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      • KCI등재

        김은국 문학의 보편성과 대중 재현의 문제 : 한국 여행기 「오 나의 한국」(1966)과 소설 『심판자』(1968)를 중심으로

        김남혁 ( Kim Nam-hyuk ) 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2020 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.64

        재미한인작가 김은국의 문학세계에 접근하는 대표적인 작품과 키워드는 1964년에 발표된 『순교자』와 보편성이었다. 이 둘의 대표성은 지금까지도 강력한 영향력을 지니고 있고 그에 준한 연구들이 대거 발표되어 왔다. 하지만 이 때문에 김은국의 문학적 실천들과 그 의미들이 많은 부분 이해되지 못한 채 남아 있기도 했다. 본 논문은 이 같은 연구와 관심의 편중을 조정하기 위해 그가 『순교자』로 문명을 얻고 막 남한에 귀국했을 무렵인 1965년 어름의 시기에 주목하여 그간 주목받지 못했던 그의 문학적 실천들을 음미해보고자 했다. 이를 위해 그가 남긴 한국여행기 「오 나의 한국(O My Korea)」과 귀국 직전에 탈고했던 『심판자(The Innocent)』(1968)를 검토했다. 본 논문은 이 두 작품이 『순교자』와 보편성이라는 관심 때문에 조명받지 못했던 그의 텍스트들이자, 미학적 보편성이라는 개념으로는 해석되기 어려운 당대 남한의 구체적 역사들과 연결되어 있는 텍스트들이라는 점을 번역, 휴머니즘, 군인이라는 세부 관점들을 마련하여 검토해 봤다. 이 무렵 김은국은 휴머니즘을 자신이 지지하는 문학적 이념으로 내세웠는데, 그것은 생의 모순을 인식하고 그것을 살아내는 것을 의미했다. 「오 나의 한국」은 이 같은 휴머니즘의 시좌에서 한국을 바라보는 여행기이다. 본 논문은 이 여행기가 여행자와 현지인이 만나는 접촉지대의 상호적인 특성이 부각된다는 점에서 특징적이지만, 한국어로 번역되는 과정에서 접촉지대의 활력과 상호성이 사라지게 된다는 점을 살펴봤다. 한편 김은국은 자신이 지지했던 휴머니즘을 소설 『심판자』의 주인공들인 젊은 군인들을 통해서도 드러냈다. 이 소설에서 한국의 군인은 서구의 판단으로는 이해할 수 없는 휴머니즘의 실천적 존재이자, 삶보다 더 큰 대의를 추구하는 순수하면서도 현실적인 존재로 이해됐다. 그런데 「오 나의 한국」과 『심판자』는 1960년대 내내 김은국이 지지했던 휴머니즘을 구현하는 작품들이었지만, 그 휴머니즘 속에서 대중의 민주주의적 역량은 고찰되지 못하는 공통된 한계를 드러낸 텍스트들이기도 했다. Until now, the representative works and keywords that approach the literary world of Korean-American writer Richard E. Kim were The Martyred (1964) and universality. Their representativeness of these two has a strong influence and too many reviews and articles have been published. However, for this reason, many of Richard E. Kim's literary practices and their meanings still remained ununderstood. This paper attempted to examine his literary practices that have not been noticed before, paying attention to the period around 1965, when he became famous for the Martyred and just returned to South Korea. In particular, this paper reviewed his travel writing, “O My Korea,” and his novel, The Innocent (1968). This paper analyzed these two texts around three key words : translation, humanism, and Korean soldier. Through this, it was discovered that these two works were his texts that were not illuminated by the interest of The Martyred and the concept of universality, and those that were linked to the specific history of South Korea of the time. At that time, Richard E. Kim supported humanism, which meant recognizing the contradictions of life and bringing it to life. “O My Korea” was a travelogue that understood Korea from this perspective of humanism. This paper has found that although this travelogue was characterized in that the interaction of the contact zone where travelers and locals meet, but in the process of being translated into Korean, the vitality and reciprocity of the contact zone disappeared. In addition, Richard E. Kim revealed the humanism he supported through the young soldiers who were the protagonists of the novel The Innocent. In this novel, the Korean soldier was understood as a practical existence of humanism that cannot be understood by Western thought, and as a innocent and realistic being who pursues a greater cause than ordinary life. However, “O My Korea” and The Innocent were works that embodied the humanism that he supported throughout the 1960s, but in that humanism, the democratic capacities of the multitude could not be considered.

      • KCI등재

        한국문학의 국제화와 TV드라마의 대형화 : 김은국의 소설 『잃어버린 이름』과 각색된 동명의 특집드라마를 중심으로

        김남혁 ( Kim Nam Hyuk ) 한국어문학국제학술포럼 2019 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.44 No.-

        This paper dealt with Richard E. Kim’s novel Lost Names(1970) and TV drama of the same title(1985). Small aims of this study were to research the context of understanding that novel in various fields, especially in the area of TV drama in Korea in the 1980s. With this investigation, this paper compared aspects of internationality in novel and TV drama. Richard E. Kim sought to exhibit internationality in his novel that could help Korean literature to surpass locality. He thought that literary internationality could make Korean literature something like world literature but literary locality could make it something like traveling guide book. If so, how could korean literature step toward world literature and get that internationality? He answered that when an author made an effort to represent details of subsidiary information in narrative such as location, time, and so forth, his novel would show only provincialism. However, when an author endeavored to refuse literary locality, history, memory, and hatred that originated in them could be transcended. 15 years later, his novel Lost Names was adapted for TV drama on MBC in Korea. Around this time, TV broadcasting including TV drama was controlled by the government. The New Military Forces dominated broadcasting system and used it to propagate an image of the ideal nation. The TV drama < 잃어버린 이름(Lost Names) > was adapted in this harsh atmosphere of the times. However, this drama also pursued internationality like Richard. E Kim’s novel, which did not realized likewise. Japanese cruelty and resentment against it were stood out in the drama by representing past events in great detail. Broadcasting authorities thought these kinds of adaptation could strengthen internationality in TV drama. In other words, Richard E. Kim’s novel and the adopted TV drama sought internationality alike, but these two works understood it differently. This paper discussed this sameness and difference.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1994)

        김재홍,안진균,정성재,김영태,김중환,김시영,이석종,이홍렬,서호석,김경훈,권혁진,정우권,고우석,이용석,안필수,오준규,오용섭 대한화학요법학회 1996 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Background : In recent years gonorrhoea has been panendemic and remains one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Method : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae(PPNG), Ive have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1994, 168 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 109 (64,9% ) were PPNG. Conclustion : Our results suggests that the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is still increasing.

      • KCI등재

        제2종의 중심합성계획의 통계적 성질

        김혁주,박성현,Kim Hyuk-Joo,Park Sung-Hyun 한국통계학회 2006 응용통계연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Kim(2002)은 축점의 위치가 두 개의 수에 의하여 정해지는 제2종의 중심합성계획을 제시하고 이를 CCD2라 불렀다. 본 논문에서는 CCD2를 더욱 연구하여 몇 가지의 새로운 사실을 밝혔다. 직교성과 회전성, 직교성과 기울기회전성, 회전성과 균등정밀성을 동시에 갖는 CCD2들을 구하였으며, Park과 Kim(1992)이 제시한 기울기회전성의 측도를 이러한 CCD2들에 적용하여 그 결과를 관찰하였다. Kim(2002) proposed a second type of central composite design in which the positionsof the axial points are indicated by two numbers, and called it CCD2. In the present paper, we have studied CCD2 further and obtained several new facts. We have obtained CCD2's that have both orthogonality and rotatability, both orthogonality and slope rotatability, and both rotatability and uniform precision. We also have applied Park and Kim's (1992) measure of slope rotatability to such CCD2's and observed some useful results.

      • KCI등재

        한국 프로야구에서 수정된 WHIP와 피홈런 수를 결합한 실점 설명 수비지표들

        김혁주,Kim, Hyuk Joo 한국통계학회 2016 응용통계연구 Vol.29 No.7

        한국 프로야구팀들의 실점을 설명하기 위한 수비지표를 연구하였다. 출루율과 장타율을 결합한 OPS가 팀들의 득점력을 매우 잘 설명한다는 사실을 동기로 하여 본 논문에서는 팀들의 실점을 설명하기 위한 수비지표를 연구하였다. 여러 가지의 수비지표 중 팀의 실점과 상관관계가 높은 것들을 결합하여 만든 몇 가지의 결합 지표들을 고려하였다. 프로야구 원년인 1982년부터 2015년까지의 정규리그 전 경기 자료를 분석한 결과 수정WHIP와 이닝당피홈런의 가중평균으로 정의되는 가중수정WPH2가 실점을 가장 잘 설명해줬다. 구체적으로 수정WHIP에 34%, 이닝당피홈런에 66%의 가중값을 두는 가중수정WPH2가 팀의 경기당 평균실점과 0.95362의 상관계수를 갖는 최적의 지표인 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 Kim과 Kim (2015a)에서 얻어진 지표에 의한 결과보다 좀 더 향상된 결과이다. 시대별 분석에서도 크게 다르지 않은 결과를 얻었다. 또한 얻어진 지표의 값이 좋은 투수 10명씩의 명단을 최근 3년간에 대해 연도별로 작성해보았다. We studied fielding indices to explain runs lost for Korean professional baseball teams, successively motivated by OPS and weighted OPS obtained by combining on-base percentage and slugging average that can adequately explain the run productivity of teams. We considered several combined indices made by combining fielding indices highly correlated with the runs lost of teams. Data analysis from all games in the regular seasons of 1982-2015 shows that weighted adjusted WPH 2 (defined as weighted average of adjusted WHIP and number of home runs allowed per inning) best explains runs lost. Weighted adjusted WPH 2 consisting of adjusted WHIP (with weight 34%) and number of home runs allowed per inning (with weight 66%) was found to be optimal weighted adjusted WPH 2 having correlation coefficient 0.95362 with average runs lost per game. This result is an improvement of the result of the index obtained in Kim and Kim (2015a). Analysis by chronological periods provides results that are not much different. Also we made a list of top 10 pitchers for each of the recent three years, based on the obtained index.

      • KCI등재

        결합된 수비지표들을 이용한 한국 프로야구의 실점 설명

        김혁주,김예형,Kim, Hyuk Joo,Kim, Yea Hyoung 한국통계학회 2015 응용통계연구 Vol.28 No.5

        한국 프로야구에서 팀들의 실점을 설명하기 위한 지표를 연구하였다. Kim과 Kim (2014)이 팀들의 득점력을 설명하기 위한 공격지표를 연구한 것과 유사하게 본 논문에서는 팀들의 실점을 설명하기 위한 수비지표를 연구하였다. 여러 가지의 수비지표 중 팀의 실점과 관련이 큰 것들을 결합하여 만든 몇 가지의 결합지표들을 고려하였다. 프로야구 원년인 1982년부터 2014년까지의 정규리그 전 경기 자료를 분석한 결과 WHIP와 경기당피홈런의 가중평균으로 정의되는 가중WPH가 실점을 가장 잘 설명해줬다. 구체적으로 WHIP에 81%, 경기당피홈런에 19%의 가중값을 주는 가중WPH가 팀의 평균실점과 0.95033의 상관계수를 갖는 최적의 가중WPH인 것으로 나타났다. 시대별 분석에서도 크게 다르지 않은 결과를 얻었다. We studied indices to explain runs lost for Korean professional baseball teams. Kim and Kim (2014) studied batting indices to explain run productivity of teams; subsequently, we studied fielding indices to explain runs lost. We considered several combined indices made by combining fielding indices closely connected with the runs lost of teams. Data analysis from all games in the regular seasons of 1982~2014 show that weighted WPH (defined as weighted average of WHIP and number of home runs allowed per game) best explain runs lost. Weighted WPH consisting of WHIP (with weight 81%) and number of home runs allowed per game (with weight 19%) was found optimal weighted WPH having correlation coefficient 0.95033 with average runs lost per game. Analysis by chronological periods gave results not much different.

      • Rifampicin에 의한 것으로 추정되는 위막성 대장염1예

        김수현,이은우,정종혁,문승현,김동한,양혁승,오영상,김호동,김도현,박혁,박정환,박경옥,이영직 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2006 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.31 No.2

        Pseudomembranous colitis, caused by altering the normal colonic flora and allowing the multiplication of Clostridium difficile, is an deleterious adverse effect of antibiotics. But it is rarely reported by rifampicin. Rifampicin is one of the first line drug in the treatment of tuberculosis and many patients are exposed to its potential adverse effects. We experienced a patient that had abdominal discomfort and hematochezia due to pseudomembranous colitis after receiving antituberculous medication, and which was probably caused by rifampicin. A 82 years old man was admitted with abdominal discomfort and hematochezia for one week. On the past history he had been diagnosed as endobronchial tuberculosis about 4 months ago. Colonoscopy revealed multiple discrete whitish mucosal lesion on rectosigmoid colon, and histologic findings were consistent with pseudomembranous colitis. The antituberculous agents were discontinued and vancomycin was administered. The patient's symptoms were resolved within several days. There was no recurrence after reinstitution of the antituberculous agents excluding rifampicin. We report here on a case of pseudomembranous colitis probably due to rifampicin.

      • 比較憲法에 관한 硏究 : 民主主義國家의 憲法과 共産主義國家의 憲法을 中心으로

        金水暎,黃革周,權光植,吳再煥,崔聖俊,金益鉉,金永休,王任東 朝鮮大學校 法政大學 1977 法政大論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper aims to make clear the fundamental differences between the constitutions of two political systems, constitutional democracy and communism. (1) Fundamental Human Rights The recognition and the protection of fundamental liberties are the essences of the political system of constitutional democacy. The reality of individual liberties is the only reliable criterion that differentiates the two political systems, since the institutional apparatus of both government, assemblies, elections, parties, bureaucracies have become stereotyped to the point of identity. Recognition or nonrecognition of fundemental guaranties are closely related to the ideological telos of either system. In the constitutional democracy they crystallize the supreme values of human self-realization and dignity. In the communist states they are denied legitimacy not only because they may function as foci of opposition against monolithic power but also because they could obstruct the ideology of economic planning under collectivism. The idelolgical foundation and functional purpose of classical fundamentalism underwent a fa -reaching transformation in the Marxian society. The Russian Revolution preaches and practices the primacy of the collectivity over the individual. Instesd of being "inalienable" interpreted as obligations of the state toward the laboring masses. The attitude of Marxism in the U.S.S.R. and the so-called "People's Democracies" toward fundamental liberties is altogether different. All constitutions in the Soviet orbit contain elaborate statements on fundamental rights of the citizens, characteristically coupled with provisions concerning their duties toword the state and the community. Civil liberties in the classical sense, which the constitution of communist states merely summarizes, are overshadowed by the new social and economic rights. The guaranty of the civil rights proper is hedged in by the rubber clause that they are guaranteed " in conformity with the interests of the working class" and "in order to strenghthen the socialist system". Especially political rights of the suffrage are converted into compulsory mass participation in the political process directed by the party hierarchy. And its single party (communist party)was the straight negation of all political liberty. (2) Patterns of Governament In the modern democratic-constitutional state the essence of the power process consists in the attempt to establish an equilibrium between the various competitive plural forces within in state society, with due regard to the free unfolding of the human personality. In communist state, social control and political power are monopolized by a single power holder, subordinating the individual to the ideological requirements of the group domination the state. The basic difference between the two political systema conists in whether, in the various stages of the governmental process, political power, is distributed among and shared by several independent power holders or whether political power is concentrated in and monoploized by a single power holder, be it an individual person, and assembly, or a party. Assembly government system revived in the Stalin constitution of 1936 in the U.S.S.R. from where it spread, after the Second World War, to all satellite states, as well as East Germany, Red China, North Korea. No communist state fails to conform to this standard pattern. Assembly government, by its own biological laws. easily transforms itself into a regime in which a single power holder exercises the monopoly of political power. This may well be the intrinsic reason for the communist preference. By necessity the communist state is a plice state. Another indispensable instrument of social control is the single party. The governmental techniques of a communist regime are necessarily authoritarian. But the regime does much more than exclude the power addressees from their legitimate share in the formation of the will of the state. It attempts to mold the private life, the soul, the spirit and the mores of the citizens to a dominant ideology that the various instrumentalities of the power process force on the non-conformists.

      • KCI등재

        The effect of neuropeptides on secretion of Interleukin-8(IL-8)

        Kim, Kyung-Jun,Park, Sang-Hyuk,Choi, Kyoung-Kyu,Park, Sang-Jin 大韓齒科保存學會 2006 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.31 No.3

        본 연구는 치수조직, 치은, 치주인대로부터 배양된 조직을 SP (Substance P)로 4시간, SP, CGRP (Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide), Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)로 8시간 자극 후 RNase Protection Assay를 시행하고, IL-8의 분비량을 측정해 다음 결과를 얻었다. 1. IL-8 mRNA는 모든세포에서 발현됐다. 2. IL-8 mRNA 발현은 SP (10^(-5)M)와 SP (10^(-8)M)로 4시간 자극 시 증가되지 않았다. 3. IL-8 mRNA 발현은 SP (10^(-4)M)와 CGRP (10^(-6)M)로 8시간 자극 시 증가되지 않았다. 4. TNF-α (2 ng/㎖) 자극 시, IL-8 mRNA 발현이 증가됐다. 5. 치은 세포를 CGRP (10^(-6)M)로 8시간 자극 시, IL-8 분비량이 증가했다 (p < 0.05). 6. 치주인대 세포를 SP (10^(-4)M)로 8시간 자극 시 IL-8 분비량이 증가했다 (p < 0.05). We investigated the secretion of Interleukin-8 (IL-8) from ginviva and periodontal ligament stimulated with Substance P (SP) and Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide (CGRP). Gingiva (GF), periodontal ligament (PDLF) and pulp (PF) tissues were collected from extracted instact 3rd molars. Cultured cells were stimulated with different concentrations of SP for 4 hrs, and stimulated with SP, CGRP and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) for 8 hrs. Then RNase Protection Assay was carried out. ELISA was performed using supernatants of stimulated cells for quantitative analysis of IL-8. Results were assessed using supernatants of stimulated cells for quantitative analysis of IL-8. Results were assessed using student t-test with significance of P < 0.05. According to this study, the results were as follows: 1. IL-8 mRNA was detected in all type of cells studied (PF, GF and PDLF). 2. IL-8 mRNA expression was not increased after stimulating 4 hrs with SP (10^(-5)M) and SP (10^(-8)M) compared with Mock stimulation in all type of cells studied. 3. IL-8 mRNA expression was not increased after stimulating 8 hrs with SP (10^(-4)M) and CGRP (10^(-6)M) compared with Mock stimulation in all type of cells studied. 4. TNF-α (2 ng/㎖) increased the expression of IL-8 mRNA in all kind of cells studied. 5. The secretion of IL-8 from GF was increased 8 hrs after the stimulation with CGRP (10^(-6)M) (p < 0.05). 6. The secretion of IL-8 from PDLF was increased 8 hrs after the stimulation with SP (10^(-4)M) (p < 0.05). Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide (CGRP) increased Interleukin-8 (IL-8) which plays an important role in chemotaxis of neutrophil in Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide (CGRP) gingival tissue, whereas Substance P increased the secretion of IL-8 from periodontal ligament.

      • KCI등재후보

        하악골에 발생한 골막 골육종

        김태우,김승범,권혁찬,문선재,윤정훈,김형준,차인호,육종인,김진 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2002 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.24 No.1

        Periosteal osteosarcoma is a distinct entity of malignant bone tumor with characteristic clinical, morphological, and histological features within the group of juxtacortical osteosarcoma. Periosteal osteosarcoma is predominantly located in the tubular long bones, and extremely rarely involving the jaws. A case of periosteal osteosarcoma of the right mandible is presented. A 27-year-old woman complained of the gingival swelling and bleeding tendency of the right posterior mandible. Clinical examination revealed a reddish brown strawberry-like swelling on the affected mucosa, which measured 1.5㎝×1.5㎝. The tumor was located on the lingual cortex of the mandible and extended into the surrounding soft tissues. Microscopically, the tumor consisted exclusively of atypical chondroblastic cells with a small osteoblastic area. A minimal bone marrow involvement was noted and the adjacent cortex was free of tumor. These findings suggested that the tumor originated from the periosteal cambium layer, which lies between the periosteal fibrous layer and the cortex of mandible.

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