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      • KCI등재

        하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드의 브랜딩 전략에 관한 연구 -온라인 플랫폼을 중심으로-

        양송이,이정교 한국공간디자인학회 2024 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.19 No.4

        (연구배경 및 목적) 초글로벌화와 초개인화의 현대사회에서 글로벌 가구브랜드는 브랜드 아이덴티티를 강조하기 위하여 다양한 마케팅 전략을 세우고 있다. 팬더믹을 지나‘주(住)’에 대한 시장이 급성장하면서 가구에 대한 서비스나 가치, 문화적 관심이 확장되고 있으며 특히 하이엔드 가구 부문은 가처분 소득 증가, 세계화 및 전 세계 도시 지역으로의 주요 인구 이동으로 인해 상당한 혜택을 받고 있으며 기술의 발전에 따라 디자인은 더욱 혁신적이고 대담해져가며 오브제로서의 가구로 소비자의 라이프 스타일을 나타내기도 한다. 이에 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드의 브랜딩 전략에 대한 연구는 선도적인 가구 브랜드가 어떻게 포지셔닝하고 정체성을 확립하며 글로벌 규모로 소비자와 소통하는지 이해하는 것에 이 연구의 목적이 있다. (연구방법) 본 연구는 선행연구와 문헌자료 및 업계 보고서를 바탕으로 이론 연구하였으며 먼저 하이엔드의 정의와 특성을 고찰하고 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드의 철학과 컨셉을 통해 특성을 도출한다. 브랜딩의 개념, 브랜딩의 절차를 정의해보고 브랜딩의 로드맵 중 브랜드 이미지와 브랜드 정체성에 대한 이론적 고찰을 하였다. 브랜드 이미지의 연상 측면에서 분석하며 브랜드 정체성의 분석을 위하여 안드레아 셈프리니의 기호학적 접근으로서 소비자 가치의 기호학 함수를 사용하고 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드가 소비자 가치 측면에서 어떻게 정의하고 있는지 특징을 도출한다. (결과) 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드의 브랜딩 전략으로서 첫째, 비전 측면인 장인정신, 혁신적, 지속가능성, 시대초월은 모든 브랜드가 충족하였고 디자인 측면에서의 아름다움과 예술 또한 모든 브랜드가 충족하였다. 품질 측면에서도 고품질, 기술, 편안함, 내구성, 디테일도 대부분 충족하였다. 브랜드 정체성 분석을 위한 소비자 가치 지도에서는 비전, 계획, 품질의 사분면은 모든 브랜드가 충족하고 있었고 유희 사분면은 각 브랜드마다 추구하는 바가 조금씩 달랐다. (결론) 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드는 각각 다른 역사, 출신 국가, 철학, 컨셉, 제품군이 다르지만 장인정신, 혁신적, 지속가능성, 시대초월, 아름다운, 예술적이라는 특성은 분석된 모든 브랜드가 지향하고 있다는 점이다. 또한 제품 품질 면에서도 고품질, 기술, 편안함, 내구성, 디테일 또한 하이엔드 글로벌 가구 브랜드가 꼭 갖추어야 할 특성이라는 것도 알 수 있으며 소비자들도 이러한 특성들의 가치를 인지할 것임을 알 수 있다. 결론적으로 비전과 디자인, 고품질의 일관성이 보장되는 브랜딩으로 글로벌 가구 시장에서 차별화되며 전 세계 소비자와 정서적 연결을 형성하여 전략적으로 브랜드를 관리할 수 있다. (Background and Purpose) In the modern society of hyper-globalization and hyper-personalization, global furniture brands are establishing various marketing strategies to emphasize their brand identity. As the market for 'home' grows rapidly after the pandemic, services, values, and cultural interest in furniture are expanding, especially in the high-end furniture sector due to increased disposable income, globalization, and major population migration to urban areas around the world. As technology advances, designs become more innovative and bold, and furniture as an object represents the consumer's lifestyle. Accordingly, the purpose of this study on the branding strategies of high-end global furniture brands is to understand how leading furniture brands position themselves, establish their identity, and communicate with consumers on a global scale. (Research Method) This study conducted theoretical research based on previous research, literature, and industry reports. First, the definition and characteristics of high-end were examined and the characteristics were derived through the philosophy and concept of high-end global furniture brands. The concept of branding and the branding process were defined, and theoretical considerations were made on brand image and brand identity among the branding roadmap. We analyze the brand image in terms of association and use the semiotic function of consumer value as Andrea Semprini's semiotic approach to analyze brand identity and derive the characteristics of how high-end global furniture brands define themselves in terms of consumer value. (Results) As a branding strategy for a high-end global furniture brand, first, all brands satisfied the vision aspects of craftsmanship, innovation, sustainability, and timelessness, and all brands also satisfied beauty and art in terms of design. In terms of quality, most of the high quality, technology, comfort, durability, and details were met. In the consumer value map for brand identity analysis, all brands met the vision, plan, and quality quadrants, and the entertainment quadrant was slightly different for each brand. (Conclusion) Although high-end global furniture brands have different histories, countries of origin, philosophy, concepts, and product lines, the characteristics of craftsmanship, innovation, sustainability, timelessness, beauty, and artistry are what all analyzed brands aim for. . In addition, in terms of product quality, it can be seen that high quality, technology, comfort, durability, and detail are characteristics that high-end global furniture brands must have, and that consumers will also recognize the value of these characteristics. In conclusion, branding that guarantees consistency in vision, design, and high quality can differentiate you in the global furniture market and strategically manage your brand by forming an emotional connection with consumers around the world.

      • KCI등재

        Mycoplasma pneumoniae 감염의 신속 항원 검사 키트 “Ribotest Mycoplasma®”의 진단적 평가

        양송이,한미선,김선중,이성연,최은화 대한소아감염학회 2019 Pediatric Infection and Vaccine Vol.26 No.2

        Purpose: Early detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae is important for appropriate antimicrobial therapy in children with pneumonia. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of a rapid antigen test kit in detecting M. pneumoniae from respiratory specimens in children with lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Methods: A total of 215 nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPAs) were selected from a pool of NPAs that had been obtained from children admitted for LRTI from August 2010 to August 2018. The specimens had been tested for M. pneumoniae by culture and stored at −70°C until use. Tests with Ribotest Mycoplasma® were performed and interpreted independently by two investigators who were blinded to the culture results. Results: Among the 215 NPAs, 119 were culture positive for M. pneumoniae and 96 were culture negative. Of the culture-positive specimens, 74 (62.2%) were positive for M. pneumoniae by Ribotest Mycoplasma®, and 92 of the 96 (95.8%) culture-negative specimens were negative for M. pneumoniae by Ribotest Mycoplasma®. When culture was used as the standard test, the sensitivity and specificity of Ribotest Mycoplasma® were 62.2% and 95.8%, respectively. Additionally, the positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and overall agreement rates with Ribotest Mycoplasma® were 94.9%, 67.2%, and 77.2%, respectively. Conclusions: A positive test result of Ribotest Mycoplasma® suggests a high likelihood of culturepositive M. pneumoniae infection. However, a negative test result should be interpreted with caution because nearly one-third of negative test results reveal culture-positive M. pneumoniae infections. 목적: Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐렴은 학동기 소아와 청소년의 지역사회 획득 폐렴 중 가장 흔한 원인으로, 조기에 원인 진단이 가능하다면 적절한 항균 요법을 결정하는데 도움이 된다. 본 연구는 하기도 감염 소아의 호흡기 검체에서 M. pneumoniae 를 검출하기 위한 신속 항원 검사 방법의 진단적 가치를 평가하고자 하였다. 방법: 2010년 8월부터 2018년 8월까지 하기도 감염으로 서울대학교 어린이병원에서 응급실 또는 입원 치료를 받은 소아로부 터 채취한 비인두 흡인물 중 M. pneumoniae 배양 검사를 시행한 후 −70°C 초저온냉동고에 보관되어 있는 검체 215개를 선정하 였다. 비인두 흡인물 검체를 실온에서 해동하고 면역크로마토그래피를 이용한 Ribotest Mycoplasma®를 시행한 후 두 명의 검사자가 결과를 판독하였다. 검사를 시행하는 자와 판독하는 자는 배양 검사 결과를 모르는 상태에서 검사를 진행하였다. 결과: 총 215개의 비인두 흡인물 검체 중 M. pneumoniae 가 배양 양성인 검체는 119개, 배양 음성인 검체는 96개였다. M. pneumoniae 가 배양 양성인 119개 중 74개(62.2%)가 Ribotest Mycoplasma® 검사 결과 양성이었고, 배양 음성인 96개 중 92개(95.8%) 가 Ribotest Mycoplasma® 검사 결과 음성이었다. 배양 검사 결과를 기준으로 평가한 Ribotest Mycoplasma®의 민감도는 62.2% (74/119, 95% 신뢰구간, 53.5–70.9%)이었으며, 특이도는 95.8% (92/96, 95% 신뢰구간, 91.8–99.8%)이었다. 또, 양성 예측도는 94.9% (74/78, 95% 신뢰구간, 90.0–99.8%)이었으며, 음성 예측도는 67.2% (92/137, 95% 신뢰구간, 59.3–75.0%), 그리고 일치도 77.21% (166/215, 95% 신뢰구간, 71.6–82.8%)를 보였다. 결론: 본 연구 결과, 신속 항원 검출법인 Ribotest Mycoplasma® 검사결과가 양성인 경우는 M. pneumoniae 배양 양성과의 일치 도가 매우 높아서 M. pneumoniae 감염의 진단에 유용하였다. 그러나, Ribotest Mycoplasma® 검사결과가 음성인 경우의 약 1/3 은 M. pneumoniae 배양 양성인 검체이었으므로, 음성 검사 결과에 대한 해석은 주의하여야 한다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Mycoplasma pneumoniae 감염의 신속 항원 검사 키트 "Ribotest Mycoplasma<sup>®</sup>"의 진단적 평가

        양송이,한미선,김선중,이성연,최은화,Yang, Song I,Han, Mi Seon,Kim, Sun Jung,Lee, Seong Yeon,Choi, Eun Hwa 대한소아감염학회 2019 Pediatric Infection and Vaccine Vol.26 No.2

        Purpose: Early detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae is important for appropriate antimicrobial therapy in children with pneumonia. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of a rapid antigen test kit in detecting M. pneumoniae from respiratory specimens in children with lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Methods: A total of 215 nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPAs) were selected from a pool of NPAs that had been obtained from children admitted for LRTI from August 2010 to August 2018. The specimens had been tested for M. pneumoniae by culture and stored at $-70^{\circ}C$ until use. Tests with Ribotest $Mycoplasma^{(R)}$ were performed and interpreted independently by two investigators who were blinded to the culture results. Results: Among the 215 NPAs, 119 were culture positive for M. pneumoniae and 96 were culture negative. Of the culture-positive specimens, 74 (62.2%) were positive for M. pneumoniae by Ribotest $Mycoplasma^{(R)}$, and 92 of the 96 (95.8%) culture-negative specimens were negative for M. pneumoniae by Ribotest $Mycoplasma^{(R)}$. When culture was used as the standard test, the sensitivity and specificity of Ribotest $Mycoplasma^{(R)}$ were 62.2% and 95.8%, respectively. Additionally, the positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and overall agreement rates with Ribotest $Mycoplasma^{(R)}$ were 94.9%, 67.2%, and 77.2%, respectively. Conclusions: A positive test result of Ribotest $Mycoplasma^{(R)}$ suggests a high likelihood of culture-positive M. pneumoniae infection. However, a negative test result should be interpreted with caution because nearly one-third of negative test results reveal culture-positive M. pneumoniae infections.

      • KCI등재

        재첩 (Corbicular fluminea) 의 먹이섭식을 통한 은과 산화 아연 나노물질의 흡수효율, 제거율 그리고 조직내 분포 특성 연구

        양송이,이병권 한국패류학회 2023 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.39 No.4

        In a radiotracer study, assimilation efficiency and efflux rate of Ag and Zn in the fresh water bivalve (Corbicular fluminea) fed to the two types of Ag nanoparticles (coated with citrate or polyvinylpyrrolidone) or ZnO particles amended with algae or seston diets were determined. These were compared with those clams fed to the diets treated with dissolved Ag and Zn. Additionally, subcellular partitioning of Ag and Zn in tissues of the clam after 21d depuration of bioaccumulated metals were compared. The clams were capable of assimilating (AE) Ag and Zn from the ingested nanoparticles and assimilation efficiency was higher for Zn (22-47%) than Ag (15-27%). The AE in the clams fed the food treated with dissolved Zn (56-58%) was higher than those treated with dissolve Ag (7-25%). Ag and Zn release from the clams during 21-d depuration followed two compartment model, initial rapid loss (20-30%) in 3-4 d of depuration and followed by much slower rate for Ag (0.003-0.006 d-1) and Zn (0.002-0.006d-1). The subcellular partitioning of Ag in the clam tissue was mostly in cellular debris (45-60%) and heat sensitive protein (20-30%), while Zn was distributed mostly in cellular debris (50%) and organelles (30%).

      • KCI등재

        Novel antibacterial and apatite forming restorative composite resin incorporated with hydrated calcium silicate

        양송이,한아름,Ji-Won Choi,Kwang-Mahn Kim,권재성 한국생체재료학회 2023 생체재료학회지 Vol.27 No.00

        Background White Portland cement is a calcium silicate material. It exhibits antibacterial properties and is biocompatible. In addition, calcium silicate-based materials are known to release calcium ions and form apatite. The purpose of this study was to develop a novel bioactive restorative resin composite with antibacterial and apatite forming properties to prevent tooth caries at the interface of teeth and restorative materials, by incorporation of hydrated calcium silicate (hCS) derived from white Portland cement. Methods To prepare the experimental composite resins, a 30 wt% light-curable resin matrix and 70 wt% filler, which was mixed with hCS and silanized glass powder were prepared in following concentrations: 0, 17.5, 35.0, and 52.5 wt% hCS filler. The depth of cure, flexural strength, water sorption, solubility, and antibacterial effect were tested. After immersion in artificial saliva solution for 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, ion concentration by ICP-MS and apatite formation using SEM-EDS, Raman spectroscopy and XRD from experimental specimens were analyzed. Results All experimental groups showed clinically acceptable depths of cure and flexural strength for the use as the restorative composite resin. Water sorption, solubility, released Ca and Si ions increased with the addition of hCS to the experimental composite resin. Experimental groups containing hCS showed greater antibacterial effects compared with the 0 wt% hCS filler group (p < 0.05). The 52.5 wt% hCS filler group produced precipitates mainly composed of Ca and P detected as hydroxyapatite after immersion in artificial saliva solution for 30, 60, and 90 days. Conclusions This results show that composite resins containing hCS filler is effective in antibacterial effects. hCS has also apatite formation ability for reducing gap size of microleakage by accumulating hydroxyapatite precipitates at the restoration-tooth interface. Therefore, novel composite resin containing hCS is promising bioactive resin because of its clinically acceptable physiochemical properties, antibacterial properties, and self-sealing potential for prevention of microleakage for longer usage of restorations.

      • KCI등재

        게임 ‘스피릿페어러’에 나타나는 치유성 고찰

        양송이 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.3

        연구 목적: 이 연구는 2020년 COVID-19 팬데믹 사태 중 발매된 디지털 게임 ‘스피릿페어러’가 인간의 손상된 관계성을 회복하고 정서적 치유성을 제공함을 밝히고자 하였다. 연구 방법: ‘스피릿페어러’에서 나타나는 신화적 상징과 디지털 게임의 기능적 특성이 가지는 치유성을 분석하고, 해당 디지털 게임을 플레이한 실제 사용자들의 평가를 고찰함으로써 정서의 치유가 이루어졌음을 파악하였다. 연구 내용: 상징체계를 다루는 선행 문헌에 대한 조사를 진행한 후, ‘스피릿페어러’에서 나타나는 다양한 신화적 상징들이 ‘생명, 영혼, 재생, 모성(母性)’을 상징함을 분석하였다. 결론 및 제언: 연구 결과, ‘스피릿페어러’에서 그간 역기능적 측면만 강조되어왔던 디지털 게임의 기능적 특성이 새롭게 치유적으로 활용되었음이 드러났다. 또한 해당 디지털 게임이 인간이 단절된 삶과 세계에 대한 관계성을 회복할 수 있게 돕는 치유성을 제공함을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        동기조작(MO)이 자폐스펙트럼장애 학생의 자발적인 정보 맨드에 미치는 영향*

        양송이,박혜숙 한국행동분석학회 2022 행동분석․지원연구 Vol.9 No.3

        The current study investigated effects of motivating operation on mand for information in a middle school student with autism spectrum disorders(ASD). Teaching students to mand for information can help them learn advanced language skills, increase their communications skills, and aid in decreasing challenging behaviors. However, students with ASD often do not learn to mand for information without structured teaching. The target responses of this study were mands for information using “what”, “where” and “which” and used a multiple probe design across behaviors to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. Target items were selected from high preferred items identified during preference assessments prior to the experiment. During the base line, target items were presented for abolishing operation(AO) of the items. A correct response was immediately reinforced by manded information about items. If the participant emitted no response or an incorrect response during the 5 s delay, the echoic prompt was provided by the instructor. During the intervention condition, the procedures were same as the baseline procedure except absense of the AO, thus EO was in effect for the target items. The EO procedure was effective on increasing mands for information and the participant were able to generalize this skill to novel items. 이 연구는 동기조작이 자폐스펙트럼장애 중학생의 자발적인 정보 맨드에 미치는 영향을 점검하였다. 연구 참여자는 특수학교에 재학 중인 중학교 2학년 학생으로, 의문사 질문을 이해하고 대답할 수 있으며 200개 이상의 택트가 가능하나 필요한 정보를 얻기 위한 자발적인 정보 요구 질문은 하지 않았다. 이 연구의 목표 행동은 사물에 대한 정보를 제공하지 않은 선행조건으로 ‘알 필요성’을 느끼는 상황에서 알고 싶은 정보를 요구하기 위해 ‘무엇’, ‘어디’, ‘어느’가 포함된 자발적인 질문을 하는 것이다. 연구 설계로 행동간중다간헐기초선설계를 사용하였다. 연구는 기초선, 중재, 유지 단계의 순으로 진행되었으며 각 단계 모두에서 일반화 조건을 측정하였다. 맨드의 주된 조절 변인인 동기조작의 효과를 알아보고자 기초선과 중재 단계에서 오직 동기조작만을 달리하였으며 촉구를 포함한 모든 절차를 동일하게 통제하였다. 연구 결과 동기조작은 자발적인 정보 맨드 습득에 영향을 주었으며, 이를 통해 습득한 정보 맨드는 훈련되지 않은 다른 사물로 일반화되고 유지되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Prenatal Particulate Matter/Tobacco Smoke Increases Infants’ Respiratory Infections: COCOA Study

        양송이,김병주,이소연,김효빈,이철민,유진호,강미진,유호성,이은,정영호,김형영,서주희,권지원,송대진,장광천,김우경,심정연,이수영,양현종,서동인,홍서아,최길용,신윤호,안강모,김경원,김은진,홍수종 대한천식알레르기학회 2015 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.7 No.6

        Purpose: To investigate whether prenatal exposure to indoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) affects susceptibility to respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in infancy, to compare their effects between prenatal and postnatal exposure, and to determine whether genetic factors modify these environmental effects. Methods: The study population consisted of 307 birth cohort infants. A diagnosis of RTIs was based on parental report of a physician’s diagnosis. Indoor PM2.5 and ETS levels were measured during pregnancy and infancy. TaqMan was used for genotyping of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) (rs6726395), glutathione-S-transferase-pi (GSTP) 1 (rs1695), and glutathione-S-transferase- mu (GSTM) 1. Microarrays were used for genome-wide methylation analysis. Results: Prenatal exposure to indoor PM2.5 increased the susceptibility of lower RTIs (LRTIs) in infancy (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]=2.11). In terms of combined exposure to both indoor PM2.5 and ETS, prenatal exposure to both pollutants increased susceptibility to LRTIs (aOR=6.56); however, this association was not found for postnatal exposure. The Nrf2 GG (aOR=23.69), GSTM1 null (aOR=8.18), and GSTP1 AG or GG (aOR=7.37) genotypes increased the combined LRTIs-promoting effects of prenatal exposure to the 2 indoor pollutants. Such effects of prenatal indoor PM2.5 and ETS exposure were not found for upper RTIs. Conclusions: Prenatal exposure to both indoor PM2.5 and ETS may increase susceptibility to LRTIs. This effect can be modified by polymorphisms in reactive oxygen species- related genes.

      • KCI등재후보

        위암환자에서 복강경보조하 위절제술에 미치는 제1조수의 역할

        양송이,서경원,윤기영,최승호 대한내시경복강경외과학회 2010 Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery Vol.13 No.2

        Purpose: Laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy (LADG)has become a feasible and acceptable surgical technique for treating early gastric cancer. However, there are no reports about the role of the first assistant on LADG. The aim of this study is to compare between an experienced first assistant and an inexperienced first assistant surgeon for conducting LADG to treat early gastric cancer. Methods: The data from 32 consecutive patients with early gastric cancer and who underwent LADG by one surgeon between May 2008 and December 2008 was reviewed. The operation times of 32 consecutive patients were reviewed. Other indicators such as the transfusion requirements, the time to first flatus, and the postoperative hospital stay were also evaluated between an experienced first assistant and an inexperienced first assistant surgeon. Results: No significant differences between an experienced first assistant and an inexperienced first assistant surgeon in terms of the patients' clinicopathologic characteristics and surgical outcomes were found, but there was a statistically significant difference in the operation times between the two groups. Conclusion: After the operator has overcome the learning curve and standardization has been established, LADGs are minimally affected by the role of the first assistant.

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