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        유아교사 인성교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과

        김영은 인지발달중재학회 2017 인지발달중재학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        This program aimed to develop a character education program for enhancing early childhood teachers’ job performance, core competence, and self-esteem and verify the effects of the program for the management regarding the quality of early childhood teachers. To this end, a final program was developed through literature review, a survey on needs, and a focus group interview. The participants of the program included 40 early childhood teachers randomly sampled from kindergartens and child care centers in B Metropolitan City. The students were divided into experimental and control groups with 20 participants each. Furthermore, in order to verify the effect of the program, pre- and post-tests were conducted using the character self-assessment scale. The multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted using the SPSS (ver. 21). The results of the study are as follows. First, the character education program improved early childhood teachers’ self-esteem. Second, the program had a positive effect on early childhood teachers’ character self-assessment. Therefore, this study is significant in that it has developed a character education program which enhances early childhood teachers’ job performance corecompetence and self-esteem. 본 연구의 목적은 유아교사의 질 관리를 위해 직무와 핵심역량을 강화하고 자아존중감을 증진하고자 인성교육 프로그램을 개발하여 그 효과를 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위해 문헌고찰 및 요구도 조사를 실시하고 FGI(Focus Group Interview) 전문가 협의를 거쳐 최종 프로그램을 개발하였다. 본 프로그램의 연구참여자는 B광역시에 위치한 유치원 및 어린이집 교사 40명을 무선표집 방법으로 표집하여 각각 20명씩 실험․비교집단으로 구성하였다. 또한, 효과 검증을 위해 본 프로그램 실시 전후 자아존중감 및 인성 자기평가 검사 도구를 이용하여 사전․사후 검사하였다. 분석방법은 SPSS(ver. 21) 통계프로그램을 이용하여 다변인공변량분석(MANCOVA)을 실시하였다. 결과를 살펴보면 첫째, 본 인성교육 프로그램은 유아교사의 자아존중감을 향상시켜주었다. 둘째, 인성교육 프로그램은 유아교사의 인성 자기평가에 긍정적인 효과가 있었다. 따라서 본 연구는 유아교사의 직무 능력과 핵심역량을 강화하고 자아존중감을 증진하는 인성교육 프로그램을 마련하였다는데 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        LXR 고아핵수용체 관련 신호 억제를 통한 연교의 sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c 조절

        김영은,박선동,김영우 대한한의학방제학회 2022 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.30 No.3

        Objectives : Brain-Liver axis is an important target of the chronic human diseases. Hepatic steatosis is one of the most famous disorders in the chronic diseases. This study investigated the moderating effect of beneficial herbs on the fat accumulation, which is mediated by the LXR alpha-SREBP-1c signaling pathway. Methods : In order to confirm the SREBP-1c inhibitory effect, we performed immonoblotting ananlysis using HepG2 cells and Huh 7 cells treated by T0901317, the ligand of LXRα. Results : Forsythiae suspensa water extract (FSE) was not cytotoxicity in cell lines. FSE inhibited SREBP-1c protein expression in HepG2 and Huh7 cells induced by T0901317. In addition, FSE increased the phosphorylation of LKB1, which is associated with LXR-related pathway in HepG2 and Huh 7 cells. Conclusions : These results showed that FSE activated LKB1 to suppress SREBP-1c, which protects the cells against oxidative stress.

      • KCI등재

        박경리 장편소설에 나타나는 여성 내면 형성과 주체성 연구- 『죄인들의 숙제』를 중심으로

        김영은 한국예술종합학교 한국예술연구소 2022 한국예술연구 Vol.- No.35

        본고에서는 박경리 장편소설 『죄인들의 숙제』(경향신문, 1969)를 중심으로 여성 인물들의 내면 형성과 주체성에 대해 논하고자 한다. 이에 억압 기제로 모성 이데올로기와 어머니의 부재를 살펴볼 것이며 병리적 증상 표출과 죽음에 이르는 결말에 주목한다. 여성의 선택이 사회적 의미화 과정을 통해 여성 주체성과 연관되어 있음을 밝힌다. 여성 내면 형성 과정에 1960년대 근대화 사회가 요구한 모성 이데올로기가 있다. 여성 인물들은 공통적으로 ‘결혼’이란 제도권을 중심으로 갈등한다. 한편에는 한국전쟁의 상흔으로 어머니의 부재가 있다. 한국전쟁은 필연적으로 가족해체를 가져오며 고아의식을 낳는데, 인물들의 유년기 트라우마 형성에 중요한 축이 된다. 여성 인물들은 병리적 증상을 보인다. 여성 내면은 발화되지 못하고 신체적 불구, 정신적 질병, 자살이라는 극단적 선택으로 표출된다. 이는 남성 인물들을 두렵게 하는 서사 갈등의 중심 소재이기도 하다. 여성 인물들은 질병을 앓음으로 스스로 병든 존재임을 깨닫는다. 이들의 죽음은 사회적 타살임과 동시에 가부장제를 이탈, 거부하는 저항으로 이해된다. 특히 박경리 여성 인물 특유의 결벽성이 두드러지는데, 이는 가부장제 사회에 저항하고자 스스로를 내던지고 버리는 주체적 태도로 읽어볼 수 있다. In this paper, I discuss the inner formation and independence of female characters in Park Gyeong-ri’s novel The Fate of Sinners. I look at maternal ideology and orphan consciousness as a mechanism of oppression, and the conclusion as an expression of pathological symptoms and death. The process of forming women’s inner bodies during the 1960s, a period of modernization, conflicted with the institutional sphere of ‘marriage’. Furthermore, the Korean War led to the dissolution of the family and the formation of childhood trauma for the characters creating an orphan consciousness as a scar of the Korean War. Female characters show pathological symptoms, such as physical disability, mental illness, and suicide. This is also the central subject of fear for the male characters. Their deaths are understood as social murder and also as resistance to leaving and rejecting patriarchy.

      • KCI등재

        초등교사가 인식하는 진로교육 영역에 대한 교육요구도 분석

        김영은 한국실과교육연구학회 2018 實科敎育硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference between the present level and the importance level of career education area recognized by elementary school teachers. To do this, a survey was conducted and the priority order through the needs assessment was suggested. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, it was found that the current level of career education area recognized by elementary school teachers were recognized all Area above the level of 3 points (normal) of the Likert scale. Second, it is found that the required level of career education area recognized by elementary school teachers were recognized to be roughly the Likert scale by 4 points (high). Third, the area to be developed in the first place through Borich’s requirements and the Locus for Focus model was self-determination and positive self-conceptualation, interpersonal and communication skills development. 이 연구의 목적은 “2015 학교 진로교육 목표와 성취기준”에 제시된 진로교육 영역을 초등교사 입장에서 현재 자신이 할 수 있는 능력 수준과 해당 영역을 수업하기에 요구되는 능력 수준 정도를 파악하여 교육요구도를 분석하는 것이다. 이 연구의 주요한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등교사가 인식하는 진로교육 영역에 대한 현재 자신의 능력 수준은 5점 척도 중 3점(보통) 수준 이상으로 모든 영역을 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 교직경력이나 진로교육 연수 유무에 관계없이 비슷한 결과로 나타났다. 둘째, 초등교사가 인식하는 진로교육 영역에 대한 향후 요구되는 능력 수준은 모든 영역에서 3점(보통)후반에서 4점(높음)이상으로 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 현재 자신의 능력 수준에서와 같이 교직경력이나 진로교육 연수 유무에 관계없이 비슷한 결과를 보였다. 셋째, Borich의 요구도 공식과 The Locus for Focus 모델을 통해 최종 우선순위 결정한 결과 1순위로 개발되어야 할 영역은 자아 이해 및 긍정적 자아개념 형성과 대인관계 및 의사소통역량 개발로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한의 증례 공유시스템 개발

        김영은,김보영,김성하,손미주 한약정보연구회 2020 한약정보연구회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose: This study aimed to develop a system that can be used by clinicians practicing Korean medicine (KM) to record necessary elements of case reports in a scientific manner. Methods: A common KM case report template and web-based system were developed through a KM chart-item review. The case entry structure of this system was established according to the CARE guidelines developed by the EQUATOR Network. The system structure was confirmed after 5 KM clinicians validated its usability. Results: A total of 835 items from 39 charts used in KM hospitals and clinics were analyzed. Among the KM-specific components, the item for a pattern identification (PI) diagnosis was made according to a chart frequency analysis, and the treatment item was selected according to herbal medicine and acupuncture reporting guidelines. The case data were recorded in the following order: patient demographic information, disease history, symptom changes including PI, treatment according to the timeline, and final treatment evaluation. This web-based KM case reporting system is available at https://www.kmpedia.kr. Conclusion: This case reporting system is expected to contribute to the present literature on KM-based clinical data. The analysis of this data will, in turn, lead to valid scientific evidence to support the practice of KM in the future.

      • 動物硬組織抽出物에 依한 麻藥中毒解毒性에 關한 硏究 : 第一報 : 窄山甲 및 家畜의 角 및 蹄(牛角, 牛蹄, 馬蹄, 豚蹄)에서 分離한 Keratin의 麻藥中毒患者 習慣性治療에 對한 特效性에 關하여 (Ⅰ) Studies on the curing effect of Keratins from Squama manitis, and from domestic animal's horns and hoofs on narcotic addiction.

        金泳垠,徐鴻洙,金完圭,金光銖 서울대학교 1967 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        One of Korean folk medicine consisted with eight oriental crude drugs, Panax Ginseng Radix alba, Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz var. purpurea Makino, Cyperus rotundus L., Angelica gigas Nakai, Anisomeles indica O. Kunze, Strychnos Ignatii Bergius, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. var. glandulifera Regel et herder, and Squama Manitis(the back of Manis pentadactyla L.) has been known to have some effectiveness against narcotism. From a series of systematic clinical investigation, it was noticed that antinarcotic activity is originated in Squama Manitis and rest of seven drugs do not show any significant effect upon removing abstinence symptom. In other to pursue an active ingredient and to increase its potency in Squama Manitis, it was ground to 200 mesh powder and extracted with 95% ethanol. The 95% ethanol a insoluble residue was extracted repeatedly with 70% ethanol at room temperature. The 70% ethanol insoluble residue was then extracted repeatedly with large excess amount of hot water(80―90℃). The combined hot water extract (50 times of original powder volume) was reduced its volume about one hundredth on the water bath. The precipitate which was produced by condensing the extract was separated, washed with 70% ethanol, 95% ethanol, ethyl ether, and dried over phosphorus

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