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        Production and Characterization of Enzymes Involved in Chitin Catabolic Cascade from a Bacterial Strain Isolated from Soil

        ( Ji Hyun Lee ),( Jeong In Lee ),( So Yeon Park ),( Yoo Kyeong Jang ),( You Bin Lim ),( Hye Yoon Lee ),( Young Min Jung ),( Hae Chang Lee ),( Jong Hwa Lee ),( Shaheen Amna ),( Jae Kweon Park ) 한국키틴키토산학회 2019 한국키틴키토산학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The present study was aimed to isolate the bacteria producing chitinolytic enzymes including chitin deacetylase (CDA) from soil origin. About 24 bacteria were screened for their chitinolytic enzymes producing ability on the basis of colloidal chitin. Amongst one of the most potent isolates designated to JI-02 was further selected as the most prominent chitinolytic and CDAlike enzyme (CDA-X) producer based on the ability of deacetylation of an artificial substrate pNP-acetamilide. The maximum production of CDA-X in crude enzyme from JI-02 was observed in the presence of 1% colloidal chitin at 37°C and pH 6.4 after 120 h of incubation. Potent enzyme activity of CDA-X was determined toward pNP-acetamilide, demonstrating that optimal pH, temperature and ionic strength of the CDA-X were assessed to be 7.0, 52°C and 125 mM, respectively. Unexpectedly, Nacetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) was not fully converted by the action of CDA-X to glucosamine (GlcN) under the established conditions. Further study on enzyme activity toward chitin-oligosaccharides consisting of multi-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)n, n=2-5 may be necessary to elucidate the mode of action which requires the minimum size of (GlcNAc)n. However, our data suggest that CDA-X can convert chitin to chitosan with the maximum yield of approximately 0.08g/L during the fermentation of the strain in the presence of chitin. Furthermore, we found that crude enzyme showed the significant chitosanolytic activity. Taken together, our data suggest that the strain JI-02 may be a potential candidate as a particular strain for better understating of chitin catabolic pathway.

      • 유방암의 위와 대장전이

        유현아,김은영,서민지,정은,조민정,오현진,장지혜,박지찬,이정의,박석영 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2014 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.37 No.2

        Gastric metastasis from breast cancer is rare and only six cases have been reported in Korea. Colon metastasis is more rare than gastric metastasis. We report a 63-year-old woman with gastric and colon metastases of invasive lobular carcinoma of breast. She was diagnosed as right breast cancer, received right modified radical mastectomy 10 years ago and has been treated with chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Investigating for melena and a small caliber of stool, we found gastric and colon metastases. The diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer was made through gross pathologic and immunohistochemistry staining. We report a case with gastric and colon metastases from breast cancer and a review of the associated six case reports in Korea.

      • 신속한 간흡충증 진단과 혈청 및 혈구 변화양상 분석

        박지현,최혜정,정석률 남서울대학교 2010 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        Diagnosis of Clonorchis sinensis requires specific proteins as antigens and it has been developed by using a rapid detection kit which identify circulating antibodies. In this study during Namseoul University Health/Medicine Care Service conducted in October 2010, with the residents in Wondeok-eup Samcheok Kangwon-do, the rapid diagnosis of C. sinensis infections was performed and patients' blood sera were analyzed. From 12 patients' sera of total 83, antibodies to C. sinensis were detected. According to the patients' sera analysis, about 73% of Total bilirubin, 40% of Cholesterol and 40% of Creatinine were abnormally exhibited. In the C. sinensis-positive sera detected by a rapid diagnostic kit, about 92% of Total bilirubin, 33% of Cholesterol and 50% of Creatinine were abnormally exhibited. According to analysis of blood cells, there was no abnormal result except for Hematocrit. In particular, high Eosinophil which means high incidence of C. sinensis infection was not observed. Taken together, it implied that the positive diagnosis of clonorchiasis would be previous infections of C. sinensis and its patients recovered from clonorchiasis have still antibodies in their sera. In addition, it also suggested that C. sinensis-positivity by the rapid diagnostic kit be not consistent with the present infections of C. sinensis. Key Words : Clonorchis sinensis, Rapid diagnostic kit, Serum, Blood cell, Antibody

      • 濟大 學生生活指導의 改善方向 探索

        玄惠慶,姜志勇,許鐵洙,梁奇千 濟州大學校 學生生活硏究所 1982 學生生活硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        A. The necessity and purpose of the study Since 1960s the number of university and college students has increased due to the rapid industrial development which requires more technical and intellectual persons. Also the upward spreading effects of education with generalization of secondary education have increased the social demands of liberal education, which expedite university students' diversity and heterogeneity. Therefore, the problems of students are no longer those of school authorities, but expand into social and national problems. Recently most of university in Korea have put more emphasis on the rearrangement and reinforcement of Student Guidance System. Especially, in case of Jeju National University, taking into considerations the special geographical conditions far away from the Korean mainland, and transitional stage on which JNU was promoted to national full-university status, along with the unification of campuses, the more careful interests and efforts are required for student guidance. This study was conducted with a view to providing the opportunities of educational and social specialization of student guidance. The following are the purpose of this study: 1) To set up directions for student guidance which can carry out the role and function of the university. 2) To consider, in the aspect of education, the main factors which influence the problems of university students. 3) To find out the difference between the problems of students' demand and abilty and realities of guidance, by comparing and analyzing present guidance realities between universities. 4) To offer improvement directions for efficient student guidances. B. The scope and contents of the study 1) The problem of student guidance in view of the purpose and function of a university. 2) The fundamental viewpoint of guidance in university 3) A theoretical investigation for efficient student guidance 4) A root cause of student problems 5) The present condition and problems of student guidance 6) Improvement directions for guidance C. The method of the study 1) To analyze the domestic data as well as foreign data 2) To analyze the questionnaire 3) To analyze the results of guidance through the actual result reports of student guidance 4) To analyze various data of student guidance 5) To represent by percentage(%) the realities and problems of student guidance D. The problematic factors of student guidance in the light of purpose and function of a university 1) The original purpose and functions of university are the acquisition of knowledge the transmission of knowledge, and application of knowledge. They are based on the wholemen community of intellectuals in which research, education, and service are determined to be prime mission, but hasn't well been fulfilled because of the present special situations of Korea. 2) In the expectations of university's roles, it is becoming important to harmonize the real desire of administrative officials, intellectual desire of professors, and idealistic of students with each other. 3) A university's research function of creating academic atmosphere is very unsatisfactory. 4) The relationship between professors and students, and even among students hasn't well progressed because of excessive solicitude of omission by graduation quota system as well as full classes. And cultural education is not conducting effectively because it is very fragmentary and formal. 5) The chaos is being produced about the establishment of concept of community service given to university education, the ways and limitations of participation in society and actual world. E. The viewpoint of student guidance The contents and methods of student guidance are decided according to the view of students to be the subject of guidance. In the reformative viewpoint of student guidance by educative instruction methods, main method of guidance are authority, blind obediance, cramming, subjectivity, control, rectification. From the educative viewpoint of student guidance, self-direction can be possible by means of students' interest, desire and ability. Future student guidance must be conducted to develop their potentiality and natural ability of growth without external force or blind gramming. F. Following theoretical investigation were enforced in order to establish effective directions for student guidance. 1) The concept and purpose of the orientation for freshmen and its basic policy and contents 2) The necessity and contents of department arrangement guidance 3) The practice of alloted academic adviser system 4) The educational functions, necessity, and meaning of campus extracurricular activity 5) The role and function of student government(SNDC) 6) The welfare and scholarship system for students G. As a result of a selection of root causes of student problems from the introspection, the following were important order of immediate and expected problems 1405 freshmen; 1. Studies Problem(40.3%) 2. Course problem(36.4%) 3. Economic life problem(36.9%) 4. Social fitness Problem(26.7%) 5. Health Problem(16.0%) The investigation consequence for sophomore and junior are following; 1. A course Problem(35.2%) 2. Economic life problem(35.4%) 3. Human relation problem between professor and student(35.2%), and a good use problem of spare time(35.2%) 4. Studies problem(26.4%) H. The problems were revealed by a statistics which were investigated and analyzed realities of student guidance as follows, respectively: 1. In the orientation for fresh, it is emphatic to give only a information, the program of a important purpose in an orientation that are helpful to initiation of university life with a safety emotionally by withdrawing from strain from strange environment is making light of. 2. In the guidance of a department choice, department allocation by a record is making without giving a chance searching for self-characteristic like aptitude or hobbies, the guidance plan and materials of objectivity are not prepared, and the chance choosing carefully comes very short of. 3. In the management of partial charge professors system, the relation position between professor and student is very formal because, as a matter of fact, it is meaningfulness to guide students from a professor is responsible for guidance of so many students, director of professors are in want of the whole recognition about guidance contents. 4. Though the circle activities are very important as an educational function, a director professors of a circle has charge of guidance for so many students, the activities without purpose consciousness are unfolding, the activities with interest and recreation mainly are rich in, and the activities for enlightenment sound activity model which gets a value experience are situation insufficiency itself. 5. In the activities and management of Student Body, he is not accomplishing plan and function by nature, the activities and management individual and new are very lack owing to emphasis of events centre and actual results centre. And the appearance of making heteronomy now that he is not also chose relation to the circles in SNDC is more and more deepening. 6. The lower organization taking charge of students guidance specially in managent of the students guidance institute are in need, the number of specialists are for want of, it is just so formal to run the students guidance institute because the institute's finance is in very poverty, its originally functions are not accomplishing due to the consultation mood in consultation room is stiff. 7. Our university lacks in research facilities and mental incentive with regard to student welfare function. I. I am directing the way of student guidance for withdrawing from and getting rid of the problems revealing, concerning the students guidance to the best of his ability by the realities of students problems as follows; First, the investigation and research activities and assistance understanding and helping students have to provide in the side of prevention of problems by understanding university students' nature consciousness and characteristic regularly. Second, students' spontaneous participation, the development of interesting and useful programmes, and faculty members' active supports & guidance should be given to obtain effective result of fresh's orientation. Third, school authorities should provide freshmen with opportunity to judge their aptitudes from the time of entrance by holding orientation several times, and by offering detailed informations on the department selection. Fourth, The academic & human relations between professors and students should be maintained through proper enforcement of alloted academic professor system. Fifth, every circle and club should established proper and patent objectivities of activity, and try, to create and introduce useful and interesting programmes in order to promote an educational function of each circle and club. Sixth, in order to eleminate the gap between students and Students Government, students should take deep interests in Student Body's activity, while Student Body should develop academic and literary activity to promote students research activities. Seventh, in order to promote the function of Student Guidance Institute, there should be secured expert staff for smooth counselling, investigation and employment guide as well as financial and administrative support of school authorities. Finally, university authorities should organize several institute such as student welfare committee(institute) so that they might grasp what student opinions & desire are and make students lead comfortable campus lives.

      • 영아식의 종류에 따른 영아의 철분과 아연의 섭취량 및 혈청 농도 고찰 : a review

        현태선,민지영,이혜경 충북대학교 교육 ·생활연구소 생활과학연구센터 2002 생활과학연구논총 Vol.5 No.-

        Although breast milk is the best food for infants, there will always remain a need for good substitutes when breastfeeding is not possible. Most of these substitutes are based on cow milk, but soy milk has been used as an alternative. It is necessary to ascertain that rearing infants on these formulas yields results comparable to those obtained by breastfeeding. Absorption of trace elements such as iron and zinc is well known to be higher from breast milk than from cow milk formula while absorption from soy formula is lower than from cow milk formula. The studies on the contents of iron and zinc in breast milk, cow milk formula and soy formula, and the intakes and blood levels of iron and zinc in infants fed breast milk, cow milk formula and soy formula, and the intakes and blood levels of iron and zinc in infants fed breast milk and cow milk formula were reviewd. The contents of iron and zinc in artificial formulas were higher than those in breast milk, and the intakes lf iron and zinc in infants fed cow milk, formula were higher than those in infants fed breast milk, However, the blood levels of iron in infants fed cow milk formula were significantly lower than those in infants fed breast milk, and there was no significant difference in the blood levels of zinc between infants fed cow milk formula and those fed breast milk. No results have been reported on the iron and zinc nutriture in Korean infants fed soy formula. More research should be focused on the potential consequences of excessive intakes of iron and zinc in infants fed soy formula as well as cow milk formula.

      • 토양환경지도 자료를 이용한 콩밭 토양의 화학성 비교

        박지숙,이민진,정재원,김미혜,이서연,지윤미,한준호,김유학,공명석,한광현,노희명 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2015 農業科學硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        It is important to interpret the soil chemical properties in order to effectively manage the farmland. This study was conducted to investigate the soil chemical properties of upland soybean field according to the soil series at 32 upland fields located in the parts of Gangwon-do. Soil sampling sites were selected by using the National Statistics DB and KSIS DB that is a soil environment information system provided by the Rural Development Administration. Soil samples were collected from 0~15 cm of top soil before seeding or transplanting, air-dried, passed through a 2 mm sieve, and analyzed for soil pH, EC, organic matter, available phosphorus (P2O5), exchangeable potassium, exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesium. The average chemical properties have exceeded the each nutrient optimum range level of RDA, except the organic matter in experimental soil 2015. And despite application of conventional fertilization, each soil series nutrient contents were change respectively. The results of this study suggest that conventional fertilization should be applied based on the analysis about the amount of accumulated nutrient contents in the soil.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        제7차 「기술 · 가정」 교과에 대한 학생의 인식

        최지혜,장현숙 경북대학교 사범대학 부속 중등교육연구소 2005 중등교육연구 Vol.53 No.2

        본 연구는 2001학년도부터 시행되어 온 제7차 교육과정에서 「기술 · 가정」 교과에 대한 학생의 인식을 알아보는 데 목적이 있으며, 이를 위해 2004학년도 12월 현재 대구광역시에 소재한 7학년부터 10학년까지의 학생 1065명을 조사한 결과 다음과 같이 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 첫째, 「기술 · 가정」 교과에 대한 학생의 인식에서 성별에 따라서는 여학생이 남학생보다 「기술 · 가정」 교과를 더 실용적으로 인식하고 있었으며, 학년에 따라서는 9학년 학생이 다른 학년의 학생보다 「기술 · 가정」 교과에 대한 흥미도, 중요도, 실용도가 낮게 나타났고, 운영형태에 따라서는 7학년 학생이 전담지도보다는 분담지도의 경우 더 흥미있어하고 덜 어려워하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 학생의 흥미도, 중요도, 실용도, 난이도의 상관관계를 살펴보면, 실용적인 것을 중요하게 여기고, 흥미가 있으면 중요하게 여기고 중요한 것에 흥미를 나타내며, 실용적인 것에 흥미를 나타내는 것으로 나타났으며, 어려울수록 흥미를 잃는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this research was to find the perception of students on the subject 「technology and home economics」 in the 7th national curriculum. For this research, questionnaires were sent by post to middle school students and first graders in high school. Then they were collected. The number of students' questionnaires was 1082 and 1065 questionnaires were used for being analyzed. The results of this research were summarized as follows. 1) Students' perception about the subject, technology and home economics, was affected by sex, grade, and implementation types. Girls' perception on the subject was more practical than boys'. Students in the 9th grade showed lower interest, importance, practicality on the subject than those in the other grades. According to implementation types, students in the 7th grade showed more interests in the partial charge than in the whole charge. 2) Considering correlation among interest, importance, practicality and difficulty, they thought of practical things as important and when they were interested in some things, they thought them important. They got interested in what they thought important and practical. And the more difficult the subject was, the less interested they were in it.

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