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        박종문 ( Jong Moon Park ) 이실학회(구 한국경찰이론과실무학회) 2012 경찰연구논집 Vol.10 No.-

        북한을 철권통치 했던 김정일이 사망하면서 아들인 김정은이 3대 권력을 세습하였다. 3년이라는 짧은 후계수업 기간과 권력기반마저 미약하여 많은 우려를 자아냈으나, 현재까지 별다른 어려움 없이 최고사령관과 당 제1비서, 당 중앙군사위원장, 국방위원회 제1위원장으로 추대되면서 북한의 최고 지도자가 되었다. 김정은은 아버지와 달리 TV생중계와 공개연설 그리고 스킨십 등으로 대중 친화적이고 새로운 정치스타일을 보이면서 긍정적인 북한의 변화를 예측하게 하는 한편 공개연설을 통해 김일성 주체사상과 김정일의 선군정치를 계승·발전시켜 군사강국·경제강국을 달성하겠다는 다짐과 장거리 미사일을 발사하고 핵개발을 포기하지 않을 것이라는 입장을 보이고 있다. 앞으로 김정은은 체제 안정을 위하여 대내적으로 군부세력을 관리하고 당의 권한을 강화시켜 지도력을 강화하고, 주민의 생활을 개선과 경제난국을 타개하기 위한 경제정책을 펼칠 것이다. 대외적으로는 국제적인 고립을 피하고 정권의 존속을 위하여 절대적인 후원국인 중국과 협조관계를 공고히 하고, 미국에 대해서는 한국을 배제한 채 강온정책으로 평화협정 채결과 경제지원을 받기 위해 노력할 것이다. 또 한국에 대해서는 이명박 정부의 ``원칙 있는 대북정책``에 극도로 반감을 표출하고 있어 현 정권에서는 대남강경정책을 펼치다가 차기 정부와는 새로운 돌파구를 찾을 것으로 보인다. 특히 2012년은 한국의 대통령 선거를 비롯한 한반도 주변 주요국들의 정권교체가 있는 해로서 김정은 체제의 안정성과 향후 대내외정책에 따라 동북아와 한반도의 평화에 절대적인 영향을 미칠 것이다. 따라서 북한의 대내외 정책 변화를 신속정확하게 파악하고 국제사회와 긴밀한 협력으로 김정은의 군사적 모험주의에 대비하고 북한의 경제 개선전략을 지원함으로써 갈등과 대립에서 협력과 공동번영의 한반도로 거듭나야 할 것이다. Immediately after his father Kim Jong-il`s death, the younger Kim Jong-un was hailed as “the great successor”. Even though some of experts expressed their concerns that Kim Jong-un took only 3-year-class to be a successor and his political background was not strong enough, without any difficulty, he has held the titles of the First Secretary of the Workers` Party of Korea, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of North Korea and the Supreme Commander of the Korean People`s Army. And also he was officially declared the supreme leader of North Korea. 57) Kim Jong-un shows that he has new and public-friendly style of leadership which is different from that of his father. This implicates that North Korea will change in a positive way. He made his first public speech as North Korea marked the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Kim Il-sung on 15 April, praising the “military first” doctrine and emphasizing the need of economic growth. A few months into his leadership, North Korea launched a long-range missile which it said would put a satellite into orbit. It shows that Kim Jong-un will not give up reinforcing North Korea`s nuclear capability. In the future, Kim Jong-un will control military authorities, strengthen his leadership and push ahead economic policy to overcome financial difficulties internally. Externally, he will cement friendly relations which have existed between North Korea and China to avoid international isolation and maintain his regime. In addition, he will try to conclude a peace treaty between North Korea and the United States and demand economic aid. Regarding South Korea, Kim Jong-un has antagonism toward policy of Lee Myung-bak administration on North Korea. Therefore he has taken his hard-lined offensive movements against South Korea and he may shift to more moderate policy toward South Korea in the next government. In particular, there will be some of important events this year, such as an upcoming presidential election in South Korea and change of government in other neighboring countries. The stability and internal/external policy of North Korea will have a strong influence on peace of Northeast Asia and Korean peninsular. In conclusion, South Korea should analyze the whole situation of North Korea promptly and accurately, cooperate with the U.S., China and the International Society, develop national security strategy against Kim Jong-un`s “military first” doctrine and support the economic development plan of North Korea. By doing so, the relationship between South Korea and North Korea will be improved for the better.

      • 老齡者의 建康을 위한 生活習慣 實態調査

        申東敏,長鳳愚,李揆文,金賢俊,金昌範,崔宗洙,崔鍾晥,李鍾珏,金圭碩,趙庚旭,金鍾聲,朴鍾振 平生體育硏究所 論文集 1987 平生體育硏究所 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        With a view to examining the habit and method in which old people maintain and improve their health, we consulted 551 men and 444 women who were over 65 years old, and concluded as follows: 1. Habit of eating It's been revealed that most of the old people keep a regular eating hour, control the quantity of meal or eat a little food, and prefer vegetables to meat. 2. Mental health Old people feel the necessity for mental health and most of them (about 80%) keep good mental health without becoming pessimistic. Their chief concenrs have turned out to be about their sons and daughters and their own health and finance. 3. Managing Good Health It has been revelaed that old people do not possess any special kind of secret to keep good health but taking plenty of rest, regular meal, and proper exercise, and many of them (about 60%) have been shown to eat invigorant food that they can easily get around their living area. 4. Physical Functions It has been revealed that many old people are conscious of some symptoms about their parts of body and about to percent of them suffers from neuralgia. Some measures like medical aid especially for old people need to be taken as soon as possible. As we have found that the health-keeping method of old people consists plenty of rest, proper exercise, and appropriate nutrition, we can conclude that the recreatonal and culture facilities and programs for keeping old people in good health should be developed. It is also necessary to study food that contribute to their health and develop ways to get rid of the stresses to which they are exposed in their daily life. Presides, it is natural that government found an administrative department to deal with these matters effectively.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1998)

        김재홍,김준호,반재용,이정우,황성주,정준규,정성태,강진문,조흔정,홍창의,정혜신,이한승,김이선,이봉길,이종호,선영우,한기덕,윤성필,이성훈,안종성,박석범,문승현,조항래,김형섭,류지호,황재영,박준홍,손상욱 한양대학교 의과대학 2001 한양의대 학술지 Vol.21 No.1

        In recent years, gonorrhea has been pandemic and remains one of the most common STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae(PPNG), we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the Venereal Disease Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by menas of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. In 1998, 93 strians of N. genorrhoeae were isolated, among which 60(64.5%) were PPNG. The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul, which had been decreased to 39% in 1996 after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, is increased to 64.5% in 1998.

      • 자동문을 위한 무선 안전 장치 시스템 및 중앙 통제 소프트웨어 개발

        문병현,박종수,최상민,최용운,제정광 대구대학교 정보통신연구소 2004 情報通信硏究 Vol.3 No.2

        본 논문에서 고급형 실내 자동문의 설계 및 제작한다. 실내에서 사용되는 특성에 따라 소음이 최소화되어야 하며 미세한 물건이나 어린이의 작은 신체 일부가 자동문에 끼이는 안전사고를 방지하기 위한 안전장치가 필수적이다. 따라서 본 시스템은 IrDA의 적외선 방식과 용량성 센서를 이용한 안전 장치 시스템을 설계하고 자동문을 가정용 컴퓨터를 이용하여 직접제어 하거나 외부에서 이더넷(Ethernet)으로 접속하여 제어 및 표시할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발한다. 또한 지능형 빌딩과 같이 다수의 자동창문을 화재, 강제 환기 및 기타 관리를 위한 중앙 통제 관리 시스템으로 확장된 중앙 통제 소프트웨어를 개발을 하였다. In this paper, the automatic door for indoor use is designed and developed. Since the door is used indoor, the noise should be minimized and the accident that can happen by small object and childrens fingers strapped by the door would be prevented. Thus, Safety module by using infrared is designed and the program that controls the door using ethernet is also developed. For the use of the large intelligent building, the program that can control the multiple doors is also developed.

      • 切土비탈면의 優占植物과 植物被覆度에 미치는 因子들의 影響 : In Kyongnam Region 慶南지역을 대상으로

        朴文秀,安鍾萬 順天大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.17 No.1

        林道 개설 후 1∼10년이 경과한 6個郡 路線의 임도를 선정하고, 각 林道別롤 20m길이 단위의 조사구에 대한 植生調査와 道路構造 및 山林環境因子를 調査한 결과늘 요약하면 다음과 같다. 林道槪說 後 1년에서 10년이 경과한 임도의 平均 植物被覆度는 林道槪說 後 1년째 임도는 평균 1.2%의 피복을 보였으며, 2년째 8.4%, 3년째 20.9%였고, 점진적으로 증가하여 10년이 경과된 임도에서는 86.2%로 조사되었다. 조사된 148種 中 억새, 새, 사방오리나무, 쑥, 소나무, 산오리나무, 닭의장풀, 조개풀, 싸리, 복분자딸기 등이 우점식물로 조사되었다. 또한 地域別로는 全 地域에서 고르게 優占하는 식물종은 새, 쑥, 조개풀, 싸리, 복분자딸기 등이며, 억새는 양산, 하동, 함양에서, 사방오리나무는 남해, 합천에서, 구절초는 함양에서 각각 優占하는 식물로 調査되었다. 植物被覆度와 높은 상관을 보인 인자는 개설년도, 강수량, outslope型, 거리, inslope型, 습도, 토양경도, 첨식량, 비탈면물매 등이었다. 多衆回路分析을 통한 切土비탈면에서 植物侵入의 추정식에 관여하는 因子는 開設年度, 습도, 비탈면물매(R²=0.54)로 나타났다. 따라서 이 지역에서 절토비탈면을 조기에 녹화시켜 비탈면 안정을 가져오도록 하기 위해서는 주변환경을 고려하고 해당지역의 우점식물을 녹화수종으로 선택함이 필요하겠고, 현행보다 비탈면물매에 역점을 두는 등 환경친화적인 임도개설이 요구된다. To investigate the dominant species and factors related with plant coverage by road structures and forest environment factors, forest roads elapsed from on to ten years after construction had been selected in six county, and 20m segments were continuously set up in each road. The results obtained from this study are summarized as follows : 1. In process of year, plant coverage increased gradually and average of plant coverage was 20.9% in forest roads which elapsed 3 year, and was 86.2% in forest roads which elapsed 10 years after construction. 2. The dominant species in the cutting slope of surveyed area were covered with Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens, Arundinella hirta, Alnus firma, Artemisia princeps var. orientalis, Pinus densiflora. Alnus hirsuta, Commelina communis, Arthraxon hispidus and Lespedeza bicolor of the 148 species. 3. The high correlated factors between plant coverage and variables in cutting slope appeared construction year, precipitation, outslope, distance, inslope, humid, hardness, erosion and slope in surveyed area. 4. Through the multiple regression analysis, construction year, humid and slope(R²=0.54) were significant to explain the multiple regression about plant coverage on cutting slope.

      • 매우 빠른 운동에서의 시간 가변성과 힘가변성에 관한 연구

        박종태,표내숙,문규진 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1996 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The present study achieved the following conclusion by analyzing of theoretical timing variability and fore variability which are controled in very rapid movement. 1. As common as the speed-accuracy trade-off phenomenon seems to be for movement behavior where spatial accuracy is major goal. 2. The primary determinant of timing accuracy is movement time, with longer movement time generating more timing error. 3. It is produced a kind of inverted-U effect that very rapid and very slow movement having the most spatial accuracy and the moderate - speed movement having the least spatial accuracy. 4. The future research require experimental study on the more complicated action because these are very simple skill.

      • 시(도)민체전과 생활체육대회의 효과적인 운영 방안

        박종진,정문현 충북대학교 평생체육연구소 2000 平生體育硏究所 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This study was carried to suggest a more effective scheme for Local Sports For All Festival and Local Sports Festival. In this study, we gave priority to existing administrative problems and to further improvement in sports events. It was completed by means of questionnaires and statistical data. The conclusions are as follows : First, the best season for Local Sports For All Festival is right after National Sports Festival. In Local Sports For All Festival, not only competitive games but also harmonious games must be held evenly. The games should be carried by the Local Council of Sports For All and supported by the Local Amateur Sports Association. Second, Local Sports Festival should be paralleled the preliminary contest of National Sports Festival so that the local athlete representatives could take part in National Sports Festival, after properly having been supported by the Local Amateur Sports Association. Consequently, the most appropriate time for Local Sports Festival is between April and May. Third, the municipal(provincial) authorities should supervise and support Local Sports Festival and National Sports Festival for the organic cooperation between the Local Amateur Sports Association and the Local Council of Sports For All. Fourth, the Local Council of Sports For All and the Local Amateur Sports Association should make a united effort for sports development, although the Local Council of Sports For All is in charge of the related matters and the Local Amateur Sports Association is in charge of the business connected with elite sports. For example, during the elite sports games, the Local Council of Sports For All should support volunteering and drawing a large audience. Also the Local Amateur Sports Association should support the Local Council of Sports For All by dispatching umpires and athletes as helpers.

      • 제7차 수학과 교육과정에 대한 교사들의 인식과 적용상의 문제점

        문선미,박종서 진주교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2000 科學敎育硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        This study is designed to find out the understanding of school teachers in relation to the 7th mathematics curriculum revised in accordance with the changes and needs of the day and the problems coming from its application in classes with the help of a questionnaire research, and to come up with the solutions. We worked with first-grade and second-grade teachers in such districts as Chinju, Hadong, Kimhae and Yangsan with the aid of questionnaires, using 285 copies as a means of analysis materials. According to the research, the subjects trunk of the purports or contents of the 7th mathematics curriculum as proper in principle, feeling that it is too ideal a curriculum that doesn't take the given actual condition intro consideration. The subjects hold that the fact that what was originally intended from the 7th mathematics curriculum at the outset fail to be realized in the fields of education is ascribable to such factors as lack of loaming materials, an excessive number of students, too much leaning per period, and lack of their understanding of the curriculum and teaching methods and so forth. We would like to make the following suggestions with a view to working out the problems coming from the application of the 7th mathematics curriculum. First, the number of students per class should be reduced to less than 30. Because it is hard to form mathematic concepts through specific operational activities, playful learning, and intention-exchanging activities due to the present number of students, and it is extremely difficult to carry out level-based classes. Second, standardized learning materials should be provided. Though a large number of learning materials are needed in view of the math text, the actual condition of the schools leaves much to be desired on account of lack of teaming materials, which inhibits classes from going smoothly. Therefore, at least such basic materials as numerical models, cards, and building blocks should be distributed. Third, it is necessary to make policy-related efforts to develop a variety of training programs for the teachers and to expand training opportunities. I would like to suggest that teacher-training programs should be worked out in relation to top-notch thinking or various kinds of theories on math and the reorganization of the curriculum with a view to involve more teachers. With this in mind, such institutions as EBS and Teachers' Training Center, etc. should hopefully work out and implement high-quality teachers' training programs. Fourth, it is necessary for teachers to change their minds. The subjects find it hard to teach their students because there are too many to teach and lean by period and the contents of learning have been upgraded. This is attributable to the teachers' views on the textbook: They regard it as absolute. So it is absolutely necessary for the teachers to apply the curriculum to each class situation based on changes in their minds and to look upon the textbook as one of materials to attain the purpose of education and to be possessed of insight as experts well- versed in the curriculum in a more broad perspective. With this in mind, the teachers should make continuous efforts and at the same time the higher educational institutions also make policy-related efforts to encourage more teachers to make a real study and to make sincere efforts.

      • 로케트 工學에 관한 硏究 : 第1報 : 亞音速 亂流流動에서 飛行翼模型의 剝離現象 Ⅰst Report : Separation of Airfoils in Subsonic Turbulent Flow

        朴煥奎,金鍾一,金鎭興,李茂錫,朴吉文,鄭洛奎,李行男,李東起 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1984 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.6 No.2

        Separation, pressure and velocity distributions were studied fully developed two dimensinonal, incompressible flow over a flat airfoil in subsonic wind tunnel. Velocity and turbulence were measured with a two channel constant temperature hot wire anemometer and pressure with a pitot tube and pressure tranducer system. The experimental results were obtained as follow: (1) Turbulent intensity of shear layer just outside the separation point is considered to affect the size of separation bubble. (2) Static pressure coefficient is separated into three regions according to its value change. (3) Separation point is varied with the change of attack angle. (4) Velocity distributions and boundary layers normal to airfoil surface are changed as variation of attack angle of airfoil.

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