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        생태계서비스 기반 국립공원 생태복지 개념정립 및 정책방향 설정

        박은하 ( Eun Ha Park ),최수정 ( Su Jung Choi ),오충현 ( Choong Hyeon Oh ),정부희 ( Boo Hee Jung ),이나연 ( Na Yeon Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        생태복지는 인간의 복지와 건강한 생태계의 상호관계성에 대한 국제적 담론에서 시작되었다. 본 연구는 국립공원이 생태복지의 최대 실현가능 지역이라는 점에서 국립공원에 적합한 ‘국립공원 생태복지’ 개념을 정립하고 정책방향을 설정함으로써 향후 국립공원에서의 생태복지 실현을 도모하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 사전워크숍과 총 2회에 걸친 델파이 조사를 수행하였다. 본 연구를 통해 ‘국립공원 생태복지’는 국립공원에서 생태계의 지속가능성과 생물다양성을 유지하며, ‘국립공원 인간복지’와 ‘국립공원 생태계복지’의 조화를 지향하는 복지로 정의되었다. 2차 델파이 결과 모든 항목에서 평균 4.00 이상, 내용 타당도(CVR) 0.37 이상, 변이계수(CV)0.5 미만으로 타당한 내용으로 확인되었다. 국립공원 생태복지의 정책방향을 설정하기 위해 생태복지의 바탕이 되는 생태계서비스의 요소들 중 국립공원에 적합한 주요 요소를 도출한 결과 공급서비스에서 먹이·식량, 물, 유전자원 3항목, 조절서비스와 기반(서식지)서비스의 모든 항목, 문화서비스에서 미적정보, 휴양관광, 심신치유, 지식체계ㆍ교육적가치 4항목이 최종 도출되었다. 또한 본 연구에서는 국립공원 생태복지의 개념과 향후 국립공원 생태복지 정책이 어떻게 나아가야할지 방향성을 제시하였다. 그러나 이를 실현하기 위해서는 향후 이에 대한 구체적인 단위사업에 대한 실행계획이 수반되어야 하며 이를 위한 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것이다. The concept of Eco-welfare emerged in the process of discovering the relationship between a healthy ecosystem and human wellbeing. The objective of this study is to offer basic data for eco-welfare policy realization by conceptualizing the ‘National Park Eco-welfare’ since national parks are appropriate places for eco-welfare to be optimally implemented. A pre-workshop and two rounds of Delphi surveys were conducted to determine the concept of the ‘National Park Eco-welfare ’ and the main elements to be included in ecosystem service. Through this study, the concept of ‘National Park Eco-welfare’ was defined as efforts to conserve the biodiversity and sustainability of the ecosystem and create harmony between ‘National Park Ecosystem Welfare’ and ‘National Park Human Welfare’. To establish the direction of the National Park Eco-welfare policy, we identified the main elements of ecosystem services which are appropriate for the National Park. These are comprised of 3 elements (food, fresh water and genetic resources) from supply service, all elements from regulating service and supporting/habitat service and 4 elements (aesthetic information, recreation-based ecotourism, healing, and knowledge systems with educational values) from culture service. In this study, the concept of National Park Eco-welfare was established, and its policy objectives and scope were suggested. However, further studies are necessary to develop action plans areand thereby realize the policy.

      • Development of a Mobile Application, "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", for Identification of Plants in Bukhansan National Park

        Kim, Sang-Tae,Lee, Seung-Yeon,Kim, Seung-Chul,Byun, Hye-Won,Lee, Sang-Tae,Kim, Mu-Yeal,Hong, Seok-Pyo,Chung, Young-Jae,Park, Ki-Ryong,Lee, Chung-Hee,Lee, Joong-Ku,Heo, Kyeong-In,Lee, Ji-Ye,Lee, Eun-Je National Science Museum of Korea 2011 Journal of Korean nature Vol.4 No.3

        We developed the educational purpose mobile application, named "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", aiming for easy identification of wild flowers for students and visitors in the park. When visitors find a flower or part of plant in the park, visitors can search for its name utilizing the pictures and characters provided in their own smartphone mobile devices or tablet PCs. The application provides pictures of wild flowers in the park and character-based searching system based on 12 diagnostic features (e.g., growth form, leaf arrangement, flower symmetry, petal color, petal number, sepal number, etc). We adopted the complete floristic survey of Chung and Lee (1962) and added species that we confirmed their distribution in the park during the development of this application. In summary, number of vascular plants in this park was estimated to be 428 taxa including 100 families, 280 genera, 327 species, 1 subspecies, 50 varieties, and 5 formas. We provided a total of 588 pictures representing 358 taxa and each taxon includes multiple pictures in many cases. Included identification quizzes can be an efficient educational tool as well as fun activity for students and visitors who are learning plant species in Korea. Our next step will include GPS function in the application for indicating visitor's location and for providing previously reported sites of the species that we interested in the map of the park. The future application which includes GPS function will be a valuable tool for the monitoring of rare plants, plant researches related to the climate changes, etc. We currently provide Korean iPhone version only, and English version and both of android versions will be serviced soon.

      • KCI등재

        미국, 일본 도시공원의 면적 산정에 대한 비교 연구

        김현(Kim, Hyun),최희선(Choi, Hee-Sun),박은별(Park, Eun-Byul) 한국도시설계학회 2014 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.15 No.6

        우리나라의 공원녹지정책에서는 인구당 원단위 기준을 적용한 1인당 공원면적 6㎡/인을 목표로 설정하고 있다. 게다가 2013년 수립된 국토해양부 지침에 따라 12.5㎡/인이라는 지표가 모든 기초자치단체에 일괄 적용되면서 지자체의 부담은 가중되고 있는 현실이다. 1인당 도시공원 면적의 적정성에 대한 의문과 논의는 오래전부터 지속적으로 제기되어 오고 있으나, 이러한 논의와 달리 정책적인 변화는 없다. 실제로 해외 도시의 공원 조성 면적에 대한 정확한 자료와 공원 조성 면적 관련 정책 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 문헌조사와 인터뷰조사를 실시하여 1인당 도시공원 면적 산정기준의 배경과 흐름을 파악하고 미국과 일본을 대상으로 공원 확충 정책의 흐름과 현황을 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 공원 조성목표의 경우 일관된 수치보다는 자치체가 자기 지역의 특성을 감안하여 목표를 수립하도록 열린 목표치를 설정한다. 2) 공원계획의 대상은 도시공원뿐만 아니라 녹지, 하천, 운동장, 도립공원, 옥상과 벽면녹화 등을 포함시켜 도시의 질적 제고를 지향하고 있다. 3) 공원정책에 있어 양적 확충보다는 공원서비스 개선, 주민 참여를 통한 질적 개선에 대하여 정책의 비중이 높아지고 있다. 이를 기반으로 본 연 구에서는 도시의 특성을 고려한 자율적인 공원면적 확충 목표 설정, 목표 대상에 녹지, 하천 등의 다양한 녹지자원 포함, 공원의 질적 서비스 향상을 위한 주민 참여와 만족도 조사가 실시되어야 함을 제안하였다. In Korea, the goal of urban park policies is obsessively set to meet 6㎡ park area/person, But since 2013, a new guideline of 12.5㎡ park area/person is established by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries As the new guideline is applied to all primary local authorities, the burden of local authorities is being increased. While the question related to the minimum park area per person has been consistently raised, there has been little research on the minimum. In practice, correct materials on park creation area and park area used for park-related policies in other cities around the world. Focusing on the cases in U.S. and Japan, case studies are conducted based on literature review and interviews to find out the international trends related to the minimum park area. The results are as follows. 1) In case of setting park creation goal, open target values are set such that local authorities establish goals in consideration of local characteristics instead of monolithic values. 2) The target of park project includes green belt, river, playground, provincial park, rooftop and green wall, so that quality enhancement of cities is aimed. 3) Park policies are focused on qualitative enhancement rather than quantitative expansion, through park service improvement and resident participation. Based on these suggestions, it is suggested that flexible park creation goal should be set in consideration of urban characteristics - a variety of green resources, such as greenbelt and river should be added to quantify minimum per capita park area, Resident participation and satisfaction surveys should also be performed in order to enhance qualitative measure of park service.

      • RAW264.7 세포에서 interferon-r 및 LPS에 의해 유도되는 NO생성에 미치는 TALT-35의 영향

        박종일,박경석,김종석,박지훈,윤은진,송경섭,서강식,김훈,윤완희,박승길,임규,황병두 충남대학교 생물공학연구소 2006 생물공학연구지 Vol.12 No.-

        TALP-35 purified from human term placenta is known to increase microtubule polymerization and stabilize the polymerized microtubule. To examine the effect of TALP-35 on immune system this study was performed. MTT assay was performed to investigate the effect of TALP-35 on the proliferation of RAW264.7 cells. TALP-35 dose dependently suppress the proliferation of RAW264.7 cells at high concentration (above 1 μM) in unstimulated cells, in case of 10 μM TALP-35 treated cells the suppression was 25% but in stimulated cells it was only 15%. Cosedimentation assay was carried out to investigate whether TALP-35 can bind to tubulin of RAW264.7, monocyte/macrophage lineage of mouse, and polymerize it. TALP-35 polymerize the tubulin of RAW264.7 cells and sedimented in dose-dependent manner. To investigate the effect of TALP-35 on the expression of iNOS protein western blotting was performed. The expression level of iNOS was decreased dose dependently in high concentration of TALP-35 treatment. To examine the activity of iNOS, secreted NO was determined by method based on Griess reaction. Interferon-γ and LPS-stimulated production of NO from RAW264.7 cells was decreased dose dependently above 0.1 μM concentration of TALP-35 and 50% is decreased at 10μM of it. This study shows TALP-35 can control cytokine induced-iNOS expression therefore it might control inflammatory diseases.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국립공원관리를 위한 위성영상 활용방안에 관한 연구 - 북한산 국립공원을 사례로 -

        박경(Kyeong Park),장은미(Eun Mi Chang),신상희(Sang Hee Scene) 한국환경영향평가학회 2001 환경영향평가 Vol.10 No.3

        National Parks in Korea occupy about four percents of South Korean land. This paper aims to prove the potentiality of the application of remotely sensed data for the effective management of National Parks. Different satellite images such as Landsat TM, IRS-1C, Alternative image, and IKONOS image are analyzed for the detection of changes, the extraction of degraded areas, and the comparison of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in Bukhansan National Park. The artificial structures such as buildings and paved areas are overvalued in relatively higher resolution data. The result showed that the choice of images should be determined according to specific purposes and the combination of different resolution data may be the solution for the effective management of National Park.

      • KCI등재
      • 식품 기준·규격의 합리적 관리 ·운영에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 두부,식용유지, 전분의 분말상 원료에 관하여 Powdered marerials of Tofu, Edible oil, Starch

        김희연,홍진환,박혜경,한상배,박종석,이은주,이정성,송경희,최은희,최영준,소경아,성영제,이주엽 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 분말상 원료(전분, 대두분)의 저장유통시 품질변화를 건전성과 안전성 측면에서 검토하여 식품의 기준 ·규격 설정f.」 합지적으로 반영하고자 하였다. 전분과 패두분의 이물을 검사하고, 2종 대두분(중국산, 미국산)을 ?0일간 IS'c와 30t에 저장하면서 성상, 수분, 산가, 과산화물가, 지방산 조성,아플라톡신 BB의 생성여부를 분석하였다. 중국산 대두분 30'』 저장군에서 50일 이후 곰팡이가 발생한 것 이외에 모든 시료에서 양호한 성상을 나타내었고, 전분과 대두닥 모든 시료에서 이물은 검출되지 않았다. 산가는 중국산과 미국산 시료간에 편차를 보여 증국산 30"C, 50일 저장시료에서 약 10배끙도 증가하였고, 과산화물가는 저장 90일후 15'E 저장군은 약 2.3배, 30'c 저장군은 3배정도 증가하였다. 대두분의 주요 지방산은 linoleic acidf18. 2), oleic acid(18 : 1), palmitic acid(16 : 0)이었으며, 3개월 저장에 따른 지방산 함량의 변화는 미미하였다. 아플라톡신 B₁은 모든 시료에서 검출되지 않았다. The objective of this study was to investigate auality changes of type raw materials(starch, soy flour) during various storage conditions. Starchflour(source of China, U.S.A) were slfred under two temperature(15'C, 30'c) forSensory evaluation, (o.reign material test, moisture content, acid value, peroxide ualue,composition, aflatorin Bi were analyzed. China soy flour(stor·ed 30'f) was contaminated by fungj on 50 days. Except for soy flour contardnated by fungi, sensory characteristics were not changed and foreign mater;als were notdetected. Acid value of China soy flour(stored at 30'C, 90 days) was about 10 times higherlevel before storage and acid value was more influenced by source(China, USA). Peroxide valuewas in proportion with the storage period slightly. The major fatty acid of soy flour waslinoleic acid(18 . 2), an(3 the change of fatty acid composition was not observed. Aflatoxlrl Blwas not detected.

      • KCI등재후보

        후두적출자의 의사소통 태도

        강수균,박선희,백은아,이현혜,최경희,강은희,박은실 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2005 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.44 No.3

        본 연구는 후두적출자의 주된 발성방법과 후두적출 경과 시기에 따른 의사소통 태도를 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구의 대상은 성인 남자 55명으로 후두암으로 인한 후두적출자들로 구성되었다. 이들에게 실시한 의사소통 태도 설문지는 Erickson의 의사소통 태도 척도-수정판(Modified Erickson Scale of Communication Attitudes: S-24)을 본 연구에 맞게 수정 보완하여 사용하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 첫째, 주된 발성방법에 따라서는 인공후두기 사용자와 식도발성자간의 의사소통 태도에 차이가 없었다. 둘째, 후두적출 경과 시기에 따라 10년 초과된 후두적출자들과 10년 이하의 후두 적출자들 간의 의사소통 태도에 차이가 없었다. 그러므로 이들의 의사소통 태도의 긍정적 태도를 증가시키기 위하여 다양한 방법을 활용하고 습득하여 이들의 의사소통 능력을 빠르게 재습득 하여 긍정적인 의사소통 능력을 가질 수 있도록 해야 한다. The purpose of this study was to determine laryngectomee's communication attitude. 55 laryngectomees, who were in the range of 40 years old to 80 years old participated in the study. Communication attitude measurements were taken by S-24(Modified Erickson Scale of Communication Attitudes). The results showed as follows: First, score of laryngectomees with artificial larynx and esophageal speakers were no significant. Second, score of laryngectomees with over 10 years after latyngectomy and 10 years after latyngectomy were no significant.

      • KCI등재

        축구선수의 Detraining과 Retraining이 혈청지질 및 호르몬농도에 미치는 영향

        정정화,박재현,채종훈,성혜련,황지인,윤미숙,노금선,윤종관,윤영학,노순덕,정경숙,박일규,김은희,박현태,박상갑 대한스포츠의학회 1999 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of detraining and retraining on serum lipid and hormones in soccer players. Subjects were seven male high-school soccer players. V˙O_2max was determined for each subjects by administering a treadmill test(initial speed: 90m/min, grade: 5%, increasing speed per 3 min: 30m/min). Serum lipid(T-C, TG, HDL-C LDL-C) and hormones(epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormones, cortisol) were assayed pre and post detraining in 10, 20, 30 days after retraining. The repeated ANOVA was used to determine significant differences. The 0.05 level of significance was as critical level for the study. The results of the study were as follows: 1. V˙O_2max(ml/min) were 3576.3±204.2ml/min pre detraining, 3234.1±198.9 ml/min post detraining. There are significant(p<.05) difference between pre and post detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, V˙O_2max(ml/min) were 3601.4±170.9 ml/min. There were significantly(p<.05) increased in retraining periods. 2. V˙O_2max(ml/kg/min) were significantly(p<.05) decreased from 62.3±2.9 ml/kg/min to 55.9±4.7 ml/kg/min in detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, V˙O_2max(ml/kg/min) were 62.4±3.4ml/kg/min, 62.7±2.3ml.kg/min, 67.3±7.2ml/kg/min respectively. There were significantly(p<.05) increased in retraining periods. 3. T-C were significantly (p<.05) increased from 166.6±8.5mg/dl to 175.3±10.3 mg/dl in detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, T-C were 160.1± 3.2mg/dl, 156.7±3.7mg/dl, 140.3±9.0mg/dl. There were significantly(p<.05) decreased in retraining periods. 4. HDL-C were 61.4±6.6mg/di pre detraining, 5.3±6.6mg/dl post detraining. There are significant(p<.05) difference between pre and post detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, HDL-C were 56.9±7.1mg/dl, 56.4±9.2mg/dl, 57.7±9.1mg/dl respectively. There were no significant difference in retraining periods. 5. The hormones(epinephrine. norepinephrine, growth hormone, cortisol) were changed as same patterns. Epinephrine were 26.0±7.0[g/ml pre detraining, 24.6±3.2pg/ml post detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, epinephrine were 26.9±5.6pg/ml, 30.6±6.2pg/ml, 29.4±5.6pg/ml respectively. There were no significant difference in retraining periods. In conclusion, HDL-C, epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormone and cortisol were decreased, T-C, LDL-C and TG were increased in detraining. But HDL-C, epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormone and cortisol were increased, T-C, LDL-C and TG were decreased in retraining.

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