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      • KCI등재

        “YOUR MAMA” Routine among Preadolescent Korean Boys in America

        Yun Seong-won 한국사회언어학회 2012 사회언어학 Vol.20 No.2

        Yun Seong-won. 2012. "YOUR MAMA" Routine among Preadolescent Korean Boys in America. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 20(2). pp. 313-341. This study explores the use of the “your mama” routine by four preadolescent Korean boys in order to understand how this discursive practice contributes to their construction of social identities. The boys’ interactions in a Korean community in America had been videotaped for two years and transcribed to analyze what it means for them to code-switch between English and Korean during the play. The findings indicate that code-switching signals the processes of meaning construction and indexes multiple socio-cultural meanings, functions, stances, and identities. First, by breaking the primary code preference, Korean and switching to English, the Korean boys are appropriating and subverting a tough African American voice and they extend their Korean masculinity; however, they maintain a strong Korean identity through their preferred code choice, Korean, which is shared and powerful in the Korean community. Second, in the micro-level, the code-switching between English and Korean creates multilayered indexical social meanings: a) footing to create different stances, b) contextualization cues to construct different contexts by breaking a frame, and c) metapragmatics (discussion about language in use). To conclude, the social meanings of code-switching can be (re)constructed depending on the relationships between local contexts and multiple intentional meanings of different people.

      • KCI등재

        언행록을 통해 본 선비의 행동양식과 그 정치사회적 의미 -퇴계(退溪) 이황(李滉)과 여헌(旅軒) 장현광(張顯光)을 중심으로-

        김성윤 ( Seong Yun Kim ) 대구사학회 2011 대구사학 Vol.103 No.-

        Behavior Patterns and Its Political-social Significance of Sun-Bi Considered from Chronicle of Sayings and Doings Kim, Seong-yun [Abstract] This article considered the influence to behavior patterns and emotion construction by socioeconomic change in history. The contents about self-restraint of trainee get an absolute majority in their behavior patterns. The attitude as follows restraint of desire, abandonment of enjoyment, thrifty living, pursuit of stillness, Keep distance from politics and society, abandonment of profit is affiliated to this. The salient feature of these social behavior is that pursuit of harmony and practice of reciprocity. Inhibition of feeling expression, elimination of aggression, modesty and reverence is affiliated to this. Such behavior patterns of Sun-Bi was prominent after 16th century. The change of social structure that formed the identity and behavior patterns of Sun-Bi is the diffusion of landowner system and the division of roles between Sun-Bi and bureaucrat after 16th century. The identity and behavior patterns of Sun-Bi was break out in such political-social change. Therefore behavior patterns of Sun-Bi proceed to two direction. The first, Share of daily etiquette to ease the competition and settle the conflict with refined mode in the ruling establishment. The second, Aiming to attract the support about their social control power, and promotes the stable reproduction of regional community. In conclusion, the behavior patterns of Sun-Bi was positively related to the social-domination method of ruling establishment.

      • KCI등재

        정조의 경세론과 효제(孝悌)윤리

        김성윤 ( Seong Yun Kim ) 한국실학학회 2012 한국실학연구 Vol.0 No.23

        이 논문은 정조 경세론의 주요 측면들을 통하여 조선후기 실학의 전개 과정에서 정조가 차지하는 위치를 가늠해 본 것이다. 이 글에서 필자가 제기한 주요 논점은 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 정조는 이기론에서 주희나 이황과는 달리 理를 氣의 내재법칙으로 축소시킴으로써 리가 갖는 先在性·초월성·규범성을 외면했다. 정조의 이러한 주기적 이기관은 그의 근본적 시각이 경험적 현실에 있음을 보여준다. 그가 실학자들이 주장해 온 ``道器一體論``을 계승한 것도 이와 같은 맥락에서 이해된다. 둘째, 정조는 인성론에서 ``性卽理``라는 주자학의 기본 명제를 부정하고, ``性卽氣``를 주장했다. 아울러 맹자의 성선설에 대해서 性=四端이라는 도식을 부정하고, 사단을 元亨利貞의 四德으로 고쳐서 이해해야 한다고 주장하면서 性四德說을 제기했다. 이러한 주장들은 그가 선험적인 원리나 윤리보다는 경험적 현실과 욕구 속에서 인간을 이해하고, 현실의 변화에 맞추어 새로운 사회원리와 윤리를 모색하려 했다는 점을 대변한다. 정조의 이기론과 인성론은 주자학의 정설에서 크게 이탈해 있었다. 셋째, 그는 도교, 불교, 양명학, 서학 등 제반 이단적 학문에 대해서 개방적인 자세를 취했다. 이러한 그의 학문적 개방성은 학문적 권위가 권력적 목적에 이용되는 것을 차단하고, 진정한 학문적·정치적 실익을 추구한 데에 자연히 뒤따르는 현상이었다. 넷째, 정조는 군주가 수신을 바탕으로 명분질서의 모범을 보이고 실제 정치에 관여하는 것은 자제해야 한다는 수신군주론이나 군주성학론의 도그마에서 탈피했다. 이에 따라 그의 통치 방식도 풍속을 돈독히 하는 禮敎的 방식에 치중하지 않고 제도 개혁과 효율성을 중시하는 접근방식을 보였다. 다섯째, 정조는 영조와 마찬가지로 자신의 정치적 준거를 三代之治 혹은 堯舜之治에 두었다. 그러나 그가 이해한 요순은 은둔적이고 수련적인 철학자의 모습이 아니라 세속적이고 권력적인 정치가였다. 이처럼 그는 ``무위에서 유위로`` 정치 개념과 군주의 역할을 새롭게 이해했으며, 君師로 자처하면서 의리 판별의 권한이 임금에게 있음을 주장한 영조의 정책을 계승했다. 그의 지지자에 의해 국왕이 사문의 도통을 계승했다는 ``君主道統論``이 제기되는 속에서 마침내 자신을 太極에 비유함으로써 자신이 天 혹은 上帝라는 절대군주론을 피력하기에 이르렀다. 여섯째, 정조의 군주론은 중개세력의 매개 없이 군과 민이 직접 소통하는 2단계 정치구조를 지향했다. 그는 이러한 절대왕정을 지탱할 통일된 사회윤리로서 孝悌를 제시하고, 太學序齒를 통해서 이를 시험적으로 실행했다. 태학서치는 군주 이외에 모든 臣民을 하나로 보고, 신민 사이에서는 신분이나 직업이 아닌 나이를 우선시하는 새로운 계서윤리를 선도하고 있었다는 점에서 실학이 추구하는 새로운 왕정이 결코 이론적 수준에 머무르지 않았음을 보여준다. 일곱째, 정조가 추구한 절대왕정은 국가를 家의 類比 내지 확장으로 보는 유교의 家族國家와 외연상 별 차이가 없어 보이나, 국가권력의 정당성을 도덕보다는 백성의 행복 증진에 두고 국가사회의 결속원리를 인간에 내재한 도덕심이 아니라 개인의 주체적 개별적 연계 속에서 모색했다는 점에서 종래의 유교적 왕정론과는 질적인 차이가 있었으며, 여기에는 차후 근대국가론의 형성으로 나아갈 수 있는 소지가 다분했다. 여덟째, 실학사상의 한말 민중운동으로의 전유와 관련하여 정조의 역할이 있었을 가능성을 지적하였다. 그의 주역 연구와 文王에 대한 특별한 관심은 한말 민중운동에 크게 영향을 끼쳤던 후천개벽설과 연관이 있어 보인다. The main points of this thesis can be centered on several points as follows. First, Jeongjo emphasized that I(理) is the inherence rule of Gi(氣). These Jugijeok Igi-gwan(Gi-centred Philosophy of I and Gi) shows that his fundamental viewpoints focus on an empirical actuality. Second, In theory of human nature, Jeongjo contradicted seong-jeung-ni(性卽理. nature is based on i which is innate in all creatures) and advocated seong-jeung-gi(性卽氣. nature is based on gi). And he advocated that human nature is saduk(四德. the four virtues), not sadan(四端. the four beginnings). Third, Jeongjo had opened up towards the unorthodox. His academic openness was the phenomenon following his utilitarianism. Fourth, Jeongjo`s ruling methods had attached importance to effectiveness of system, not convert. Fifth, He had made the way of the sage King Yao and Shun(堯舜之治) as his political authority. He emphasized that he himself is taegeuk(太極. Great Ultimate). This meens he had announced the absolute monarchy. Sixth, He presented Hyoje(孝悌. filial piety and friendship) as the moral foundation for his absolute monarchy, and practiced it with Taehakseochi(太學序齒). Seventh, There is a possibility that Jeongjo had a influence on the theory of hucheongaebyeok(後天開闢. Great Transformation for the world after the creation of heaven). This related with the Silhak(實學)`s transformation to the popular movement at the close of Joseon dynasty.

      • 소아에서 발생한 골수이형성 증후군 2례

        홍성진,윤석중,김성우,조형구,오명호,김기혁,이인성 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1996 건국의과학학술지 Vol.5 No.-

        Myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) is a group of acquired conditions characterized by progressive bone marrow failure associated with normocellular or hypercellular bone marrow that cannot be attributed to nutritional deficiency, chronic infection, or other chronic systemic illness, and cannot be reversed by the successful treatment of those conditions. Whereas the cases of secondary MDS occur at all ages, primary MDS is essentially a disease of elderly, though no age group is exempt and predomonant in men. The MDS is fundamentally clonal disorders at the level of the haemopoietic totipotent stem cell. Clinically, they are characterized by varing degrees of peripheral cytopenia(s) with morphological and functional abnormalities of blood elements. We have experienced two unrelated pediatric cases, who showed pancytopenia on admission and the characteristic marrow findings of MDS. The first case, a 12 months-old girl, showed increased reticulin with abnormal localization of immature precursor cells(ALIP) in her bone marrow, in addition to dysplastic features such as bi-and multi-nucleation of late normoblasts and internuclear bridging. She also showed 22% of blasts in her bone marrow cells thus classified in the category of RAEB-t after FAB classification. Also found were a chromosomal abnormality namely 46 XX t(14q21q), which was an unusual one. Her family brought her home and, 4 month later, she deceased. The second case, a 12 year-old boy, showed pancytopenia with Pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly in neutrophils but no blasts in the peripheral blood. Bone marrow of this case also showed the picture of dyserythropoiesis with binuclearity, internuclear bridging, nuclear fragments, multinuclearity of late normoblasts, in addition to megaloblastoid change in the normoblasts and increased mitosis in granulocytic series. No chromosomal abnormality was found. Classified as RA after FAB classification of MDS. Showed good response to conservative management for anemia for more than one year.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 지역 직업성질환 감시체계의 현황과 전망

        임종한,장성실,김성아,문재동,채창호,홍윤철,김수영,김진석,김영욱,한상환,이혜숙,원종욱,송동빈,하은희,강성규 대한산업의학회 2001 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        기존의 특수건강진단과 작업환경측정을 통한 직업병 관리가 진폐증, 소음성난청 등의 소수 특정질환에 국한되고 실제 직업병 발생 규모 파악이나 신종 직업병의 발견에 한계를 보인다는 사실은 산업의학전문가들 사이에서도 공감을 이루고 있다. 미국과 영국 등에서의 직업성질환 감시체계에 대한 경험은 우리 나라의 직업성질환 감시체계 구축에도 새로운 자극제가 되면서, 1998년이후 인천, 대전, 여천, 구미, 부울경 지역에서 지역 직업성질환감시체계를 산업보건관리의 중요한 시스템으로 구축하려는 노력이 확산되고 있다. 새로이 구축되어지는 이들 지역 직업성질환 감시체계는 감시하고자 하는 대상질환, 활용 가능한 인적자원 및 자료원, 지역 의료체계의 특수성 등에 따라서 목적과 방법을 달리하면서 독특한 형태로 발전을 하고 있다. 각 지역단위 감시체계들이 그 상황에 맞게 독특한 목적과 전략들을 발전 시키면서도, 향후 발전할 국가적인 차원의 직업성질환 감시체계 구축을 위하여 직업성질환 감시의 기본 전략 등을 공유하는 등의 노력이 필요하다. 환례 정의 및 기본적인 등록 서식의 공유, 직업성질환 감시 자료원의 발굴, 공동의 정보 네트워크 및 직업성질환 감시 데이터베이스 구축 등 직업성질환 감시활동을 지원하기 위한 여러 기초 인프라 구축에 힘을 모아야 할 것이다. 우리 나라에서 직업성질환 감시체계를 성공적으로 구축하기 위해서는 수집된 자료의 질 관리를 위한 직업성질환 감시의 원칙 제정과 감시 전략의 공유 등이 필요하며, 전국적인 직업성질환 감시체계의 하부구조라고 할 수 있는 지역감시체계의 기초 토대 마련과 강화작업이 절실하게 필요하다.

      • 벼(Oryza sativa L.) 統一型品種의 溫度에 따른 營養 生長期 主稈 出葉速度와 栽培時期 移動에 의한 主稈總葉數의 變化

        尹成浩 건국대학교 1986 論文集 Vol.22 No.1

        The response of leaf developing of rice plant to temperature and total number of leaves on mother stem under field condition are important to understand the characteristics of growth duration among the rice varieties. To investigate number of days required to develop a leaf at vegetative stage, 6.1-leaf age, nine indica/japonica Korean rices (Oryza saitva L.) were subjected to four levels of air temperature, at 13, 18, 23, and 28℃ of glass rooms in a phytotron for 168 hours. Also to examine variations of lifelong leaf number on the mother stem of the rices, a field experiment was conducted with transplanted five times from 11 May to 10 July at the 15-day intervals at Suweon, Korea in 1977. Significant varietal differences were observed in number of days required to develop a leaf. The differences were increased by decreased the temperature levels. The number of days required to develop a leaf, overall varietal means at 13, 18, 23, and 28℃ were 15.9, 6.7, 4.5, and 4.2 days respectively. A low temperature, at 13℃, an early maturing rice, Milyang 21 was required 6.8 more days than that in a late maturing rice, Geumgangbyeo. A relationship between daily mean air temperatures (X) and the number of days required to develop a unit leaf (Y) could be fitted significantly as a hyperholic equation: Y=X/aX-b. A base temperature, the threshold temperature for stoppage of leaf developing was estimated 12℃ by the equation. A minimum degree-days required to develop a leaf was 104℃ at 23℃ of mean air temperature in the rices. Total number of leaves on mother stem of overall rices and the transplanting dates in the field condition were ranged 13∼20 leaves of which the late maturing rices had more the loaves than those in early maturing rices, and in the same variety, early season transplanted rices also had more leaves than those in the late season transplanted rices. A negative correlation showed between the total number of loaves on mother stem of overall rices at transplanted in 26 May in the field and number of days required to develop a leaf at 13℃ only under the phytotron condition.

      • 제2형 당뇨병 환자에서 체내 총항산화능 측정의 의의

        윤여일,윤석기,김선규,김용현,남일송,차건영,황의원,김영선 순천향의학연구소 2001 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.7 No.2

        Background: The diabetic patients are at significantly increased risk of developing vascular disease. It's etiology may involve oxidative damage by free radiacals and protection againse such damage can be offered by antioxidants. We investigated that oxidative stress as assessed by measurement of total antioxidant status may play a role in development of diabetes mellitus. Method: We measured total antioxiant status using merchandised kit, glycated hemeglobin(HbA1c) in 46 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and 50 healthy matched control subjects. Result: The total antioxidant status(TAS) was 2.10(±0.04) mmol/L in uncontrolled type 2 DM patients, 2.60(±0.03) in controlled type 2 DM patients and 2.70(±0.16) in healthy control subjects. TAS was significantly lower(P<0.05) in uncontrolled type 2 DM patients, but no significant association between in controlled type 2 DM patients and healthy control subjects. The TAS was 2.00(±0.17) mmol/L in complicated type 2 DM patients and 2.10(±0.29) uncomplicated type 2 DM patients. There was no significant associations between complicated type 2 DM patients and uncomplicated type 2 DM patients. Conclusion: Poor glycemic control is associated with reduced TAS in type 2 DM patients. TAS was thought indirect index that predict glycemic control of type 2 DM patients.

      • 고도보정 공간내삽에 의한 전국의 1km²단위 기상실황 추정

        윤진일,이동석,최재연,조성인,박은우,황헌 한국농업정보과학회 1999 농업정보과학 Vol.1 No.1

        Conventional method of generating meteorological surfaces over geographic areas often neglects the elevation effect which is considered to be a single most important control over local climate. Deviation of the estimates may exrled practical limits at some areas with complex toprlgraphy. A digital map featuring coordinates and elevation data of 72 weather stations in Korea were joined with hourly weather(trmperature, relative humidity, precipitation and wind speed) observations at the stations by using a geographic information system software. An inverse distanre weighted interpolation was done on the point features to generate prim-itive meteorological and elevation surface grids consisting of 430×600 cells, respectively. Elevation difference at each cell between the United States Geological Survey's 1 km digital elevation model and this virtual ele-vation surface was calculated. Known relationships between meteorological elements and the elevation differ-ence were used to derive "correction grids" representing the potential effects of elevation difference at each grid cell. The correction grids were added or multiplied to the primitive meteorological surfaces to obtain ele-vation-corrected estimates for corresponding elements. This srheme was applied to hourly data of 27 March 1998 to generate the elevation-corrected mrteorological surfaces. Observed data of 350 automated weather sta-tions were used to partially validate the accuracy of the results. This simple scheme sHelved a feasibility of a near-real time generation of hourly meteorological surfaces for temperature and rainfall with an affordable error range.

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