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      • KCI등재

        Effects of Composted Pig Manure on Rice Cultivation in Paddy Soils of Different Texture

        송요성,곽한강,현병근,연병열,김필주,Song, Yo-Sung,Kwak, Han-Kang,Hyun, Byung-Keun,Yeon, Byeong-Yeol,Kim, Pil-Joo 한국토양비료학회 2001 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        토양비옥도와 토성이 서로 다른 논토양에서 수도 생산성과 환경을 고려한 가축분퇴비의 적정시용기준량을 확립하기 위하여 남계 사양토, 용지 양토, 화동 식양토에서 돈분퇴비를 0, 5, 10, 20 톤 $ha^{-1}$을 시용하고 추청벼를 공시 품종으로 하여 포장시험을 1년간 수행하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 토양검정에 의한 화학비료 시용시 돈분퇴비 적정시용량은 사양토 4.0, 양토와 식양토 7.0 톤 $ha^{-1}$ 이었으며, 이때의 정조 수량은 사양토 7.440, 양토 7.000 식양토 6.020 톤 $ha^{-1}$이었다. 사양토와 양토에서 NPK와 함께 돈분퇴비를 15 톤 $ha^{-1}$ 이상 시용시에는 도복에 의한 수량 감소가 발생되었다. 수확기 식물체의 양분흡수량은 돈분 퇴비 시용량이 증가할수록 많아지는 경향이었으며, 시험 후 토양의 인산과 칼리의 함량은 돈분퇴비 시용량의 증가에 따라 높아지는 경향을 보였으며, 그 외의 성분은 처리구간 큰 차이가 없었다. A manure compost has been identified as an alternative to fertilizer to increase soil fertility and crop production in farming fields. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of pig manure compost on soil properties and rice productivity as well as to determine the optimum application rate. In 1997, a field experiment was carried out to evaluate the growth of rice on sandy loam, loam, and clay loam soils amended with 0, 5, 10, and $20Mg\;ha^{-1}$ of pig manure compost plus NPK, which decided by soil testing. Rice yields were higher in soils receiving manure compost amendment. The maxim um yields were evaluated with $7,520kg\;ha^{-1}$ in the levels of $4.2Mg\;ha^{-1}$ of pig manure compost application plus NPK in sandy loam, $7,320kg\;ha^{-1}$ in the levels of $10.7Mg\;ha^{-1}$ in loam, and $6,320kg\;ha^{-1}$ in $17.2Mg\;ha^{-1}$ in clay loam soil. The optimum application rate of pig manure compost, which decided for 95% of maximum yields, was $4.0Mg\;ha^{-1}$ in sandy loam and $7.0Mg\;ha^{-1}$ in loam and clay loam soils under the condition of chemical fertilization by soil diagnosis. An increase in rice yield indicated a better nutrient status in compost-amended soil which was supported by the higher nutrient contents of N, P and K in shoot of plants grown in soil with manure compost amendment. Addition of manure compost increased available phosphate, silicate and exchangeable K in the amended soils according to the rate of compost application rate. It can be concluded that the manure compost could be a suitable organic fertilizer for improving rice productivity and soil fertility, and an application rate of $4.0Mg\;ha^{-1}$ in sandy loam and $7.0Mg\;ha^{-1}$ in loam and clay loam soils would give the optimum rice yields in the standard fertilization by chemical fertilization.

      • KCI우수등재

        돈분 퇴비화의 단계별 물질수지 변화를 통한 퇴비 규격화 연구

        김태일,한영근,전병수,유용희,박주희,권두중,김형호,김경남 한국동물자원과학회 2001 한국축산학회지 Vol.43 No.6

        에스컬레이터식 축분교반기로 축분을 교반하면서 바닥에서는 강제 송풍이 이루어진 대단위 퇴비화 시설에서 공정단계별 시료를 채취하여 비료 관리법 부산물비료 규격에 준하여 축분 퇴비의 규격화 정도를 구명하였다. 온도 기준의 퇴비화 성상을 고려할 때 10일령에 55℃가된 이후 급격히 상승하여 17일령에 78℃가 되고 25일령까지 고온이 유지되다가 그 이후 급속히 떨어지는 양상을 보였다. 퇴비화가 진행되면서 식물의 필수 영양소인 질소, 가리 및 인산은 1.25%에서 1.87%의 수준, 0.62%에서 0.85% 수준과 0.99%에서 1.36% 수준에서 각각 분석되어졌으며 이들 성분은 퇴비화가 진행될수록 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 완제품에서 칼슘의 함량은 산화칼슘으로서 3.77%가 함유되었으며 마그네슘은 산화마그네슘으로서 0.93%가 검출되었다. 중금속 함량 중 카드늄과 비소는 전혀 검출되지 않았으며 검출된 중금속과 염농도 또한, 퇴비화 모든 공정에서 비료관리법 부산물비료 규격의 규제치 이하로 검출되었다. 유기물 함량 또한 15일령에 25% 이상이고 유기물대 질소의 비가 50이하여서 비료관리법 부산물비료 규격에 적합한 단계로 검증되어졌다. 결과적으로 본 연구의 유기물 함량 및 중금속, 염분의 농도를 기준으로 하여 부산물비료 규격과 비교할 때 퇴비화 기간중 15일령이 적합하다 할지라도 15일령과 후숙단계에 보다 활발한 퇴비화가 이루어지기 때문에 15일령과 후숙단계의 기간을 무시하고 시용시 토양과 작물에 커다란 장애를 줄 것으로 사료되어 보다 적절한 관리가 요구되어지며 식물독성시험과 같은 생물학적 검정의 방법의 도입이 필요하다 하겠다. This work was carried out to search for the composting steps which can be met for the regulations from composts manufactured from swine manure and puffing rice hull(6:4) at a large-scale composting plant and changes of composting characteristics based on the material balances. Composting characteristics based on its temperature had maintained high over 60℃ between 15 days and 25 days of composting periods after ten days of the a rapid temperature change. After the 25 days of them, the temperature was rapidly decreasing. The level of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate during composting periods was 1.25% to 1.87%, 0.62% to 0.85%, and 0.99% to 1.36%, respectively. As with composting process, the nutrients had tendency in increasing. Calcium and Magnesium of the finished products were detected in 3.77% as a calcium oxide and 0.93% as a magnesium oxide, respectively. Manure management for environmental protection provides guidelines that comply with MAF(Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry) regulations concerning animal manures. Guidelines for animal manure composts are the contents of heavy metal and OM, OM:T-N ratio and salt concentration. Our law is regulating that organic matter(OM), OM:T-N ratio and salt contents was more than 25%, less than 50 and 1%, respectively. Cd and As of the heavy metal which regulated by law had never been detected in this trials and some heavy metal and salt concentration detected through composting periods was detected within the regulations. All of the items regulated in the law is to meet them at the 15 days of composting days in this trials. However, Active composting continues to maturation step after 15 days. When applied in the proper amounts at the appropriate times, livestock manures can provide some, if not all, of the nutrients required for many crops. If improperly handled, however, it can be an environmental hazard, resulting in inhibition of crop production, soil productivity and so on. In conclusion, the results of the experiments suggest that resonable controls for the composting of swine manure need in use although composts is to meet the regulation.

      • 발효퇴비 첨가수준이 돈분퇴비화 초기과정에 미치는 영향

        정광화,허미영,김재환,곽정훈,정만순,강희설,Jeong, K.H.,Heo, M.Y.,Kim, J.H.,Kwag, J.H.,Jeong, M.S.,Kang, H.S. 한국축산환경학회 2009 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 기존 발효퇴비의 첨가 수준이 퇴비화 진행과정에 주는 영향을 분석하기 위하여 실시하였다. 본 과제 수행에 있어 지금까지 도출된 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 퇴비화 개시 2일 경과 후에 각 처리별 온도는 $67{\sim}71^{\circ}C$ 내외로 상승하였다. 발효퇴비를 첨가하지 않은 대조구와 발쵸퇴비 5% 첨가수준의 두 개의 퇴비단에서 $71^{\circ}C$까지 상승하였으며 발효퇴비 15% 첨가수준에서 $67^{\circ}C$를 기록하여 온도 최고점이 제일 낮았다. 온도변화를 기준으로 볼 때 퇴비화 전 기간 동안 대조구의 발효속도가 타 처리구에 비해 느린 것으로 판단할 수 있다. 2. 암모니아 발생양태는 온도변화 패턴과 유사한 경향을 보인다. 즉 발효온도가 높은 시기에는 암모니아 발생농도가 높고 뒤집기 이후의 퇴비단 온도상승은 암모니아 발생정도의 증가추세를 수반하는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 퇴비화의 진행초기에는 pH가 상승하는 경향을 보였다. 이는 퇴비화진행 초기단계에서 발생하였던 암모니아 농도 증가와 연관되어진 것으로 볼 수 있다. 퇴비화가 진행되어짐에 따라 pH는 점차 낮아져서 본 시험의 퇴비화 후기에는 PH가 각 처리구별로 다소간의 차이는 있지만 약 7~8 사이로 낮아지는 추세를 나타냈다. 4. 퇴비화 기간이 경과함에 따라 각 처리별 퇴비단의 C/N은 감소하는 결과를 보였다. 각 처리구별 C/N 감소정도는 퇴비화 초기에 더 높게 나타났고 이러한 경향은 각 처리구에서 비슷한 추세를 보였다. 5. 퇴비화에 따른 미생물 수는 퇴비와 개시 후 증가하다가 퇴비단의 온도 감소와 함께 감소하는 경향을 보이고 있고 이러한 추세는 전 처리구에서 공히 관찰되었다. The best way to treat livestock manure is to recycle as much as possible. The composting of livestock manure is a safe and economical treatment process. This study was carried out to investigate decomposition effect of pig manure by adding fermented compost. The fermented compost was added in pig manure mixed with sawdust as an inoculator, and the mixture was fed to composting reactor. Supplemental levels of fermented compost on the pig manure mixed with sawdust were regulated at 5, 10, 15 and 20% (V/V) respectively. The results were as follows ; 1. In all cases, PH range was between 7.6~9.05 during composting period. 2. The highest temperature and the long duration of thermophilic stage were observed in control treatment. 3. The number of microorganism reached at maximum on day 4, which recorded the highest temperature 4. Compost pile mixed with 10% of inoculator (fermented compost) showed the highest C/N ratio reduction.

      • KCI등재

        농가규모 양돈분뇨 퇴비화시 공기공급량 변화에 따른 퇴비 특성 평가

        이성현,정광화,이동준,이동현,장유나,곽정훈 유기성자원학회 2019 유기물자원화 Vol.27 No.3

        Swine manure has been recognized as a organic sources for composting and many research was conducted to efficiently utilize and treat. This study was to evaluate a feasibility for producing swine manure compost under various treatment with mixture of swine manure and saw dust. Treatments were designed as follows; non aerated composting pile(REF), aerated composting pile of 100L/㎥(EXP1), and aerated composting pile of 150L/㎥(EXP2). The total days of fermentation were 28 days and each samples were collected at every 7 days from starting of composting. Temperature sensors were installed under 30~40㎝ from the surface of composting pile. Inner temperature in composting piles of EXP1 and EXP2 was rapidly increased to 67~75℃ within 1~2 days. The elevated temperatures found during the thermophilic phase are essential for rapid degradation of organic materials. While swine manure composted, moisture content, total nitrogen, EC of EXP1, EXP2 in sample at 28 days were lower than those of REF. But, pH and organic matter of EXP1, EXP2 in sample at 28 days were higher than those of REF. After finishing fermentation experiment, maturity was evaluated with germination test. Calculated germination index(GI) at REF, EXP1 and EXP2 were 23.49, 68.50 and 51.81, respectively. The values of germination index were higher at EXP1 and EXP2 which is aerated composting piles than REF which is non aerated composting pile. According to the results, composting process by aerated static pile compost had significant effect on the reduction of required period for composting. Supplying adequate amount of air to compost swine manure will greatly reduce composting period. 양돈분뇨는 퇴비화하여 이용할 경우 좋은 유기물 자원이 될 수 있으며, 양돈 분뇨를 효율적으로 이용하기위한 많은 실험적 연구가 수행되었다. 본 연구에서는 양돈분뇨를 톱밥과 혼합하여 여러 가지 퇴비화 조건에서 퇴비화촉진정도를 실제 농가 현장에서 활용할 수 있도록 시험규모를 확대하여 수행하였다. 퇴비화 시험처리는 퇴비화기간동안 공기를 송풍하지 않은 대조구와 퇴비화기간 동안 퇴비단 아래에서 공기를 송풍한 시험구로 구분하였다. 시험을위한 퇴비단의 크기는 각각 5 ㎥로 조성하였다. 시험구 1 (EXP1)에는 돈분 1 ㎥당 100 L의 공기를 송풍하였으며, 시험구 2 (EXP2)에는 돈분 1 ㎥당 150 L의 공기를 송풍하였다. 공기공급량을 1 ㎥당 100 L, 150 L로 한 것은 현재 활용하고 있는 퇴비화시설 설계 규정에 가축분 1 ㎥당 150 L의 규모의 송풍 시설을 설치할 것을 권장하고 있으나현장에서는 과다 송풍 우려가 발생하고 있기 때문에 이에 대한 검토가 필요하기 때문이었다. 퇴비화 발효기간은4주로 하였으며, 퇴비화 시작 직후부터 매주 퇴비단의 샘플을 채취하여 물리 화학적 성분을 조사 분석 하였다. 퇴비단의 온도는 퇴비단 표면으로부터 약 40㎝ 지점에 온도센서를 설치하여 매 30분 간격으로 기록하였다. 발효온도를 분석한 결과 시험구에서는 공기를 송풍한 1~2일차에 최고온도 67~75℃에 도달하였다. 이는 호열성 세균이 급격하게 증가 활동하였기 때문으로 판단되었다. 퇴비화기간 동안 수분함량, 총질소, EC의 값이 송풍발효가 완료된 4주차에대조구에 비해 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 pH와 유기물 함량은 시험구에서 대조구에 비해 높게 나타났다. 송풍발효가 끝난 4주차의 부숙정도를 평가하기 위하여 종자발아지수를 분석한 결과 대조구에서 23.49, 시험구 1이 68.50, 시험구 2가 51.81로 나타났다. 종자 발아지수로 평가한 퇴비의 부숙은 대조구에 비해 시험구에서 매우 높은 것으로나타났다. 따라서 양돈분뇨의 퇴비화시 외부로부터 가축분뇨 1 ㎥당 100~150 L/min의 공기를 공급하는 것이 퇴비의부숙을 매우 빠르게 할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        돈분뇨의 호기적 액비화 과정에서 암모니아 휘산량 평가

        김태영 ( Tae Young Kim ),김송엽 ( Song Yeob Kim ),장홍희 ( Hong Hee Chang ),윤홍배 ( Hong Bae Yun ),이용복 ( Yong Bok Lee ) 한국환경농학회 2013 한국환경농학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        BACKGROUND: Composting is the most frequently used waste management process for animal manure in Korea`s livestock industry. In the composting process, a large amount of nitrogen (N) is volatilized to the atmosphere as amonia (NH3). However, quantitative information of NH3 emission from composting of liquid manure is required to obtain emission factors for management of livestock manure in Korea. METHODS AND RESULTS: To evaluate the NH3 emission from composting of liquid manure affected by aeration, we conducted composting of liquid pig manure with three forced aeration systems. The aeration conditions were continuous (A60), cycle of 30 min aeration and 30 min pause (A30S30) and without aeration(A0). All treatments were aerated 12 hour per day with these aeration systems. The total ratio of NH3 volatilization loss to total N content in liquid manure throughout composting period was estimated to 19.9% for A0 treatment, 25.9% for A30S30 treatment and 36.3% for A60 treatment. The A30S30 and A60 aeration systems increased NH3 volatilization by 30.2 and 82.3% compared with systems without forced aeration. CONCLUSION(S): Ammonia emission during liquid pig manure composting was highly affected by forced aeration. The development of liquid pig manure composting systems with forced aeration would be considered both reducing ammonia emission and efficiency of composting.

      • 돈분 퇴비화시 송풍여부에 따른 퇴비화 요인들의 특성 변화 및 각 요소들간의 상관성 분석

        김현종,박회만,이동준,김중곤,이동현,정광화 (사)한국축산환경학회 2022 한국축산시설환경학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        The composting process of pig manure requires manure separation from the slurry and maturity under aerobic conditions. Thus, we investigated the anoxic manure characteristics and the correlation between each composting factor. First, a decanter solidliquid manure separator was used, and the separated manure was transported to the laboratory in an impervious bag. We mixed manure and sawdust (bulking agent) in a 6:4(V/V) ratio to adjust the moisture content to 70%. About 140 liters of mixed composting materials were treated in cylindrical composting reactors with a bottom diffuser. Three composting reactors were installed inside a laboratory to reduce the ambient temperature, where the room temperature was 25°C continuously. Supplied air volume to the composting reactor was 100LPM/ 1 m3 of compost. The composting test reactors had a connected air supply system, but the control reactor had none. pH and EC of the raw manure were 8.42 and 2,341㎲/㎝, and the pH and EC of sawdust were 5.01 and 149㎲/㎝, respectively. Mixed material showed pH and EC of 8.48 and 2,060 s/cm, respectively. After two days of composting, the pH of the compost pile in test reactors and control increased to 9.08, 9.08, 9.13, and 8.57, respectively, and were stable for 20 days. The change in NH4-N had a similar tendency with pH and had a 0.84 correlation coefficient, but for EC and Salt, the correlation was 0.98. between VS/TS and NH4-N was 0.83. However, VS/TS had a negative correlation of -0.64 with ripeness, -0.57 with T-N, and -0.79 with T-P.

      • KCI등재

        돈분의 퇴비화에 있어 원보조재의 혼합비에 따른 최종산물의 화학적인 조성 연구

        이상환 ( S. H. Lee ),김인호 ( I. H. Kim ),홍종욱 ( J. W. Hong ),권오석 ( O. S. Kwon ),김정우 ( J. W. Kim ) 한국유기농업학회 2001 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.9 No.3

        This study was conducted to evaluate chemical parameters on butchery wastes as a bulking agent in composting of swine manure. Treatments included T1 ; Swine manure + Rice hull, T2 ; Swine manure + Rice hull + Vermiculite, T3 ; Swine manure + Rice hull + Perlite, T4 ; Swine manure + Vermiculite, T5 ; Swine manure + Vermiculite + Perlite, T6 ; Swine manure + Perlite, T7 ; Swine manure + Rice hull + Vermiculite + Perlite. During the composting period, changes of temperature and pH were showed traditionally composting trend. Moisture, organic matter, total nitrogen and C/N ratio were higher rice hull than vermiculite and perlite treatments. Ammonia-N and EC were not differences among the treatments. In heavy metal, Cd and Cr were showed higher in vermiculite treatments than other treatments. Rice hull treatments were decreased volatile fatty acids compared to that of other treatments. In conclusion, rice hull containing high organic content was greater composting effects than vermiculite and perlite containing low organic content.

      • KCI등재후보

        고품질의 돈분 퇴비를 위한 합리적인 퇴비화 조건 개발

        장기운(Ki-Woon Chang),유영석(Young-Seok Yu),민경훈(Kyoung-Hoon Min) 유기성자원학회 2002 유기물자원화 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구는 고품질의 퇴비 생산을 목적 으로 건조된 제 지슬러지와 톱밥을 돈분에 혼합하여 합리적인 퇴비화 조건을 도출히기 위해 실행되었다. 돈분은 톱밥과 건 조 제지 슬러지보디 비교적 높은 질소함량으로 인한 낮은 C/N율과 과다한 함수율이 특징이다. 그러므로 건조 제지 슬러지와 톱밥을 첨가하여 퇴 비더미 의 C/N율과 수분함량을 조절하였으며. 퇴비화 방식은 교반정체식을 이용하였다. 퇴비화 초기 흔합된 퇴비더미의 묻리적 특성 때문에 작업성이 용이하지 않았으나 곧 회복되었다 돈분과 톱밥을 혼합한 P-2 처리구(56.6 : 43 .4)는 퇴비화 시작 후 5 일 이내에 퇴비더미의 온도가 60 0C 에 도달했으며, 그 때 P-2 의 수분함량은 58%이었다. 모든 처리구의 pH는 퇴비화 진행과정에서 미약하게 감소하였다. 짧은 퇴비화 기간때문에 T-C와 T-N의 변화는 크지 않았지만 T-C의 감소율은 5~12% 범위였다. 5 개의 돈분 처리구에서 합리적인 퇴비화 조건을 고려하면 최적의 수분함량은 57%이었고 팽화제로써 톱밥을 사용하는 것이 건조 제지슬러지를 처리하는 것보다 퇴비의 품질면에서 우수하였다. This study was conducted to induce the optimal composting conditions of pig manure mixed with sawdllst and dried paper-mill sludge in the composting for ptoduction of high qllality composr. Pig manure contains high water comεm and low C/N ratio because of comparatively high nitrogen coment than sawdust and dried paper-mill sludge. Therefore the addition of dried paper-mill sludge and sawdllst to the raw materials helps controlling the C/N and the water comem of compost pile. The composcing system used in the expenmem was agitated static bed system. The physical properties of the mixed raw materials was nm good at the working conditions in the early stage of composting. The temperature of compost heap reaches at 60 0c within 5 day after staning composting in P-2 treatmenr mixed with pig manure and sawdust(56.6 : 43.4). Then the water comem of P-2 was 58%. The pH in all treatmems werε slowly decreased as the composcing was proceeded. Although the changes ofT-C and T-N were not extended because of the shon composting experimem period. Redllction rates of T -C in treatmems were 5~ 12% without special diffetence. By considering the efficiency of composting in each of fìve treatrnems with pig manure the optimal water contents was abollt 57% level. Mixing a sawdust as a bulking agem was more positive than dried paper-mill sludge from a viewpoim of compost quality.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Coal Fly Ash as a Bulking Agent under Co-composting with Swine Manure and Saw Dust

        Lee, Chang Hoon,Park, Seong Jin,Kim, Myung Sook,Yun, Sun Kang,Sonn, Yeon Kyu Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer 2014 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.47 No.5

        The coal fly ash (CFA) may be utilized as an extender for organic waste composting at the same time fully expected to solve all industrial waste disposal and sawdust tribe. The main objective in this study was to evaluate the effect of CFA addition as a bulking agent for swine manure composting. To determine the suitable addition rate of CFA as a bulking agent, 0, 10, 20 and 30% of saw dust were mixed with 30, 20, 10 and 0% of coal fly ash, respectively. Compost quality for swine manure composting was to evaluate temperature, pH, C/N ratio, and phytotoxicity as germination index. Stability of compost increased with increasing levels of CFA as bulking agent during swine manure composting due to the high alkaline materials including CFA. C to N ratio in treatment added CFA was higher than that of the control without CFA. After finishing composting, germination index of lettuce and cabbage in swine manure compost added 10% of CFA was similar to the control, all the heavy metal contents were far below the stipulated standard for organic farming. These results indicated tahr coal fly ash as bulking agents might be alternative materials to save saw dust and apply industrial products for swine manure composting.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Coal Fly Ash as a Bulking Agent under Co-composting with Swine Manure and Saw Dust

        이창훈,박성진,김명숙,윤순강,손연규 한국토양비료학회 2014 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.47 No.5

        The coal fly ash (CFA) may be utilized as an extender for organic waste composting at the same time fullyexpected to solve all industrial waste disposal and sawdust tribe. The main objective in this study was toevaluate the effect of CFA addition as a bulking agent for swine manure composting. To determine the suitableaddition rate of CFA as a bulking agent, 0, 10, 20 and 30% of saw dust were mixed with 30, 20, 10 and 0% ofcoal fly ash, respectively. Compost quality for swine manure composting was to evaluate temperature, pH,C/N ratio, and phytotoxicity as germination index. Stability of compost increased with increasing levels ofCFA as bulking agent during swine manure composting due to the high alkaline materials including CFA. Cto N ratio in treatment added CFA was higher than that of the control without CFA. After finishingcomposting, germination index of lettuce and cabbage in swine manure compost added 10% of CFA wassimilar to the control, all the heavy metal contents were far below the stipulated standard for organic farming. These results indicated tahr coal fly ash as bulking agents might be alternative materials to save saw dust andapply industrial products for swine manure composting.

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