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      • KCI우수등재

        국내 역사공원의 지정 및 조성 경향 분석

        길지혜,박희성,박재민,Gil, Ji-Hye,Park, Hee-Soung,Park, Jae-Min 한국조경학회 2016 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.44 No.2

        2005년 도시공원법 개정 이후 국내에는 역사유산의 보전은 물론 도시민의 휴식과 교육을 함께 도모할 수 있는 역사공원이 등장하였다. 이제는 역사공원의 운영 실태를 통해 국내 역사공원의 특성을 알고 그에 따른 제도적 보완을 모색할 때이다. 본 연구는 주요 국가의 역사공원 제도의 특성과 국내 역사공원의 지정 및 조성 경향을 분석하여 역사공원의 기능과 역할을 점검하고 향후 대응 방향을 마련하고자 하였다. 연구는 문헌고찰을 중심으로 하되, 역사공원 현황과 조성 과정을 관계 공무원과 전문가에게 전화 및 이메일로 확인하였다. 연구 결과, 역사자원은 주로 조선시대 유적에 집중되어 있지만 인물, 사건, 장소 등의 유산도 포함되며 근대기 유산도 증가하는 추세를 보였다. 역사공원은 기존도시와 신도시, 대도시와 지방도시 사이에 차이가 있으며 지방도시는 최근 경제 활성화와 정체성 강화를 위한 중요한 자원으로 역사공원을 이용하는 경향을 보였다. 또한, 공원의 종류를 역사공원으로 변경한 경우, 기존 기능과 일부 상충하는 문제가 발생하였다. 국내 역사공원은 역사유산공원, 역사기념공원, 역사주제공원과 역사적공원의 네 가지 유형으로 구분할 수 있었다. 이러한 세부적 유형분류는 향후 역사유산의 보전과 활용을 위한 전략적 토대가 되며 역사공원의 구체적인 운영 방향을 제시하는 기준이 될 수 있다. After the revision of the Urban Park Act in 2005, historical parks emerged in Korea to promote the preservation of historical heritage while also offering recreation and education to ordinary citizens. It is now time to examine the characteristics of domestic historical parks by examining their current operational conditions, and seek appropriate institutional improvements. By studying the characteristics of historical parks in various countries, as well as the trends in the designation and development of domestic historical parks, this study attempts to examine the function and role of historical parks, and seeks a direction for future action. Through its literature review, this study also examines the current state of historical parks through cooperation with relevant public officials and experts. The results of the study show that, despite historical resources being concentrated in sites dating to the Joseon Dynasty, they also include heritage pertaining to persons, events, and places. There is also a trend toward increasing the focus on modern heritage. Historical parks show differences across existing cities and new towns, as well as between major cities and provincial cities. Provincial cities showed a recent trend of using historical parks as important resources for strengthening their economics and solidifying their identities. Also, there are many cases where the designated category for a park is changed to a historical park. In such cases, there may be a problem where certain functions of the park run into conflict. Domestic historical parks can be divided into four categories: heritage parks, memorial parks, historical theme parks, and historic parks. Such detailed classification schemes may serve as the strategic foundation for later conservation and usage of historical heritage, as well as a standard for suggesting concrete direction in the operation of historical parks.

      • KCI등재

        가열 조건을 달리한 단호박 페이스트와 검 종류별 단호박 라떼의 품질특성

        박보람,김나정,유선미,한귀정,김하윤,한혜민,신동선,신말식,Park, Bo-ram,Kim, Na-Jung,Yoo, Seon-Mi,Han, Gwi Jung,Kim, Ha Yoon,Han, Hye-min,Shin, Dong-Sun,Shin, Malshick 한국식품조리과학회 2015 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        가열 조건에 따른 단호박 페이스트를 제조하기 위해, 단호박을 15분 간 초벌 증숙한 뒤, 고압가열 처리 0분(A), 10분(B), 20분(C), 40분(D) 실시하여 실험군의 품질특성 을 조사하였다. 그 결과 일반성분의 경우, 대체적으로 고 압가열 처리 유무에 따른 유의적 차이가 관찰되었으며, 고압가열 처리한 B, C, D 실험군의 수분함량, 조단백질, 조섬유가 고압가열 무처리군 A에 비해 감소하였고, 가용성 무질소물은 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 가열 조건별 단호박 페이스트의 수용성식이섬유는 고압가열 20분 처리군인 C의 측정치가 2.02로 가장 높았으며 무처리군인 A의 1.60 보다 증가하였고, 고압가열 처리 40분의 경우 오히려 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 색도의 L 값은 고압가열 무처리군인 A가 52.20에서 고압가열 처리 10분, 20분, 40분으로 시간이 증가함에 따라 각각 50.33, 49.46, 48.06으로 감소하였고, a 값과 b 값 또한 유의적인 차이를 보이며 감소하였다. 현미경을 통한 단호박 페이스트의 현탁액 입자를 관찰한 결과 카로티노이드를 포함하는 유세포가 관찰되었으며 고압가열 처리와 그 시간이 증가함에 따라 단호박 유세포의 변형이 뚜렷하게 관찰되었으나, 부유안정성 실험 결과 실험군 A, B, C, D 간 차이가 없었다. 이때, 가열조건의 선택은 수용성 식이섬유의 증가, 환원당 증가, 단맛의 관능특성이 유의적으로 높고, 전반적 기호도가 가장 우수한 것으로 나타난 고압가열 처리 20분인 C 실험군으로 결정하였다. 선택된 조건의 단호박 페이스트에 식품가공 시 널리 사용되는 검류인 xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum을 단호박 페이스트에 종류별로 첨가하여 부유안정성을 확인하였는데, 이 결과 guar gum, locust bean gum, xanthan gum 순으로 부유안정성 효과를 나타냈으며 locust bean gum과 xanathan gum은 비슷한 정도의 효과를 보였다. 또한 관능검사를 통한 기호도 확인 결과 텍스쳐와, 전반적인 기호도가 가장 우수했으므로 locust bean gum(0.2%) 첨가 단호박 라떼의 품질이 가장 적절할 것으로 판단된다. For the production of pumpkin paste with respect to heating conditions, we steamed the pumpkin for roughly 15 min, heated it with high pressure treatment for 0 min (A), 10 min (B), 20 min (C), 40 min (D), and subsequently investigated the quality characteristics. Generally a significant difference was observed between the pumpkin paste treated with and without high-pressure heat. The values of water content, crude protein and crude fiber of the high-pressure heat-treated groups B, C, D were decreased compared with untreated group A. The soluble fiber in experimental group B sweet-pumpkin paste treated with high-pressure heat for 20 min was higher than the control, and the highest value at 2.02. Experimental group D sweet-pumpkin paste treated with high-pressure heat for 40 min was found to have a decreased soluble fiber content relative to the control. The L value for the color of the group A untreated control sweet-pumpkin paste (no high-pressure heating) decreased as the time increased from 10 min to 40 min, with L values of 50.33, 49.46, and 48.06, respectively. The b value for the color of the sweet-pumpkin paste also decreased, showing a significant difference. Taking into account all the results, we chose experimental group B in order to prepare sweet-pumpkin latte. We used 0.2% gum (xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum) as a stabilizer. Sweet-pumpkin latte with xanthan and locust bean gum has a suspension stability effect that lasts 90 min. The L and b values of sweet-pumpkin latte with gums increase and a value decrease compared with the control. In terms of the overall acceptance of the sweet-pumpkin latte, the experimental group with xanthan gum scored the best.

      • KCI등재

        열처리에 의한 Morganella morganii와 Photobacterium phosphoreum 유래 Histidine Decarboxylase의 불활성화

        박원민(Won-Min Pak),김꽃봉우리(Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri Kim),김민지(Min-Ji Kim),박지혜(Ji-Hye Park),배난영(Nan-Young Bae),박선희(Sun-Hee Park),안동현(Dong-Hyun Ahn) 한국식품영양과학회 2016 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        Histamine을 생성하는 Morganella morganii와 Photobacterium phosphoreum으로부터 crude histidine decarboxylase(HDC)를 추출하여 65~121°C로 열처리한 다음 균의 생육 및 효소 활성 변화에 대해 살펴보았다. 그 결과 M. morganii와 P. phosphoreum은 모든 열처리 조건에서 비 가열 처리구와 비교 시 균의 생육이 저해됨을 확인하였다. M. morganii와 P. phosphoreum 유래 HDC의 효소 활성은 65°C에서 90% 이상의 효소 활성이 저해됨을 확인하였고, 온도가 증가함에 따라 유의적으로 활성이 억제되는 것으로 나타났다. SDS-PAGE 결과에서는 65~100°C 범위에서 비가열 처리구와 비교 시 조효소액의 단백질 패턴의 변화가 크지 않았으나, 121°C에서 단백질 band의 강도가 크게 약해졌다. Native-PAGE에서는 65°C 처리 조건에서부터 단백질 패턴의 변화가 크게 나타났다. 따라서 가열처리(65~121°C)는 histamine 생성균인 M. morganii와 P. phosphoreum의 생육을 억제할 뿐만 아니라 HDC의 효소 활성도가 저해됨을 확인하여, 식품산업에서 적용되고 있는 열처리 조건에서 histamine 생성 억제에 큰 효과가 있는 것으로 생각한다. This study was performed to investigate the effects of various thermal treatments on the growth of Morganella morganii and Photobacterium phosphoreum and activity of crude histidine decarboxylase (HDC) obtained from M. morganii and P. phosphoreum. Crude HDC and the two strains were treated at 65°C/30 min, 80°C/10 min, 100°C/10 min, and 121°C/10 min. Activity of crude HDC decreased with increasing temperature. Viable cells counts of M. morganii and P. phosphoreum were not detected in any heated samples. SDS-PAGE patterns of heated HDC did not show significant differences up to 100°C. However, at 121°C, protein band intensity was weakened. In native-PAGE, there was a major change in the pattern of HDC at 65°C. These results suggest that thermal treatment can help to reduce histamine production by reducing HDC activity and growth of M. morganii and P. phosphoreum.


        Determination of the optimum porosity for 2‑CEES adsorption by activated carbon fiber from various precursors

        HyeMin Lee,Byeong‑Hoon Lee,Ju‑Hwan Kim,Kay‑Hyeok An,Soo‑Jin Park,Byung‑Joo Kim 한국탄소학회 2019 Carbon Letters Vol.29 No.6

        In this study, we prepared ACFs with a high specific surface area from various precursors (rayon, pitch, and oxidized polyacrylonitrile-based fibers) by a steam-activation technique and investigated the effects of the micropore and mesopore fraction on 2-CEES adsorption behaviors. The activation time was precisely controlled so that the activation yield was in the range of 35–40% to ensure the mechanical properties of the ACFs. The N2 adsorption isotherm characteristics at 77K were confirmed by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, Barrett–Joyner–Halenda and non-local density functional theory equations. The adsorption capacities of the ACF were measured by breakthrough experiments in the gas phase (750 μg/mL of 2-CEES in N2 flow). The removal efficiency of the ACFs was evaluated and compared with that of AC. From the results, specific surface areas and total pore volume of the ACF were determined to be 1380–1670 m2/g and 0.61–0.82 cm3/g, respectively. It was also observed that various pore characteristics of ACF were found to be dependent on crystallite structure of each precursor. The break through time (C/C0 = 0.10) was in the order of Oxi-Pan-H-9-2 < Saratoga AC < Rayon-H-9-3 < Pitch-H-9-4. This indicates that 2-CEES adsorption capacity could be a function not only of specific surface area or total pore volume, but also of sub-mesopore volume fraction in the range of 1.5–2.5 nm of adsorbents.

      • KCI등재

        붕장어 부산물로 제조한 붕장어탕의 식품학적 특성

        허민수(Min Soo Heu),이택상(Take Sang Lee),김혜숙(Hye-Suk Kim),지성준(Seung Joon Jee),이재형(Jae Hyoung Lee),김형준(Hyung Jun Kim),윤민석(Min Seok Yoon),박신호(Shin Ho Park),김진수(Jin-Soo Kim) 한국식품영양과학회 2008 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        붕장어 가공부산물인 머리와 frame를 효율적으로 이용하기 위한 일련의 연구로 붕장어 부산물을 이용한 붕장어탕의 개발을 시도하였고, 아울러 이의 식품성분 특성에 대하여도 살펴보았다. 살균조건 및 가온일수에 따른 붕장어탕의 저장성 부여를 위한 최적 살균조건은 F? value=8분으로 판단되었다. 붕장어탕의 일반성분은 수분의 경우 90.7%, 조단백질의 경우 4.8%, 조지방의 경우 2.6%, 조회분의 경우 1.5%를 나타내었다. 붕장어탕의 엑스분 질소 함량은 243.1 ㎎/100 g으로 시판 추어탕의 208.0 ㎎/100 g보다 높았다. 붕장어탕의 총 아미노산 함량은 4,310 ㎎/100 g이었고, 주요 구성아미노산은 glutamic acid(637.3 ㎎/100 g, 14.8%), glycine(409.1 ㎎/100 g, 9.5%) 및 alanine(404.4 ㎎/100 g, 9.3%)등이었다. 붕장어탕은 관능적인 비린내는 거의 감지되지 않았고, 맛은 우수하였으며, 항산화능이 인정되었으나 ACE 저해능은 크게 기대할 수 없었다. For the effective use of the conger eel by-products, such as head and frame, Tang, which is the Korean-type soup, from conger eel by-products (TCEB) was developed and its food component characterization was compared with that of commercial Chueotang, loach Tang. According to the results of viable cells and coliform group of TCEB heated at 115oC for various times, the reasonable F0 value was 8 min. The proximate composition of TCEB was 90.7% for the moisture, 4.8% for the protein, 2.6% for the lipid, and 1.5% for the ash. The extractive-nitrogen content of TCEB was 243.1 ㎎/100 g, which was higher than that of commercial Chueotang, 208.0 ㎎/100 g. The total amino acid content of TCEB was 4,310 ㎎/100 g and its major amino acids were glutamic acid (637.3 ㎎/100 g, 14.8%), glycine (409.1 ㎎/100 g, 9.5%) and alanine (404.4 ㎎/100 g, 9.3%). TCEB was not felt in the sensual fish odor and its sensual taste was good. The health functional properties for health of TCEB were 1.29 as a PF (protection factor) for antioxidative activity and 39.4% for angiotensin Ⅰ converting enzyme (ACE) inhibiting activity.

      • A novel method for olfactory bulbectomy using photochemically induced lesion

        Kang, Hye-Min,Jin, Jizi,Lee, Seungjoo,Ryu, Jonghoon,Park, Chan Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Inc. 2010 NEUROREPORT - Vol.21 No.3

        We present the photochemically induced olfactory bulbectomy (P-bulbectomy) as a novel method to ablate the olfactory bulb thus inducing an animal model of depression. The photosensitizer Rose Bengal was injected through the tail vein and then the cool halogen light illuminated the skull region overlying of the olfactory bulb for 10 min. Two weeks after surgery, P-bulbectomy had completely removed olfactory bulb uniformly in all animals. P-bulbectomy induced typical depression-related behaviors such as hyperactivity in the open field test and an enhancement of immobility time and in the forced swimming test. Depression-related neurohistological phenomenon was also seen; reduction of choline-acetyltransferase-positive cell numbers in the medial septum and a decline in cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus. This study shows that P-bulbectomy may be a convenient and reproducible experimental method to produce an animal model of depression.

      • KCI우수등재

        Toxicity of the recombinant human hyaluronidase ALT-BC4 on embryonic development

        ( Ji Hye Lee ),( Miyoun Yoo ),( Sang Mee Lee ),( Soon-jae Park ),( Tae Young Kil ),( Min Kyu Kim ) 한국축산학회(구 한국동물자원과학회) 2021 한국축산학회지 Vol.63 No.2

        Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs), which contain immature oocytes, are matured in vitro for in vitro embryo production. Oocyte and cumulus cells are then separated using hyaluronidase. To date, there have only been a few reported cases of the toxic effects of hyaluronidase on porcine oocytes. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of bovine testis-derived hyaluronidase and recombinant human hyaluronidase on oocyte denudation and quality. Porcine COCs were matured for 44 h and denuded using different hyaluronidase concentrations and exposure times. Then, oocytes were activated by electrical parthenogenesis. In experiment 1, COCs were denuded using bovine-derived, ovine-derived (Hirax), and human recombinant (ALT-BC4) hyaluronidases for 10 and 20 min. In experiment 2, bovine-derived and human recombinant (ALT-BC4 and ICSI Cumulase<sup>®</sup>) hyaluronidases were used to denude the COCs for 2 and 20 min. In both experiments the oocytes were all completely denuded, and there was no degeneration. Rate of embryo development was significantly increased in group treated ALT-BC4 for 2 min and not significantly different in other treatment groups. In general it slightly decreased with longer exposure times. These results have confirmed that different sources of hyaluronidase do not have detrimental effects on the quality of porcine oocytes and suggest that the human recombinant hyaluronidase ALT-BC4 is suitable for oocyte denudation with an increased blastocyst rate.

      • KCI등재

        인체혈장 중 에탐부톨의 HPLC 분석법의 검증 및 단일용량 투여에 의한 약물동태 연구

        곽혜선,박경호,최준식,송진아,성민경,장정옥,이화정 한국약제학회 2005 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.35 No.2

        An HPLC method was employed for the determination of ethambutol in human plasma. After addition of internal standard (IS, octylamine, 2 μg/mL) and alkalinization of the plasma with 5 M sodium hydroxide, the drug and IS were extracted into the mixture of chloroform and diethyl ether (40:60, v/v). Following a 15-min vortex-mixing and a 10-min centrifugation, the organic phase was spiked with 100 pL of phenylethylisocyanate (2000 μg/mL) for chemical derivatization, mixed for 5 min and evaporated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen. The residue was reconstituted with 100 μL of mobile phase and 20 pL was injected into Cl8 column with a mobile phase consisting of methanol:water (70:30, v/v). The samples were detected utilizing an ultraviolet detector at 200 nm. The method was specific and validated with a limit of 0.15 μg/mL. Infra- and inter-day precision and accuracy were acceptable for all quality control samples including the lower limit of quantification. The applicability of this method was demonstrated by analysis of human plasma after oral administration of a single 1200-mg dose to 20 healthy subjects. From the plasma ethambutol concentration vs. time curves, the mean AUC was 9.61 ± 1.64 μg hr/mL. and Cmax of 2.68 μg/mL reached 2.73 hr after administration. The mean biological half-life of ethambutol was 3.46 ± 1.21 hr. Based on the results, this simple and validated assay could readily be used in any pharmacokinetic studies using humans.

      • Ginsenoside Rg3 Suppresses Palmitate-Induced Apoptosis in MIN6N8 Pancreatic β-Cells

        Kim, Kyong,Park, Min,Young Kim, Hye the Society for Free Radical Research Japan 2010 Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition Vol.46 No.1

        <P>Chronic exposure to elevated levels of free fatty acids (FFA) causes β-cell dysfunction and may induce β-cell apoptosis in type 2 diabetes. The execution of β-cell apoptosis occurs through activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). Ginsenoside Rg3 (Rg3), one of the active ingredients of ginseng saponins, has not been known about the effects on β-cell apoptosis mediated with FFA. The aims of this study were to investigate the <I>in vitro</I> protective effects of Rg3 on MIN6N8 mouse insulinoma β-cells against FFA-induced apoptosis, as well as the modulating effects on p44/42 MAPK activation. Our results showed that Rg3 inhibited the palmitate-induced apoptosis through modulating p44/42 MAPK activation. We conclude that Rg3 has the potential role in suppressing the progression of type 2 diabetes by inhibiting FFA-mediated loss of β-cells.</P>

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