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      • 토양환경지도 자료를 이용한 콩밭 토양의 화학성 비교

        박지숙,이민진,정재원,김미혜,이서연,지윤미,한준호,김유학,공명석,한광현,노희명 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2015 農業科學硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        It is important to interpret the soil chemical properties in order to effectively manage the farmland. This study was conducted to investigate the soil chemical properties of upland soybean field according to the soil series at 32 upland fields located in the parts of Gangwon-do. Soil sampling sites were selected by using the National Statistics DB and KSIS DB that is a soil environment information system provided by the Rural Development Administration. Soil samples were collected from 0~15 cm of top soil before seeding or transplanting, air-dried, passed through a 2 mm sieve, and analyzed for soil pH, EC, organic matter, available phosphorus (P2O5), exchangeable potassium, exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesium. The average chemical properties have exceeded the each nutrient optimum range level of RDA, except the organic matter in experimental soil 2015. And despite application of conventional fertilization, each soil series nutrient contents were change respectively. The results of this study suggest that conventional fertilization should be applied based on the analysis about the amount of accumulated nutrient contents in the soil.

      • KCI등재

        유년기 안구적출술 및 방사선치료로 인하여 발생된 안와 열성장에 대한 재건 치험례

        홍관석,김성문,김훈,임재석,최미숙,최성원,권종진 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 1996 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.18 No.1

        There are many reports of the surgical management for the craniofacial abnormalities arising from the irradiation of the head and face for treatment of childhood cancers. Since the mordern combined-modality theraphy for childhood cancers began in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, recent reports have described the occular, dental and maxillo-facial abnormalities after irradiation in long-term survivors of cancers of the head and face. The resultant deformities may be known to be difficult to reconstruct with surgical techniques. This paper describes the late reconstructive surgery for the unilateral orbital and malar hypoplasia after eyeball enucleation and irradiation during childhood to correct the facial asymmetry and expand the contracted orbital socket into the functional dimension for the retaining eyeball prosthesis with spherical implant. We reports the satisfactory preliminary results from the midfacial osteotomy through the supero-lateral orbital rim and malar bone and the antero-lateral repositioning with the autogenous bone grafting in 26 year-old female patient who will be planned to make the new eyeball prosthesis by the department of ophthalmology.

      • KCI등재

        이청준 소설의 ‘정동’ 연구 : <당신들의 천국>을 중심으로

        정미숙(Mi-suk Jeong) 한국비평이론학회 2022 비평과이론 Vol.27 No.1

        이 글은 이청준 소설의 대표작인 <당신들의 천국>을 대상으로 ‘정동’(affect) 연구를 목표로 한다. <당신들의 천국>은 ‘문둥이’라고 불리는 한센인을 주요 작중인물로 삼아 소록도에서의 그들의 삶을 다루고 있다. <당신들의 천국>의 고유한 특성과 치열한 주제 의식은 ‘문둥이들’의 몸에서 비롯한 ‘정동’에 있다. ‘정동’은 몸을 가진 자들 사이에서 발생하고 그들과 관계 맺는 세계와 영향을 주고받으면서 심화, 확장되는 감정이자 총체적 행동 양식인 까닭이다. 정동의 발생과 전이, 생성과 소멸 과정을 추적하면서 <당신들의 천국>이 담보한 정동 정치와 소설 미학적 의미를 새롭게 발견할 수 있을 것이다. ‘소록도’를 지배하는 정동은 ‘문둥이’라는 아픈 몸에서 발생한다. ‘문둥이’라고 불리는 기괴한(uncanny) 몸은 소외와 핍박의 삶을 살아갈 수밖에 없는 원인이자 결과이다. ‘문둥이’라는 몸이 발현하는 절망적 공포의 정동은 외부의 자극적 시선과 착취에 노출되면서 ‘잔혹’으로 변형된다. 잔혹이란 공격적 정동은 성기 도려냄, 단종수술, 강간으로 표출된다. 탈출/자살과도 연계된다. 잔혹한 정동 서사는 소록도를 지배하는 비극적 정동이다. 조원장은 ‘축구’ 시합 참여와 ‘소록도를 탈출하자’는 도발적인 제안으로 원생들에게 자신감과 욕망이란 정동을 불어넣고자 한다. 원생들은 축구를 통해 몸을 증명하고 자신감으로 활력을 되찾는 듯 하였으나 바다 간척이라는 난제 앞에 좌절한다. 무리한 노동 과정에서 잇따르는 사고와 죽음은 문둥이 주제에 욕심을 내었다는 수치심과 원한으로 깊어진다. 뜨겁게 함께 맹세한 동지 의식은 부정되고 문둥이와 건강인으로 몸은 다시 구분된다. 몸에 갇힌 그들의 꿈은 미완의 정동 정치에 그친다. 조백헌이 사라진 소록도는 젊은이들이 주축이 되어 한 변화를 일궈낸다. ‘서미연’은 소록도 변화를 표상한다. 그녀는 수세적인 정념 너머 자유와 욕망이란 열린 정동 자세를 취하고 실천한다. 서미연은 허구의 장벽(문둥이 혐오)을 허구의 전략으로 넘어서고자 한다. 온 마을 사람들의 동경의 시선을 기꺼이 감내하며 ‘혼인 잔치’를 축제의 마당으로 바꾸는데 주연(主演)을 자처한다. 소록도의 신화는 이곳에 사는 원생들과 서미연으로 대표되는 지성과 용기를 겸비한 젊은이들, 그리고 손님처럼 스며든 조백헌을 비롯한 타자들이 모여 일구어 나가고 있다. This study aimed to research ‘affect’ in Lee Cheong-jun’s novel, Your Heaven. Here, the affect indicates an emotion in connection with the bodies of lepers. It underlies the unique characteristics and strong theme of the novel. Tracking the generation and transition of that emotion would help determine the politics of affect as an outlet to communication and reconciliation, clarify aesthetics of Lee Cheong-jun’s novels, and find out a new contemporary meaning of those writings. Set in Sorokdo, the novel depicts that patriarch Hwang is a typical figure who reveals what the most dominant affect of the island is really like. Inmates in the island are people who were living under alienation and suppression. By the way, they even faced fear as their bodies got caught in an uncanny situation, that is, Hansen’s disease. That fear is then essentially changed to cruelty which is the very affect that is a divine punishment forced by leprosy and an emotion that dominates Sorokdo. Hard to adapt himself to such unique emotion, Cho Baek-hyeon starts so-called affect politics in order to revitalize Sorokdo. Under a provocative motto ‘Escape Soroko’, he urges his inmates to participate in football games, seeking to imbue a different affect in them who are bodily abnormal. For the inmates, the biggest motive for playing football is their aspiration to demonstrate how still well their bodies are functional, which also has something to do with the future of their offspring. The aspiration ends up in being half successful. Playing football makes the patients restore trust in themselves. But it fails to encourage them to cross the ocean. Moreover, natural disasters become another barrier. In despair, the inmates are getting to feel more resentment and hatred. Consequently, affect politics finishes unaccomplished. Cho Baek-hyeon comes back to Sorokdo, and finds that gradual progress is being made there despite prejudice and conflicts still remain. He discovers that the island is not like a kingdom ruled by chief of the hospital any more, but becoming a place of harmony with dreams of new order. Marriage between Yun Hae-won and Seo Mi-yeon is the most representative and compelling incident of how Sorokdo is changing. Seo Mi-yeon is planning a wedding party at her own will and following her own desire. Based on the plans, she is active and confident in transforming Sorokdo into a whole large village of new communal identity without dividing parts of the island depending on whether they are for patients or non-patients. Now, Sorokodo is writing new myths of its own thanks to joint efforts from the inmates, intellectual and courageous young persons including Seo Mi-yeon, Cho Baek-hyeon who came in like a guest, but got involved, and ourselves.

      • 胃疾患의 食餌療法

        강미경,김미숙,김선숙,김수향,양이선 효성여자대학교 가정대학 학도호국단 1987 家政大論集 Vol.6 No.-

        The circumstance being surrounded with a rapidly changing society causes us to build up manystresses during our modern life. For this reason, there is increasing the occurrence of gastroentericdisorder in frequency. The dietary treatment of gastroenteric disorder requires to prepare the program necessary fora meal's amount quality and cookery with careful attention. In addition, it is essential for gastroentericpatients to fully supplement the needed nutritive substance depending on the degree of the trouble,by controling their mealtimes. Consequently, the successful dietary treatment entirely depends uponthe close cooperation between the patient involving his family and doctors and dietitians becausethe patient has to observe the standard of the programed dietary treatment. And it also is very impor-tant that the person who prepares table for these patients, attempts to improve their appetite, bysupplying foods suitable for their digestion and taste on the basis of the dietary treatment's standard. Several mental elements of gastroenteric patients have great effect upon the recovery of their di-sorder so that their family and nurses must lead these patients to stabilize their mind and to berestored to health as well as the adequate medical treatment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신규간호사 배치후 교육시 프리셉터쉽 적용 사례연구

        김창희,김혜숙,조혜성,이순옥,함형미,박미미 성인간호학회 2000 성인간호학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of preceptorship on On the Job Training of new nurses. The research design was a retrospective survey and one group pre-rost test design. The subjects were 49 entry nurses and 49 preceptors The data were collected from Feburary 1, 1998 to December 1, 1998. One questionnair applied in this study consisted of general characteristics, the responses of new entry nurses and their preceptors and their qualities. The other questionnair consisted of job satisfaction of new entry nurses and Preceptors and their competencies. The data were analyzed for frequencies, mean score, standard deviation, t-test, and ANOVA. The results of the study were as follows : 1) Preceptees's responses were that the nurses' affiliation of unit. cooperation of other nurses, and competencies of nursing skills improved after OJT applied preceptorship. 2) Preceptors's answers were that preceptorship had a positive effect on their continuing education. 3) While preceptees's job satisfaction scores were high in interaction, administration, and organization, they were low in autonomy and pay. 4) Pre-competency scores were the same as post-competency scores. 5) After preceptorship, preceptors responded that their nursing skill & communication competency increased, but their nursing administration competency decreased. 6) Finally, preceptorship's other effects were as follows: ① Checklists for preceptee education at the nursing unit were developed separately. ② It was proved that 'preceptor interview note' was effective on manage preceptorship. ③ We obtained duty orierlap periods, medical-surgical units-1 month. 5 ICU-2 months. operaction room-3 months ④ We prepared a preceptor program based on the study results.

      • KCI등재

        한,중,일 전통극 복식의 미적특성 비교

        양정원(Joung Won Yang),이미숙(Mi Suk Lee) 한국디자인문화학회 2011 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 비교문화적인 관점에서 중국의 경극과 일본의 가부키와 함께 한국의 가면극 복식에 초점을 맞추어 삼국의 전통공연복식의 외적 조형성과 복식에 내재된 가치를 종합적으로 분석함으로써 전통공연복식의 공통점과 차이점을 통해서 우리공연문화의 정체성을 확립하는데 있다. 연구 방법은 선행연구 및 관련 서적을 중심으로 한·중·일 전통극의 발전과 특징을 살펴본 후, 양유미, 이미숙에 의해서 연구된 한·중·일 삼국 전통극 복식의 미적특성을 토대로 삼국 전통극의 복식에 나타난 조형적 특성과 내재적 특성의 공통점과 차이점을 비교 분석하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한·중·일 전통극 복식의 조형성의 공통점은 카프탄의 비구축적인 형식, 중첩착장에 의한 부피감의 연출 등이다. 둘째, 조형적 특성의 차이점은 가면극은 H형 뿐 만아니라 A형의 실루엣도 나타났던 반면에 경극과 가부키는 복식의 형태는 전반적으로 H형 실루엣이었다. 착용방식에서는 삼국 모두 겹쳐 입는 방식을 취하지만 가부키의 중첩착용은 표의류를 여러 벌 중복 착용하여 습색의 미를 연출한다는 점에서 가면극, 경극의 경우와 차이를 보였다. 가면극 및 가부키 복식은 거의 대부분이 직령 우임으로 착장시 깃의 비대칭적 균형을 보이는데 반해 경극은 비대칭의 깃의 형태가 두드러지게 나타났다. 복색의 경우 가면극은 흑백의 대비배색, 소색(素色), 원색 사용이 많은 반면에 경극과 가부키 복색은 다양한 문양과 조우하여 다양한색 배색의 색채미가 돋보였다. 또한 가면극 복식이 무지(無地)가 지배적으로 사용되었던 반면에 경극, 가부키 복식은 옷의 전면에 다양한 문양이 표현되어 장식성이 강한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 한·중·일 전통극 복식의 조형적 특성의 가장 큰 차이점은 화장법에서 찾을 수 있다. 가면극은 가면이라는 도구표면에 분장을 한 반면에, 경극과 가부키는 얼굴 표면에 추상적인 형태의 도면화장을 하였다. 경극의 도면화장은 성격화장인 검보, 미화화장인 단 배역의 준반으로 구분되며, 가부키의 경우는 성격화장인 구마도리와 미화화장인 온나가타의 백색화장이 특징적이다. 넷째, 한·중·일 전통극 복식의 내재적 특성의 공통점은 감춤의 미와 비움의 미가 삼국의 전통극 복식에서 보편적인 가치로 나타났다. 다섯째, 한·중·일 전통극 복식의 내재적 특성의 차이점은 가면극의 벽사의 미와 경극·가부키의 상징의 미, 가면극의 해학적 관능미와 가부키의 은폐적 관능미, 경극의 위용적 과장미와 가부키의 숭고적 과장미, 가면극의 소박의 미와 경극·가부키의 장식의 미가 각각 대별된다. 한편 전통극에 나타난 독자적인 특성은 가면극의 해학의 미와 가부키의 습색의 미라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 동아시아 국가와의 문화비교를 통하여 객관적 시각에서 우리의 전통문화의 가치를 이해하고 자국문화의 정체성 제고에 기여하리라 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to establish the identity of Korean performing arts through the similarities and differences by analyzing the external plasticity of the three countries` traditional performing costumes and the immanent values focusing on the Korean mask drama along with Beijing Opera of China and Kabuki of Japan from a cross-cultural perspective. The method of this study was to examine the precedented studies and the related books around the development and the characteristics of Korean, Chinese and Japanese traditional plays at first and then did a comparative analysis on the similarities and differences of plastic characteristics and immanent properties represented on the three countries` traditional play costumes based upon the aesthetic characteristics of those countries`s traditional play costumes researched by Yang, You-mee and Lee, Mi-suk. The result of the study is as follows: First, the common grounds of the formativeness of Korean, Chinese and Japanese traditional play costumes are the unconstructive style of the kaftan and the creation of a sense of volume by overlapped wearing. Second, the difference of the plastic characteristics is whereas the mask dramas showed the H-line and the A-line silhouette, the costume styles of Beijing Opera and Kabuki were generally of H-line silhouette. The way of wearing is that all three countries took the means of wearing clothes in layers, but the overlapped wearing of Kabuki showed a difference from the cases of the Mask drama and Beijing Opera in terms of creating a beauty of ‘Seubsaek’ by overlapped wearing of several pieces of outer coats. Whereas most of the costumes of Mask drama and Kabuki were straight collars with the right gore to show asymmetrical balance of the collars when wearing, Beijing Opera prominently showed asymmetrical collars. In case of the colors of the costumes, while Mask drama used contrast colors of black and white, achromatized colors and primary colors, the costumes of Beijing Opera and Kabuki set off brilliancy of multi-colors and color scheme encountering various patterns. Whereas solid and plain fabrics were dominantly used for the costumes of Mask dance, a wide array of patterns were expressed on the front of the clothes of Beijing Opera and Kabuki to show strong decorative properties. Third, the greatest differentiation of the traditional play costumes of Korea, China and Japan can be found in the method of makeup. While they put on makeup on the surface of a tool, a mask, in the Mask dance, they put on abstractive makeup on the surface of a face in the Beijing Opera and Kabuki. The facial makeup of Beijing Opeara is classified into ‘Gumbo’, a character makeup and ‘Junban’, beautified makeup for a minor role, and in case of Kabuki, ‘Gumadori’ of a character makeup and ‘Onnagata’ of beautified makeup are the distinguishing features. Fourth, for the common ground of immanent nature of the traditional play costumes of Korea, China and Japan, the beauty of concealment and the beauty of void were shown as universal values in the three countries` traditional play costumes. Fifth, the differences shown in the comparison of the immanent properties of the three nations` traditional play costumes are generally classified into the beauty of exorcism of Mask drama and the beauty of symbolism of Beijing Opera and Kabuki, humoristic voluptuous beauty of Mask drama and a cover-up voluptuous beauty of Kabuki, splendid beauty of exaggeration of Beijng Opera and the sublime beauty of exaggeration, the beauty of simplicity of Mask drama and the decorative beauty of Beijing Opera and Kabuki while the independent nature shown in the traditional plays can be the beauty of satire of Mask drama and the beauty of ‘Seubsaek’ of Kabuki. This study is to understand the value of Korean traditional culture from an objective point of view through the comparison of cultures of Eastern Asian countries and anticipate to contribute to establishing the identity of its

      • 간호 지식관리시스템 개발

        민효숙,문원희,김미자,김선미,황윤신,황관옥,심희숙 충남대학교 간호과학연구소 2006 충남대 간호학술지 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study were to develop Knowledge Management System for the nurse and to identify its effectiveness. The program was developed in development of the contents and programing. And the system was operated to 85 nurse for three weeks. Data collection were performed during the period of May 1, 2005 to December 30, 2005. The data was collected from 85 nurses using questionnaires. In order to ascertain the validity of clinical application of the system, Prior experience of the computer mediated communication, user satisfaction and utilization were analyzed. The instruments for the study were satisfaction(Kim, 2000), utilization(Kim, 2002). The collected data were analysed by descriptive statistics, using SPSS WIN 11.0 program. The results showed average score which is the satisfaction(6.09) showed middle satisfaction scores. It is concluded that if Nursing Knowledge Management System is operated considering all the above factors, It wound be one of the best qualified continuing clinical method for nurses.

      • 대학생의 스트레스경험 및 대처행동 조사

        문미숙 忠州大學校 2007 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        Stress is a universal experience and a component in all our lives. The impact of stress on university student's life is very important to guide students and help them to establish their identity. The perceived stress and the coping pattern for the problem plays a key role in how to manage the stress. This study was conducted to explore the perceived stress level, ranking, and coping patterns of university student and to examine their relation. The study data was gathered from 150 students. The results were that major perceived stresses were 'vision for future', 'ways of study', and 'conflict for entering the school'. 3 variables(vision of future, coping with department, value system) accounted for the total stress about 62.1%. Finally, the value system was the most important variable to understand the student's perceived stress. The freshman, woman and resident in dormitory perceived more stress on some areas. The higher they perceived stress, the more they used the avoidance coping pattern. In contrast, the lower they perceived stress, the more they used the active coping pattern.

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