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      • KCI등재

        간호사들에서 월경전불쾌기분장애와 삶의 질, 사회직업기능 및 장애 간의 연관성

        김선영,김재민,김웅장,양수진,김성완,신일선,윤진상 大韓神經精神醫學會 2008 신경정신의학 Vol.47 No.1

        Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the prospective associations of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) with quality of life, socio-occupational function and disability. Methods : 170 nurses were recruited 6om two general hospitals. Interviews were made at baseline and at four follow-up points (two mid follicular phases and two late luteal phases ofthe two consecutive menstrual cycles). The baseline evaluation Consis-ted of sociodemographic characteristics and menstmal history. PMDD was diagnosed by DSM-IV criteria after observation of the two menstrual cycles. The follow-up evaluations were consisted ofthe World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief form, the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale, and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Scale-II. Results : PMDD was detected 15 (8.8%) of 170 participants. The PMDD group showed significantly worse quality of life and socio-occupational functioning than the none-PMDD group particularly at the late luteal phases. No significant differences were found in sociodemographic characteristics and menstrual history between those with and without PMDD. Conclusion : PMDD was prospectively associated with worse quality of life and socio-occupational functioning in this study group.

      • 규칙적인 유산소성 운동이 비만아동들의 신체구성 및 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향

        김태운,신군수,김종인,이광무,김성헌,안병철,고기준,한재웅,이재규 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1997 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examined the effect of supervised regulary aerobic exercise program with cardiorespiratory function of obese children. The subjects were 16 obese Childrens(elementary school 4∼5 grade), and engaged in regulary aerobic exercise program for 9 weeks(5 days/week, 100 min/day, 60∼70% HRmax) with mountain climbing, basketball and football. The items of cardiorespiratory function measured VEmax, HRmax, RQmax, VCO₂max, VCO₂max, VCO₂max/kg and BFmax after treadmill exercise load. The conclusion of this study was as follows ; 1. In body composition, there were significant decrease(P<0.001) after aerobic exercise for 9 weeks in body weight, percent body mass index 2. In cardiorespiratory function, there were significant increase(P<0.001) after aerobic exercise for 9 weeks in VEmax and VCO₂max by treadmill exercise load. 3. In cardiorespiratory function, there were significant increase(P<0.001) after aerobic exercise for 9 weeks in VO₂mex and RQmax by treadmill exercise load. 4. In cardiorespiratory function, there were significant increase(P<0.001, P< 0.01) after aerobic exercise for 9 weeks in VO₂max/kg and BFmax by treadmill exercise load.

      • 여중생들의 신체조성과 심폐기능 및 심박수 회복율에 관한 비교 연구 : 비만 여중생과 정상 여중생을 중심으로

        김태운,신군수,김종인,이광무,김성헌,안병철,고기준,한재웅,이재규 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1996 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the relation between body composition, cardiorespiratory functions and percent heart rate recovery in obese and normal middle school female students. We used total of 12 middle school female students(3rd grade) as subject and devided them into two groups : The measurement items of cardiorespiratory functions were HR, VE, RQ, VO₂, VCO₂, VO₂/kg, O₂pulse, VE/VO₂, VE/VCO₂, before and after treadmill exercise load. The statistical analysis were M±SD and t-test for groups(α=.05) using ?? statistical package. The conclusion of this study was as follows ; 1. In 5 items(FM, LBM, %Fat, TBW, BMI) all of body composition, obese group has been significantly higher than normal group(P<0.01). 2. In heart rate and VO₂ of resting(before exercise loads) cardiorespiratory functions, normal group has been significantly higher than obese group(P<0.05). 3. In VEmax of cardiorespiratory functions after exercise loads, obese group has been significantly higher than normal group(P<0.05), and in VO₂max, obese group has been significantly higher than normal group(P<0.01). 4. In 1, 3, 5 minute percent recovery all of percent heart rate recovery after exercise loads, normal group has been higher than obese group but there was no statistical significant difference.

      • KCI등재

        광주광역시 치매의 유병률과 위험인자의 도시-농촌 지역 비교

        신일선,김재민,윤진상,김석재,양수진,김웅장,이승현,강순아,곽지영,이형영 大韓神經精神醫學會 2002 신경정신의학 Vol.41 No.6

        연구목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 광주광역시의 도시 및 농촌 지역에 거주하는 노인에서 치매의 유병률과 위험인자를 조사하고자 하였다. 부가적으로 이 두 지역간에 치매의 유병률과 위험인자를 비교하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 광주광역시의 전형적인 도시와 농촌지역의 65세 이상의 노인(N=1,598)을 대상으로, 2단계의 역학연구를 수행하였다. 1차 선별 단계에서는 38명의 훈련된 연구보조원이 대상노인을 면담하여, 사회인구학적 특징을 조사하고 한국판 간이정신상태검사(Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination ; MMSE-K)로 평가하였다. 2차 임상 진단 단계에서는 1차 단계에서 MMSE-K 점수가 24점 이하인 노인(N=431)을 대상으로, 전문연구팀의 임상적 평가를 통해 치매를 진단하고 원인질환별로 알쯔하이머병(Alzheimer's disease ; AD), 혈관성 치매(vascular dementia ; VaD) 및 기타 치매로 분류하였다. 대상노인에서 치매의 유병률을 측정한 후, 광주광역시 전체 노인의 연령보정 유병률을 산출하였다. 전체 대상에서 AD의 위험인자를 조사한 후, 도시와 농촌군으로 나누어 분석을 다시 시행하였다. 결 과 : 1차 및 2차 단계의 참가율은 각각 71.0%(N=1,134) 및 83.2%(N=410) 였다. 연구 참여 노인(N=1,134)에서 전체 치매, AD 및 VaD의 유병률은 최소 각각 9.7%, 5.2%, 1.8%였다. 광주광역시 전체 노인의 연령 보정 유병률은 각각 10.7%, 5.7%, 1.9%인 것으로 산출되었다. AD의 독립 위험인자는 고령, 여성, 무학이었다. 도시와 농촌에 따른 유병률의 차이는 파악되지 않았다. 그러나 AD의 위험인자는 지역에 따라 차이가 있었다. 도시 노인에게는 무학만이, 농촌 노인에게는 고령과 여성인 경우가 독립 위험인자였다. 결 론 : 광주광역시 노인에서 치매의 유병률은 높았고, 이는 국내 다른 지역에서 수행된 선행연구 결과와 유사하였다. 알쯔하이머형 치매의 위험인자는 도시와 농촌에 따라 다른 결과를 보였다. 본 연구 결과는 한국에서의 치매의 실태를 반영하며, 치매의 적절한 관리와 예방을 위해서는 지역성 특성이 고려되어야 함을 시사한다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence rate and risk factors of dementia in an urban and a rural sample of older persons in the metropolitan Kwangju area, Republic of Korea. In addition, the prevalence rate and risk factors of dementia between the two samples were compared. Methods : A two-phase epidemiological study of residents aged 65 or over(N=1,598) was conducted in a highly developed, urban and a non-contiguous, poorly developed, rural area of metropolitan Kwangju. In the first(screening) phase, 38 trained research assistants collectively peformed in-home interviews for all participants. Detailed sociodemographic characteristics were gathered and the Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K) was administered. In the second (diagnosing) phase, diagnosis of dementia was established for those scoring 24 or less on the MMSE-K in the screening phase(N=431), and etiological types of dementia were classified to Alzheimer's disease(AD), vascular dementia(VaD) or miscellanous type by two teams of experts. Prevalence rate of dementia was determined in the participants, and age-standardized prevalence rate adjusted by age distribution in metropolitan Kwangju was estimated. For AD, the risk factors were investigated in all participants, and analyses were repeated for the urban and rural samples separately. Results : The participating rates in the first and second phases were 71.0%(N=1,134) and 83.2%(N=410), respectively. In the participants, the prevalence rates of dementia(all types), AD and VaD were 9.7%, 5.2% and 1.8%, respectively. The age-standardized prevalence rates were 10.7%, 5.7% and 1.9%, respectively. Aging, female gender and no education(complete lack of formal education) were identified as independent risk factors for AD. No difference between the urban and rural samples was observed in the prevalence rates of dementia(all types), AD and YaD. However, risk factors for AD differed between these areas. In the urban sample, no education was the only significant factor ; whereas, aging and female gender were identified as risk factors in the rural sample. Conclusion : A high prevalence rate of dementia was observed among old persons in metropolitan Kwangju, consistent with previous studies conducted in other Korean areas. The risk factor profi1es for AD differed between urban and rural settings. The results of this study reflect the current status of dementia in Korea and suggests that appropriate management and prevention strategies for dementia should be tailored toward the geographic settings.

      • 그람양성구균에 대한 Teicoplanin과 Vancomycin의 시험관내 항균력

        최태열,김경숙,전용관,서일혜,김정욱,이웅수,안정열,김홍석,정재용,최효선,김덕언,유진우 대한감염학회 1994 감염 Vol.26 No.1

        An increasing frequency of methicillin resistant S. aureus(MRSA), methicillin resistant coagulase negative staphylococci(MRCNS) and Enterococcal infection have been observed in recent years. Teicoplanin is a new glycopeptide antibiotic obstained from the Actinoplanes teicomycetius. The molecular structure and spectrum of antimicrobial activity of teicoplanin is simillar to those of vancomycin, and has been reported to have an excellent in vitro and in vivo effect against various gram-positive infections. Therefore, we evaluated the in vitor susceptibility of gram positive cocci, such as, S. aureus, coagulase negative Staphylococci(CNS), and Enterococci to teicoplanin and vancomycin. The total 253 strains consisted of MSSA(40), MRSA(53), MSCNS(47), MRCNS(48), and Enterococci(65). They were assayed by disc diffusion and agar dilution. During the study, 57% of S. aureus and 49% of CNS showed resistance to methicillin. The inhibitory diameter of teicoplanin was 15-20mm in MSSA, 12-19mm in MRSA, 13-24mm in MSCNS, 11-23mm in MRCNS, and 15-22mm in Enterococci respectively, and showed sensitivity in all but 8 strains(3.2%). The range of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of teicoplanin to MSSA, MRSA, MSCNS, MRCNS and Enterococci were 9.12-2.0㎍/ml, 0.25-2.0㎍/ml, & 0.25-32㎍/ml, 0.12-1.0㎍/ml respectively. One case of S. haemolyticus was resistant to teicoplanin (32㎍/ml) by the agar dilution method. Eight minor (3.2%) and one major(0.4%) error was observed when the MIC and disk diffusion data were correlated with teicoplanin. As for vancomycin the inhibitory diameter was 17-21mm in MSSA, 15-21mm in MRSA, 18-26mm in MSCNS, 18-25mm in MRCNS, and 16-22mm in Enterococci respectively. The range of the MIC of vancomycin to MSSA, MRSA, MSCNS, MRCNS, and Enterococci were 0.25-1.0㎍/ml, 0.25-4.0㎍/ml, 0.5-2.0㎍/ml and 0.5-2.0㎍/ml respectively. One minor error (0.4%) was seen with the vancomycin disk. The MIC90 of MSSA and MRSA exhibited the same results in teicoplanin (1.0㎍/ml, 1.0㎍/ml), and vancomycin(2.0㎍/ml, 2.0㎍/ml). MSCNS and MRCNS exhibited greater MIC90 with teicoplanin(4.0㎍/ml, 8.0㎍/ml) than vancomycin(2.0㎍/ml, 2.0㎍/ml). Incontrase Enterococci were more susceptible to teicoplanin(0.5㎍/ml) than to vancomucin (2.0㎍/ml). Results from this analysis indicated that both teicoplanin and vancomycin were very excellent for gram positive infections, especially those resistant to methicillin.

      • 서초동(서울시 서초구)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),정혜리(Hye ri Jeong),김대희(Dae Hee Kim),박동우(Dong Woo Park),서재웅(Jae Woong Seo),이현우(Hyun woo Lee) 한국거미연구소 2017 한국거미 Vol.33 No.1

        2016년 3월 31일부터 7월 31일까지 서울특별시 서초구 서초동에 위치한 서울고등학교 교정 일대를 서울고등학교 환경생물부 부원들이 채집 조사한 결과 20과 43속 53종의 거미가 조사 연구되어 이에 보고하는 바이다. From March 31st to July 31st in 2016, members of an environmental biology club at Seoul High School located in Seocho-gu, Seoul, Dae-Hee Kim, Dong-Woo Park, Jae-Woong Seo and Hyun-woo Lee, collected 20 families 43 genera 53 species of spiders and report the result of the study here.

      • 병원정보시스템이 의료기관 성과에 미치는 영향

        김상아,박웅섭,이상엽,이승근,송재석,이상욱,곽연희,박성준 關東大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 2003 關東醫大學術誌 Vol.7 No.1

        This study is conducted to established integrated principal framework for the effects of the Hospital Information System(HIS) specially Physician Order Entry system(POE), Laboratory Information System(LIS), and Picture Archiving and Communication System(PACS) on the performance of medical institute. We had reviewed and analyzed the literature of POE, LIS, and PACS, and then formulated principal framework. In conclusion, the implementation of HIS could improve the satisfaction of medical staff and reengineer the work process, and those leaded improving the quality of service, and that also leaded increasing the number of patients and case mix of disease, and then those leaded increasing the performance of medical institute.

      • 潛在要因模型을 利用한 國債 利子率 스프레드 分析 : 新興市場을 中心으로 A Multivariate Latent Factor Model

        金載永,朴雄用 서울大學校經濟硏究所 2004 經濟論集 Vol.43 No.1-2

        신흥 시장 국가들이 국제 금융 시장에서 발행하는 국채의 이자율은 국가별 경제 상황에 대한 기준 지표의 역할을 하고 있으며, 국체 이자율의 움직임에 대한 비교 연구를 통해 우리는 개발도상국들이 국제 금융 시장과 얼마나 밀접히 연관되어 있는지 파악할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 주요 신흥 시장 국가의 국채 이자율 스프레드를 이용하여 국제적 금융 시장과의 통합의 정도를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 국채 이자율 스프레드를 결정하는 요인으로 세계 요인, 지역 요인 그리고 각 국가의 고유 요인을 설정하고 潛在要因模型(latent factor model)을 이용하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과 큰 경제 위기를 겪었거나 개별 국가의 정치적 경제적 요인이 경제에 큰 영향을 미치는 경우는 세계 요인의 기여도가 낮게 나타난 반면 그 외의 국가들은 대체로 높은 공통 요인의 기여도를 보였다. 한편 아시아 지역에서는 지역적 공통 요인의 역할이 크지 않았지만 남아메리카 지역에서는 지역 요인이 국채 이자율 스프레드의 변동에 기여하는 정도가 큰 것으로 나타났다.

      • 골프 스트로크중 칩샷의 운동학적 분석

        김창원,최웅재,우병훈 한국학교체육학회 2002 한국학교 체육학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 8번 아이언으로 30M 거리를 칩 샷을 통한 3차원적 운동학적 분석을 통해서 칩 샷의 원리와 근거를 제시하여 골퍼들의 기초 자료를 제공하고자 하는데 그 목적을 두었다. 1. 선운동의 변인 스윙 소요시간에서는 숙련자가 1.083±0202sec.로 비숙련자는 1.217sec. 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<.05). event별로는 event 1에서만 유의하게 숙련자가 빠르게 나타났지만(p<.05), event 2,3에서는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 클럽헤드 속도에서는 event 3(p<.001), 4(p<.01)에서 비숙련자가 숙련자보다 빠르게 나타나 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였지만, event 1, 2에서는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 신체중심변위에서는 event 3에서만 숙련자가 비숙련자보다 중심이 낮게 형성되었고(p<.05). 나머지는 event 1, 2, 4에서는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 2. 관절운동의 변인 코킹각 변위에서는 event 2(p<.05), 3(p<.01)애소 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였고, event 1, 4에서는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 양 슬관절 각 변위에서는 오른쪽 슬관절의 event 1을 제외하고는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 고관절의 각 변위에서는 집단간의 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. This study is designed to present the principles and foundation of chip shots through a chip-shot three-dimension kinematic analysis of 30-meter distance with the 8th iron and to offer the reader basic materials for golfers. 1. The variations of Lineal Exercise There is a significant difference between the time required for a swing by skillful golfers(1.083±0.02sec.) and the time required for a swing by unskillful golfers(1.217sec.). Although event 1 shows that the former turns out to be faster(p<.05), event 1 and even 2 show no difference. In terms of the velocities of the clubhead, event 3(p<.001) and event 4(p<.01) turn out for the latter to be faster than the former, which means that there is a significant difference. But there is no difference in event 1 and 2. In terms of the displacement of the body center, the former forms the body center lower(p<.05) than the latter in event 3, while there is no difference in event 1, 2, and 4. 2. The Variations of the Joint Exercise In terms of the displacement of the left wrist, event 2(p<.05) and event 3(p<.01) show a statistically significant difference, and event 1 and event 4 show no difference. In terms of each displacement of both the knee joints, event 1 of right knee joint only shows statistically significant difference. In terms of each displacement of the coxal articulations, there is no statistically significant difference between groups.

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