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      • KCI등재

        공공갈등 관리체제 구축 방안에 관한 연구

        장원경,김기형,이선우 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2018 法學論集 Vol.22 No.4

        In South Korea, the recent implementation of participatory surveys for public deliberation on the suspension of the construction of Shin-Gori Nuclear Reactors No. 5 and 6 presents the necessity and also the possibility of building a public conflict management system. As large-scale national projects such as the construction of dams, high-speed railroads, airports, naval bases, radioactive waste disposal facilities, or transmission towers have repeatedly faced situations of public conflict in the process of their planning and construction, discussions began in the early 2000s to seek measures to proactively prevent public conflicts by way of proactively managing them, rather than post facto resolving them. As a result, legislative bills to institutionalize a public conflict management system were submitted to the National Assembly many times, in which conflict impact analysis is articulated as a core device for the prevention of public conflicts, and conflict mediation councils provide a process for voluntarily resolving conflicts. On the other hand, several bills concerning a “public deliberation committee” were submitted to the National Assembly, too. These bills are mainly about the formation of a public deliberation committee, intended to be an independent consensus-building organization that would determine whether a certain public policy or project needs to be discussed and debated publicly, and that would facilitate such discussion and debate when necessary. Although these two different types of bills seem to be separate, in fact they are jointly intended to construct a methodical public conflict management system from the viewpoint of the democratization of the work of government and the realization of the principle of citizen’s participation. Therefore, this study aims to compare and review the detailed contents and core issues of those bills related to public conflict management and those related to a public deliberation committee that have been submitted to the Korean National Assembly thus far, and to integrate the public conflict management systems presented in those two types of bills. All this is in order to propose the construction of a comprehensive public conflict prevention and resolution system that can integrate a public deliberation committee-centered management and support system with voluntary public conflict management procedures of public organizations. 신고리 원자력 발전소 5・6호기 건설 중단 관련 공론화위원회의 운영 및 공론화 절차는 우리 사회에 체계적인 공공갈등 관리체제 구축의 필요성 및 가능성을 제시하고 있다. 댐, 고속철도, 공항, 해군기지, 방사성폐기물처리장, 송전탑 건설 등 대규모 국책사업의 추진 과정에서 반복적으로 대규모 공공갈등 상황에 직면하게 되면서, 2000년대 초반 공공갈등을 사후에 해결할 것이 아니라 공공갈등‘관리’라고 하는 관점에서 사전적으로 예방하기 위한 방안을 모색하여야 한다는 논의가 이루어지기 시작하였다. 그 결과, 갈등영향분석을 공공갈등 예방의 핵심적인 장치로 하고, 갈등조정협의회를 통하여 공공갈등의 해결방안을 자율적으로 모색하게 하는 절차를 구체화한 공공갈등관리 관련 법률(안)이 여러 차례 국회에 제출되었다. 다른 한편으로는, 일정한 규모 이상의 공공정책의 추진 과정에서 공공토론 여부를 결정하고 공공토론을 개최하는 역할을 담당하는 독립적인 사회적 합의 기구의 성격을 지닌 공론화위원회 설립을 주요 골자로 하는 공론화위원회 관련 법률(안)이 국회에 제출되었다. 이 두 가지 논의는 별개로 보이나 사실상 공통적으로 행정절차의 민주화 및 시민참여의 원리 실현의 관점에서 체계적인 공공갈등 관리체제를 구축하려는 것이다. 따라서 본 논문은 이제까지 국회에 제출되었던 공공갈등관리 관련 법률(안) 및 공론화위원회 관련법률(안)의 구체적인 내용 및 핵심적인 쟁점을 비교・검토하고, 이 두 가지 유형의 법률(안)에 제시된 공공갈등 관리체제를 통합하여 공론화위원회 중심의 관리 및 지원체제와 공공기관의 자체적인 관리 절차가 연계될 수 있는 총괄적인 공공갈등의 예방 및 해결 체제의 구축을 제안하고자 한다.

      • 갑상선기능저하증 이환견에 대한 치료 증례

        김혜원,이선희,임수정,박형진,김태신,송은식,송근호 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2009 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.16 No.1

        A 10-year-old, male, poodle dog was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University because of continuous cough and cardiomegaly. Weight gain, lethargy, unwillingness to exercise and decreased activity was revealed on history. Obesty and alopecia was also observed on physical examination. Hypercholesterolemia and increased ALP was revealed on blood exam. So, evaluation of thyroid gland function was performed and cTSH concentration was increased. tT4 and fT4 concentrations was decreased. Results of a history, physical examination, blood exam, and thyroid gland fuction test support a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Initial therapy with sodium levothyroxine was indicated. On 32 days after treatment of hypothyroidism, clinical signs was relieved and cTSH concentration was decreased, tT4 and fT4 concenctrations was increased.

      • KCI등재후보

        백서에서 Depulpin®과 Formocresol에 대한 치수와 치근단 조직의 반응

        문형인,김선호,황윤찬,오병주,황인남,김선헌,정선와,윤창,오원만 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.4

        One fifth dilution of formocresol is usually for pulpotomy of the primary teeth and emergency pulpotomy of the permanent teeth. However, the use of formaldehyde has been subjected to criticism because it may be absorbed into the blood stream and become distributed systemically, it may also alter the pulp tissue rendering it immumologically active, and have carcinogenic potential. Recently Depulpin®(VoCo., Germany) gains popularity as a devitalizing agent during root canal therapy in spite of high concentration of 49% paraformaldehyde because it facilitate devitalization of pulp and make root canal therapy easier. But there have been not enough publications about the reaction of pulp and periapical tissue caused by Depulpin. This study was performed to evaluate the histological changes in pulp and periapical tissue of rats after pulpotomy using formocresol and Depulpin and to elucidate the toxic effects of these agents. Thirty six Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine. Maxillary first molar teeth were used for pulpotomy with formocresol and Depulpin. Rats were sacrificed after 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and 4 weeks respectively. Specimens were histologically observed by light microscope changes in pulp and periapical tissue. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Formocresol group A zone of fixed tissue, in which odontoblasts could clearly be defined, was present directly underneath the pulpotomy dressing in almost all teeth of this group. This was followed by an area of necrotic tissue which resembled dried out fibrous tissue with no cellular detail except some pyknotic nuclei. In the specimens of after 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks in which vital tissue was present. it was separated from the fibrous area by a zone of inflammation. In the specimens of after 3 weeks and after 4 weeks, inflammatory infiltrate was in the periodontal ligament adjacent to the apical foramina of the teeth. 2. Depulpin® group The area of necrotic tissue which had no cells and fibers , was present adjacent to the dressing. This was followed by dried out fibrous tissue with no cellular details except some pyknotic nucleli. A short stump of vital pulp with odontoblasts was present at the end of the canal after 2 days. Inflammatory infiltrate was in the periodontal ligament after 4 days and after 1week. Severe root resorption and necrosis of periapical tissue opposite the root resorption site were defined after 2 weeks and after 3 weeks. Periapical lesion which consist of necrotic tissue surrounded by a fibrous connective wall. was found after 4 weeks. The results indicated that Depulpin can cause more adverse reaction to the dental pulp and periapical tissue than formocresol, and further studies are needed for its clinical use with safety.

      • 제주도 한라산 1100 고지 대기 에어로졸의 조성 및 특성

        김원형,강창희,신찬성,고선영,홍민선 濟州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 2003 基礎科學硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        The atmospheric aerosols collected at the 1100 site located in Mt. Halla have been analyzed to investigate their compositions and chemical characteristics. The average concentrations of water-soluble cautions were in the order of NH_(4)^(+)>Ca^(2+)>Na^(+)>K^(+)>Mg^(2+) during the spring, showing high increase of Ca^(2+) concentration with the value of 0.60㎍/㎥, and NH_(4)^(+)>Na^(+)>K^(+)>Ca^(2+)>Mg^(2+) during the other seasons. The average concentrations of anions have shown in the order of SO_(4)^(2-)>NO_(3)^(-)>Cl^(-) for all seasons, and SO_(4)^(2-) and NO_(3)^(-) had higher concentrations in spring with the values of 4.84㎍/㎥ and 1.08㎍/㎥, respectively. From the analytical data of size-segregated particles by cascade impactor sampling, the components of NH_(4)^(+), SO_(4)^(2-), NO_(3)^(-) and K^(+) were distributed mainly in fine particles, but Ca^(2+), Na^(+), Mg^(2+) and Cl^(-) were included mostly in coarse particles. The correlation coefficients of nss-SO_(4)^(2-)/NH_(4)^(+), nss-SO_(4)^(2-)/K^(+) and NO_(3)/nss-Ca^(2+) showed quite high values with 0.871, 0.857 and 0.654, respectively. Based on the study of enrichment factors, it is considered that Na^(+), Mg^(2+), Cl^(-) and Ca^(2+) components were delivered from oceanic and soil sources, but SO_(4)^(2-), NO_(3)^(-) and NH_(4)^(+) might have other source origins. The factor analysis study showed the aerosol at the 1100 site was influenced mainly by anthropogenic factors, followed by oceanic and soil factors.

      • 우리나라의 耕地汎用化 事業動向과 그 問題點의 解決方案 模索

        金始源,呂運植,金瀅中,金善柱 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1993 農資源開發論集 Vol.18 No.-

        To make a smooth progress in the multi-utilization undertaking of paddy land, land consolidation is the most important task among the various countermeasures. This study discusses the types and efficiency of subsurface drainage systems, and suggestes their maintenance and management schemes. The results are summarized as follows: 1) Recently an introduction of subsurface drainage systems has been employed. Especially the necessity of subsurface drainage systems has been widely recognized at farms in the suburban districts, however, the undertaking itself cannot overcome an experimental stage. Therefore, studies on the selection of project areas and operation systems should be executed together with the technical establishment. 2) To drive forward the land improvement project reasonably and efficiently, the realities of regional farmings and the natural conditions should be considered, so it is desirable to establish a longterm land improvement plan based on the nation-wide angle of view. 3) To create the multi-utilization paddy land from the single cropping paddy land, the following items should be consolidated. First, reorganize the utilization pattern of paddy land possible to adopt multi-utilization system. Second, land should be consolidated as a large size possible to operate big agricultural machines. Third, develop fundamental techniques for the multi-utilization system. Fourth, collectivization of agricultural land. Fifth, environmental consolidation of the rural community. 4) The maintenance and management technique of the subsurface drainage system should be studied. Since the function of system could be lost by the clog up of drainage pipe, the efficiency and function of system should be recognized for the smooth maintenance and management.

      • 랫드에서 인체 재조합 적혈구 조혈인자, rHuEPO의 13주 정맥투여 아만성독성에 관한 연구

        김형식,곽승준,천선아,박현선,한하수,임소영,안미영,김원배,김병문,안병옥,홍성렬,이병무 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1998 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        A recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) was administered intravenously at dosage levels of 0, 100, 500, and 2500 IU/㎏/day for a period of 13 weeks. There were no observed clinical signs and deaths related to treatment in all groups tested. Decreases in body weight gain and food consumption were observed only in males of 2,500 IU/㎏ group after 2 weeks. In hematological parameters, erythrocyte content, hematocrit values and hemoglobin concentration were dose-dependently increased in rHuEPO treated groups. The ratio between kidney weight and whole body weight was significantly increased in females of 500 and 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. The spleen weight was also increased in both sexes of 500 and 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. However, the absolute weight change of other organs was not observed. In histopathological examinations, the renal tubular basophilia was observed only in males and females of 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. From these results, it is concluded that the no-observed adverse effect level(NOAEL) of rHuEPO is 100 IU/㎏ in rats in the present study.

      • KCI등재

        피질하 혈관성 치매 환자에서 단광자방출단층촬영과 Statistical Parametric Mapping을 이용한 뇌혈류 흐름의 분석 : Adaptation of Statistical Parametric Mapping

        양동원,김범생,김의녕,손형선,김상윤 대한치매학회 2002 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.1 No.1

        Background: Subcortical vascular dementia(SVaD) is relatively homogeneous subtype of VaD, but the mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction of subcortical VaD are not completely understood yet This study investigated the changes of cerebral blood flow(CBF) in patients with SVaD and the contribution of the white matter hyperintensity(WMHI) and clinical severity to CBF changes. Methods: 99mTc-ethyl cysteinate dimer single photon emission computed tomography(SPECT) was performed to measure the regional CBF and statistical parametric mapping(SPM)99 software was applicated to automated and objective analysis of the SPECT image data Twenty three patients (male 12, female 11) of mild to moderate dementia who met both the criteria of the DSM-IV and probable or possible NINDS-AIREN for VaD and have subcortical white matter changes and lacunar infarction on brain MRI and seventeen normal control subjects (male 7, female 10) were evaluated The severity of the WMHI was measured by semi-quantitative scale method proposed by Mantyla. The seventy of dementia was measured by clinical dementia rating (CDR) scale Results: SPM analysis of SPECT image revealed significantly reduced regional CBF in the right thalamus, left caudatd nucleus, cingulate, bilateral superior temporal, and left ventral subcallosal gyri in SVaD patients when it compared to normal controls (corrected p<0 001). Among four WMHIs, only the WMHI was associated with the small CBF reduction in the left superior temporal gyrus (uncorrected p<0 01) The reduction of CBF according to the severity of dementia was noted in the anterior and posterior association areas (uncorrected p<0 01). Conclusions: our study suggests that cognitive dysfunction of SVaD may be related with CBF reduction in the above mentioned brain areas, which probable are not associated with the severity of periventncular WMHI and dementia.

      • 전동차의 SLIP 방지를 위한 ANTI-SKID 개발

        김선형,유승원,조경철 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1999 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.5 No.2

        In this paper, the ANTI-SKID system will prevent slip of friction between locomotive drive wheels and the rail on which the wheels ride. The ANTI-SKID system, which is composed Anti-skid control unit and power unit and anti-skid valve, speed sensor, will prevent riding quality from decreasing in the situation that abrasion of the rail is caused.

      • KCI등재후보

        알록산 투여로 유발된 실험적 당뇨병에 대한 사인추출물의 치료 효과

        노혜원,이지나,구본선,조정임,박진우,김형로 대한당뇨병학회 2002 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.26 No.2

        연구배경:사인추출물이 알록산에 의한 당뇨 유발을 억제하는 효과가 있음을 이미 확인하였던 바 사인 추출물이 췌장 베타세포가 손상되어 유발된 당뇨병의 치료에 사용할 수 있는지의 가능성을 알아보았다. 방법:실험적 당뇨는 알록산(60㎎/㎏)을 생쥐 꼬리 정맥을 통해 주사하여 유발시켰다. 당뇨에 미치는 사인추출물의 영향을 관찰하기 위하여 사인추출물의 영향을 관찰하기 위하여 사인추출물(2.5㎎/생쥐)을 하루에 두 번 생쥐 복강 내로 투여하였다. 당뇨에 미치는 사인추출물의 영향을 관찰하기 위하여 생쥐에 사인추출물을 처리한 다음 혈당 및 혈청 인슐린 농도 변화 및 조직학적인 소견으로 확인하였다. 결과:생쥐에 알록산을 투여하면 췌장 베타세포가 파괴되어 고혈당 및 hypoinsulinemia가 유발되었다. 사인추출물을 알록산 투여 전 2일 동안 전처리하면 알록산에 의한 고혈당이 완전히 억제되었다. 뿐만 아니라 알록산에 의해 유발된 췌장 베타세포의 손상은 사인추출물의 투여로 현저히 개선되어 혈당 및 혈청 인슐린 농도가 거의 정상 수준으로 회복되었다. 알록산을 투여한 생쥐의 췌장 소도는 정상군에 비해 수가 현저히 감소되었을 뿐 아니라 남아있는 소도의 크기도 현저히 줄어들어 있었으나, 사인추출물을 처리하면 모두 회복되어 정상군과 유사한 양상을 보였다. 결론:사인추출물은 알록산에 의해 유발되는 당뇨병을 억제하는 방어 작용 뿐만 아니라, 알록산 투여로 이미 손상된 췌장 베타세포를 개선시킬 수 있는 치료 효과작용도 가지고 있음을 확인하였다. 이를 토대로 사인의 당뇨 개선 기전을 규명하면 당뇨병 치료제로서 이용할 수 있으리라 사료된다. Background : During the screening of natural products for potential antidiabetogenic components, a strong protective effect of Amomum xanthoides extract on alloxan-induced β-cell damage and in a mice diabetic model. In this study, the therapeutic effect of Amomum xanthoides extract was investigated after induction of diabetes by alloxan. Methods : Experimental diabetes was induced by the injection of alloxan(60mg/kg) to the mouse via the tail vein. To examine the effect the of Amomum xanthoides extract on diabetes, Amomum xanthoides extract (2.5mg/mouse) was admini-strated intraperitoneally. The effect of the Amomum xanthoides extract on alloxan-induced diabetes was observed by measuring the blood glucose and serum insulin level, and a histological examination. Results : Alloxan caused hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia by a selectively destroying pancreatic β-cell. Pretreating the with an Amoumum xanthoides extract completely protected them from the hyperglycemia induced by alloxan. In addition, the Amomum xanthoides extract administe 3 days after the of alloxan injection significantly abolished the hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia induced by alloxan. The alloxan-treated mice showed a marked change of in the pancreatic islets: the number of islets was reduced and the size of the remaining islets also decreased. However these effects of alloxan were significantly recovered by a later administration of the Amomum xanthoides extract. Conclusion : The amomum xanthoides extract contains potentially effective components, which both protect and treat alloxan-induced diabetes. The identification and action mechanism of the effective components of the Amomum xanthoides extract requires further investigation and it is suggested that the Amomum xanthoides extract be used as a therapeutic drug for diabetes(J Kor Diabetes 26:126~133, 2002).

      • 시멘트 콘크리트의 건조수축균열 특성

        박제선,윤경구,이주형,김태환,정원경 강원대학교 부설 석재복합신소재 제품연구센터 2000 석재연 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        콘크리트는 본질적으로 인장강고와 휨강도가 약하며 취성적 성질을 나타내는 결점을 가지고 있으므로 이를 보강할 목적으로 콘크리트에 섬유를 혼입한 섬유보강 콘크리트가 크게 각광받고 있다. 특히 폴리프로필렌 섬유보강은 모르타르 및 콘크리트가 건조나 동해에 의해 수축될 때 구속에 의해 발생되는 인장응력 및 균열을 제어하고 인성의 증가와 충격, 마모, 피로에 대한 저항성, 내구성을 증대시키는 장점을 가지는 것으로 보고 되고 있다. 1축으로 구속된 건조수축의 구속으로 인한 조강형 콘크리트의 잔류응력을 선형모델을 이용하여 예측할 수 있었고 조강형 콘크리트에 섬유보강으로 인한 건조수축 제어효과는 일반큰코리트에 비해 효과가 매우 큰 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 폴리크로필렌 섬유의 혼입으로 인해 콘크리트의 균열제어가 가능하며, 균열 폭이 큰 균열보다는 많은 미세 균열을 유도하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 섬유보강 조강형 큰크리트의 동결융해저항특성은 거의 동해의 손상을 받지 않으며 좋은 내구성을 유지하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 불규칙하게 배향된 섬유가 공극수의 이동을 효과적으로 제어함으로써 메트릭스 내의 팽창압으로 인한 파괴를 최대한 줄였기 때문이라고 보여진다. 표면손상과 박리저항에 매우 우수하며 저항성을 증진시키는 효과가 뛰어남을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서, 내구적 측면의 유지, 보수에 있어서도 섬유보강은 그 효과가 큰 것으로 나타났다. To improve the brittle nature of concrete, discrete fibers can be adapted in concrete. Since polypropylene fiber has many advantages in many points on its chemical stability and good durability, its usages have been increased gradually. It has been reported than polypropylene fibers can not only control restrained tensional stresses and cracks, but also increase toughness, resistance to impact, corrosion, fatigue, and durability. Although the polypropylene fiber reinforced concretes with ordinary cement have been studied so much, those with very early strength concretes have not studied at all. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate and conduct the researches for the polypropylene fiber reinforced very early strength concretes which has enough workability and durability. This study of polypropylene fiber reinforced very early strength concrete focused on the investigation each material's effect into strength development with analysis of restrained shrinkage properties with one-dimensional concrete members. The results showed that more optimized mixture combinations could be selected in very early strength concrete by incorporating polypropylene fibers, keeping in same strength levels at urgent repair works. The formation of needle-shape ettringite helps the early strength development, specially at flexural and this enables the repaired concrete structures or pavements to be opened to traffic after 3 hours of concrete placement. A residual stress of early strength concrete caused by one-dimensional restrained drying shrinkage was predicted from linear model. the control of shrinkage crack by fiber reinforcement at early strength concrete was better than that of ordinary portland cement concrete because of bridging effect of fiber at early age and resulting of more hair cracks rather than fewer wider cracks. As a results, this dissertation clearly validated the fiber reinforcement on the strength development and durability of polypropylene fiber reinforced very early strength concrete, and characteristic of restrained shrinkage. The proposed optimized concrete mixtures might be satisfactory applied at the repair works in fields, because of its durability and crack control capacity against freeze-thaw and contraction at early age, respectively.

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