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      • 친환경축산직접지불제 시범사업 추진성과 분석

        권두중,Kwon Du-Jung 한국축산환경학회 2006 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 지속 가능한 친환경 축산업의 직접지불제를 도입하는데 농가이행 프로그램 개발과 시범사업의 효과를 분석하기 위하여 전국단위 4대 축종(한우, 젖소, 돼지, 닭)에 대한 2003년도에는 프로그램 개발과 2004년$\sim$2005년(2년간) 시범사업 시행 효과를 분석하기 위하여 각 시 군에 참여한 농가의 현황과 담당 공무원 및 농가에 대한 의향조사를 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 기본프로그램(2003년)으로 소(한육우 젖소)는 조사료포 확보 및 분뇨 경지환원, 돼지 닭(산란계 육계)는 사육밀도 완화 및 분뇨발생량 감축을 위하여 발생되는 경지확보 비용 그리고 사육밀도 완화에 따른 감소두수의 소득감소분을 농가부담 50%로 설정하였다. 인센티브 프로그램으로 축사 및 분뇨처리시설 주변에 악취, 조경 등 환경개선을 위하여 조경수를 구입 식재하면 비용의 50%를 직불하도록 하였다. 2. 시범사업 참여실적은 2004년에 459호에 비하여 2005년에 653호로 42.3% 증가하였으며 참여비율은 한우 24.4%, 젖소 17.4%, 돼지 40.2%, 닭 18.0% 이었으며 친환경축산 직불금 지급액 비율 한우 16.1%, 젖소 22.0%, 돼지 46.4%, 닭 15.5% 이었으며 농가당 지급액은 한우 3,987천원, 젖소 7,627천원, 돼지 6,965천원, 닭 5,212천원이었고, 인센티브(조경수 식재) 참여는 전체농가 중 20.4%, 호당지급액 1,303천원(4.6%) 이었다. 3. 조사료포 확보 실적은 한우 $1,303m^2$/두('04)에 비하여 $1,639m^2$/두('05)로 26% 증가하였고, 젖소 $1,517m^2$/두('04)에 비하여 $1,561m^2$/두('05)로 3% 증가하였다. 4. 돼지 닭의 사육밀도는 돼지 $1.14m^2$/두('04)에 비하여 $1.27m^2$/두('05)로 11% 넓어졌으며 산란계는 $0.059m^2$/수('04)에 비하여 $0.083m^2$/수('05)로 41% 넓어졌고 육계는 $0.078m^2$/수('04)에 비하여 $0.069m^2$/수('05)로 12% 좁아졌다. 5. 축산환경개선사업에 대한 설문조사 결과 환경개선제 사용이 악취 및 파리 감소에 효과가 크며 지원사업을 계속해야 한다고 답하였다.

      • 로봇 착유기의 착유컵 자동착탈을 위한 착유우의 유두위치 조사분석

        권두중,김웅,이대원,Kwon, D.J.,Kim, W.,Lee, D.W. 한국축산환경학회 2002 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        The distance between teats of each head on twenty heads of holstein was measured in Nation Livestock Research Institute of Rural Development Administration to find design variables on the teat-cup attachment system of the auto-milking system before milking. The distance between teats was tested by the steps for milk producing in the morning and evening. The results from this study is summarized as follow. 1 The maximum and minimum length between front teats were 297mm and 112mm respectively, the maximum and minimum length between rear teats were 231mm and 36mm and the maximum and minimum length between left front and left rear were 220 and 84mm. And the maximum length of right front and right rear were 205mm and 90mm. A relative position of the each teats was asymmetric. 2. The size of teats, the length between front teats, and the length between rear teats by lactating period were very much changed for its milking. 3. The design variables on the teat-cup attachment system was found by the length between each teats tested. Since the position of teat-cup is changed by milking environment for a cow to milk, the design variables should be considered to be asymmetric area between four teat of COW.

      • 착유우의 톱밥발효우사 이용연구 제 1 보 : 낙농가의 톱밥발효우사 형태별 이용효과 비교

        권두중,권응기,기광석,이기종,한정대,정석찬,강승원,강상열,정형섭,장학주,Kweon, Du-Jung,Kweon, Ung-Gi,Ki, Wang-Seok,Lee, Kee-Jong,Han, Jeong-Dae,Jung, Suk-Chan,Kang, Seung-Won,Kang, Sang-Lyol,Jung, Hyoung-Sup,Chang, Hak-Joo 한국축산환경학회 1995 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of sawdust bedding barn on manure handing, management labour and physiological aspect of dairy cows, and then to establish the criteria on the optimum utilization method of sawdust bedding barn. 46 tie stall barns and 49 sawdust bedding barns were surveyed to cmopare the milk productivity between two different barns, and also 5 tie stall barns, 15 sawdust bedding barns and 1 rice hull bedding barn were selected to study the utilization situation of sawdust barn in Kyung-Ki province area. The major results obtained were as follows; 1. The roof material of sawdust barn were consisted of 66% vinyl house, 23% PVC light and 11% slate and galvanum coated tin. Most of the floor structure was earth ground with the rate of the approximately 82%. 2. The average occupied area of sawdust bed per cow was 15.2 $m^2$, depth that 30 cm and the utilization period was 12 months. 3. Milk Yield was significantly higher at sawdust barn than at tie stall barn(P<0.01). Bacterial and somatic cell count in raw milk were less at the sawdust barn than in tie stall barn. However, there was not significance difference between two barns. 4. The labour hour needed to cow management in the sawdust barn was approximately 48% of that of tie stall barn. 5. The temperature and moisture content measured in sawdust bed were closely affected by seasonal ambient temperature. The skin and hair of cow were much cleaner at the PVC light roofed sawdust barn than any other roof materials. 6. The additives used for improving of fermentation did not show any effect on temperature and moisture content in sawdust bed. When the ambient temperature was $30.4^{\circ}C$, the surface temperature of measured 1 cm above the sawdust bed was $12.2^{\circ}C$ lower and the temperature of 100 cm above the sawdust bed was $2.4^{\circ}C lower under shading net facility than that of vinyl roofed one.7. The hoof length of miking cow was 7.95 cm in tie stall and 9.19 cm in sawdust barn with high significance (P<0.01). And disease occurence such as mastitis and foot-rot tended to decrease in the sawdust barn. 8. The number of total bacteria and coliform bacteria were less in the sawdust bed compared with earth ground resting area. And a parasite strongyloides papillosus was detected but without any infected cow. 9. The nitrate($NO_3N$) content in non-roofed earth ground resting area and earth ground under the sawdust bed was likely to pollute the ground water. 10. In economic point of view, rice hull bedding barn was the cheapest among different systems. And in the sawdust bedding barn PVC light + slate roofed barn was most desirable, and vinyl roofed one the least.

      • 로봇 착유기를 위한 젖소 체위측정 및 자세조정의 기초 연구

        권두중,김웅,이대원,Kwon, D.J.,Kim, W.,Lee, D.W. 한국축산환경학회 2002 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        Physical parameters of milk cow were measured to design and build RMS(Robotic Milking System) with a tape-measurer and body parameter measurer. The parameters are very important variables to design an RMS. For the working zone space of an RMS manipulator and the movement blunting of milk cow, an interval frame was installed on the stall bottom, and then cow's behavioral reactions were tested. The results from this study is summarized as follow. 1. On the general physical condition measurement, the maximum, minimum and average body length of cow which is related to the space that the manipulator could work into the RMS were 175cm, 144cm, and 163cm respectively. It appeared that the average distance between bottom and chest was 60cm. 2. The average length between fore teats, fore and hind teats and hind teats were 178mm, 150mm and 95mm respectively. It appeared that the average length between bottom and teat attachments was 544mm, and the average length between fore teats and tail-end was 331mm. 3. Although a cow kept a some extent length between hind legs for milking, it looked a stable pose. However, the cow kept a some extent distance between front legs for milking, it looked a unstable pose. Based on results of this test, an interval frame of stall bottom should be installed around the position which was located at its hind legs.

      • 착유우의 톱밥발효우사 이용 연구 제2보 :착유우 톱밥발효우사의 톱밥상 처리방법에 따른 이용효과 비교

        권두중,권응기,정석근,한정대,정석찬,강승원,강상열,정형섭,장학주 한국축산환경학회 1995 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        톱밥우사의 우상바닥처리 형태와 톱밥의 효율적 이용을 구명하기 위하여 PVC lightsheet지붕에 우상바닥처리별로 톱밥 10cm+콘크리트바닥, 톱밥 30cm+콘크리트바닥, 톱밥 30cm+바닥에 각각 경산우 6두(1두당 톱밥우상 16.5㎥)씩을 공시하여 시험한 결과 톱밥우상내 온도는 톱밥 30cm+흙바닥 처리가 가장 높았고, 수분증발량은 톱밥 10cm+콘크리트바닥에서 가장 많았다. 톱밥우사에서의 사료섭취 장소 및 톱밥우상의 분뇨배설은 단위면적당 톱밥우상에서는 91% 사료섭취장소에서는 9%가 배설되었으며, 착유우의 1일 분뇨 배설량은(착유시간 제외) 분 31.45kg, 뇨 10.7kg, 계 42.23kg이었으며 우분의 수분함량은 83.96%이었다. 공시완료한 분뇨가 혼합된 톱밥의 성분함량은 우분비율이 많은 톱밥 10cm+콘크리트바닥에서 무기물 성분이 가장 많이 함유되었으며, 흙바닥 처리구의 토양 중 NO$_3$-N함량이 허용한계 (10ppm이하)이상으로 검출되어 수질오염 가능성이 나타났다. 톱밥우상의 처리방법별 년간 유지비용은 톱밥 10cm+콘크리트바닥 처리가 년간 가장 적게 소요되었으며, 톱밥의 효율적 이용, 톱밥 교체시 노력절감 등으로 보아 가장 유리한 것으로 나타났다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of depth of sawdust bedding and ground material in dairy cattle barn. Treatment included the concrete floor with a 10cm or 30cm sawdust and the earth floor with a 30cm sawdust. Eighteen cows were assigned to 3 pens with 16.5㎥/head bedding area. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The temperature of sawdust bed was highest in the earth floor with 30cm sawdust, and the moisture content of sawdust bed was highest in the concrete floor with 10cm sawdust bed. 2. Cows defecate feces 9.2, 8.7 and 9.3 times a day in 10cm sawdust on concrete floor(10S+C), 30cm sawdust on concrete floor(30S+C) and 30cm sawdust on non concrete floor(30S+ NC) respectively. In average, they excreta 9.1 times/day(85.8%) in the sawdust beds and 1.5 times/day(14.2%) in the feeding alley. 3. The ratio of daily water amount deposited vapor to total water amount deposited in sawdust beds was 74.0%, 61.5% and 47.1% in 10S+C, 30S+C and 30S+NC respectively. 4. N.P.K contents in the sawdust beds were higher for 10S+C compared with other treatments. 5. When 30cm of sawdust was applied on the earth ground NO$_3$-N contents in the sawdust bed was 37.7, 14.1 and 15.0ppm in depth of 30, 60 and 90cm under the ground, respectively, indicating some possibility of water pollution.

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