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      • E. coli 과량발현을 통한 B형 간염 바이러스 preS1 유도체의 안정한 동위원소 N의 치환

        박병관,김세하,한규훈,김선영,홍요정,이시형,한동설,김순종,박진구 木浦大學校基礎科學硏究所 1997 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.15 No.-

        We have used molecular biology technique to label the side chains and backbone of HBV preS1(1-56) with stable isotope (??) during E. coli over-expression and purified the protein to near homogeneity. The expression level of ?? labelled preS1(1-56) seems to be ∼15% of the total protein. to characterize the secondary structure of the labelled protein, circular dichroism was used. In different buffer conditions including pH 3.3 and pH 7.4 the protein seems to be devoid of any stable secondary structure probably suggesting that the N-terminal portion (preS1(1-56)) of HBV preS1 might be unstructured before binding to its target cells.

      • 충북지역 여성가구주의 현실과 자립정책방안

        박현순 나동석 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2007 한국사회과학연구 Vol.29 No.1

        충북지역에서도 여성가구주의 빈곤이 타인구층보다 심화되는 빈곤의 여성화 현상들이 나타나고 있다. 그러나 이에 대해 지방정부는 여전히 기존의 성별분업체계에 기반한 정책에 의존하고 있다. 다시 말해 여성을 기존의 시장에 적응하게 하는 모부자지원법과 국민기초생활보장법으로 제공하는 여성관련 복지정책과 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 충북지역의 상황도 기존의 방법으로는 여성가구주 가족의 다양한 문제를 담아내기 어려운 현실을 보여주고 있다. 공공영역과 가족영역, 노동시장영역의 접점에 있는 여성가구주의 문제는 성인지적 관점을 통해서 담아질 수 있으므로 충청북도를 비롯한 시군구 복지정책과 서비스개입에서 이 관점의 도입이 요청된다. 주제어: 성인지, 여성가구주, 빈곤의 여성화, 지방정부

      • KCI등재후보

        다기관 기능부전을 초래한 치명적인 삼일열 말라리아 증례

        박상원,김동우,박주원,이순일,신영학,김의종,오명돈,최강원 대한감염학회 2005 감염과 화학요법 Vol.37 No.2

        삼일열 말라리아는 국내에서 재유행하고 있는 감염질환으로, 일반적으로 양성의 임상경과를 거친다. 저자들은 특이한 질병력이 없이 건강하였던 젊은 성인이 국내에서 삼일열 말라리아에 걸린 후 다기관기능부전과 폐출혈으로 사망한 증례를 경험하였다. 환자의 중증 임상경과를 설명할 만한 특이한 인자가 발견되지 않았다. Vivax malaria is a re-emerging infectious disease in Korea with cumulating 19,416 cases as of December 2003 since 1993. Vivax malaria is generally a benign disease with few severe complications. Even in the worldwide literature, there are only small number of case reports on severe complications. We experienced a fatal vivax malaria in a previously healthy young adult with severe multi-organ failure and fatal massive pulmonary hemorrhage. The patient presented with abdominal pain and shock. There were splenic hemorrhage, disseminated intravascular coagulation, oliguric acute renal failure requiring dialysis, and pulmonary hemorrhage leading the patient finally to death. The initial parasitemia was 2,046/μL. Thin smear and PCR revealed only Plasmodium Vivax. There was no explainable cause of death except for the only serological suggestion of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection without correlating clinical evidence. This is a first case of fatal vivax malaria in Korea since its re-emergence in 1993. Further case monitoring is needed to define whether this is a index case or an isolated one.

      • KCI등재

        함치성 낭의 임상적 및 방사선적 특성

        박성연,남동우,김영진,김현정,남순현 大韓小兒齒科學會 2004 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.31 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 함치성 낭의 임상적 및 방사선적 특성을 세 그룹으로 나누어 살펴보고자 하였다. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ군으로 나누었으며 첫 번째 Ⅰ군은 함치성 낭에 이환된 부위가 유치 하방의 계승 영구치인 군이며, Ⅱ군는 이환부위가 영구 대구치 부위인 군이며, Ⅲ군은 이환부위가 상악 전치부의 과잉치인 경우로 나누었다. 저자는 Ⅰ군의 49증례와 Ⅱ군의 36증례, Ⅲ군의 15증례들에 대하여 이들의 병록자와 파노라마 방사선 사진에 기초하여 임상적 및 방사선적 특성은 비교, 관찰하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 유치 하방의 영구 계승치를 포함하는 Ⅰ군의 49증례로 가장 많았고, Ⅱ군과 Ⅲ군이 각각 36증례, 15증례였다. 2. 함치성 낭은 전체적으로 10대에 가장 호발하였으며, 계승치군인 Ⅰ군에서는 10대 이전과 초반에 87.8%, 대구치 군과 과잉치 군인 Ⅱ군과 Ⅲ군에서는 이보다 늦은 시기에 호발하였다. 3. 남자가 여자보다 2,5배 높은 발생 빈도를 보였다. 4. 환자의 내원 동기는 종창이 50%로 가장 많았고, 정기 검진(32%), 동통(9%) 순이었다. 5. 낭의 유형은 Ⅰ군에서 lateral type이 71.4%로 많았고, Ⅱ군과 Ⅲ군에서는 central type이 각각 94.4%, 100%로 많았다. 6. 병소의 크기는 Ⅰ군에서는 2치관 크기가, Ⅱ군에서는 1치관 크기가, Ⅲ군에서는 4치관 크기 이상이 많았다. 7. 이환된 치아의 대부분은 변위를 보였고, 변위된 치아의 일부에서 치근 발육이 지연되거나 치근 만곡 경향을 보였다. 8. 낭의 성장에 의한 치조골 반응은 Ⅰ근에서는 협측골 팽창(67.3%)이 많았고, Ⅱ군에서는 골팽창이 일어나지 않은 경우(66.7%)가 많았으며, Ⅲ군에서는 구개측 골팽창(60.0%)이 많았다. 9. 낭에 포함되는 치아로는 하악 제 3대구치가 31%로 가장 많았고 하악 제 2소구치(30%), 상악 전치부 과잉치(15%), 상악 견치(8%), 하악 제 1소구치(5%) 순이었다. 10. Ⅰ군에선 추정되는 낭의 발생 원인으로는 치수절단술을 받은 유치가 59.2%로 가장 많았고 이외에 심한 우식 및 치료받지 않은 외상 병력 등 기타 가능한 원인들이 있었다. 11. 함치성 낭의 치료법으로는 Ⅰ군의 경우 61.2%에서 조대술이 시행되었고, Ⅱ군과 Ⅲ군의 경우 61.1%, 80.0%에서 적출술이 시행되었다. The purpose of this study was t o discriminate clinically and radiographically among the three groups of dentigerous cysts studied. First, Group I , involved area of dentigerous cyst was successive permanent tooth area beneath deciduous tooth. Second. Group Ⅱ, involved permanent molar area, and the last. Group Ⅲ, involved maxillary anterior supernumerary tooth area. The author observed and compared the clinico-radiographic features of 49 cases of Group I , 36 cases of Group Ⅱ. and 15 cases of Group Ⅲ of dentigerous cyst and this observation and comparison had been done by based on the charts and panoramic films. The obtained results were as follows: 1. The cases of Group 1 mere 29 cases and, those of Group Ⅱ were 36 and those of Group Ⅲ were 15. 2. The incidence of dentigerous cyst is high in first decade. In Group I, before first decade and early first decade was 87.8%. in Group Ⅱ and Group Ⅲ, was discovered more lately. 3. The frequency of dentigerous cyst is 2.5 times higher in male than in female. 4. The sequence of chief complaint was swelling(50%), routine examination(32%). and pain(9%). 5. When considering the type of the cyst. lateral type is many most in Group I (71.4%) and central type is many most in Group Ⅱ(94.4%) and Group Ⅲ(100%) 6. The most size of dentigerous cyst was 2 crown size in Group I, 1 crown size in Group Ⅱ, above of 4 crown size in Group Ⅲ. 7. Almost involved teeth showed displacement and some tooth of displaced teeth showed delayed root development and dilaceration of root. 8. The most many response of alveolar bone was buccal bone expansion in Group I (67.3%). no bone expansion in Group Ⅱ(66.7%) and palatal bone expansion in Group Ⅲ (60.0%). 9. The percentage of involved teeth were as follows : The mandibular third molar was 31% and many most. The mandibular second premolar was 30%. Mesiodens of maxillary anterior area was 15%. The maxillary canine was 8%. The mandibular first premolar was 5%. 10. In the Group I, causes suggesting of dentigeous cyst are pulpotomized deciduous tooth(59.2%). severe dental caries of deciduous tooth, untreated traumatic history on the deciduous tooth etc. 11. The treatment method of dentigerous was marsupialization in 61.2% of cases of Group I and that was enucleation in 61.1% of cases of Group Ⅱ and in 80.0% of cases of Group Ⅲ.

      • 딸기의 유통실태와 성숙중의 품질변화

        박인경,장경숙,김순동 대구효성가톨릭대학교 식품과학연구소 1993 식품과학지 Vol.5 No.-

        딸기의 유통실태와 성숙중 품질변화를 조사하였다. 딸기의 채과 및 선별시에 상당한 품질손상이 있었다. 또 수확은 과일의 품온을 고려하지 않은체 이루어지고 있었다. 고령 딸기단지에서 생산된 딸기는 소매상 까지 약 25시간이 소요되었고, 계절별 가격차이가 매우 심하였다. 2-3월의 유통수명은 5-6일, 5-6월은 24-30시간 이었다. 착색도 즉 a값과 색포화율로서 본 숙도는 개화 후 28-32일 째가 적숙기 이었으며, 40일 째 이후는 과숙기 이었다. 개화 후 24일째의 미숙과, 32일째의 적숙과, 40일째의 과숙과를 시료로 하여 품질을 평가한 결과 비타민 C, 당, 종합적인 품질은 적숙과가 미숙과나 과숙과에 비하여 현저히 높은 값을 보였고, 산도는 숙도의 진행에 따라 점차 감소하여 당/산 비는 증가하는 경향에 있었다. 또 과숙과는 다소 검붉은 빛이 났으며, polyphenol함량은 숙도의 진행에 따라 감소하였다. Circulation state, and changes in quality during ripening of strawberry were investigated. Tissue damage of the fruit happened when it was harvested and selected. Strawberry has been harvested without considering of fruit temperature in the farm. It takes 25 hours from Goreung which is main production area of strawberry to retailer, and seasonal variation in the price was severe. Self-life of strawberry from Feb to Mar was 5-6 days, and was 24-30 hours from May to June. Disirable ripening stage was 28-30th day after flowering, 40th day and after this was over ripening stage when the degree of ripening estimated by color “a” value and color saturation. Overall eating quality and vitamin C content, and sugar content were more higher in the fruit of the disirable ripening stage than that of unripening and over ripening stage. The blackredness degree was high in the overripening stage.

      • 큰느타리버섯 인공재배에 있어서 배지조성의 영향

        박동철 ; 김순희 ; 강병태 김천대학교 2007 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.28 No.-

        This study was performed to investigate on the combinations of optimal medium for the artificial cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii with the various kinds of substrate and nutrient. It was also tested to the mushroom yields and marketable quality of Pleurotus eryngii. Coconut ML. and bean-curd refuses were effective to the mycelial growth, which showed a similar effects compared to a standard medium. a Pine sawdust was more effective than the softened rice hulls and crude rice hulla on the mycelial growth. Elvan as additives was also showed promotive effects on the mycelial growth. In the test of medium weight, optimal weight in about 1400 ml polypropylene (PP) bottle was about 724 gram to 770 gram under 65% humidity. Most suitable periods of incubation were estimated about 40 days. It could be also considered to use TMR(Total mixed Ratio) in the medium combination as nutrients because the TMR addititon of 170 gram weight showed an excellent formation of fruiting body of Pleurotus eryngii. Finally, the optimum composition of nutrients for both yield and quality turned out to be combination of gluten feed( 21.7%), rice polishing (10.2%), wheat bran(52%), soy-hull uncrushed (13.5%) and shell lime (3.6%). Nutritional analysis of the combined nutrients was appeared to have 11.5% humidity, 15.4% crude protein, 4.5% crude fat, 12% crude fiber, 8.2% cash, 1.2% calcium, 0.94% phosphorus, and 55.4% NFE (nitrogen free extract). In the bulk test of artificial cultivation by mushroom farmer, both yield and quality were very excellent to the previous products by harvesting about 200 gram in a PP bottle without a significant deviation.

      • 韓國人 標準體格과 健康度判定을 위한 標準體重에 關한 硏究

        朴東哲,朴淳永,柳東俊 慶熙大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify the physical growth in Korean. The subjects of this study include both of male and female, who are attending elementary school, middle school, high school, college in middle and large cities and rural areas. The total number of subjects was 144, 583 persons, including 76,402 persons of male and 68,181 persons of female. The researcher measured the physical status of the male and female-in terms of body height, body weight, chest-girth, sitting height-through cross-sectional method. On the basis of the results, calculated the standard values of each body structure, the physical and nutritional indices, fatness and estimate the standard body weight, under-and over weight, the weight of malnutrition and obesity in accordance with age, sex and body height for decision of health level. These surveys and measurements took for 18 months from 1 September, 1986 to 30 April, 1988, and the data from thess surveys were analyzed through computer. The results are as follows. 1. Body Measurements 1) Body height(㎝) In the growth condition of body height, rapid growth has been observed among male in the ages 7-15 and among female 7-13, Growth in terms of body height turned out to be slower among higher ages by both sexes, and the average body height of full-grown Korean youth(20-24 age group) was 170.6±7.1㎝ for male and 159.9±6.3㎝ for female. The maximum growth age and annual increment of body height were 10-11 years old and 6.73㎝ per year for female and 11-12 years old and 6.8㎝ for male. These data show a fact that the female starts to grow earlier than the male by about one year. The age of crossover between the sexes come around 9.5-11.5 years of age, whereupon female outgrows male. 2) Body weight(㎏) Rapid growth, in terms of body weight, which was represented by a straight line on a growth, curve was observed among the both sexes of 7-15 years of age and growth turned out to be slower among higher ages by both sexes. The average body weight of full-grown Korean youth(20-24 age group) was 63.8±6.8㎏ for male and 52.95±6.0㎏ for female. The maximum growth age and annual increment of body weight were 12-13 years old and 6.0㎏ per year for male and 10-11 years old and 5.6㎏ for female. Those data show a fact that the female starts to grow earlier than the male by about two year. The age of crossover between the sexes come around 9.5-12.5 years of age, whereupon female outgrows male. 3) Chest-girth(㎝) Rapid growth, in terms of chest-girth, which was represented by a straight line on a growth curve was observed among the 7-14 years of age for female. The average chest-girth of full-grown Korean youth(20-204 age group) was 89.64±5.86㎝ for male and 83.60±5.38㎝ for female. The age of crossover between the sexes came around 10-13.5 years of age, whereupon female outgrows male. 4) Sitting height(㎝) Rapid growth, in terms of sitting height, which was represented by a straight line on a growth curve was observed among 7-15 years of age for male and 7-14 years of age for female. The average sitting height of full-grown Korean youth(20-24 age group) was 89.64±5.86㎝ for male and 83.60±5.38㎝ for female. The maximum growth age and annual increment of sitting height were 12-13 years old and 3.7㎝ per year for male and 9-10 years old and 4.0㎝ for female. These data show a fact that the female starts to grow earlier than the male by about three years. The age of crossover between the sexes came around 9.5-12.5 years of age, whereupon female outgrows male. 2. Physical and Nutritional Indices 1) Relative body weight Rapid growth, in terms of relative body weight, which was represented by a straight line on a growth curve was observed among the both sexes of 7-16 years of age and the age of crossover between the sexes come around 7-12.5 years of age. 2) Relative chest-girth The status of narrow relative chest-girth were observed at ages 7-14 by males and at 7-12 by the females, which were found to be normal relative chest-girth thereafter with advancing ages. The age of crossover between the sexes come around 7-16 years of age. 3) Relative sitting height The largest values of relative sitting height were obtained with both sexes aged 7, which were found to be declining rather slowly thereafter with advancing ages. Female's index exceeds the male one before 17 years of age and the largest index is limited in 52 to 54. 4) Ro¨hrer index Ro¨hrer index displayed more rich value in case of female than male and in the adolescent period, the level of fullness is lower than after the completion of development. 5) Kaup index In both sexes, Kaup index increased in accordance with advancing ages. The index comes to under 2.02 from 7 to 14 years old in case of male and from 7 to 13 years old in case of female. So the growth of longitudinal axis seemed to be more poor than the one of vertical axis. The index increases beyond 2.0 in case of male of after 15 years old and 14 years old for female. 6) Vervaeck index The values of Vervaeck index were obtained with in the range of 68-91 for male and 71-86 for female, and the index increases in accordance with advancing ages. 7) Pelidisi index The values of Pelidisi index were obtained with in the range of 92.97 in cases of both sexes and index increases in accordance with advancing ages. 3. The fat amount through the method of measurement of physical body. In 7 years of age group, the amount of body fat of male was 3.77±1.25㎏ and that of female was 9.49±2.24㎏. The amount in creased with age to reach for male in 20-24 age group an average 11.39±2.8㎏ and for female 14.81±2.12㎏. In 7 years of age group, the body fat(%) of male was 15.35±5.14% and that of female was 18.01±2.87%, The body fat(%) increased with age to reach for male in 20-24 age group an average 17.63±2.67% and 4.85±4.47% for female. In cases of male, the body fat(%) of 8-13 age group indicated normal range but the other age group indicated higher range. In cases of female, the body fat(%) of below 10 age group indicites lower range and over 11 age group indicates normal range. 4. The standard body weight of the Koreans 1) The standard body weight of Korean youth In case of 7 years age group, correlation coefficient of r=+0.572(P<0.001) between body height and body weight was found in a male group of 2,358 subjects and r=+0.353(p<0.001) was found in female group of 2,461 subjects, from which respective linear regression equation of body weight and body height was established for male and female as follow: For male; Y(B.W.㎏)=0.4059×(B.H,㎝)-26.1 (Sy.x=±3.7) Female; Y(B.W,㎏)=0.1471×(B.H,㎝)+6.3(Sy.x=±5.4) Similar regression equations of body weight and height were found all age groups from 7 to 19 years old and listed in table 18. 2) Standard body weight of Koreans A correlation coefficient of r=±0.320(P<0.001) between body height and body weight was found in a 20-24 age male group of 7,659 subjects and r=+0.301(P<0.001) in a 20-24 female group of 6,693 subjects, from which respective linear regression equation of body weight and height was established for male and female as follows; For male: Y(B.W,㎏)=0.3063×(B.H,㎝)+11.6 (Sy.x±6.4) Female: Y(B.W,㎏)=0.2856×(B.H,㎝)+7.3 (Sy.x±5.7) The standard body weight, under-and over-weight, weight of malnutrition and obestiy of Koreans calculated and listed in table 19-a and 19-b.

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