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      • KCI등재

        수은(睡隱) 강항(姜沆)의 연작형(連作形) 제영시(題詠詩) 고찰

        박세인 ( Se In Park ) 한국고시가문학회 2010 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.25

        본 논문은 睡隱 姜沆(1567, 명종 22~1618, 광해군 10)의 連作形 題詠詩인 <水月亭三十詠>과 <癡軒八詠>의 대비적 고찰 통해 睡隱詩에 대한 이해의 지평을 넓혀보고자 연구되었다. 수은의 문집 『睡隱集』에 수록된 14제 52수의 제영시 중 연작형 제영시는 이들 두 작품뿐이다. <수월정30영>과 <치헌8영>은 누정 주변에 펼쳐진 자연 경관을 시적 대상으로 삼고 있으며, 7언절구로서 8연 이상의 연작시라는 형식적 유사성이 있다. 그러나 자연에 대한 감흥을 표현하는 방식에서는 상당한 차이가 있다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 두 작품의 作詩 배경과 연작의 구성 방식 그리고 物象의 형상화 양상 등에 대한 비교 검토를 통해 수은의 연작형 제영시가 갖는 시적 지향까지 살펴보았다. 먼저, 수은이 水月亭과 癡軒을 대상으로 지은 <水月亭記>와 <癡軒記>를 통해 <수월정30영>과 <치헌8영>의 작시 배경을 고찰하였다. <수월정30영>은 정치적 실패를 경험하고 귀향한 수월정 주인 鄭渫의 상처를 위로하고 격려하기 위해 제작되었다. 그에 비해 <치헌8영>은 치헌의 주인이자 수은과 사돈 간인 丁鎔의 ``어리석은[癡]`` 삶의 가치와 자긍심을 드러내고자 창작되었다. <수월정30영>과 <치헌8영>은 모두 八景歌型 연작 제영시에 속하지만, 가장 기본적 공통점인 소제명의 제명 방식에서부터 차이가 두드러진다. <수월정30영>의 소제명은 자연 경관을 구체적으로 설명하는 방식이나, <치헌8영>은 상징적 의미가 유사한 경물을 단순히 반복적으로 제시하고 있을 뿐이다. 연작의 구성에서도 <수월정30영>은 序(제1영)-本(제2영~제24영)-結(제25영~제30영)의 안정적인 3단 구성 안에 수월정 주변의 다양한 경관을 펼쳐 놓았다. 그러나 <치헌8영>은 本(제1영~제7영)-結(제8영)의 2단 구성을 통해 癡翁의 인품과 유관한 경물을 되풀이하고 마지막 8영으로 종결하는 방식이다. 수은은 이렇게 서로 다른 구성 방식을 통해 두 작품의 상이한 작시 의도에 따라 물상을 형상화하고 있다. <수월정30영>에서는 자연의 다기함을 활용하여 이상적 세계를 표현하였다. 이에 따라 시간의 순환적 질서를 통한 자연의 영속성과 불변성, 경물의 조화로움과 다채로움, 자연과 동화된 인간의 모습 등이 나타나고 있다. 이에 비해 <치헌8영>은 다소 단조로운 형상들을 보여주고 있다. 즉, 수은은 지조와 절개를 상징하는 경물을 선택하여 치옹의 ``어리석고 우직한`` 삶의 ``정신적 우월함``을 반복해서 드러내고 있다. 한편, 수은과 수월정 주인 정설 그리고 치헌의 주인 정용에게서 ``버려짐[棄]의 상처``와 버려진 후에 ``자연으로의 귀의``라는 동일한 경험이 발견되고 있다. 수은은 일종의 동류의식을 바탕으로 이들을 위한 작시 행위를 하고 있으며, <수월정30영>과 <치헌8영>을 통해 자연 속에서 상처의 치유를 통한 자존의 회복을 지향하고 있다. Examining Su-eun(睡隱) Gang Hang(姜沆, 1567~1618)`s <Suwalljung 30 Poems(水月亭30詠)> and <Chihun 8 Poems(癡軒8詠)>, this article aims to enlarge an understanding of Su-eun`s poetry. A Su-eun`s literary collection, 『Sueunjip(睡隱集)』 includes his poems on arbors(52 poems under 14 titles), the poems of which <Suwalljung 30 Poems> and <Chihun 8 Poems> are only written as a series of poems. First, I examined the context in which <Suwalljung 30 Poems> and <Chihun 8 Poems> were written by consulting Su-eun`s two essays, Suwalljung and Chihun. Su-eun wrote <Suwalljung 30 Poems> to encourage Jung Sul(鄭渫) the owner of Suwalljung, who had retired to the country after his political failure. Meanwhile, <Chihun 8 Poems> was written to emphasize an ironic value of ``silliness[Chi(癡)]`` in Jung Yong(丁鎔)`s life as honesty and sincerity, who was the owner of Chihun and Su-eun`s in-law. Although both <Suwalljung 30 Poems> and <Chihun 8 Poems> are a series of poems that contains a good deal of landscape, there are remarkable differences in the ways in which poems in each series are titled. The titles of the poems in <Suwalljung 30 Poems> vividly describe the landscape of Suwalljung, but the titles in <Chihun 8 Poems> merely present natural objects that imply human nature. As for poetic forms, <Suwalljung 30 Poems> describes the landscape in a well-structured form: Introduction(Poem1)-Body(Poem2~Poem24)-Conclusion(Poem25~Poem30); however, <Chihun 8 Poems> consists of only 2 parts, Body(Poem1~Poem7) and Conclusion(Poem8), in which the described natural elements mirror Sir. Chi(癡翁)`s life. Then, I looked into poetic styles. <Suwalljung 30 Poems> creates an ideal world that embodies the eternity and constancy of nature, harmony and variety, and human life close to nature. Meanwhile, <Chihun 8 Poems> highlights the significance of ``silly yet honest life`` in a simple description of natural elements that symbolize fidelity and honor. Finally, I examined poetic vision of <Suwalljung 30 Poems> and <Chihun 8 Poems>. Su-eun, Jung Sul and Jung Yong, all of them suffered from ``abandonment`` and returned to ``nature`` after abandonment. Thus, Su-eun composed the poems for both Jung Sul and Jung Yong in empathy with them and tried to recover his self-esteem by healing his wounds in nature.

      • KCI등재

        장시간 불가피한 공복(fasting)후 인체의 내분비 변화 : 삼풍백화점 붕괴 사고후 구조된 3인의 증례 THREE CASES IN COLLAPSE OF SAMPOONG DEPARTMENT STORE

        박규남,황주일,박조현,오동렬,이원재,오승택,김세경,김인철 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The interactions between nutrition and the endocrine system are more intimate and complex that previously thought. Nutrition modulates secretion and activity of many hormones, as part of the stress adaptation process. Fasting, in particular, produces a number of important changes in the endocrine system, with teleological purpose of helping the body tolerate the lack of food ingestion. These changes are therefore beneficial and protective, although at times they may not appear to be that way. The endocrine changes of fasting mediate the metabolic response. We must emphasize that these changes are completely reversible when appropriate nutrition is established. These changes are as followes: 1) decreased insulin and increased glucagon levels, 2) decreased thyroid effect, 3) decreased sympathetic activity, 4) hypothalamic hypogonadism, 5) decreased growth, 6) altered glucocorticoid secretion and metabolism, 7) impaired mineralocorticoid response, 8) decreased ADH secretion and effect. We experienced three cases of involuntary prolonged fasting after collapse of Sampoong department store. They were released from collapsed field after 11(case Ⅰ), 13(case Ⅱ), 17days(case Ⅲ) respectively. In each case, the endocrine changes of plasma levels were as followes: decrease of cortisol in case Ⅰ, increase of GH in case Ⅱ, decrease of free T3, T3, cortisol and increase of reverse T3, insulin in case Ⅲ. Each one did not show the same endocrine changes of plasma levels. But we think these changes of fasting are beneficial in metabolic response of human.

      • KCI등재후보

        항생제 혼합 시멘트 정을 이용한 장관골 감염성 불유합의 이단계 치료

        조세현,정순택,박형빈,황선철,하용찬,황인환 대한골절학회 2004 대한골절학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        목적: 장관골 감염성 불유합의 치료 시 항생제 혼합 시멘트 정을 이용한 이단계 재건술의 결과를 분석하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: 1998년 1월부터 2002년 9월까지 장관골 감염성 불유합으로 이단계 재건 수술을 받은 41예 (대퇴골 26예, 경골 15예)를 대상으로 하였다. 일단계 수술에서는 광범위한 변연 절제술, 부골 제거 및 세척술과 기존 고정 장치의 제거 또는 외고정 장치로의 교환을 시행한 후 시공 (dead space)과 불유합 주변 연부조직 내 항생제 혼합 시멘트 정을 삽입하였다. 임상적 감염 증상이 호전된 평균 8.7주 (3주~32주) 후 이단계 재건술로서 Ⅰ군은 내고정 장치 (금속판 5예, 골수강내 금속정 8예), Ⅱ군은 외고정 장치 (Ilizarov 25예, Monofixator 3예)로 각각 고정하고 17예에서는 골내 이동술이나 골 연장술을 시행하였다. 양군 모두 필요한 경우 골 이식과 시멘트 정의 교환을 추가하였다. 추시 기간은 16개월에서 최장 71개월로 평균 45개월 이었다. 치료 결과는 골유합 기간 및 Paley 방법에 의한 방사선상 골유합 상태와 하지 기능으로 평가하였다. 결과: Ⅰ군 13예 전부와 Ⅱ군 28예 중 26예에서 감염의 치료와 골유합을 얻었다. 이단계 재건술 후 골 이식술, 골 소파술, 외고정 핀 교환과 각변형 교정술, 피부 이식 또는 근육 피판 회전술 등의 보조적 시술이 Ⅰ군은 평균 2회, Ⅱ군은 평균 6.2회 추가되었다. 평균 골유합 기간은 Ⅰ군이 19.3주이고 Ⅱ군이 23.1주로 내고정군이 더 빨랐다. 방사선상 Paley 골유합 상태는 Ⅰ군이 우수 8예, 양호 5예이었고, Ⅱ군이 우수 18예, 양호 7예, 보통 1예, 불량 2예 이었다 (p=0.492). 기능적 결과는 Ⅰ군에서 우수 6예, 양호 6예, 보통 1예 이었고, Ⅱ군에서는 우수 10예, 양호 13예, 보통 3예, 불량 2예 이었다 (p=0.267). 결론: 항생제 혼합 시멘트 정의 골수염 치료 효과가 관찰되었으며, 감염이 호전된 후 내고정 장치로 교환해 준 군이 외고정을 유지한 군에 비하여 추가 수술 횟수가 적고, 골유합 기간도 빨랐다. Purpose: To evaluate treatment results between internal na external fixation groups in two-stage reconstruction of infected nonunion of long bones using antibiotics-impregnated cement beads. Materials and Methods: In the first stage, preexisting hardwares were removed and radical debridement was done. The dead space was filled with antibiotics -impregnated cement beads and the nonunion sits was immobilized by external fixation, cast or skeletal traction. In the second stage, all cases were divided into two groups; the nonunion was fixed by internal fixation in group Ⅰ versus external fixation in group Ⅱ. The intervening period between the first and second stage was average 8.7 weeks (range, 3~23 weeks). Results: The follow-up period was average 45 months (range, 16~71 months). Infection control and bone union were achieved in all 13 cases of group Ⅰ. Infection recurred in two of 28 cases in group Ⅱ, one underwent above-knee amputation and the other case was lost in follow-up. The mean number of supportive operations including repeated curettage, augmentation and change of infected pins, angular correction, and soft tissue flap was average 2 and 6.2 times respectively in group Ⅰ and group Ⅱ. Bony union period was average 19.3 and 23.1 weeks in each group. According to Paley's classification, group Ⅰ was similar to group Ⅱ in bony and functional result (p>0.05). Conclusion: Antibiotics-impregnated cement beads provided positive effect on infection control. Internal fixation group showed less number of additional operations and earlier bony union than external fixation group.

      • KCI등재

        2급 와동 수복 시 한국 치과 의사들의 복합레진 사용 실태 연구

        신동호,박세은,양인석,장주혜,이인복,조병훈,손호현 대한치과보존학회 2009 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구는 2008년 1월 현재 한국 치과의사들의 복합레진 사용 실태에 관한 설문 조사로서, 2급 와동을 수복하는 증례에서 치과의사의 면허 년도, 교육 배경 및 진료환경 등에 따라 수복재료의 선택, 복합레진의 사용여부 및 사용방법, 문제점 등을 비교하였다. 한국 치과의사들을 대상으로 2급 와동 수복에 관한 17 문항의 설문지를 제작하였다. 이 설문지는 시술자 정보 2급 와동의 수복으로 크게 2부분으로 나누어진다. 이 설문지는 대한치과의사협회를 통해 12.193 명의 치과의사들에게 E-메일로 발송되었다. 이 중 2.612개의 메일이 수신 확인되었고 840 개의 설문지가 작성되어 회신되었다. 수신 확인된 메일 수에 대한 회신된 메일 수의 비율 (회신율)은 32.2%이었고, 이 자료는 SPSS프로그램에서 카이제곱 분석을 이용하여 교차 분석하였다. 답변자의 비율은 면허년도를 기준으로 1998 ~ 2007년에 면허를 취득한 그룹 (한국 전체 치과의사의 33 3%, 추정 년령 26-35세)이 60.3%로 1997년 이전에 면허 취득한 그룹 (한국 전체 치과의사의 66.7%.추정 년령 36세 이상)의 39.7%보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이들이 근무하는 병원은 개인의원 (77%)이 가장 많았고 남자 치과의사(79%)가 많았다. 복합레진 수복에 대한 지식은 학생 때 수업이나 학회, 세미나를 통하여 (83.4%) 얻은 것으로 나타났다. 2급 와동 수복 시 재료 선호도를 살펴보면 금인레이가 65.7%를 차지하고 있고 복합레진 직접 수복은 12.1%로 낮게 나타났다. 2급 와동의 복합레진 직접 수복 시 시술 방법에 있어서는 러버댐을 사용하지 않거나 잘 사용하지 않는 그룹의 비율(74.4%)이 더 많았고. 격벽법으로는 mylar strip (53.4%)이나 metal matrix (33.8%), Palodent svstem (6.5%)를 사용하였다. 충전은 적층법 (99.6%)을 사용하는 것으로 나타났으며, 시술 시 인접면 형성을 가장 어려워하였다.(57.2%). 2-step 접착시스템 (76%)이 3-step 접착시스템 (16%)보다 많이 사용되고 있었다. 사용하는 레진 제품으로는 Z250(20%)이 가장 많이 사용되고 있었다. The purpose of this study was to assess the current materials, methods and difficulties according to the year of licence and educational background of Korean dentists in Class Ⅱ direct composite resin restorations. Total 17 questions were included in the questionnaire. Questions were broadly divided into two parts first, operator's information and second the materials and methods used in Class Ⅱ posterior composite restoration. The questionnaire was sent to dentists enrolled in Korean Dental Association via e-mail. Total 12,193 e-mails were distributed to dentists. 2,612 e-mails were opened and 840 mails (32.2%) were received from respondents. The data was statically analyzed by chi-square test using SPSS(v 120.1 SPSS Inc. Chicago. IL USA). Male dentists among respondents was 79% 60.3% of the respondents acquired their licences recently (1998-2007) and 77% practiced in private offices 83.4% have acquired their knowledge through school lectures conferences and seminars. For the Class Ⅱ restorations gold inlays were preferred by 65.7% of respondents while direct composite resin restorations were used by 12.1% amalgam users were only 4.4% of respondents. For the restorative technique 74.4% of respondents didn't use rubber dam as needed. For the matrix. mylar strip (53.4%), metal matrix (33.8%) and Palodent system (6.5%) were used 99.6% of respondents restored the Class Ⅱ cavity by incremental layering. Obtaining of the tight interproximal contact was considered as the most difficult procedure (57.2%) followed by field isolation (21%). Among various bonding systems, 22. 6% of respondents preferred SE Bond and 20.2% used Single Bond. Z-250 was used most frequently among a variety of composite resins.

      • 합천군 정양지와 박실지의 곤충 및 저서성 대형무척추동물의 분포

        정선우,전세근,김인택,박정원,윤춘식 7개 국립대학교 환경연구논문집 공동발행 위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The community structures of benthic macro-invertebrates and insects of reservoirs Jeongyang and Pakasil in Hapcheon-gun were studied. The surveyed sites were three streams and waterfronts of each lake. The Collection was performed from April to October of 2005. As a result, total macreo-invertebrates collected in the reservoir Jeongyang were 3 phyla, 4 classes, 12 orders, 29 families and 56 species. In insects, 12 orders, 71 families and 167 species were identified. Total macro-invertebrates collectd in the reservoir Paksil were 2 phyla, 3 classes, 8 orders, 19 families and 36 species. In insects, 11orders, 50 families and 137 species were identified.Dominant species of benthic macro-invertebrates and insects in reservoir Jeongyang were Chiromomus sp and Nysius plebejus respectively. Dominant species of benthic macro-invertebrates and insects in reservoir Paksil were Physella acuta and Nysius plebejus respectively. The total species richness and species diversity of benthic macro-invertebrates in the reservoir Jeongyang was 16.88 and 1.43 respectively. The total species richness and species diversidty of benthic macro-invertebrates in the reservoir Paksil was 12.12 and 1.10 respectively. The total species richness and species diversity of insects in the reservoir Jeongyang was 56.65 and 1.99 respectively. The total species richness and species diversity of benthic macro-invertebrates in the reservoir Paksil was 47.65. and 0.90 respectively.

      • 적외선 센서 냉각용 맥동관 극저온 냉동기의 성능특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        박성제(Seong-Je Park),홍용주(Yong-Ju Hong),고준석(Jun-Seok Ko),김효봉(Hyo-Bong Kim),염한길(Han-Kil Yeom),인세환(Se-Hwan In) 대한설비공학회 2016 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.11

        A pulse tube refrigerator is a small scale cryocooler which was invented by Gifford and Longsworth in 1963. It has the advantages of high reliability and low vibration because it has no moving part in the cold part. In recent years, the pulse tube cryocooler have cooling capacities and thermal efficiencies comparable with the Stirling cryocooler. These advantages promote the widespread use of the pulse tube cryocooler in many fields, specially in space-borne application that require a long life and stable temperature. An in-line pulse tube cryocooler has been designed and tested in our laboratory. The main part of the cryocooler, consisting of an in-line assembly of aftercooler, regenerator, cold heat exchanger, inertance tube, buffer and hot heat exchanger. Generally, a long tube with small diameter is used as an inertance tube and it imposes resistance and impedance to gas flow simultaneously. Phase between pressure and flow at cold-end is adjusted by length of the inertance tube with fixed diameter. This paper presents the results of a series of performance tests for the in-line type pulse tube cryocooler. Experimental investigations have been conducted to evaluate their performance characteristics with respect to several parameters such as the phase shifter, operating pressure and operating frequency of the linear compressor.

      • KCI등재

        과학교사들의 2009 개정 교육과정 융합형 “과학” 수용에 관한 인과 모델 연구

        하민수 ( Min Su Ha ),신세인 ( Se In Shin ),이준기 ( Jun Ki Lee ),박현주 ( Hyun Ju Park ),정덕호 ( Duk Ho Chung ),임재근 ( Jae Keun Lim ) 한국과학교육학회 2014 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        This study aims to explore how in-service science teachers adopt newly developed ‘Science`` focusing on the fusion of science based on ‘the diffusion of innovation`` model. For this study, we have explored five variables (i.e. perception of need, perception of support, innovativeness, perceived usefulness, to measure the level of five variables that in-service science teachers perceive. In addition, the path model of six variables explaining how in-service teachers adopt an innovation was hypothesized by the literature review. A total of 349 in-service teachers have not significantly associated with in-service science teachers` teaching experiences, participation in professional development programs on ‘Science`` curriculum, and majors, In addition, the statistically acceptable model fit indices have illustrated that path model has been statistically valid to explain how in-service science teachers adopt newly developed ‘Science`` focusing on the fusion of science. The results have also illusteated that ‘perception of support`` , perceived usefulness`, and ‘self-efficacy of teaching`` exhibited strong mediating effects between other variables, For the successful estabiishment of newly development of new science teacher professional development programs to promote the level of teachers` intention to adopt innovations.

      • KCI등재

        주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 아동에서 틱 장애 동반 여부에 따른 확산 텐서 영상 비교 연구

        최지욱,임명호,이창화,박진균,손정우,심세훈,유인규,강현수,정범석 大韓神經精神醫學會 2008 신경정신의학 Vol.47 No.5

        Objectives : Diffuse tensor imaging (DTI) was applied to explore the difference in regional distribution and extent of white matter (WM) abnormalities in boys with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) versus boys with comorbid ADHD and tic disorders. Methods : Fifteen boys with ADHD (mean age 9.3 +1.8), 24 ADHD boys with chronic tic disorder or Tourette's disorder(9.9 =b 1.2) and 9 age-, gender-matched controls (9.2 d= 1.8) received DTI assessments. Fractional Anisotropy (FA) maps of WM were compared between groups with a voxel-wise analysis after intersubject registration to MNI space. Results : Bo groups, ADHD group and ADHD with tic disorder group, commonly showed decreased FA than healthy control group in left cerebellar middle peduncle and right frontal lobe, increased FA in right middle occipital WM. In the common areas of left cerebellar middle peduncle and right middle occipital WM, comorbid group showed broader areas of significant FA. The comorbid group also showed increased FA in right cerebellar peduncle, additionally. Conclusion : The findings in ADHD group support previous ADHD hypothesis of the functional abnormalities in corticocerebellar circuit, and suggest that ADHD might have more complicated pathology of neuronal circuit including occipital visual system. The comorbid group showed common areas of overlapping but more extensive abnormalities and also had additional WM abnormalities. ADHD with chronic tic disorders may represent a severe form of ADHD with additional regions of abnormal connectivity.

      • In-line 맥동관 극저온 냉동기의 성능특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        박성제(Seong-Je Park),홍용주(Yong-Ju Hong),고준석(Jun-Seok Ko),김효봉(Hyo-Bong Kim),염한길(Han-Kil Yeom),인세환(Se-Hwan In) 대한기계학회 2016 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2016 No.12

        Stirling type pulse tube cryocoolers are very attractive for cooling of diverse applications because it has several inherent advantages such as no moving part in the cold end, low manufacturing cost and long operation life. In recent years, the pulse tube cryocooler have cooling capacities and thermal efficiencies comparable with the Stirling cryocooler. These advantages promote the widespread use of the pulse tube cryocooler in many fields, specially in space-borne application that require a long life and stable temperature. Pulse tube cryocooler for cooling infrared and cryo-sensors is currently under development at KIMM. Our coolers are specifically designed to work in the thermal imaging device and to meet requirements such as cooling capacity, COP and high reliability. This paper presents the results of a series of performance tests for the in-line type pulse tube cryocooler. Experimental investigations have been conducted to evaluate their performance characteristics with respect to several parameters such as the phase shifter, operating pressure and operating frequency of the linear compressor.

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