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      • KCI등재

        연령집단에 따른 노인의 허약(Frailty) 예측요인 분석

        조성은 ( Cho Sung Eun ),최은영 ( Choi Eun Young ),오영삼 ( Oh Young Sam ),김영선 ( Kim Young Sun ),김성복 ( Kim Seong Bok ) 한국보건사회연구원 2017 保健社會硏究 Vol.37 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 연령집단에 따른 허약의 예측요인을 분석하는 것이다. 연구의 목적을 위해 2014년 노인실태조사를 사용하여 총 4,123명을 분석의 대상으로 설정하였다. 허약을 예측하는데 있어 연령의 중요성을 고려하여, 본 연구는 대상자를 75세 이상 85세 미만의 중 고령노인집단(n=3,373명)과 85세 이상의 초 고령노인집단(n=750명)으로 분류하여 연구모형을 검증하였다. 중 고령노인집단에서 전 허약노인과 허약노인은 각각 1453명(약 43%), 1,268명(약 37%)으로 나타났으며, 초 고령노인 집단에서 전 허약과 허약노인은 304명(약 40%), 396명(약 52%)으로 나타났다. 회귀분석의 결과 건강단계에서 허약전 단계로 진입하는 예측요인은 중 고령노인집단에서는 여성, 낮은 교육수준, 많은 만성질환, 낙상 유경험자, 높은 우울, 낮은 인지기능이 허약 전 단계를 예측하는 유의한 변인으로 밝혀졌으며 초 고령노인집단은 여성, 높은 우울, 낮은 사회활동이 유의한 예측요인으로 밝혀졌다. 허약 전 단계에서 허약 단계로의 진입을 예측하는 요인으로는 중 고령노인집단은 여성, 높은 연령, 미취업, 많은 만성질환, 낙상 유경험자, 높은 우울, 낮은 인지기능이 유의한 변인이었으며, 초 고령노인 집단은 높은 연령, 많은 만성질환, 높은 우울, 낮은 인지기능이 유의한 예측요인으로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구는 연령의 세분화와 다각적인 요인의 접근으로 허약의 예측요인을 밝히고자 하였다. 연구를 통해 밝혀진 예측요인은 추후 허약에 대한 다각적 연구의 기초자료로서 활용되리라 기대한다. This study aims to investigate the predictors of frailty in different age groups. To address this purpose, this study used the 2014 Survey of the Living Conditions of the Elderly (SLCE). In the research model, 4,123 older adults aged 75 and older were included from the SLCE. All participants were subdivided into two age groups based on their age; the young old group (75-85) and the old-old group (85+). The young old group consisted of 1,453 (43%) pre-frail older adults and 1,268 (37%) frail older adults; the old-old group consisted of 304 (40%) pre-frail older adults and 396 (52%) frail older adults. Our regression analysis showed that in the young-old, being female, lower levels of education, having more chronic diseases, having fall experience, higher depression, lower cognitive functioning significantly predicted transition to pre-frailty from non-frail status. In the old-old, being female, higher depression, lower level of social activity were significant predictors. On the other hand, predictors of transition to frailty from pre-frail status in the young-old were being female, higher age, being unemployed, having more chronic diseases, having fall experience, higher depression, lower cognitive functioning. In the old-old, predictors of transition to frailty from pre-frail status were only higher age, having more chronic disease, higher depression, and lower cognitive functioning. The research findings can be used as a reference point in the making of strategies for preventing frailty.

      • KCI등재

        노년기 주관적 연령과 건강노화와의 관계: 연령집단별 분석

        최은영 ( Choi Eun Young ),조성은 ( Cho Sung Eun ),오영삼 ( Oh Young Sam ),장희수 ( Chang Hee Su ),김영선 ( Kim Young Sun ) 한국보건사회연구원 2017 保健社會硏究 Vol.37 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 노년기 주관적 연령(스스로를 노인 혹은 비(非)노인으로 인지하는지 여부)과 건강노화와의 관계를 연령집단에 따라 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위해 2014년 노인실태조사 대상자 중 연소노인(65~74세)과 고령노인(75~84세)을 연구대상으로 선정하였다. 연구의 주목적인 주관적 연령과 건강노화 간의 관련성을 검증하기 위해 연소노인 및 고령노인 집단별로 다중회귀분석(multiple regression analysis)을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 주관적 연령과 건강노화의 관계는 연령집단별로 다른 양상을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 연소노인에서 주관적 연령이 비(非)노인인 경우, 높은 수준의 인지기능과 적은 만성질환 수, 낮은 수준의 우울, 그리고 높은 수준의 사회활동 참여를 보이는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 반면, 고령노인인 경우 주관적 연령은 인지기능을 제외하고 건강노화의 다른 세 요소와 유의미한 관련이 없었다. 본 연구는 주관적 연령을 건강노화의 새로운 고려요소로 제시하여, 두 요소의 관련성을 통합적인 차원에서 살펴보았다는 의의가 있다. 또한 노인을 연령대에 따라 구별된 집단으로 살펴봄으로써, 주관적 연령과 건강노화의 연관성이 연령집단마다 상이한 양상을 보임을 밝혔다는 의의를 가진다. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between subjective age (whether one subjectively perceives himself as `the elderly` or `not the elderly`) and healthy aging. Using data from the 2014 National Elderly Survey (KIHASA), this study selected a total of 9,653 participants consisting of young-olds (aged 65-74) and old-olds (aged 75-84) For both the young-old and the old-old, multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the research model. In the young-old population, one`s considering oneself as “non-elderly” was significantly associated with higher cognitive functioning, fewer chronic diseases, lower depressive symptoms, and higher level of social engagement. On the other hand, in the old-old population, one`s considering oneself as “non-elderly” was associated only with higher cognitive functioning, and not with the other domains of healthy aging. The findings suggest that subjective age can be considered as an important predictors of older adults` healthy aging. These findings indicate that the association between subjective age and healthy aging has a different pattern depending on the age group.

      • HIV 감염자에 대한 달팽이 엑기스의 혈액면역학적 효과

        조영걸,이희정,오원일,강은숙,김은순,김영봉,조양자,조군제 大韓免疫學會 1996 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.18 No.2

        A unique sialic-acid-binding lectin from giant African snail Achatina fulica(AF) has a T cell mitogenicity. It was also noted that acetone extracts of AF have a anti-HIV effect in vitro. Thirty HIV-infected individuals(HIV+) were treated with AF extract(40% Chunho extract) for average 5. 5 months. Peripheral blood sampling and questionnaire were done every month after take. There was a significant decrease of WBC from 4 months after take. As a result, lymphocyte counts also decreased(P<0.01). However, there was a significant increase of CD4+T cell percentage from 1 month(P<0.01). The mean increase of CD4+T cell count was significant for first one month(39/pl)(P<0.05). Body weight also increased significantly(P<0.05). Over 90% HIV+ ex-pressed symptomatic improvement and wanted to be treated with AF extract continuously after the end of this study. In one HIV+ treated with AF for 19 months, the increases of CD4+T cell percentage and counts over 11 times after AF extract take were mean 67% and 85%, respectively, compared to baseline value. These data strongly suggest that aqueous AF extract has a immune enhancing effect on HN+.

      • 18–30세 사이에 발생하는 뇌경색의 특징, 다기관 레지스트리 연구

        장윤경,송태진,김용재,허지회,이경열,김영은,장민욱,조수진,강석윤 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2017 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.40 No.3

        Objectives: Although there have been several reports that described characteristics for young age stroke, information regarding very young age (18–30 years old) has been limited. We aimed to analyze demographic factors, stroke subtype, and 3-month outcome in acute ischemic stroke patient who have relatively very young age in multicenter stroke registry. Methods: We evaluated all 122 (7.1%) consecutive acute ischemic stroke (within 7 days after symptom onset) patients aged 18 to 30 from 17,144 patients who registered in multicenter prospective stroke registry, 1997 to 2012. Etiology was classified by Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment criteria. Stroke severity was defined as National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and stroke outcome was defined by modified Rankin scale (mRS) at 3 months after index stroke. Results: The mean age of all included patients was 25.1±3.7 years and 76 patients (62.2%) were male. The median NIHSS at admission was 4. Considering stroke subtype, 37 patients (30.3%) had stroke of other determined etiology (SOD), 37 (30.3%) had undetermined negative evaluation (UN) and 31 (25.4%) had cardioembolism (CE) were frequently noted. After adjusting age, sex and variables which had P<0.1 in univariable analysis (NIHSS and stroke subtype), CE stroke subtype (odds ratio, 4.68; 95% confidence interval, 1.42–15.48; P=0.011) were significantly associated with poor functional outcome (mRS≥3). Conclusion: In very young age ischemic stroke patients, SOD and UN stroke subtype were most common and CE stroke subtype was independently associated with poor discharge outcome.

      • KCI등재

        물질남용 치료프로그램 후 재범여부에 대한 예비적 추적조사 연구

        김현수,조선미,오은영,임기영,정영기,윤웅장,이영미 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.6

        연구목적: 본 연구는 물질사범에게 시행되는 수강명령 프로그램의 효과를 재범률을 중심으로 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 방 법: 이 연구의 대상집단은 보호관찰소에서 의뢰받은 물질남용자집단이다. 이들은 법원으로부터 보호관찰, 수강명령, 치료명령, 사회봉사 등을 부과받았다. 총 104명의 대상자집단을 치료프로그램을 이수한 수강군과 비수강군으로 나누었으며 이들에 대한 재범률을 조사하였다. 결 과: 프로그램을 이수한 수강군이 비수강군에 비해 재범률이 낮았다(p<.05). 또한 단기 수강군과 장기수강군의 재범률의 차이를 조사하였는데 대상자 집단의 수가 적기 때문에 장기 수강군의 효과가 통계적으로 입증되지는 않았다. 결 론: 우리는 물질남용자에 대한 정책이 보다 교육적으로 변화할 것을 본 논문을 통하여 제시하려 하였으며 정부 및 법무부는 물질남용자에게 교육과 치료를 제공해주어야만 한다. Objectives: Using recidivism rate, we investigated the outcome after our substance abuse treatment program had been implemented. Methods: Our target population was substance abuse criminals referred by probational office. They either received the parole and probation order, treatment order or social service order from the court. We divided 104 substance abuse criminals into treatment group and non-treatment group. We examined their recidivism rate. Results: We reached a conclusion that treatment group had lower recidivism rate than non-treatment group(p<.0.5). We examined the effectiveness of short-term and long-term programs. However, no effectivess of long-term program was found because the sabject number was too small. Conclusion: We suggest that the strategies for substance abuse should be changed to more educative ones. The Government and Ministry of Justice must provide education and treatment to the substance abuse criminals.


        Three-Dimensional Porous Collagen/Chitosan Complex Sponge for Tissue Engineering

        Kim, Sung Eun,Cho, Yong Woo,Kang, Eun Jung,Kwon, Ick Chan,Lee, Eunhee Bae,Kim, Jung Hyun,Chung, Hesson,Jeong, Seo Young The Korean Fiber Society 2001 Fibers and polymers Vol.2 No.2

        A three-dimensional, porous collagen/chitosan complex sponge was prepared to closely simulate basic extracellular matrix (ECM) constitutes, collagen and glycosaminoglycan. The complex sponge was prepared by a lyophilization method and had the regular network with highly porous structure, suitable for cell adhesion and growth. The pores were well interconnected, and their distribution was fairly homogeneous. The complex sponge was crosslinked using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethyl aminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) to increase its boilogical stability and enhance its mechanical properties. The crosslinking medium has a great effect on the inner structure of the sponge. The homogeneous, porous structure of the sponge was remarkably collapsed in an aqueous crosslinking medium. However, the morphology of the sponge remained almost intact in a water/ethanol mixture crosslinking milieu. Mechanical properties of the collagen/chitosan sponge were significantly enhanced by EDC-mediated crosslinking. The potential of the sponge as a scaffold for tissue engineering was investigated using a Chinese hamster ovary cell (CHO-K1) line.

      • 인터넷 이용 환경, 개인적 스트레스와 대처양식, 가정환경, 부모양육태도가 문제적 인터넷 사용 청소년군에 미치는 영향

        조인희(In Hee Cho),김순재(Soon Jae Kim),장은영(Eun young Jang),정건(Gun Jung),서동혁(Dong Hyuck Suh) 대한사회정신의학회 2002 사회정신의학 Vol.7 No.2

        연구목적: 최근 수년사이 인터넷 이용인구의 폭발적인 증가와 더불어 인터넷의 문제적 사용과 연관된 개인의 기능영역, 가정생활, 사회적 영역에서의 문제가 점차 증대되고 있다. 이에 인터넷 사용에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 다음의 세가지 요인, 즉 인터넷 사용 장소 (환경적 요인), 개인의 스트레스와 대처양식(개인적 요인), 가족의 분위기와 부모양육태도(가정 요인)가 문제적 인터넷 사용에 미치는 영향을 평가하고 이를 통하여 적절한 치료적 개입을 찾고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 남녀 고등학생 795명을 대상으로 먼저 인터넷 사용장소에 따른 인터넷 사용실태 설문조사를 시행하여 사용 장소에 따라 인터넷의 문제적 사용의 정도 및 성향의 차이를 비교 분석하였다. 두번째로 Young의 인터넷 중독척도를 사용하여 대상군을 중독 군과 비중독군으로 구분한 뒤 스트레스 척도, 대처양식 척도, 가정환경척도 중 관계영역척도, 부모양육행동척도를 실시하여 이러한 변인들이 인터넷 중독에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 결 과: 집에서 인터넷을 사용하는 군이 PC방을 이용하는 군보다 유의하게 높은 중독점수를 보였으며 인터넷을 시작한 시기는 더 늦은데 반해서 사용빈도나 사용시간이 유의하게 더 높았고 사용조절에서도 더 많은 어려움을 보였다. 중독수준에 따른 각 요인들의 비교분석결과 중독군 남학생에서 스트레스 점수가 유의하게 높았으며 대처양식에서 중독군이 비중독군에 비해 행동적극적 대처와 회피적 대처가 유의하게 높았다. 가정환경척도에서 중독군의 가족간 결합력, 표현력점수는 유의하게 낮고 갈등점수는 유의하게 높았으며 부모양육행동에서 중독군이 아버지의 합리적 설명과 애정은 적고, 부모 모두의 비일관성, 과잉기대, 과잉간섭, 학대와 방치하는 양육행동이 유의하게 더 높았다. 결 론: 본 연구 결과 PC방보다는 집에서 인터넷을 사용하는 청소년들이 인터넷의 문제적 사용으로 이행될 수 있는 빈도나 사용행태 에서의 문제점들이 더 많이 드러나는 바 부모들의 적절한 감독과 관심이 요구되며 중독군에서 일상에서 지각되는 개인의 스트 레스는 높으나 대처양식에서는 부정적, 회피적 전략을 많이 사용하며 가정환경이나 부모양육태도에서도 부정적이고 비지지적 환경을 일관되게 보고하고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 그러므로 청소년의 문제적 인터넷 사용 자체를 문제시하고 금지하기 이전에 개인의 스트레스 요인을 살피고 부모, 가족이 지지적 환경을 제공하도록 돕는 것이 인터넷 사용상의 문제에 대한 포괄적이고 일차예방적 효과를 가질 것으로 기대된다. Objectives:This study was intended to investigate the influences of the place for internet use, perceived stress, copying style, family support, parenting behavior on maladaptation in the adolescents with problematic internet use. Methods:The subjects of this study were 795 high school students in Incheon. They completed self-report questionnaires containing Questionnaires designed by authors, Young’s Internet Addiction Scales, Scales for the Perceived Stress, Copying Style, relationship sub-scales of Family Environment Scale and Parenting Behavior Inventory. Results: 1) Compared with the PC bang users, personal computer users at home had significantly higher mean addiction scores, spent more time for internet use, and had more difficulty with self-control. 2) Addictors, especially male addictors had significantly higher stress scores than non-addictors. 3) Addictors had significantly higher behavioral coping scores and avoidant coping scores than non-addictors. 4) Addictors had significantly higher family conflict scores, lower family cohessiveness scores and lower family expression scores than non-addictors. 5) Addictors experienced significantly less affection and reasoning from their father than non addictors. In addition, addictiors perceived significantly more physical abuse, intrusiveness, over-expectation, neglect, inconstancy from both parents than non addictors. Conclusion:Compared with the PC bang users, personal computer user had higher risk for problematic internet use. So they need more parent monitoring and help. Addictors had more daily stress, but used avoidant strategy to cope their stress and experienced less supportive family environment and negative parenting behavior than non-addictors. We recommend that parents pay attention to their adolescent’s stress factors and make effort to give the supportive environment and positive parenting behaviors.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간호실무에서 신봉이론(Espoused theories)에 대한 탐색적 연구

        서문자,김혜숙,이은희,박영숙,조경숙,강현숙,임난영,김주현,이소우,조복희,이명하,지성애,하양숙,손영희,권성복,김희진,추진아 성인간호학회 2001 성인간호학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        As a nursing practice involves nurses' actions in a specific context of health care, this study has focused on exploring the espoused theories in nursing practice within the action science perspectives, Espoused theories are the belief, principles, and rationale expressed by the practitioner as guiding her/his actions in a situation of practice. The data were analysed qualitatively and 25 elements of espoused theories of nursing action were identified and clustered into 6 categories. The 25 elements of espoused theories are as follows: The clinical nurse worked in wholistic and individual nursing, focussed on the patient's needed, comfort and supportive nursing (5 theories of nursing goal) ; excellent skills, knowledge based, assessment and data collection, explaining, educating or a scientific basis(6 theories of nursing intervention): advocacy, value oriented, treatment, account- ability and commitment(4 theories of nursing ethics) ; human respect. partnership, trust(3 theories of patient-nurse relationship) : knowledgable, accumulated clinical experiences and personally lived experiences. positive perspectives(4 theories of nurse), role of intervention. rewarding peer relationship(3 theories of situations) The above mentioned espoused theories are similar to that of nursing textbooks which students learned through basic nursing education and almost the same as the Acts ofa Nurse in Korean. However, we are doubtful whether nurses actually do as they think. Therefore. it is recommended to review the theories-in-use in order to and any discrepancies between the espoused theories and the reality of nursing actions

      • KCI등재

        반말체 어미 ‘-게’의 의미기능 연구

        이한민 ( Lee Han-min ),조은영 ( Cho Eun-young ) 국어학회 2015 국어학 Vol.74 No.-

        본고는 조은영·이한민(2011)에서 정리하였던 연결어미에서 종결어미화된 ‘-게’의 의미기능과 문법화 과정의 연장선상에서 추가적인 ‘-게’의 용법으로 [가정]과 [추측유도]의 의미기능을 살피고자 하였다. [가정] ‘-게’구문은 조건절인 선행절과 결과절인 후행‘-게’절로 구성되며, 선행절의 부정을 이끄는 반어적 진술의 수사의문문으로 사용된다. [가정] ‘-게’는 선어말어미 ‘-었-’이 결합할 수 있는 점, 후행 ‘-게’절이 단독으로 쓰일 수 없는 점, 의미적으로 후행절의 내용이 선행절을 강조하는 기능을 한다는 점에서 [완료결과] ‘-게’와 연관성을 보인다. [추측유도] ‘-게’구문은 화자가 알고 있는 어떠한 사실에 대하여 청자의 ‘추측을 유도’하는 발화에서 사용되며, 설명의문문 형식이나 선택의문문 형식으로 쓰이지만, 청자로부터 신정보를 얻기 위한 질문으로는 사용되지 않는다. [추측유도] ‘-게’절은 선어말어미 ‘-었-’이 결합할 수 있는 점, 이미 이루어진 상황 혹은 확정된 사실에 대한 것이라는 점에서 [완료결과] ‘-게’와 유사한 의미를 보인다. 그러나 단독으로 사용될 수 있는 구문인지, 발화의 초점이 ‘-게’절에 있는지의 여부에서 차이를 보인다. [가정]은 [완료결과]와 통사적, 의미적으로 비슷한 부분이 많고, [완료결과]와 동일한 형식의 문장이 [가정]의 쓰임을 보이는 과도기적 형태도 존재한다. 따라서 [가정]은 [완료결과] 이후에 연결될 수 있는 단계로 볼 수 있다.[추측유도]의 경우에는 [완료결과], [가정]과 통사적, 의미적으로 공통적인 부분이 있지만, 조은영·이한민(2011)에서 정리한 종결어미 ‘-게’의 단계별 의미기능과 함께 다룰 수 있을지에 대해서는 결론을 내리지 못하였다. [추측유도]가 연결어미 ‘-게’에서 문법화한 종결어미가 아니라 다른 기원을 갖는 ‘-게’의 의미기능일 수도 있다는 가능성도 열어 두어야 할 것이다. 다만, [추측유도] ‘-게’가 공시적인 쓰임에서 연결어미 ‘-게’에서 문법화한 종결어미의 의미기능들과 연관성을 가지는 것은 분명하다. This paper tries to figure out the additory usage of final ending ‘-ge’―the semantic function of [supposition] and [assumption inducement]― as an extension to the grammaticalization process of final ending ‘-ge,’ originated from a connective ending ‘-ge’ organized by Cho, Eun-Young & Lee, Han-Min (2011). The sentence structure of [supposition] ‘-ge’ is consisted of the antecedent clause, which is a conditional clause, and the following clause ‘-ge’ clause, and is used as a rhetorical interrogative of an ironic statement denying the antecedent clause. It also shows some correlation with [completion result] ‘-ge’, considering the fact that ‘-ge’ can be combined with the tense prefinal ending ‘-eoss-’, and that following ‘-ge’ clause cannot be used by itself, and that the following clause can emphasize the antecedent clause semantically. The sentence structure of [assumption inducement] ‘-ge’ is often used when inducing a listener to make an assumption of a matter that a speaker already knows. However, it is not used as a question to get a new information from the listener although it may be used in a form of a wh-question or an alternative question. [Assumption inducement] ‘-ge’ clause shows some similar meaning with that of a [completion result] ‘-ge’ clause regarding the fact that it can be combined with the tense prefinal ending ‘-eoss-’ and that this clause is about something that has already happened or determined. However, it shows some differences in that whether this sentence structure can be used alone or its focus point of utterance is on ‘-ge’ clause itself. There exists several similarities between [supposition] and [completion result] in syntactic and semantic context, in addition to a transitional phase in which a sentence is used as a [supposition] clause when sentence structures exhibit identical features to [completion result]. Thus, it can be seen that [supposition] is a connecting stage following the [completion stage]. In case of [assumption inducement], there exists several similarities between [assumption inducement], [completion result] and [supposition] in syntactic and semantic context. However, the authors were not able to draw a definitive conclusion as to whether [assumption inducement] can be dealt with changing meanings of semantic functions of final ending ‘-ge,’ organized in Cho, Eun-Young & Lee, Han-Min (2011). Thus, there is an implied possibility that [Assumption inducement] may not be a grammaticalized final ending ‘-ge’ but that of different origins with dissimilar semantic functions. In the synchronic use, however, it is certain that [assumption result] ‘-ge’ has a definitive correlation with semantic functions of final endings that are grammaticalized in the connective ending ‘-ge.’

      • KCI등재

        Factors associated with the risk of colorectal neoplasia in young adults under age 40

        Ilsoo Kim,Han Hee Lee,Young Jae Ko,Ho Eun Chang,Dae Young Cheung,Bo-In Lee,Young-Seok Cho,Jin Il Kim,Myung-Gyu Choi 대한내과학회 2022 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.37 No.5

        Background/Aims: Recent epidemiologic studies have shown a continued increase in colorectal cancer incidence among younger adults. Little is known about the factors that contribute to the development of young-onset colorectal neoplasia (CRN). Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was performed for individuals younger than 40 years who underwent colonoscopy in Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital and its affiliated health screening center. High-risk CRN was defined as adenoma or sessile serrated lesion ≥ 10 mm, with three or more adenomas, villous histology, high grade dysplasia, or carcinoma. Results: Of these 13,621 included participants, 2,023 (14.9%) had one and more CRN. Young patients with CRN tended to be elderly, male, obese, smoker, having a habit of drinking, and having comorbidities such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. In a multivariate analysis adjusted for age, sex, obesity, smoking status, and alcohol intake, old age (odds ratio [OR], 1.086; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.054 to 1.119), male sex (OR, 1.748; 95% CI, 1.247 to 2.451), obesity (OR, 1.439; 95% CI, 1.133 to 1.828), and smoking (OR, 1.654; 95% CI, 1.287 to 2.127) were independent risk factors for overall CRN. Obesity and smoking as two modifiable factors increased the risk for high-risk CRN even more than for overall CRN (OR, 1.734; 95% CI, 1.168 to 2.575 and OR, 1.797; 95% CI, 1.172 to 2.753, respectively). Conclusions: Obesity and smoking were modifiable risk factors for CRN in young adults. They increased the risk for highrisk CRN even more than for overall CRN. A colonoscopy might be beneficial for young individuals with these factors.

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