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        Metagenomic Analysis of Fungal Communities Inhabiting the Fairy Ring Zone of Tricholoma matsutake

        ( Miae Kim1 ),( Hyeok Jun Yoon ),( Young Hyun You ),( Ye Eun Kim ),( Ju Ri Woo ),( Yeong Gyo Seo ),( Gyeong Min Lee ),( Young Ja Kim ),( Won Sik Kong ),( Jong Guk Kim ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2013 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.23 No.10

        Tricholoma matsutake, an ectomycorrhiza that has mutual relationships with the rootlet of Pinus denisflora, forms a fruiting body that serves as a valuable food in Asia. However, the artificial culture of this fungus has not been successful. Soil fungi, including T. matsutake, coexist with many other microorganisms and plants; therefore, complex microbial communities have an influence on the fruiting body formation of T. matsutake. Here, we report on the structures of fungal communities associated with the fairy ring of T. matsutake through the pyrosequencing method. Soil samples were collected inside the fairy ring zone, in the fairy ring zone, and outside the fairy ring zone. A total of 37,125 sequencing reads were obtained and 728 to 1,962 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were observed in the sampling zones. The fairy ring zone had the lowest OTUs and the lowest fungal diversity of all sampling zones. The number of OTUs and fungal taxa inside and outside the fairy ring zone was, respectively, about 2 times and 1.5 times higher than the fairy ring. Taxonomic analysis showed that each sampling zone has different fungal communities. In particular, out of 209 genera total, 6 genera in the fairy ring zone, such as Hemimycena, were uniquely present and 31 genera, such as Mycena, Boletopsis, and Repetophragma, were specifically absent. The results of metagenomic analysis based on the pyrosequencing indicate a decrease of fungal communities in the fairy ring zone and changes of fungal communities depending on the fairy ring growth of T. matsutake.

      • KCI등재

        노인 인구에서 신경인지기능저하와 혈청 지질농도와의 상관성

        유영선,최석주,정성수,김지은,윤성욱,전동욱,백준형,박성우,이정구,추일한,김영훈 大韓神經精神醫學會 2008 신경정신의학 Vol.47 No.6

        Objectives : In this study, the authors evaluated the correlation between eurocognitive impairments and serum lipids levels among Korean elderly over the age of 65. Methods : A total of 609 elderly individuals participated in this study. Screening for cognitive impairments were carried out using the Mini-Mental Status Examination-Korean version (MMSE-KC). There were 197 subjects above 1.5SD Of MMSE- KC and they were evaluated using the Korean versions of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (AD) (CERAD-KC) and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-K). Results : There was a correlation between old age/low levels of education and AD (p<0.05, P<0.01). There was an inverse correlation between the serum level of total cholesterol and the word list recognition test scores. The serum levels of LDL cholesterol were inversely correlated with the scores on the constructional praxis test, word list recall test and word list recognition test. Inverse correlations between the serum level of triglyceride and scores on the word list recall test and word list recognition test were also observed. Conclusion : There were inverse correlations between the serum levels of lipids and language/memory function in subjects with AD.

      • 성인형 T세포 백혈병 1례

        김영곤,윤상준,장성종,이봉규,박유환,정춘해 조선대학교 부설 의학연구소 1999 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.24 No.1

        Adult T-cell leukemia(ATLL) is an endemic disease in southwestern Japan and the Caribbean, but occurs sporadically in most of the world. HTLV-1 is recognized as the etiologic agent of adult T-cell leukemia. ATLL is characterized by leukemia, lymphadenopathy tumor infiltration of the skin, hepatomegaly, hypercalcemia and lytic bone lesions. We report one case of ATLL, in Korea, which was confirmed by typical clinical findings and positive findings of HTLV-1. A 48 year old women, suffering from nausea and vomiting for 5 days, was admitted to hospital on June 1998. At admission, she had cervical lymphadenopathy. Her peripheral leukocytes count was 10.400/mm3 with 1-2% atypical lymphocytes containing pleomorphic and convoluted nucleus. In the bone marrow, a part of nucleated cells were leukemic cells. These abnormal cells had surface markers of helper T-cell(T4) and had positive finding of HTLV-1. Based on above mentioned findings, this case was diagnosed as ATLL. Despite of combined chemotherapy and intensive supportive care, she died of respiratory failure on 61 hospital days.

      • 냉각탑용 수분배기의 특성에 관한 연구

        전유신,최석천,이용훈,김세현,정효민,정한식 경상대학교 해양산업연구소 2002 해양산업연구소보 Vol.15 No.-

        The main purpose of this research is the investigation of water distributer. The water distributer of this research is installed in evaporative cooling tower system. The performance of this cooling tower system depend on the evaporative surface, and there are many kinds of methods for increasing the evaporative surface. In this research, we introduced the two kinds of spraying system, one is the hole type with hole diameter 1, 2 and 3mm, and the other is the spray nozzle types with nozzle tip diameter of 1 and 2mm. As the experimental results, the case of diameter 2mm showed the best performance.

      • 특수교육지원센터 운영 방안 연구

        이미선,김태준,이유훈,조광순 국립특수교육원 2005 연구보고서 Vol.- No.7

        우리 나라 교육인적자원부에서 2001년부터 설치 · 운영하기 시작한 지역 중심의 지원체제인 특수교육지원센터의 대부분은 아직까지 실질적으로 제 기능을 수행하지 못하고 있는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 특수교육지원센터의 운영을 활성화할 수 있는 정책 방안을 모색함으로써 향후 지역 중심의 특수교육 지원체제 구축과 관련된 정책 수립의 기초 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 위와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 연구에서는 주요 OECD 국가의 특수교육지원센터 관련 법규, 정책 및 운영 실태에 관한 문헌을 분석하였다. 또한, 우리 나라 특수교육지원센터 관련 법규와 정책에 관한 문헌을 분석하였으며, 특수교육지원센터의 운영 책임을 맡고 있는 교육청의 특수교육 담당 장학사의 특수교육지원센터의 전담 혹은 지원교사 전수를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 이 외에도 본 연구에서는 문서자료 분석을 실시하였고, 연구자 협의회를 개최하였다. 본 연구는 문헌연구, 설문조사, 문서자료 분석 및 연구자 협의회 결과를 모두 종합하여 다음과 같은 특수교육지원센터 운영의 기본 방향과 구체적인 운영 방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 우리 나라 특수교육지원센터이라는 기관의 성격을 특수교육 대상학생에게 적절한 교육을 제공하고, 특수교육 대상학생의 긍정적 결과에 도움이 되는 활동을 지원하며, 이들에게 제공되는 교육 서비스의 질적 수준을 향상시킬 수 있도록 하는 '지역 중심의 지원기관'으로 규정하고자 한다. 둘째, 위에서 언급한 지원기관으로의 역할을 수행할 수 있도록 특수교육지원센터 운영은 다음과 같은 방향으로 운영되도록 한다. 즉, (1) 개인적 차원의 지역사회에 기초하여 운영되어야 하며, (2) 지역 내 관련기관 및 단체와의 연계 · 협력을 통해 효율적으로 운영될 수 있도록 하고, (3) 정상화 원리에 기초하여 운영되어야 하며, (4) 학교 차원에서 특수교육 대상학생에게 지원을 제공할 수 있도록 하고, 학교 차원에서 지원을 제공할 수 없는 경우 지원기관인 특수교육지원센터에서 지원을 제공하는 단계적 지원 모형을 적용하도록 하며, (5) 특수교육 대상학생의 전 생애 주기에 걸쳐 알맞은 지원을 제공하도록 하며, (6) 특수교육 대상학생 뿐 아니라 교사, 학교, 가족, 교육청 특수교육 담당 장학사 및 기타 관련기관의 전문가들까지 지원 대상으로 포함시켜 이들에게 기술적 도움과 지원을 제공하는 방향으로 운영되도록 한다. 셋째, 특수교육지원센터의 설치 장소는 해당 지역의 지원센터에서 계획한 다양한 지원 기능을 수행하는데 충분한 공간이 확보되면서 수요자들에게 접근이 용이한 장소를 지역 실정에 맞게 지역교육청 뿐 아니라 특수학급, 특수학교, 대학, 장애인복지관 혹은 별도의 독립된 공간 등에 융통성있게 설치할 수 있도록 행정 지침을 제시하도록 한다. 넷째, 특수교육지원센터의 지원 기능은 우선적으로 지역 내 특수교육 지원에 대한 요구 조사 결과에 기초하여 지역 실정에 맞게 융통성있게 계획하여 시행하도록 하되, 가능한 다음과 같은 지원 기능을 포함하도록 한다. 즉, (1) 특수교육 관련 정보 제공, (2) 가족지원 활동, (3) 다양한 지원 및 서비스의 연계 · 조정 · 통합, (4) 조기발견 활동, (5) 특수교육 대상학생의 진단, 적격성 판정 및 배치 지원, (6) 특수교육 · 통합교육 · 치료교육에 대한 기술적 도움, (7) 특수교육 · 치료교육 서비스의 제공, (8) 진로, 전환 및 직업 교육 지원, (8) 장애인의 평생교육 지원, (10) 특수교육 관련 연수의 제공과 지원, (11) 기타 특수교육 관련 자료, 기자재 및 공학기구의 대여 활동. 또한, 이러한 특수교육지원센터의 지원 기능과 관련하여 전문가들에게 기술적 지원과 도움을 제공하도록 한다. 다섯째, 위에서 언급한 특수교육지원센터의 지원 기능을 수행하기 위해 특수교육지원센터에는 치료교육 교사, 특수교육 교사, 직업교육 교사, 심리진단 전문가(혹은 교육심리학자), 행동지원 전문가, 상담 전문가, 사회복지사, 가족지원 전문가, 특수교육 관련분야의 연구원, 보조공학 전문가, 사무직 등 최소한 11명의 전담인력을 배치하되, 장기적으로 치료교육 교사는 치료교육 전문 분야별로, 특수교육 교사는 교육 단계별로 세분화하여 배치하도록 한다. 한편, 특수교육지원센터에 필요한 전담인력 분야인 서비스 조정자는 특수교육 교사, 사회복지사, 가족지원 전문가들이 이러한 업무를 담당하도록 하며, 의사는 지역사회 내 의사를 특수교육지원센터 협력 인력으로 지정하여 지원을 받도록 한다. 그러나, 위와 같은 특수교육지원센터 전담인력은 해당 지역의 특수교육지원센터 지원 기능을 효율적으로 수행할 수 있도록 지역 실정에 맞게 융통성있게 배치하도록 한다. 한편, 특수교육지원센터에 배치할 다양한 분야의 전담인력 배치 순서는 특수교육지원센터의 지원 기능 중 가장 시급하게 활성화되어야 하는 지원 기능으로 나타난, '통합학급과 특수학급에 대한 특수교육 및 다양한 치료교육 서비스 제공이나 지원' 기능을 수행하는데 필요한 전문인력인 특수교육 교사 1명 및 치료교육 교사 1명을 우선적으로 배치하도록 한다. 또한, 현행 법규 조항 하에서 교사 자격증이 없는 전문가의 경우 특수교육지원센터로의 배치가 어려움을 고려하여 향후 특수교육진흥법의 개정을 통해 특수교육지원센터를 교육청 산하 특수교육기관으로 규정함으로써 특수교육지원센터에 다양한 분야의 전문인력이 배치될 수 있도록 한다. 여섯째, 향후 특수교육지원센터는 교육청의 특수교육운영위원회와 역할을 구분하여 특수교육 대상학생의 진단을 실시하고, 진단 결과에 기초하여 진단 보고서(판정 가능한 장애 범주, 아동에게 필요한 서비스, 적절한 교육환경 결정 및 IEP 개발에 도움이 되는 내용 포함)를 작성하여 특수교육운영위원회에 제시함으로써 특수교육운영위원회에서 특수교육 대상학생을 판정하고, 배치 환경을 심사하는데 도움을 주도록 한다. 일곱째, 특수교육지원센터 다양한 지원 기능을 활성화하기 위해서는 (1) 특수교육지원센터의 구체적인 법적 근거 마련, (2) 특수교육지원센터 운영을 위한 충분한 예산 확보, (3) 단계적 지원 모형의 도입을 위해 학교에 충분한 특수교육 전문가 배치 및 학교와 교사에 대한 기술적 도움과 지원의 제공, (4) 교육청에 특수교육 전담 장학사의 배치 및 이들에 대한 기술적 도움과 지원의 제공, (5) 지역 차원 뿐 아니라 시 · 도 혹은 중앙정부 차원의 특수교육지원센터 운영, (6) 관련 기관간 연계 · 협력체계 구축을 위한 제도적 지원, (7) 특수교육지원센터 시범사업 실시, (8) 특수교육지원센터에 대한 홍보 강화, (9) 특수교육지원센터 전담 혹은 지원교사에 대한 우대책 제공이나 불이익 배제, (10) 특수교육지원센터 관련 전문가에 대한 운영 지침 및 연수 제공과 같은 행정적 지원이 이루어지도록 한다. It has been reported that the majority of special education support centers, which are locally-based support systems, that have been established and managed locally since 2001 have not been able to do fulfill its purpose. In this respect, this study aimed to provide basic data for relevant policy development for the construction of locally-based support systems by searching for strategies to activate the management of local special educaton support centers. In order to achieve the aforementioned purpose, this study analyzed documents related to the legislation, policies, and management status of the special education support centers of OECD member countries including U.S.A, United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan. In addition, this study analyzed documents related to the laws and policies of Korea's local special education support centers, and surveyed the school inspectors of the offices of education in charge of the management of local special education support centers as well as specialized or support teachers of the special education support centers as well as specialized or support teachers of the special education support centers. In addition, this study adopted a methodology of the review of documents and held researcher conferences. The finding of this study presents guidelines and detailed strategies for management of local special education support centers as follows: First, Korea's local special education support centers need to aim at locally-based support organizations which provide appropriate education for students with disabilities, support activities that assist in the positive outcome of students with disabilities, and play roles in improving the quality of education services for these students. Second, in order for special education support centers to play their role mentioned above, speical education support centers should be managed under the following guidelines. They should (1) be managed based on a individually based-community, (2) be managed effectively throug the nexus and cooperaion of relevant institutions and organizations in community, (3) be managed based on the principle of normalization, (4) adopt a phase-by-phase support model in which support is given by schools to students with disabilities, and in cases where schools are unable to provide support, outside support institutions such as special education support centers provide support, (5) provide appropriate support throughout the lifetime of student with disabilities, (6) be managed so that support is given not only to students with disabilities, but so that technical support is also given to teachers, schools, families, school inspectors in charge of special education at the office of education, and professionals of relevant institutions. Third, present administrative guidelines in order for special education support centers to be established with adaptability not only at offices of education but also at special classes, special schools, universities, welfare institutions for individuals with disabilities, or other independent spaces at easily accessible locations where sufficient areas are secured in order to conduct the various functions that have been planned by special education support centers. Fourth, the support functions of the special education support centers should be planned flexibly, first based on the survey results on the needs of special education support in community, but also include the following support functions. That is, they should (1) provide information related to special education, (2) support the families of students with disabilities, (3) link, coordinate, and combine several support and services, (4) engage in early identification activities, (5) support the evaluation, eligibility determination, and placement of students with disabilities, (6) provide technical support related to special education, inclusive education, and therapeutic education, (7) provide special education and therapeutic education services, (8) support career, transition and vocational education, (9) support lifelong education for individuals with disabilities, (10) provide and support in-service training under collaboration with relevant institutions, and (11) engage in lending materials, aid and equipment related to special education. In addition, provide technical assistance to professionals about the above-mentioned supports. Fifth, in order to conduct the support functions of special education support centers mentioned above, special education support centers should station at least eleven specialists including a therapeutic education teacher, special education teacher, vocational training teacher, psychological diagnosis professional (or educational psychologist), behavioral support professional, counseling professional, social worker, family support professional, researcher in the field of special education, assistive technology specialist, and administrators, and in the long-term, placements should be subdivided so that therapeutic education teachers are available by fields of therapeutic education, and special education teachers by educational levels. Meanwhile, the special education teacher, social worker, or family support specialist of special education support centers can take a responsibility for service coordination necessary for special education supports. Medical services also necessary for special education support need to be provided by medical doctors in community who agree with collaboration with special education support centers. However, the specialists of special education support centers mentioned above should be placed flexibly according to the needs of community so that special education support centers can act effectively. In addition, regarding the order of placement of specialists in various fields of special education support centers, priority posting should be given to one special eduation teacher and one therapeutic education teacher, who can perform support activities from the most urgent field. Also, considering that it is difficult for specialists without teacher's licenses to be placed in special education support centers under current legislation, the amendment of the Special Education Promotion Act is needed to stipulate that special education support centers are subsidiaries of the offices of education, so that professionals from various fields can be placed in special education support centers. Sixth, the role of special education support centers should be distinguished from that of special education management committees fo the offices of education. Therefore, special education support centers should carry out the evaluation of students with disabilities and completion of evalution report (including information that may help determine an eligibilty for special education services, identify services needed for student with disabilities, develop IEPs, and decide appropriate educational environments) based on the evaluation results so that the special education management committees can make an eligibility for special education services and determine educational environments appropriately. Seventh, in order to activate the various support functions of special education support centers, we should (1) provide a specific legal basis for special education support centers, (2) secure a sufficient budget for the management of special education centers, (3) arrange sufficient special education professionals at schools and provide support and technical assistance for the introduction of a phased support model, (4) place school inspectors who undertake only the supervision of special education to the offices of education and provide sufficient support and technical assistance for them, (5) manage special education support centers at the local, provincial, or central government level, (6) provide institutional support to establish a nexus and cooperation system among relevant institutions, (7) enforce a model project of special education support centers, (8) strengthen publicity about special education support centers, (9) give preferential treatment or remove disadvantages for special education support center specialists or support teachers, and (10) ensure administrative support for professionals associated with special education support centers, such as providing management guidelines and in-service training.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        횡 요천골부 후피부판 (Transverse Lumbosacral Back Flap)을 이용한 천골부 욕창 치험례

        전건수,김유승,하재성,박준용,서정오 大韓成形外科學會 1993 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.20 No.3

        Pressure sore is an area of ischemic tissue loss resulting from prolonged or often repeated pressure, usually over a bony prominence of body. Recently, the prevalence of pressure sore is major clinical problem, due to the increased number of patients with spinal cord injuries or longterm comatous patient after traffic, industrial accidents. The surgical principles in the treatment of pressure sores are total excision of the ulcer, scartissue, bursae, complete removal of all infected bone with recontouring of bony prominences to alleviate discrete pressure points and resurfacing and padding of the defects with healthy and well vascularized tissues. The sacral sore is the most common site for the development of pressure sore in Korea. We had experienced 14 cases who had received surgical treatments for sacral sores with transverse lumbosacral back flap. We obtained the following conclusions. Advantages 1)It is quick and easy procedure 2)The flap elevation itself is relatively bloodless 3)The donor defect is in a non-weight-bearing area 4)Muscle is not sacrified(possibly of importance in the ambulatory patient) 5)Surgical options are preserved in cases of recurrence(the flap itself may be reelevated and inset in some cases of recurrence) Disadvantages 1)It is lacking the bulky padding afforded by alternative musculocutaneous flaps 2)The vascularity of the flap tip is empirically less dependable than that of a musculocutaneous flap 3)The donor defect is large, cannot usually be closed primarily, and may prove of cosmetic concern

      • KCI등재후보

        주정 중독 흰쥐에서 총담관 결찰이 간 및 혈청의 Glyoxalase I 활성에 미치는 영향

        곽춘식,김여희,변용준 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1995 계명의대학술지 Vol.14 No.4

        The activities of the rat liver and serum glyoxalase-I(GLO-I) were studied in cholestasis induced by common bile duct(CBD) ligation after chronic ethanol intoxication, and in cholestasis before acute ethanol intoxication to establish the biochemical background of alcohol hazards in hepatobiliary disease. GLO-I activities in the rat's liver and serum showed less increases when CBD was ligated after chronic ethanol intoxication than that in the CBD ligation alone. GLO-I activities in the rat's liver and serum showed no more increases when acute ethanol intoxication was induced after CBD ligation than that in the CBD ligation alone. On the other hand, when CBD was ligated after chronic ethanol intoxication, the value of Vmax of the liver GLO-I decreased significantly than that in the CBD was ligated alone. However, the values of Km of the liver GLO-I did not changes in the all experimental groups. Viewed from above results, when chronic ethanol intoxication is combined with cholestasis, GLO-I in the liver seems to be decrease its activity than that in cholestasis, and the cause of the decrease is thought to be decreased biosynthesis.

      • KCI등재

        하악골 골절의 임상적 연구

        양병은,김용관,유준영,장현석 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 1997 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.19 No.2

        The mandible plays a crucial role in the vital human functions of breathing, eating, and speaking. No other bone in the body has such a distinctive shape and function. Because of its prominence in the facial structure, the mandible is highly prone to fracture. A chinical study on 122 patients with mandibular fracture who visited Kangnam General Hospital during 4 year(1992-1995) was done by analysing sex, age, cause, fracture site, teeth involvement, treatment method, complication and involvement of other body part. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The occurrence was more frequent in male than in female with the ratio of 5.4 : 1 and most frequently in twenties. 2. Violence was the most common cause of facial mandibular fracture. 3. In mandibular fracture, fracture site was average 1.5 sites, most frequently in symphysis and simple fracture was 86.1%. 4. As treatment methods, open reduction(78.6%) was used more frequently than closed reduction(21.4%) 5. Post-operational complication occurred in 27.0% of the cases. 6. Other injuries that were related to maxillofacial fracture occurred in 25.4%.

      • KCI등재

        악교정 수술중 수액요법과 술후 합병증의 연관성

        류정호,김대윤,배준수,양병은,유준영,김용관 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2001 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.23 No.5

        Few topics in operative and perioperative patient management generate more controversy than that of appropriate fluid and electrolyte therapy. especially, controversy has swirled around colloid vs crystalloid therapy and the composition of administered fluids, agreement among clinicians as to what fluid therapy is appropriate, and in what amount, is rare. This controversy likely will be enhanced by Arieff' s provocative article. He described 11 adults and 2 pediatric patients. All developed fatal postoperative pulmonary edema, seemingly caused solely by excessive postoperative fluid administration. From January 1999 to December 1999, we investigated 24 patients, which were operated by orthognathic surgery, about the intraoperative fluid therapy and the associated effect in orthognathic surgery, which is regarded as one of the major surgery of oral and maxillofacial surgery. First, They were devided into two groups, that is one-jaw surgery and two-jaw surgery, and each groups were devided by intraoperative fluid volume of 8ml/kg/hr. Subjective assesment was collected through use of a series of 3 questionnaries. In each questionnaire, a 5-point Liekert scale was used far assessment of following parameters of recovery from anesthesia: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea/vomiting, thirst. The patient completed questionnaire 1 at 4 hour after surgery, questionnaire 2 was completed at 24 hours after surgery, and questionnaire 3 was completed at 48 hours after surgery. This study demonstrated that appropriated perioperative rehydration decreases postoperative adverse outcomes and improved the patient's perception of the postoperative period.

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