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        인슐린비의존형 당뇨병 환자에서 Lipoprotein(a)농도와 혈관합병증

        김지연,이태희,박재홍,정민영,양승원,정동진,김명수,김정민,이정훈 대한당뇨병학회 1998 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.22 No.1

        연구배경: 당뇨병 환자에서 동맥경화증의 발생위험이 정상잉인에 비해 높은 원인의 하나로써 혈액응고와 섬유소용해작용의 이상을 초래하는 Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)]가 논의되고 있다. 당뇨병 환자의 동맥경화증과 당뇨병성 합병증 발생위험 증가에 Lp(a)가 어느 정도 관여하는지에 대해서도 아직 확실히 알려져 있지 않다. 저자등은 인슐린비의존형 당뇨병 환자의 혈관합병증(대혈관 및 미세혈관합병증) 발생과 Lp(a)농도와의 관계 및 혈관합병증을 일으키는 다른 위험인자와 Lp(a)농도와의 관련성에 대하여 알아보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법: 인슐린비의존형 당뇨병 환자 152명(여자:남자=72:80)을 대상으로 공복상태에서 혈중 Lp(a), ApoA1, ApoB, 총 콜레스테롤, 중성지방, 고밀도지단백질-콜레스테롤 등을 측정하였다. 대혈관합병증(허혈성 심질환, 뇌혈관질환, 말초혈관폐쇄성 동맥경화증)의 진단을 위해 증상이 있는 환자들에서 심전도, 관상동맥조영술, 뇌전산호단층촬영, Doppler velocimetry, 말초혈관조영술 등을 시행하였고, 미세혈관합병증은 안저활영, 신경전달속도, BBV(beat to beat variation), VPT(vibration perception threshold), 24시간 요단백량 등을 측정하여 확인하였다. 결과: 허혈성 심질환, 뇌혈관질환등 대혈관질환 및 당뇨병성 망막증 등 미세혈관질환을 갖는 환자에서 Lp(a)농도가 대조군보다 통계적으로 유의하게 증가되어 있었다. Lp(a)농도가 30㎎/dL이상인 군에서 ApoB/ApoA1 및 저밀도지단백질-콜레스테롤이 Lp(a)농도가 30㎎/dL 이하인 군보다 높았으며, 혈관질환을 갖는 군에서 Lp(a)는 높은 ApoB/ApoA1와 저밀도지단백질-콜레스테롤과 통계적으로 의의있는 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 결론: Lp(a)는 인슐린비의존형 당뇨병 환자의 대혈관합병증과 미세혈관합병증(특히 당뇨병성 망막증)에 관련이 있는 것으로 보이며, 특히 저밀도지단백질-콜레스테롤 및 ApoB/ApoA1이 높게 나타난 인슐린비의존형 당뇨병 환자에서 Lp(a)농도 측정이 필요하리라 생각된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        입원 소아환자에서 정맥주사 시 통증 및 불안을 경감시키기 위한 중재연구

        김묘진,백정희,서원석,김미영,박선경,박재성 한국의료QA학회 2005 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxiety and fear of pediatric patients and their parents who do not have understanding logical of their disease and hospitalization. This study attempted to identify pain reduction in related to therapeutic intervention by age and environmental improvement. Methods : A total of 194 hospitalized children and their parents were investigated. Data collection period was 3 months from March to May 2004. Four instruments were used to collect the data : Faces Pain Rating Scale(FPRS), Heart rate, Oxygen saturation and Pain behavioral check list. The data were analyzed by a SPSS program and tested χ2-test, t-test, ANCOVA. Results : 1. Age from 0 to 3, the Heart rate, FPRS, Oxygen saturation and Pain behavioral check list were significantly different in theraputic intervention group when compare to control group. 2. Age from 4 to 6, FPRS, Oxygen saturation and Pain behavioral check list were significantly different in theraputic intervention group when compare to control group. But the heart rate were not significantly different when compare to control group. 3. Age from 7 to 9, FPRS and Pain behavioral check list were significantly lower in therapeutic intervention group when compare to control group but Heart rate and Oxygen saturation were not significantly different when compare to control group. Conclusion : The results of this study concludes that most children experience acute pain during IV therapy and it can be reduced by age specific therapeutic intervention and by change of surrounding environment.

      • 土壤의 몇가지 物理的, 化學的 性質이 煙草植物의 이온平衡(Ionic Balance)에 미치는 影響

        金才正 충북대학교 엽연초연구소 1978 煙草硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        An experiment with the tobacco plant was conducted in the pots. A sandy humic soil was used with 2 levels of pH,3.5, and 5.8, with 2 kinds of anions, Cl as NH4Cl and SO4 as (NH4) 2SO4, and with 4 levels of pF, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.5. The pH-treatment created different N-forms; NH4 at low pH(3.5) and NO3 at high pH (5.8) At low pH with high concentration of NH4 given as NH4Cl, the high content of Cl in tobacco resulted in plants suffering from NH4- and Cl-toxicity, as well as Mn-toxicity. As a result of this a small and extremly abnormal growth was clearly appeared. In the tobacco grown at low pH with NH4 given as (NH4)2SO4, a large amount of the NH4-uptake developed Mg-and Ca-deficiency. The plants grown at high pH were all healthy, however, dry matter production was higher and maturity faster when SO4 was used as anion compared to Cl. It seems that at both pH values, the N-metabolism in the plants growing on the SO4 treatment is more active than in those growing on the Cl treatment. High moisture content in soil is necessary for a good development and growth of the tobacco plant. Phosphate uptake seemed to be limitted at higher moisture stress. The dry matter yields of tops and roots, respectively, were in the order of pF 1.5>2,0>2.5>3.5. Date of chemical analysis and dry matter yields of tops and roots showed that the tobacco plant followed the normal (C-A) concept. In the normal growth of plants, the carboxylate contente of tops was quite comparable to the estimated (C-A) values. If NH4 content of plants remains in quite high quantities, it must be analysed and take into consideration for the (C-A) calculation. Al is net transported towards tops in toxic amounts due to its high immobility, it mostly stay in or on the roots, probably precipitated as a salt, When Al is present in high quantities, it has to be considered into the (C-A) calculation.

      • KCI등재

        E-초등학교 어린이의 영구치 맹출시기 및 순서

        권정현,최병재,이제호,김성오,손흥규,최형준 大韓小兒齒科學會 2009 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.36 No.2

        치아 맹출은 나이, 성별, 인종, 시대에 따라 시기 및 순서의 차이가 있으나, 교과서에 인용되어 임상에서 사용되는 영구치 맹출 및 치근 형성에 대한 자료는 1933년 Logan과 Kronfeld가 발표한 것이므로 현재 한국 어린이의 영구치 맹출 경향과 차이가 있을 수 있다. 따라서 이번 연구의 목적은 한국 어린이의 영구치 맹출연령을 구하고, 이를 근거로 맹출순서를 알아보며, 이전 국내외 연구자료와 비교하여 차이를 알아보는 것이다. 이에 1998년부터 2005년까지 연세대학교 치과대학병원 소아치과에 내원하여 구강검진을 시행한 E-초등학교의 어린이 중 만 6세에서 만 12세의 2,619명 (남자 1,307명, 여자 1,312명)의 자료를 수집하여 영구치의 맹출시기 및 순서에 대해 연구 한 바 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 상악의 영구치 맹출시기는 중절치는 남자 만 6.81세, 여자 만 6.73세, 측절치는 남자 만7.78세, 여자 만7.65세, 견치는 남자 만10.48세, 여자 만9.92세, 제1소구치는 남자 만9.76세, 여자 만9.63세, 제2소구치는 남자 만10.66세, 여자 만10.49세, 제1대구치는 남자 만6.39세, 여자 만6.26세, 제2대구치는 남자 만12.13세, 여자 만 12.03세로 나타났다. 2. 하악의 영구치 맹출시기는 중절치는 남녀 모두 정확한 시기의 측정은 불가능하였지만, 만 6.08세 이전에 맹출한다는 것을 추정 할 수 있었고, 측절치는 남자 만6.78세, 여자 만6.65세, 견치는 남자 만9.76세, 여자 만9.05세, 제1소구치는 남자 만9.82세, 여자 만9.59세, 제2소구치는 남자 만10.67세, 여자 만10.52세, 제1대구치는 남자 만6.22세, 여자 만6.12세, 제2대구치는 남자 만11.58세, 여자 만 11.14세로 나타났다. 3. 맹출순서는 상악은 제1대구치, 중절치, 측절치, 제1소구치, 견치, 제2소구치, 제2대구치 순이었고, 하악은 중절치, 제1대구치, 측절치, 견치, 제1소구치, 제2소구치, 제2대구치 순이었다. 4. 모든 영구치에서 남자보다 여자가 빨리 맹출하였으며, 상악은 약 0.19세, 하악은 약 0.29세 먼저 맹출하였다. 5. 남녀 모두 상악은 측절치와 제1소구치 사이, 하악은 측절치와 견치 사이에 휴지기가 있었고, 남자의 휴지기는 상악 1.98년, 하악 2.98년, 여자는 상악 1.98년, 하악 2.40년이었다. The purpose of this study was to present new data on the timing and sequence of permanent teeth emergence and to compare these findings with the results of earlier studies. The dental examinations had been performed to E-elementary school students, who visited the Yonsei University Dental Hospital between 1998 and 2005; 1,307 boys and 1,312 girls with the age ranging from 6 to 12 years old. The followings were concluded. 1. Eruption time of the maxillary permanent teeth is as follows, It was 6.81 years in male and 6.73 years in female for the central incisor, 7.78 years in male and 7.65 years in female for the lateral incisor, 10.48 years in male and 9.92 years in female for the canine, 9.76 years in male and 9.63 years in female for the first premolar, 10.66 years in male and 10.49 years in female for the second premolar, 6.39 years in male and 6.26 years in female for the first permanent molar, and 12.13 years in male and 12.03 years in female for the second permanent molar. 2. Eruption time of the mandibular permanent teeth is as follows. The central incisor could not be determined in this study, but it is assumed to erupt before the age of 6.08. In the mandible, eruption time was 6.78 years in male and 6.65 years in female for the lateral incisor, 9.76 years in male and 9.05 years in female for the canine, 9.82 years in male and 9.59 years in female for the first premolar, 10.67 years in male and 10.52 years in female for the second premolar, 6.22 years in male and 6.12 years in female for the first permanent molar, and 11.58 years in male and 11.14 years in female for the second permanent molar. 3. The eruption sequence is as follows. In the maxilla, the first permanent molar erupted first, followed by the central incisor, the lateral incisor, the first premolar, the canine, the second premolar, and the second permanent molar. In the mandible, the central incisor erupted first, followed by the first permanent molar, the lateral incisor, the canine, the first premolar, the second premolar, and the second permanent molar. 4. Tooth eruption occurred earlier in female compared to male by average of 0.19 year in the maxilla and 0.29 year in the mandible. 5. In both male and female, the hiatus (interval of rest) occurred between the emergence of lateral incisor and first premolar in the maxilla while it was observed between the lateral incisor and canine in the mandible. Male had a hiatus of 1.98 years in the maxilla and 2.90 years in the mandible, while the female's were 1.98 years and 2.40 years, respectively.

      • 土性 및 pH差異가 湛水土壤의 메탄가스 生成에 미치는 影響

        南相烈,金才正,鄭光溶 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1993 農業科學硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        The effect of soil texture and pH on the behavior of anaerobic products in submerged soils, fatty acids and methane gas were studied. The study was done under anaerobically controlled system applied rice straw as carbon source at 30℃. 1. Methane formation was higher in the loamy soil compared to that obtained with sandy loam soil, in pH 7.0 compared to pH 4.5 and rice straw treatment enhanced the methane gas for-mation remarkably. 2. The Eh values were below -350 mV since 5 days after incuabtion in the treatment of pH 7.0 with rice straw, and in this condition methane content was about 65% and carbon dioxide 35%. 3. Acetic propionic, isobutyric, butyric, lactic isovaleric and valeric acid were detected during the incubation and acetic acid was accumulated in the large quantity under the condition that methane formation was inhibited. 4. The average methane formation rate during the incubation period was ranged from 0.0003 to 16.17 g/㎡/day which were depending on soil pH, Eh and organic material. 5. The conditions for inhibition of methane formation in submerged soil were low pH, low Eh and suppression of organic matter supply.

      • KCI등재

        골프장의 잔디 토양에서 살균제 Tolclofosmethyl의 분해

        정근욱,우선희,김흥태,사동민,김영기,홍순달,김재정,이재구 한국환경농학회 2004 한국환경농학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Tolclofosmethyl (TCFM) is heavily and annually applied to the turf soils of most golf courses in Gyeongju to control the fungi known to cause the disease brown patch. The soil samples used for the experiment was collected three weeks after the annual application at the end of May in the year 2002. The preliminary results obtained from this study demonstrated that the repeated field annual applications of TCFM to the turf soils of a golf course located in Gyeongju city in the southern area of Korea showed the enhanced degradation of the parent compound TCFM, especially in the surface (0~15 cm) soil rather than the shallow subsurface (15~30 cm) and deep subsurface (30~45 cm) soils, compared to the corresponding surface (0~15 cm) and shallow and deep subsurface (15~30 cm and 30~45 cm) soils of the untreated plot. It appears that microorganisms in the soil may be involved in the enhanced degradation of TCFM.


        The Escape of Temperature-Sensitive T Antigen Immortalized Rat Hepatocytes from Conditional Immortalization

        Kim, Byung-Ho,Han, Yo Seb,Choe, Bong-Keun,Cho, Hyeseong,Nam, Gi Deog,Lee, Jin Woo,Kim, Young Il,Park, Jai Kyung,Dong, Seok Ho,Kim, Hyo Jong,Chang, Young Woon,Lee, Joung Il,Chang, Rin Cognizant Communication Corp. 2005 CELL TRANSPLANTATION Vol.14 No.7

        <P>Conditionally immortalized hepatocytes (CIH) established with a gene for the temperature-sensitive mutant of the T antigen (tsT) have characteristics to stop proliferating and to differentiate at nonpermissive temperatures (37-39 degrees C) due to inactivation of the T antigen. Therefore, they may be a good alternative to primary hepatocytes for experimental investigations or clinical applications. Deinduction of the T antigen results in a transient increase of p53 in these cells, leading to reexpression of normal senescence because of the telomere attrition occurring during the early stages of immortalization. To determine this T antigen dependency for the maintenance of immortality, a type of rat CIH was cultured continuously at 39 degrees C. The frequency of occurrence of T-antigen-independent clones ranged from 0.053% to 0.093%. These clones maintained the temperature-sensitive property of the T antigen; nevertheless, they were able to progress to the S phase and proliferate without undergoing apoptosis at 39 degrees C as at 33 degrees C, a permissive temperature. The temperature-sensitive point mutation of tsT was not affected in these clones and the T antigen was functioning properly. The integrity of the p53 pathway was also maintained from the point of Western blot analysis of p21. Although the telomerase continued to be expressed and the telomere length was maintained, marked chromosomal damage could not be avoided in these cells. It is a plausible explanation that this escape phenomenon from conditional immortalization may be related to the change of other genes involved in cell cycles, which have yet to be elucidated. In conclusion, CIH could lose their temperature-sensitive characteristics without the change of tsT, itself, and the T antigen is not always necessary to maintain their immortality. Therefore, the results obtained from experimental investigations using these cells should be interpreted carefully, and unpredictable phenotypic changes should also be taken into consideration when using them in clinical applications.</P>

      • The Escape of Temperature-Sensitive T Antigen Immortalized Rat Hepatocytes From Conditional Immortalization

        Kim, Byung-Ho,Han, Yo Seb,Choe, Bong-Keun,Cho, Hyeseong,Nam, Gi Deog,Lee, Jin Woo,Kim, Young Il,Park, Jai Kyung,Dong, Seok Ho,Kim, Hyo Jong,Chang, Young-Woon,Lee, Joung-Il,Rin Chang KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 2006 고황의학상 수상논문집 Vol.21-22 No.-

        Conditionally immortalized hepatocytes (CIH) established with a gene for the temperature-sensitive mutant of the T antigen (tsT) have characteristics to stop proliferating and to differentiate at nonpermissive temperatures (37-39℃) due to inactivation of the T antigen. Therefore, they may be a good alternative to primary hepatocytes for experimental investigations or clinical applications. Deinduction of the T antigen results in a transient increase of p53 in these cells, leading to reexpression of normal senescence because of the telomere attrition occurring during the early stages of immortalization. To determine this T antigen dependency for the maintenance of immortality, a type of rat CIH was cultured continuously at 39℃. The frequency of occurrence of T-antigen-independent clones ranged from 0.053% to 0.093%. These clones maintained the temperature-sensitive property of the T antigen; nevertheless, they were able to progress to the S phase and proliferate without undergoing apoptosis at 39℃ as at 33℃, a permissive temperature. The temperature-sensitive point mutation of tsT was not affected in these clones and the T antigen was functioning properly. The integrity of the p53 pathway was also maintained from the point of Western blot analysis of p21. Although the telomerase continued to be expressed and the telomere length was maintained, marked chromosomal damage could not be avoided in these cells. It is a plausible explanation that this escape phenomenon from conditional immortalization may be related to the change of other genes involved in cell cycles, which have yet to be elucidated. In conclusion, CIH could lose their temperature-sensitive characteristics without the change of tsT, itself, and the T antigen is not always necessary to maintain their immortality. Therefore, the results obtained from experimental investigations using these cells should be interpreted carefully, and unpredictable phenotypic changes should also be taken into consideration when using them in clinical applications.

      • KCI등재

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