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김계형,김낙현,김문석,김충종,전재현,박완범,장원종,박상원,김익상,오명돈,최강원 대한감염학회 2008 감염과 화학요법 Vol.40 No.6
Infectious diseases imported from other countries have increased as more and more Koreans are going abroad for various purposes. Tsutsugamushi disease from other endemic area such as Southeast Asia is important, because it can occur in any season and eschar may be absent. We report a case of imported tsutsugamushi disease acquired in the Philippines. A patient presented with fever, headache, and maculopapular skin rash. However, eschar was absent. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for 56-kDa gene of Orientia tsutsugamushi using buffy coat was positive. Serum indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay was initially negative but became positive with a titer of 1:320 at follow-up, Sequencing analysis revealed the strain to be 100% identical to the TW73R strain identified in Taiwan. After the patient received doxycycline, body temperature normalized in 12 hours. Tsutsugamushi disease is one of the differential diagnoses that should be included for patients with fever who have recently returned from Southeast Asian countries. PCR for O. tsutsugamushi using patient's buffy coat was useful for early diagnosis.
輻射난방공간의 熱環境 特性에 따른 老人의 主觀的 反應評價에 關한 硏究
전규엽,이상홍,홍원화 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.6
This study aims to present the basic data for the establishment of indoor optimal thermal environment in housing for the aged by through field and subject response survey and experiment in model living room. As the first pace of study, the thermal-environment factors were defined by the measurement of physical thermal environment element (dry bulb temperature, radiative temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity) and the environmental needs of the residents was investigated through the questionary survey of the response to thermal environment in welfare facility with radiation heating for the aged in Teagu during winter in 2001. As a result of it, a model living room was designed and structured as a actual domestic room. Physical thermal-environment factors and environmental needs of the occupants in radiative heating space were examined thoroughly by measuring physical thermal environment element and investigating subjective response according to varied condition. The result of study can be summarized as follows; The value of the floor temperature in model living room was 30~34℃ according to temperature control of a constant temperature water tank. In particular, the value of the floor temperature was 33~34℃ and air temperature was 27~28℃ when the constant temperature water tank was 70~80℃. At this point, the value(38~42%) of indoor relative humidity was in the standard(37~48%) of relative humidity comfort. And also, occupants felt somewhat warm at the body on the whole as well as at the lower part of the body. However, the response of occupants was uncomfortable comparatively at the upper part of the body. The reason of that was seemed to be lack of ventilation and stifling atmosphere of the spot.
加減茵蔯蒿湯 水鍼液이 膽道結紮로 유도된 肝損傷에 미치는 영향
成樂箕,金元信,田炳薰,李建穆 대한동의병리학회 1993 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.8 No.-
연구배경 : 肝癌 및 肝硬變은 韓國人의 疾病으로 인한 중요한 喪亡原因의 하나이며, 특히 우리나라 B型肝炎의 流行地域으로 急慢性 肝炎이나 肝經辨證, 肝癌의 發病率이 높다. 그리하여 肝硬變症을 寢具治療法중 水鍼을 이용하여 肝의 募穴인 期門穴에 投與하면 治療效果가 있는지에 대하여, 그리고 藥量에 따라 治療效果가 달라지는 지에 대하여 알아보기 위하여 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법 : 加減茵蔯蒿湯 水鍼液을 膽道를 結紮한 白鼠에 26guage의 1ml 주사기를 이용하여 투여하였다. 經穴은 人體의 期門에 相應하는 左石部位와 腹部內의 任意의 部位를 設定하여 매일 1회 7주간 수침하였다. 결과 : 體重과 Total Bilirubin은 實驗群 A, C에서 有意性 있는 增加와 減少를 보였고, WBC·ALT·AST·ALT 및 Cholesterole은 全實驗群에서 有意性 있는 減少를, Albumin은 全實驗群에서 有意性 있는 增加를 각각 나타내었으며, 組織學的 觀察도 全實驗群에서 有意性을 나타내었다. 또한 Hydroxyproline도 實驗群 A, B에서 有意性있는 減少를 보였다. 결론 : 加減茵蔯蒿湯 水鍼液을 膽道를 結紮한 白鼠의 期門穴에 投與한 缺課 有意한 효과를 보였으나 水鍼量에 따라 有意性의 차이가 있어 敵意한 水鍼量을 투여하는 것이 治療시 重要하다고 思料되며, 또한 水鍼에 대한 安全性 問題에 대하여서도 더욱 硏究할 필요가 있다. In order to study the effects of the water extract of Gagaminjinhotang in the Meridian points Liv 14 on the liver damage indued by bile duct ligation during 7 weeks after the operation of bile duct ligation, blood was taken from the heart and body weight, WBC, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total bilirubin, ALT, AST, ALP, cholesterol, albumin and hydroxyproline were in each experimental apparatus. The results of this study were as follows; 1. Body weight of EXA, C were significantly increased by the water extract of Gagaminjinhotang. 2. WBC of EXA,B,C were significantly decreased by the water extract of Gagaminjinhotang. 3. RBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit of EXA,B,C were not significantly influenced by the water extract of Gagaminjinhotang. 4. Total bilirubin of EXA,C and direct bilirubin of EXA,B,C were significantly decreased by the water extract of Gagaminjinhotang. 5. ALT, AST,ALP of EXA,B,C were significantly decreased by the water extract of Gagaminjinhotang. 6. Cholesterol of EXA,B,C, were significantly decreased by the water extract of Gagaminjinhotang. 7. Albumin of EXA,B,C, were significantly increased by the water extract Gagaminjinhotang. 8. Hydroxyproline of EXA,B were significantly decreased by the water extract Gagaminjinhtang. 9. On the histological observation, the results of the experimental groups showed significant hepatoprotective effects compared with control group from 3 weeks after the administration of the water extract of Gagaminjinhotang. According to the above result, it is suggested that the water extract Gagaminjinhotang was significantly effective in WBC, bilirubin, ALT, AST, ALP, cholesterol, albumin and hydroxyproline level and then it seems to be applicable to the fibrosis or cirrhosis of liver.
田炳薰,陸相元,李光揆 대한동의병리학회 1996 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.10 No.2
땀이란 人體內에서 體溫을 調節하고 老廢物을 排泄하는 등의 중요한 生理作用을 한다고 알려져있다. 韓醫學에서는 津液의 一種이라하여 汗出에 대한 警覺心을 强調하기도 하였으며 發汗法에 대한 重要性과 이것으로 因한 後遺症을 警告하기도 하였다. 이에 筆者는 正常的인 新陳代謝로서의 땀이 生理機能失調로 인한 非正常的인 땀이나 汗蒸 혹 찜질방 등의 人爲的인 發汗으로 인한 땀과는 本質的으로 差異點이 있을 것으로 思料되어 땀에 대한 여러 가지 文獻을 整理하여 발표하고자 한다. It is known sweat plays important roles in temperature regulation and secretion as phtsical action. In oriental medicine, it is regarded as a kind of dody fluids, and the importance and the side effects of excessive eprspiration were emphasized. The objective of this study is to investigate literature and introduce the results because there will be the difference between the usual sweat for metastasis and the extraordinary sweats by failure of physical funciton, sauna and other artificial perspiration. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Swteat is a kind of body fluid and the sweat for physical is considered to be made up of water component and made by the weakness of defensive energy of lung. 2. The function of activity of gi by triple heater brings about the thin and clear fluid and the fluid is made by the opening and closing function of defensive energy. 3. The disorder of opening and closing function comes about sponataneous perspiration and night sweats, spontaneous perspiration is divided into disharmony between Ying and Wei, insufficiency of both the spleen and the lung of gi and so on, and night sweats is divided into deficiency of the heart blood and deficiency of Yin brings about interior heat-syndrome. 4. Swear is named variously. 1) By the time and feeling : spontaneous perspiration, night sweats. 2) By the perts of body : perspiration on the forehead, chest, nose, groin, hand and foot and so forth. 3) By the color : yellow, red, green sweat. 4) By the condition : perspiration after shivering, hot and cold sweats and so on.
악성 섬유성 조직구종의 기원에 관한 면역조직화학적 및 초미세형태학적 연구
전호종,임성철,강종식,김일,황호원 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1991 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.15 No.1
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma(MFH) was first terminologically introduced in 1963 to refer to a group malignant soft tissue tumors characterized by a stonform growth pattern and these tumors are a oup of sarcomas composed of cells morphologically resembling fibroblast and histiocvte. The histogeisis of MFH is still controversial, but a more complete appreciation of it's morphogenesis has been ovided by tissue culture and ultrastructural studies. In the present study, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies of seven cases of MFH disclosee maturation and development of principal types of cells constituting MFH and immunohistochemical actions to investigate the histogenesis of malignant fibrous histiocytoma. The results obtained were as follows. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma composed of different portions of fibroblast-like cells, histiocyte-like cells, cells intermediate between histiocyte-and fibroblast-like cells, multinucleated giant cells, undif ferentiated cells, xanthomatous cells and myofibroblast. The principal cell types of malignant fibrous histiocytoma were fibroblast-like, histiocyte-like, intermediate (fibrohistiocytoid) and undifferentiated cell. There were cells bearing variable stages of differentiation along the fibroblastic and histiocytic lines from undifferentiated cells. 2. There was no difference in cellular composition ultrastructurally between storiform-pleomorphic, myxoid and inflammatory subtypes. 3. Junctional complexes were shown in fibroblast-like, histiocyte-like cells, intermediate cell and myofibroblasts. Long desmosomes were observed in histiocyte-like cells, intermediated cells and myofibroblasts, Paired subplasmalemmal densities were also shown in fibroblast-like cells and. intermediate forms. 4. Immunohistochemical reactions revealed strong staining reactions for α1-antitrymotrypsin in histiocyte=like cells and multmucleated giant cells. Vimentin was reactive for fibroblast-like cells, histsiocyte-like cells and multinucleated giant cells. However, no evidence of staining reactions for α1-antitrypsin, a1-antichymotrypsin, vimentin, lysozyme in the cells of early stage of differentiation along the fibroblast and histiocyte-like cells from the undifferentiated cells. 5. In conclusion it is suggested that malignant fibrous histiocytoma may be considered a primitive mesenchymal tumors originating from undifferentiated cells.
전원선,이상철,김현정,배상병,김찬규,이남수,박노진,이규택,박성규,홍대식,박희숙,원종호 순천향의학연구소 2007 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.13 No.2
Thymoma is associated with myasthenia gravis, Pure red cell aplasia, and autoimmune diseases such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, and hypogammaglobulinemia. It's association with aplastic anemia is rare and aplastic anemia appearing after surgical removal of thymoma is especially rare. The authors hereby report a case of aplastic anemia occuring in a patient who was diagnosed with thymoma and myasthenia gravis and had the tumor surgically removed. The patient was treated with anti-thymocyte globulin, cyclosporin, and prednisolone, and showed partial remission with hematologic improvements after 12 months.
냉각면이 있는 정방형내 이종유체의 저온거동에 관한 실험적 연구
전승배,장원택,김병철 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2007 機械技術硏究 Vol.10 No.1
Two stratified fluids (water and spindle oil) in aspect ratio of 1 to 1 were studied experimentally with the variation of an initial temperature and a cooling surface temperature in the square cavity with a lower cooling surface. With the initial temperature being varied, a cooling surface temperature were varied. With supercooling phenomenon being processed, a latent heat was emitted. The temperature of the spindle oil was increased with the occurrence of the latent heat. In case of initial temperature was low. the supercooling phenomena were observed and continued up to the end of experimental.
전태원,이상일,윤종국 대한의생명과학회 2000 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.6 No.4
Cyclohexane에 의한 생체장기의 독성을 검토할 목적으로 휜쥐에 체중 kg당 1.56 g의cyclohexane을 복강으로 1일 1회 2일 간격으로 4회 투여한 다음 24시간 후에 처치하여 각 장기 (간,신장, 비장, 심장, 소장, 위 및 폐)의 체중 당 장기무게 (%)와 조직세포중 glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) 활성변동을 측정한 결과, 실험군의 체중 당 폐무게가 대조군에 비하여 현저하게 증가 (p<0,001)하였고 이와는 반대로 G6pase 활성은 유의한 (p<0.001) 감소를 나타내었다. 그러나 폐를 제의한 장기에서는 별다른 차이를 볼 수 없었다. 이러한 결과는 cyclohexane이 주로 폐조직에 독작용을 야기시킨다는 것을 시사해 주고 있으며, 폐조직에서 malondialdehyde 함량이 대조군에 비하여 유의하게 (p<0.05) 증가된 것이 이를 뒷받침 해 주고 있다. 한편, cytochrome P450에 의해 나타나는 aniline hydroxylase활성은 폐조직이 간조직에 비하여 대단히 낮았으며, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) 활성 역시 간조직 보다 현저하게 낮게 나타났다. 그리고 cyclohexane투여로 인하여 ADH 활성은 간 및 폐조직 모두에서 증가하였으나 간조직에서 더욱민감한 반응을 나타내었다. 이상 실험결과를 종합해 볼 때, cyclohexane은 폐조직에 주로 독성을 나타 내며 이는 간조직에서 대사된 cyclohexane의 독성 중간대사산물인 cyclohexanone이 혈류를 통해 폐조직에 분포되어 나타난 결과로 사료된다. In order to search the target organ of cylclohexane toxicity, the rats were intraperitoneally treated with cyclohexane (1.56 g/kg of body wt.) four times every other day. In the increasing rate of organ weight per body weight (%) in cyclohexane-treated animals, the lung was highest among the liver, spleen small intestine, stomach, heart and kidney. And in the decreasing rate of glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase) activity in each organ that of lung was also highest among all organs. Lung MDA content was significantly increased (p<0.05) by the cyclohexane treatment. On the other hand, microsomal aniline hydroxylase activity in lung tissue both of control and cyclohexane-treated rats was greatly low as could be scarcely measured, but that in liver possessing high activity was significantly increased (p<0.05) in cyclohexane-treated rat compared with control. Alcohol dehydrogenase activity in lung was markedly higher than that of liver and the latter was significantly (p<0.05) increased by the cyclohexane treatment. In conclusion, cyclohexane treatment to the rats showed mainly lung toxicity and it may be responsible far cyclohexanon, cyclohexane metabolite, distributed from liver.
흰쥐에 Xylene 반복 투여가 Xylene의 대사에 미치는 영향
전태원,이혜자,윤종국,이상일,조현국 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 1999 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.5 No.1
실험동물에 xylene의 반복 투여가 이물질의 대사에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 알아보기 위하여 흰쥐에 m-xylene과 olive oil의 동량혼합액을 체중 100g당 0.25ml씩 2일 간격으로 1, 4, 8, 12 및 16회 복강으로 투여한 다음 마지막 투여 24시간 후에 처치하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 요 중 m-methylhippuric acid 함량은 m-xylene 4회 투여군의 경우 1회 투여군에 비하여 약 56%의 유의한 증가를 보였으며 이후 12회 투여까지 유사한 결과를 나타내었으나 m-xylene 16회 투여시에는 xylene 1회 투여군 치와 유사한 치로 감소되었다. 그리고 간조직의 microsomal aniline hydroxylase와 alcohol dehydrogenase 활성은 m-xylene 12회 투여시 까지는 대체적으로 점진적인 증가를 보였으나 이후 16회 투여시에는 12회 투여군에 비하여 유의한 감소를 보였다. 또한 aldehyde dehydrogenase 활성은 m-xylene 투여 회수에 비례해서 전 실험기간 동안 감소되었으며 특히 16회 투여군에서 본 효소활성의 현저한 감소를 보였다. 한편 본 실험조건에서 투여기간에 따른 진자현미경적 미세구조의 변화는 초기에 활면소포체의 증식이 보이다가 16회 투여군에서는 활면소포체가 감소되고 조면소포체가 증가되었다. 이상 실험결과는 흰쥐에 있어서 xylene 투여 회수에 따라서 요 중 m-methylhippuric acid의 농도 변동이 초래되며 이는 효소단백 유도에 따른 xylene 대사효소 활성 변동에 기인된 결과로 생각된다. To evaluate the effect of repeated treatment of xylene on its metabolism, m-xylene (0.25ml of 50% in olive oil/100 g body weight) has been intraperitoneally given to the rats 1, 4, 8, 12 and 16 times every other day. m-Xylene was once more administered to the animals after 24 hrs since last injection of it. And then the animals were sacrificed after 24 hrs. Four times xylene treated rats showed the significantly elevated urinary m-methylhippuric acid, compared to those treated with the singe dose of m-xylene with the continued similiar high levels of urinary m-methylhippuric acid up to the animals pretreated 12 times and then those treated 16 times defined the significantly decreased urinary m-methylhippuric acid compared to those treated 12 times. On the other hand, hepatic aniline hydroxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities demonstrated a gradual increase from the first group to the 12 times xylene-treated animals, but those treated 16 times showed the significantly decreased value compared with the 12 times treated-group. And aldehyde dehydrogenase activities in rats treated with m-xylene 8, 12 or 16 times were significantly decreased compared to those pretreated one or four times. In the early stage of xylene administration, proliferation of SERs were seen whereas SERs were decreased and RERs were clearly increased in xylene-treated rats 16 times. These results indicate that the frequency of xylene injection may influence upon the changes in xylene metabolite, m-methylhippuric acid and it may be due to induction of xylene metabolizing enzymes.