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        개혁신학에서 본 진화 창조론

        우병훈(Woo, Byung Hoon) 개혁신학회 2017 개혁논총 Vol.41 No.-

        This essay attempts to demonstrate that traditional Reformed theology cannot be harmonized with evolutionary creationism found in Dr. Jong-Hak Woo’s book, An Atheist Journalist Inquires of a Christian Scientist. The imagined interlocutor “Dr. Han Byeol,” the representer of Dr. Jong-Hak Woo’s ideas, argues for an evolutionary creationism, but his ideas cause many serious problems in theological issues as well as in logical consistency. First, the interlocutor argues that God created the world and human beings through the Big Bang and evolution. He, however, does not prove this but just presupposes it. Second, his theism is similar to deism in his scientific observation of nature and is close to pantheism in his interpretation of its results. Third, the interlocutor’s ideas clash with the Reformed doctrines of revelation, Scripture, Adam, the image of God, original sin, death, atonement, and Christ. In sum, the evolutionary creationism of the interlocutor is severely inconsistent with traditional Reformed theology.

      • KCI등재

        Aptamer‑linked immobilized sorbent assay for detecting GMO marker, phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT)

        Woo‑Ri Shin,Mun‑Jong Lee,SEKHONSIMRANJEET SINGH,Ji Hun Kim,Sun Chang Kim,Byung‑Kwan Cho,Ji‑Young Ahn,Yang‑Hoon Kim 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2020 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.16 No.3

        Background Development of genetically modified crops has rapidly increased in last few years. The most widely grown GM crops express genes that confer herbicide tolerance and insect resistance. Detection system of GM crops is important for safety evaluation before its consumption. Objective The purpose of this research is to detect GM crops, especially PAT, in food-samples. Results The bar gene (PAT protein, herbicide resistant) was cloned in pGEX-4T-1 and expressed by E. coli. The high-affinity PAT-specific single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) aptamers were obtained from a random DNA library. MOE docking study was performed to identify the potential binding region of the selected aptamers on PAT. Aptamer-linked immobilized sorbent assay (ALISA) method was used to detect PAT. Conclusion We screened aptamer against PAT for developing an efficient detection method. The selected PAT specific aptamers, HRPA-05 and HRPA-07, showed the distinct target binding behaviors, and detected PAT protein by aptamer-linked immobilized sorbent assay method with high efficiency and selectivity.

      • KCI등재

        抵當湯이 血栓症에 미치는 실험적 연구

        田炳薰,任光模,鄭鉉雨,禹元洪,鄭遇悅 대한동의병리학회 1993 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.8 No.-

        연구배경 : 뇌혈관계 질환이 우리나라의 높은 사망률을 차지하고 있고, 또한 혈전증에 활혈화어법을 대단히 많이 응용되고 있어 실증의 어혈증후군에 사용되는 저당탕으로 뇌혈관계 질환중의 하나인 혈전증이 "어혈" 의 범주에 속하는 지를 고찰할 필요가 있었다. 그리하여 본 연구는 저당탕을 임상에서 혈전증 치료에 응용할 수 있는지를 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 방법 : 저당탕 5첩분량(138.75g)을 100ml로 감압농축하여 0.2mg/kg의 endotoxin을 시로투여 1시간 후에 백서의 미정맥에 주입하고 4시간이 경과되면 urethane마취하에서 심장채혈 하였다. 결과 : 혈소판수는 대조군에 비하여 유의성 있게 증가하였고 protheombin time도 대조군에 대조군에 비하여 유의성 있는 단축을 보였으나 fibrinogen 량은 대조군에 비하여 증가를 하였지만 유의성은 보이지 않았다. 또한 전혈점도와 혈장점도는 대조군에 비하여 유의성 있는 감소를 보였다. 결론 : 저당탕이 혈전증에 미치는 영향은 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 그렇기 때문에 혈전증과 어혈과는 깊은 관련을 가지고 있어 저당탕이 뇌혈관 질환뿐만 아니라 어혈성 질환에 임상적으로 응용하면 보다 높은 치료효과를 거두리라 사려된다.

      • 증식당뇨망막증에서 아르곤레이저 광응고술의 치료 효과

        안병헌,민병무,최시환,서병로,박우찬 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1992 충남의대잡지 Vol.19 No.2

        Vitreous hemorrhage, which is the major cause of blindness in proliferative diabetic retinopathy, has been prevented clinically with laser photocoagulation. We reviewed 57 cases(98 eyes) of proliferative diabetic retinopathy which were treated by argon laser and followed up for more than 6 months. Of these 98 eyes, 81 eyes(83%) showed a satisfactory response after standard panretinal photocoagulation. 14 eyes(14%) revealed the vitreous hemorrhage after panretinal photocoagulation and higher incidence of vitreous hemorrhage in the cases of new vessel on the optic disc. In the cases(26 eyes) of new vessel on the optic disc, 2000 laser burns revealed lower incidence of vitreous hemorrhage(1/5, 20%) in comparison with 1500 laser burns(8/21, 38%). These results indicate that initial augmented laser therapy prevented the vitreous hemorrhage effectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        국소 전기자극이 백서의 임의형 피부판 생존에 미치는 영향

        유병표,김영우,허우회,박병림 大韓成形外科學會 1991 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.18 No.1

        Many experimental studies have demonstrated beneficial effect of electrical field application to various hard and soft tissues. The present study was undertaken to determine if application if application of exogenous electric fields could improve survival rate of random pattern skin flap in rats. 32 Spraque-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups and caudally based random pattern flaps of 2x8cm in size were elevated in all experimental animals. Silver electrodes were implanted into the fascia to apply the electrical stimulation(-5V, 0.2ms, 20hz) to the skin flap. Electrical stimulation was applied 3 times for 1 hour daily and it was continued to the 5th day. It is concluded that exogenous electrical stimulation shows a possibility of the enhancement of flap survival rates by increasing the rates to 3.2%(P<0.01).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        좌골신경손상 흰쥐의 가자미근과 내측비복근 위축에 대한 전기자극 효과

        박병림,허우회,유병표,김영우,김대영 대한성형외과학회 1992 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.19 No.3

        This experimental study includes the effect of intermittent electrical stimulation of the muscle on the atrophic response of peripherally denervated muscles. Rats(Sprague -Dawley, 240-260gm) were subjected to a severance of the sciatic nerve and mechanical properties of contraction including contraction time, half relaxation time and maximum twitch tension, maximum tetanic tension and fatigue index were observed on the slow(soleus m.) and fast(medial gastrocnemius m.) muscles 10days after serverance of the sciatic nerve. Experimental groups were divided into three groups : control group(CONT) immediately after severance of sciatic nerve, denervation group(DN) 10days after severance of sciatic nerve, and denervation plus eletrical stimulation group : (DN-ES) denervation combined with intermittent eletrical stimulation of muscles directly. Optimal frequency of electrical stimulation was 20㎐ for soleus muscle and 40㎐ for medial gastrocnemius muscle under 0.5ms of pulse width and supramaximal intensity. In DN group, muscle weight and mechanincal properties of contraction were significantly decreased compared with the control group. In DN-ES group, however, muscle weight and mechanincal properties were significantly increased compared with the denervation group. These data indicate that intermittent electrical stimulation of muscles may be useful in decreasing the muscle atrophy in peripherally denervated muscles.

      • KCI등재

        황기桃紅湯이 Endotoxin으로 유발된 白鼠의 血栓症에 미치는 영향

        田炳薰,李鎭弘,鄭鉉雨,禹元洪,鄭遇悅 대한동의병리학회 1993 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.8 No.-

        연구배경 : 최근의 死亡率중에 腦血管系疾患이 차지하고 있는 比率이 대단히 높기 때문에 氣와 血의 이론적 관계인 "氣爲血之帥, 氣行則血行." 의 관점하에서 腦血管系疾患중의 하나인 血栓病을 동의학적 병리론에 의거하여 "瘀血"의 범주에 속할 것으로 사료되기 때문에 補氣之劑인 황기를 君藥으로하고 活血祛瘀之劑인 桃仁과 紅花를 加하여 실시하기로 하였다. 그리하여 본 연구가 임상에서 血栓症治療에 應用할 수 있는지를 考察하고, 작게는 東醫學 發展의 이론적 뒷받침이 되었으면 하는 바램에서 시행하였다. 방법 : 황기도홍탕이 1첩분량(318.75g)을 100ml로 減壓濃縮하여 0.2mg/kg의 endotoxin을 試料投與 1시간 후에 白鼠의 尾靜脈에 注入하고 4시간이 경과되면 urethane 痲醉下에서 心臟採血 하였다. 결과 : 血小板數와 FDP는 對照群에 비하여 增加 또는 減少되었지만 有意性은 나타내지 않았다. 그러나 prothrombin time과 fibrinogen량은 對照群에 비하여 有意性있게 短縮 또는 增加하였다. 결론 : 황기도홍탕이 endotoxin으로 誘發된 白鼠의 血栓症에 미치는 影響은 有意한 것으로 나타났다. 그렇기 때문에 黃?桃紅湯이 腦血管疾患 뿐만 아니라 瘀血性疾患에 임상적으로 응용하면 보다 높은 치료효과를 거두리라 思料된다 This study was performed to investigate the effect of Whangkidohongtang(황기도홍탕) on the intravascular coagulation induced by endotoxin in rats. The intravascular coagulation was induced by injecting endotoxin in the caudal vein of rats. And these rats were treated with extract of Whangkidohongtang(황기도홍탕)1.0ml/200g (GroupⅠ) and Whangkidohongtang(황기도홍탕) 2.0ml/200g (groupⅡ), which were administered orally. Then, the number of blood cells, platelets, concentration of prothrombin time, fibrinogen and FDP(fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products) were measured. The following results were obtained : 1. The number of platelets increased in the GroupⅡcompared with the control group, but it is not significant. 2. The prothrombin time was shortened significantly in the GroupⅡcompared with the control group. 3. The concentration of fibrinogen increased significantly in the trial group compared with the control group. 4. The degree of concentration of FDP decreased significantly in the trial group compared with the control group, but it is not significantly. According to the above results, it is considered that Whangkidohongtang(황기도홍탕) has the significant effects on thrombosis. Therefore, Whangkidohongtang(황기도홍탕) seems to be applicable to the diseases related to thrombosis.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        아미노글리코사이드 사용제한에 따른 병원성 균혈증 유발 그람음성간균의 내성변화 및 임상적 의의

        오종택,김신우,손종원,도병훈,한승우,신병철,박지현,이종명,김능수 대한감염학회 2003 감염과 화학요법 Vol.35 No.4

        목적 : 항균제 오남용으로 인한 내성균의 출현, 약물부작용의 발생 및 약제 비용의 증가는 환자 개인뿐만 아니라 사회적으로 문제가 되고 있다. 본 연구는 항생제의 오남용을 막기 위한 제도의 일환으로 시행한 아미노글리코사이드 사용 제한정책의 비용 효과적인 측면을 조사하고 그람음성간균에 의해 병원성 균혈증이 발생한 환자들을 대상으로 이 정책이 항생제 내성률과 환자 사망률에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 방법 : 930병상 규모의 3차 병원인 일개 대학병원에서 아미노글리코사이드 사용제한정책이 시행된 직후인 2002년 3월에서 9월 사이에 그람음성간균(Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Serratia marcescens, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Burkholderia cepacia)에 의해 발생한 병원성 균혈증 환자 60명(실험군)과, 이 정책이 시행되기 전에 입원한 환자들 중 균주별로 같은 수만큼 선별한 병원성 균혈증 환자 60명(대조군)의 의무기록을 후향적으로 조사하였다. 결과 : 아미노글리코사이드 사용제한정책이 시행된 시기인 2002년 3월에서 9월 사이에 처방된 아미노글리코사이드 사용량 및 비용을 이 정책이 시행되기 전인 2001년 3월에서 9월 사이와 비교한 결과, 아미노글리코사이드의 사용량(antimicrobial utilization density)은 사용제한 후 225.2에서 130.3으로 42% 감소하였고 약제 비용은 44% 감소하였다. 아미노글리코사이드 사용제한 후 병원성 균혈증을 유발한 그람 음성간균의 이 항생제에 대한 내성률은 유의한 변화를 보이지 않았으며 균혈증과 직접 연관된 사망률도 환자의 나이, 성별, 기저질환 및 원발병소 등을 보정할 경우 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다(40.4% vs. 24.1%, P=0.11). 결론 : 아미노글리코사이드를 5일을 초과한 사용 시 감염전문가의 사전 승인을 필요로 하는 사용제한정책은 아미노글리코사이드의 사용량과 비용을 유의하게 감소시켰다. 또한 이 정책 시행 후 그람음성간균에 의한 균혈증 환자에서 균혈증으로 인한 사망률과 아미노글리코사이드에 대한 내성률은 유의한 차이가 없었다. Objective : To evaluate the effects of an aminoglycoside restriction policy on expenditures for aminoglycosides, antimicrobial resistance rates and clinical outcome of nosocomial bacteremia caused by Gram-negative bacilli (GNB). Methods : Starting in February, 2002, a prior consultation with an infectious disease specialist for using aminoglycoside antibiotics over 5 days was required in a 930-bed university hospital. In retrospective analysis of medical records 7 months after initiation of the aminoglycoside restriction policy, sixty cases of clinically relevant nosocomial bacteremia caused by GNB were found. These bacteremic patients were compared with sixty, species-matched, control patients with nosocomial Gramnegative bacteremia before the policy for total expenditures for aminoglycosides, susceptibility to antibiotics and clinical outcomes of bacteremia. Results : During the same period of 7 months before and after the restriction policy, total expenditures for aminoglycosides decreased by 44% in cost (from 465,030,841 Won to 259,618,337 Won) and the antimicrobial utilization density of aminoglycosides decreased by 42% (from 225,2 to 130.3). On the other hand, the patterns of antibiotic susceptibility and bacteremia-related in-hospital mortality rates after the policy did not show a significant change, compared with those before the policy. Conclusion : Antibiotic restrictions are among the most popular methods to diminish the practice of antibiotic overuse in hospitals. In this study, requirement for prior approval of aminoglycoside use over 5 days led to a significant decrease in the amount and cost of total aminoglycosides without a significant change in susceptibility patterns and bacteremia-related mortality rates.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        하지 수술을 위한 경막외 마취시 Ropivacaine 과 Bupivacaine 의 비교

        이상곤,민병우,반종석,문철준 대한마취과학회 2001 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.41 No.4

        Comparison of Epidural Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine in Patients Undergoing Lower Extremity Surgery Chul-Jun Mun, M.D., Sang-Gon Lee, M.D., Jong-Suk Ban, M.D. and Byung-Woo Min, M.D. Department of Anesthesiology, Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Korea Background: Ropivacaine is an amide local anesthetic structurally related to bupivacaine. A ran-domized, double-blind study was performed to compare the clinical effectiveness of ropivacaine and bupivacaine in patients undergoing lower-extremity surgery. Methods: Forty-nine patients (ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ) were randomized to receive 15 ml of 0.5% ropivacaine or bupivacaine. Twenty patients received 15 ml of ropivacaine and 20 patients received 15 ml of bupiva-caine at the L3,4 or L4,5 interspace. Parameters measured were the onset time, duration and spread of sensory block, the onset time, duration and degree of motor block, the quality of anesthesia and the heart rate and blood pressure profile during the block onset. Results: Demographic characteristics were similar among the groups. Seven patients were excluded from the study due to technical failure of the block, two patients were excluded due to insufficient data. The onset and duration of analgesia at T10 dermatome (mean ?? SD) was 18.9 ?? 7.0 minutes and 187.5 ?? 34.6 minutes respectively for ropivacaine, and was 15.2 ?? 8.8 minutes and 187.8 ?? 40.0 minutes respectively for bupivacaine. Maximum block height (mean ?? SD) was T6.5 ?? 2.0 for ropivacaine and T6.4 ?? 2.0 for bupivacaine. The incidence of complete motor block (Bromage scale 3) was low in the ropivacaine group, being 3/20 for ropivacaine and 12.20 for bupivacaine. Conclusions: The sensory blockade profile of ropivacaine, administered epidurally, is similar to that obtained with an equal dose of bupivacaine. However motor blockade with ropivacaine is less intense, less frequent, and of shorter duration than with bupivacaine. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2001; 41: 434~438)

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