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Shell Vail Culture를 이용한 단순포진 바이러스 분리
최태열,이규택,박해일,강정옥 대한진단검사의학회 2003 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.23 No.5
목적 : 세포배양을 이용한 Herpes simplex virus (HSV)의 진단은 가장 좋은 방법이기는 하지만, 일부 검체에서는 세포병리효과(cytophathic effect, CPE)를 관찰하기까지 많은 시간이 요구된다. 이에 연구자들은 HSV의 진단을 위하여 신속하고 예민한 배양 방법을 개발하였다.방법 : HSV 감염이 의심되는 13명의 환자에서 채취된 검체를연구에 사용하였다. Shell vial 내의 Vero 단층세포에 검체를 원침하여 접종한 후 배양하였으며, CPE는 도립-위상차 현미경으로5일간 매일 관찰하였다. 검체 접종 2일만에 HSV에 특이한 단클론항체를 이용하여 직접면역형광염색(direct immunofluorescencestain, DIF)을실시하였으며, DIF 염색에 음성인 검체는 shell vial내에 단층세포을 분쇄하여 새로운 shell vial에 재접종을 실시하였다. 중합효소연쇄반응(polymerase chanin reaction, PCR)법은모든 검체에서 실시하였다.결과 : CPE는 접종 후 1, 2, 3, 4 및 5일에 각기 30 (64%), 39(83%), 43 (92%), 44 (94%) 및 46 (98%)예에서 관찰되었다.DIF염색에서는 접종 2일 만에 46 (98%)예가 양성으로 발견되었다. DIF 음성인 검체를 재 접종한 결과 1일 만에 새로운 7예에서328 최태열이규택박해일 외 1인CPE를 관찰할 수가 있었다. PCR법에서 47 (100%)예가 양성으로 나타났다.
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis 증후군에서 Chlamydia trachomatis 항체
최태열,강정옥,정성노,안유헌 대한진단검사의학회 2008 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.28 No.4
Background : Fitz-Hugh-Curtis (FHC) syndrome is inflammation of the liver capsule associated with pelvic inflammatory disease. We measured Chlamydia trachomatis antibodies in 30 female patients with acute abdominal pain for diagnosis of FHC-syndrome, and the results were compared with other tests. Methods : A dual-polymerase chain reaction was used for the detection of C. trachomatis in the cervix, and a micro-immunofluorescence test was performed to measure the antibody to C. trachomatis in serum. Cervical specimens were stained with Gram stain and cultured on chocolate agar for detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and abdominal computed tomography (CT) and pelvic examinations were performed. Results : Of the 30 patients examined, 19 were diagnosed as having FHC-syndromes and 11 abdominal pains without FHC-syndrome. C. trachomatis was detected from one of the five patients studied, and no N. gonorrhoeae was isolated from the patients with FHC-syndrome. High titers of IgG antibody (1:512-1:1,024) to C. trachomatis were demonstrated in all patients with FHC-syndrome. The CT scan revealed perihepatitis in 14 patients with FHC-syndrome. Conclusions : All patients with FHC-syndrome are associated with C. trachomatis infections, and a high titer of C. trachomatis antibody (IgG) is a very useful marker for FHC-syndrome. (Korean J Lab Med 2008;28:293-8)
최태열 한양대학교 의과대학 1997 한양의대 학술지 Vol.17 No.2
Detection of HIV antibodies is still the most efficient and most common way to determine whether an individual has been exposed to HIV and to screen blood and blood products for this infections agent. A test is considered positive when assay such as the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), and western blots (immunoblots)are considered reactive. A positive test result indicates exposure and, outside of the perinatal and neonatal period, is presumed to indicate infection by teh virus. The ELISA is the most commonly used to screen for HIV because of its relatively low cost, standardized procedure, high reliability, and ability to give rapid result. Under optimal laboratory conditions, the sensitivity and specificity in most cases are>99%. The Western blot assay is the test most commonly used for confirming the presence of HIV-specific antibodies. However, western blots are more expensive and more time consuming than ELISAs, and they require more technical expertise owing to subjective interpretations, Specificity and sensitivity are high but are some what dependent on the interpretive criteria employed. A definitive test for an active infection is the recovery of HIV from cells or cell-free fluids of the infected individual by using the solid-phase capture technique, indirect immunofluorescence assay, ploymerase chain reaction... etc. Surrogate markers (CD4+ -CEll count, P24 antigen in plasma, 2-microglobulin... etc.) are not only important in predicting the out come of HIV infection but also useful in determining when treatment should be administered. Inconclusion, while awaiting the development of more-effective antiviral therapies, early testing for HIV in potentially infected individuals is recommended to allow prompt medical treatment and surveillance and to prevent the spread of the virus to other individuals.
비임균성 뇨도염 환자에서 Chlamydia trachomatis 검출방법에 관한 연구 (배양법, 효소면역법 및 직접면역형광법의 비교 관찰)
최태열,김춘원,김중환,Choi, Tae-Yeal,Kim, Choon-Won,Kim, Jung-Hwan 대한미생물학회 1986 大韓微生物學會誌 Vol.21 No.3
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of the most common cause in non-gonococcal urethritis. There are several diagnostic methods for Chlamydia trachomatis; culture method using McCoy cell, enzyme immunoassay and direct immunofluorescence staining etc. We have studied a sensitivities of culture, chlamydiazyme and direct immunofluorescence staining(DIF). 85 male patients previously conformed to non-gonococcal urethritis have been selected in this study. Three samples were concurrently collected in the same patient. First sample was used to inoculation in McCoy cell, 2'nd sample was used to Chlamydiazyme test and 3'rd sample was used to direct immunofluorescence staining method. The results are following. 1. All culture, Chlamydiazyme and DIF positive cases are 15/85(17.7%). 2. Culture and Chlamydiazyme positive but DIF negative cases absent. 3. Culture and DIF positive, but Chlamydiazyme negative cases are 2/85(2.4%). 4. Chlamydiazyme and DIF positive, but culture negative cases are 9/85(10.6%). 5. Culture positive, but Chlamydiazyme and DIF negative cases are 6/85(7.1%). 6. Chlamydiazyme positive, but culture and DIF negative cases are 7/85(8.2%). 7. DIF positive, but culture and Chlamydiazyme negative cases are 3/85(3.5%). 8. All culture, Chlamydiazyme and DIF negative cases are 43/85(50.1%). In summarized, anyone positive cases of culture, Chlamydiazymc and DIF are 42/85(49.9%).
崔泰烈 全北大學校附設 스포츠科學硏究所 1987 논문집 Vol.- No.4
This paper examines some characteristics of the instrumental music of peasants in Iri area through the research of oral reports by the arts possessor. This is a successive study of the topic discussed in my Masters thesis, " A Study on the Dance Accompanied by Instrumental Music in Chonbuk Province," in which I traced the artistic value of peasant music and proposed the urgent need to cultivate male dance performance through comparing the differences between eastern( or right) and western (or left) peasant music. The purpose of this study is two-field: to regionnalize the curricula and to cultivate some materials for the instruction of traditional dance. In this study, the origin and transition of peasant music in Iri area is examined in the context of regional and environmental characteristics, and the change of economical situation accompanied to the social development. I, in the main discourse, studied the formation, color and style of attire, rhythm, contents, and forms of Iri peasant music, especially, the superiority of Seol-jang-gu dance, one of the characteristics of Iri peasant music, and the marching dance with diversity and peculiarity. I found the outstanding arts of Seol-jang-gu dance enabled itself to be appointed as one of the essential intangible cultural properties in the field of Korean folk dance, and the diversity of marching dance was very valuable so as to be cultivated as the essential materials for dance performance. In conclusion, I asserted that the systematic study of Iri peasant music should be pursued in order to hand it down as an important material of folk culture, to materialize it for the curricula from the elementary school to the high scool, and to regionalize the curricula. I also insisted that an appropriate hall should be constructed in order to continue further physical, emotional, aesthetical, and physiological study and to hand it down effectively. And I highly confirmed that investment in the education and cultivation of dance performance are indispensable to the development of Korean athletic dance. Finally, I asserted that the instruction of Iri peasant music should be a kind of local cultural materials so that it might be used as an essential material to cultivate patriotism, host spirit, honor, and frontier spirit.