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        우리나라 중등교사의 소비자지식 및 소비자주의에 대한 태도에 관한 연구

        이희숙,최은숙 한국가정관리학회 1988 가정과삶의질연구 Vol.6 No.2

        This study is mainly concerned with providing a basis for the development of consumer education program in Korea. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors related to the consumer knowleges and the attitudes toward consumerism of secondary school teachers. The samples are composed of 505 secondary school teachers who major in social study (102), home economics (101), Korean language (99), business education(105), and art and physical education(98). The statistics used for data analysis are F-test, T-test, ANOVA, DMR(Duncan' Multiple Range Test). Results are as follows : (1) The level of consumer knowleges differs according to major subject, age, teaching career, and growth region. (2) The attitudes toward consumerism differ according to major subject, age, and teaching career.

      • 在日韓人의 구직과 네트워크의 역할

        이희숙 경북대학교 사회과학대학 지리학과 2003 地理學論究 Vol.- No.23

        본 연구는 오사카 대도시권의 재일한인의 구직행위를 통하여 역동적인 네트워크의 실태를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 구직 네트워크는 가족, 친척, 동포의 지인과 같은 커뮤니티 내에서의 비공식적인 네트워크에의 강한 의존이 확인되는 반면, 그 정도는 남녀 및 세대에 따라 상이하였다. 특히 여성이나 신세대에서는 커뮤니티를 넘어 선 공식적인 네트워크가 확장되고 있다. 이는 교육수준의 향상과 같은 단순한 개인의 수준에서의 변화 뿐 아니라, 일본사회의 제도적인 규제완화에 의해 촉진된다. 따라서, 재일한인의 경제는 점점 정주국인 일본사회로 뿌리내려가고 있다고 할 수 있다. 이와 같은 정주 소수민족 집단의 네트워크를 파악하기 위해서는, 동포 네트워크에의 강한 의존이라는 일방적인 시각에서 벗어나 네트워크의 다양성과 역동성에 대한 고려가 요구된다. This article illustrates how job search networks are diverse and transformative in an ethnic community. It concerns the extent to which Korean networks for job searches are embedded in their social relations, and at the same time considers formal networks beyond co-ethnics. The research is based on a questionnaire survey of the Korean community in the Osaka metropolitan area conducted by the author in 1998. Unlike new immigrants, recently the legal status of established Koreans in Japan has been changed to a category called "special permanent residents." They are, however, basically treated within the same legal framework of policies toward foreigners in Japan. Findings from this study indicate that for some subgroups economic action is deeply embedded in co-ethnic informal networks, while for other subgroups it is not so deep. That is, the extent differs tend to rely strongly on family ties. They are mostly male family members whose self-employed status evolved through generational succession. These findings also show that many employees gravitate toward co-ethnic companies, and most of them rely on relatives and ethnic ties. These employment tendencies have allowed the establishment of an ethnic economy. On the other hand, it was found that women and younger generations rely less on co-ethnic networks and instead rely more on formal networks. Therefore, their occupations became more diverse and they tend to be less dependent on self-employment. The implication is that their networks are geared toward a wider society or social space. These various networks result in different outcomes in employment. The divergence and transformation in job networks can be explained by their better education as well as the institutional relaxation of discrimination against foreign employees. Thus it seems likely that the economic life of the Korean community will gradually become embedded in wider Japanese society. The conclusions suggest that networks for job search can very over time, can change differentialy for different segments of the resident community, and therefore can have disparate effects on embeddedness. These empirical findings show that it is necessary to consider the network dynamics in order t understand the forms of socioeconomic adaptation and mobility. The findings also have implications for the trajectory of other immigrant incorporation into the host society.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        대학인문역량강화사업(CORE)의 인문사회계열 대학생에 대한 대학생활 성과 분석

        이희숙,남수경 한국사회역사학회 2019 담론 201 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of CORE project on the college life of college students in the humanities and social science. The results were analyzed for students from 19 universities which were chosen for the project and 39 universities which applied for the CORE project but failed to participate in the project. The results are as follows. First, the possibility of students from the selected universities to choose various majors was significantly higher than that of the unselected before and after the project. Second, the interact with professors has improved significantly since the implementation of the CORE project in both the unselected and selected universities. In particular, the level of participation in the employment and career support programs of selected university students has increased significantly since the implementation of the project. Finally, the results of an analysis of the performance of the CORE project by DID showed no significant difference. However, it seems meaningful that students from selected universities have a higher proportion of their choice of majors than those from unselected universities. It is also seen as a positive change in the fact that students in the humanities and social science interact with professors overtime, although it is not a direct result of the project. Therefore, it is proposed that support should be needed because the CORE project could go beyond the selected group and its affiliated universities and lead to the effect of enhancing the overall competency of the humanities. 이 연구는 2016년 도입된 대학인문역량강화사업(CORE)이 인문사회계열 대학생의 대학생활에 미친 성과를 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 CORE사업에 선정된 19개 대학과 CORE사업에 신청하였으나 탈락한 39개 대학의 재학생을 대상으로 사업 시행 전후 인문(사회)계열 학생의 대학생활만족도, 다양한 전공선택, 취업준비 활동, 교과 및 비교과 활동을 중심으로 성과를 분석하였다. 주요 분석결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사업 시행 전, 후에 사업선정 여부에 따른 성과를 평균차이 분석한 결과 사업 시행 전과 후 모두에서 CORE사업 선정 대학이 미선정 대학에 비해 다양한 전공(복수전공, 부전공, 연계전공)을 선택한 경우가 유의하게 높았다. 둘째, 대학생활만족도에서 교수와의 교류는 미선정대학과 선정대학 모두에서 CORE사업 시행 이후 유의하게 좋아진 것으로 나타났다. 특히 교과 및 비교과 활동 참여도에서 선정대학 학생들의 취업 및 진로지원 프로그램 참여도가 사업시행 이후 유의하게 증가되었다. 끝으로, 이중차분법에 의해 CORE사업의 순수한 성과를 분석한 결과 유의한 차이를 나타낸 성과지표는 없었다. 그러나 CORE사업 수혜를 받은 대학의 학생들이 미선정 대학의 학생들에 비해 다양한 전공 선택의 비율이 높은 것과시간이 지날수록 인문, 사회계열 학생들이 교수와 교류하는 정도가 높아지고 있다는 점 역시 긍정적인 변화로 평가할 수 있다.

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