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      • KCI등재

        cDNA array 방법을 이용한 망간에 노출된 흰쥐 뇌기저핵의 유전자발현 분석

        이채관,노성민,문덕환,,김정호,손병철,김대환,이창희,김휘동,김정원,김종은,안진홍,이채언 大韓産業醫學會 2005 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Objectives: This study investigated the gene expression profile in basal ganglia of manganese-exposed rats based on cDNA array analysis. Methods: For cDNA array, 25 male Sprague-Dawley rats (250±25 g) were intraperitoneally injected with 25 ㎎/㎏ B. W./day of MnCl2 (0.3 ㎖) for 10 days. For dose-related gene expression analysis, rats were intraperitoneally injected with 0.2, 1.0, and 5.0 ㎎/㎏ B. W/day of MnCl2 for 10 days. Control rats were injected with an equal volume of saline. RNA samples were extracted from brain tissue and reverse-transcribed in the presence of [α^(32)P]-dATP. Membrane sets of the Atlas Rat 1.2 array Ⅱ and Toxicology array 1.2 kit (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA) were hybridized with cDNA probe sets. Northern blot hybridization method was employed to assess the dose-related gene expression. Results: Fifty-two genes showed significant changes in expression of more than two-fold. Twenty-eight were up-regulated and 24 were down-regulated in the manganese-exposed group compared to the control. Among the 52 genes, 28 genes including nuclear factor I-X1 (NF1-X1), neuroligin 2 and 3, mitochondrial stress-70 protein (MTHSP70), neurodegeneration-associated protein 1 (Neurodap 1), multidrug resistance protein (MDR), and endoplasmic reticulum stress protein 72 (ERP72), were reported for the first time related to the manganese-induced neurotoxic-metabolism in the rat basal ganglia. According to the dose-related gene expression analyses, MTHSP70, Neurodap 1 and ERP72 genes were up-regulated compared to the control even in the group exposed to low manganese dose ( 0.2 ㎎/㎏ B.W./day). Conclusions: Twenty-eight genes detected for the first time in this study were closely related to the manganese-induced neurotoxic-metabolism in the rat basal ganglia and further study of these genes can give some more useful information about the manganese metabolism.

      • KCI등재

        하수처리장 적용을 위한Semi-카플란 수차가 장착된 마이크로수력발전 시스템

        채규정(Kyu Jung Chae),김동수(Dong Soo Kim),천경호(Kyung Ho Cheon),김원경(Won Kyoung Kim),김정연(Jung Yeon Kim),이철형(Chul Hyung Lee),박완순(Wan Soon Park) 大韓環境工學會 2013 대한환경공학회지 Vol.35 No.5

        소수력발전은 하수처리장 에너지 자립을 위한 효과적인 대안이다. 본 연구는 유량변동이 크고 유효낙차가 낮은 중소형하수처리장(기흥레스피아) 적용을 위해 피치조절형 세미카플란(semi-kaplan) 마이크로수력발전의 적용 타당성을 평가하였다. 가변피치 semi-kaplan 수차는 유량조절을 위한 가이드베인은 생략하고 피치조절형 런너를 장착하여 기계적 결함은 줄이면서 유량변동이 큰 처리장에 특화된 기술이다. 마이크로수력발전 시스템은 설계조건(유량 0.35 m3/s, 유효낙차 4.7 m)에서 90.2%의 수차효율 달성이 가능하였고 발전용량은 13.4 kW로 산정되었다. 설비가동률 74%로 가동 시 연간 약 86.8 MWh 에너지 생산을 통해 2.1%의 에너지 자립이 가능하고 이는 연간 49톤의 CO₂ 감축효과와 맞먹는다. 경제성 평가결과 초기 건설공사비가 200,000,000원 이하인 경우에는 내부수익률은 6.1%, 순현가는 15,539,000원, 편익-비용률은 1.08, 투자회수년은 15.5년으로 경제성이 충분한 것으로 나타났다. Small scale hydropower is one of most attractive and cost-effective energy technologies for installation within sewage treatment plants. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of a semi-kaplan micro-hydropower (MHP) system for application to sewage treatment plants with high flow fluctuations and a low head. The semi-kaplan MHP is equipped with an adjustable runner blade, and is without a guide vane, so as to reduce the incidence of mechanical problems. A MHP rating 13.4 kWp with a semi-kaplan turbine has been considered for Kiheung Respia sewage treatment plant, and this installation is estimated to generate 86.8 MWh of electricity annually, which is enough to supply electricity to over 25 households, and equivalent to an annual reduction of 49 ton CO₂. The semi-kaplan turbine showed a 90.2% energy conversion efficiency at the design flow rate of 0.35 m3/s and net head of 4.7 m, and was adaptable to a wide range of flow fluctuations. Through the MHP operation, approximately 2.1% of total electricity demand of Kiheung Respia sewage treatment plant will be achievable. Based on financial analysis, an exploiting MHP is considered economically acceptable with an internal rate of return of 6.1%, net present value of 15,539,000 Korean Won, benefit- cost ratio of 1.08, and payback year of 15.5, respectively, if initial investment cost is 200,000,000 Korean Won.

      • 노인의 영적 간호요구

        최미혜,김경희,김귀옥,김기숙,김수강,김정신,김춘숙,노흥진,박지연,성혜연,오명선,이선희,이원옥,이윤영,이현수,장명재,차혜경,채정선,홍상희 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was designed to exam the aged's needs for spiritual nursing care. The purpose was to serve as a basis for the development of spiritual nursing practice. The major findings are as follows : 1. The degree of needs for spiritual nursing care as area was that needs of love and relationship mean 22.0, needs of meaning and object mean 28.2, needs of forgiving mean 13.5. Total needs for spiritual nursing care mean 63.7, which was on the upper middle level. The needs of meaning and object was rated highest. 2. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of love and relatiohship wasn't significanlty different. 3. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of meaning and object was significantly different according to two factors : age(F=7.260, p=0.001), religion(F=5.275, p=0.001). Higher needs of meaning and object was possessed by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other. 4. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, four factors made a significantly difference to needs of forgiving : sex(t=-2.851, p=0.006), age(F=8.201, p=0.001), religion(F=6.928, p=0.000), disease(t=2.327, p=0.024). Higher needs of forgiving was possessed by man than woman, by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other, by the one who have disease than the other.

      • KCI등재

        []Paddlane과 할로겐 화합물과의 반응

        李愚鵬,吳東元,黃悳海,權明淑,鄭宰準 慶北大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 2002 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.26 No.-

        [1.1.1]Paddlane has an inverted structure at two bridge-head carbon atoms. We will describe the reaction of [1.1.1]Paddlane and []Paddlane. The reaction of [1.1.1]propellane with singlet methylene affored 1,3-Dimethylene as the major product and []paddlane as the minor products were obtained. The reaction of [1.1.1]propellane with triplet methylene was carried out in the similar conditions. The result afforded 1,3-Dimethylenecylopropane as the major product and various side products were also obtained. But no trace of []paddlane was detected. After the synthesis of []paddlane, continuously []paddlane reacts with iodide. The product that I expected for 1,3-diiodo-tricyclo[]hexane is different. and has unsymmetrical structure.

      • 부산지역 강하먼지 중 불용성 중금속 함유량

        이용범,황용식,이창희,박명희,이채관,강동묵,김정원,전병일,문덕환 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.1

        ■ Objectives The purpose of this study was to estimate qualitatively various bulk deposition flux of insoluble heavy metal components by applying regional and seasonal distribution. our institution from January 1980 to December 31th, 2001. ■ Materials and Methods Dustfall particles were collected by the modified American dust jar (wide inlet bottle type) at 6 sampling sites in Pusan area from March, 1999 to February, 2000. Five chemical species (Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni and Pb) were analyzed by AAS(Perkin-Elmer 4100ZL). ■ Results The mean values of each heavy metal concentrations were Cd for 3.947 g/㎢/month, Cr for 0.191 ㎏/㎢/month, Mn for 0.375 ㎏/㎢/month, Ni for 0.176 ㎏/㎢/month, and Pb for 0.823 ㎏/㎢/month. ■ Conclusions Insoluble heavy metal amount of regional variations were found in order of industrial zone, coastal zone, commercial zone, agricultural zone and residential zone.

      • KCI등재후보

        일본 장애인 소규모 공동작업장의 실태분석과 한국에의 시사점

        이채식,조원일,이은영,김명식 한국장애인고용촉진공단 2008 장애와 고용 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 일본에서 장애인 당사자의 입장을 직업기회와 사회참여 활동의 주요한 장소제공과 고용창출을 도모하는 소규모 공동작업장의 실태조사를 통해 현재 우리나라 중증장애인고용창출을 위한 발전방향에 대해 시사점을 제시하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 위해 일본 장애인 소규모 공동작업장 147개소를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 회수된 총 81부에 대해 일반사항, 경영사항, 장애인고용현황, 작업장 만족현황에 대해 통계분석을 한 결과, 장애의 강점을 발굴하여 실제 직업현장과 연계, 직업생활과 사회생활의 연계, 적극적인 생산성 확대 모색, 작업장의 민주적 운영, 지역사회 내 여가활동의 장 마련, 작업장 운영의 운동성과 유연성을 기반으로 하는 특징이 나타났다. 이러한 일본 장애인 소규모 공동작업장의 운영실태가 우리나라 중증장애인의 고용기회 확대와 당사자 중심의 고용환경을 조성하는데 주요한 시사점을 제시하고 있다. The purpose of this study provide a basic data on employment development for the severe disabled in Korea by the small scale common workshop in Japan which the employment opportunity and social participation for the disabled. For this purpose, the small scale common workshop 147 in japan surveyed meaning subject 91, general facts, management facts, the disabled employment situation, workshop satisfaction situation. To this end, the small scale common workshop in Japan have these characteristics, finding the disability empowerment and then link with job situation, the vocational life link with social life, the active productivity expansion, provide a leisure setting in community, the movement and flexibility of workshop. The managements of small scale common workshop in Japan suggest on employment opportunity development for the severe disabled and create for employment environment focused on the parties in Korea.

      • YBa₂Cu₃O 고온초전도 고주파 소자 제작에 관한 연구

        이상영,정채성,안정원 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1995 理學論集 Vol.20 No.-

        고온초전도 마이크로파 공진기 및 필터의 액체질소온도에서 작동하는 X-band용 마이크로파 소자로서의 응용성을 살피고 또한 직접 제작한 YBa₂Cu₃O (YBCO) microstrip ring resonator와 parallel plate resonator 및 YBCO microstripline two-pole filter의 특성을 측정하였다. YBCO ring resonator의 경우 40K에서의 공진주파수는 7.85 GHz, Qu는 490, YBCO parallel plate resonator의 경우 80K에서의 공진주파수는 약 8.5 GHz, Qu는 402, 그리고 YBCO two-pole filter의 경우 액체질소온도에서 삽입손실 (IL)은 1.8 dB, 통과대역(passband)의 중심주파수는 10.7 GHz이며 2.3%의 bandwidth를 지닌 것으로 관측되었다. 본 연구를 통하여 고온초전도 박막의 마이크로파 소자로서의 응용성이 매우 큼을 알 수 있었다. The applicability of high-T microwave resonators and filters operating at the liquid nitrogen temperature at frequencies in the X-band, and the characteristics of our high-T microwave passive devices including a YBa ₂Cu₃O(YBCO) microstrip ring resonator, a parallel plate resonator and a YBCO microstripline two-pole filter, are studied. It appeared that the YBCO ring resonant had the resonant frequency of 7.85 GHz and Q of 490 at 40K, and that the YBCO parallel plate resonator had the resonator frequency of 8.5 GHz and Q of 490 at 80K. Also, the YBCO filter turned out to operate at the liquid nitrogen temperature with the center frequency of 10.7 GHz, the insertion loss of 1.8dB and the bandwidth of 2.3%. This study reveals that the applicability of high-T superconducting thin films for microwave devices is very prospective.

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