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      • 임상 가검물에서 분리된 균(대장균과 황색 포도균)의 약제 내성

        김중명,김재식,김경선,김재룡,전동석,최성만,서상철,김인자,김재숭,이건일,김경숙 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1982 慶北醫大誌 Vol.23 No.2

        1981년 1월에서 12월말까지 임상 제료에서 분리한 Escherichia coli (E. coli)와 Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) 중에서 무작위로 각 50주 씩 선택하여 원판 확산법과 평판 희섭법으로 그 내성주를 조사하여 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 전체적으로 볼 때에 Teteracyclin (TET), Chloramphenicol (CM) 및 Ampicillin (AMP)에 대한 내성주가 가장 많았고, Amikacin (AMK)에 대한 내성주는 가장 적어다. 이것을 균종별로 보면 E. coli에 있어서는 TET, AMP 및 CM는 원판 확산법으로서 74∼76%, 평판 희석법으로서는 78∼94%가 내성주임을 나타내었고, 또 Cephalothin(CEP)은 원판 확산법에서는 8%가 내성주로 나타났으나, 평판 의석법에서는 52%가 내성주로 나타났다. S. aureus에 있어서는 TET는 원판 확산법으로 82%, 평판 희석법으로서는 78%가 내성주로 나왔고 Penicillin (P)은 원판 확산법에서는 56% 평판 희석법으로는 22%의 내성주가 나왔으며, GM과 CM은 원판확산법에서는 18∼44%, 평판 희석법에서는 56∼58%가 내성주로 나왔다. Each 50 strains of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were selected at random out of the stock cultures which were isolated from the clinical materials in the bacteriological laboratory of the department of clinical pathology. Kyungpook National University Hospital from the first of January to the end of December in 1982, and their resistance against eight antibiotics were as follows; Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus had the most resistant pattern against tetracyclin, chloramphenicol, and ampicillin, while they had the most sensitive pattern against amikacin in general. Escherichia coli revealed resistant pattern to tetracyclin, ampicillin, and chloramphenicol 74-76% by the disk diffusion method and 78-94% by the plate dilution method, and revealed resistant pattern to cephalothin 8% by the disk diffusion and 52% by the plate dilution. Staphylococcs aureus disclosed resistant pattern to tetracyclin 82% by the disk diffusion and 78% by the plate dilution, and disclosed resistant pattern to penicillin 56% by the disk diffusion and 22% by the plate dilution, and to gentamicin and-chloramphenicol 18-44% by the disk diffusion and 56-58% by the plate dilution.

      • 韓國河川의 流出率과 流出指標로서의 洪水直前 流量

        金熙鍾,柳又秀,金佳鉉,申東守,韓健模,全裕燦 東亞大學校 大學院 1984 大學院論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        This paper is a study on relation between run-off ratio and antecedent discharge, run-off ratio and antecedent discharge per unit area, antecedent discharge and antecedent precipitation, by the data from the five major river basins in Korea and the small river basins in Pusan. The Nak-Dong rivers(An-Dong upper stream) f=0.4780+0.0124 ln qA r=0.99 qA=0.3368e0.1101R r=0.99 f=0.5793+0.0146 ln(qA/A) r=0.99 The Nak-Dong rivers except Ga-song station f=0.2017-0.0840 ln qA r=0.75 f=0.7012+0.0750 ln(aA/A) r=0.71 The Han rivers f=-0.0035+01267 on qA r=0.75 f=1.1311+0.1263 ln(qA/A) r=0.71 L=302.9064-43.8490 ln qA r=0.84 The Geun rivers(Mu-sin Cheon) f=0.295+0.1823 ln qA r=0.93 f=0.8417+0.1823 ln(qA/A) r=0.93 L=40.0456+62.0346 ln qA r=0.94 The Yeong-san rivers f=0.3766+0.0598 ln qA r=0.79 f=0.8084+0.0599 ln(qA/A) r=0.79 The Seom-jin rivers f=-1.3875+0.6505 ln qA r=0.92 f=2.1633+0.3465 ln(qA/A) r=0.76 Small river basin in Pusan f=0.3635+0.1120 ln qA r=0.87

      • 만성 견비통에 대한 동씨침 치료의 무작위 대조군의 임상 연구

        김찬영,권나현,신예지,남동우,김건형,김종인,최도영,이윤호,이재동 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2007 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2007 No.-

        Objectives : To observe the effect of acupuncture treatment in chronic shoulder pain patients. Methods : 36 voluntary patients were randomly assigned to an acupuncture treatment group(E GrouP, n=18) and a control group(C GrouP, n=18). The E Group patients received acupuncture treatment on LI_(15), TE_(14), GB_(21) and Master Dong's acupuncture points, Shin-gwan and Gyun-joong, twice a week for four weeks. The C Group patients received no treatment. All patients in both groups were instructed to practise self exercise in their daily lives. Evaluations were made at baseline and after four weeks of study. The Constant Shoulder Assessment(CSA), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index(SPADI) and the patient's subjective pain was measured by Visual Analogue Scale(VAS). The obtained data was analyzed. Results '. The E Group showed significant(p<0.05) improvement in CSA, SPADI and VAS after four weeks of treatment. The C Group showed significant(p<0.05) improvement in CSA, but the change of SPADI and VAS was insignificant(P>0.05). CSA and SPADI of E Group significantly(p<0.05) improved compared to the C GrouP, but the difference of VAS change in the two groups was insignificant(p>0.05). Conclusions : Four weeks of acupuncture treatment significantly improved CSA, SPADI and VAS. The improvement of CSA and SPADI was significant(p<0.05) compared to untreated patients.

      • 침 치료가 오십견(五十肩) 환자의 적외선 체열촬영에 미치는 영향

        김건형,이로민,남동우,김종인,임사비나,이두익,최도영,이윤호,이재동 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2006 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2006 No.-

        Objectives : To observe the effect of acupuncture treatment on Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging(DITI) in frozen shoulder patients. Methods : 17 voluntary patients received acupuncture treatment on LI15, TE14, GB21 and Master Dong's acupuncture points, Shin-gwanand Gyun-joong, twice a week for 4 weeks. The patients were instructed to practice self exercise during their daily lives. Evaluations were made before treatment, after 1 week of treatment, after 2 weeks, 3 weeks and after 4 weeks of treatment. Constant Shoulder Assessment(CSA), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index(SPADI), Range of Motion(ROM) and the patient's satisfaction concerning the treatment was measured by Visual Analogue Scale(VAS). DITI was measured before treatment and after 4weeks of treatment. The obtained data was analyzed. Results : CSA, SPADI, VAS, adduction and extension showed significant(p<0.05) improvement. Abduction and flexion both improved after 4 weeks of treatment, but the improvement was statistically insignificant(p>0.05). DITI showed improvement but the improvement was insignificant(p>0.05). Conclusion : 4 weeks of acupuncture treatment significantly improved CSA, SPADI, VAS, adduction and extension in frozen shoulder patients(p<0.05). The improvement of abduction and flexion after 4 weeks of acupuncture treatment was insignificant(p>0.05). DITI results improved after 4 weeks of acupuncture treatment. But the change of thermal difference was insignificant(p>0.05).

      • KCI등재

        열공형과 비열공형 피질하 혈관성 치매에서 위험인자의 차이에 관한 비교 연구

        배희준,정지향,유경호,나덕렬,김상윤,최경규,양동원,손의주,이상도,김재우,박경원,김응규,이재홍,박미영,한일우,함동석,최문성,하충건,최성혜,이애영,이병철,한설희 대한치매학회 2003 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.2 No.2

        Backgrounds and Objectives: Vascular dementia is a group of dementing disoders arising from various stroke syndrome. Among these. subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (SIVD) is regarded as a relatively distinct clinical entity. However, MRI patterns of SIVD are not homogenous. In some patients, lacunes are dominant, and in others, subcortical white matter changes are. This study was designed to compare risk factor profiles between SIVD with and without multiple lacunes. Methods: We divided 47 subjects (22 males, mean age. 68 years) recruited from VADAPET (Multicenter Trial For Evaluation Of The Changes In the PET Images Of Subcortical Vascular Dementia Patient) study into two groups one with more than 5 lacunes in deep gray matter (lacune group) and the other with 5 or less(non-lacune group) Clinical characteristics and laboratory findings of two groups were compared. Results: Nineteen of 47 patients (40%) belonged to the lacune group. The lacune and non-lacune groups d d not differ in the following variables: age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia heart disease, history of stroke or TIA, history of trauma or major surgery, family history of hypertension stroke, or dementia, age at diagnosis of dementia, body mass index, white blood cell count, ESR, CRP, fibrinogen, hemoglobin A1C, total cholesterol. LDL cholesterol creatinine, proteinuria, glucosuria, and microhematuria. However, male sex, smoking alcohol. hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol were possibly associated more with lacune group SIVD than with non-lacune group (p<0 1) Multivariate analyses revealed that smoking, hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol were independent predictors of SIVD with multiple lacunes Conclusion: Our study suggests that SIVD with multiple lacunes may be significantly different in smoking habits hemoglobin, and HDL cholesterol from SIVD without multiple lacunes.

      • 女高生의 올바른 體育觀 定立을 위한 態度 分析

        金東建,金昌林,田東善 忠南大學校體育科學硏究所 1986 體育科學硏究誌 Vol.4 No.1

        This investigation was done by using written inquiries in expectation that a new guiding method should be established through apprehending Ole actual situation after the potentiality and attitude highschool students have as to physical education had been analyzed. The result is a follows : 1. The aspect of the basic attitude to physical education ; ① Students think little of the possibilities, importance, and faithfulness to physical education, as compared with the fondness of it and the family concern. ② Students desire the student-leading class more than the teacher-leading class. ③ There is a wide difference between the students accomodation attitude and value towards physical education and the objectives of teachers. 2. The aspect of the technique and physical fitness ; ① Students think they have the ability of promoting their physique and physical fitness. but they are able to develop the motor and function in the physical education class. ② Students have the strong desire to place themselves under the complete guidance of technique. ③ Students have the great desire to have the physical training. 3. The aspect of the attitude to mentality ; ① Students' view is that they can not gain the well-matured way of thinking and the prudential attitude in its' class. ② Students have the view that they not only change their sensation, but they habit the cheerful surroundings and develop the perseverence and spiritual strength through physical education class. 4. The aspect of the attitude to society ; ① Students think they can cultivate team-worth cooperation, Justice , the cab it of observing the rules, relationship, and the responsibility through physical education class . ② Many students show a negative position as to physical education in developing their democratic attitude through physical education class.

      • 獨逸體育 確立에 關한 硏究 : Jahn을 中心으로 With Emphasis on Jahn

        金東建,安容奎,李大珩 충남대학교 1991 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.18 No.1

        I have surveyed the study of establishment of physical education of Germany with emphasis on Jahn. An idea of traditional physical education of Germany is derived from physical education of championship and is influenced by the culture of Rome and Christianity. As a result, it has become a prominent figure of a new idea of physical education. That is to say, physical education at that time took a passive attitude because of the thought that physical exercise was meaningless. Thereafter, Basedow who was influenced by Rousseau conducted physical education on the basis of patriotism. Gutsmuths encouraged physical education from the view point of pure education. But Jahn developed physical education based on nationalism. Jahn born to a religious family was a model of nationalism. He devoted his whole life to cultivating healthy body, team spirit and strong nationalism by means of Turmen movement. He thought national traits of Germany resulted from the people's union which was inner instinct, a life and productive power of the people. Therefore, he tried to cultivate the spirit of nation through physical training. Jahn intended to achieve the goal of nationalism through gymnastics. He conducted the life of body on the basis of national traits of Germany, topographical character and powerful physical strength in relation to the goal of nationalism.

      • 대전광역시 남·녀 노인의 레크리에이션 활동 실태

        김동건,민춘기,이용인,이종길,박영숙,염동삼 忠南大學校體育科學硏究所 1997 體育科學硏究誌 Vol.15 No.1

        The Purpose of this study was to investigate the current conditions of recreation activities of male and female olders in Taejeon. 416 (197 males and 219 females) olders above 60 years old were selected as subjects and examined by face-to-face interview for this study. The collected data were analyzed using such statistical methods as frequencies and crosstabulation with Chi-suare tests. The major findings in this study were summarized as following: there were significant differences between male and female olders; male olders participated the most in tourism and entertainment, while female olders the most in hobbies and social activities; the purpose of male olders' activity was to maintain their health, but in the case of females it was use of leisure and self-actualization; male olders participated more frequently in recreation activities than female olders significantly.

      • 주파수 선별 광귀환에 의한 반도체 레이저의 주파수 튜닝

        김학근,서동선 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 1992 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        we present preliminary turning range of grating external-cavity semiconductor laser expected from simple models of laser gain spectra and an external-cavity laser. It is experimentally shown that the lasing waelength can be tuned up to 9 nm at the power mode coupling factor β = 0.35 with any coating on the laser facet.

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