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      • 통합운영학교의 쟁점과 발전 과제

        임연기(Youn Kee Im) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2016 교육연구 Vol.31 No.1

        이 연구는 초·중·고 통합운영학교의 쟁점을 논의하고, 발전 방향과 원칙을 탐색하는 데그 목적이 있다. 통합운영학교는 1998년 8개교를 시작으로 2016년 3월 기준 현재 105개교가 지정, 운영되고 있다. 통합운영학교는 학생수 감소에 따른 학교 규모 적정화, 그리고 초등학교와 중학교 단계에서 국민기초공통과정의 통합운영, 중학교와 고등학교 단계에서 중등교육의 다양화와 계열성 심화 등을 위한 주목할 만한 학교발전 모델로서의 가치가 인정되고 있으나, 학교 현장에서 많은 문제점이 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 통합운영학교의 쟁점을 통합운영학교의 존재 이유 측면에서 학교규모의 적정화 방편인 가, 학제의 유연화 시도인가, 통합운영학교의 바람직한 형태 측면에서 부분 통합으로 충분한지, 아니면 완전 통합이어야 하는지, 통합운영학교 발전과제 측면에서 제도 보완이 우선인지, 사람과 문화의 변화가 우선인지 등으로 구분하여 논의하였다. 통합운영학교의 발전 방향으로 통합에 의한 시너지 효과 극대화, 단계적 발전 도모, 지역 실정에 따른 다양한 형태의 발전 추구, 개별 학교의 자발적, 창의적 발전 방안 강구, 관계자의 인식 개선과 제도 보완 추진 등을 제안하였다. 핵심 과제로는 학교 종류로서 통합운영학교의 제도화, 학교 급별 교육과정의 통합 모델 개발, 통합운영학교 교사양성체제 정립, 통합운영학교의 네트워크 구축, 통합운영학교 연구 및 지원체제 확립 등을 제안하 였다. The purpose of this study is to identify the issues and suggest the development tasks of Integrated Management Schools(IMS) in Korea. IMS has been operating since 1998 and utilizing as a means of combining another level of small-scaled school in accordance with a decreased number of students. The value of IMS as a school development model to improve the adequacy of primary and secondary education is also being recognized. Yet, the situation is that many problems are raised in schools. The issues of IMS, in this paper, are addressed in two ways. The issues are first discussed by the operating status of three foreign countries, second, the issues are discussed through the awareness of IMS teacher. The paper also reviews three aspects, characteristics, shapes, and problem sources, of IMS. Therefore, from the results, we can infer the policy implications. First, redesigning IMS is unavoidable. Second, we need to shift from a negative frame to a positive frame. Third, we need to not only device system for restructuring IMS but also for making efforts toward reforming school culture. Fourth, we need to prepare satisfactory management guidelines so that teachers can want work at IMS. Fifth, the provincial office of education plays a significant role in improving IMS.


        Antitumor therapeutic and antimetastatic activity of electroporation-delivered human papillomavirus 16 E7 DNA vaccines: a possible mechanism for enhanced tumor control.

        Lee, In Hee,Park, Jae-Bok,Cheong, Minseon,Choi, Youn Seok,Park, Daehan,Sin, Jeong-Im Mary Ann Liebert, Inc 2011 DNA and Cell Biology Vol.30 No.12

        <P>DNA vaccines are known to be lacking in immunogenicity in humans. Presently, electroporation (EP) is thought to overcome this limitation. Here, we investigate whether human papillomavirus 16 E7 DNA vaccines delivered by EP might elicit potent antitumor activity in animal cervical cancer models, with a focus on the underlying mechanism(s). Intramuscular (IM)-EP delivery of E7 DNA vaccines induced more potent antitumor therapeutic and antimetastatic activity compared with IM delivery. Moreover, the tumor-controlled animals by IM-EP possessed long-term memory responses to parental tumor cells. This improved antitumor effect was concomitant with augmented Ag-specific CTL activities. IM-EP also induced IgG and Th-cell responses higher than IM delivery. Finally, IM-EP resulted in more antigen production in and more attraction of immune cells into the site of DNA injection, suggesting that these biological and immunological changes made by IM-EP might be responsible for enhanced CTL activities and antitumor resistance. Thus, this study shows that IM-EP can induce more potent antitumor activity by augmenting CTL responses possibly through more antigen production in and more attraction of immune cells into the muscle sites. This study also suggests that IM-EP of E7 DNA vaccines might be a potential approach toward treating patients with cervical cancer.</P>

      • KCI등재

        상호작용식 메트로놈(Interactive Metronome)의 중재에 대한 체계적 고찰: 국내 단일대상연구를 중심으로

        손영수(Yeong Soo Son),최유임(Yoo Im Choi) 대한신경계작업치료학회 2023 재활치료과학 Vol.12 No.1

        목적 : 본 연구는 아동 및 성인 환자를 대상으로 IM 중재를 적용한 국내 연구 중 단일대상연구 문헌의연구 특성과 질적 수준을 확인하는 것이다. 연구방법 : 문헌 검색은 2011년 1월부터 2022년 6월까지 온라인 데이터베이스를 통해 IM 중재를 적용한11편의 단일대상연구 문헌을 선정하였으며, 대상 문헌을 연구의 내용에 따라 일반적인 특성과 연구방법의 질적 수준을 분석하였다. 결과 : 분석 문헌의 질적 수준은 모두 중간 수준 이상이었으나 중재 블라인드 및 신뢰도에서 낮은 이행도를보였다. 단일대상연구의 설계 방법으로는 ABA 설계가 가장 많은 비중을 차지하였다. 연구 대상자는ADHD가 가장 많았고, 종속변수는 집중력, 균형, 양측 협응, 타이밍 등을 확인하였으며, 평가 방법으로는IM-SFT가 가장 높은 빈도로 사용되었다. 중재 회기는 대부분 8~10회 이상의 중재를 적용하였고 3~11주동안 적용하였다. 중재 결과 선정된 모든 연구에서 중재 후 기능적 향상을 보고하였다. 결론 : 보다 다양한 질환을 대상으로 IM 중재의 적용을 확대해 볼 필요성이 있을 것으로 판단되며, 집중력, 균형 등과 같은 종속변인과 함께 대상자의 삶의 질, 일상생활의 변화 등에 미치는 영향까지 연구해볼 필요성이 있을 것으로 판단된다. Objective : This study aimed to confirm the research characteristics and quality of single-subject literature among domestic studies that applied interactive metronome (IM) intervention. Methods : Regarding literature search, 11 single-subject studies using IM were selected from an online database from January 2011 to June 2022. Moreover, the general characteristics and quality of the research method were analyzed. Results : The qualitative level of the analyzed literature was above the moderate level. However, intervention blindness and reliability showed low compliance. The ABA design accounted for the largest proportion of methods. Most of the study participants had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Attention, balance, bilateral coordination, and timing were checked as dependent variables. The IM-SFT was used most frequently as an evaluation method. The mediation session applied more than 8–10 interventions for 3–11 weeks. The intervention results in all studies indicated functional improvement after intervention. Conclusion : It might be necessary to expand the application of IM interventions to diverse diseases. In addition, there is a need to study the effect on the participants’ quality of life and changes in daily life along with dependent variables such as attention and balance

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기 ‘박효랑(朴孝娘) 서사’의 변전 양상과 의미 -임상정(林象鼎), 남유용(南有容), 안석경(安錫儆)의 비교를 통해-

        임이랑 ( Im Lee-lang ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2021 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.91 No.-

        조선 후기의 이른바 ‘박효랑 사건’을 다룬 일군의 전장류는 ‘효(孝)’라는 이념에 기반하지만 ‘시집가지 않은 딸’의 투전(鬪戰)적 효행이 담긴 ‘복수(復讎)’ 서사라는 점에서 훈훈한 미담과 허황한 소문이 교직된 대표적인 사례이다. 그런 만큼 박효랑을 입전한 작품에서는 서사의 큰 줄기를 공유하면서도 등장인물이나 세부 장면들을 구현하는 과정에서 작자마다 미묘하게 다른 의도와 지향을 보인다. 임상정의 「박효랑전」은 ‘아버지의 억울한 죽음’과 ‘큰딸의 복수’를 개연성 있게 보여준다. 즉, 임상정은 큰딸을 열렬한 효녀로 칭송하면서 은근하게 효랑의 집안을 지지한다. 남유용의 「효자박씨전」은 ‘효행’이라는 대전제 위에서 ‘복수’의 양상을 ‘연쇄적’으로 펼쳐내며 서사의 중요한 대목에 이를 때마다 ‘무협’ 장르의 요소를 조금씩 가미해 보여준다. 남유용이 시도한 ‘효’ 서사의 이러한 변주는 곧 ‘효협(孝俠)’이라는 말로 규정할 수 있을 것이다. 안석경의 「박효랑전」은 자매가 모두 입전자로 상정된 듯 보이면서도 둘째 딸의 복수가 좀 더 강조된다. 특히 여종 ‘설례’의 등장이나 작품 말미에 덧붙은 ‘후일담’을 주목해야 한다. 한편, 안석경의 「검녀」에서는 효녀 박효랑은 원천 소스로만 활용되고 새로운 ‘협녀’가 재창조된다. 그러나 박효랑을 다룬 전작들과의 연관성을 종합해 볼 때 「검녀」의 여주인공은 결국 ‘박효랑의 후신(後身)’이다. 이것은 ‘실사(實事)’는 지워지고 흥미를 위한 ‘이야기’만 남은 박효랑이라고 보아도 좋을 것이며 ‘조선식 스토리텔링’의 방식과 기법을 확인할 수 있는 하나의 표본이기도 하다. While narrative proses inspired by ‘Hyo-Rang Park incident’ in the late Chosun Dynasty is mostly based on the ideology of ‘filial piety’, they are also notable examples of mixture between a moving and beautiful story but also a groundless rumor, as its depiction of filial duty involves belligerent ‘unmarried daughters’ that leads to ‘vengeance’. Hence, the works that are based on Park Hyo-Rang affairs show subtly different approaches in integrating narratives and characters by different authors, even though they share the broader frame of the narrative. Sang-Jeong Im’s < Park Hyo-Rang Jeon > depicts ‘unjust demise of the father,’ and ‘the revenge of the eldest daughter’ with a plausible narrative. Sang-Jeong Im applauds the eldest daughter as a filial woman and subtly supports the family of Hyo-Rang. In < Hyoja- Parkssi-jeon > written by Yu-Yong Nam, He unfolds various aspects of ‘vengeance’ in the successive chain of events based on the premise of ‘filial duty,’ then add some hints of the chivalry genre, whenever the narrative arrives at critical junctures. The variation of the ‘filial piety’ narrative that You-Yong Nam attempted could be characterized as ‘filial chivalry’. < Park Hyo-Rang Jeon > by Suk-Kyung Ahn seems to feature both sisters as the main characters, but it places more emphasis on the younger daughter. Especially, it should be noted that the advent of ‘Seollye,’ the female servant for the family, as well as the ‘epilogue’ at the end of the work. Meanwhile, In< Gum-Nyeo >,Hyo-Rang Park the filial daughter only plays a role of the source material, a new ‘chivalrous woman’ is re-created. However, Essentially, the heroine of < Gum-Nyeo > succeeds ‘Hyo-Rang Park.’ It could be seen as Hyo-Rang Park that only retains an interesting ‘story’ without ‘real-life event.’ < Gum-Nyeo > is also another example that we can examine the ways and techniques of ‘Storytelling of Chosun Dynasty.

      • A Wideband CMOS Low Noise Amplifier Employing Noise and IM2 Distortion Cancellation for a Digital TV Tuner

        Im, Donggu,Nam, Ilku,Kim, Hong-Teuk,Lee, Kwyro IEEE 2009 IEEE journal of solid-state circuits Vol.44 No.3

        <P> A wideband CMOS low noise amplifier (LNA) with single-ended input and output employing noise and IM2 distortion cancellation for a digital terrestrial and cable TV tuner is presented. By adopting a noise canceling structure combining a common source amplifier and a common gate amplifier by current amplification, the LNA obtains a low noise figure and high IIP3. IIP2 as well as IIP3 of the LNA is important in broadband systems, especially digital terrestrial and cable TV applications. Accordingly, in order to overcome the poor IIP2 performance of conventional LNAs with single-ended input and output and avoid the use of external and bulky passive transformers along with high sensitivity, an IM2 distortion cancellation technique exploiting the complementary RF performance of NMOS and PMOS while retaining thermal noise canceling is adopted in the LNA. The proposed LNA is implemented in a 0.18 <TEX>$\mu\hbox{m}$</TEX> CMOS process and achieves a power gain of 14 dB, an average noise figure of 3 dB, an IIP3 of 3 dBm, an IIP2 of 44 dBm at maximum gain, and S11 of under <TEX>${- 9}~{\rm dB}$</TEX> in a frequency range from 50 MHz to 880 MHz. The power consumption is 34.8 mW at 2.2 V and the chip area is 0.16 <TEX>${\rm mm}^{2}$</TEX>. </P>

      • KCI등재

        ‘한글’ 명명자(命名者)와 사료(史料) 검증(檢證)의 문제(問題)-고영근(2003)에 답함-

        임홍빈 ( Im Hong-pin ) 한국어문교육연구회 2007 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.35 No.3

        本攷는 ‘한글’ 名稱의 命名者에 대하여 高永根(2003)에 답하는 것을 目的으로 한다. 高永根은 ‘한글’이란 이름을 처음 사용한 사람은 沃坡 李鍾一이지만, 周時經이 지은 것으로 보아야 한다고 主張한다. 이러한 主張은 命題 自體가 異常을 가지는 것이다. 본고는 고영근의 主張을 檢討하여 그 주장이 成立될 수 없는 것임을 밝힘과 동시에 ‘沃坡備忘錄’에 나타난 “한글”이란 名稱은 後代의 누군가에 의하여 加筆, 變改, 飜案된 것임을 밝혔다. ‘沃坡備忘錄’이 紛失된 것으로 알려진 現在 이러한 事實을 立證하기는 어려운 일이다. 그러나 沃坡의 다른 原文과 沃坡紀念事業會 편(1984)에 실린 다른 記錄을 比較 對照하여 變改가 廣範圍하게 행해졌음을 확인할 수 있었다. 沃坡 한글 命名說은 성립할 수 없는 것이다. 따라서 ‘한글’ 名稱은 六堂 崔南善이 朝鮮光文會에서 1910년 10월~12월 사이에 發說한 것이라는 任洪彬(1996)의 假說은 아직 有效한 것으로 볼 수 있다. This paper intends to reply to Ko (2003) on the problem about who invented the name of Hangeul. Attacking Im (1996) which claimed that the name of Hangeul was firstly spoken out by Choi, Nam-seon(崔南善) at the time between Oct and Dec of 1910, not by Ju, Si-gyeong (周時經), Ko (2003) put forth another claim that the creator should be Ju, Si-gyeong, even though the first user of the name was identified as Lee, Jong-il(李鍾一). The so-called Lee hypothesis on the problem of the creator of the Hangeul name was due to the materials of Okpa Memorandum(沃坡備忘錄). If the materials were existent to be identified the date of the first use of the name of Hangeul, Im's (1996) 1910 year hypothesis cannot be maintained. But unfortunately it is said that the original manuscript has been lost not to be retrieved. What we can see at present is a part of the book printed with movable types, the part of which is called Okpa Memorandum. We can find the name of Hangeul at the writings of 4 Jul 1898 and 1 Aug 1898 in those materials. However, the Hangeul names that occured in those data were presumably changed into present forms by some other human(s) afterwards. These facts can be confirmed by comparison of the contents printed in the Okpa Ginyeom Nonseoljip(沃坡紀念論說集) with the ori- ginal writings of Lee, Jong-il. Thus Im's (1996) hypothesis that the name of Hangeul was firstly spoken out by Choi, Nam-seon at the time between Oct and Dec of 1910 is still alive.

      • 독일어 造語硏究의 歷史的 고찰

        金任平 慶尙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, die Forsehung der deutsehen W ortbildungslehre( == WBL) historiseh zu untersuehen, indem sie besonders bertieksichtigt, wie die Nominalkomposita im grammatischen Zusammmenhang zu schreiben sind. Wir ko¨nnen einige Fachaus&rticke liber die WBL in den iiltesten Grammatiken des Neuhochdeutschen-z.B. L. Albertus(1573)- nachsehlagen. Eine WBL kannte man damals als selbststandiges Teilgebiet der Grammatik noeh nieht. Die Grammatiker im 17./18. Jahrhundert unterscheiden schon zwischen produktiven und nicht produktiven Suffixen, und bei der Zusammensetzung der 'Vorter werden nicht nur die sogenannten Bezeichnung 'Grund-' und 'Bestimmungswort' aufgewiesen, sondern wird auch das Verfahren der syntaktischen Umschreibung benutzt(besonders, Adelung 1782) . 1m 19. Jahrhundert wird die WBL zum Teil der historischen Grammatiken, in die der genetische und der sprachvergleichende Aspekt einbezogen werden. Seit dem 20. Jahrhundert sind der deutschen WBL erst sehr wichtige Aufgaben gestellt, die im Rahmen einer historischen Grammatik nicht zu erflillen waren. Auch in einbandigen deutschen Grammatiken hat man versucht, den synchronischen Aspekt der W ortbildung darzustellen, und zwar im Zusammenhang desselben Spraehsystems gegebenen Wortbildungsmuster und Worttypen der deutschen Gegenwartssprache zu beschreiben.

      • A Low Power Broadband Differential Low Noise Amplifier Employing Noise and IM3 Distortion Cancellation for Mobile Broadcast Receivers

        Donggu Im,Ilku Nam,Kwyro Lee IEEE 2010 IEEE microwave and wireless components letters Vol.20 No.10

        <P>A CMOS broadband differential low noise amplifier (LNA) employing noise and third order intermodulation (IM3) distortion cancellation has been designed using a 0.13 μm CMOS process for mobile TV tuners. By combining a common gate amplifier with a common source amplifier through a current mirror, a high gain due to the additional current amplification and a low noise figure (NF) due to the thermal noise cancellation can be achieved with low power consumption without degrading the input matching. To improve the linearity with low power consumption, a multiple gated transistor technique for canceling the IM3 distortion is adopted. The proposed LNA has a maximum gain of 14.5 dB, an averaged NF of 3.6 dB, an IIP3 of 3 dBm, an IIP2 of 38 dBm, and an |Sn<SUB>11</SUB>| lower than -9 dB in a frequency range from 72 to 850 MHz. The power consumption is 9.6 mW at a 1.2 V supply voltage and the chip area is 0.08 mm<SUP>2</SUP>.</P>


        Kim, Yongjung,Im, Myungshin,Jeon, Yiseul,Kim, Minjin,Choi, Changsu,Hong, Jueun,Hyun, Minhee,Jun, Hyunsung David,Karouzos, Marios,Kim, Dohyeong,Kim, Duho,Kim, Jae-Woo,Kim, Ji Hoon,Lee, Seong-Kook,Pak, IOP Publishing 2015 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS - Vol.813 No.2

        <P>Recent studies suggest that faint active galactic nuclei may be responsible for the reionization of the universe. Confirmation of this scenario requires spectroscopic identification of faint quasars (M-1450 > -24 mag) at z greater than or similar to 6, but only a very small number of such quasars have been spectroscopically identified so far. Here, we report the discovery of a faint quasar IMS J220417.92+011144.8 at z similar to 6 in a 12.5 deg(2) region of the SA22 field of the Infrared Medium-deep Survey (IMS). The spectrum of the quasar shows a sharp break at similar to 8443 angstrom, with emission lines redshifted to z = 5.944 +/- 0.002 and rest-frame ultraviolet continuum magnitude M-1450 = -23.59 +/- 0.10 AB mag. The discovery of IMS J220417.92+011144.8 is consistent with the expected number of quasars at z similar to 6 estimated from quasar luminosity functions based on previous observations of spectroscopically identified low-luminosity quasars. This suggests that the number of M-1450 similar to 23 mag quasars at z similar to 6 may not be high enough to fully account for the reionization of the universe. In addition, our study demonstrates that faint quasars in the early universe can be identified effectively with a moderately wide and deep near-infrared survey such as the IMS.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Effects of needleless intradermal injection of multivalent foot and mouth disease vaccine on granuloma formation at neck region in fattening pigs

        Chang-Won Im,Wan-Kyu Lee 한국예방수의학회 2021 예방수의학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        The abnormal meat could caused by abscess, fibrosis and granuloma in the region of the neck by the adverse effect of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccination practice for Korean swine. After FMD vaccination was implemented in 2010, the number of incidences of abnormal meat has been increasing. In this study, it was evaluated whether needless intradermal injection (NII) of FMD vaccine reduces abnormal meat at the injection site in comparison to conventional intramuscular injection (IM). In addition, the onset of humoral immunity was analyzed in order to see if NII of this vaccine is able to mount comparable antibody response with IM. This study was carried out in four Korean pig farms. The O-type FMD vaccine was implemented via NII at three farms and the control group was vaccinated via IM. Antibody titers were compared from the serum samples taken from 10 random pigs at age of 8, 12, 16 and 22~24 weeks of age. The O+A type FMD vaccine was also compared with the same protocol. When test animals were slaughtered, incidence, type and size of abnormal meat were recorded. The results of this study showed that the antibody titers between intradermal and intramuscular group were similar but a significant difference in the incidence of abnormal meat formation was observed between two groups (p < 0.05). In summary, needless intradermal injection of FMD vaccination was proven to be effective for the onset of humoral immunity and reducing abnormal meat formation.

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