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      • KCI등재

        혈관질환 정보관리 시스템

        김동익,김덕경,허세호,이병붕,김용신,김은숙,문지영,도영수,신성욱,김동수,김만태,진재욱,김용신 대한혈관외과학회 2002 Vascular Specialist International Vol.18 No.1

        As medical technology progresses rapidly, there is a rise in the average age along with the Korean dietary lifestyle becoming more westernized, which leads to an increase in the number of vascular disease patients in Korea. Thus, we need to manage the medical information of a disease systematically in order to diagnose and treat constructively. However, since there has been no standardized method of man agement to date, a great deal of information could not be properly utilized nor studied. Therefore, the departments of Cardiology, Radiology and Neurology of Samsung Seoul Hospital recently got together to develop an information management system called the Vascular Data System. This program was developed to be run on win98 O/S, upper Pentium Ⅲ, and upper 128 MB Memory, and its source code is Dephi 4.0. It was configured for the user to set the configurations as well as do a variety of search and analysis. If this program were to be updated continuously, it may be used extensively as well as in various parts of clinical research activities.

      • KCI등재

        직장내 성희롱의 실태에 관한 연구

        강동욱 한국비교형사법학회 2001 비교형사법연구 Vol.3 No.2

        In this paper I intend to examine various arguments for the origin and meaning of "sexual harassment in the workplace" that is very important social problem. "Sexual harassment in the workplace" in Korea is comprehended as the problem of employment circumstances, and the responsibility of the employer is specially emphasized in related legislations. For these reasons, I interpret it in a broad sense that the rape and forced sexual attack are included in it. And for the study on causes of and countermeasures against "sexual harassment in the workplace" I conducted the statistical research on the actual condition of sexual harassment. The subject of the survey was 500 persons working in region of Young-Dong, but, of these the reply of 259 persons(woman: 237, man: 22) was proved to be effective. I analyzed the reply of 89 persons(woman: 85, man: 4) who answered "have been attacked sexual harassment". Details of this survey are as follows: the type of sexual harassment, particulars of offender, place and time offended, confrontation method of the victim, influence upon the victim, causes of sexual harassment and countermeasures of the victim against sexual harassment etc. On the result of this survey, the ratio of the one who have been attacked sexual harassment is 34.4%, that is very low percentage. Of these, the ratio of irregular workers is higher than that of regular workers. And the ratio of the victim who positively resist the offender is high. I think that these are because of regional characteristics. Besides, the patterns of sexual harassment in region of Young-Dong are generally similar with the nationwide survey results as follows. The ratio of sexual harassment by words is the highest. Mostly it occur only one time, but the severe sexual harassment are committed continuously. Sexual harassment without condition are many. Sexual harassment is regarded as caused by structural problems of our society. The positive confrontation of the victim against the offender is fairly effective for the prevention of sexual harassment.

      • KCI우수등재

        A Content Analysis of the Sportmen’s Ethic on Korean Newspapers with respect to Gender , Individual / Team and Professional / Amateur Status from 1920s to 1990s

        ( Kwon Wook-dong ) 한국체육학회 1998 한국체육학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        본 연구는 우리나라 스포츠맨의 윤리적 경향을 성별, 개인/팀 스포츠별, 아마추어/프로스포츠별로 나누어 한국신문의 스포츠면을 내용분석법으로 알아보는 것이 그 목적이다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 1920년대부터 1990년대까지 동아일보, 조선일보, 중앙일보, 한국일보의 스포츠 면을 2월, 8월, 5월, 10월의 첫 주를 대상으로 연구하였다. 연구방법은 내용분석(content analysis)방법으로, 먼저 연구하고자 하는 내용을 범주화(categorization)하여서 Coding System을 이용하여 조사하였다. 그 결과 성별로는 여성 스포츠맨이 남성에 비하여 보다 윤리적인 경향이 강하고 비폭력인 것을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 1980년대와 1990년대에 들어서면서 여성에 대한 성차별적인 경향이 보다 심각하게 나타내고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 한국사회의 특성이 가부장적인 사회환경속에서 남녀 성의 차이가 더욱 뚜렷이 나타나고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 두 번째, 개인스포츠와 팀 스포츠의 경우 스포츠의 속성상 팀 스포츠가 폭력적 경향이 많음을 알 수 있었고, 신문의 보도경향에 있어서 팀 스포츠가 비윤리적 경향이 많이 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 아마추어 스포츠와 프로 스포츠의 경우에서는 아마추어가 프로스포츠 보다 팀워크를 강화시키고 있는 것을 보도경향에서 쉽게 감지할 수 있었다. 스포츠미디어는 승리와 패배라는 등식에서 항상 그 보도스타일을 유지하였음을 부인할 수 없다. 스포츠 보도에 있어 항상 승리만이 존재하는 것은 아니다. 그 이면에는 선수 및 팀이 패배하였을 때 이를 극복하여 나갈 수 있는 환경의 조성은 매스미디어의 역할에서 찾아야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine the development of Korean sportsmen’s ethic on the sport sections of newspapers. For this purpose, sports sections of four (4) Korean daily newspapers were analyzed: The Dong-A, The Choong-Ang, The Chosun and The Hankook, published during the period from 1920s to 1990s. Content analysis and interpretive-comparative approach methods were utilized to investigate the sportsmen’s ethic during the following three (3) eras: 1920-1949, 1950-1979 and 1980-1990 (Adelman, 1981; Berelson, 1952).Findings indicated that sportsmen’s ethic and journalism were identified in terms of variety and specialization from the perspective of economics and politics in each era.. Sportsmen’s ethic was significantly influenced by following categories in order of importance in male vs. female sport : competitive individualism, teamwork and perseverance. Sportsmen’s ethic was significantly influenced by the following categories, by order of importance, in individual vs. team sport : competitive individualism, teamwork and perseverance category.

      • 각종 난치성 혈액 질환에서의 비혈연간 골수이식

        김동욱,한훈,김정아,김희제,민창기,엄현석,최정현,이종욱,한치화,홍영선,최일봉,신완식,민우성,김학기,김춘추,김원일,김동집 대한조혈모세포이식학회 1997 대한조혈모세포이식학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        목적: 비혈연간 골수이식은 혈연내에 적절한 골수공여자가 없는 만성골수성백혈병, 고위험군의 급성별혁병, 면역억제치료에 실패한 재생불량성빈혈 및 각종 난치성 조혈모세포질환의 완치를 위한 표준적인 치료방법으로 정착되고 있다. 혈연간 표준적인 동종 이식에 비하여 비혈연간 이식시에는 생착부전, 이식편대숙주반응과 감염이 더 빈번하게 발생하며, 국내에서는 아직까지 체계적인 임상연구결과가 보고된 바 없었다. 이에 본 센터에서는 1995년 10월 이후로 약 20개월간 26예의 비혈연간 골수이식을 시행하였으며 3개월 이상의 추적관찰이 가능하여 이식초기 합병증의 관찰 및 분석이 가능하였던 20예의 환자를 대상으로 이식성적 및 문제점을 보고함으로써 새롭게 확대되고 있는 이 분야의 임상연구 및 진료의 활성화를 꾀하고자 한다. 방법: 각종 혈액 종양질환으로 비혈연간 이식을 시행한 총 26예의 환자중 3개월이상의 추적관찰이 가능하였던 20예를 대상으로 후향적으로 임상경과를 분석한 후 생존 분석을 시행하였고, 환자의 연령, 성별, 질병의 상태, 조식 적합 항원의 일치정도, 이식편대 숙주 반응의 유무와 생존기간과의 상관관계를 살펴보았다. 또한 표준위험군과 고위험군으로 나누어 생존율을 비교하였고 이식과 관계된 생착 부전, 이식편대숙주반응, 감염의 발생과 양상 그리고 그 합병증을 관찰하였다. 결과: 1. 환자와 공여자간에 HLA 불일치가 20예 중 4예에서 있었으며, 생착여부의 확인이 가능했던 17예 중 16예에서 생착이 확인되어 94.1%의 생착율을 보였다. 2. 급성이식편대숙주반응은 62.5%(10/16예)에서 발생하였으며 111도 이상의 급성의 이식편대숙주 반응은 25%(4/16예)에서 발생하였다. 만성이식편대숙주반응은 40%(2/5예)의 환자에서 발생하였으며 이들 모두 국소형으로 중증의 진행형 만성이식편대숙주반응이 관찰된 환자는 없었다. 3. 호흡기 합병증은 10예(50%)에서 발생하였으며 감염성 폐렴을 포함한 호흡기 합병증이 가장 흔한 일차적인 사망 원인이었다. 호흡기 합병증이 발생했던 10예중 6예가 감염에 의한 폐렴이 의심되었고 나머지 4예는 특발성 간질성 폐렴이었다. 4. 8.5개월의 중앙추적기간 중 35%의 생존율을 관찰할 수 있었고, 생존기간은0.5개월에서 15개월 (중앙치:4개월)이었다. 한편 고위험군은 25%(3/12예), 표준위험군은 50%(4/8)의 생존율을 관찰할 수 있었다. 5. 가장 흔한 사망 원인은 감염성 폐렴을 포함한 호흡기 합병증(6예)이었고, 이외의 사망 원인으로는 급성 이식편대숙주반응과 다장기부전이 각각 2예, 생착 부전, 간정맥 폐쇄, 그리고 재발이 각각 1예였다. Unrelated bone marrow transplantation(UBMT) has been increasingly recognized as the standard treatment for cure of chronic myelogenous leukemia, high risk acute leukemia, aplastic failed on immunotherapy, and the variety of refractory hematologic diseases in patients lacking a related donor. However, as compared to HLA identical sibing transplantation, UBMT carries higher incidence of graft failure, graft versus host disease(GVHD), and infection. In our center, 26 patients underwent UMBT between October 1995 and June 1997. The minimum follow-up of 3 months was possible in 20 patients, for whom early complications and clinical outcomes were assessed. The median age of the 20 patients was 24 years. 8 patients had standard risk disease and 12 patients had high risk disease. All patients received various preparative regimens including total body irradiation according to disease and disease status. 19 patients received CsA + short course MTX for GVHD prophylaxis. One patient received marrow that was depleted of T cells ex vivo using avidinbiotin column. The class I loci were typed by serological methods and HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-DRB1. 3 additional pairs were one minor mismatched at the HLA-B locus. Another one patients was one major mismatched at the DRBI alleles. 17 patients were evaluable for engraftment. Successful enfraftment was confirmed in 16 patients(94.1%). Only one patient who was performed one major DRBI mismatched transplants experienced graft rejection. 16 patients were evaluable for acute GVHD. The overall incidence of acute GVHD developed in 4 patients(25%). Five patients were evaluable for the development of Ⅳ acute GVHD developed in 4 patients (25%). Five patients were evaluanle for the development of chronic GVHD. 2 patients(40%) developed limited chronic GVHD. Respiratory complications including pulmonary infection developed in 10 patients(50%) and these complications were the most common primary cause of death. Of these 10patients, 6 had pneumonia due to fungus(4 patients), pacterial (1 patient), and CMV infection (1 patient) and 4(20%) had idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis and/or adult respiratory distress syndrome. The duration of median follow- up was 8.5 months and 7 of 20 patients(35%) are alive at the time of this analysis with survival duration of 0.5 to 15 months(median survival duration: 4 months). The overall survival was 25% (3/12 patients) in high risk group and 50%(4/8 patients) in standard group. From these results, we can predict that the incidence and severity of GVHD in Korea are lesser than multiracial countries and the long-term survival of patients with standard risk disease can approach that of HLA matched sibling transplants. For the past two years, the performance of UBMT has been rapidly increasing and it will be possible to analyze much larger number of patients soon in Korea. In the future the problems of graft failure, GVHD, and infection due to long lasting immunocompromised status will need to be overcome by continued medical research. In addition, the volunteer donor pool will have to be expanded by the promotion of the national awareness of its need.

      • KCI등재후보

        感冒처방 晴崗醫鑑 '加味普正散'의 의학역사적 이해

        이병욱(Byung-Wook Lee),김동율(Dong-Ryul Kim),차웅석(Wung-Seok Cha) 한국의사학회 2011 한국의사학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper aims to find out the unique Oriental Medical characteristics of the prescription Gami-Bojeongsan(加味普正散), which can only be found in 『Cheong-gang Euigam(晴崗醫鑑』 and the records of diagnosis by Kim Yeong Hoon. First, clues regarding Gami-Bojeongsan (加味普正散) in 『Cheong-gang Euigam(晴崗醫鑑)』 and the records of diagnosis by Kim Yeong Hoon have been collected, and then the origin of Gami-Bojeongsan(加味普正散) has been studied. Moreover, changes of prescriptions for common cold in East Asian Medicine have been looked into from historical perspective, and their connection to Gami-Bojeongsan(加味普正散) has also been researched. Lastly, connection of prescriptions for common cold found in royal records of the Chosun Dynasty to Gami-Bojeongsan(加味普正散) has been confirmed. The results are as follow: 1) Gami-Bojeongsan(加味普正散) is a most frequently used prescription in the records of diagnosis by Kim Yeong Hoon, and was used mostly in winter. It includes various modified versions. 2) Prescriptions that adopt Cyperi Rhizoma(香附子) as the sovereign medicinal, such as Gami-Bojeongsan(加味普正散), include Hyangsosan(香蘇散) of 『Hejijufang(和剂局方)』 and Hyang-gal-tang (香葛湯) of 『Dexiaofang(得效方)』 Hyang-gal-tang(香葛湯) is thought to have adopted Korean characteristics through Dong-Eui-Bo-Gam(東醫寶鑑) and 『Je-Jung-Shin-Pyeon』 and have continued its existence until it reached Gami-Bojeongsan(加味普正散) 3)These characteristics can be found in the royal records of the Chosun Dynasty, and also in Shin-Su- Tae-Eul-San(神授太乙散) of 『Euibang-Yuchui (醫方類聚)』.

      • KCI등재후보

        조혈모세포이식 환자에서 발생한 Cytomegalovirus 질환의 특징 : 일개 대학변원에서 최근 10년간의 경험

        최수미,이동건,박선희,김시현,김유진,민창기,김희제,이석,최정현,유진홍,김동욱,이종욱,민우성,신완식,김춘추 대한감염학회 2009 감염과 화학요법 Vol.41 No.1

        Background : Studies on cytomegalovirus (CMV) diseases in Korean hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients are lacking and do not reflect the recent trends of advances and changes. Therefore, we tried to analyze the clinical features of CMV diseases in HSCT recipients over the past 10 years at a tertiary university hospital in Korea. Methods : Retrospective review of medical records was done for all adult HSCT patients who received transplant at the Catholic HSCT Center from January 1998 to January 2008. Results : Forty-four cases (2.2%) of CMV diseases were identified. CMV pneumonia was diagnosed in 17 patients, retinitis in 16 patients, enterocolitis in 7 patients, esophagitis 1 patient, gastritis in 1 patient, duodenitis in 1 patient, and hepatitis in 1 patient. The median onset of symptom was 90 days after transplantation. Late CMV diseases accounted for 47.7%. CMV related death varied from 0 to 58.8% according to the involved organ. CMV retinitis was diagnosed relatively later in the course of transplantation mostly in patients who had chronic graft versus host disease (GVHD). On the contrary, CMV enterocolitis mainly occurred in patients who suffered from acute GVHD. The overall concurrent CMV reactivation was documented to be 63.6%: the concurrent CMV reactivation was observed only in 37.5% of patients with retinitis. Conclusions : We observed some differences in the pattern of CMV disease manifestation according to the involved organ and reconfirmed the fact that CMV pneumonia is the most common and fatal disease in HSCT recipients. Additionally, CMV retinitis was not uncommon in HSCT recipients. Since specific marker does not exist in predicting retinitis, regular ocular examination should be done thoroughly, especially in patients with chronic GVHD.

      • 동종 조혈모세포이식 후 발생한 크립토콕쿠스 척추염 1예

        고윤호,임동준,이성수,조유경,이동건,최정현,김유진,민창기,김동욱,박정미,김춘추,신완식 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.4

        Skeletal cryptococcosis is an uncommon infection. Cryptococcus is a common cause of meningitis and infects 7∼10% of patients with AIDS. As well as AIDS, the infection may be seen in association with leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and diabetes, also in patients on steroid medication. But there is no case report of skeletal cryptococcosis following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. A 40-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of low back pain. She had chronic myelogenous leukemia for 2 years and underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 8 months ago. She have been treated with steroid and cyclosporine orally because of chronic graft versus host disease. On examination she was afebrile and had posterior lower lumbar tenderness. But, she had no reduced strength of low extremities. Open biopsy was underwent. Histology demonstrated budding, round-to-oval, refractile yeast-like organisms within debris. The results of a lumbar puncture were unremarkable and cerebrospinal fluid culture failed to grow bacteria and yeast. The patient was treated with amphotericin B (1 gram) and AmBisome□ (2.8 gram) over 6 weeks. Three months after cessation of therapy, the patient was doing well.(Korean J Infect Dis 33:298∼301, 2001)

      • 플라즈마 표지소자의 제작

        이상윤,라병욱,박동수,황인헌,이덕동,신영남,박성배,이동욱,박용석,박형근,손상호,권태근,채경락,정경득 慶北大學校 自然科學大學 1986 自然科學論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        An Ac-type Plasma Display Panel (PDP) operating with Ne-Ar(0.1%) Penning mixture gas is fabicated. The characterics of the panel with electrodes covered with thin and thick dielectric layers are studied. The brightness of the Neon-orange light emitted by the panel measured as function of applied voltage and frequency. As an application, a graphic display system equipped with PDP showing still and moving pictures is made.

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