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        저전력 주차 안내 시스템 설계

        박주용(Ju-Yong Park),임형규(Hyeong-giu Lim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2011 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.5 No.1

        주차안내 시스템은 주차장에서 주차정보를 제공하여 운전자에게 주차 편리성을 제공한다. 동시에 다수의 센서, 디스플레이와 제어모듈을 이용하여 아주 소량의 전기 에너지 만을 소모한다. 녹색 빌딩 설계의 요구가 점차 증가함에 따라 주차관리 시스템의 운용 전력 감축 문제가 이수화 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 주차 관리 시스템의 감지기와 디스플레이 장치의 설계와 소비전력 감축의 결과를 제시한다. 이 시스템은 무선 Park Tile 과 Park Disk를 사용하여 전력소비를 감축 시키고, 여러 개의 주차공간 감지기와 자동차 카운터, 정보 디스플레이 장치, 안내 터미널과 제어장치로 구성되어 있다. 그리고 시스템 구조설계와 통신망 설계, 주차정보 서비스 시나리오 설계, .배터리 수명 제어, 운영 전력 평가 등이 수행되었다. 주차장당 운영전력은 0.4W로 평가 되었으며, 이는 기존 시스템의 17%정도 이고 매년 유지비는 기존 시스템에 비해 43%에 해당된다. The parking guidance system can increase driver’s convenience with detailed parking information service in the parking lot. At the same time, parking guidance system consumes non-negligible electrical energy with large amount of sensors, displays and control modules. With the increase in the demand for green and sustainable building design all over the world, it becomes a meaningful issue for parking guidance system to reduce operating power. This paper presents the preliminary design and estimated results of a parking guidance system which is optimized to reduce the power consumption mainly on detectors and displays. The system design is based on pre-developed wireless parking detectors, Park Tile and Park Disk. The system has a number of parking space detectors, vehicle count detectors, information displays, guidance terminals and other control units. We have performed system architecture design, communication network design, parking information service scenario planning, battery life regulation and at last operating power estimation. The estimated operating power was 0.4 watt per parking-slot, which is 17% of traditional systems. The estimated annual maintain cost was 43% of traditional systems.

      • 월악산국립공원의 곤충다양성에 관한 연구 : 노린재목, 딱정벌레목, 나비목

        박성준(Seong-Joon Park),전용락(Yong-Lak Jeon),홍의정(Eui-Jung Hong),윤주창(Ju-Chang Yun),박서경(Seo-Kyoung Park),김병진(Byung-Jin Kim) 국립공원연구원 2010 국립공원연구지 Vol.1 No.3

        본 연구는 2007년부터 2009년까지 3년 동안 월악산 모니터링 조사 지점과 동일지구에 대해 정기적인 주간조사를 통해 주간곤충류(노린재목, 딱정벌레목, 나비목)의 종목록을 확보 하여, 월악산국립공원의 생태계에 자연적 혹은 인위적으로 변화된 내용을 측정하여 곤충자원의 체계적인 관리를 위한 자료를 제공하고자 실시되었다. 본 조사기간 동안 채집 확인된 주간곤충류는 65과 404종(노린재목 21과 86종, 딱정벌레목 38과 244종, 나비목 6과 74종)이 조사되었다. 따라서 문헌조사를 포함한 결과 월악산국립공원에 서식하는 것으로 확인된 주간곤충류는 멸종위기야생동물 2종, 고유종 6종, 국외반출승인대상종 10종과 특정종 50종을 포함하여 총 72과 609종(딱정벌레목 44과 368종, 노린재목 22과 126종, 나비목 6과 115종)으로 나타났다. 아울러 조사지점별 분석결과 S3에서 종다양성이 가장 높게 나타났으며, S10은 다른 조사지점과 다르게 종다양성이 현저하게 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 각 조사기간별우점종으로는 2007년과 2009년도에 넉점박이송장벌레, 2008년도에는 더듬이긴노린재로 나타났다. This study were conducted for three years from 2007 to 2009 and at the same points as monitoring surveys, through regular surveys insects (Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) to obtain the list, to measure and assess Woraksan National Park ecosystem’s natural or artificial change, to provide data for systematic management of the contents of insects. As a result of all the collections were examined, 404 species of 65 family under 3 order were identified. Therefore, the species composition of insect over each result from Woraksan National Park’s was a total of 3 orders, 72 families, 609 species including 2 Endangered species, 6 Endermic species, 10 Management of exotic species and 50 Designated species; 368 species of family Coleoptera which is the highest, 126 species of family Hemiptera and 115 species of family Lepidoptera. Site 3 had the highest indices diversity. In contrast, Site 10 indices diversity, different from the other survey points, were significantly low. In each survey period, dominant species included Nicrophorus quadripunctatus in 2007 and 2009. In 2008, dominant species was Pachygrontha antennata.

      • 지방공무원의 행정개혁에 대한 수용성과 그 영향요인

        정주용 ( Ju-yong Jung ),박성식 ( Sung-sik Park ) 명지대학교 정부행정연구센터 2015 정부행정 Vol.11 No.-

        이 연구는 박근혜 정부가 추진 중에 있는 행정개혁인 정부3.0에 대한 지방공무원들의 수용성을 연구하였다. 행정개혁은 그 집행주체인 일선 공무원들의 반응을 통해 구체화될 수 있기 때문에 일선공무원들의 행정개혁에 대한 수용성은 개혁결과에 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있기 때문이다. 분석결과, 지방공무원들은 정부3.0을 통한 기대효과들 중 국민과 소통하는 정부, 관료적인 행정서비스 개선, 수요자 중심의 행정, 투명한 정부, 정부부문의 혁신 등에 대한 기대감이 클수록 수용성이 높아짐을 알수 있었다. 또한 정부3.0의 방향성에 대해서는 국가정보 인프라 강화, 혁신적인 조직문화의 조성, 정보공개의 확대 등에 초점을 맞추어야한다는 응답이 높을수록 수용성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. This paper tries to find out local government officers’ Acceptance on Administrative Reform that President Park’s central government is pursuing. Their acceptance may have major impact on the results of the administrative reform since the reform could be formalized by the response expressed by local government officers. According to an empirical research results, it was proven that the more such expectations get bigger as government’s communication to citizens, the improvement of bureaucratic services, citizen- focused administration, clean-minded culture and reform on government divisions, the bigger the acceptance were made by local government officers. In addition, they also mentioned the administrative reform should be directed to reinforce national IT infrastructure, to construct an innovative organization culture, to expand the release of information and so on.

      • 야생 설치류의 한타바이러스 감염에 대한 연구

        백락주,송진원,송기준,박광숙,최영주,강주일,이용주 대한감염학회 1997 감염 Vol.29 No.6

        목적:국내 야서중에 한타바이러스의 숙주는 등줄쥐와 집쥐로 알려져 있으나, 한국에 서식하고 있는 다양한 야생 설치류를 채집하여 한타바이러스에 대한 항체검사를 실시하여 새로운 혈청형의 한타바이러스가 있는지를 혈청학적으로 규명하고자 하였다. 방법:국내에 서식하고 있는 야생 설치류를 1995년 10월부터 1996년 10월까지 7종 551수의 야시와 4종 97수의 소형동물을 채집하여 한타바이러스에 대한 항체검사를 간접형광항체법으로 실시하였다. 결과: 1) 야서 7종 551수와 소형동물 4종 97수를 대상으로 한탄바이러스의 감염율은 등줄쥐 17.2%(29/162), 흰넓적다리붉은쥐 8.7%(2/23), 대륙밭쥐는 25%(2/8), 그리고 땃쥐는 7.1%(1/14)이었다. 그리고 야생토끼는 8.8%(7/80)가 서울바이러스에 대한 항체를 가지고 있었다. 등줄쥐의 양성혈청중 대부분은 서울바이러스와 일부는 푸말라바이러스, 프로스펙트힐바이러스, 뉴욕바이러스와도 교차반응이 있었다. 흰넓적다리붉은쥐 2수와 대륙밭쥐 2수는 5가지 한타바이러스 모두에 교차 반응이 있었다. 2) 다람쥐는 9.5%(28/283)가 채집지역에 관계없이 한탄바이러스에 대한 항체를 가지고 있었고 항체기는 1:16 내지 1:256으로 비교적 낮았으며 서울바이러스, 푸말라바이러스, 프로스켁트힐바이러스와 뉴욕바이러스에 각각 반응하는 것도 일부는 교차반응을 보이는것도 있다. 청설모는 10.3%(7/68)가 한탄바이서르에 대한 항체를 가지고 있었으며 항체가는 1:16 내지 1:1,024이었으며 일부는 교차반응이 있었다. 3) 야생토끼의 서울바이러스에대한 항체양성율은 8.8%(7/80)이었으며 이중에 2수는 한탄바이러스와 교차반응이 있었고, 푸말라바이러스, 프로스켁트힐바이러스, 뉴욕바이러스와는 교차반응이 없었다. 항체가는 1:16 내지 1:64로 비교적 낮았다. 결론:등줄쥐는 한탄바이러스에 의한 감염이지만 흰넓적다리붉은쥐, 대륙밭쥐, 다람쥐 그리고 청설모의 일부는 한탄바이러스가 보다 다른 한타바이러스에 대한 항체가가 높았고 특히 일부 다람쥐 혈청은 푸말라바이러스 혹은 프로스켁트힐바이러스에만 반응하였다. 그리고 야생토끼는 서울바이러스에 대한 감염율이 높은 것으로 보아 국내에 한탄바이러스와 서울 바이러스 이외에 새로운 혈청형의 한타바이러스가 있는 것을 사료된다. Background: Hantavirus are widley distributed in rodents populations even in geographical areas where hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS) has not been reported. Multiple species of Murid and Arvicolid rodents serve as the natural reserviors of hantaviruses. Serologic diagnosis using hantaviral antigens indicates that hantaviruses are widley distibuted in wild rodents. This study were designed to find the distribution of hantaviruses among wild rodents and small mammals in Korea, 1995-1996. Methods: Rodents were trapped alive in selected areas. A total of 551 wild rodents from 7 species and 97 small mammals from 4 species were captured in Korea. Serologic evidence for hantavirus infection were tested using five hantavirus antigens by indirect immunofluorescent antibody technique(IFA). Among 162 Apodemus agrarius, 23 Apodemus peninsulae, 8 Clethrionomys regulus, 6 Microtus fortis, 1 Mus musculus, 283 Tamias sibiricus, 68 Sciurus vulgaris, 14 Crocidura laciura, 80 Lepus sinensis, 2 Capereolus capereolus and 1 Nyctereutes procyonoides. Results: 29 A. agrarius, 2 A. peninsulae, 1 C. laciura, 2 C. regulus, 27 T. sibiricus and 7 S. vulgaris were sero positive agaist hantaan virus and 7 L. sinensis were IF antibody positive against Seoul virus. Some of Tamias sibiricus were only seropositive against puumala virus or prospect hill virus. Conclusion: This data suggests that new serotypes of hantavirus might distribute among rodents in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        경추손상이 의심되는 환자에서 경추전방 연부조직 폭 측정의 의의

        박주경,김성근,윤한덕,허탁,조석주,민용일 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Prevertebral soft tissue swelling of cervical spine lateral radiogram is well known as an indirect evidence of occult cervical spine injury. But the clinical and statistical value of it has been of debate. We tried to analyse the value of cervical prevertebral soft tissue width as a screening test for cervical spine injury by comparison of two categorized study groups; the control group, traumatized patients without cervical spine injury and the injury and the injury group, traumatized patients with bony cervical injury. The injury group consisted of patients admitted between September 1993 and December 1994 with an ED diagnosis of bony cervical injury. The control group consisted of patients admitted between January 1994 and June 1994 who received cervical spine lateral radiograph because of suspicion of cervical spine injury or as a routine check. In both group, we sampled the patients who received cervical spine lateral rediograph within 24 hours after injury and excluded the patients less than 15 years old and more than 65 years old, In the control group, we confirmed the patients had no problem in cervical spine of follow-up. 101 control patients and 68 injury patients were identified. The injury group was further divided into two subgroups: those with injuries at C1-C3 to the upper injury subgroup and those with injuries at C4-C7 to the lower injury sub group. The prevertebral soft tissue widths of injury group were larger than of control group at C2(mean 6.1mm versus 4.5mm) and also at C6(mean 13.4mm versus 11.2mm). Especially upper injury subgroup had quite large value of C2 prevertebral soft tissue width(mean 14.1mm). Nevertheless, both in C2 and C6, there is no cutoff value with acceptable sensitivity and specificity as a screening test. But the 7mm at C2 and 14mm at C6 had high specificity(90%) and were thought to be a good radiologic indicators of further evaluation.

      • KCI등재후보

        외과적 보조의 급속상악확장술 : 치험 5예 REPORT OF 5 CASES

        박충열,이용욱,송종운,김영운,박홍주,오희균,유선열,이기현,황현식 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2002 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.24 No.1

        Five adults (3 cases of bilateral posterior crossbite, 2 cases of unilateral posterior crossbite) with intermaxillary discrepancy of over 5㎜ due to maxillary transverse deficiency were treated by surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME). Bilateral maxillary horizontal osteotomies, osteotomies of pterygomaxillary junction and anterior lateral nasal wall, ans anterior palatal osteotomy were performed in 4 cases, and unilateral osteotomies in 1case, followed by palatal expansion with tooth-borne orthopedic applicance. No significant complication was observed. The mean palatal expansion was 7.2㎜ (5.8∼10.0㎜) in the maxillary first molar region. During the mean follow-up period of 4 years (5 months∼8 years 7 months), no recurrence of crossbite was observed in all cases. The SARME seemed to be a simple, stable, and reliable procedure for achieving a permanent increase of over 5㎜ in skeletal maxillary transverse width of adults.

      • KCI등재

        전자 상거래에서 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 비즈니스 평가 모델

        박용진,한주윤,정봉주 한국경영과학회 2000 經營 科學 Vol.17 No.3

        This paper proposes an evaluation model for internet shopping mall business by defining its characteristics and evaluation criteria. We analyzed the characteristics of internet shopping mall business environments and classified the business into four major categories. We derived the evaluation criteria which can evaluate all categories comprehensively. The proposed criteria are cost, netizen, technology, transaction, and marketing, each of which gives a significant Impact on the business profitability. Based on these criteria, a quantitative evaluation method was developed. We also proposed a penta-classification scheme which can be used to identify the overall characteristic shape of each internet shopping mall business site. An actual application of our evaluation model was illustrated in order to show that our proposed model may be used in the real business sites.

      • Hedera helix의 組織培養에 關한 硏究 : Ⅰ. Callus 形成 및 器官分化에 미치는 生長調節物質의 影響 Ⅰ. Effects of Growth Regulators on the Callus Formation and Organogenesis

        朴鶴封,權涌周 全北大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        Hedera helix의 葉柄과 Leaf disc를 切取하여 生長調節物質을 달리한 Blayde's 基本培地에 培養하였던바, 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. NAA 2㎎/ℓ+Kinetin 2㎎/ℓ에서 Callus의 形成이 가장 旺盛하였다. 2. 誘起된 Callus로부터 不定根의 發生은 NAA 5㎎/ℓ單獨處理에서 가장 효과가 있었다. 3. 不定根의 發生樣相은 Leaf disc에서는 多束狀으로 葉柄에서는 산발적으로 나타났다. 4. 2,4-D가 組合된 培地에서 Callus의 褐變現象이 나타났으며, 2,4-D의 濃度가 높을수록 현저했다. The leaf petioles and discs of Hedera helix were cultured on the Blayde's basic medium supplemented with various combinations of growth regulators. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. The calluses were induced vigorously from the Blayde's medium supplemented with 2㎎/1 NAA and 2㎎/1 kinetin. 2. The best growth of adventitous roots appeared on the calluses that had formed on the media cantaining only 5㎎/1 NAA. 3. Multiple roots were formed on the calluses of leaf disc, whereas single roots on the those of leaf petiole. 4. Brownish calluses were observed on the media with 2, 4-D.

      • 충주 지역에서 10년간 급성심근경색의 임상관찰에 대한 연구

        박봉안,류하근,이종혁,김인숙,류주성,유재등,이용구,문언수,김형수 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2001 건국의과학학술지 Vol.11 No.-

        Background: The current treatments of acute myocardial infarct(AMI) Include noninvasive method using thrombolytics and invasive methods such as primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty(PTCA) and coronary artery bypass graft(CABG)surgery. Although there are many studies comparing the effectiveness of noninvasive and invasive methods, when large clinical centers, 20% of totar hospitals, were excluded, most middle-sized hospitals lacked personnels and facilities for the invasive methods. Thus they opted for the noninvasive methods. Therefore, in this study, the clinical characteristics of AMI patients and the results of thrombolytic & conservative treatment were observed. Method: 137 patients with acute myocardial infarct, who visited KonKuk University Medical Center, ChoongJu Hospital during Sept. 1990 to Sept. 1999 were analysed retrospectively using medical records. Result: The sexual compositions of patients were 63.5% male, and 36.5% female. The mean age for male patients were 56±12.9, and for female patients 68.7±9.6 (p<0.05). The mean age for female patients was significantly older than male patients. The patients in the thrombolytic treatment group had mortality rate of 6.25% which is lower than that of the conservative treatment group at 12% (p>0.05). Conclusion: Although in our study, small number of acute myocardial infarct patients caused the statistical insignificance, rapid revascularization by thrombolytic therapy within 6 hours of onset of symptoms improved mortality rate and early ambulation. And we had good results on AMI with thrombolytic agent in ChungJu including near rural area as primary emergency hospital. Therefore a prospective research with greater number of subjects is needed to develop better treatments for AMI.

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