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        경주 교동 최씨가 소장 추수기(秋收記)·수세기(收稅記) 자료의 전존 현황과 특성

        최주희 ( Choi Joo Hee ) 한국고문서학회 2021 古文書硏究 Vol.59 No.-

        경주 교동 최씨가[최부자댁]에서 소장하고 있는 334건의 추수기·수세기 자료는 교동 최씨 가의 지주 경영 방식을 파악할 수 있는 중요한 문서군이다. 이중 274건은 경주시와 울산 북부 지역 일대의 논에서 지대를 수취하기 위해 작성된 추수기 자료들이다. 최씨가의 추수기에서 확인되는 주요한 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 干支를 기준으로 작성연대를 추정하였을 때, 19세기 후반부터 일제시기 전반에 이르는 시계열 분포를 보인다는 점이다. 둘째, 같은 해에 작성된 여러 형태의 추수기가 남아 있고, 추수기 사이에 모종의 상관관계가 확인된다는 점이다. 셋째, 일제시기까지 대부분의 논에서 打租의 방식을 적용하여 추수기를 작성하였다는 점이다. 비슷한 시기 다른 지역의 추수기에서 확인되는 지대수취 방식은 대부분 執租와 賭租인데 반해, 교동 최씨가의 추수기는 作人과 種子, 稅米까지도 공동 분담하는 형식을 띤 것으로 보인다. 이 때문에 추수기 상에 作人과 斗落, 種子·卜價를 먼저 쓰고, 추수 후 이를 공제하여 반분한 내역을 나중에 기재하는 방식으로 추수기를 작성하였다. 실제로 경주지역 작인들 사이에서 최씨가의 지대수취 방식을 ‘단갈림한다’고 표현하였다. 한편 교동 최씨가에서는 밭작물인 보리와 콩 수확을 관리하고 지대를 수취하기 위한 목적에서 별도의 수 세기를 작성하였으며, 현재 남아 있는 건수만 60점으로 확인된다. 추수기에 대한 다양한 사례 연구가 발표된 바 있지만, 밭작물의 지대수취 내역을 이처럼 오랜 기간 수세기 형식으로 작성한 경우는 드물다. 일부의 사례를 검토한 것이기는 하지만, 최씨가의 추수기에서 확인되는 평균 지대량은 당대 다른 지역의 지대량과 큰 차이를 보이지 않는다. 반면 작인에게서 거둔 보리와 콩의 평균 지대량은, 도조의 방식으로 수취하였기 때문에 절대 생산량을 짐작하기 어려움에도 불구하고 현저히 적은 액수로 파악된다. 이는 최씨가에서 가경지를 제외한 나머지 밭을 작인들에게 대여해주고 최소한의 지대만 수취한 결과로 여겨진다. 이처럼 최씨가의 지주 경영은 당대 다른 지역 사례와 차별되는 측면들이 있다. 본고에서는 전체적인 자료의 현황과 작성방식을 분석하는 데 논의의 초점을 맞추었기 때문에, 향후에는 본고에서 미처 다 해결하지 못한 부분들을 보완하여, 구체적인 지대량의 추이를 살펴보기로 하겠다. Over 330 historic materials on harvest season possessed by ‘Rich Men’ Gyeongju Choi clan in Gyeongju Gyodong are important documents that can be used to reveal Rich Men Choi’s unique landowner management cases. Among which, 274 are the data written during harvest season for the purpose of receiving rent from the land distributed sporadically in Gyeongju and northern part of Ulsan. The major characteristics identified in Rich Men Choi’s historic house are as follows. First, when estimating the whole data, it showed chronological distribution from the late 19<sup>th</sup> century to the first half season of Japanese occupation. Second, different types of harvest materials written during the same year co-existed and a certain correlation between them is identified. Third, up to the Japanese colonial period, most paddy fields of Gyeongju Choi clan applied ‘Tajo(打租: receiving a rent with a half-dividing of the harvest)’method. Rent acquisitions identified in other regions in contemporaries were ‘Jipzo(執租: adjusting rent rates before harvesting)’ or ‘Dojo(賭租: receiving a rent with a certain amounts of harvest)’. However Rich men Choi clan shared in half of seeds and rice straws with tenant farmers. So among tenant farmers in Gyeongju, Rich men Choi’s rent acquisition method was called as ‘Dangalim(indicating 5:5 allocation).’ On the other hand, Rich men Choi wrote separate materials to menage barley-farm product and bean harvest and there were now 62 of them have been remained. Various case studies on harvest records of paddies have been published, but few rent aquisition cases from harvest of bean and barley have been identified. Rich men Choi’s average rent identified during harvest season does not show a big difference from the rent amount in other regions, although it reviewed a part of all cases. But the average rent of barley and bean collected from the tenant farmers is significantly low despite the difficulties in guessing the absolute production because they received rent in the way of Dojo. This is considered as a result of lending the rest fields except the arable lands of Rich men Choi to tenant farmers and receiving the minimum rent. Like this, Rich men Choi’s landowner management has a difference from the cases of other regions. In this paper, the focus is on analyzing the current status of the entire data and how it was written. So further studies need to complement the insufficient parts that were not resolved in this paper and reveal the specific historic points of view about Rich Men Choi’s landowner management case.

      • 소래습지생태공원(인천시 남동구)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),최한석(Han Seak Choi),예용택(Yong Taek Ye),예성훈(Seong Hun Ye),김태우(Tae Woo Kim),김대희(Dae Hee Kim),지승환(Seung Hwan Ji),지성현(Sung Hyun Ji),이형민(Hyung Min Lee),변진관(Jin Kwan Byun),조주완(Joo Whan Jo),박솔 한국거미연구소 2017 한국거미 Vol.33 No.2

        한국거미연구회 회원들은 2017 년 8월 2일부터 3일까지 인천광역시 남동구 소재 소래습지생태공원을 김주필, 최한석, 예용택, 예성훈, 김태우, 김대희, 지승환, 지성현, 변진관, 이형민, 조주완, 박솔민, 이형진, 이태후, 이승후, 조윤규, 조원규, 이준이, 신정애, 이영경, 최라미, 이윤정, 이용화, 한주연, 윤혜원, 김형주 등 26명이 주야로 채집한 결과 14과 38속 50종을 발표 보고하는 바이다. From August 2 to 3 in 2017. Koran Arachnological Study members investigated the Spiders in the whole area Incheon Namdong-gu, and reported 14 Families, 38 Genus 50 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

      • 안산시화호 갈대습지공원(경기도 안산시)의 거미상

        김주필(Joo Pil Kim),최한석(Han Seak Choi),예용택(Yong Taek Ye),예성훈(Seong Hun Ye),김태우(Tae Woo Kim),김대희(Dae Hee Kim),지승환(Seung Hwan Ji),지성현(Sung Hyun Ji),이형민(Hyung Min Lee),변진관(Jin Kwan Byun),조주완(Joo Whan Jo),박솔 한국거미연구소 2017 한국거미 Vol.33 No.2

        한국거미연구회 회원들은 2017년 8월 3일부터 4일까지 경기도 안산시 소재 시화호 갈대습지공원을 김주필, 최한석, 예용택, 예성훈, 김태우, 김대희, 지승환, 지성현, 변진관, 이형민, 조주완, 박솔민, 이형진, 이태후, 이승후, 조윤규, 조원규, 이준이, 신정애, 이영경, 최라미, 이윤정, 이용호, 한주연, 윤혜원, 김형주 등 26명이 주야로 채집한 결과 18과 49속 71종을 발표 보고하는 바이다. From August 3 to 4 in 2017. Koran Arachnological Study members investigated the Spiders in the whole area Gyeonggi-do Ansan-si, and reported 18 Families, 49 Genus 71 Species of spiders. The collected spiders are placed (stored) in the Joo-Pil Spider museum.

      • 온천천 둔치의 공간별 이용형태에 관한 연구

        최주희,강영조,조승래 東亞大學校 建設技術硏究所 2005 硏究論文集 Vol.29 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze behaviors of using peripheral areas of urban river, seeking towards an effective arrangement of such areas. For the purpose, this researcher surveyed the terrace land on the Oncheoncheon, expecially the section between Sebyeong and Yeonsan Brigdes, whose ratio of using by people was increased after arranged. Then the researcher investigated users of the terrace land by using tables under Observation Research Method and Behavior Mapping in accordance with their gender, age and behavioral type. Results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, there were differences in the behavior of using the terrace land among users in accordance with the type of facility located within th space. Second, there were differences among users in the ratio of using th terrace land at each time in weekdays and weekend, irrespective of those users' gender. Third, an area where there are sport facilities were being used more frequently than any other areas. Finally, the researcher hopes that results of the study will provide basic information for any other arrangement of area around river.

      • 농형호전자의 유효절삭조건에 관한 연구(2)

        최홍식,이주상,김희남 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 1995 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        This paper proposed on the effective cutting conditions of cage motor rotor by turning. If you want introduce automatic manufacturing system into the cutting process of cage motor rotor, the selections of effective cutting conditions are necessary. The cutting process of cage motor rotor requires the precision and the out of roundness of cage motor rotor. The surface roughness of cutting face, it is very important factor with effect on the magnetic flux density of cage motor rotor. The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of cutting conditions. Upon adapting this results, we will improve the production rate in the cutting process of cage motor rotor. As a result, the selection of cutting conditions are important factors to production rate. And these are chosen by the investigations of cutting characters and surface roughness. The experimental result, showed that the increase of cutting speed caused the decrease of cutting force and the high surface integrity. The increase of feed rate and increase of depth of cut caused the increase of cutting force and surface roughness. Thus, the effective cutting conditions of cage motor rotor by turing are cutting speed 291m/min, feed rate 0.10mm/rev, depth of cut 0.05mm.

      • 소수성 촉매를 이용한 수소동위원소 교환 반응 측정을 위한 순환 반응기

        최희주,이한수,안도희,강희석,김광락 한국공업화학회 2002 응용화학 Vol.6 No.2

        The catalytic rate constants of hydrophobic catalysts developed for the removal of tritium mainly generated in the pressurized heavy water reactors should be measured. A recycle reactor was designed and built for characterzing the long-term behavior of the catalyst performance at the various temperatures and gas velocities.The catalytic rate constants were measured at the apparent gas velocity of 0.5 m/s and the temperature of 60℃. The initial catalytic constant was 8.44×10^-4mol/g.sec. This value is much greater than that considered in the design of Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility.

      • 호흡율 측정기를 이용한 폐수의 외부탄소원 이용가능성 평가

        최은희,고주형,임정훈,부경민,김창원 부산대학교 환경문제연구소 2000 環境硏究報 Vol.18 No.-

        In this research, we measured Readily Biodegradable COD(Ss) using respiration meter which measured OUR and calculated respiration rate due to calculate organic matter portion of external carbon sources because known organic matter analysis methods i.e. COD, BOD did not measure amount of organic matter which was used in denitrification. Based on the experimental results, leather wastewater had 40.3% Ss in TCOD and food fermentation liquid, alcoholic wastewater and petrochemical wastewater was 38%, 38% and 28.3% respectively. However in case of considering of flowrate and concentration, flood fermentation and alcoholic wastewater was revealed that they were effective external carbon sources

      • 재발성 류마티즘 환자에서 발작의 유발인자

        주유철,이동민,양종태,신병철,임태영,서정균,정기영,최동헌,김원,조영신,고희관 조선대학교 2001 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.26 No.2

        Background and Objectives : Palindromic rheumatism (PR) is known to be triggered without any obviously inciting events in most patients, although, in a few cases, attacks have been noted to relate to another events such as weather change, childbirth, ingestion of certain foods, or over-exercise. The aim of this study was to characterize the triggering factors on palindromic attacks. Materials and Methods : We evaluated sixty-four patients with PR for the presence of triggering factors and the relationship between attacks and triggering factors by interview of patients. We considered that there was an probable association between episodes and PR, if episodes within 24 hours prior to PR had triggered at least 50% of all attacks and a definite association between episodes and PR, if episodes within 24 hours prior to PR had triggered 100% of all attacks. Results : In 15 patients (35.9%), there was a possible association between episodes of PR and initiating events. In 8 patients (12.5%), there was a definite association between episodes of PR and initiating events. The triggering factors were physical over-activity including exercise (19/64: 29.7%), foods, such as rawfish, crab, and chicken, including alcohol (19/96: 19.8%). However, there were no difference between the groups with and without the triggering factor in sex ratio, duration and onset of PR, the positive rate of rheumatoid factor and involved sites. Conclusion : Our observations showed that PR was triggered by physical over-activity more than in previous reports and hypersensitivity to foods was a causative factor in some patients with PR. However, patients with triggering factors had a similiar clinical profile to patients without triggering factors.

      • 병렬 VOD 서버의 확장을 위한 스트라이핑 정책

        최숙영,최현호,한주희,유관종 한국정보전략학회 1999 추계공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.01

        본 논문에서는 확장 가능한 병렬 VOD서버 모델을 제시하고, 이 별렬 VOD 서버에서 기존의 디스크 공간이 부족하여 새로운 병렬 서버를 추가할 경우, 데이터 분배 문제를 고려한다. 새로운 서버에 미디어 파일을 추가할 경우, 특정 서버에 부하가 몰리는 것을 방지하기 위해 기존의 서버에 저장되어 있는 일부 데이터들을 이동 시켜서 각 서버의 사용가능한 디스크 공간을 조정한 뒤, 각 디스크 부하를 최소화 하도록 고려하여 데이터를 저장하는 스트라이핑 방법을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        상악동에 발생한 치성각화낭종

        최유성,이희철,주미 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2002 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.24 No.1

        Odontogenic keratocyst is one of the jaw cysts which have high recurrence rate and aggressive behavior. The radiographic findings and clinical symptoms of this disease are similar with other jaw cyst. So the final diagnosis requires the histopathologic confirmation and the patiend should be examined periodically due to recurrence rate of this disease. This was the case of odontogenic keratocyst including a tooth which is in the left maxillary sinus. We thought it was a dentigerous cyst including a tooth preoperatively. The lesion was enucleated with yellow cheese-like material and histopathologic findings revealed abundant keratinizing debris, lining epithelium characterized by palisaded basal layer, orthokeratosis, and multifocal parakeratosis.

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