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        식품첨가물(아황산․아질산)에 대한 초등학생용 교육정보 매체 개발 및 평가

        양상희,김정원 한국실과교육학회 2010 한국실과교육학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to develop risk communication materials on sulfur dioxide․nitrite for elementary students based on the perception and the intake condition of elementary school students on food additives. From March 2009, analysis of previous studies was conducted, and a survey was conducted to diagnose the current perception and information needs of elementary students on food additives including sulfur dioxide․nitrite from 341 students in Seoul and metropolitan area. Unlike the fear against food additives, the elementary students' intake level of sulfur dioxide․nitrite was very lower than ADI level. Based on the results, the contents on sulfur dioxide․nitrite were developed as a science magazine form by brainstorming and consultation by experts. The material developed was titled as 'Go! Addy school! Understanding rightly of sulfur dioxide․nitrite' and contained the comics of basic information, definition and calculation of ADI, scientific stories on food additives, usage of sulfur dioxide․nitrite, quizzes, introducing useful web sites, etc. When the material developed was evaluated by elementary students, very positive effects of risk communication including understanding on sulfur dioxide․nitrite and raising good attitude to food additives were observed. Therefore, the material developed could achieve its purpose to assist elementary school students having proper perception on sulfur dioxide․nitrite and be widely used as effective materials in dietary education. Also it could facilitate the risk communication on sulfur dioxide․nitrite and elementary dietary education, and further contents should be developed on other food additives. 본 연구는 초등학교 고학년 학생을 대상으로 어린이 기호가공식품인 햄, 소시지, 말린 과일 등에 사용되는 식품첨가물인 아황산․아질산에 대한 인식과 섭취실태 및 정보 요구를 파악하여 아황산․아질산에 대한 유용한 정보를 제공할 수 있는 위해 정보 전달 매체를 개발하고자 하였다. 2009년 3월부터 아황산․아질산에 관한 선행 연구 자료를 분석하고, 서울 및 수도권 소재 초등학교 5, 6학년 남녀학생 341명을 대상으로 사전 설문 조사를 실시하여 학생들의 인식과 정보 요구를 분석하였다. 가공식품 섭취빈도 조사 결과 설문대상자들의 아황산․아질산 섭취수준은 1일허용섭취량에 크게 미치지 못하는 수준으로 나타났다. 설문 결과를 바탕으로 전문가 협의 과정을 거쳐 정보 전달 매체인 ‘GO! 애디스쿨! 말린과일․소시지 등에 들어있는 아황산․아질산 바로 알기’ 책자를 과학잡지의 형태로 개발하였다. 책자에서 제공한 내용은 아황산․아질산에 대한 기초적인 정보를 만화의 형태로 흥미있게 구성하였으며, 1일섭취허용량의 개념과 계산, 이야기식 설명 등의 내용을 담았다. 또한 어린이 식생활 실천 지침과 식품구성탑에 대한 정보를 실어 안전하고 건강한 식생활에 대한 안내를 하였으며, 초등학교 고학년 학생들의 수준에 맞춘 퀴즈, 인터넷을 이용하여 유용하게 학습할 수 있는 사이트 소개의 정보를 제공하였다. 개발된 매체를 시범 적용하여 설문을 통해 평가해 본 결과, 초등학교 고학년 학생들에게 아황산․아질산에 대한 올바른 지식을 전달하고 식품 안전성에 대한 올바른 인식을 함양시키기 위한 연구 목적을 충실히 달성하였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서 개발한 매체는 초등학교 고학년 학생들에게 식품첨가물과 아황산․아질산에 대한 이해를 돕고, 식생활 교육에 효과적인 식품 안전 정보 전달 매체로 널리 활용될 수 있을 것이며, 향후 식품첨가물 위해 정보 전달 매체 개발에 있어 기초자료로도 활용 가능할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        전통약탕기와 전자약탕기를 이용한 이산화황 제거효율 연구

        양승희(Yang, Seung-Hee),유석규(Ryu, Seok-Gyu) 한국산학기술학회 2009 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.10 No.5

        본 이산화황이 잔류하는 한약재를 탕제로 달이는 방식에 따라 효율적으로 제거하는 방법을 찾기 위해 약달이는 방식을 전통약탕기와 전자약탕기 2종류로 설정하였다. 전통약탕기로 156.4ppm을 함유하는 한약재를 1시간 달였을 때 96.7%의 제거효율을 보였으며, 2시간 달였을 때 100% 제거됨을 알 수 있었다. 전통약탕기 뚜껑을 전통한지, 일반한지, 거름종이, 일반종이를 사용하였을 경우 전통한지를 사용할 경우가 이산화황 제거효율이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 전통한지의 초기 pH는 10.03으로, 전통약탕기에 이산화황이 48ppm, 193ppm, 753ppm 및 1,506ppm 함유하는 한약재를 넣고 1시간 달인 후 pH 측정 결과 9.37, 9.14, 8.9 및 8.03으로 각각 나타났다. 전자약탕기 파이롯트실험은, 전자약탕기로 1시간 약을 달일 경우 82.8%의 이산화황제거율을 보였으며, 약탕기 내부 중간부분에 전통한지, 거름종이, 활성탄, 참슛을 넣고 약을 달였을 때 73.6%, 72.8%, 73.9% 및 69.5%의 제거율을 보여 전자약탕기는 내부에 어떤 물체를 넣었을 경우 이산화황의 휘발을 방해하여 제거를 방해하는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to determine the most efficient method of removing sulfur dioxide from traditional herbal medicine (hanyak) by slow boiling using a traditional pipkin and an electronic slow boiler. By boiling a hanyak batch containing 156.4ppm of sulfur dioxide for one hour using a traditional pipkin, 96.7 percent of the sulfur dioxide was removed, while two hours of slow boiling removed 100 percent. Arnong different cover materials placed over the pipkin during the slow boiling process including the traditional Korean paper (hanji), regular hanji, filter paper and regular paper, the traditional hanji produced the best performance of sulfur dioxide removal. The initial pH level of the traditional hanji was 10.03. After one hour of slow boiling hanyak batches in a traditional pipkin covered with traditional hanji, where each batch contained sulfur dioxide of 48ppm, 193ppm, 753ppm and 1,506ppm respectively, the pH level of the hanji cover material was reduced to 9.37, 9.14, 8.9 and 8.03 in respective cases. Our experiment using an electronic medicine slow boiler showed 82.8 percent removal of sulfur dioxide after one hour of slow boiling a hanyak batch containing 753ppm of sulfur dioxide. When hanyak batches were boiled by placing traditional hanji, filter paper, active carbon and hardwood charcoal separately in the middle area within the electronic slow boiler, the sulfur dioxide removal rate was 73.6 percent, 72.8 percent, 73.9 percent and 69.5 percent, respectively. When charcoal was added so as to remove toxic materials from the hanyak, its presence impeded the sulfur dioxide flow and thus reduced the removal efficiency contrary to our anticipation.

      • KCI등재

        식품첨가물(아황산․아질산)에 대한 초등학생용 교육정보 매체 개발 및 평가

        양상희(Sang-Hee Yang),김정원(Jeong-Weon Kim) 한국실과교육학회 2010 한국실과교육학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구는 초등학교 고학년 학생을 대상으로 어린이 기호가공식품인 햄, 소시지, 말린 과일 등에 사용되는 식품첨가물인 아황산․아질산에 대한 인식과 섭취실태 및 정보 요구를 파악하여 아황산․아질산에 대한 유용한 정보를 제공할 수 있는 위해 정보 전달 매체를 개발하고자 하였다. 2009년 3월부터 아황산․아질산에 관한 선행 연구 자료를 분석하고, 서울 및 수도권 소재 초등학교 5, 6학년 남녀학생 341명을 대상으로 사전 설문 조사를 실시하여 학생들의 인식과 정보 요구를 분석하였다. 가공식품 섭취빈도조사 결과 설문대상자들의 아황산․아질산 섭취수준은 1일허용섭취량에 크게 미치지 못하는 수준으로 나타났다. 설문 결과를 바탕으로 전문가 협의 과정을 거쳐 정보 전달 매체인 ‘GO! 애디스쿨! 말린과일․소시지 등에 들어있는 아황산․아질산 바로 알기’ 책자를 과학잡지의 형태로 개발하였다. 책자에서 제공한 내용은 아황산․아질산에 대한 기초적인 정보를 만화의 형태로 흥미있게 구성하였으며, 1일섭취허용량의 개념과 계산, 이야기식 설명 등의 내용을 담았다. 또한 어린이 식생활 실천 지침과 식품구성탑에 대한 정보를 실어 안전하고 건강한 식생활에 대한 안내를 하였으며, 초등학교 고학년 학생들의 수준에 맞춘퀴즈, 인터넷을 이용하여 유용하게 학습할 수 있는 사이트 소개의 정보를 제공하였다. 개발된 매체를 시범 적용하여 설문을 통해 평가해 본 결과, 초등학교 고학년 학생들에게 아황산․아질산에 대한 올바른 지식을 전달하고 식품 안전성에 대한 올바른 인식을 함양시키기 위한 연구 목적을 충실히 달성하였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서 개발한 매체는 초등학교 고학년 학생들에게 식품첨가물과 아황산․아질산에 대한 이해를 돕고, 식생활 교육에 효과적인 식품 안전 정보 전달 매체로 널리 활용될 수 있을 것이며, 향후 식품첨가물 위해 정보 전달 매체 개발에 있어 기초자료로도 활용 가능할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to develop risk communication materials on sulfur dioxide․ nitrite for elementary students based on the perception and the intake condition of elementary school students on food additives. From March 2009, analysis of previous studies was conducted, and a survey was conducted to diagnose the current perception and information needs of elementary students on food additives including sulfur dioxide․nitrite from 341 students in Seoul and metropolitan area. Unlike the fear against food additives, the elementary students intake level of sulfur dioxide․nitrite was very lower than ADI level. Based on the results, the contents on sulfur dioxide․nitrite were developed as a science magazine form by brainstorming and consultation by experts. The material developed was titled as Go! Addy school! Understanding rightly of sulfur dioxide․nitrite and contained the comics of basic information, definition and calculation of ADI, scientific stories on food additives, usage of sulfur dioxide․nitrite, quizzes, introducing useful web sites, etc. When the material developed was evaluated by elementary students, very positive effects of risk communication including understanding on sulfur dioxide․nitrite and raising good attitude to food additives were observed. Therefore, the material developed could achieve its purpose to assist elementary school students having proper perception on sulfur dioxide․nitrite and be widely used as effective materials in dietary education. Also it could facilitate the risk communication on sulfur dioxide․nitrite and elementary dietary education, and further contents should be developed on other food additives.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        2010년 서울지역 유통 한약재의 잔류이산화황 함량 모니터링

        정삼주,이성득,김수진,조성애,김남훈,정희정,김화순,한기영 한국식품위생안전성학회 2011 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        This study was investigated to determine the contents of sulfur dioxide residues in medicinal herbs in Seoul Yang Nyoung Shi in 2010 (1,522 samples of 189 kinds). Samples were measured by modified Monier-Williams method. Of the total samples, 618 samples (84 kinds) were domestic, and 904 samples (158 kinds) were imported. The content of sulfur dioxide in the domestics showed the range of 0.0 to 1,298.0 mg/kg (average 12.7 mg/kg), while those in imported samples were the range of 0.0 to 3,982.2 mg/kg (average 42.4 mg/kg). The average (mg/kg) amount of sulfur dioxide by parts in medicinal herbs was as follows; Tuber 122.3, Radix 69.3, Rhizoma 37.4, Cortex 33.3, Fructus 8.8, Ramulus 4.9, Semen 4.6, Folium 3.4, Flos 2.7, Perithecium 1.4. Of the total samples (1,522), 52 samples (3.4%) were violated the KFDA regulatory guidance of sulfur dioxide. Among these 52 unsuitable samples, 16samples (7 kinds) were domestic, and 36 samples (23 kinds) were imported. Approximately 88.1% of the total samples was less than 10 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide and 6.3% of the total samples showed more than 30 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide.

      • KCI등재후보

        다소비 식품의 식품첨가물 사용 실태조사

        서계원,양용식,조배식,강경리,김종필,박종태,김은선 한국식품위생안전성학회 2008 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        We conducted this analysis to make consumers have useful information about consumed foods on the market by investigating the additives contained in food. Korean food additive code (2007) allowed 634 kinds of food additives to be used in domestic products. The food additives consisted of 426 kinds of synthetic additives, 201 kinds of natural additives and 7 kinds of mixture additives. We purchased total 117 kinds of samples; 94 items including sorts of nuts, vegetables and dried fishery products from local markets and discount marts, and 23 kinds of traditional liquors from March to November, 2007, and we researched for various food additives like artificial sweetener, tar pigments and sulfur dioxide. We detected 11.5 to 4,452.3 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide in 18 out of 94 samples except liquors, finding out some artificial sweetener of sodium saccharin in 2 out of 23 liquors, however, no tar pigments were detected from all of the samples. We found out that 2 cases of shredded jujube from china (2476.6 and 4,452.3 mg/kg) proved to exceed regulatory guidance (2000 mg/kg) in sulfur dioxide. Also, we found out that one dried cherry tomato from china contained 88.9 mg/kg and one domestic dried pumpkin 1653.7 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide which should not be detected in vegetables. In traditional liquors, 2 items out of all samples contained 0.4 and 11.1 mg/kg of sodium saccharin which is strictly prohibited to use in liquors. We conducted this analysis to make consumers have useful information about consumed foods on the market by investigating the additives contained in food. Korean food additive code (2007) allowed 634 kinds of food additives to be used in domestic products. The food additives consisted of 426 kinds of synthetic additives, 201 kinds of natural additives and 7 kinds of mixture additives. We purchased total 117 kinds of samples; 94 items including sorts of nuts, vegetables and dried fishery products from local markets and discount marts, and 23 kinds of traditional liquors from March to November, 2007, and we researched for various food additives like artificial sweetener, tar pigments and sulfur dioxide. We detected 11.5 to 4,452.3 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide in 18 out of 94 samples except liquors, finding out some artificial sweetener of sodium saccharin in 2 out of 23 liquors, however, no tar pigments were detected from all of the samples. We found out that 2 cases of shredded jujube from china (2476.6 and 4,452.3 mg/kg) proved to exceed regulatory guidance (2000 mg/kg) in sulfur dioxide. Also, we found out that one dried cherry tomato from china contained 88.9 mg/kg and one domestic dried pumpkin 1653.7 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide which should not be detected in vegetables. In traditional liquors, 2 items out of all samples contained 0.4 and 11.1 mg/kg of sodium saccharin which is strictly prohibited to use in liquors.

      • KCI등재

        2009년 서울지역 유통 한약재의 이산화황 잔류실태 분석

        윤용태,이성득,박애숙,신영,김화순,김유경,최병현 韓國藥用作物學會 2010 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        This study was conducted to investigate the content of sulfur dioxide residues in medicinal herbs in Seoul in 2009. Sulfur dioxide in the samples were determined by Monnier-Williams's modified method. A total of 1,821 samples of 205 different types of herbs were collected from Kyung-Dong Herb markets and Oriental medicine hospitals in Seoul. Of these samples, 642 samples were domestic, and 1,179 samples were imported. Of the 1,821 samples, 61 (3.3%, 31 types) failed to meet the regulations for sulfur dioxide residues of KFDA in medicinal herbs. Among these 61 unsuitable samples, 17 (7 types) were domestic, and 44 samples (26 types) were imported. The content of sulfur dioxide in the domestic medicinal herbs ranged from 0 to 809 mg/kg, while those in imported medicinal herbs ranged from 0 to 4,481 mg/kg. Approximately 84.6% of the samples contained less than 10 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide and about 10.0% of samples contained more than 30 mg/kg of sulfur dioxide.

      • KCI등재

        정수처리에서 pH 저감에 의한 응집효율향상에 관한 연구

        이환,이철효,정창규,이윤진,Lee, Hwan,Lee, Cheol-Hyo,Jung, Chang-Gue,Lee, Yoon-Jin 한국환경보건학회 2003 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        This paper reports on a pilot scale comparison of PACS coagulation with and without pH preadjustment. The pH of the water was adjusted with carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. Process performance was assessed on the basis of total organic carbon(TOC), UV absorbance, turbidity and disinfection by-product(DBP) precursors. Coagulation pH appeared to be a determining factor for maximum NOM removal. The optimum coagulation pH in order to decrease TOC and turbidity were pH 7. Preadjustment of pH 7 increased TOC removal to as much as 43, 47 percent with sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide. Moreover, coagulation at pH 7 caused a reduction in UV$_{254}$, THMFP and HAAFP compared to the baseline coagulation. For preadjustment of pH 7 with carbon dioxide, the percentage of TOC, UV$_{254}$, THMFP and HAAFP shows the reduction rate of 3.8, 0.5, 4.8, 9.4% comparing to the coagulation rendition using sulfuric acid. Acid addition to depress pH during coagulation decrease Langelier Saturation Index(LSI), potentially causing increase corrosion in water distribution systems. LSI for carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid at pH 6 was -2.3, -3.3. Therefore, carbon dioxide was more effective at controlling corrosion than sulfuric acid.

      • KCI등재

        유통 한약재의 잔류농약 및 잔류이산화황의 함량 분석

        김태희,장설,이아름,이아영,최고야,김호경 대한본초학회 2012 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.27 No.6

        Objectives: This study was investigated to determine the contents of pesticide residues and sulfur dioxide residues in commercial herbal medicines in Korea. Methods: Chromatographic test was performed on 100 samples consisted with 10 kinds of medicinal plants including improted and domestic products. To establish 19 pesticide residues (DDE, DDD, DDT, Dieldrin, Methoxychlor, BHC isomers, Aldrin, Endosulfan isomers, Endrin, Captan, Procymidone, Chlorpyrifos and Imidacloprid) in commercial herbal medicines, chromatographic equipments were used with the gas chromatography - mass detector and gas chromatography - electron capture detector for qualitative analysis. The imidacloprid analysis was performed by high performance liquid chromatograpgy-ultraviolet detector at 270 nm UV wavelength. The contents of sulfur dioxides were analyzed by modified Monnier-Williams method. All methods were based on notification procedure of Korea Food & Drug Administration (KFDA). Results: The residual pesticides were not founded in improted and domestic samples. Among 100 samples, the residues of sulfur dioxide in 73 samples were not detected and 25 samples showed contents in the range of 0 ~ 21.90 mg/kg. The excess samples of MRLs were 2 samples (30 mg/kg to medicinal herbs), Asiasari Radix et Rhizoma (Imported product) and the average amount of sulfur dioxide in 2 unsuitable samples were 14.83mg/kg. These samples were found to transgress KFDA regulatory guidance of residual sulfur dioxide. Conclusion: These results are able to use as basic data to improve the reliability and value of commercial medicinal herbs.

      • KCI등재후보

        한방처방의 전탕 전과 후의 위해물질 농도변화 -보양.보음 처방을 중심으로 -

        서창섭,황대선,이준경,하혜경,천진미,엄영란,장설,신현규,Seo, Chang-Seob,Huang, Dae-Sun,Lee, Jun-Kyoung,Ha, Hye-Kyoung,Chun, Jin-Mi,Um, Young-Ran,Jang, Seol,Shin, Hyeun-Kyoo 대한한의학방제학회 2009 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        Objective : To compare the contents of heavy metals, residual pesticides and sulfur dioxide before/after a decoction. Methods : The heavy metal contents before/after a decoction were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES) and mercury analyzer. In order to analyze pesticides in 4 samples we used simultaneous multi-residue analysis of pesticides by GC/ECD, which was followed by GC/MSD analysis to confirm the identity of the detected pesticide in each sample. In addition, the contents of sulfur dioxide ($SO_2$) were performed by Monier-Williams distillation method. Results: 1. The mean values of heavy metal contents (mg/kg) for the samples were as follows: Jaeumganghwa-tang (before decoction - Pb; 1.190, Cd; 0.184, As; 0.099 and Hg; 0.028, after decoction - Pb; .033, Cd; 0.003, As; 0.005 and Hg; 0.001), Yukmijiwhang-tang (before decoction - Pb; 0.484, Cd; 0.133, As; 0.053 and Hg; 0.009, after decoction - Pb; 0.065, Cd; 0.008, As; 0.007 and Hg; not detected), Bojungikgi-tang (before decoction - Pb; 0.863, Cd; 0.197, As; below 0.016 and Hg; 0.011, after decoction - Pb; 0.071, Cd; 0.009, As; 0.004 and Hg; 0.001) and Ssangwha-tang (before decoction - Pb; 1.511, Cd; 0.212, As; 0.094 and Hg; 0.016, after decoction - Pb; 0.029, Cd; 0.006, As; 0.005 and Hg; 0.0004). 2. Contents (mg/kg) of sulfur dioxide ($SO_2$) before a decoction in Jaeumganghwa-tang, Yukmijiwhang-tang and Ssangwha-tang exhibited 22.7, 107.3 and 5.5, respectively. However, contents of sulfur dioxide after a decoction in all samples were not detected. 3. Contents (mg/kg) of residual pesticides before/after a decoction in all samples were not detected. Conclusion : These results will be used to establish a criterion of heavy metals, residual pesticides and sulfur dioxide.

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