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        간호실무에서 신봉이론(Espoused theories)에 대한 탐색적 연구

        서문자,김혜숙,이은희,박영숙,조경숙,강현숙,임난영,김주현,이소우,조복희,이명하,지성애,하양숙,손영희,권성복,김희진,추진아 성인간호학회 2001 성인간호학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        As a nursing practice involves nurses' actions in a specific context of health care, this study has focused on exploring the espoused theories in nursing practice within the action science perspectives, Espoused theories are the belief, principles, and rationale expressed by the practitioner as guiding her/his actions in a situation of practice. The data were analysed qualitatively and 25 elements of espoused theories of nursing action were identified and clustered into 6 categories. The 25 elements of espoused theories are as follows: The clinical nurse worked in wholistic and individual nursing, focussed on the patient's needed, comfort and supportive nursing (5 theories of nursing goal) ; excellent skills, knowledge based, assessment and data collection, explaining, educating or a scientific basis(6 theories of nursing intervention): advocacy, value oriented, treatment, account- ability and commitment(4 theories of nursing ethics) ; human respect. partnership, trust(3 theories of patient-nurse relationship) : knowledgable, accumulated clinical experiences and personally lived experiences. positive perspectives(4 theories of nurse), role of intervention. rewarding peer relationship(3 theories of situations) The above mentioned espoused theories are similar to that of nursing textbooks which students learned through basic nursing education and almost the same as the Acts ofa Nurse in Korean. However, we are doubtful whether nurses actually do as they think. Therefore. it is recommended to review the theories-in-use in order to and any discrepancies between the espoused theories and the reality of nursing actions

      • SAS를 활용한 처리의 랜덤화

        양경숙 高麗大學校統計硏究所 2000 應用統計 Vol.15 No.-

        실험계획에서 처리의 랜덤화는 매우 중요하다. 그래서 대부분의 실험계획법 강의 초반에 설명되는 것이 난수나 카드를 이용해서 처리를 랜덤화하도록 한다. 그러나 실제 실험현장에서 난수를 발생해서 처리를 랜덤배치 하는 경우는 드물다. 즉, 개념적인 이해와 이를 체계적으로 시험현장에서 접목시키는 것이 잘 이루어지지 않는 것이다. SAS의 PLAN, FACTEX, OPTEX 프로시저는 실험계획법 강의에서 강조하고 있는 '랜덤화'를 실험현장에서 보다 쉽게 수행할 수 있게 하는 프로시저이다. 본 논문은 대부분의 통계학과 실험계획법 강의에서 다루어지고 있지 않은 이 프로시저에 대해 농업시험연구에서 주로 사용하는 실험계획법을 중심으로 소개한다. It's very important to randomize of treatments in the design of experiments. But, in actual, it dose not seem to be easy for some researchers to apply a randomization to a problem in the field. The PLAN, FACTEX, OPTEX procedures of the SAS system provide some easy methods for randomization of treatments in the design of experiments. This article summarizes that using the SAS procedures for randomization of treatments, especially in agricultural experiments.

      • 비타민 A 섭취가 에탄올을 급여한 흰쥐의 지질함량과 항산화 영양소 상태에 미치는 영향

        양경미,서정숙 경산대학교 생명자원개발연구소 2002 생명자원과 산업 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구는 에탄올의 공급과 함께 비타민 A 활성물질을 식이 중에 보충하여 흰쥐에게 공급한 후 체내 지질 함량과 항산화영양소의 변화를 관찰하고자 시도되었다. 각 실험군은 에탄올을 rq여하고 동시에 비타민 A를 결핍시킨 실험군(FE), 에탄올과 함께 β-carotene 급여군(BE), 에탄올과 retinyl acetate 급여군(RE), 13-cis-retinoic acid 급여군(RAE) 그리고 에탄올 대신에 동일한 열량을 설탕으로 공급시킨 각각의 pair-fed 군(FP, BP, RP, RAP)으로 구분하여 각각 8마리씩 임의배치하여 7주간 액체식이 형태로 사육하였다. 혈장 내 총 지질 함량은 비타민 결핍군에서 가장 높았으며 에탄올 급여군 중 pair-fed 군에 비해서는 RAE군 만이 유의적인 증가를 보였다. 중성지질 함량은 RAE와 RAP군에서 가장 높았으며 에탄올 급여군 중 pair-fed 군에 비해 RE군만이 유의적인 증가를 보였고 인지질은 에탄올과 비타민 A 급여에 의한 영향은 없었다. 총 콜레스테롤 함량은 에탄올 급여군 중 pair-fed 군에 비해 RE군 만이 유의적인 증가를 보였다. HDL-콜레스테롤은 에탄올 급여나 비타민 A의 섭취형태에 의한 차이가 크게 나타나지 않았으며, HDL-콜레스테롤/총 콜레스테롤은 에탄올 급여군 중 BE군 만이 pair-fed 군에 비해 유의적으로 낮았다. 이와같이 혈장과 비타민 A 결핍에 의해서 가장 많은 영향을 받았으며, 이 영향은 비타민 A의 보충에 의해서도 조절될 수 없었다. 혈장내 α-tocopherol 함량은 에탄올 급여로 감소되었으나 간 조직내에서는 β-carotene 섭취군만이 낮은 함량을 보였다. 그러나 간 조직내 tocopheryl acetate 함량은 pair-fed 군에 비해서 에탄올 급여로 현저히 저하되었다. 혈장과 간 조직내에서 에탄올 급여에 의한 비타민 E 함량 감소는 tetinyl acetate 공급으로 그 감소 정도가 가장 저하되었다. 혈장내 총 비타민 C 함량은 에탄올 급여와 동시에 β-carotene이나 retinyl acetate 섭취군이 pair-fed 군에 비해 낮았으며 환원형과 산화형 비타민 C 함량비는 에탄올 급여로 낮았으나 β-carotene을 섭취시킨 군만이 높게 나타났다. 간 조직내 총 비타민 C 함량은 13-cis-retinoic acid 섭취군을 제외한 전군에서 에탄올 급여로 증가되었으며 환원형과 산화형 비타민 C비는 에탄올 급여군 중 β-carotene을 섭취시켰을 때 가장 높았다. 이러한 결과들로 보아 에탄올은 체내 항산화 영양소 상태의 변화를 초래하며 비타민 A의 공급여부 뿐만 아니라 형태별 섭취에 의해서 항산화 영양소 상태가 변화될 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 생체내 항산화 영양소들은 서로 상쇄, 상승 혹은 길항작용을 통해서 상호영향을 미치므로 각각의 항산화 영양소 상태 변화에 대한 정확한 기전규명을 위해서는 다각적인 연구가 요구된다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 지질과산화물의 함량과 체내 항산화 영양소 상태는 상호관련성이 있었으며 본 실험에서 에탄올 공급에 의한 항산화 영양소 함량의 감소는 대체로 비타민 A를 retinyl acetate 형태로 섭취시켰을 때 다소 경감되는 것으로 나타났다. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary vitamin A on the status of lipid content and antioxidants in ethanol-treated rats. Weaning rats were fed a basal diet until they reached about 160-180g body weight. Thereafter, four experimental groups were fed a liquid diet containing 36% ethanol of tatal calorie and four pair-fed groups were fed isocaloric sucrose instead of ethanol. Additionally, the liquid diet contained adequate amount of β-carotene, retinyl acetate, or 13-cis-retinoic acid except vitamin A deficient diet. The rats were sacrificed after 7 weeks of feeding periods. Plasma contents of total lipid triglyceride were increased in vitamin A-deficient and 13-cis-retinoic acid groups. Plasma concentration of total cholesterol in retinyl acetate group was higher than that of pair-fed controls. HDL-cholesterol/total cholesterol was increased in β-carotene group. The hepatic levels of total lipid and triglyceride in β-carotene. The hepatic levels of total lipid and triglyceride in β-carotene and retinyl acetate groups were significantly increased compaired with the pair-fed control groups. Total cholesterol content was significantly increased in vitamin A-deficient group with ethanol. In the changes of antioxidants status, significant decrease in hepatic vitamin E content was found in rats treated with chronic ethanol. However, dietary supplementation of retinyl acetate modified the change to some extent. Total vitamin C content of liver increased in vitamin A-deficient or β-carotene groups with ethanol feeding.

      • 무대의상에 나타난 그로테스크 이미지 연구 : 1990년 이후 무대의상을 중심으로

        양숙희,김유경 숙명여자대학교 건강·생활과학연구소 2004 生活科學硏究誌 Vol.- No.21

        Stage art diversifies the aesthetic values, and therefore, exaggerate the normal or ordinary images to feature them as grotesque or shocking. Such an exaggeration is more peculiar in stage costume or make-up. The stage costume delivers a message to the audience by using a visual language, while it is expressed as grotesque to allow the audience to experience a shocking catharsis. With such basic conceptions in mind, this study was aimed at reviewing the relationship between stage costume and grotesque art form under the circumstances where stage costume pursues an 'ugly aesthetics' and approaching the grotesque stage costumes from a viewpoint of aesthetics. To this end, the stage costumes were analyzed ranging from Renaissance when the term 'grotesque' emerged to symbolism, expressionism and surrealism. The grotesque image during Renaissance period was shown in the stage costumes for commedia dell'arte and court ballet, At that time, costumes were exaggerated for a comic or abnormal or grotesque image. Symbolists personified the dolls or produced Sphinx-like grotesque costumes to create a shocking mood for the audience. On the other hand, expressionist distorted or exaggerated the stage costume designs or silhouettes or changed their colors in order to express men's inside emotion. The result was a grotesque image. Surrealists used surreal objects for the stage costume, while combining the alienated ones, to express a grotesque inharmony. Based on the above discussions, the grotesque images shown in the stage costumes since 1990 were analyzed. To be more specific, based on P. Thomson's theory which attempted to define the grotesque in the 20th century, the researcher categorized the images of the stage costumes into demonic, playful, animal-like and mechanic images and thereby, determined the implications and values of the grotesque art. First, the stage costumes of demonic image appears in the stage costume for the villain characters. Black or red colors are frequently used for this purpose, and in terms of design and details, worn costume, abhorrent decorations or patterns, inconceivable bizarre styles or distorted proportion, balance or unity are used to express a grotesque image. In addition, such make-up properties as mask, mannequin, skeleton, fork-like long nails are used to highlight demon's aggressive and destructive image. The demonic characters are make up for black eyes or bloodless skin. Such costumes invoke a sense of aggression, shocking effect, cruelty, terror, weirdness or abhorrence and thereby, render a grotesque image. Second, the stage costumes of playful image use playful or bizarre styles to express comic but grotesque images. Such costumes use the primary colors mainly, and apply a kitch object to invoke a laughter. For example, the skeleton which is a bizarre object may be painted with the primary colors to look funny, or bisexual or personified costumes are used to invoke laughter and terror simultaneously and thereby, express inharmony and duality of the grotesque. Such playful costumes drive the audience into playful or satirical laughter, sick humor, demonic humor, jest or comic pleasure. Third, the stage costumes of animal-like image puts emphasis on the animal-like instinct inherent in men and thereby, personifies animals or make men and animal coexist. Mainly, hairs, horns, limbs, paws, sharp teeth, tiger felt or other objects invoking the image of beast are used. In other words, the different subjects or men and animals are combined to create an inharmonic, inhumane, abnormal grotesque image. The animal-like stage costumes are reminiscent of inhumanity, ugliness or grotesqueness. Fourth, the stage costumes of mechanic image emphasizes fusion of men and machines or their coexistence in the cyber age, and thereby, highlights anti-machine and inhumane grotesque images. These images are primarily surrealistic, while emphasizing the unbalance of colors or forms. These images use metals or acryl or other new materials, and add the electronic circuit board or sound effect devices to the costumes to predict an age of wearable computer. In addition, they emphasize an inhumane, grotesque image with a geometric make-up. After all, the mechanic image costumes induce the audience to feel an inhumanity and alienation. As discussed above, the grotesque images shown in the stage costumes since 1990 are demonic, playful, animal-like or mechanic, each of which has its own characteristics. As P. Thomson classified, inharmony, comicalness, shock, exaggeration and abnormality are overlapped with each other to express dualistic and insoluble conflicts.

      • 농업연구에서의 반복측정설계에 대한 일반화선형혼합모형의 응용

        양경숙,한원석 高麗大學校 統計硏究所 1999 應用統計 Vol.14 No.-

        농업연구에서 시행되는 시험들 중에는 여러 달에 걸쳐 반복 측정되거나 여러 해에 걸쳐 동일한 실험을 반복 관측하는 사례들이 많다. 그러나 대부분의 자료분석에 있어서 반복 관측된 자료의 구형성 가정을 고려하지 않고 분석하고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 반복요인을 고려한 분산분석방법에 대한 이론적 고찰과 2가지 사례를 통해 반복 측정된 농업시험에 대한 일반화선형혼합모형의 적용을 제안한다. Lots of data in agricultural experiments of the Rural Development Administration of Korea have been obtained by repeated measures design. However, such data have been analyzed without considering the correlation of repeated measures data. In this research report, we propose to application of methods based on to mixed model with special parametric structure on the covariance matrices in addition to univariate and multivariate analysis of variance, especially, on repeated measures data in agricultural experiments.

      • KCI등재후보

        4년제 간호대학(과) 실습 비 및 실습기자재 표준안 개발을 위한 기초조사연구

        신경림,박경숙,안양희,정승교,서연옥 성인간호학회 2003 성인간호학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        To describe the states of the laboratory facilities, equipment and expenses for practice in a four-year nursing schools and to analyze mandatory requirements for laboratory facilities and equipment. Method: A descriptive survey research design was used. The participants were 49 of the 4-year nursing schools across the nation. The data were collected by e-mail. The return rate were questionnaires was 63.3%(n=31). Result: In 2001 the total expenses for laboratory practice were 21,865,230won and the average per student was 102,418won. Types of laboratories included single and complex. The mean size for laboratories was 318.7 m^2 and mean size for laboratories for fundamental nursing was 161.1m^2. The range for number of students in a laboratory class was 20-30 for eight universities(30.8%). Among required laboratory equipment, items that were mercury and aneroid sphygmomanometers for children, electronic sphygmomanometers. Bell type fetal stetho-scopes, sheepskin, beds for children, for gynecology, and electronic hilo beds. Among the elective equipment, items that were deficient in 50% of the universities were O^2 tents, and incentive spirometers. The number of items that needs to add to the equipment and 22 for elective equipment. Conclusion: A standardized mandatory list of equipment for laboratory facilities and expenses for practice in 4-year nursing schools needs to be developed.

      • 지문과 정신분열증

        우숙희,정국동,최송표,조근자,양은진,김수일,박경란,이영호,김원식 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        Fingerprint patterns of 333 schizophreniacs who met with the diagnostic criterias of International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia except items associated with chronicity in exclusion criteria were studied, and the following results were obtained. 1. The frequency distribution of the fingerprint patterns in the 333 schizophreniacs was ulnar loop, whorl, twinned loop, arch, radial loop in order in both control and schizophrenia groups. 2. Finger ridge counts of both sexes were decreased significantly in schizophrenia group. 3. Dissociation of fingerprint pattern in the schizophrenia group was 51.1%, which was far greater than 6.25% of control group. Number of dissociation was greatest in the thumb, followed by index, middle, ring, and little finger in order. According to the above results, it is considered that both the number of finger ridges and degree of dissociation of fingerprint patterns were closely related with schizophrenia. Analysis of fingerprints and palmprints with the aid of chromosomal analysis would contribute the early diagnosis and prevention of schizophrenia.

      • KCI등재

        치매노인에 대한 인정 요법(Validation Therapy)의 효과

        김경애,하양숙 대한간호학회정신간호학회 1998 정신간호학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Validation therapy was originated by N. Feil who had questioned the benefit of reality orientation for disoriented old people Validation is a therapy communicating with elderly demented people and is based on an attitude of respect and empathy for them. In validation therapy individuals with dementia are neither forced into orientation nor to change their behavior. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of validation therapy on Korean dementia sufferers. 29 subjects with dementia and lived in J residential home in Seoul were selected for a nonequivalent, non-synchronized control group design. 14 of them were assigned to the experimental group and 15 to the control group. A program comprising 10 sessions group validation therapy was conducted for 2 weeks in January 1998. The evaluating tools of this study were Clifton Assessment Procedures for the Elderly(Pattie & Gilleard, 1979) and Apparent Emotion Rating Instrument(Snyder etc, 1997). Fisher's exact x^2-test and t-test were used to analyse the group equivalency and ANCOVA was to test the hypotheses. Analysis of data showed that, following validation therapy, there was a statistically significant difference in behaviour and emotion between the experimental and the control group Social behaviors such as helping others, understanding what was told, being understood, etc were much more increased than functional behaviors like incontinence, getting lost, disordered appearance, etc. Positive emotions-pleasure, interest, and tranquility were much more increased than negative emotion-depression, anxiety, and anger. It has been revealed that most validation techniques were effective for Korean dementia sufferers. Therefore, dementia care givers are recommended to learn how to use validation techniques so that the dementia sufferers may relieve anxiety and maintain dignity. The results of this study suggest that validation therapy is a potentially valuable nursing intervention for people with dementia and warrants further investigation.

      • KCI등재

        일 농촌지역의 우울 증상에 관한 역학연구 -위험요인 및 요인구조분석

        하양숙,홍진표,김한규,이군희,한경자,조맹제,김용익,송미순,박성애,김창윤 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.2

        연구목적 : 세계적으로 널리 사용되는 우울증 척도인 the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D)을 이용하여 지역사회 주민의 우울증상의 정도를 평가하고, 우울증상의 위험요인을 분석하고, 한국인에서 우울증상의 요인구조를 알기 위해 본 연구를 실시하였다. 방 법 : 경기도 일 농촌 지역의 30세 이상 주민에 대해 무작위 군집 집락 추출을 실시하였고, 훈련된 면담원들이 가정 방문을 통하여 면접 및 자기보고 검사인 CES-D를 실시하였다. 총 1,315명에서 응답을 하였고 응답율은 59.3%이었다. 결 과 : CES-D에 의한 우울증 점수는 0∼5점이 57%정도를 차지하였고, 평균 점수는 남자 7.8점 여자 9.5점으로 비교적 낮은 편이었다. ANCOVA 분석 결과 비결혼, 저학력, 여성이라는 위험요인은 독립적으로 우울증상을 악화시키는 요인이었으나 연령은 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. CES-D 결과를 요인분석을 시행한 결과 4가지 요인이 추출되었는데 우울증상 및 신체증상이 한 개의 요인으로, 다른 나라에서 보고되지 않는 정서적 고통이 별도의 요인으로 추출되었다. 결 론 : 국내 역학 조사에서도 외국과 유사한 우울점수 및 위험요인이 확인되었으나 우울증의 요인에서는 특이한 요인이 추출되었다. 한국인에 독특한 우울 반응에 관한 추가 연구가 필요하다. Objectives :The rates, correlates, and factor structure of depressive symptoms in a Korean rural sample were examined using Korean version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D). Methods : Door to door visiting survey was conducted by trained interviewers. A random cluster sample of 1,315 respondents, aged 30 and over completed the CES-D scale along with additional sociodemographic questionnaire. Results : In this sample, mean CES-D score of male and female were 7.8 and 9.5, respectively which were lower than those reported previously. Symptoms of depression were most common among the less educated, non-married and female according to ANCOVA. Age was not a significant risk factor for depressive symptoms. Different factor structures emerged from this sample as compared to other studies using this approach. Somatic symptoms and affective symptoms were combined as one factor and emotional hardship emerged as a separate factor. Conclusion : Symptoms scores and risk factors were similar to the results reported in other countries but unique factor structures were found in this study. Further research is needed about the Korean depressive symptomatology and related areas.

      • 어린이집 식단의 영양 균형성 평가

        이양자,곽동경,이해숙,오경원 연세대학교 생활과학연구소 2001 生活科學論集 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was carried out to evaluate the nutritional balance of recipes collected from five Day-Care Centers; three public and two private centers. Nutrient contents of recipes were evaluated by a self-developed computer program, focusing on the balance of 1) general nutrients, 2) fatty acids and 3) amino acids in lunch and afternoon snack for children aged 4 to 6. The average intake levels of calories, calcium, vitamin A were lower than the recommended levels of the RDA/3. The energy construction of carbohydrate, protein, and fat (CPF ratio) was 56:17:27. The subjects consumed 4.1g of polyunsaturated fatty acids, 2.6g of monounsaturated fatty acids, and 2.4g of saturated fatty acids per lunch and afternoon snack per day. The mean P/M/S ratio of dietary fat was 2.5/1.3/1 (recommendation: 1/1∼1.5/1). The mean ω6/ω3 ratio was 9/1 (desirable rage: 4/1∼10/1). The quality of fat and be improved by including ω3 fatty acid-rich foods such as bean products, seaweeds and fishes more frequently in the diet. Mean daily intake of cholesterol was 50㎎. Quantity and quality of dietary protein were reasonably fair. Varieties in nutritionally balanced menu should be emphasized more for children by nutrition professionals dietitians. It is of utmost importance to support early nutrition in national development and in improving quality of later life.

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