인 경우가 독립 위험인자였다. 결 론 : 광주광역시 노인에서 치매의 유병률은 높았고, 이는 국내 다른 지역에서 수행된 선행연구 결과와 유사하였다. 알쯔하이머형 치매의 위험인자는 도시와 농촌에 따라 다른 결과를 보였다. 본 연구 결과는 한국에서의 치매의 실태를 반영하며, 치매의 적절한 관리와 예방을 위해서는 지역성 특성이 고려되어야 함을 시사한다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence rate and risk factors of dementia in an urban and a rural sample of older persons in the metropolitan Kwangju area, Republic of Korea. In addition, the prevalence rate and risk factors of dementia between the two samples were compared. Methods : A two-phase epidemiological study of residents aged 65 or over(N=1,598) was conducted in a highly developed, urban and a non-contiguous, poorly developed, rural area of metropolitan Kwangju. In the first(screening) phase, 38 trained research assistants collectively peformed in-home interviews for all participants. Detailed sociodemographic characteristics were gathered and the Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K) was administered. In the second (diagnosing) phase, diagnosis of dementia was established for those scoring 24 or less on the MMSE-K in the screening phase(N=431), and etiological types of dementia were classified to Alzheimer's disease(AD), vascular dementia(VaD) or miscellanous type by two teams of experts. Prevalence rate of dementia was determined in the participants, and age-standardized prevalence rate adjusted by age distribution in metropolitan Kwangju was estimated. For AD, the risk factors were investigated in all participants, and analyses were repeated for the urban and rural samples separately. Results : The participating rates in the first and second phases were 71.0%(N=1,134) and 83.2%(N=410), respectively. In the participants, the prevalence rates of dementia(all types), AD and VaD were 9.7%, 5.2% and 1.8%, respectively. The age-standardized prevalence rates were 10.7%, 5.7% and 1.9%, respectively. Aging, female gender and no education(complete lack of formal education) were identified as independent risk factors for AD. No difference between the urban and rural samples was observed in the prevalence rates of dementia(all types), AD and YaD. However, risk factors for AD differed between these areas. In the urban sample, no education was the only significant factor ; whereas, aging and female gender were identified as risk factors in the rural sample. Conclusion : A high prevalence rate of dementia was observed among old persons in metropolitan Kwangju, consistent with previous studies conducted in other Korean areas. The risk factor profi1es for AD differed between urban and rural settings. The results of this study reflect the current status of dementia in Korea and suggests that appropriate management and prevention strategies for dementia should be tailored toward the geographic settings.

      • KCI등재

        Eysenck의 성격차원과 수면특성의 관계

        이형영,국승희,윤진상,신일선 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.5

        연구목적 : 수면은 생리적 현상이므로 이를 성격과 관련짓기 위해서는 생물학적 이론에 기초한 성격평가도구의 선택이 바람직하다. 따라서 본 연구는 생물학적 성격차원이론을 체계화한 Eysenck의 성격차원과 수면특성의 관계를 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법 : 종합대학교 남녀학생 532명을 대상으로 주중 수면습관과 수면장애를 묻는 설문지, Eysenck의 성격차원 검사를 실시하여 509명의 자료를 얻었다. 네가지 성격차원(정신병적 경향성, 신경증적 경향성, 외향성, 허위성)점수, 주중 수면습관과 수면장애의 기술 통계치를 산출하였으며, 이들 성격차원과 수면특성(주중 수면습관, 수면장애)의 관계를 알아보기 위해 Pearson의 적률상관을 산출하였다. 결 과 : 연구대상자의 네가지 성격차원 점수와 주중 수면습관은 정상범위였고, 가장 빈도가 높은 수면장애는 입면의 어려움이었으며, 가장 빈도가 낮은 수면장애는 몽유였다. 정신병적 경향성과 주중 취침시각, 기상시각, 수면잠복기, 깨는 빈도, 수면의 규칙성, 낮잠과 깜박잠의 빈도와 지속시간 및 입면의 어려움을 포함한 수면장애는 정적 상관이 있었고, 수면의 질, 일주기 리듬의 점수는 유의미한 부적 상관이 있었다. 신경증적 경향성과 수면습관 및 수면장애의 관계도 이와 유사하였다. 외향성은 수면의 질 및 일주기 리듬의 점수와 정적 상관이 있었으나 수면장애와는 관계가 없었다. 허위성은 일주기 리듬의 점수와 정적 상관이 있었으며, 수면잠복기, 수면의 규칙성, 낮잠과 깜박잠의 빈도 및 지속시간, 수면장애와 부적 상관이 있었다. 결 론 : 정신병적 경향성과 신경증적 경향성이 높을수록 수면습관이 더 좋지 않았고, 수면장애의 빈도가 높았다. 외향성이 높을수록 수면의 질이 좋았고, 아침형에 근접하였다. 허위성이 높을수록 아침형에 근접하고, 수면이 더 규칙적이었으며, 주간의 졸음이 적었고, 수면장애의 종류 및 빈도가 적었다. 이러한 결과는 Eysenck의 성격차원과 수면특성이 밀접한 관련이 있음을 시사한다. Objectives : In order to evaluate the possible relationship between sleep and personality characteristics, it is desirable to adopt the personality theory with biological basis because sleep is a physiological phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to investigate their possible relationship using the personality dimensions of Eysenck, which is well known as a biological personality theory. Methods : Sleep Questionnaires regarding the weekday sleep habits and the sleep disorders and Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire were administered to 532 university students. Data analysis was based on 509 students who gave reliable information. Firstly, the descriptive statistics of the scores on four personality dimensions(psychoticism, neuroticism, extraversion, lie) and sleep characteristics were obtained. Secondly, the possible relationships between each personality dimension and sleep characteristics(the weekday sleep habits and sleep disorders) were tested by calculating Pearson's product moment correlations. Results : The four personality dimensions' scores and weekday sleep habits of subjects were within a normal range. The highest frequency of sleep disorder was induction difficulty of sleep and the lowest was sleep walking. Psychoticism was positively correlated with bedtime, rise time, sleep latency, number of awakening, regularity of sleep, frequency and duration of nap and doze, frequency of sleep disorders, while negatively correlated with the quality of sleep, and the score of circadian rhythm. The correlations between neuroticism and sleep characteristics were similar to those of psychoticism. Extraversion was positively correlated with the quality of sleep and the score of circadian rhythm, while not correlated with sleep disorders. Lie was positively correlated with the score of circadian rhythm, but negatively correlated with sleep latency, regularity of sleep, frequency and duration of nap and doze, and sleep disorders. Conclusions : The higher psychoticism and neuroticism, the poorer sleep habits and the higher frequency of sleep disorders. The higher extraversion, the better quality of sleep and the closer morningness. The higher lie, the closer morningness, the more regularity of sleep, the less sleepiness of daytime, and the less frequency of sleep disorders. These findings suggest that there exist the close relationships between Eysenck's personality dimensions and sleep characteristics.

      • 제주도 한라산 1100 고지 대기 에어로졸의 조성 및 특성

        김원형,강창희,신찬성,고선영,홍민선 濟州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 2003 基礎科學硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        The atmospheric aerosols collected at the 1100 site located in Mt. Halla have been analyzed to investigate their compositions and chemical characteristics. The average concentrations of water-soluble cautions were in the order of NH_(4)^(+)>Ca^(2+)>Na^(+)>K^(+)>Mg^(2+) during the spring, showing high increase of Ca^(2+) concentration with the value of 0.60㎍/㎥, and NH_(4)^(+)>Na^(+)>K^(+)>Ca^(2+)>Mg^(2+) during the other seasons. The average concentrations of anions have shown in the order of SO_(4)^(2-)>NO_(3)^(-)>Cl^(-) for all seasons, and SO_(4)^(2-) and NO_(3)^(-) had higher concentrations in spring with the values of 4.84㎍/㎥ and 1.08㎍/㎥, respectively. From the analytical data of size-segregated particles by cascade impactor sampling, the components of NH_(4)^(+), SO_(4)^(2-), NO_(3)^(-) and K^(+) were distributed mainly in fine particles, but Ca^(2+), Na^(+), Mg^(2+) and Cl^(-) were included mostly in coarse particles. The correlation coefficients of nss-SO_(4)^(2-)/NH_(4)^(+), nss-SO_(4)^(2-)/K^(+) and NO_(3)/nss-Ca^(2+) showed quite high values with 0.871, 0.857 and 0.654, respectively. Based on the study of enrichment factors, it is considered that Na^(+), Mg^(2+), Cl^(-) and Ca^(2+) components were delivered from oceanic and soil sources, but SO_(4)^(2-), NO_(3)^(-) and NH_(4)^(+) might have other source origins. The factor analysis study showed the aerosol at the 1100 site was influenced mainly by anthropogenic factors, followed by oceanic and soil factors.

      • 열파이프의 위크현상에 따른 전열특성

        김성원,이진호,강신형 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1990 논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        Experimental investigation is made to study the dependence of performance characteristics of heat pipe on the types of wick shapes. Types of wick shapes adoped are open groove wick, screen wick, closed groove wick and no wick.(thermo-syphone). The dependence of heat pipe performance on the wick shape is turned out to be in the following order ; open groove wick, closed groove wick, screen wick and no wick. This shows that the heat transfer efficiency of heat pipe depends more upon the returning capacity of liquid from condenser to evaporator, implying that the wick which has low capillary pressure but good permeability is better than those which has higher capillary pressure.

      • HPLC-ECD를 이용한 흰쥐 뇌의 선조체 중 신경전달물질의 동시분석시 최적 조건

        강종성,문민선,신형선,이순철 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 1995 藥學論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        흰쥐 뇌의 선조체로부터 catecholamine, indoleamine 및 대사산물을 동시분석할 수 있는 간편한 방법을 제시하였다. 기기는 ECD를 장착한 HPCL를 사용하였고, 고정상인 C_18 컬럼에서, 이동상은 10mM citric acid, 0.13mM Na_4EDTA, 0.58mM SOS를 함유하는 35mM sodium acetate buffer(pH 3.4) : MeOH=85:15가 최적이었다. 이 때 컬럼온도는 30℃였다. 이 조건으로 dopamine(DA), 3, 4 -dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid(DOPAC), homovanilic acid(HVA), 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid(5-HIAA), serotonin(5-HT) 및 noradrenaline(NA)을 미량까지 분석할 수 있었고, 검출한계는 각 성분에 대해 1회 주입당 2~10pg이었다. 이 방법으로 흰쥐의 주령 및 성별에 따른 선조체내 생체아민과 대사산물의 함량을 비교하였다. 7주령 쥐에서 암컷은 수컷보다 DA와 5-HT의 함량이 유의성 있게 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 주령이 증가함에 따라 암컷에서 DOPAC의 함량이 유의적으로 증가하였다. A simple, efficient and sensitive method was described for the simultaneous determination of catecholamine, indoleamine and related metabolites from the homogenates of the rat brain striatum by HPLC-ECD. The optimum mobile phase on a reverse phase C_18 column was 35mM sodium acetate buffer(included 10mM citric acid, 0.13mM Na_4EDTA, 0.58mM SOS, pH 3·4):MeOH=85:15. The column temperature was 30℃. Dopamine(DA), 3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid(DOPAC), homovanilic acid(HVA), 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid(5-HIAA), serotonin(5-HT) and noradrenaline(NA) could be separated and analysed to very small amount. The detection limits of this method were 2~10pg per injection for all components. The effects of age and sex of rat on the contents of the catecholamines and their metabolites in rat brain striatum were studied. The levels of DA and 5-HT contents of the 7 week old female rats were higher than those of the 7 week old male rats. As the age of rat increases, the contents of DOPAC increased significantly.

      • Retinoic acid에 의해 유발된 흰쥐의 구개열에서 Transforming Growth Factor-beta 1, 2, 3의 발현의 변화

        김종환,박진혁,신선호,윤혜경,김우형,이희철 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.4

        Objective : Craniofacial malformations are among the most frequent congenital birth defects in humans : cleft palate, that is inadequate fusion of the palatal shelves. Retinoic acid is teratogenic in many species, producing multiple malformations, including cleft palate. Also it plays an important role in embryogenesis, by regulating morphogenesis, cell proliferation, differentiation, and deposition of the extracellular matrix. The effects of retinoic acid which leads to cleft palate vary depending on the stage of development exposed. After exposure of embryonic mice to retinoic acid on gestational day(GD) 10, abnormally small palatal shelves form. And the elevation of palatal shelves is delayed. The growth and differentiation factor, transforming growth factor-beta(TGFβ) family is thought to play important roles in multiple developmental processes, especially, the development of the embryonic palate. The expression of the TGFβ family in embryonic palate suggests a functional role for these molecules. In this study, author has determined the tissue distributions of TGFβ family in murine embryonic palate, and compared them in terms of developmental stage and locations in normal and retinoic acid-induced cleft palate. Methods and Material : Retinoic acid was administered orally at gestational day(GD) 10 to ICR mice. The pregnant mice were sacrifeced on GD 12, 13. 14, 15 to obtain the fetuses and immunohistochemistry was performed. And using the scanning electron microscope, morphology of normal palate and cleft palate was studied. Results : In the retinoic acid-treated fetuses, palatal shelves did not elevate and cleft palate was induced. On GD 13 in the palates of the retinoic acid-treated fetuses, expression of the TGFβ1, 3 decreased dramatically, but that of TGFβ2, did not change. The expression of the TGFβ1, 3 in the palates of the retinoic acid-treated fetuses, increased on GD 14, 15, Significant differences in TGFβ family expression were observed with areas of the palate. Conclusion : These results suggest that retinoic acid inhibits the expression of TGFβ 1, 3, which is critical in the developing palate, and elevation of palatal shelves is delayed and impaired, therefore cleft palate is induced. These data demonstrate a role for retinoic acid and retinoic aicd-induced TGFβ family in the regulation of palatal development and suggest a role for TGFβ in retinoic acid-induced cleft palate.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        지역사회거주 노인에서 한국어판 세계보건기구 장애평가조사표의 개발

        윤진상,김재민,신일선,양수진,정태길,이형영 大韓神經精神醫學會 2004 신경정신의학 Vol.43 No.1

        Objectives : This study aimed to develop the Korean version of World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS II-K) with community dwelling elderly population. Methods : The WHODAS II-K was administered to 1204 community residents aged 65 or over in two areas of Kwangju, South Korea, in 2001. For assessing 'health condition', data on physical illness, depression (Korean version of Geriatric Mental State Schedule B3), and cognitive dysfunction (Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination) were collected. For evaluating 'contextual factors', informations on demographic charactehstics (age, gender, living area, marital state, and religiou), socio-economic status (education, type of accommodation, number of room, previous occupation, and current employment), and social network were obtained. Results : WHODAS II-K showed high levels of internal consistency, split-half reliability, and inter-rater and test-retest reliabilities. In the correlation analyses, scores on the WHODAS II-K were significantly correlated with the unfavorable conditions in the all variables on health condition and contextual factors. Partial correlations of scores on the WHODAS II-K with health condition were significant even after controlling for contextual factors. Conclusion : The WHODAS II-K is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing disability in elderly population since it reflects physical illness, depression, and cognitive impairment, which are common in elderly.

      • 한의진단명과 진단요건의 표준화 연구 III : 3차년도 연구결과 보고

        최선미,양기상,최승훈,박경모,박종현,심범상,김성우,노석선,이인선,정진홍,이진용,김달래,임형호,김윤범,박성식,송태원,김종우,이승기,최윤정,신순식 한국한의학연구원 1997 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        The diagnostic requirements were suggested and explained regarding the systems of differentiation of symptoms and signs in the third year study of standardization and unification of the terms and conditions used for diagnosis in oriental medicine. The systems were as follows : - analyzing and differentiating of epidemic febrile disease - analyzing and differentiating in accordance with the Sasang constitution medicine based on four-type recognition - differentiation of disease according to pathological changes of Chong and Ren channels - standards for diagnosis of women's disease - standards for diagnosis of children's disease - standards for diagnosis of motor and sensor disturbance (-muscle. born, joint, etc.) - standards for diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disease - standards for diagnosis of five sense organ disease - standards for diagnosis of external disease The indivisual diagnosis pattern was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of diagnosis pattern, index of differentiation of symptoms and signs, the main point of diagnosis, analysis of diagnosis pattern, discrimination of diagnosis pattern, prognosis, a way of curing a disease, prescription, herbs in common use, disease appearing the diagnosis pattern, documents. The standards for diagnosis of each disease was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of disease, the main point of diagnosis, analyzing and differentiating of disease, analysis of disease, discrimination of disease, prognosis, a way of curing and prescription of disease, disease in western medicine appearing the disease in oriental medicine, documents.

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