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        건조조건에 따른 꽁치과메기의 콜레스테롤 함량 변화

        오승희,하태익,장명호 한국식품영양학회 1996 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.9 No.3

        꽁치 가공식품 개발 가능성을 타진하기 위해 경북 동해안 일대의 전통·향토식품인 과메기를 자연건조와 인공건조로 각각 15일 건조하여 콜레스테롤 함량변화에 따른 과메기의 품질변화 건조효과를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 생체 꽁치의 콜레스테롤 함량은 건물 시료당 56.0mg%이었으며, 자연건조 3일째에 급격히 감소(생체 대비 10%)하였고, 그 후 큰 변화가 거의 없었다. 인공건조는 서서히 감소(3.0%→6.6%)하였다. New drying method was tested for the quality control for Kwamegi, dry Pacific saury(Cololahis saira) in east coast, area of Kyungbuk province, Korea, Cholesterol content of raw fish was 56 mg% on dry basis, and decreased to 50.82 mg% rapidly the first 3 day and then, it was almost unchanged. However, the cholesterol content decreased slowly to 52.3 mg% during 15 days in new artificial drying.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        제약업종 부산물 및 화장품 제조업 폐수처리오니 처리토양에 대한 유기화합물 및 Bioassay 분석 평가

        임동규,이상범,이승환,남재작,나영은,권장식,권순익,소규호 한국환경농학회 2004 한국환경농학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 퇴비원료로 지정된 제약업종 부산물(공정오니) 및 화장품 제조업 폐수처리오니를 퇴비로서 활용 가능성을 판단하기 위하여 기존의 일반성분이나 중금속 성분 분석 이외 유기성 화합물과 기타 여러 생물검정법 등을 활용하여 시용한 오니에 의한 토양 내 비료의 피해를 밝혀내고 이들의 평가방법을 확립하고자 포장시험을 수행하였다. 오니의 처리에 따른 HEM의 함량은 제약업종 오니2(PS2)와 화장품 오니(CS)처리가 각각 0.51, 1.10 mg/kg로 가장 높았고, PAHs의 함량은 제약업종 오니2(PS2) 처리에서 3,406.8 μg/kg로 가장 높았다. 토양에 서식하는 미소동물의 밀도변화는 생육 중기(7월 23일) 및 수확기(10월 1일) 모두 제약오니2 및 돈분 처리구에서 가장 높았으며, 기타 처리구는 차이가 없이 아주 낮았다. 오니의 처리에 따른 세균 및 사상균의 균수는 제약업종 오니2처리에서 각각 736, 909 cfu/g로 가장 많았고, 화장품 오니도 각각 440, 236 cfu/g으로 다른 처리에 비해 많은 경향을 보였다. 제약오니 및 화장품오니 처리시 우점세균은 무비, 돈분처리에 비해 일정한 경향이 없었으나 3요소 처리보다 다양한 세균이 검출되었다. 오니의 처리에 따른 우점사상균은 무처리에 비해 제약업종 오니3와 화장품 오니처리에서 형태적 특징이 다른 콜로니가 검출되었으나 다른 처리는 비슷한 경향으로 종류 간에 큰 차이는 보이지 않았다. Microcosm test를 통하여 오니 처리 후 3개월이 경과한 토양의 오염정도를 평가한 결과는 제약업종 오니3과 화장품 오니처리는 약간 영향을 받아서 80~90% 생존하였으나, 제약업종 오니1처리는 처리 2주(14일) 이후에는 급격히 생존율이 떨어져서 4주 이후에는 10%만 생존하였다. 그러나 6개월이 경과한 토양에서는 지렁이의 생존율은 제약업종 오니1처리만 약간 영향을 받은 것으로 보였으며 다른 처리들은 전혀 영향을 받지 않았던 것으로 조사되었다. 유기성 오니의 퇴비원료로 활용은 비료관리법의 비료공정 규격 중 퇴비의 비고란에 "퇴비의 원료로 사용 가능한 물질과 사용 불가능한 물질'(별표1)에서 "희비의 원료 중 사전 분석검토 후 사용 가능한 원료에 대한 지정요령'에는 유기물과 중금속(8성분) 함량(건물증)과 제조공정 등을 검토하여 지정하고 있으나, 지정된 원료가 과연 회비원료로 적합한지 잘 알 수 없으며 또한 앞으로 현재의 퇴비원료 규정을 변경할 필요가 있을 경우를 대비하여 희비원료의 적합성 여부를 판별할 수 있는 방법의 개발이 필요하다. 따라서 퇴비원료로 이미 지정('02. 12. 31)된 제약오니 및 화장품 오니를 과량으로 토양에 시용한 후 유해 유기화합물, 미소동물, 미생물 및 생물학적(지렁이) 유해성 검정방법의 도입 가능성을 평가하기 위하여 고추를 재배한 포장에서 비료의 피해시험을 실시한 결과 유해 유기화합물과 생물학적(지렁이) 유해성 검정방법은 앞으로 연구를 통해서 보완할 경우 상당히 활용 가능성이 있는 좋은 평가방법인 것으로 생각된다. This study was conducted to assessment organic compound and bioassay (density of inhabited animal, fluctuation of predominant fungi, and survival ratio of earthworm) for finding damage on red pepper by heavily amount application of sludges in soil, which was treated with 3 pharmaceutical byproducts and a cosmetic industry wastewater sludge as raw materials of compost, and for establishing estimation method. HEM contents in the soil treated with pharmaceutical byproducts sludge2 (PS2) and cosmetic sludge (CS) were 0.51, 1.10 mg/kg respectively. PAHs content of PS2 treatment in the soil was 3406.8 ug/kg on July 8. In abundance of soil faunas, the pharmaceutical byproducts sludge2 treatment was the most highest. The next was decreased in the order of pig manure (PM) and the cosmetic sludge treatment. However the other pharmaceutical sludge treatments were remarkably reduced populations of soil inhabited animals. In upland soil treated with organic sludges, the numbers of bacteria and fungi of the pharmaceutical sludge treatment were 736, 909 cfu/g and those of the cosmetic sludge treatment were 440, 236 cfu/g, respectively. The pharmaceutical sludge treatments and the cosmetic sludge treatment in identification of predominant bacteria were not any tendency to compare with non fertilizer and pig manure treatments, but they had diverse bacteria than NPK treatment. In microcosm tests, the survival of the tiger earthworm in five soil samples was hardly affected against the soil of PSI (20%) after three months treated in the upland. But after six months, survival of PSI was 80%. At present, raw material of compost was authorized by contents of organic matter, heavy metal (8 elements), and product processing according to "The specified gist on possible materials of using after analysis and investigation among raw materials of compost", however, for preparing to change regulation of raw material of compost and for considering to possibility of application, this study was conducted to investigate toxic organic compound and bioassay methods using inhabited animal, fungi, and earthworm without current regulation.

      • KCI등재

        Development of an optimal protocol to induce capacitation of boar spermatozoa in vitro

        Seung-Ik Jang,Jae-Hwan Jo,Eun-Ju Jung,Woo-Jin Lee,Ju-Mi Hwang,Jeong-Won Bae,Woo-Sung Kwon The Korean Society of Animal Reproduction and Biot 2022 한국동물생명공학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        In 1951, Colin Russell Austin and Min Chueh Chang identified "capacitation", a special process involving ejaculated spermatozoa in the female reproductive tract. Capacitation is a phenomenon that occurs in vivo, but almost all knowledge of capacitation has been obtained from in vitro studies. Therefore, numerous trials have been performed to establish in vitro capacitation methods for various studies on reproduction. Although a series of studies have been conducted to develop an optimal protocol for inducing capacitation, most have focused on identifying the appropriate chemical compounds to induce the capacitation of boar spermatozoa in vitro. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the optimal incubation time for inducing capacitation in vitro. Duroc semen was incubated for various periods (60, 90, and 120 min) to induce capacitation. Sperm function (sperm motility, motion kinematic parameters, and capacitation status) was evaluated. The results showed that total sperm motility, rapid sperm motility, progressive sperm motility, curvilinear velocity, and average path velocity significantly decreased in a time-dependent manner. However, the capacitation status did not show any significant changes. Taken together, these results indicate that an incubation time of more than 60 min suppresses sperm motility and motion kinematic parameters. Therefore, we suggest that 60 min may be the best incubation time to induce capacitation without negative effects on sperm motility and motion kinematics in boar spermatozoa in vitro.

      • 효율적인 독서 지도가 창의성 신장에 미치는 효과 연구

        장승익(Seung-Ik Jang),김혜영(Hye-Young Kim) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 2004 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        Adolescence as a stage of personality being formed requires to establish through education a desirable values. Those involved increasingly put more emphasis on reading as a means of doing it. For reading can not only lead unfledged juveniles to have a right thought and to improve their creativity, but as an influential instructor it serves to guiding then to the world full of experience and eventually helps form a proper values. However, our educational practices de facto have clung to the college-entrance exam, resulting in the lack of proper instruction on reading. This study tried to recognize what the disturbances to reading are and to suggest some solutions to the question of how the juveniles -- who once turned their back to reading -- keep themselves interested in books. The revised 7 th Nation-wide Curriculum lays a strong emphasis on cultivating sound mind, creative thought and basic skills while focusing on extending the ability of independent and self-led learning. Aside from boosting students interest in reading, we endeavored to help them make firm their values and outlook on life by fostering a comprehensive and creative way of thinking -- as well as to help them study further by linking the reading program to their curricular texts. To address the problems two axes of argument developed. The first axis is that of reading instruction which is centered on learners rather than teacher, procedure rather than outcome, meaning rather than form , and synthetic rather than analytic methods. Based on the confidence in students potential, we kept it in mind that learning activities be performed by or according to learners interest, motivation and ability, and we paid as high respect to their free will as we could. The other axis is worked out to form a model for effective reading, whose aim is for the research on the effect students reading activity has on their individual creativity. The subjects in this study were selected out of the 2 nd grade students of high school. The result made it confirmed that the interactions of motivation, active participation and openness helped to enhance students creative and original way of thinking. It is proved that those diverse and learners-centered methods of reading books triggered more motivation and interest in reading than those traditional and teacher-centered ones. Also the study shows us that students reading activities are internalized into their values, transferred and extended to other neighboring students, finally changed into more active reading. Through the research we came to a conclusion that it is teacher s constant concern with and interest in their pupils which can have a significant influence on their change toward active reading; that it is students independent and self-relying activities which can arouse others change of attitude toward positive reading -- to the degree that the change eventually brings about a good and substantial change within the group.

      • KCI등재

        내시경적 큰풍선확장술을 이용한 어려운 담관 결석 추출 시풍선확장시간에 대한 비교 연구

        이승익 ( Seung Ik Lee ),장승준 ( Seung Jun Jang ),한송이 ( Song Yi Han ),박평화 ( Pyung Hwa Park ),이연희 ( Yeon Hee Lee ),장필규 ( Pil Kyu Jang ),김주현 ( Ju Hyeon Kim ),조재희 ( Jae Hee Cho ),김연석 ( Yeon Suk Kim ) 대한췌장담도학회 2014 대한췌담도학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Background/Aims: The ballooning time in endoscopic papillary large balloon dilation (EPLBD) remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of the ballooning time comparing an immediate balloon deflation method with a conventional ballooning time of > 45 seconds. Methods: Between January 2010 and December 2010, 126 patients with bile duct stones treated with EPLBD and endoscopic sphincterotomy were divided according to the ballooning time: the immediate deflation group (n=56) and the conventional inflation group (ballooning time 45s to < 60s) (n=70). Results: The overall success rate and the success rate of the first attempt of ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography) were 96.4% (54/56) and 80.4% (45/56) in the immediate group and 97.1% (68/70) and 77.1% (54/70) in the conventional inflation group. There were no statistically significant differences in the overall success and the first attempt of ERCP success rate (p=0.99, p=0.66). The frequency of mechanical lithotripsy was 0% in the immediate deflation group and 7.1% in the conventional inflation group (p=0.065). Complications occurred in 3.6% (2/56) patients in the immediate deflation group and 8.6% (4/70) patients in the conventional inflation group (p=0.298). Conclusions: The ballooning time in EPLBD does not affect the outcomes of the treatment for bile duct stones. And the feasibility of the immediate deflation method in EPLBD is acceptable. Korean J Pancreatobiliary 2014;19(4):182-188

      • KCI등재

        대전지역 사육견의 심장사상충 감염실태 조사

        장승익 ( Seung Ik Jang ),송운재 ( Woun Jae Song ),하숙희 ( Sook Hee Ha ),이상준 ( Sang Joon Lee ),정년기 ( Nyun Ki Chung ),문병천 ( Byung Cheon Moon ) 한국가축위생학회 2004 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.27 No.2

        This study was attempted to survey on the prevalence of canine heartworm(Dirofilaria immitis) infections among 206 dogs (male 92, female 114) in Daejeon area from March to December 2003. Blood samples taken from dogs were examined for the presence of D immitis microfilaria by the modified Knott`s test and an antigen test(AGENTM canine heartworm). The result obtained from this experiment were summarized as follows; 1. Eighteen(8.7%) of the 206 examined dogs were microfilaria positive, while twenty five dogs(12.1%) were antigen test positive. 2. The infection rates of heartworm in dogs at the age of <2, 2~4 and >5 were 3.8%, 18% and 25%, respectively. 3. The infection rates of heartworm in dogs by housing of indoor and outdoor were 3.3% and 36.4%, respectively. 4. The regional infection rates were Dong-gu(13/29, 44.8%), Seo-gu(7/92, 7.6%), Yuseonggu(2/33, 6.1%), Jung-gu(1/17, 5.9%) and Daedeok-gu(2/35, 5.7%). 5. The seasonal infection rates were summer(June~August, 16.7%), autumn(September October, 14%), spring(March~May, 9.4%) and winter(November~December. 7.7%).

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