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      • 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증이 발생한 저위험군 발열 환자들을 대상으로 한 경구 항균제 요법의 임상적 유용성 및 안정성에 대한 연구

        김연숙,이혁,기현균,김춘관,김신우,김성민,백경란,김원석,윤성수,이홍기,강원기,박찬형,박근칠,송재훈 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        목적 : 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증을 동반한 발열이 발생하는 암환자들을 치료하기 위한 다양한 항균제와 여러 가지 방법들이 시도되고 있는 가운데, 합병증과 사망률의 발생가능성이 적은 저위험군 환자들을 대상으로 초기 72시간동안 정주 항균제를 투여한 이후 경구 항균제로 전환하는 요법의 유용성과 안정성을 평가해보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법 : 1998년 2월부터 1999년 9월까지 본원에서 항암화학요법 중 호중구감소증과 발열이 발생한 환자들 가운데 기저 암질환이 고형암이거나 림프종이고, 입원당시 패혈증의 증후가 없으며 입원 72시간이내에 해열되고 백혈구수치가 증가 추세인 환자들을 대상으로 하여 72시간 동안 정주 항균제를 투여한 이후 경우 ciprofloxacin 750㎎을 하루 2회씩 투여하여 총 4일간 투여하였다. 모든 환자들은 열이 떨어지고 호중구감소증이 회복될 때까지 입원하도록 하였다. 결과 : 총 38명 환자의 40예가 등록이 되었고, 환자들의 기저암 질환은 고형함이 72.5%, 림프종이 27.5%였다. 입원당시 평균 호중구치수는 156/㎕였고, 호중구수치가 100/㎕미만인 경우는 65%였으며, 호중구감소증이 지속된 기간의 평균은 2.4일이었다. 40예 중 39예가 항균제의 변형이나 추가 없이 호중구감소증과 발열로부터 회복이 되어 97.5%의 성공율(95% 신뢰구간: 86.8-99.9%)을 보였다. 부작용으로 피부발진이 있었던 경우가 한 예 있었는데, 증상이 경하여 경구 항균제를 지속할 수 있었다. 심와부의 동통으로 복용을 지속할 수 없어서 대상에서 제외된 예가 또 한 예 있었다. 결론 : 항암요법 중 호중구감소증과 발열을 동반한 환자들 가운데 저위험군 환자들에서 항균제 72시간정주 이후 경구 항균제로의 전환요법은 효과적이고도 안전한 치료방법이라고 할 수 있다. Background : Oral antibiotic therapy following empirical intravenous antibiotics may be effective and safe for febrile neutropenic patients with lowrisk for complications. Methods : We conducted a prospective clinical trial of oral antibiotic therapy in the patients with neutropenia and fever during chemotherapy for cancer. Underlying malignancies were solid tumor or lymphoma with short duration of neurtropenia and the patients had no evidence of clinically or microbiologically documented infections. Oral ciprofloxacin was given to the patients who lacked signs of sepsis on admission, had a rising tendency of neutrophil count (ANC >100 /㎕ ) at 72 hours, and were afebrile at 72 hours. All patients were hospitalized until neutropenia and fever resolved. Results : A total of 40 episodes of 38 patients were enrolled from February 1998 to September 1999. The mean neutrophil counts on admission were 156/㎕ and the mean duration of neutropenia was 2.4 days. The episodes which had neutrophil count below 100 /㎕ were 26 (65%). Treatment was successful in 39 of 40 episodes (97.5% : 95 % confidence interval, 86.8% to 99.9%). Adverse reactions of oral ciprofloxacin were skin rash and epigastric soreness in two cases, respectively. There were no deaths during the study. Conclusions : For low-risk febrile patients with neutropenia during cancer chemotherapy, switch therapy to oral ciprofloxacin at 72 hours following intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics is effective and safe,

      • KCI등재

        Floristic characteristics of vascular plants and first distributional report of Pseudostellaria baekdusanensis M. Kim in Yongneup wetland protected area

        Young-Chul Kim,Hyun-Hee Chae,Sang-Heock Oh,Seung-Ho Choi2,Moon-Pyo Hong3,Gi-Heum Nam,Jae-Yoon Choi,Hyun-Sook Choi,Kyu-Song Lee 한국환경생태학회 2015 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        Yongneup wetland protected area, the only high moor in Korea, is a core area to conserve biodiversity. Even though the Yongneup wetland protected area is relatively small, various plant species are distributed in the Yongneup wetland protected area because it includes various habitats showing different environmental gradients. Vascular plants distributed in the Yongneup wetland protected area were identified as a total of 376 taxa that is composed of 73 families, 217 genera, 322 species, 3 subspecies, 44 varieties and 7 forms. For endangered plants designated by the Ministry of Environment, 5 species including Trientalis europaea var. arctica, Lilium dauricum, Halenia corniculata, Lychnis wilfordii and Menyanthes trifoliata were found and 34 taxa were confirmed to be distributed only in the mountainous wetland habitats. Regarding naturalized plants, a total of 11 taxa were distributed, but most of them were distributed in the areas where artificial interference has occurred. And in areas inside the wetlands that are relatively well preserved, 2 species of Bidens frondosa and Erigeron annuus were observed. In this study, the occurrence and distribution of Pseudostellaria baekdusanensis M. Kim, which was recently found in Mt. Baekdu and reported as a new species, were identified in the Yongneup wetland protected area. A wetland is a very vulnerable area to drastic environmental changes and damages to its ecosystem could cause the extinction of rare plant species which are distributed only in the wetlands. Therefore, it is mandatory that current status of the Yongneup wetland protected area is evaluated and actions to prevent rapid environmental changes are taken. Fourteen separate investigations were conducted in 2013 and another four in 2014, to evaluate current status of the Yongneup wetland protected area. These investigations have provided us the basic information for future actions of conservation and restoration.

      • 진해제 지놀타(Zipeprol 2HCl) 남용으로 유발된 기질성 정신장애 1례

        김홍곤,박민철,노승호,김은숙 圓光大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 1993 圓光精神醫學 Vol.9 No.2

        We experienced a case of organic mental disorder following Zinolta(Zipeprol 2HCI) abuse for about a year. he showed neuropsychiatric symptoms such as vivid auditory and visual hallucinations, idea of reference, aggressive behaviors, and drowsy mental states. During the hospitalization, he was treated with benzodiazepines without any other specific treatment. He was improved and discharged with clear sensorium without any psychotic symptoms. Zipeprol Hydrochloride is a centrally acting cough suppressant. There have been reports of abuse and overdosage producing neurological symptoms. Although lacking in the comprehensive study explaining the pttersn of abuse, pharmacological effects and incidence of psychotic symptoms, this case suggests the need for evaluation of the potentially dangerous orgainc psychotic symptoms among the populations who are exposed.

      • 헨리 제임스의 애매성:『나사의 회전』을 중심으로

        김홍숙 한국 헨리제임스 학회 1998 헨리 제임스 연구 Vol.- No.3

        In most of James's mature works including ghost stories, the real state of being is not completely explained and thus it remains ambiguous and richly suggestive. Such ambiguity implicated in these works makes the reading process more dynamic and also demands far more active involvement of the reader in the stories. But, for James, the hesitation between "presence" and "absence" or the uncertainties of the ghost as "reality" and "illusion" the reader experiences is not merely the method; it is the thematic thrust. In The Turn of the Screw James is able to illustrate this novel as a completely organic artistic form in which the governess is either evil or good, in which ghosts do not or do exist and in which the children are perverts or innocent vietims of the governess. But one of the most distinctive features of this novel is its psychological orientation whereby intuitive insight into human consciousness is keenly and intensely emphasized. This is the quality which distinguishes James's ghost stories from those belonging to the old Gothic tradition. If the reader finds a moral in this ambiguous work, it is that the attempt to live in a totally cognized world, in which all ambiguities are rationalized and symbolized according to the bias of one's own mind, is madness.

      • 성인 남성이 선호하는 외투 디자인과 색채에 관한 연구 : 20ㆍ30대를 중심으로

        홍성주,김보연,류숙희 계명대학교 생활과학연구소 2001 科學論集 Vol.27 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate that men in their 20's and 30's prefer what kind of styles and colors in overcoats. To achieve this purpose, this study was carried out by suggesting the overcoats of 7 styles and 24 colors to 546 men in their 20's and 30's. We analyzed and compared their preferred styles and colors in overcoats, by examining the individual factors such as age, marriage status, personality and education. This study shows the following results. Men in both their 20's and 30's liked the classic styles like style B and neutral colors most. The extroversive and single men in their 20's preferred the casual and polished styles in contrast to others. On the other hand, the introversive and married men in their 30's preferred the classic and formal styles. Skin color has nothing to do with preference of styles.

      • KCI등재후보

        위신경내분비암 1례

        김상일,이정은,윤상미,송홍석,이상숙 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1998 계명의대학술지 Vol.17 No.4

        저자들은 67세 남자 환자에서 위부분절제술 시행 후 cisplatin와 etoposide의 복합항암화학요법을 실시한 위신경내분비암 1례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. The existence of gastric neuroendocrine carcinomas had been scarcely recognized. When present, the correct diagnosis is seldom made before surgery. The recognition of these tumors can be problematic for the pathologist. Some of these tumors have "small cell" appearance by light microscopic examination, but others only be called "poorly differentiated carcinoma". But tremendous advances in immunohistochemistry in the last 15 years have yielded powerful tools to the pathologist in diagnosing these tumors. We experienced a case of neuroendocrine carcinoma of the stomach. The patient was a 67-year-old male and visited our hospital with epigastric pain. Subtotally resected stomach showed 3.5×4×5cm sized ulcerated tumor that was located at lesser curvature. Final diagnosis was neuroendocrine carcinoma, which stained positively for synaptophysin immunohistochemically. Herein, we report a case of neuroendocrine carcinoma of stomach and review the literature.

      • 신입생 실태조사('71-'94)를 통해 본 충남대학교 신입생들의 생활 환경 및 의식 변화에 관한 연구

        김홍기,이희숙 충남대학교 학생생활연구소 1995 學生生活硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        1971년부터 1994년까지 본교에 입학한 신입생을 대상으로 그들의 생활환경 및 대학 생활에 대한 인식의 변화를 조사 연구하기 위하여 본 연구소에서 매년 실시해 오고 있는 ‘신입생 실태조사’의 결과들을 기초 자료로 하여 본교 신입생들의 ‘인적사항’, ‘가정환경’, ‘경제적 여건’, ‘본교 지원 및 학과선택’, ‘대학 생활에 관한 사항’ 등으로 구분하여 그 일반적 추세를 분석 고찰하였다. 그 동안 조사 문항의 변화, 조사 미실시 등으로 모든 부분의 24년 동안의 변화 추세를 분석 제시하는 것은 불가능하였지만 앞에서 밝힌 일반적인 추세를 다시 한번 정리해 보면 과음과 같다. 우선 입학생의 남녀 비율을 보면 90년도까지는 남학생의 비율이 계속 감소하여 그후 60%의 수준을 계속 유지하고 있으며(여학생의 비율은 40%) 입학 연령은 계속 감소하는 추세에 있으며 입학생들 중 직할시 및 도청 소재지 출신은 계속 증가하고 중소 도시나 농어촌 출신들은 계속 감소하는 추세를 보이고 있다. 재수 경험이 있는 신입생의 비율은 소폭이나마 계속 감소하고 있으며 신입생들이 밝힌 그들의 대인 관계는 대부분 아주 원만하거나 혹은 원만하다고 나타나 긍정적인 대학생활이 기대된다 하겠다.

      • 지체 장애아동들을 위한 교정운동에 관한 연구

        김숙자,홍양자 이화여자대학교 체육대학 보건체육연구소 1988 이화체육논집 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to develop the corrective execise program for the children with postural deviations in elementray school. For the purpose, literatural research methods were used as follow ; 1. Analysis of Corrective exercise of vorderwulbecke. 2. Analysis of Corrective exercise of Hollis Fait. 3. Analysis of Corrective exercise of Auxter, Daniel, and crowe. 4. Analysis of Corrective exercise of Kraus, Hans and Raab, Wilhelm. 5. Analysis of Therapeutic exercise for body alignment of Marian and Worthingham. The result of analysis of corrective exercises, Exercises for Postural deviations were designed to strengthen the muscles that were involved in maintaining the disired posture and in stretching their antagonists. Exercising should be moderate in the beginning and the work load gradually increased, until the desired results were achieved or it has become obvious that exercise was not going to be effective. Weak muscles would require a very small amount of exercise, while their anatagonists that have shortened would not allow a wide range of movement and hence should not be overly stretched in the beginning. The research point out, the spinal column may compensate for an overcurve by curving in the oppsite direction in another area of spine. In the case of Kyphosis, there was usally an increased curve in the lumbar area. In this case, the exercise was given for the round back, care should be taken that the movement does not increase the size of the lumbar curve. The same precaution must be taken with exercises that are given for forward head and round shoulders and back to avoid increasing the lumbar curve. The preventive and corrective exercises in this study were suggested for use in postural work that they were devided into three groups; mild, moderate, and strenuous.

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