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      • Comparison of controlled ovarian stimulation outcomes for fertility preservation in women with breast cancer according to KI-67, histologic grade, pathologic type, and cancer stage

        ( Eun Ji Oh ),( Yeon Hee Hong ),( Seul Ki Kim ),( Jung Ryeol Lee ),( Byung Chul Jee ),( Chang Suk Suh ),( Seok Hyun Kim ) 대한산부인과학회 2020 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.106 No.-

        Objective: This study aims to analyze that specific prognostic factors such as Ki-67 value, histologic grade, pathology type, and cancer stage can affect controlled ovarian stimulation outcomes(COS) for fertility preservation in women with breast cancer. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 92 patients with breast cancer aged 21-44 who underwent COS from August 2012 to April 2020, excluding patients with previous gonadotoxic therapy history. All COS cycles were conducted letrozole-combined random start GnRH antagonist protocol. COS outcomes were compared according to prognostic factors;Ki-67 (< 30% vs. ≥ 30%), histologic grade (low vs. high), and pathologic type (intraductal carcinoma(IDC) vs. triple-negative breast cancer(TNBC)), and cancer stage (early (I, II) vs. advanced (III, IV)). Multivariate analysis was also conducted to find any parameter that can impact over 10 mature oocytes acquisition. Results: Among the 92 patients, 42 were Ki-67≥30% compared to 49 of Ki-67<30%. The number of oocytes, and initial mature oocytes were comparable between Ki-67<30% and ≥30 group. The maturation rate was significantly higher in Ki-67≥30% group than Ki-67<30% group (57.4±36.8% vs. 44.8±28.3%, p=0.041). The same results were drawn when divided according to IDC or TNBC. The maturation rate was significantly higher in TNBC than the IDC group (73.0±17.6% vs. 47.0±28.1% p=0.001). However, the histologic grade or stage did not show any difference in COS outcomes between high and low grade or early and advanced stages. With multivariate analysis, age and AMH are parameters associated with the acquisition of over 10 mature oocytes (OR 0.863, 95% CI [0.755-0.987], OR 1.408, 95% CI [1.145-1.732], respectively). Conclusion: Either Ki-67 or pathologic type can be a potential reliable marker for predicting COS outcome, especially maturation rate. Further study with larger sample size with specific conditions is necessary to clarify the correlation between breast cancer prognostic factors and COS outcomes.

      • 인체 대장암 및 자궁경부암에서 PCR-SSCP법을 이용한 Ki-ras 암유전자의 점돌연변이에 관한 연구

        박영홍,백낙환,김현찬,김상효,홍관희,김기태,이기영 인제대학교 1994 仁濟醫學 Vol.15 No.2

        인체 대장암 20례와 자궁경부암 10례의 암조직을 대상으로 c-Ki-ras 유전자 codon 12와 13에서의 점돌연변이를 알아보고자 polymerase chain reaction(PCR)과 single-strand conformation polymorphism(SSCP) 검사법을 시행하였다. 대장암의 경우 20례중 9례(45%)에서, 자궁경부암의 경우 10례중 1례(10%)에서 양성으로 나왔다. 대장암에서는 codon 12에서 GGT가 TGT로의 치환이 4례로서 가장 많았으며, AGT, CGT로의 치환이 각 1례였고 codon 13에서는 GGC가 GAC로의 치환이 2례, TGC로의 치환이 1례인 것으로 나타났다. 자궁경부암의 경우 codon 12에서 GGT가 AGT로의 치환이 1례인 것으로 나타났다. In an attempt to clarify the role of genetic alteration in the genesis of human colorectal and cervical cancers, tissue specimens from 20 patients with colorectal cancer and 10 patients with cervical cancer were examined for the presence of point mutation in K-ras2 exon 1 by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of PCR product. Exon I of c-Ki-ras2 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and comparison was made between the normal and mutated genes by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE) of PCR product and nucleotide sequence analysis using asymmetric PCR with direct sequencing. Genomic DNA from white blood cells were used as normal control and those from A427 cell line were used as mutated control. 1.PCR product from A427 cell line showed a distinct migration shift pattern compared to the normal control in PAGE and the direct sequencing indicated that nucleotide sequence of codon 12 was mutated from GGT to GAT. In addition, there was a loss of normal allele in A427 cell line. 2.PCR product from 9 cases(45%) out of a 20 colon cancer patients showed migration shifts in PAGE, and all of these 9 patients invariably demonstrated mutation of ras gene, either in codon 12(6 cases:30%) or 13(3 cases:15%). The base substitutions in codon 12 were: from GGT to AGT(1), CGT(1), or TGT(4). Base changes in codon 13 were from GGC to TGC(1) or GAC(2). 3.PCR product from 1 cases(10%) out of a 10 cervical cancer patients showed migration shrifts in PAGE, Invariably demonstrated mutation of ras gene in codon 12. The base substitutions was from GGT to AGT(1) TQE incidence of point mutation of c-Ki-ras in colon cancer was high, however, it was low in cervical cancer, which showed the relation of ruts gene mutation with colon cancer. PCR -SSCP analysis is a simple, rapid and efficient method of detection of point mutation, especially when dealing with multiple samples.

      • P196 : Effects of different electrical parameter settings on hair growth: the changes of dermal papilla cell in vitro and at microscopic level in animal tissue

        ( Ki Min Sohn ),( Kwan Ho Jeong ),( Joo Hyun Lee ),( Jung Eun Kim ),( Hoon Kang ) 대한피부과학회 2014 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.66 No.2

        Background: Frequency electrical stimulation is clinically being used in variable skin therapeutic conditions such as skin rejuvenation and hair disorder. There have been several clinical studies demonstrating the positive effect of electrical stimuli on hair regrowth. However, its exact mechanism is yet to be clarified. Objectives: The objective of this study is to investigate effects of different electrical parameter settings on hair growth by revealing the changes of dermal papilla cell in vitro and at microscopic level in animal tissue. Methods: Cultured dermal papilla cells (DPCs) and dorsal skin of rabbit were electrically stimulated with different parameter settings at alternating-current to find the optimal condition for hair growth. Cell viability and proliferation were measured by MTT. In addition, Ki67, proliferation marker, expression was measured by immunofluorescence. Hair growth-related gene expression in DPCs and the skin of rabbit were measured by RT-PCR. Results: At certain electrical settings, DPCs responded well and their proliferation was successfully induced. Wnt/β -catenin, Ki67, p-ERK and p-AKT expressions in DPCs increased at certain frequency settings. Dermal thickness and hair related genes (PDGF, VEGF, SOX9 and KGF) expressions in the skin of rabbit also significantly increased. Conclusion: These data suggest that electrical stimulations at certain electrical settings, may give more effective therapeutic outcomes for hair growth.


        Lee,Jun-Ki,Hyun,Sang-Ki,Lee,Sang-Sun,Chai,Jung-Ki 한국자원식물학회 2002 Plant Resources Vol.5 No.1

        Twenty-three plants of Japanese apricot (Prunus mume) were collected from several sites around Mountains JIRI in Korea. Japanese apricots having the different morphological features were evenly distributed in the groups made from the cluster analysis, indicating no geographic distributions but artificial vegetations in Korea. Japanese apricots were, as based on the PCR-RAPD techniques, clustered into the three groups; a group (prototype) having the five white petals with the five red sepals, a group (green type) having the five white petals with the five green sepals, and a group (hybrid type) having the more than five red petals with various colored sepals. The prototype apricots showed higher toxicities than other type apricot against bacteria and production of less compounds in TLC plates. The polypetal types of Japanes apricot were related to those of p. armebiaca in the characteristics of seed (the ruggedness), but also to be closed to those of p. armebiaca in PCR-RAPD analysis. The cluster analysis of the twenty three apricots and its related species calculated from the two primers were shown to distinguish relationships of cultivars within species, or of individual plants within cultivars, but also to display the two overlapping bands resulted from PCR-RAPD technique.

      • KCI등재후보

        종합검진센터 내원자에서 관상동맥질환 위험요인들의 분포

        이충원,이종영,박종원,윤능기,김영조,이현우,이무식,서석권 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1993 계명의대학술지 Vol.12 No.3

        1991년3월부터 8월사이에 대구시에 소재한 1개의 대학병원의 종합검진센타에 내원해서 종합검진을 받은 남자 422명(69.9%)과 여자 182명(30.1%)을 대상으로 하여 심헐관계질환의 위험요인들의 전체적인 분포를 보았다. 평균 연령은 남자가 43.3(표준편차, 10.3), 여자가 44.4(표준편차, 10.8)였다. 남자에서 연령에 따라 0.05 수준에서 통계적인 유의성을 보인 위험인자는 혈청 총콜레스테롤(TC). 트리글리세라이드(TC), 고밀도 지단백콜레스테롤(HDL), 저밀도 지단백콜레스테롤(LDL), 수축기혈압, 비체중, A형행동양상이었으며 생활습관으로서는 음주, 흡연, 규칙적인 운동, 우유와 커피섭취, 수면 등이었다. 여자에서는 TC, TG, LDL, 수축기와 확장기혈압, 비체중 그리고 커피섭취와 수면 등이었다. 남자에서 총콜레스테롤의 평균은 181.7mg/dl(표준편차, 32.2), 여자는 182.5mg/이(표준편차, 42.2)였다. 대부분의 위험인자들은 구미의 수준에 미치지 못했으나 남자에서 흡연율이 전체적으로 61.8%로 높으 수준이었으며 특히, 20~29세가 72.9%, 30~39세가 75.2%로서 다른 연령군에 비해 상대적으로 높았다. 여자에서는 전체적으로 6.0%에 지나지 않았다. 확장기혈압 90mmHg 이상을 고혈압자로 정의했을 때의 유병률이 여자 전체대상자에서 24.7%로 높았으며 50-59세는 표본수가 적어서 문제가 되었으나 53.1%였다. 어떤 인구집단내에서 총콜레스테롤의 평균이 200mg/dl 미만이면 고혈압과 흡연의 인구집단의 수준에 관계없이 관상동맥질환(coronary heart disease)의 발생은 드문 것으로 보고가 되고 있으므로 당분간 관상동맥질환 발생률의 급속한 절대적인 증가는 힘드리라 사료된다. 그러나 이러한 결과는 본 연구의 대상자들이 대표성을 지니지 못하며 건강검진센터에 자발적으로 내원한 사람들이므로 해석에 주의를 요한다. Authors examined the distributions of the risk factors for the coronary heart disease in the 422 male (69.9%) and 182 female (30.1%) visitors to the health examination center of a university hospital located in Taegu March to August 1991. Mean age of males was 43.3(standard deviation, SD 10.3) and that of females was 44.4(SD 10.8). Total cholesterol(TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL), systolic blood pressure, Quetelet index, and Type A Behavior Pattern, and some of life habit variables(alcohol intake, smoking, regular exercise, milk and coffee intake and sleeping) were statistically significant in age groups of the males(P<0.05). In the females, TC, TG and LDL, systolic and diastolic pressure, Quetelet index, coffee intake and sleeping were statistically significant in age groups (P<0.05). Mean of total cholesterol was 181.7㎎/dl(SD,32.2) in males and that of females was 182.5㎎/dl(SD,42.2). Most of the risk factors levels were lower than the Euro-Americans', while smokers were high with 61.8%, especially 72.9% in 20-29 age group and 75.2% in 30-39 age group in males. In females, smokers were just 6.0%. Hypertensives defined by more than 90mmHg diastolic pressure were 24.7% in females, particularly 53.1% in 50-59 age group, but size of the strata was rather small(N=49). In the light of the report that coronary heart disease is uncommon irrespective of population levels of smoking and hypertension, where average total blood cholesterol level in a population is low(<200mg/dl), it is not likely that the absolute increase of the number of the coronary heart disease will increase markedly in the near future. But cautions should be exercised in interpreting the results of this study due to the lack of representativeness and volunteerism. .

      • Ascorbate Peroxidase 유전자의 도입에 의한 식물의 형질전환

        이인애,이효신,배은경,김기용,이병헌,손대영,조진기 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research 2002 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research Vol.2002 No.-

        This study was conducted to obtain the transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tubacum) plants with cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase gene(ApxSC7) using Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404. A cDNA encoding the cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase of strawberry, ApxSC7, was introduced into tobacco plants via Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer system. The expression vector, pIG-AP8, harboring ApxSC7 gene was used for production of transgenic tobacco plants. A large number of transgenic plants were regenerated on a medium containing hygromycin. Integration of ApxSC7 gene was confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analyses with genomic DNA. Northern blot analyses revealed that the pIGap8 gene was constitutively expressed.

      • Gelatin 액화세균의 생장억제에 관한 연구

        이기성,崔榮吉,趙賢淑 漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所 1983 環境科學論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        Gelatin 을 재료로 이용하는 식품의 폐기물에서 gelatin 을 액화시키는 능력이 특히 뛰어난 4종의 세균을 분리·동정하였으며, 배지내에 NaCI, KI·I₂, CuSO₄등의 억제제를 농도별로 처리했을때 나타나는 4균주의 생존도 및 액화능의 변화를 비교·검토하였고, 생존도에 미치는 pH의 영향도 조사하였다. 또한 MIC(Minimal Inhibitory Concentration) Test를 시행하여 항생제에 대한 4균주의 MIC도 조사하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 4균주중 H strain은 Serratia liquefaciens로, Y₁strain은 Enterobacter속으로, Y₂와 Y₃strain 은 Pseudomonas 속으로 동정되었다. 2. 배지내에 억제제로 NaCl을 처리했을 경우, 7% 농도에서 생장이 100% 억제되었으며, KI·I₂처리시에는 20ppm 에서부터 생장이 억제되기 시작하여 100ppm에서는 4개의 균주 모두 100% 생장이 억제되었다. CuSO₄처리시에는 100ppm에서부터 억제효과를 나타내기 시작하여 300ppm에서는 거의 100% 억제 효과를 보였다. 생존도에 미치는 pH의 영향을 살펴본 결과, pH 5.0, 5.5, 6.0에서는 대조군과 동일한 생존도를 나타냈으나 pH 4.0, 4.5 에서는 100% 생장이 억제되었다. 분리 균주들의 액화능 비교에 있어서는 H strain 이 가장 뛰어난 액화능을 나타내었다. CuSO₄와 KI·I₂를 각각 3ppm, 10ppm의 저농도로 처리했을 경우 4균주의 액화능은 대체로 10∼20% 감소되었다. 3. 액화 능력이 가장 뛰어난 H strain 의 MIC 는 Penicillin G; 1∼5 ㎍/ml, Spectinomycin; 12.5∼25㎍/ml, Ampicillin; <0.05㎍/ml, Cefobid; <1㎍/ml, Claforan; 0.02∼0.3㎍/ml, Tetra-cycline; >10㎍/ml로 나타났다. Tetracycline을 제외한 5가지 항생제에 대하여 H strain이 Y strain들에 비해 민감한 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 Tetracycline의 경우에는 H strain이 Y strain들에 비하여 저항성을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. Four strains of gelatin-liquefying bacteria were isolated from the sewage of the food using gelatin as the material. Treated with various concentration of NaCl, KI-I₂and CuSO₄in the culture medium and with various gradient of pH, viability of the four strains was examined and compared with each other. And also, gelatin liquefying ability was investigated in the normal culture condition and in accordance with the concentration of the inhibitor. Morever, MIC(Minimal Inhibitory Concentration) test for these strains was also carried out. The results were as follows: 1. Of the four isolated strains, the H strain was identified as Serratia liquefaciens, Y₁as the genus Enterobacter, Y₂and Y₃strains as the genus Pseudomonas. 2. Treating the culture medium with NaCl as the growth inhibitor, 7% concentration of NaCl inhibited completely the viability of all the isolated strains. Adding KI-I₂solution to the medium at the level of 20ppm, viability began to decrease and the inhibitory effect was shown 100% at 100ppm. Treated with CuSO₄at the level of 10ppm, viability began to decrease, and at 300ppm growth inhibition showed almost 100%. There was no significant difference in viability according to the pH gradient at the range of 5.0-6.0. However, at pH 4.0 and 4.5, 100% inhibitory effect on the growth was shown. Considered with the ability of gelatin liquefaction, the H strain among the four strains had the most rapid and strong ability in gelatin liquefaction. (That is, about 23 times more effective in gelatin liquefaction than that of Y₁strain) 3. Considered the MIC test, the H strain was more sensitive to Penicillin G(1-5 ㎍/ml), Spectinomycin(12.5-25㎍/ml), Ampicillin(<0.05㎍/ml), Cefobid(<1㎍/ml) and Claforan (0.02-0.3㎍/ml) than to those of the strains. Compared with the other strains, the H strain was more insensitive up to the level of 10㎍/ml to the minimal inhibitory concentration of Tetracycline.

      • KCI등재

        통합심리치료의 인지분화훈련이 정신분열병 환자의 기초 인지기능에 미치는 영향

        이희상,현명호,조현상,이연희,김태용,장순아,노규식,정기립,이만홍,유계준 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.5

        연구목적 : 정신분열별 환자들을 대상으로 통합심리치료의 소프로그램인 인지분화훈련을 실시하여 실행기능, 개념형성능력, 언어능력 및 추론력에 대한 훈련이 보다 더 하위단계의 인지기능인 주의력, 기억력, 반응시간 등을 호전시킬 수 있는 지를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : DSM-IV상 정신분열병으로 진단된 24명의 입원환자를 무작위로 양분하여 한 군은 인지분화훈련군으로 다른 한 군은 대조군으로 나누었다. 훈련군은 4주동안 1주일에 3회(매회 60분간)로 총 12회의 통합심리치료의 인지분화훈련을 받았으며 대조군은 동일한 시간동안 정신건강교육을 받았다. 훈련전후에 훈련군과 대조군을 대상으로 개정판 Wechsler 기억검사로 주의집중력, 장·단기 기억력을 측정하였고 Vienna test system중 결정반응시간검사로 반응시간, 반응결정시간, 반응운동시간을 평가하였다. 연구결과 : 1) 주의집중력에서는 훈련군과 대조군사이에 집단간 효과, 집단내 효과 및 상호작용 효과가 없었다. 2) 단기기억력에서는 훈련군과 대조군사이에 집단내 효과는 있었으나(F(1,24)=10.46. p〈.05). 집단간 효과, 상호작용 효과는 없었다. 3) 장기기억력에서는 훈련군과 대조군사이에 집단내 효과는 있었으나(F(1,24)=15.09. p〈.05). 집단간 효과, 상호작용 효과는 없었다. 4) 반응시간에서는 상호작용 효과(F(1,24)=5.18, p〈.05)가 있었다. 5) 반응운동시간에서는 집단간 효과, 집단내 효과 및 상호작용 효과가 없었다. 6) 반응결정시간에서는 상호작용 효과(F(1.24)=6.00, p〈.05)가 있었다. 결 론 : 통합심리치료의 인지분화훈련은 정신분열병 환자에서 하위단계의 인지기능 중 반응시간(특히 반응결정시간)을 단축시키는 효과가 있었다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive differentiation training of Integrated Psychological Therapy(a training program of executive function, concept formation, language, and abstraction) on micro-level cognitive function such as attention, memory and reaction time in patients time in patients with schizophrenia. Methods : Twenty-four inpatients diagnosed as schizophrenia using DSM-IV were randomly assigned to 2 groups. The training group went through a total of 12 sessions of cognitive differentiation training for 4 weeks. The control group received psychoeducation program during the same period. Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised and Decision-Reaction Timer of Vienna Test System were administered to all patients, both before and after the training program. Results : 1) In the attention and concentration scores of Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, between group, within group and interaction effects of training were not significant. 2) In the short-term memory scores of Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, within group effect of training was significant(F(1,24)=10.46, p〈0.05), but the between group and interaction effects did not reach significance. 3) In the long-term memory scores of Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, within group effect of training was significant(F(1,24)=15.09, p〈0.05), but the between group and interaction effects did not reach significance. 4) In the reaction time scores of Decision-Reaction Timer, interaction effect of training was significant(F(1,24)=5.18, p〈0.05). 5) In the motor time scores of Decision-Reaction Timer, between group, within group and interaction effects of training were not significant. 6) In the decision time scores of Decision-Reaction Timer, interaction effect of training was significant(F(1,24)=6.00, p〈0.05). Conclusion : Our findings suggest that cognitive differentiation training of Integrated Psycho-logical Therapy is partly effective on improving micro-level cognitive functions such as reaction time(especially, decision time) in patents with schizophrenia.

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