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      • 요관압 상승시 신혈류량 조절에 prostaglandin이 미치는 효과

        민영기,양훈모,김종규,이석호 순천향의학연구소 2001 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.7 No.1

        Higher ureteral pressure than in normal condition causes increase in renal blood flow (RBF) and partial impairment of the autoregulation of RBF. Higher ureteral pressure increased renal prostaglandin production, it is not clear whether or not it is also responsible for partial impairment of the autoregulation of RBF. Therefore, we investigated the role which prostaglandin play in the autoregulation of RBF, studying the interaction between ureteral pressure and RBF autoregulation may reveal the role of prostaglandin in tubuloglomerular feedback. For the purpose of this experiment, six anesthetized mongrel dogs were prepared for the measurements of RBF, mean systemic and renal arterial pressure (RAP) and the manipulation of ureteral pressure to 0 cmH20, 20 cmH20 and 40 cmH20. The autoregulation curves were determined during both control and elevation of the ureteral pressure, before and after the pretreatment with indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor. The desired ureteral pressure was achieved by vertically elevating the water-filled reservoir connected to the ureteral catheter to 20 cm and 40 cm above the kidney level. In response to the elevation of the ureteral pressure, RBF increased from 167±11 ml/min to 185±8 ml/min, 204±11 ml/min respectively and the renal arterial pressure and the systemic arterial pressure didn't change significantly. During 0 mmHg of ureteral presure threshold pressure of RBF autoregulation was 59±3 mmHg. On the other hand, during 20 cmH20, 40 cmH20 of ureteral pressure, the autoregulation curves shifted upward and rightward from control, threshold pressure is elevated by 74±3 mmHg. The pretreatment of the dogs with indomethacin failed to affect the lower limit of RBF autoregulation during both control (63±5 mmHg) and the elevated ureteral pressure (77±5 mmHg). Since RBF failed to increase in response to the elevated ureteral pressure, RBF autoregulation curves obtained during the elevated ureteral pressure shifted only rightward from indomethacin control. The results indicate that the increased intrarenal level of prostaglandin by increased ureteral pressure or prostaglandin-induced vasodilation does not appear to bear any relation to the reduction in the autoregulatore capacity during elevated ureteral pressure. It seems that the partial impairment of the autoregulation during acute ureteral obstruction is due to the consumption of tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism at 0 mmHg of ureteral pressure and that prostaglandin is neither mediator nor effector of tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism.

      • KCI등재
      • L - NAME 주입시 신 교감신경이 신혈류량 변화에 미치는 영향

        민영기,양훈모,이석호,김종규 순천향의학연구소 2000 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.6 No.2

        Recently it is known renal medullar will be play a important role of blood pressure control and pressure natriuresis. Renomedullary antihypertensive mechanism is activated by increasing perfusion pressure of kidney and can be inhibited by sympathetic nerve stimulation or blockade of nitric oxide(NO) formation. It is important to know what is affect on renal regional blood flow, especially renal medullary blood flow(MBF). For the purpose of investigating the effect of the renal sympathetic nerve on regional blood flow during infusion of blocking NO synthesis(by N^(ω)-nitro-L-arginine methylester:L-NAME) in spontaneous hypertensive rat(SHR) and Wistar rats normal control, Mean arterial pressure(MAP), total renal blood flow(TRBF), midcortical blood flow(CBF), inner medullary blood flow were measured in innervated or denervated renal sympathetic nerve group of SHR and Wister rats. All group that received the L-NAME were seen increasing MAP while TRBF, CBF and MBF decreased and the decrease of TRBF in SHR is more marked than in Wistar rat. In spite of increasing the MAP, MBF in all four group decreased, respectively C: 220 ± 3 U, 205 ± 2 U Wi : 215 ± 4 U, 165 ± 12 U Wd :218 ± 3 U, 170 ± 10 U Si :195 ± 4 U, 98 ± 15 U Sd : 200 ± 3 U, 120 ± 14 U, especially the most remarkable decrease about 50 % in SHR innervated group. Thus, according to these result, NO seems to maintain the MBF and the partial interaction between renal sympathetic nerve and NO in medullary blood flow can be suggested in innervated SHR.

      • KCI등재후보

        아시아문화콘텐츠에 나타난 민족주의와 여성재현의 탈식민적 독해

        양민석 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2007 여성학논집 Vol.24 No.2

        현재 가속화되고 있는 문화콘텐츠산업과 함께 주목해야 할 것은 이 과정에서 여성들에 대한 문화적 상정폭력이 다양한 형태로 행사되고 있다는 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 경제적 이윤창출의 당면과제 앞에서 여성의 실제적 경험과 일상세계와 다른 여성의 모습과 특성들이 문화상품 또는 문화콘텐츠 개발을 통해서 재생산되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 아시아의 문화콘텐츠산업의 발전과 민족주의와의 연관성을 파악하고, 문화산업 또는 문화콘텐츠산업을 통해 재현된 여성표상에 민족주의가 어떻게 개입되고 있는지를 주요하게 고찰했다. 여기에서 민족주의는 정치기득권 세력의 이데올로기로 작용하는 ‘국가 민족주의’와, 지구화가 가속화 되고 있는 현 시점에서 새롭게 등장하는 ‘문화 민족주의’를 포함한다. 특히 아시아의 민족주의와 여성재현의 관계를 한국의 사회변동과 그에 따라 변화되는 여성표상의 사회사를 중심으로 살펴보았으며, 이러한 여성표상의 이미지가 문화콘텐츠화 하는 방식을 분석했다. 즉 ‘경험의 콘텐츠화’의 관점에서 여성들의 특수한 역사적 경험이 문화콘텐츠 개발을 통해 어떻게 재현되고 있는지 파악하였다, 이것은 사회발전기와 변동기에 특히 부각되는 민족주의가 여성의 문화표상에 개입해온 과정에 대한 추적이었으며, ‘우리’ 민족이라는 동일성의 범주 속에서 주류에 속하지 못하는 여성들의 또 다른 ‘타자화’에 대한 문제제기이기도 했다. 더불어 ‘심청’의 다양한 리메이크처럼 변형된 문화콘텐츠 속에 재현된 여성들의 문화혼종적 이미지를 포착하고, 점차 강한 위세를 드러내고 있는 문화 민족주의에 대한 논의를 진전시켜 전통문화콘텐츠와 대중문화콘텐츠에 나타난 여성재현의 양상을 ‘선화’와 ‘한류’를 중심으로 살펴보았다. Along with the development of technology typified by digital informationalization, the 'globalization of culture' became accelerated, and the interest in cultural contents has been increasing. The focus on the development of cultural contents was followed by the creation of cultural industry, which, focusing on maximizing the profit, reflects the general recognition that cultural contents will be the most important factor in strengthening a nation's competitiveness. In this process, it is remarkable that women's image and specific characters differed from women's actual experiences. Likewise, daily lives are reproduced through the development of cultural items and/or cultural contents in order to pursue economic profit in spite of the fact that cultural symbolic violence against women is exerted in various forms. The present study aims to understand the relationship between the development of cultural contents industry and nationalism in Asia and explores how nationalism is intervening on women's representation through cultural industry and/or cultural contents industry. Nationalism in this study includes the 'state's nationalism' working as a leading ideology of the political vested rights and 'cultural nationalism' which is newly emerged at the present time when globalization is enhanced. Especially, the relationship between nationalism in Asia and women's representation is examined centering on the social history of women's representation altered by social changes in Korea. Also, the way the images of women are transformed into cultural contents is analyzed. In other words, how women's specific historical experiences are represented through the development of cultural contents are examined from the viewpoint of 'making content of experiences'. It is an endeavor to trace the process of intervening on women's representation by nationalism which is especially highlighted in the periods of social development and/or social upheaval. It also poses the problem of 'the otherization' of women who are not involved in the main stream of the category of 'our' people. In addition, it explores problems of the cultural diaspora implied in the cultural contents industry focusing on the cultural hybrid images of women represented in the transformed cultural contents such as the example of varied remaking works of 'Shim-ch'ong'. It deals with the aspects of women's representation appearing in both contents of traditional culture and mass culture such as 'Mythology' and 'Han-Ryu' by unfolding discussions on cultural nationalism which has increased powerful influences.

      • 생체분해성 고분자를 이용한 사시수술용 제형개발 및 효용성에 대한 연구

        민병무,김용백,김승영,김창식,박근성,길숙종,조항진,이성복,노승무,송규상,강대영,조준식,양준묵,정경수,최선웅,이진호,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        A new device, muscle clamping system was developed to facilitate exact quatifying technique A strabismus surgery, and reduce the risk of complications. The device is composed of a lower fixing body with three jaws and an upper supporting body. They are used to clip an extraocular muscle and fix it to the sclera with a single bite. Superior rectus recession on 16 rabbit eyes were performed with this new device. Conjunctival injection, muscle adhesion strength, and light microscopic findings were examined at 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks postoperatively. The Conjunctival injection were minimal, adhesion power ranged from 420 to 600 gram gravity, which is sufficient in withstand the normal pull of human extraocular muscle. In microscopic exam, some Inflammatory cells and fibrosis were found. The new device was technically easy, fast, and accurate, so it may be useful in stabismus surgery.

      • KCI등재후보

        성인지적 ‘팀제’운영과 여성주의 리더십의 역할

        양민석 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2007 여성학논집 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구에서는 팀제의 도입과 운용이 여성 리더십에 어떤 제한성과 가능성을 노정하고 있는지 살펴보고,성별 인식과 여성주의 가치를 매개로한 성인지적 팀 운영을통해 팀제의 권력 균형과 민주화,그리고 여성주의 리더십의 가능성을 모색해본다.이러한 작업은 도입과 변형 그리고 폐기의 순환적 과정 속에서도 부단히 지속 확산되고있는 일반적인 사회 조직 형태로서의 팀제를 여성주의적 리더십과 민주적 권력 균형의 관계 속에서 재고찰하여 팀제 조직을 중심으로 한 여성의 활동영역과 역량을 확장해보고자 하는 탐색적 시도로써의 의미를 갖는다. 팀제 조직은 명령과 통제가 중앙을 축으로 일원화되어 있는 전통 조직과 달리 독자적인 유기체로서의 성격을 갖는다.전통 조직과 다른 팀제의 개방적 요소들은 조직내 여성 권력의 확장에 긍정적인 조건들을 마련하는 반면에,현실적인 운용에 따라여성들의 조직 활동과 리더십의 발현에 있어 제한적인 요소로 작용할 수 있다.즉,팀구성원이 성차별적 가치관과 문화를 공유하고 그에 따른 사회적 관계를 맺는다면,팀조직 내의 리더십과 권력 구조도 여성 배타적인 성격을 갖게 되며,팀제가 ‘조건화’하고 있는 유연한 권력 구조의 개방성은 여성들에게 무의미한 또는 오히려 위악적인 것이 될 수 있다.반면 팀제의 이러한 상황적 변수가 팀 구성원들의 여성주의적 인식및 가치지향과 만나게 되면 여성주의 리더십의 발현이 가능해지며,팀제 내의 권력균형도 민주적으로 확보해낼 수 있는 것이다. 팀제가 여성주의적으로 변환되기 위해서는 성과위주의 기능적 관점을 벗어나 가치관과 관계성,그리고 상호작용의 과정을 포괄하는 문화적 측면에서 주목될 필요가 있다.또한 팀제가 조건화하고 있는 권력적 평등성을 현실화시키기 위해서는 팀장과 팀원 서로 간의 성별 인식의 도모와 공유가 필요하다. This study examines how the introduction and management of teamorganization affects the limitations and possibilities of women's leadership. It alsosought the possibilities of power balance, democratization, and feminist leadershipthrough the gender-sensitive team management that holds gender perception andfeminist values as intermediaries. This study makes an attempt to expand the domainof activity and capability of women involved in team organization by reexaminingthe team organizations as common and constantly growing socio-organizations. Team organizations, unlike traditional organizations where order and controlare emphasized, have unique characteristics of independence. Liberty of teamorganizations ideally provides positive conditions for the expansion of feministpower within those organizations, yet may have some limitations by management. If individual team members share sexist perspectives and cultures andengage in social relationships, then the leadership and power structure within a teamcan be unfavorable to women, and that renders the flexible power structures of teamorganization meaningless or possibly harmful for women. Nonetheless, if thesesituational variables of team organizations are ideally integrated with individual teammembers’ acknowledgment of feminism, it becomes possible to achieve bothfeminist leadership and power balance within team organization democratically. In order to grasp the feminist meanings of team organizations, attentionsmust be paid to cultural perspectives that include sense of values, relationship andinteractions rather than the functional viewpoints based solely on achievements. Toactualize power balance within team organizations, furthermore, it is important thatgender perception be well perceived among a team leader and members.

      • 播種과 收穫時期에 따른 들깨(Perilla ocymoides)의 脂肪酸 組成變化

        梁敏錫,全永式 慶尙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        播種 및 收穫時期에 따른 들깨의 脂肪酸 組成 變化를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1.油脂含量은 5月30日 播種區와 10月5日 收穫區에서 가장 높았다. 2.總 脂質의 主要脂酸은 palmitic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic acid로 이中linolenic acid의 含量이 가장 많았다. 3.不飽和度 및 C?/C? 比는 播種적기인 5月30日과 10月5日이 가장 높았다. 4.結合形態別 脂質은 植物脂質의 저장形態인 triglyceride의 含量이 가장 높았으며 主要脂?은 linolenic acid였는데 播種時期가 늦어질수록 增加하는 傾向이었다. 5.本 硏究의 結果로 南部地方의 播種 및 收穫 적기는 各各 5月30日과 10月5日로 생각된다. This experiments are carried out obtain the effects of different snowing and harvesting dates on the oil contents and fatty acids compositions of perlla cultivar. Total lipid was extracted from perilla seed with diethylether and sepsarated into glycolipid, sterylester, triglyceride, free fatty acid and phospholipid. Fatty acids compositions of each fraction of lipid were analyzed by gas chromatography(GLC). The results are summrized as follow: Oil contents were the highest at snowing treatment on May 30 and harvesting treatment on Oct, 5. Main fatty acid Compositions of total lipid were palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid. Linolenic acid was the highest. Ratio of UFA/SFA and C?/C? were the highest at sowing date May 30 and harvesting date Oct.5. Trglyceride was predominant composition of total lipid and main fatty acid was linolenic acid as snowing dates delayed, its contents decreased. As a result of study, an opportunity of sowing and harvesting dates were regarded as on May 30 andOct. 5 in Southern District.

      • enalapril의 혈압하강효과에 대한 renomedullary depressor system의 역할

        민영기,양훈모,김종규,이석호 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2000 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.6 No.1

        It has long been recognised that renin-angiotensin system(RAS) takes part in blood pressure control. It was previously known that the physiological effects of the renomedullary depressor mechanism are in virtually all aspects the very opposite of those of RAS. Muirhead proposed that there was a negative-feedback interaction between two systems, RAS and renomedullary antihypertensive depressor system, and they balance each other. If true, as the suppression of angiotensin Ⅱ(ANG Ⅱ)by angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitor activates the renomedullary antihypertensive function, we can assume the blood pressure lowering effects of ACE inhibitor due to an increased secretion of medullary depressor substance. After rats with intact and chemically destroyed renal medulla received either saline or the ACE inhibitor, mean arterial pressure(MAP) was clearly decreased after ACE inhibitor administration in controls with intact medulla, but MAP in rats with chemically destroyed renal medullar was not changed. According to these results, we can come to a conclusion that renomedullary depressor substance plays an important role to normal blood pressure control.

      • KCI등재

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