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      • KCI등재

        Rhese법 촬영에서 시신경구멍의 이중 각도에 대한 연구

        상조(Sang-Jo Park):유지나(Ji-Na Yoo),유명석(Myung-Seok Yoo),허영철(Yeong-Cheol Heo) 한국방사선학회 2017 한국방사선학회 논문지 Vol.11 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 한국인의 시신경구멍의 이중각도를 확인하여 Rhese법에 적용하는 것이다. 먼저 3차원 CT의 MPR 기법을 이용하여 축상면 영상에서 좌측 안구와 정중시상면 사이의 각도를 측정하였다. 두 번째는 MPR 영상의 시상면에서 좌측 안구의 시신경구멍과 OML 사이의 각도를 측정하였다. 시신경과 정중시 상면 사이의 각도는 평균 39.9±4.63° 였고, 이는 Rhese 방법으로 제시해 오던 53° 와 달랐음을 확인하였다(p <0.05). 시신경구멍과 OML 사이의 각도는 40.8±6.6° 였다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 현행 교과서에서 제안된 Rhese 방법의 표준이 한국인에게 적용하기 어려움을 의미한다. 따라서 다양한 일반촬영법에서 한국 표준의 각도의 연구가 필요하고 이에 본 연구가 기초 자료로 활용될 것이라 사료된다. The purpose of this study is to confirm the double of optic foramen in Korean and apply it to the Rhese method. First, the angle between the right optic foramen and the MSP was measured on the axial image using MPR technique of the 3D CT. Second, we measured the angle between the right optic foramen and OML in sagittal of MPR images. As a result, the angle between the optic foramen and the MSP was 39.9±4.63° on average, which was different from the 53° presented by Rhese method(p<0.05). The angle between optic foramen and OML was 40.8±6.6°. In conclusion, this study confirms that the standard of the Rhese method proposed in current textbook is difficult to apply to Koreans. Therefore, it is necessary to study angle of Korean standard in various general x-ray technique.

      • KCI등재

        악취관리지역 인접 생활권에서의 악취 저감 대책에 대한 연구

        현정,최진용,함정아,정민영,유지예,찬진 한국냄새환경학회 2014 실내환경 및 냄새 학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        The study of odor generation conditions in urban areas which were outside odor controlled(or management) areas were investigated using the air dilution olfactory method and instrumental analysis in Incheon city. From the study the generation of odor from residential sources and industrial sources was different from region to region. Odor intensity was high in industrial regions in the afternoon, but was low in school regions in urban areas. From the analysis, more effective regional policy suggestions to address different kinds of odor problems in urban areas are proposed.

      • KCI등재

        일차의료에서 활용 가능한 노쇠 임상진료지침

        유효선,권유진,김선영,김양현,김예슬,김용환,노용균,병진,영규,창해,손정식,신진영,신현영,오범조,이재우,심재용,원장원,유지,이상현,강희택,이덕철 대한가정의학회 2021 Korean Journal of Family Practice Vol.11 No.4

        노인 인구의 증가에 따라 건강한 노화에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 노인들은 다양한 만성질환을 가지고 있으며, 기능 저하를 동반하고 있는 경우가 많다. 따라서 단순히 질환에 대한 관리에만 초점을 맞추어서는 노인 개개인의 건강한 노년과 함께 노인 인구 부양부담이라는 사회적 과제 또한 해결점을 찾기 어려울 것이다. 노인 인구에서 기능적인 부분에 대한 중요성은 세계보건기구(WHO)의 노화(Aging)에 대한 기조를 통해서도 확인할 수 있다. WHO는 2015년리포트를 통해 건강 노화를 노년기의 웰빙을 가능케 하는 기능적인능력을 유지하고 개발하는 과정이라고 정의하였으며, 2020년에는기능적인 부분을 다시 한 번 강조하며 관련된 실행 계획을 발표하기도 하였다. 노화와 그에 대한 관리에 있어서 이러한 관점 변화의 맥락에서 노쇠는 더욱 중요성이 커지고 있다. 노쇠는 노화에 따른 기능 저하로 인해 외부 환경에 적절히 대응할 수 없는 상태를 의미하며, 이러한 노쇠한 상태로 인해 특별한 질병이 없는 노인이라고 하더라도 독립적인 생활을 유지하기 어려울 수 있다. 따라서 노쇠를 찾아내고 적절히 관리하는 것은 건강 노화를 위해 매우 중요한 일이라고 할 수 있다. 국내에서도 고령화 추세에 따라 노쇠의 유병률이증가하고 있다. 때문에 노쇠의 관리에 대한 중요성을 인식하고 그에대한 관심도 높아지고 있지만, 아직까지 이에 대한 표준화된 지침이마련되어 있지는 않다. 이러한 이유로 일차의료 현장에서 지역사회거주 노인을 대상으로 노쇠를 찾아내고 적절한 관리를 시행함으로써, 노인 개개인이 건강한 노년을 영위하고 지역사회의 부양부담을줄일 수 있도록 하기 위한 목적으로 본 진료지침이 개발되었다. 실제 임상 현장에서의 적용 및 추후 관련된 연구 결과들을 바탕으로수정을 거쳐 부족한 부분을 보완해 나갈 예정이므로, 진료 현장에서, 특히 일차의료 환경에서 본 진료지침이 노쇠 관리에 적절히 사용될 수 있기를 바란다.

      • KCI등재

        미디어 노출에 의한 간접외상이 외상 후 스트레스 증상에 미치는 영향 : 온라인 설문 조사 연구

        상의,유지,이정현 대한불안의학회 2018 대한불안의학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Objective : Several earlier studies have reported similar symptoms in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who have been repeatedly exposed to relevant media after disasters and trauma. This study aimed to examine the effects of indirect trauma experience through media rather than direct traumatic events on an individual’s social life. Methods : Five hundred and fifty-four individuals participated in our online, self-reported questionnaire survey. All subjects were asked to complete a demographic questionnaire, Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Korean version of Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test, Patient Health Questionnaire-15, Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire- Revised. Participants were assessed in regards to their experience of violent media exposure within the past three months. Results : Data from our study indicates that the group exposed to violent media had significantly higher perceived stress, physical symptoms, insomnia, and suicide ideation in comparison to the control group. Among the major symptoms of PTSD, the proportion of intrusion symptoms was relatively high in the media exposed group. Conclusion : This suggests that indirect trauma caused by media exposure could cause post-traumatic stress symptoms. The PTSD caused by indirect trauma may have slight differences from the PTSD caused by direct trauma. Therefore, it is necessary to understand, prevent, and control the adverse effects of media. (Anxiety and Mood 2018;14(2):71-79)

      • KCI등재

        Development of Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Guideline Rating the Physical Impairment; Kidney, Bladder, Urethra, Male and Female Reproductive Systems (Preliminary Report)

        유지,손승환,백경훈,이정주,김장환,종관,류기성,전종관,조용균,정재용,김상현 대한의학회 2009 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.24 No.-

        For the evaluation of the kidney impairment, serum creatinine concentrations or glomerular filtration rates are mainly used, and the conditions of solitary or transplanted kidney and chronic dialysis are also taken into the considerations. Some symptoms and signs of the chronic renal disability in spite of adequate treatment add one additional grade. For evaluating bladder and urethral impairment, the criteria include voiding symptoms and signs. The patients with urinary diversions have impairment grades depending on the alteration of upper urinary tract function. For penile impairment, the degrees are evaluated using the international index of erectile function, nocturnal penile tumescence and color doppler ultrasonography. For evaluating impairment of other male reproductive organs, functional and anatomical changes of these organs, analysis of the semen or hormones and the state of solitary testis are used as the criteria. For evaluating impairment of female reproductive organs, pregnancy potential, requirement of continuous treatment and the ability of sexual intercourse are used. Also, degree of impairment is modified according to the ages in evaluating female reproductive systems. We have tried to make this evaluation system objective, scientific, and convenient, but still find it leaving much to be desired.

      • KCI등재

        변혁적 리더십이 직무만족 및 직무성과에 미치는 영향

        유지용(Ji Yong Ryu),지수(Ji Soo Park),기봉(Ki Bong Park) 한국조리학회 2013 한국조리학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        This study presented a theoretical research system about the impact of boss` transformational leadership that is recognized by super luxury hotel chefs on their job satisfaction and performance, and on the basis of this theoretical background, the model was derived and the hypothesis was confirmed by empirical research. A frequency analysis was conducted to determine the general characteristics of the 245 samples collected in this study, an exploratory factor analysis for the verification of the validity of boss` transformational leadership, employees` job satisfaction and job performance, and ``Cronbach`s a`` was used for the verification of reliability. In addition, a canonical correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between transformational leadership, job satisfaction and job performance, and the influencing relations of variables were verified by running a multiple regression analysis through SPSS ver 18.0 statistical package in order to verify this research model and hypothesis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, it was shown that the transformational leadership charisma (p<0.01) and only the individual concern (p<0.1) had a positive influence on job satisfaction. Second, as a result of understanding the impact of the transformational leadership on the job performance through a regression coefficient, it was shown that only boss` intellectual stimulation had an impact on the chef`s job performance (p<0.005). Through the results of an empirical analysis that boss` transformational leadership had a correlation and a significant impact on job satisfaction and job performance, the effort of providing the systematic support and motivational aspects of supporting environment will be needed.

      • KCI등재

        도시환경 개선을 위한 민원유형별 악취관리 방안 연구

        찬진,유지 한국냄새환경학회 2020 실내환경 및 냄새 학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        The number of complaints of odor in urban area has been increased due to mixed industrial areas of odor-related factories and municipal waste treatment odor-producing facilities located in adjacent residential regions. In this study, the characteristics of odor were reviewed according to two types of complaint from regions in Incheon area. In this study, the characteristics of odor were reviewed in two patterns of odor complaints in Incheon area such as the complaints are maintained high continuously and are increased in recent period. International city with largescale residential areas with the environmental facilities and redevelopment of residential regions with the adjacent industrial complexes and other odor emission sources were analyzed. Based on these characteristics, the odor management measures of major odor generating sources in order to improve urban environment were discussed with reducing odor complaints effectively.

      • KCI등재

        광산배수에서 황산염 제거를 위한 황산염환원균의 활성도 연구

        현성,고명수,이상환,홍지혜,조상현,유지,조정희,이종운 한국자원공학회 2016 한국자원공학회지 Vol.53 No.5

        Several substrates were applied to evaluate the sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB) activity and sulfate removal from sulfate-rich mine drainage. Among the substrates, single cow manure and its mixture induced sulfate reduction; in addition, 90% of total sulfur was removed from mine drainage. The sulfates in Postgate medium added to these inocula were also reduced by 90% after 22 days. Although sulfide reduced by SRB existed in the form of H2S and HS ‒ in circumstantial pH, it was probably removed by gas dissociation of H2S because of low divalent metal concentrations in mine drainage. Inocula incubated onto Postgate media in anaerobic condition showed more heterotrophic anaerobe colony in mixture of cow manure and mushroom compost due to microbial diversity. The subsidiaries such as limestone and rice straw did not concerned SRB activity and removal of sulfur species, and it could be appled to substrate mixtures to enhance permeability and to prevent the channeling in full-scale passive treatment. 황산염 함량이 높은 광산배수를 대상으로 다양한 기질물질을 적용하여 황산염환원균의 활성도와 황산염 제거율을 평가하였다. 적용 기질물질 중 우분 단독 또는 우분이 포함된 버섯퇴비 및 혼합퇴비에서 황산염이 대부분 환원되고 총 황의 제거율이 90% 이상 제거되었다. 우분과 우분이 포함된 기질물질 조합을 Postgate 액상배지에 접종하여황산염 환원 양상을 분석한 결과 22일 경과 후 90% 이상 황산염이 환원되는 것으로 나타났다. 황산염환원균에 의해환원된 황산염은 주어진 pH 조건에서 HS ‒ 또는 H2S로 존재할 것으로 예측되고, 광산배수 내 낮은 2가 중금속 함량으로 인해 H2S가 기체상으로 해리되어 총 황이 제거 되는 것으로 추측된다. 또한 Postgate 평판배지에 접종하여 혐기적조건에 배양한 결과 우분과 버섯퇴비가 상대적으로 많은 군집이 계수되었는데 이는 버섯퇴비 내 존재하는 다양한 혐기적 종속영양균 때문인 것으로 보인다. 기질물질의 자연정화공정 적용 시 발생하는 투수율 저감과 편류현상 방지를위해 보조제로 석회석과 볏짚을 첨가한 결과 황산염 환원과 용존 총 황의 제거에 영향을 미치지 않아 보조제로서 적용이 가능한 것으로 판단된다.

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