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        저체중 또는 과체중 청소년에서 캠프 프로그램을 이용한 영양 교육효과에 관한 연구

        성미경,승정자,류화춘,박재년,박동연,최미경,조경옥,최선혜,이윤신,김유경,이은주 대한지역사회영양학회 2003 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        This study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of a nutrition education program developed for nutritionally imbalanced adolescents. A summer nutrition camp was held for 23 overweight and 16 underweight subjects. Its effectiveness with regard to was evaluated at the end of the camp and 6 months later. Nutrition knowledge, nutritional attitude, food behavior, nutrient intake, exercise habit and ideal body figures desired by the subjects. The results showed significantly higher nutrition knowledge scores at the end of the camp as compared to those obtained prior to the camp program, and these scores were maintained for at least six months. Nutrition attitude scores also improved after the education program, and these improved scores also lasted for 6 months. However, the food behavior scores measured 6 months after the education program were not significantly different from those obtained prior to the camp. Also, the exercise habit, the ideal body figures and the body figures desired by the subjects remained unchanged. When nutrient intakes of subjects were assessed before the program and 6 months later, the mean daily vitamin C intake was significantly increased after the education program. Also, the intake of iron from plant food sources increased in the overweight subjects, while less iron from animal source were consumed by the underweight subjects. Both groups tended to consume more vegetables and fruits 6 months after the education program which may have contribute to the higher vitamin C and plant-based iron intakes. These results indicate that a 4-day nutrition education camp program sustained changes in nutrition knowledge and nutrition attitude for 6 months. The increased intake of vegetables and fruits was also achieved through this education program. However, changes in dietary behavior in adolescents may require repeated education.

      • 극자외선 리소그래피에서 마스크 결함에 의한 이미지 특징

        유명슬,박승욱,김옥경,오혜근 한양대학교 이학기술연구소 2004 이학기술연구지 Vol.7 No.

        본 논문에서는 극자외선(Extreme-Ultraviolet) 리소그래피에서 사용되는 마스크 특성을 알아보았다. EUV 마스크는 Mo 와 Si 이 각각 2-4㎚ 정도의 두께로 쌓이기 때문에 공정상에 결함이 발생할 소지가 다. 전산 모사를 통해 마스크 상에 결함이 없을 때와 여러 가지 결함 조건 이 있을 때 웨이퍼 상에 전사되는 이미지 변화를 알아보았다. 결함의 조건에 의해 이미지 대조비 (Contrast), 폭(Width) 변화가 나타났으며 또한 이미지의 상 일그러짐과 최대 세기 위치 이동을 관찰 할 수 있었다. Simulation has been used to predict aerial images for masks with defect-free multilayer and with defect in multilayer. Mask defects are easily produced in an extreme-ultraviolet lithography mask fabrication process, because 80 Mo/si multilayer films are stacked and each stack is made from 2 to 4㎚. In this case, the multilayer can be stacked with defects and with slightly different heights. It is difficult to achieve an aerial image which is desired. This paper discusses various image properties when there is no defect and when there are different kinds of defects in the multilayer. The results are calculated by using SOLE-EUV of Simga-C. A finite-difference time-domain algorithm is used, and the aerial images caused by defects in the multilayer are also characterized.

      • KCI등재

        예술교육의 기초를 위한 보편적 예술성 발달 모델

        유혜경 한국문화교육학회 2012 문화예술교육연구 Vol.7 No.3

        Until now most studies on aesthetic development have been conducted in specific artistic domain, so to speak, in the fine arts, music, dance, and etc.. Arts, in any domains, can be said a symbolic system that develops along with human progress, therefore this study is to figure out if the general artistic qualities which incorporate all artistic domains exist, find out phase specific characteristics, and structure a development model of general artistic qualities To achieve the purpose mentioned above, studies related to artistic development in fine arts, music, and dance were reviewed based on Hargreaves and Galton's aesthetic development theory focused on aesthetic cognition. They have proposed 'five phases of artistic development' as the development of general aesthetic qualities. Literatures related to aesthetic developments in fine arts, music, dance were reviewed and examined from cognitive aesthetic development viewpoint. As a result, the general aesthetic qualities and the phase specific modes of symbolic thinking were found, and artistic development model has been structured; precognitive phase(0~2 years), outline representation phase(2~5 years), the schematic phase(5~8 years), customary symbol phase, diverse views phase(15~+years). 예술교육에 있어서 예술성 발달은 마땅히 중시되어야함에도 불구하고 주지주의 영역의 발달 관련 연구에 비해 충분하다고 볼 수 없으며, 예술성 발달을 주제로 하는 연구의 경우에도 대부분 음악이나 미술, 무용 등 개별 예술 영역에 국한되어 있다. 이에 본 연구는 선행연구의 고찰을 통해 예술 전반에 걸친 보편적 예술성의 존재 및 발달 특징을 규명하여 보편적 예술성의 발달 단계 모델을 구안함으로써 예술교육의 기초를 마련하는데 그 뜻을 두었다. 전 예술 분야에 걸친 상징적 사고 양식으로서의 예술적 인지를 중심으로 미술, 음악, 무용 분야의 제 발달 관련 연구를 고찰함으로써 다음과 같은 보편적 예술성의 발달 모델이 구안되었다. 첫째 전인지기(0~2세)는 인지적으로 아직 발달하지 않은 시기이므로 예술 전반에 있어서도 특정한 상징적 사고양식이라고 할 만한 것은 없지만, 유아의 신체적 행위가 타 영역의 발달과 관련된다. 둘째 개략적 개념 사용기(2~5세)에는 아동의 미술, 음악, 무용에 있어서 예술적 사고 양식의 특징은 총체적 또는 개략적 개념을 사용하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 셋째 도식기(5~8세)에 속하는 아동들은 자신들이 성장한 문화권의 영향을 받아 해당 문화권의 예술적 관습 또는 규칙 체계에 일치하는 도식을 사용한다. 아울러 전인지기로부터 시작된 음악과 무용의 관련이 지속되어 더 뚜렷해진다는 것이다. 넷째 예술 관습적 상징 숙달기(8~15세)에는 미술, 음악, 무용 분야 공통적으로 청소년이 속한 문화권의 예술 규칙체계 또는 관습의 사용이 보편적이 되고 이를 풍부하게 사용하는 것이 특징이다. 다섯째 다관점기(15세 이상)의 청소년들은 이전 단계의 관습적 사고에서 더 나아가, 관습으로부터 독립된 시각으로도 볼 수 있게 됨으로서, 예술적 인지 발달상 가장 상위 단계의 사고양식을 갖게 된다. 상기한 바와 같이 예술성에는 개별 예술 분야에 국한된 것 뿐 아니라 예술 전반에 걸친 보편적 예술성이 존재 가능하고 각 발달단계별로 특징적인 상징적 사고양식이 밝혀졌다. 이와 같은 결과는 예술교육의 기초로서 향후 예술 교과목의 교육과정 구성과 교수학습 지도 시 중요한 기준을 제시하는 동시에, 예술성 발달 관련 연구에 있어서 새로운 통섭적 시각을 열어주는 계기가 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 장애인교육의 현황과 나아갈 방향의 모색

        유혜경 국립특수교육원 2002 특수교육연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 한국 장애인교육의 현황을 기초로 나아갈 방향을 모색하는데 있다. 문헌고찰과 조사를 통하여 초등·중등·고등교육기관과 사회교육기관의 장애인교육현황을 분석한 결과, 장애인은 학교 교육에 있어서나 사회교육에 있어서 크게 불평등한 위치에 놓여있는 것으로 드러났다. 이러한 결과에 비추어 볼 때, 한국의 장애인교육은 다음과 같은 방향으로 나아가야 할 것이다. 1. 각급학교와 대학에 있어서의 장애청소년 교육수혜비율을 일반청소년의 수준으로 끌어올려야 한다. 2. 장애아동의 교육은 향후 점진적으로 통합교육으로 나아가야 한다. 3. 장애인복지관의 수를 확충할 필요가 있고 교육프로그램도 심화·확충해야 한다. 4. 사회교육을 담당하는 각급 학고, 대학, 언론기관의 사회적 책무성으로서 장애인과 소외계층에 대한 교육이 촉구되어야 한다. 5. 장애인을 위한 원격교육시스템이 체계적으로 개발되어야 한다. 6. 장애인의 정보화교육을 계속 추진해야 한다. 7. 현재 정부 여러 부처나 국가기관에서 독자적으로 수행되는 장애인교육의 효율성을 높이기 위해서 필요한 경우 협력체제를 구축하는 것이 바람직하다. 8. 장애인대상의 모든 교육프로그램 역시 타 집단을 대상으로 하는 교육에서와 마찬가지로 자긍심과 삶의 질을 높이는 것이 궁극적 목표가 되어야 한다. The purpose of this study is to review the current status of the education for the handicapped in Korea and to find the guidelines for the directions to be headed. As an analysis on the status of the education for the handicapped in elementary through collages as well as in social education institutions, it was revealed that the handicapped in Korea were placed in seriously unequal situation in the rates of educational beneficiary. On the basis of the results above, the guidelines on the directions to be headed in the education for the handicapped in orea can be set up as follows; 1. The rates of educational benefits for handicapped children and adolescence in elementary schools through collages ought to be pulled up to the level of the non-handicapped. 2. Education for the handicapped in elementary through high schools from now on should be headed for integrated education that the handicapped and the non-handicapped study together in the same classroom. 3. The numbers of welfare institutions for the handicapped are needed to be increased and the educational programs are needed to be expnaded and intensified as well. 4. The education for the handicapped and the alienated class should be grought up to the social responsibilities of all the schools, colleges, and the organs of expression. 5. Remote-controlled educational systems exploited with information and communication media plus multimedia systems for the handicapped should be systematically developed as soon as possible. 6. The handicapped were found to be much alienated from informationization compared to whold Korean therefore, ongoing informationization education needs to be enforced. 7. To increase the efficiency in the education for the handicapped being performed currently in several government bureau or state organ, it is desirable to form a cooperation system. 8. The final goals of the educational programs directed to the handicapped as well as the educational programs directed to the non-handicapped should be emphasized to escalate the quality of the life and to raise the self-respect.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 가정과 '인간발달과 가족관계' 영역의 교육자료 (CD-Rom) 개발 및 현장 적용 연구 : 실천적 추론 수업을 중심으로

        유태명,장혜경,유지연,김주연,김항아,김효순 한국 가정과 교육 학회 2000 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to develop lesson plans. teaching guide, and teaching materials applying practical reasoning teaching model in the area of 'human development and family relationship' in middle school home economics. The practical reasoning teaching model consists of five factors: Desired results, Awareness of context. Alternative approaches, Consequences of action, and Action. This study based on practical reasoning has following process: Curriculum development, Developing lesson plan. teaching material, and teaching guide. Experimental teaching and evaluation, Feedback, Production of CD-Rom. Teaching guide includes lesson Plan. workbook, multimedia materials and teaching resources, Especially teaching guide in CD-Rom can be used effectively in the actual teaching. In the classroom, this teaching model accomplished active and interesting Participation of teachers and students. It is proposed that practical reasoning teaching model should be applied to other areas of home economics. In addition, various teaching materials based on Practical reasoning need to be developed.

      • KCI등재

        Marjorie M. Brown의 가정과 교과과정 모형에 근거한 '인간발달과 가족관계' 영역의 학습지도안 개발

        장혜경,유태명 한국 가정과 교육 학회 1994 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        This study developed and proposed a lesson plan for the area of "Human development and family relationship" in secondary home economics curriculum. In current, educational practice in secondary home economics curriculum, the employed goal and the nature of home economics are neither stated specifically nor closely interrelated. This problem has led us not being able to achieve pursuing goal of home economics education and to employ appropriate teaching methods. In view of this situation, the purpose of this study was to propose a plan reflecting the contents and teaching methods to overcome difficulties and inefficiency in the current practice of secondary home economics education. The theoretical background of the lesson plan was based on the Marjorie M. Brown's philosophy of home economics which can be summerized as follows: 1. The goal of home economics is to help individuals and families to become autonomous in their own family life and to be more capable of interacting with others in behalf of well-being of the family and of social evoluation toward a free society. 2. The characteristics of home economics is conceptualized as practical science and personal serviec profession. 3. The nature of problems which home economics should deal with is perennial nad practial. 4. Practial reasoning composed of historical understanding, critical action, and reflective thinking is appropriate for the previously mentioned goal and characteristics of home economics and for dealing with perennial practial problems. The lesson plan was proposed for one of perennial problem, "How should we understand, creat and maintain our family culture?" by employing practial reasoning and teaching models such as "role play" and "classroom meeting".

      • 위선암에서 p53 단백의 과발현과 임상 및 병리학적 예후인자와의 상관관계

        서병조,유항종,이주호,주미,이혜경,김진복 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.2

        Objective: Mutations in the p53 gene, one of the most common genetic alterations in human cancer, are implicated in tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Wild-type p53 negatively regulates the cell cycle; a loss of function by mutation might be expected to result in enhanced proliferating activity and tumor progression. A large number of immunohistochemical studies have confirmed p53 accumulation to be a very common feature of human malignancy. The aim of the present study was to determine whether p53 status in gastric cancer is correlated statistically with various histopathological indicators or not. Methods and Materials: A total of 197 surgically resected gastric adenocarcinomas were examined to determine whether a correlation exited between immunohistochemical expressions of the p53 protein and other histopathological factors. Results: p53 overexpression was observed in 46.2% of the gastric cancers. Overexpression of p53 was correlated with vascular invasion of gastric cancer(p=0.004). In early gastric cancer, the p53 overexpression rate was 42.3%, and of them, a correlation was found between the intestinal type of the Lauren classifcation(p=0.013) and histologically differentiated gastric cancer(p=0.014). Conclusion: p53 overexpression was significantly correlated with vascular invasion of gastric cancer. In cases of early gastric cancer, p53 overexpression was correlated with Lauren classification and differentiation. These results suggest that p53 mutation plays an important role in carcinogenesis in gastric adenocarcinomas. Further study in needed to determine the correlation between p53 overexpression and the prognosis for the gastric cancer patient.

      • KCI등재

        당의 종류 및 첨가량을 달리한 깨다식의 품질특성

        김진숙,한영실,유선미,김행란,전혜경 한국조리과학회 2003 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        깨다식의 감미 및 물성 등의 개선을 위해 꿀보다 높은 점도와 hardness를 가지는 쌀엿과 조청 등을 첨가 혼합하여 품질을 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 깨다식의 적정 재료 배합비는 깨가루 100 기준시, 꿀과 쌀엿의 동량 혼합액 50%(w/w)였으며, 이를 기준으로 제조한 깨다식의 이화학적 특성은 당도 17.44 brix˚, tnqns 12.16, 환원당 15.44, 단백질 12.88, 지방 32.02, 조회분 2.82 %이었고, 기계적 특성 중 TPA의 chewiness는 0.28~0.30, hardness는 27.22~27.44 g/㎠이고, 색도의 L값은 41.67, a값 4.58, 그리고 b값은 16.99였다. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of the addition of sweeteners to Sesame Dasiks. Sesame Dasiks were prepared by adding various sweeteners to sesame seeds powder, at 40, 50, 60 and 70%, and their quality characteristics were measured. In the chewiness and hardness analyses of Sesame Dasiks, the 50% group (the same ratio and mixture of honey and lire jelIy) gave the highest results. For the sweetness, taste and overall acceptability of the Sesame Dasiks, the 50% group was also the better The texture profile analyses found the optimal chewiness and hardness of the Sesame Dasik to be 0.28 ~ 0.30 and 27.22 ~ 27.44, respectively.

      • 임부의 연령에 따른 보완대체요법에 관한 인식 태도 경험 비교 연구

        김연진,김지연,노경민,신혜리,유예지,이지민,장희조,정아인,최소정,강숙정,이향연,민혜영 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2016 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.50

        Purpose: This study aims to test if the age of pregnant women affects the perception, experience, and attitude towards complementary alternative therapy (CAT), by investigating the perception, experience, and attitude of pregnant women under the age of 35, and above 35 (Advanced Maternal Age). The study will 1) find the general characteristics of pregnant women under and over the age of 35 2) compare the perception, behavior, and experience of pregnant women under and over the age of 35, and 3) find the comparison of the perception, behavior, and experience according to the general characteristics of pregnant women under and over the age of 35. Method: The subjects of this study are composed of 44 women under the age of 35 and 44 women above the age of 35, totaling 88 pregnant women visiting midwiferies, obstetrics and gynecology, and baby fairs in Seoul and Gyeong-Gi area. Data for this study was collected from November 28, 2015 to January 6, 2016 for 40 days. The collected data analyzed mean, standard deviation, t test, ANOVA, and chi-square by using SPSS 23.0. Result Results show that there is a significant difference in the perception, attitude, and experience of the two-sample groups in the use of CAT. The question of “what is most necessary when applying CAT in a hospital clinical environment” for the perception criteria came out with the results of t=9.980, p<.05. For the attitude, results showed that the answers of pregnant women under the age of 35 displayed a more positive attitude towards CAT. (t=2.421, p<.05) Lastly, in the experience section, pregnant women under the age of 35 showed more CAT use than the other sample group. Conclusion Results have shown that there is a difference in the perception, behavior, and experience between the two sample groups. Therefore further research on the efficacy and the adverse effects of CAT needs to be done.

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