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      • 석유 화학 공장 폐수처리를 위한 고정생물막공법의 Pilot Plant 적용

        이종현,남해욱,김미화,박태주 부산대학교 환경문제연구소 1998 環境硏究報 Vol.16 No.-

        The pilot plant of biological fixed-film process(BFFP) was developed to treat the petrochemical wastewater with high organic loading rate, where a stationary biofilm was attached to net-type media(SARAN 1000D) under diffused aeration. The specific surface area of SARAN 1000D was 400 ㎡/㎥ approxirnately. The organic removal ability was tested in the pilot-scale three biological fixed-film reactors. The pilot scale reactor demonstrated more than 95% effciency in removing chemical oxygen demand(COD) at B reactor with 20% Packing ratio. The reactor also showed stable performance at the organic loading rates of 1.27~3.12 ㎏ COD/㎥/day. The effluent COD and SS concentrations of the pilot scale reactors were more unstable than those of the lab scale reactors. Based on the experimental results, the BFFP could be suitable for pre-treatment petrochemical wastewater with relatively high organic loading rate.

      • KCI등재

        정신분열병 환자에서 얼굴 영상의 작동기억 장애 : 기능자기공명영상연구

        이창욱,김태석,주라형,박주미,박여진,김종진,전신수,배치운,김정진,이수정,이철,백인호 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.2

        Objectives : Impaired processing of facial information is one of the broad ranges of cognitive deficits seen in patients with Schi-zophrenia. We aimed to elucidate the differences in brain activities involved in the process of facial working memory between schizophrenic patients and healthy comparison subjects. Methods : Twelve patients with schizophrenia were recruited along with twelve demographically matched healthy volunteers as a comparison group. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to assess cortical activities during the Perfor-mance of a 2-back working memory paradigm using images of neutral faces as mnemonic content. Rcsults : The patient group performed the tasks with reduced accuracy. Group analysis revealed that the left fusiform gyrus, the right superior frontal gyrus, the bilateral middle frontal gyri/insula, the left middle temporal gyrus, the precuneus, the quadrangular lobules and the vermis of cerebellum showed decreased cortical activities in the patient group. On the other hand, an increased level of activation in the lateral prefrontal cortex and the pahetal lobule was observed from the patient group, all in the right hemisphere. Conulusion : A decreased level of activity in the left fusiform gyrus among the patient group implicates inefficient processing of facial information. An increased level of activation in prefrontal and parietal neural networks from the patient group confirms earlier findings on the impaired working memory of patients with schizophrenia.

      • 중국거주 조선족 여성의 영적 안녕정도가 정신건강에 미치는 영향

        정성덕,이종범,김진성,서완석,배대석,박순재,주열,염형욱,김승원,김구묘,안영록,황대홍,표미자,조창열,정태길 영남대학교 의과대학 2004 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.21 No.2

        자아초월 정신의학이 체계화되면서 영성(spirituality)은 인성의 한 부분이라는 이론이 대두되었는데 이 영성은 정신건강에 큰 영향을 미친다고 했다. 인간의 성향 중 영적 안녕 정도를 파악하여 그 정도가 정신건강 중 허위성 경향, 정신병적 경향 및 불안과 우울 경향 등에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 조사하고저 본 연구를 실시하였다. 대상은 중국의 연변 조선족 자치구에 거주하는 여성 400명을 대상으로 하여 한국판 영적 안녕척도를 사용하여 영적 안녕정도를 파악하였다. 영적 안녕척도의 총점과 이 척도의 2개 하위 척도인 종교적 안녕과 실존적 안녕 척도 양자로 평가한 성적이 불안-우울통합척도와 정신분열증 척도 및 허위성 척도로 평가한 성적에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위하여 상관관계분석 및 회기분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 영적 안녕척도로 평가한 조선족 여성의 총점은 68.29로 한국의 기독교 여성이 평가한 100.65보다 훨씬 낮은 점수였다. 2) 불안·우울통합척도로 평가한 총점은 44.88로 연변노인이 평가한 점수와 일개지역의 한국농촌주민이 평가한 점수와 비슷한 결과였다. 3) 허위성 척도로 평가한 성적은 평균 74.57로 70점 이상이 86%(344명)이었으나 영적 안녕 성적과 허위성 성적 간에는 유의한 상관이 없었다. 4) 영적 안녕총점은 정신분열증 척도로 평가한 정신병적 경향에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았으나 종교적 안녕하위척도의 성적은 정신병적 경향을 높여준데 비하여 실존적 안녕하위척도의 성적은 정신병적 경향을 낮게 해주었다. 5) 영적 안녕척도의 총점 및 두 하위척도인종교적 안녕과 실존적 안녕은 불안과 우울에유의한 상관을 보였는데 영적 안녕총점이 높을수록 불안·우울 총점이 다소 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 6) 종교적 안녕 하위척도와 불안과 우울과의 관계는 종교적 안녕점수가 높을수록 불안과 우울을 각각 다소 유의하게 높여주었으며 이에 비하여 실존적 안녕하위척도와 불안과 우울과의 관계는 실존적 안녕정도가 높을수록 불안 및 우울점수는 유의하게 낮아졌다. 이와 같은 성적을 미루어볼 때 연변에 거주하는 조선족 여성이 평가한 영적 안녕정도는 정신병적 경향과 불안 및 우울에 유의한 상관을 보였으면 이 척도의 하위 척도인 종교적 안녕정도는 정신건강에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 반면 실존적 안녕정도는 정신건강에 긍정적 영향을 미친 결과로 평가되었다. 이러한 결과는 공산주의 사회에서 실존적 안녕은 긍정적인 가치관으로 평가되는 반면 종교적 안녕은 정신건강에 부정적으로 작용한 것을 입증해 주었다고 하겠다. Background: Spirituality has been an important part of Transpersonal Psychology and is believed to have a large effect on the mental health because it has been systematized. The aim of this study was to determine the level of spiritual disposition on human beings along with its effects on one's mental health. Materials and Methods: The study targeted 400 women residing in Youn-Gil city of JiLin Prov., which is a district of the Cho-Sun tribe in China. Their spiritual well-being was studied using the Spiritual Well-being Scale-Korean Version. The spiritual well-being scale consists of 2 sub-scales of religious well-being and existential well-being. The study was evaluated using a lie scale, psychotic trend, and a combined anxiety-depression scale. The results were considered to be factors of one's mental health. The correlation between the spiritual well-being and each tendency was analyzed by regression analysis. Results: The total score of the Cho-Sun tribal women according to the spiritual well-being scale was 68.29 which was much less than the 100.65 of Korean Christian women. There was no significant correlation between the spiritual well-being and the Lie trend. However, it was found that 86%(344) of Cho-Sun tribal women scored above 70 in the Lie trend with a mean score of 74.57 which is higher than normal populations. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and psychotic trend, the psychotic trend became significantly higher when the religious well-being was at a high level. On the other hand, the psychotic trend became significantly lower when the existential well-being was at a high level. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and anxiety, the anxiety was significantly higher when the religious well-being was at a high level. However, the anxiety level was significantly low when the existential well-being was at a high level. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and depression, the depression level was somewhat significantly high when the religious well-being was at a high level. However, the depression level was significantly low when the existential well-being was at a high level. Conclusion: This study evaluated the effects of spiritual well-being on a person's mental health among Cho-Sun tribal women in Youn-Gil city of JiLIn Prov., P.R. of China. The results found that the religious well-being, which is a sub-scale of spiritual well-being, had negative effects while the existential well-being had positive effects on the mental health. These results proved that a person's religious disposition had negative effects on their mental health in a communitarian society.

      • 침적형 고정생물막 반응기에서 유기물질 및 질소제거 특성 비교

        김영오,남해욱,이종현,박태주 부산대학교 환경문제연구소 1999 環境硏究報 Vol.17 No.1

        The two processes of R-1 process(anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic reactor) and R-2 process(anoxic/aerobic reactor) were investigated into the operating strategy of the four kinds of HRTs(4, 6, 8, and 10hr) using the raw sewage in Janglim WWTP The sewage contained various refractory wastewaters such as, leachate, industrial wastewater, pigment wastewater. The purpose of this study was find out to the optimal process that was enhanced to remove not only organic compounds, but also nitrogen and phosphorus, when the influent was used to the refractory sewage. As the range of COD^cr, loading rate during operating days was from 0.66kg/m^3/day to 1.63kg/m^3/day, the effluent concentration was 52.0 ~77.0mg/L in R-1 process and 59.0~81 0mg/L in R-2 process, respectively. Increasing the NH_4^+-N loading rate from 126.5g/m^3/day to 326.3g/m^3/day, the removed loading rates were 116.5~196.4g/m^3/day of R-1 process, and 117.7~191.6g/m^3/day of R-2 process, respectively. The removals of organics and NH_4^+-N of R-1 process were slightly higher than those of R-2 process, but the differences were almost negligible. The phosphorus removal efficiency was 50. 5~34.0% of R-1 process and 40.5 ~25.5% of R-2 process, respectively. The difference of the phosphorus removal efficiency was considered because of the effect of phosphorus release in anaerobic reactor and phosphorus uptake in aerobic reactor by facultative bacteria as well as higher COD_cr,/TP ratio in anoxic reactor of R-1 process by 40% by-pass. Hence, the results of this study showed that R-1 process with by-pass was more suitable for nutrient treatment than R-2 process. The submerged fixed-biofilm packed with SAC media could be applicable for the refractory wastewater treatment.

      • KCI등재

        지연성 운동장애와 양성, 음성 정신분열병 환자에서의 인지기능 장애

        유범희,김지혜,배주미,이강욱,우종민,김승태 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.1

        저자들은 정신분열병 환자에서 양성, 음성 증후군에 따라 각각 특징적으로 어떤 인지기능의 장애를 보이는지 알아보며, 또 지연성 운동장애의 존재 여부가 인지기능에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 조사해보고자 지연성 운동장애 환자 31명과 대조군 32명에게 PANSS 검사를 시행하였고, 인지기능 검사로는 KWIS 검사와 Grooved Pegboard test, Trail making test A/B, Wisconsin card sorting test, Wecshler memory scale을 시행하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 1) KWIS 지능검사상 이해 소검사에서 양성 증후군 환자들이 음성 증후군에 비해 우수한 수행도를 보였으며 빠진 곳 찾기 소검사에서는 지연성 운동장애가 없는 집단이 있는 집단에 비해 우수한 수행도를 보였다. 2) Trail making test A형에서 양성 정신분열병 환자 집단이 음성 정신분열병 환자 집단에 비해 전반적으로 빠르고 효율적인 수행을 보였다. 3) 그밖의 다른 인지기능 검사상에서는 양성, 음성 정신분열병과 지연성 운동장애 유무에 따른 검사 결과의 차이는 보이지 않았다. 결론적으로 음성 증후군 환자들의 경우 양성 증후군에 환자들에 비해 실행 기능과 같은 전두엽 기능의 장애와 기억 능력의 저하가 좀더 분명하게 나타나 음성 증상과 인지기능 장애 사이에 통계적으로 의미있는 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 지연성 운동장애의 경우는 음성 증후군과 함께 나타날 때만 현실 검증력, 주의력의 저하가 두드러져서 지연성 운동장애 자체만으로 인지기능의 장애가 유발된다고 보기는 어려웠다. Objective : The goal of this study was to examine cognitive dysfunctions in positive and negative schizophrenic patients and investigate the effect of tardive dyskinesia on cognitive dysfunctions in them. Methods : Thirty two schizophrenic patients with tardive dyskinesia and thirty two schizophrenic patients without tardive dyskinesia as a control group were selected from psychiatric inpatients at a lunatic asylum and the cognitive dysfunctions of these patients were assessed with some neuropsychological tests including KWIS test, Grooved Pegboard test, Trail making test A and B, Wisconsin card sorting test, and Wechsler memory scale test. From these patients, we classified eighteen schizophrenic patients as a positive syndrome group and twenty five patients as a negative syndrome group with positive and negative syndrome scale and compared the results of neuropsychological tests between these two groups. Results : Patients without tardive dyskinesia showed better performances than those with tardive dyskinesia on picture completion subtest of KWIS. Positive schizophrenic patients showed better performances than negative schizophrenic patients on comprehension subtest of KWIS and trail making test A. Conclusion : Negative schizophrenic patients showed frontal lobe dysfunction and more memory impairment than positive schizophrenic patients. In conclusion, negative syndrome of schizophrenia is significantly associated with cognitive dysfunctions although tardive dyskinesia is not.

      • KCI등재

        동토지반에서 종방향 및 횡방향 사면의 경사에 따른 트렌치 안전성 분석

        김종욱(Jong-Uk Kim),김정주(Jung-Joo Kim),Turab H. Jafri,유한규(Han-Kyu Yoo) 한국가스학회 2017 한국가스학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        동토지역에서의 파이프라인 시공 시 계절변화와 그에 따른 지반의 강도변화가 트렌치의 안정성에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 영국, 러시아, 국내 파이프라인 기준들을 분석하여 직경 30in. 파이프의 트렌치 형상을 도출하였다. 러시아 야쿠츠크(Yakutsk) 지역의 계절별 지반조건에서 횡방향 사면경사(0゜, 10゜, 20゜, 30゜)와 종방향 사면경사(20゜, 30゜, 40゜)에 따른 트렌치의 안정성을 분석하였다. 강도감소법을 이용하여 트렌치와 사면의 안정성 해석을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 사면의 경사가 높을수록 안전율이 낮게 나왔으며 여름철 지반조건에서는 횡방향 사면경사가 30゜일 때 트렌치의 안정성을 확보하기 어려우며 지상으로부터 1m 아래에서 예상 파괴면을 확인하였다. 종방향 사면의 경사가 낮을 때에는 트렌치 부근의 파괴가 일어날 가능성이 높았지만 종방향 사면의 경사가 높을 때에는 트렌치 부근의 파괴 보다는 사면 전체의 파괴가 주를 이루는 것으로 분석되었다. 겨울철 지반조건에서는 지표면의 온도가 영하로 내려가서 지반 공극 내 얼음 발생으로 인하여 점착력이 발생되는 효과가 있어, 특수한 외부 하중이나 급격한 온도변화가 없을 경우에는 트렌치 사면 경사 0~40゜에서 안전성의 문제는 없을 것으로 판단되었다. In this study, the stability of trench slope was analysed in summer and winter seasons for the construction of pipelines in permafrost regions. The construction standards of Korea, Russia and UK were compared for obtaining an optimum trench shape for a pipeline of 30 in. diameter. Using the geotechnical properties of soil in Yakutsk (Russia), the stability of trench slope was analysed using Strength Reduction Method (SRM) according to the horizontal slope angle values of 0゜, 10゜, 20゜ and 30゜ and vertical slope angle values of 20゜, 30゜ and 40゜. In both seasons, an increase in the slope angle results in a decrease in the factor of safety. The results show that horizontal slope angle of 30゜ was not safe in summer season. At the vertical slope angle of 20゜, trench side failure was observed, whereas, ground slope failure was observed at the vertical slope angles of 30゜ and 40゜. Due to the solidification of pore water at temperatures below 0゜C, cementation of soil particles take place. Therefore, the trench slope was found to be stable in the winter season at all vertical and horizontal slop angles, except for special load cases and abrupt temperature changes.

      • 생물막법에서 여재의 종류에 따른 유기성 오수의 처리 특성에 관한 연구

        주욱종 ( Joo Uk Jong ),권순국 ( Kwun Soon Kuk ) 한국농공학회 1998 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.1998 No.-

        Recently, biofilm reactors are considered as efficient wastewater treatment system in rural areas, because of characteristics of easy operation and economic feasibility. In order to select the most efficient media, an experimental apparatus with five different media was designed, installed and examined. The media used in this study were zeolite, artificial sponge gourd, absorbent biofilter, non-woven fabric and charcoal. With only one month investigation, all five media showed high removal efficiencies of BOD.

      • 농업용수로 손실량 측정 및 원인분석

        주욱종 ( Joo Uk-jong ),김진택 ( Kim Jin-taek ) 한국농공학회 2002 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2002 No.-

        Measuring of Water Losses in irrigation canals have been done in 4 irrigation area. Four concrete canals and nine earth canals have been measured by the inflow-outflow method. The results obtained in this experiment were that the loss rates in the main irrigation canal and the secondary irrigation canal were 11.54%, 19.29% respectively. And the loss rates in concrete irrigation canals were 4.77%.

      • 농업용수 공급특성 및 관개효율 분석(경기 평택 이동시험지구 중심)

        주욱종 ( Joo Uk Jong ),이용직 ( Lee Yong Jik ),허유만 ( Huh Yoo Man ) 한국농공학회 2003 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2003 No.-

        Agricultural water use occupies 60% of the total water use in Korea, so variation of the farming pattern and the efficiency of agricultural water use is important for the sustainable water management. For the analysis of agricultural water use, the Yi-dong experimental site was selected. For the monitoring system of the experimental site, four rainfall gauging stations and twenty-six water level gauging stations are established and operated. Analyses of the measured data are processed for the irrigation efficiency of agricultural water and the effect of the variation of farming pattern.


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