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      • 배열대수를 이용한 수치 표고 모델

        楊寅台,崔勝弼,邊茂龍 江原大學校 附設 環境硏究所 1991 環境硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        This study explains the basic principle of array algebra as a mathematical manipulation of the least squares estimation. Array algebra enables linear algebra to handle multi-dimensional arrays, but has the restriction of working with some form of gridded data. Digital elevation modeling, photogrammetric and satellite image processing are a few of the application to which array algebra is well suited, because the data si often collected in grid form. This study compares array algebra to the standard least squares estimation. With the use of experimental data, investigations of computational efficiency, stability, and storage requirements were performed. It was found that in all cases array algebra was superior to least squares. Weighting of array algebra and the use of the sequential formulation of the normal equations are also discussed. The sequential technique can be used with array algebra when extra observations are to be incorporated that are not part of the grid. This technique can also be used when there is missing grid information, Array algebra has been shown to be of great benefit when large numbers of parameters are to be computed efficiently.

      • 발진기 위상잡음 감소방안에 관한 연구

        양승인,이태호 崇實大學校 生産技術硏究所 2002 論文集 Vol.32 No.-

        In this paper, the proposed oscillator structure employs both the low-frequency feedback system and the amplitede-phase control system. By means of hybrid structure, the proposed system greatly eliminates phase noise. We have designed 6.4㎓ oscillator and proposed system. Simulated results show that the phase noise is 91.88dBc/㎐ at the 10㎑ offset frequency, from these results we have found out that reduction method is very effective. The phase noise of the proposed system using a hybrid structure is quite comparable to that of conventional oscillator system. Throughout computer simulations, the proposed system shows the most enhanced performance than others.

      • 제주 곽지유적에서 출토된 말 뼈의 골학적 관찰

        양기천,신태균,김승호 제주대학교 1993 논문집 Vol.37 No.-

        Equine bones including one phalanx 3 and three teeth excavated from Kwakji archaeological site, were morphologically examined, Compared with the Cheju pony and the Thoroughbred horse, the significance of the observations were tentatively evaluated. It was suggestied that the larger-limbed horses than the present Cheju pony inhabited in ancient Cheju island.

      • 無存在(to me on) 개념과 道德的 自我의 存在性문제 : 플라톤의 Euthydemus 283b-d에 대한 하나의 해석

        梁承兌 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1993 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.63 No.2-3

        As a literary work, Platos Euthyedemus has long been the object of admirations for its brilliance and ingenuity in the use of comic satire, irony and humor. As a philosophical work, however, it may also be one of the most neglected dialogues of Plato of which the small interpretive essay starts from the conviction that, despite its apparent touch of light-heartedness, it is a dialogue which is full of philosophical implications covering probably Platos philosophy as a whole and therefore deserves serious philosophical as well as literary treatments. In this sense, this essay is basically in line with the efforts of Sprague, one of the few Platonic scholars who saw in Euthyedemus the germ of, or the clues to the understanding of, Platos later ontological dialogues. It appears, however, that Spragues efforts still remain as a skipping running commentary on the dialogue rather than an in-depth interpretation or a thorough going philosophical examination of it. This essay, by focusing an interpretive analysis upon a small but significant passage of the dialogue, purports to be a small contribution to the ultimate task of full explorations of the hidden philosophical meanings underlying its whole dialogical currents. The object of such an analysis is the initial phased of the first round of logomachy among the three in the dialogue. It corresponds to Euthyedemus 283b-d where the young here Clinias gets entrapped into a sophistic net by the sophist brothers Euthyedemus and Dionisodoros. The scene ahs already been interpreted by Sprague as signifying the issue of non-being and becoming. But Spragues main concern was so much with Platos use of logical fallacy that he went hardly any further than relating the scene somewhat mechanically and abstractly to the dialectical triad of being, non-being and nothing in Platos later ontology. He thus failed to touch upon Platos deliberate use of the verb eimi(to be) in the context. The deliberateness here lies in the fact that Plato uses the three functions of the verb, namely identification, predication and existence-confirmation, for his demonstration of the existence of on-being-in this case the existence of the moral-self, but it deals with another aspect of the moral-self of Clinias. When the scene is construed in such a manner, the meaning of the rest of the first round of logomachy seems to become clear. For the rest is not merely, as Sprague thought, a continuation of the discussion about the existence of the moral-self, but it deals with another aspect of the moral-self. The aspect is the paradox of the moral-selfs preservation of its own identity while ever changing the identity itself. But the detailed discussion about this issue must be left to another independent work, and in the present essay only some suggestions for further study are made.

      • 수도권 지역의 의료기기 관련 업체의 실태 조사 연구

        양태홍,이우철,김정래,박승환 서울보건대학 1997 서울보건대학 부설 병원경영연구소 논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        Recently, the domestic business of medical equipment have many difficult things in the development and sale of new product. To overcome them, it is needed to solidify the co-work system of industry-education marriage. This paper is undertakened to serve an aid in the field of medical equipment. The analysis of data is attempted through the survey by questionaires, and an object of study is the medical business corporation at Seoul area. As a result to review the data it was identifided that this study is able to be applied to the basis material to reconstruct a right role and phase to medical business Also, it`s expected that we're able to use its results as the educational materials to bring up the more qualified students fit to the industrial need.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 隸屬과 解放의 論理와 非論理

        양승태 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1990 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.57 No.-

        This essay is composed of three chapters and each of them is purported to substantiate the above theme in the following order. In the first chapter it is suggested that feminism is not simply a social cause only waiting to be institutionalized through social praxis but also an object of critical, theoretical examination. That is to say, the idea of feminism is not to be taken for granted but to be regarded as an object of critical argument. In this connection it argues that in order to explain its normative meaning clearly and concretely the proponent of feminism is supposed to explore the human ontological ground of feminism, i.e. the ground of human nature for the cause of women 's liberation. J.S. Mill 's theory of feminism appears in this context to be a major obstacle to be overcome and a critical examination of Mill 's theory of feminism constitutes the major part of the present essay. The major, second chapter puts forward the argument that Mill 's theory should be given a fresh theoretical concern because it is one of the few modern feminist theories that has an explicit appeal to human nature or woman 's nature in his attempt of proving the equality of man and woman and in his defense of equal social treatments between men and women. Despite such a well-meaning effort Mill 's theory of feminism, this essay tries to show, does not work because he is so much preoccupied with the liberal-individualistic assumption about human vature that he fails to grasp the indispensability of human ontology in feminist social praxis as well as in feminist social theory, and also fails to understand the historical and the socio-structural meaning of feminism. As the conclusion of the critical examinations in the second chapter the third chapter attempts to propose the direction in which the inquiry concerning women 's liberation should be proceeded. It suggests that an inquiry, whether empirical or normative, about women 's liberation must not be conducted in seperation from the liberation of human species in general. This means that women 's liberation must be approached from the perspective of the alienation of human being from his true nature. It also argues that such an inquiry must try to answer positively what the truly human, natural values are and how the structure of a particular socially determined values instead of the truly human, natural values.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        제1형 당뇨병 환자에서 췌도세포 동종이식의 반복시행

        양태영,정인경,서인아,오은영,조건영,오승훈,김성주,정재훈,민용기,이명식,이문규,김광원,도영수,주성욱 대한당뇨병학회 2002 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.24 No.4

        연구배경:췌도세포 이식은 시술이 간편하고 안전하기 때문에 반복이식이 가능하여 그 동안 여러 센터에서 반복이식의 성공을 보고한 바 있다. 국내에서도 본 병원을 비롯하여 몇몇 센터에서 췌도세포 이식이 활발히 시도되고 있으나 사람에서의 동종이식 및 동종 이식의 반복시행은 보고된 바 없는 실정이다. 저자 등은 국내 최초로 췌도세포 동종이식을 시행하여, 혈청 C­펩타이드가 증가하고 인슐린 요구량이 감소하였으며, 혈당농도와 당화혈색소의 안정을 보였다. 그러나 이식 70일 후 다시 인슐린 요구량이 증가하고 C­펩타이드가 감소하여 췌도세포 이식을 다시 시행한 바 있다. 2차 이식 후 70여일이 지난 현재 다시 혈청 C­펩타이드가 증가하고, 인슐린 요구량이 더 감소되어 췌도세포 이식에서 반복 시행의 유용성을 보고하는 바이다. 방법:환자는 32세 남자로 17년전 당뇨병 진단 후 인슐린 치료 중이었으며, 3년전 부터는 만성신부전증으로 혈액툭석을 하고있었다. 1999년 12월 25일 신장이식을 하였고 3일 후 췌도이식을 하였으며, 두번째 이식은 70일 후 시행하였다. 췌도분리는 변형된 Recordi방법과 비연속성 자당 농도차(discontinuous density gradient)를 이용하였으며 분리한 췌도는 배양 후 환자의 신장기능이 정상화되고 미생물학 검사에서 음성을 확인한 후 경피경간으로 간문맥을 접근하여 16G 폴리 에틸렌 카테터를 이용하여 간실질에 이식하였다. 결과:1차 췌도이식시 순수분리전 췌도수는 210,000개, 순수분리후 획득한 췌도수는 90,000개, 순도 95%, 세포양 1.0mL 이었고, 2차 췌도이식시 순수분리전 췌도수는 420,000개, 순수분리후 획득한 췌도수는 370,000개, 순도 95%, 세포양 1.5mL 이었다. 1,2차 모두 간문맥을 통해 약 20분에 걸쳐 간실질에 주입하였다. 췌도이식전 인슐린요구량은 75∼75U/일, HbA1e 8∼10%, C­펩타이드 0.6ng/mL 였으며, 1차 췌도이식수 7일째 인슐린 요구량은 40U/일, C­펩타이드 1.5ng/mL, FPS 109mg/mL 였고, 40일 추적관찰 후 인슐린 요구량이 36U/일, C­펩타이드 1.8ng/mL, HbA1e 6.5∼7.0%로 안정되었다. 그러나 이식 50일째부터 인슐린 요구량이 50∼56U/일, C­펩타이드 0.6ng/mL, FPS 130∼200mg/dL로 혈당 조절이 불안정하여 다시 췌도이식을 시행하였다. 2차 이식후 50일이 경과한 현재, 인슐린 요구량은 26U/일, C­펩타이드 1.8ng/mL, FPS 90∼120mg/dL로 다시 안정되었다. 결론:췌도이식은 반복이식이 가능하며, 본 환자의 경우 인슐린요구량 감소, 혈당의 안정화 및 C­펩타이드가 상승하여 이식한 췌도의 기능을 확인할 수 있었고, 향후 스테로이드 등 면역억제가 유지 용량으로 감량되면 인슐린 요구량은 더 감소될 것으로 기대된다. Over the past 20 years, significant advances have been made in human islet transplantation. However, cases of prolonged insulin independence after islet allotransplantation have rarely been reported and over time, a slight, gradual decrease in insulin secretion appears to occur, as suggested by the lower C-peptide. Although preliminary clinical success achieved over the past few years has been considerably higher with whole pancreatic transplant than with isolated islet grafts, both approaches remain experimental. Islet grafts might gain, over time, increasing credibility and might eventually provide an easier alternative in terms of grafting procedures and patient management, as compared with the more "traumatizing" whole-pancreas transplantation. Also, using islet, re-transplantation is possible. But it is not known whether re-transplantation of islet could be suitable for those patients who lost grafted islet function. The aim of the present study was to investigate the benefits of re-transplantation of islet in previously simultaneous islets-kidney transplant (SIK) patient who have lost graft function. Methods : The recipient was a 32 year old male. First islet transplantation was underwent at December 25, 1999. However, the grafted islets lost function after 70 days. So we performed re-transplantation of islets. The isolation of islet was conducted sterilely on a laminarflow hood and isolated by a modified Recordimethod. The islet was injected slowly into the liver via a cannular placed in the potalvein for 20 minutes. Results : Transplanted islets were 90,000 IEq at first islet transplantation, 370,000 IEq at second islet transplantation. The insulin requirement was reduced from 75-85 to 35-40 U/day, the basal C-peptide level was 1.5 ng/mL at 7 days posttransplant Unfortunately, the grafted islets lost function after 70 days. After second transplantation, the insulin requirement was reduced to 26 U/day. Conclusions : Despite the continuous need for exogenous insulin therapy, islet transplantation can prevent wide glucose fluctuations, thus resulting in normalization of glycemic control and improvement in HbAlc, and also, show that islets can be successfully and safely re-transplanted intraportally in patients who have lost previously grafted islet function (J Kor Diabetes Asso 457~466, 2000).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        VP-16으로 성공적으로 치료된 위 Kaposi 육종 1예

        양웅석,송근암,조몽,이재승,송철수,김형욱,김영민,이수봉,김태오,이성훈 대한소화기내시경학회 1999 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.19 No.4

        The skin is an uncommon site of distant metastasis from any internal malignancy, and the incidence of metastatic skin lesions as the first symptom of disease is only 0.8% in patients with all systemic malignancies. Furthermore, cutaneous metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the stomach has been found to be extremely rare. A 35-year-old female patient was admitted due to multiple cutaneous nodules in her chest, abdomen, and back. A gastroendoscopic examination and biopsy was made according to the results of skin pathologic findings. Stomach and skin biopsy results revealed a signet ring cell type of adenocarcinoma. A case of gastric adenocarcinoma in which metastatic skin nodules appeared as the first sign of disease, is here in reported with a review of related literature.

      • 차량의 방송 수신 전파 환경 분석에 관한 연구

        김의태,김성철,이중근,양승완,전인학 漢陽大學校 工學技術硏究所 2001 工學技術論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        본 논문에서는 이동 중인 차량의 수신 성능에 영향을 주는 전파 환경 측정을 위한 측정 셋업을 구성하고, 측정 결과 분석을 통한 수신 이상 현상의 원인을 밝혔다. 이를 위해 필요한 측정 파라메터의 정량적 설정과 측정 및 분석 방법을 제시하였다. In this paper we constitute the measurement setup of electromagnetic environment which has an effect on the radio receiver of vehicles an analyzed causes. This paper proposes various measurement and analysis methods for uncovering noise mechanism of vehicle receiver system.

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