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      • KCI등재

        디지털 시대와 시의 대응 방식 : 이원의 시를 중심으로 on the focus of poem of Lee Won

        이혜원 한국어문학회 2004 語文學 Vol.0 No.86

        Now, it comes digital age. According to the change, literature environment is changed and modern poem is affected by it. In this paper, we will study how we should confront the movement. There is two opposite views between aggressive and passive about the spreading of digital culture. The views are divided as four again according to distinction of media. Digital poem is considered as two cases; 1) to create a new style of poem based on digital media, 2) to rewrite existing poem through digital media. Among the existing poem, there are two cases; 1) poem which reflects in affect of new media aggressively, 2) poem which adhere to existing method. We pay attention to the former in this paper, particularly we study poem of Lee Won among them closely. Poem of Lee Won considers affect of digital culture as absolute one and sees through the change which affect give rise to on world-view and consciousness. A poet persists in properties of existing media, in order to penetrate into a core of the change of times in general and build it as concrete actuality. Properties of the printed media appear in the poem of Lee Won diversely, that is, the method of realistic description, the clear visual image, the consistent inner description, and the integrated perception etc. Poem of Lee Won express the diverse change of life and the problem of subject dramatically through the concrete imagenation on digital age. The poet provoke the fundermental crisis which digital culture bring about as he asks a ontological question on modern life and subject. Poem of Lee Won predicts the digital age critically by thinking the printed media linearly and integrately. We consider her poem as a useful strategy which is able to predict and control the revolutionary change that will be come in future.

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of a Current‑Limiting DC Circuit Breaker with a Superconducting Coil Applied to the Commutation Circuit

        HyeWon Choi,Sang‑Yong Park,최효상 대한전기학회 2020 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.15 No.4

        We research team has proposed a current-limiting superconducting DC circuit breaker that combines a High-temperature superconducting wire (HTS) with a DC circuit breaker, and secured its operation performance in our previous study via simulation. In this paper, we designed and produced an actual current-limiting superconducting DC circuit breaker, as well as analyzed its current limiting and breaking performance. In addition, the operation characteristics at diferent lengths of the HTS with increasing voltage were analyzed. The operation reliability of the proposed DC circuit breaker was demonstrated by a simulation system that was built similar to the actual system.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Linear Regressional Analysis of With-PPs in English

        ( Hye Won Choi ) 경희대학교 언어연구소 2012 언어연구 Vol.29 No.1

        Gaol, Hye-Won, 2012, A Linear Regressional Analysis of Pith-Its in English, Linguistic Research 29(1), 21-44. Building up on Choi`s (2011) research that identifies the features of the instrument-taking predicates that influence the presence of instrument with-PPs, the current study explores to analyze the BYU-BNC corpus data of instrument with-PPs with a linear regression model. By building a multiple linear regression model which can deal with identified predictor variables simultaneously, this paper tries to explain the frequencies of instrument with-PPs and their nature of argumenthood by combinations of predictor variables. This modeling analysis can be a useful step toward studying gradient argumenthood via a more complex evaluation of a variety of morphological, syntactic, and semantic factors.

      • Clostridium difficile 장염에 의한 속발성 유전분증에서 발현된 독성 장염

        조형원,정혜경,강현주,이윤표,강혜원,심기남,정성애 Ewha Womans University School of Medicine 2014 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.37 No.1

        Amyloidosis is characterized by extracellular deposition of protein fibrils in one or multiple organs. AA amyloidosis is secondarily occurred to be related with chronic infections or inflammatory diseases. We report a 67-year-old man suffered from secondary AA amyloidosis related with chronic Clostridium difficile colitis after repeated total hip replacement surgery. Infection control is the most important treatment of AA amyloidosis secondary to chronic infection. However, the patient’s C. difficile colitis was not controlled well, eventually toxic megacolon with sepsis was developed. Consequently, he had to take total colectomy, but he expired with multi-organ failures. We suggested that early surgical procedure might be one option for intractable C. difficile colitis complicated with secondary amyloidosis.

      • KCI등재

        Whole-genome resequencing analysis of 20 Micro-pigs

        Da‑Hye Son,Nam‑Hyun Hwang,Won‑Hyong Chung,Ha‑Seung Seong,Hyungbum Lim,Eun‑Seok Cho,Jung‑Woo Choi,Kyung‑Soo Kang,Yong‑Min Kim 한국유전학회 2020 Genes & Genomics Vol.42 No.3

        Background Miniature pigs have been increasingly used as mammalian model animals for biomedical research because of their similarity to human beings in terms of their metabolic features and proportional organ sizes. However, despite their importance, there is a severe lack of genome-wide studies on miniature pigs. Objective In this study, we performed whole-genome sequencing analysis of 20 Micro-pigs obtained from Medi Kinetics to elucidate their genomic characteristics. Results Approximately 595 gigabase pairs (Gb) of sequence reads were generated to be mapped to the swine reference genome assembly (Sus scrofa 10.2); on average, the sequence reads covered 99.15% of the reference genome at an average of 9.6-fold coverage. We detected a total of 19,518,548 SNPs, of which 8.7% were found to be novel. With further annotation of all of the SNPs, we retrieved 144,507 nonsynonymous SNPs (nsSNPs); of these, 5968 were found in all 20 individuals used in this study. SIFT prediction for these SNPs identified that 812 nsSNPs in 402 genes were deleterious. Among these 402 genes, we identified some genes that could potentially affect traits of interest in Micro-pigs, such as RHEB and FRAS1. Furthermore, we performed runs of homozygosity analysis to locate potential selection signatures in the genome, detecting several loci that might be involved in phenotypic characteristics in Micro-pigs, such as MSTN, GDF5, and GDF11. Conclusion In this study, we identified numerous nsSNPs that could be used as candidate genetic markers with involvement in traits of interest. Furthermore, we detected putative selection footprints that might be associated with recent selection applied to miniature pigs.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 아동잡지의 계몽성 변화양상

        정혜원(jeong hye-won) 돈암어문학회 2007 돈암어문학 Vol.- No.20

        1910년대는 아동문학에서 중요한 시기이다. 『소년』이 1908년에 발행되어 1910년대에 걸쳐있고 이것을 선두로 뒤를 이어 나온 1910년대 잡지들 모두 한국 아동문학의 초기 모습을 살펴볼 수 있는 근거가 되기 때문이다. 1920년대에 가면 장르가 정립되고 아동문학도 어느 정도 자리매김을 하게 되는 특징을 갖는다. 그 전 단계로 아직은 미비하고 불완전한 형태를 지니고 있지만 그 나름대로 충분한 의미를 갖고 있기에 1910년대 아동잡지를 살펴보았다. 지금까지 잡지연구는 『소년』과 『어린이』란 잡지에 집중되어 있었다. 이들 잡지가 아동문학의 효시와 아동문학의 본격적인 활동을 예고하기 때문이다. 주로 한국아동문학사를 기술하는 입장에서 연구되었고 그 밖에 단편적으로 잡지 한 권씩을 선정해서 연구된 논문들을 발견할 수 있었다. 1910년대 역시 사회적으로 중요한 사안은 민족의 각성과 민족의 계몽이었다. 초기 아동잡지에서도 이를 벗어날 수 없었다. 아동문학에서 교육성을 떠나기는 힘든 문제이지만 그 당시는 독자를 계몽하려는 의지가 강하게 나타나고 있다. 먼저 선진문물과 문화를 접한 신진 지식층이 독자들을 계몽하려는 모습을 볼 수 있었다. 초기 아동잡지에서는 계몽적인 내용이 대부분이었는데 잡지에 따라 조금씩 변화양상을 보여주기도 한다. 『소년』은 독자들에게 계몽하려는 의지가 너무 강하다 보니까 독자의 흥미성이 더 가미되었다는 것이 한계이다. 그러나 『붉은 져고리』, 『아이들보이』에 와서는 대상의 연령이 낮아졌기 때문에 이를 고려한 흥미성에 더 천착하게 된 것이 특징이다. 그렇다고 계몽성이 전혀 배제된 것은 아니다. 다만 독자를 배려하다보니 계몽적인 글보다는 흥미성을 가미한 코너와 글들이 주류를 이루게 된 것이다. 근대 초기 아동잡지를 통해서 계몽성의 실체를 알 수 있게 되었고 그 계몽성도 시간의 흐름에 따라 점점 변화하고 있다는 것을 발견하게 되었다. The 1910s is the critical period in the history of Korean children's literature. A magazine for children, 『SONYEON』 was published in 1908 and it brought the quickening period in the stream of Korean children's literature. At that time we can observe what the early appearance of Korean children's literature was. In the 1920s, children's literature put down roots as a formal genre in the history of modern korean literature. The works of the 1920's stood on the literary achievements of the 1910's and I studied the feature and diverse aspects appeared in magazines which published in the 1910's in terms of enlightenment. Until now studies of children's magazines were intensively focused on magazines 『SONYEON』and 『EORINI』because, in fact, these are regarded as the beginning of Korean children's literature and heralded the start of earnest literary activities. The topics of works written in the 1910s were to enlighten the public and to lead mass-education drive for modernizing nation and the early magazines for children were affected by the social stream. On that account the works appeared in children's magazines of the 1910s tried to enlighten the newly rising intellectual class who came in contact with the Western civilization In result, the contents of the most works in the early published children's magazines were involved with feature toward enlightening and the feature enlightening' was coming to maturity. A magazine 『SONYEON』 stuck by the principles of enlightenment and it made to lose half readers´ interest. But we can make certain of mature enlgihtenment in the magazines 『BULEUNJEOGORI』 and 『AIDEULBOI』. The magazines were edited respecting younger children's feelings and listed more interesting works to the partially exclusion of enlightenment. In this article I studied what substantialities were in children's magazines of the 1910's and its aspects of change.

      • 노인의 영적 간호요구

        최미혜,김경희,김귀옥,김기숙,김수강,김정신,김춘숙,노흥진,박지연,성혜연,오명선,이선희,이원옥,이윤영,이현수,장명재,차혜경,채정선,홍상희 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was designed to exam the aged's needs for spiritual nursing care. The purpose was to serve as a basis for the development of spiritual nursing practice. The major findings are as follows : 1. The degree of needs for spiritual nursing care as area was that needs of love and relationship mean 22.0, needs of meaning and object mean 28.2, needs of forgiving mean 13.5. Total needs for spiritual nursing care mean 63.7, which was on the upper middle level. The needs of meaning and object was rated highest. 2. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of love and relatiohship wasn't significanlty different. 3. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of meaning and object was significantly different according to two factors : age(F=7.260, p=0.001), religion(F=5.275, p=0.001). Higher needs of meaning and object was possessed by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other. 4. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, four factors made a significantly difference to needs of forgiving : sex(t=-2.851, p=0.006), age(F=8.201, p=0.001), religion(F=6.928, p=0.000), disease(t=2.327, p=0.024). Higher needs of forgiving was possessed by man than woman, by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other, by the one who have disease than the other.

      • 백서와 기니픽의 대뇌피질에서 Opioid Kappa 수용체의 특성에 관한 연구

        김기원(Kee-Won Kim),노혜원(Hye-Won Rho),김형일(Hyoung-Il Kim),은재순(Jae-Soon Eun),소수미(Soo-Mi Soh),조규박(Kyu-Park Cho) 대한약리학회 1994 대한약리학잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        In this study, we tested the influences of several κ opioid ligands on the [<sup>3</sup>H]diprenorphine binding in rat and guinea pig cortex membrane preparations. Using paradigm to block μ and δ opioid receptors with DAMGO(1μM) and DPDPE(1μM), [<sup>3</sup>H]diprenorphine labeled κ sites. Competition analysis in both rat and guinea pig cortex has shown a single population of [<sup>3</sup>H]diprenorphine binding site with different Kd values, respectively. There is a significant difference in Ki values of (-) WIN44441 and (+)WIN44441 in both rat and guinea pig cortex. Bremazocine, (-)ethylketocyclazocine, (-)cyclazocine, nor-binaltorphimine effectively inhibited the [<sup>3</sup>H]diprenorphine binding with different Ki values in rat and guinea pig cortex. U-69,593, U-50,488H and dynorphine-A (1-8) did not inhibit the [<sup>3</sup>H]diprenorphine binding in rat but in guinea pig cortex. Nor-binaltorphimine was a ligand discriminate the κ<sub>1</sub>, and κ<sub>2</sub> receptor most effectively. We, also, examined the influence of Na ion and GTPγS, a nonhydrolyzable guanine nucleotide analog, on the inhibition of [<sup>3</sup>H]diprenorphine binding by diprenorphine, (-)ethyl-ketocyclazocine, U-69,593 and bremazocine. By the replacement of NaCl with N-methy-D-glucamine or addition of GTPγS, Ki values of diprenorpnine were not changed and that of ethylketocyclazocine were changed significantly in both rat and guinea pig cortex. The Ki value of bremazocine was decreased by removal of Na ion, and increased by GTPγS, however, was not changed by any one of either. These results suggest that there are 2 kinds of subtypes of κ opioid receptor, κ<sub>1</sub>, and κ<sub>2</sub>, showing different Ki values for various κ opioid ligands, also, bremazocine possess the antagonistic property at κ<sub>2</sub> site which is dominant subtype of K receptor in rat cortex.

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