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      • 당뇨병성 합병증을 가진 환자에서 혈중 Erythropoietin 농도

        김동규,유기동,허광식,김상용,윤성호,조영신,권용은,김태원,김건영,정종훈,배학연 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1998 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.23 No.1

        연구 배경 : 고혈당성에 의한 산화환원반응 이상(가저산소증)이 조절 되지않는 당뇨병의 특징으로 혈관과 신경 기능에 대한 진성 저산소증의 효과와 유사하며, 당뇨 합병증의 병태생리에 중요한 역할을 한다. 고혈당이 있는 인슐린 비의존형 당뇨병 환자에서 인슐린 수준이 정상이듯이, 빈혈이 있는 당뇨병 환자에서 EPO의 농도는 실제 혈색소 농도의 감소비율과 차이가 있을 것이라 추측된다. Friedman 등은 당뇨병성 합병증 원인 인자로 가저산소증(pseudohypoxia) 또는 저산소증(hypoxia)을 제기하였고 이런 인자들이 EPO의 상대적 또는 절대적 결핍에 의한 것임을 보고하였다. 방법 : EPO-Trac^(TM 125)I RIA kit을 이용하여 방사면역측정법으로 EPO 수준을 검사하였다. 전혈 3㎖을 5-10㎖ 시험관에 정맥 채혈하였으며, 용혈과 장기간의 보존을 위하여 원심분리를 즉시 시행하여 혈청을 영하 200C에서 냉동 보관 후 일괄적으로 검사 결과를 얻었다. 결과 : 1996년 9월부터 1997년 2월까지 조선대학교 부속병원 내과에 입원한 2형 당뇨병 환자 63례를 대상으로 하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 당뇨병성 합병증이 없는 군과 있는 군간의 혈색소, 혈중 EPO농도의 차이는 유의한 차이가 있었으며 혈색소의 감소율보다 혈중 EPO의 감소율이 더 높았다. 2) 당뇨병성 망막증의 유무에 따른 혈색소 농도의 차이는 유의한 차이가 없었으나 혈중 EPO농도는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 증식성군에서만 혈중 EPO의 감소비율이 혈색소에 비해 높았다. 3) 당뇨병성 신증의 유무에 따른 혈색소, 혈중 EPO농도는 유의한 차이가 있었고 혈색소 감소율에 비해 EPO농도의 감소율이 높았다. 신증의 중증도에 따른 혈색소, EPO의 차이는 미세알부민뇨군을 제외하고는 유의한 차이를 보였고 혈색소 감소율에 비해 EPO의 감소율이 더높았다. 4) 당뇨병성 신경병증의 유무에 따른 혈색소 농도의 차이는 유의한 차이가 없었으며 EPO농도는 유의한 차이를 보였다. 혈색소와 EPO의 감소비율은 비슷하였다. 신경병증의 중등도에 따른 혈색소와 EPO농도의 변화는 유의한 차이가 없었으나 stage 3에서는 혈색소감소율보다 EPO감소율이 더높았다. 결론 : 당뇨병성 합병증을 가진 환자에서 빈혈의 정도는 대부분 혈청 EPO치의 절대적 감소에 의함을 간접적으로 밝혀낼 수 있었으며 차후 더 많은 대상으로 비교 분석이 필요하리라 사료된다. Background: Hyperglycemic-induced redox(pseudohypoxia) imbalance is a characteristic feature of poorly controlled diabetes that mimics the effects of true hypoxia on vascular and neural functions and plays an important role on the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. As is true for apparently "normal" insulin levels typically found in NIDDM even in the presence of hyperglycemia, a "normal" erythropoietin level in an anemic diabetic subject may be disproportionally low for the actual red cell mass. Therefore, Friedman et al suggested that pseudohypoxia or hypoxia as an etiological factor of diabetic complications are due to absolute or relative erythropoietin deficiency Method: EPO-TracTM 125I RIA kit was used for the quantitative determination of erythropoietin(EPO) in serum by radioimmunoassay. An adequate sample of blood (3ml whole blood) was collected aseptically by venipuncture in a 5~10ml glass tube to yield a minimum of 400 L of serum per assay. The serum was promptly removed from the clot by centrifugation in order to avoid hemolysis. Then to increase its storage time it was frozen at -200C in a nonself defrosting freezer. Finally, tests were undertaken simultaneously Results We studied 63 cases with diabetes mellitus, who were admitted to Chosun University Hospital from September, 1996 to February, 1997 at the Department of Internal Medicine. We defined the control group, as diabetic patients who did not have anemia(<13mg/dl), diabetic complications(retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy) and the remainders were defined as the experimental group(we excluded anemic patients, who had secondary causes of anemia and diabetic patients with end stage renal disease)Data were as follow 1) The relationship of Hb and the 24hr urine protein between diabetic patients with and without complications significantly differed(p=0.02, < 0.001 respectively), but the Hb level was poorly related between diabetic patients with and without retinopathy(except in preproliferative, proliferative subgroups) and neuropathy. 2) Subgroups of patients with diabetic complications had higher 24hr urine protein than patients without diabetic complications, except stage I diabetic neuropathy 3) The EPO level was significantly different between diabetic patients with and without complications. 4) The correlation between EPO and Hb was significantly different, especially in diabetic patients with retinopathy and nephropathy according to severity of diabetic complications, compared with patients who did not have diabetic complications such as retinopathy and nephropathy. Conclusion: We know that anemia induced by diabetic complications is due to relative EPO deficiency than absolute EPO deficiency, and further evaluation and studies are needed on many cases in the future

      • 비혈연간 동종조혈모세포이식의 단일기관성적 : Single Center Experience

        김유진,김동욱,이석,이동건,박윤희,김희제,김태규,민우성,김춘추 대한조혈모세포이식학회 2003 대한조혈모세포이식학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        연구배경: 비혈연간 조혈모세포이식은 HLA체계에 대한 이해의 증진과 새로운 검사법의 개발, 그리고 기증자 수의 증가에 힘입어 최근 빠르게 증가하고 있다. 방법: 가톨릭조혈모세포이식센터에서 1995년 10월부터 2001년 12월까지 비혈연간 이식을 받은 138명의 성인 환자를 대상으로 후향적 분석을 하였다. 결과: 질환별로 만성골수성백혈병 66예, 급성림프구성백혈병 23예, 급성골수성백혈병 16예, 재생불량성빈혈 21예, 골수이형성증후군 9예, 비호지킨림프종 2예, 그리고 발작성야간혈색소뇨증이 1예였다. 일차 생차부전은 분석가능한 136예 중 4예(2.9%)에서 발생하였다. Ⅱ도 이상의 급성이식편대숙주병의 발생률은 48.1%였고, 만성이식편대숙주병은 49.5%였다. 재발 이외의 사망원인 중 가장 높은 빈도를 보인 것은 폐렴으로, 독성사망 64예 중 36예(52.3%)에서 관찰 되었다. 만성골수성백혈병의 경우(n=66), 무병생존율, 재발률, 비재발성 사망률이 각각 45.7%, 11.4%, 49.2%였다. 무병생존율은 표준위험군이 고위험군에 비해 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다(50.3% vs 32.0%, p=0.03). 급성림프구성백혈병의 경우(n=23), 무병생존율, 재발률, 비재발성 사망률이 각각 30.0%와 49.4%, 44.8%였던 반면, 급성골수성백혈병에서는(n=16) 28.6%, 39.4%, 52.9%였다. 이들 급성백혈병에서는 표준위험군에 비해 고위험군에서 재발률과 비재발성 사망이 모두 높게 관찰되었다. 중증재생불량성빈혈의 경우(n=21), 무병생존율과 비재발성 사망이 37.3%와 62.7%였다. 결론: 본 연구의 결과 비혈연간 이식은 HLA적합 형제가 없는 혈액질환 환자들에게 유용한 치료법의 하나임을 알 수 있었다. 낮은 병기에서의 조기 이식과 분자생물학적 방법을 사용한 HLA 적합도의 개선이 이식관련 사망을 최소화시켜 비혈연간 이식의 효과를 더욱 확대시킬 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Background: Unrelated allogeneic stem cell transplantation (U-SCT) is recently on a increasing trend supported by better understanding of HLA system, development of new HLA typing, and increase of donor pool. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 138 adult patients who underwent U-SCT between October 1995 and December 2001 at Catholic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Center. Results: Diagnoses were chronic myeloid leukemia (CML, n=66), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL, n=23), acute myeloid leukemia (AML, n=16), severe aplastic anemia (SAA, n=21), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS, n=9), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL, n=2), and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH, n=1). Primary engraftment failure was observed in 4 (2.9%) of 136 evaluable patients. Acute GVHD (≥grade II) occurred in 48.1% and chronic GVHD occurred in 49.5%. The most common cause of death other than relapse was pneumonia, which occurred 36 (52.3%) of 64 toxic deaths. In CML, disease-free survival (DFS), relapse rate, and non-relapse mortality (NRM) was 45.7%, 11.4%, and 49.2%. DFS of the standard-risk group (SR) was significantly better than that of high- risk group (HR) (50.3% vs 32.0%, P=0.03). In ALL, DFS, relapse rate, and NRM was 30.0%, 49.4%, and 44.8%, whereas corresponding figures for AML were 28.6%, 39.4%, and 52.9%. NRM and relapse rate were higher in HR compared to SR in acute leukemia. In SAA, DFS and NRM was 37.3% and 62.7%. Conclusion: We concluded that U-SCT is a feasible therapeutic option for patients lacking a HLA-matched sibling donor. Transplantation at earlier phase of disease with more accurate HLA matching by molecular typing can minimize treatment-related toxicity and could extend the benefit of U-SCT.

      • KCI등재

        신축학교 실내공기질이 초등학생들의 인지기능에 미치는 영향

        김태섭,김선주,박시영,전만중,김규태,김창윤,정종학,백성옥,사공준 대한산업의학회 2007 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        목적: 신축초등학교와 대조학교를 선정하여 교실 내 포름알데히드와 TVOCs를 측정하고 컴퓨터 신경행동검사를 이용하여 실내공기 오염물질이 학생들의 인지기능에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 방법: 신축초등학교 5학년 71명을 실내공기 오염물질 노출군으로 하고, 개교한지 12년째인 대구시의 일개 초등학교 5학년 2학급 63명을 대조군으로 하여 실내공기 오염물질농도 측정 및 컴퓨터 신경행동검사를 실시하였다. 결과: 신축학교에서 의도적으로 창문을 개방한 학급에서 1교시 포름알데히드 농도는 34.6 ㎍/㎥, 4교시에는 27.3 ㎍/㎥, 창문을 개방하지 않은 학급에서 1교시 80.2 ㎍/㎥, 4교시 127.1 ㎍/㎥, 대조학교에서는 2학급 각각 1교시에 12.6 ㎍/㎥, 7.5 ㎍/㎥, 4교시에 19.8 ㎍/㎥, 25.2 ㎍/㎥였다. TVOCs의 경우 신축학교의 의도적으로 창문을 개방한 학급에서 1교시에 농도는 487.2 ㎍/㎥, 4교시에 428.2 ㎍/㎥, 창문을 개방하지 않은 학급에서 1 교시에 농도는 1,283.5 ㎍/㎥, 4교시에 1,715.4 ㎍/㎥, 대조학교의 경우 2학급에서 각각 1교시에 농도는 240.9 ㎍/㎥, 150.8 ㎍/㎥, 4교시에 농도는 371.9 ㎍/㎥, 448.0 ㎍/㎥였다. 부호숫자 짝짓기의 평균반응시간은 대조학급이 1교시에 2,585 msec에서 4교시에 2,459 msec으로 감소한 반면 신축학교의 창문을 의도적으로 개방한 학급은 2,343 msec에서 2,510 msec으로, 평소대로 수업한 학급은 2,340 msec에서 2,563 msec으로 반응시간이 각각 167 msec, 223 msec 증가하였다. 1교시의 부호숫자 짝짓기 의 반응시간을 100%로 했을 때 창문을 의도적으로 개방 한 학급은 4교시에 5.9% 증가하였고(p<0.01), 평소대로 수업한 학급은8.3% 증가하였다(p<0.01). 반면에 대조학급은 4교시에 5.0% 감소하였다(p<0.01). 결론: 향후 학교의 실내공기질의 안전성 평가는 샘플링 된 공기의 오염수준의 측정뿐만 아니라 학생들의 건강영향도 함께 고려되는 것이 바람직할 것이다. Objectives: Most studies on the indoor air quality of newly built schools have focused only on the number of schools exceeding a standard or on subjective symptoms, such as sneezing, irritated eyes and an irritated nose. However, there has been no report on how poor indoor air quality affects children's academic performance. This study evaluated the effects of indoor air quality on the neurobehavioral performance of elementary school children. Methods: This study measured the indoor air pollutants and compared children's performance, using a computerized neurobehavioral test, between a newly built and a 12-year-old school. In addition, a questionnaire was administered regarding the indoor air quality related symptoms of children in a newly built and a 12-year-old school. Results: In the newly built school, the formaldehyde levels in the 1^(st) and 4^(th) classes with an open window were 34.6 and 27.3 μg/㎥, respectively. The levels in the 1^(st) and 4^(th) classes with the window closed were 80.2 and 127.1 μg/㎥, respectively. In the 12-year-old school, the formaldehyde levels in 1^(st) and 4^(th) class with open and closed window were 12.6 and 7.5 μg/㎥, and 19.8 and 25.2 μg/㎥, respectively. With respect to total volatile organic compounds, the levels in the 1^(st) and 4^(th) classes with the window open in the newly built school were 87.2 and 428.2 μg/㎥, respectively. In the 1^(st) and 4^(th) classes with the window closed, the total volatile organic compounds were 1,283.5 and 1,715.4 μg/㎥, respectively. In the 12-year-old school, the total volatile organic compounds were 240.9 and 150.8 μg/㎥, and 371.9 and 448.0 μg/㎥ in the 1^(st) and 4^(th) classes, respectively. In the case of a newly built school, the performance of the students in the neurobehavioral test in the 4^(th) class with the window closed was 8.3% lower than for those in the 1^(st) class with the window closed, but was only 5.9% lower when the windows were open. There was a statistical significant difference in the total numbers of symptoms between the two schools. Conclusions: These results suggest a proper evaluation of the indoor air quality within schools is required into both the level of contamination and the health effects of these contaminants toward children.

      • 통풍성 관절염의 임상적 고찰

        윤채중,정승문,김영학,김동규,허광식,김태원,배학연,정종훈,이승일,김평남 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1997 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.22 No.2

        통풍은 Purine 대사의 이상으로 발생하는 질환으로, 고뇨산혈증인 사람의 전부가 통풍으로 발현되지 않고 증상의 출현 양상이 다양하여 진단과 치료에 주의가 필요하며, 조기에 적절한 조치를 한다면 충분히 조절이 가능한 질환이다. 본대학 내과학교실에서는 통풍으로 치료한 32명의 환자에서 임상양상, 병력과 검사소견을 분석하여 다음과 같음 결과를 얻었다. 1. 32명 모두 남자이며, 최초 발병 시기는 24세에서 72세로 평균 43.8±11.9세이었으며, 30대에서 40대까지가 19명(59.4%)으로 대부분을 차지하였다. 내원 당시 나이는 27세에서 75세까지로 평균 52.3±10.4세였으며, 내원시 까지 평균 유병기간은 8.5±6.8년으로 나타났다. 2. 동반 질환으로는 고지혈증 12례, 신장질환 10례, 고혈압 12례, 비만 8례, 당뇨 2례 등이었다. 3. 이환된 관절은 단관절 침범이 19례(59.4%), 다관절 침범이 13례 이었으며, 최초 이한된 관절은 족무지 중족골지골 관절로 19례(59.4%)로 가장 많았고, 통풍 결절은 20례(62.5%)에서 관찰되었으며, 유병기간이 10년 이상된 12례중 11례 (91.7%)에서 결절이 관찰되었다. 4. 평균 혈중 요산치는 9.17±1.75 ㎎/dl이었으며, 8.0 ㎎/dl에서 9.9 ㎎/dl 사이가 19명으로 전체의 59.4%를 차지하였다. Objective: The gout is a heterogeneous group of diseases resulting from tissue deposition of monosodium urate or uric acid crystals from extracellular fluids supersaturated with respect to this end product of human purine metabolism. The clinical manifestations are such as hyperuricemia, gouty arthritis, gouty nephropathy, uric acid nephrolithiasis. We analyze of clinical manifestations and associated factors in gout. Method: We have reviewed the medical records, radiologic findings and clinical results of thirty-two patients admitted at our department from April 1996 to July 1997. Result: 1) All patients were male. The mean age at initial attack was 43.8 years old, ranging from 24 to 72 years old. 2) The mean level of serum uric acid was 9.17mg/dl on admission. 3) The first metatarsopharyngeal joint was involved in 19 cases (59.4%). Tophus was observed in 20 cases (62.5%). 4) Hyperuricemia was associated with hypertension, obesity, nephrolithiasis and hyperlipidemia.

      • Fe-20Cr-xNi-6Mo-0.3N계 스테인리스강의 부식 특성에 미치는 Ni의 영향

        김영식,박인규,김태희 안동대학교 기초과학연구소 1992 基礎科學 硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        염산과 황산 용액 중에서 나타나는 Fe-20Cr-xNi-6Mo-0.3N계 스테인리스강의 부식 특성에 미치는 니켈 함량의 영향을 구명하기 위하여 양극 분극 시험, 재부동태화 시험 및 용액 분석을 행하였다. 니켈 함량이 증가할수록 부식 전위는 상승하였으나, 임계 전류 밀도와 부동태 전류밀도는 각각 시험 용액에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 부동태화 거동에 미치는 니켈 함량의 영향에 대하여 평가하고 검토하였다. The effect of nickel content on the corrosion properties of Fe-20Cr-xNi-6Mo-0.3N stainless steels in a hydrochloric acid and a sulfuric acid has been studied by anodic polarization test, repassivation test, and solution analysis. With an increase in the nickel content, it was found that the corrosion potential was increased, but the critical current density and the passive current density were depended on test solutions. In this work, the effect of nickel content on the passivation behavior was evaluated and discussed as well.

      • 반도체 레이저로 펌핑하는 Nd:YAG 레이저의 내부 발생 제2차 고조파의 On-Off 간헐성에 대한 수치 해석

        김규욱,추한태 금오공과대학교 산업기술개발연구원 2000 産業技術開發硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        We have made numerical analysis of rate equations for the intracavity second harmonics of ND:YAG laser pumped by laser diode. We can see the very on-off intermittency in the output of the second harmonics when small modulations are applied to laser diode.

      • 벼 大單位 增産團地栽培에 關한 經營實態調査 : 慶南地方의 5個 團地를 中心으로

        金厚根,金正敎,尹泰圭,河湖成,張權烈 慶尙大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Recently large scale cooperative rice production system has been promoted. This cooperative rice production system is intended to promote introducing a set of new technology which may not be suitable for individual small scale farms to adopt. And this system is believed to be one of important public programs to achieve productivity growth policy goal in Korea. Nevertheless, there seem to exist several problems for this public program to widely introduce to over-all nation. This is one of main objectives that this study intends to investigate. In order to study comparative characteristics of the large scale rice cooperative farm in terms of resource base and organization 99 farms which are member farms and 100 farms which are non-member individual farms have been selected and interviewed from five large scale cooperative farm areas in Gyeong-Nam Province in 1974. The important findings can be summarized as follows: 1) Most of operators af both classes belong to age cohert 40∼50, but the average educational level for member farm operators is higher than that for non-member. 2) The average scale Of rice paddy for member farms, 13.1 tanbO, is larger than that for non-member, 10.6, and the same thing is true for average size of rice paddy plots which is, respectively, 805 pyeong and 690. 3) Completely irrigated paddy for member farms is 99 percent of total paddy owned whereas that for non-member is 81, and consolidated paddy for member farms is 67 percent while that for non-member is 26.4. On the other hand, technically improved paddy other than indicated above for member farms is 32 percent, but that for non-member is only 8.3. 4) Number of rice varieties adopted is 9 for both classes. The most popular variety for member farm is Akibare(36%) whereas that for non-member is Sadominori(29.3%) and Akibare (28.4%). 5) Labor used is 13.5 man per tanbo for member farms and 12.4 for non-member. More labor is used for improving soil quality and protection for member farms whereas less labor is used for preparatory works such as seed bed, sterilization, and water management in the case of the member farm. 6) In the case of member farms, the type of work which is achieved cooperatively by more than 70 percent is purchasing or exchaging seeds, sterilization, and plant protection. Despite seed bad, water management, transplanting and the like being more or less suitable for cooperative work, the proportion of those works done cooperatively is relatively small as compared to what we expected. 7) According to farmers interviewed, variety selection, plant protection, seed bed, transplanting fertilization, water management, and harvesting works are more easier for cooperation, in order importance. 8) Cooperative farmers were cultivating a leading variety, Tongil, which showed higher yields than ordinary varieties and had a desire to be released a new high yielding variety which has a characteristics of highly resistance to dsease and insect. 9) Cooperative farmers were forced to begin the nusery bed earlier than the individual farmers and to emphasize on the disease and insect control with more frequencies. 10) Cooperative farmers had benefits in the seedling transplanting earlier and higher planting density than individual farmers. 11) Cooperative farmers had an intention to apply a deep fertilization method arid to dress heavier nitrogen with a reasonable ratio of the basal fertilization to the top dressing. 12) Cooperative farmers had a convenient irrigation system and were available to adopt a summer drainage method. 13) Cooperative farmers controlled the weed with agricultural chemicals arid recognized the control effect of weedcides. 14) In general, it was recognized that there happened somewhat benefit result in disease control in the cooperative farm while a reasonable control effect was not found in heavy prevailing case. The dominant diseases found in the cooperative farm were sheath bright, strip disease and they were to he prevented with a strong efforts. 15) Rice stem borer and grass leaf roller were effelctivey controlled in the cooperative farm, however, plant hoppers was not completely controlled by the usual method because of its unexpected prevalence. 16) The most difficult thing to cooperate they indicate is to supply an adequate amount of labor at appropriate time in tire labor peak season. In this sense, it seems necessary to introduce field machinary in order to achieve the objective of large scale cooperative rice production. 17) Farmers interviewed believe that technology concerning yield increase is most important. in this respect, it is important to develop such new technology, to diseminate its results and to train good quality extension workers. 18) 42 percent of member farm operators indicate that the cooperative system was successful and 25 percent indicate failed. 29 percent of non-member farmers think that the cooperative farm system was successful and 7 percent of them think failed. Thus 55 percent of non-member farmers indicate they are willing to join to the system in the next year, 7 percent of them are not and others have not decided yet. 19) 60 percent of member farmers think that the scale and number of members of the system were too much large to successfully cooperate and 67 percent of them believe that cooperation among members were not very developed, and 42 percent of members suppose what the leader of individual active farms were not very well functioning. 20) Number of member farmers who believe that the yield level in this year is increased as compared that before joining to the system is 3,4 percent, and no one indicated that the yield level is decreased. On the other hand, 22 percent of them believe that by participating to the system the same quality of paddy could produce more rice. 21) About 93 percent of member farmers believe that the system may not lie survived without support of government and i priority must be given to yield technology. 22) About 80 percent of member operators indicate that they would partioipate to the program in the next production year and 23 percent of them indicate that they would participate with the same amount of paddy land as this year. 23) The rice yield level for member and non-member farms is, respectively, 406kg and 346 per tanbo, and the former is 17.3 percent higher than the latter. 24) The cash expenses per tanbo for member and non-member farms is, respectively, 12,311 won and 10,398. 25) The gross revenud per tanbo for both classes is, respectively, 60,024 won, and 51,303 when evaluated by the official price level, and the net income is, respectively, 47,713 won and 40,905. As seen above, the fact that the rice yield level of member farmers, hence, the income level turns out to be higher seems to stem from two basic factors; that is, on the average, the member farmers are operating farm with an improved resource base and they seem to use more the so called conventional inputs with a better yield technology and management. Thus we may conclude that it is important to invest to improve resource quality, to innovate new yield technology and diseminate this innovation. At the same time, in order to more promote the cooperative system, it seems desirable to solve the following problem areas: 1) Number of member farms and paddy area covered by one cooperaitve unit seems better not to he very large. This seems so because there is on much scale economies owing to the nature of technology available to adopt, whereas a large member unit may restrict opportunity of individual members to deeply involve in the process of decision making. Thus we recommend to continue to study finding an optimum size of the unit. 2) As implied already, quality as well as quantity of extension workers and other local officers who lead this program area crucial factor to expand number of unit of the system and hence to achieve the objective of the program. 3) In order to get rid of labor deficit, especially in the labor peak season farm mechanization seems necessary. For this matter, it is worthwhile to promote, first of all, to invent suitable field machinery, secondly, land consolidation and other land improvement projects, and thirdly to innovate a new technology system suitable to mechanized farming. At any rate, it is also necessary for the government to supply an adequate amount of credit and other administrative support.

      • 염분이 함유된 폐수의 생물학적 처리시 염분농도가 오염물질의 제거에 미치는 영향

        김상수,문병현,이택순,서규태,공남식 7개 국립대학교 환경연구논문집 공동발행 위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Effects of salt concentration and C/N ratio on pollutants removal efficiencies were investigated in treatment of seafood wastewater by sequence batch reactor(SBR). The synthetic seafood wastewater containing salinity from 3,000 to 10,000 mg/L NaCI and C/N ratio of 2 and 4 was treated by SBR. Removal efficiencies of COD_(Mn), T-N, and T-P decreased with increasing salt concentration, but eventually reached a pollutants removal a platrau. As systems adapted in salts until salts concentration of 8,000mg/L, the time required to reach the pollutants removal efficiencies at steady state was reduced. However, the removal efficiencies of pollutants sharply decreased and the time require to reach steady state was increased as salt concentration rose to 10,000mg/L, Removal efficiencies of COD_(Mn) were higher for C/N ratio of 4 than for 2. Effects of salt on the nitrogen removal were not faster than the organic removal but the time required to the nitrogen removal at steady state was ncreased. The removal efficiencies of phosphorus also were redueed as salt concentration increased, which inhibited the release of phosphorus than the uptake.

      • 포기/비포기 시간비가 활성슬러지 floc의 특성에 미치는 영향

        김강호,문병현,이택순,서규태 7개 국립대학교 환경연구 논문집 공동발행 위원회 2002 환경연구논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        Many researches on SBR(Sequencing batch Biological Reactor) for the removal efficiency of contaminants and effects of operation mode in effluent have been conducted. However, little studies for the characteristic of biological floc affected by operation mode have been made. The purpose of this study is to compare the effect factors on the removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus in SBR system. And also it is to look for new information on the size and characteristics of biological floc by changed aerobic/anaerobic time ratio. Results shown that the removal efficiency of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus was higher in the operation mode of higher aerobic/anaerobic time ratio. The floc size and fractal dimension produced in higher aerobic/anaerobic time ratio were larger. These result implied that the settling characteristics of floc could be produces in the operation mode of higher aerobic/anaerobic time ratio.

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