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      • Chiral Separation of (±)-Higenamine by Capillary Electophoresis

        Choi,One-Kyun,Jung,Kyo-Soon,Choi,Heisook-Yun,Yang,Deok-Chun 한국자원식물학회 2003 Plant Resources Vol.6 No.1

        Higenamine [1-(4-hydroxy-6, 7-dihydroxy-l, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroisoquinoline) is a cardiotonic constituent of Aconiti tuber, one of the most widely prescribed oriental medicines. S-(-)higenamine was reported to have a stronger cardiotonic activity than R-(+)-higenamine and known as a central intermediate in the biosynthesis of various benzyl isoquionoline alkaloids in plants. The separation of higenamine enantiomers has been accomplished with capillary electrophoresis using cyclodextrins (CDs) as chiral selectors. Good resolution of this enantiomers was obtained using a 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer containing hydroxypropyl β-CDs using 27 cm fused silica capillary (50㎛ i.d., 20 cm to detector) at 25℃. With the electric field of 340 V/cm, the separation time of higenamine enantiomers was less than 6 min. Under this optimum conditions, the relative standard deviations of migration time and peak area were less than 1.6% and 3.2%. A 512-channel diode array detector was confirmed for the higenamine. The detection limits (S/N = 3) of these enantiomers are 1.5mutextrmm/mL. We confirmed the chiral form of higenamine in medicinal plants.

      • 복막투석복막염 환자에서 발생한 창자벽공기증 1예

        정선영,나지훈,최윤정,고성애,조규향,박종원,도준영,윤경우 영남대학교 의과대학 2009 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.26 No.1

        Peritonitis is a serious problem in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Rarely pneumatosis intestinalis can occur as a complication of this infectious process. Pneumatosis intestinalis is a potential life threatening condition with a challenging management. The mortality of peritoneal dialysis patients with pneumatosis intestinalis secondary to mesenteric ischemia is almost 100%. We describe a rare case of pneumatosis intestinalis in a peritoneal dialysis patient who developed Staphylococcus aureus peritonitis which was initially treated with appropriate antibiotics. Since initial response to therapy was not achieved, an abdominal computerized tomography was done which revealed a pneumatosis intestinalis. A laparotomy was performed and small bowel necrosis was seen. A segmented resection with ileostomy, jejunostomy was done. Though surgical treatment was performed, the patient died in 2 weeks after admission. Pneumocystitis intestinalis in peritoneal dialysis peritonitis is a uncommon complication which requires prompt evaluation to rule out mesenteric ischemia as it carries a high mortality and its management will be surgical.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 이후의 탈식민주의 -설정식 시를 중심으로-

        최윤정 ( Yun Jung Choi ) 한민족문화학회 2012 한민족문화연구 Vol.39 No.-

        설정식은 한때 월북문인이라는 표식에 갇혀 삭제되거나 좌익적 경향의 시인으로 리얼리즘이나 문학가동맹과 연계되어 민족의 현실을 간과하지 않았다는 사실만으로 평가되었다. 그의 시론으로부터 혁명적 낭만주의 경향을 포착하게 되는데, 이는 민족주의적 현실인식의 관점이 제공되는 계기를 드러낸다. 우리는 설정식이 해방공간의 현실을 깊게 들여다보고 당시의 좌우 이데올로기에 편향되기 보다는 그 안에 내포되어 있는 제국주의를 간파하고 두 진영으로부터 거리를 두려했던 민족주의자로 파악할 수 있게 되는 것이다. 우선 우편향적 미국에 대해서는 ``인민``이라는 계급이데올로기를 표방함으로써 미국에 결탁한 보수세력들과 미국적 제국주의와 거리를 두게 되고, 그 ``인민``이 혈통적 단위임을 피력함으로써 계급적으로 구체화되는 존재가 아니라 민족적 주체들임을 제기하고 민족을 무시하는 국제주의 이데올로기를 표방하는 소련적 사회주의와도 거리를 두게 된다. 또한 ``자유``라는 민주주의의 이상이 파괴되는 현실은 미국의 식량정책으로 표면화된다. 쌀 기근 사태는 아직도 이 땅에서 나는 곡식의 주인이 될 수 없는 현실을 드러내며, 식량정책을 주도하는 미국과 거리를 두게 하며, 추상적인 사상과 이데올로기를 표방하는 ``빵``과 대비됨으로써 민족의 현실을 구체화하게 된다. 이렇게 2장에서는 좌우이데올로기로부터 등거리를 유지하면서 거기에 내포된 제국주의를 간파하게 되고, 민족주의적 경향을 뚜렷하게 드러내는 과정을 통해 ``인민``, ``자유``, ``민족``이 설정식 시텍스트의 키워드임을 발견한다. 3장에서는 ``인민``과 ``자유``, ``민족``을 드러내는 대립적 상징체를 통해 민족담론을 구체화하게 된다. ``인민``은 2장에서 혈통적 민족임이 드러난다. ``인민``의 상징체인 ``해바라기``는 제국의 상징체인 ``태양``을 필적하는 존재로 파악된다. ``자유``는 2장에서 민족적 속박의 지속성을 환기시키는데, 제국에 의해 민족이 분열된 영토는 ``집``으로 표기되고 제국이 도모하지 못하는 민족의 절대域을 ``숲``으로 대비함으로써 구속과 예속으로부터의 탈주를 통해 민족적 ``자유``를 예고한다. 또한 ``팔월``이라는 민족의 기념비적 시간을 통해서는 해방이 되었으나 아직 해방이 되지 않은 두 가지 현실 사이에 민족이 놓여 있음을 통해 진정한 해방이 되어야 함을 당위적으로 설파하게 된다. The time of liberation from Japaness imperialism that we are beyond the point we are met with the United States and the Soviet Union is a branch of a new empire. The japanophilism has not been liquidation and our nation stood at the crossroads. Our situation was anxiety in the time. Because A mix of colonialism and postcolonial hold, was present between the division and independence. In various trend, Seol Jeong-sik is only one configuration of the discourse. It was not yet complete will be liberated. The only one empire has been removed by another empire. Even after liberation, our colonial life was being sustained. This discourse is constantly activated, he is discarded pseudo-ethnic discourse divide into left-wing and right-wing ideology. And he presents nation discourse consists of the bottom. He was fully aware of the postcolonial. It is national independence and people`s independence is to be done with. In fact, the important problem was the restoration of nation territory. His anti-imperialist lines does not permit any empire. So he placed a distance equal to the Soviet Union and the United States. In this perspective, he will be close to nationalist rather than proletarian.

      • 도시화에 따른 지표수 관리기법

        최윤영,정광옥,지홍기 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1997 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.20 No.-

        This study is aimed at the development of management of surface water in the urban environment. In the civilization process of riverside, natural and humane environment has changed continually, and there are more frequent changes in flux and quantity of surface flow in civilized riverside than in natural riverside. Civilization concerned with the concentration of population and activity and expanding the range of urban area changed natural environment, and humane activity in urban area caused appearance of new hydrologic cycle system. This study defined the concept of urban environment and the role of river and investigated the change of natural environment caused by the civilization of urban area, the change of recharge from surface flow fluxing characteristics in urban river, and flux for suggesting the organization system of surface flow in urban river. To make the device which reasonably organize the surface water flow insurance in urban environment, this study systematically suggests the surface water flow management on flood-control, water-use and environmental aspect. To make the device which synthetically manage the surface water flow in urban river, this study suggests urban river synthetically management model which aims for harmony with nature which contains the concept of amenity, connecting with space, devotion to local for river development and preservation.

      • 돼지 신장세포(PK15)의 이종이식 거부반응에 대한 재조합 IL-18의 영향

        최연실,김은미,김영관,박상연,심정현,윤도영,강형식,명평근 충남대학교 생물공학연구소 2004 생물공학연구지 Vol.10 No.1

        Various cytokines including IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12p40, IFN-γ, and TNF-α have been recently reported to play important roles in both host and donor cell activations during xenotransplantation. Interleukin (IL)-18, a proinflammatory cytokine, can induce IL-4 and IL-13 production in T cells, NK cells, B cells, mast cells, and basophils. IL-18 has the capacity to stimulate innate immunity and both Th1-and Th2- mediated responses, but little is known to involve in the xenograft rejection. In order to investigate the role of IL-18 in xenograft rejection, we transplanted the pig kidney (PK15) cells to C57BL/6 mouse with or without intraperitoneal injection of mouse recombinatant IL-18. It was analyzed the population of T cell, B cell and NK cell in the mice transplanted with PK 15 cells and recombinant IL-18 by flow cytometry. We found that splenic CD3+ T cells were increased in mice injected PK15 cells with recombinant IL-18. These results suggest that recombinant IL-18 is critical in the xenograft rejection by increasing T cell population of the recipients.

      • 돼지 신장세포(PK15)의 이종이식 거부반응에 대한 재조합 IL-18의 영향

        최연실,김은미,김영관,박상연,심정현,윤도영,강형식,명평근 충남대학교 형질전환복제돼지연구센터 2004 논문집 Vol. No.8

        Various cytokines including IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12p40, IFN-r, and TNF-α have been recently reported to play important roles in both host and donor cell activations during xenotransplantation. Interleukin (IL)-18, a proinflammatory cytokine, can induce IL-4 and IL-13 production in T cells, NK cells, B cells, mast cells, and basophils. IL-18 has the capacity to stimulate innate immunity and both Th1-and Th2- mediated responses, but little is known to involve in the xenograft rejection. In order to investigate the role of IL-18 in xenograft rejection, we transplanted the pig kidney (PK15) cells to C57BL/6 mouse with or without intraperitoneal injection of mouse recombinatant IL-18, It was analyzed the population of T cell, B cell and NK cell in the mice transplanted with PK 15 cells and recombinant IL-18 by flow cytometry. We found that splenic CD3+ T cells were increased in mice injected PKl5 cells with recombinant IL-18. These results suggest that recombinant IL-18 is critical in the xenograft rejection by increasing T cell population of the recipients.

      • 人乳中의 高分子糖蛋白質에 관한 硏究

        崔禎延,李守遠 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1992 論文集 Vol.42 No.2

        This study was carried out to compare the high molecular weight glycoprotein isolated from human milk fat globule membrane and whey, and to investigate biochemical or immunological properties of two materials. The results are summerized as follows : 1. The milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) of human milk contained about 15 proteins and 5∼6 major glycoproteins, while human whey contained about 10 proteins and 3∼4 major glycoproteins. 2. Human MFGM and whey contained a high molecular weight glycoprotein, termed PAS-O, which did not migrate in 10% SDS-acrylamide gel elecrophoresis. 3. PAS-O isolated by Sepharose CL-4B chromatography had maximum absorption at 208nm and no absorption at 280nm. 4. On the agglutination test with eight lectins, WGA, PNA, LPA reacted with PAS-O and HM-glycoprotein that suggested to act as surface receptor of them in human milk. 5. Serine, glycine, alanine and glutamic acid were predominant amino acids in the both high-Mr glycoprotein, PAS-O and HM-glycoprotein. On the other hand, sulfur containing amino acids were present in very small amount. 6. The patterns of reactivity of these two glycoproteins, PAS-O and HM-glycoproteins, with some lectins, the similarities in their amino acid compositions and electrophoretic mobilities, suggested that they may be the same molecules.

      • KCI등재

        Dopamine Transporter Gene의 다형성과 알코올 의존증의 관련

        최윤정,방승규,김정진,도규영,백인호 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.4

        연구목적 : 도파민계는 알코올 추구와 같은 알코올 의존증과 관련된 행동에 중요한 역할을 한다. Dopamine transporter(DAT1)는 신경연접부위에서 도파민 재흡수에 관여하여 도파민 활성을 종결시키는 물질로 알려져 있다. 그러므로, DAT1 유전자가 알코올 의존증에 대한 감수성에 영향을 줄 수 있다. DAT1 유전자는 다형성을 보이는 반복된 40개의 염기서열(VNTR)을 갖는다. 본 연구에서는 DAT1 유전자 다형성과 알코올 의존증 및 알코올 의존증의 임상변인과의 관련성에 대하여 알아보았다. 방 법 : 알코올 의존증 환자 94명과 정상대조군 113명을 대상으로 말초혈액을 채취하여 분리된 DNA의 DAT1 유전자를 DNA 중합효소연쇄반응으로 증폭하였다. 증폭된 산물을 15% polyacrylamide gel에서 전기영동하여 나타나는 띠의 크기에 따라 유전자형을 구분하였다. 자료의 통계적 처리는 Fisher's exact test, oneway ANOVA를 사용하였다. 결 과 : 환자군과 정상대조군의 유전자형은 모두 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium의 예상치와 유의한 차이가 없었다. 대립유전자는 7 repeats, 9 repeats, 10 repeats, 11 repeats의 4가지 종류로 구분되었고, 유전자형은 7/7 repeats, 7/10 repeats, 9/10 repeats, 10/10 repeats, 10/11 repeats의 5가지 형태를 보였다. 환자군과 대조군간에 DAT1 유전자형 및 대립유전자 빈도는 유의한 차이가 없었고, DAT1 유전자형에 따른 음주 시작 연령, 알코올 의존증의 발병 연령 및 잠복기간에서도 차이가 없었다. 알코올 의존증의 가족력이 있는 환자군과 없는 환자군은 DAT1 유전자형의 빈도에서 차이가 있는 경향을 보였고(χ²=6.912, p=0.081), DAT1 대립유전자의 빈도에서도 유의한 차이가 있었으며(χ²=10.193, p=0.008), lambda값은 0.046였다. 결 론 : DAT1 유전자의 다형성이 알코올 의존증의 유전적 소인이 될 가능성은 적은 것으로 보이나, 알코올 의존증의 가족내 유전과는 관련있을 것으로 시사된다. Objectives : Alcoholism is known to be a heritable disease. It has been hypothesized that dopaminergic systems play an important heritable role in human behavor related to alcohol dependence, such as alcohol seeking. Therefore, genes involved in this pathway, including dopamine transporter(DAT1), which is responsible for taking released dopamine back up into presynaptic terminals and terminating dopaminergic activity, are potential candidate that may affect susceptibility to alcoholism. Analysis of a 40-base pair(bp) repeat(VNTR) in the 3' untranslated region of the DAT1 gene revealed variable number of the repeat ranging from 3 to 11 copies. Therefore, in the present study, we examined the association between alcoholism and VNTR polymorphism of DAT1. Methods : Genomic DNA analysis with polymerase chain reaction(PCR) was used to identify the presence of a VNTR polymorphism. It was carried out within a group of 94 alcoholic patients and 113 normal controls. Results : 1) There were no significant differences in allelic or genotype frequencies between the group of alcoholic patients and controls. 2) There were no significant differences in the first drinking age, onset age and latency of alcoholism according to DAT1 genotypes. 3) There was a significant difference in allelic frequencies between alcoholics with family history and those without family history. Conclusions : These results suggested that VNTR polymorphism of DAT1 is unlikely to be a factor in the genetic etiology of alcoholism, but might be related to familial transmission of alcoholism.

      • 만성두통환자에 대한 침치료가 심박변이도에 미치는 영향

        정인태,이상훈,김수영,차남현,김건식,이두익,이재동,임사비나,이윤호,최도영 EAST-WEST MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE KYUNG HEE UNI 2005 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2005 No.-

        Objective : The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of acupuncture treatment for chronic headache patients using power spectrum analysis of the heart rate variability(HRV). Methods : 15 clinical experiment participants were gathered and through a questionnaire patients who experienced headache for more than 4 hours a day and more than 15 days per month were qualified as Chronic Headache patients. Treatment was applied 2 times a weeks for 8 weeks. The acupoints, GV20, HN23, ST8, HN46, TE17, GB20, LI20, LI11, LI14, ST36, and LR3 were stimulated for 20 minutes. The effects of acupuncture treatment were analyzed using power spectrum analysis of the HRV, HRV was recorded before and after acupuncture treatment. Results : HRV before and after treatment was compared after 8 weeks of acupuncture treatment. Increase in mean values of SDNN and RMSSD were observed but the increases were not statistically significants. Increase in mean values of TP, LF and HF were observed but, the increase was significant(p<0.05) only in TP. Conclusions : The results suggest that acupuncture treatment on chronic headache patients can increase the activity of autonomic nervous system. Further use of HRV for quantitative analysis of acupuncture treatment on autonomic nervous system related symptoms is suggested.

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