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Guelph 투수계를 이용한 김해시 딴섬 강변여과수 지역의 지표 수리전도도 분포 조사
정재훈,김형수,Jeong, Jae-Hoon,Kim, Hyoung-Soo 한국지하수토양환경학회 2008 지하수토양환경 Vol.13 No.2
Guelph 투수계를 이용한 현장 토양 불포화 수리전도도의 산정기법을 제시하고 이 기법을 활용하여 강변여과수 취수계획 지역인 김해시 낙동강 딴섬 일대의 지표 특성을 조사하였다. 조사된 지표 포화 및 불포화 수리전도도의 값은 대규모 강변여과 개발에 대한 지하수 모델링 평가시 중요한 경계조건인 지표 함양량과 하천 경계조건을 설정하는데 활용될 수 있다. 딴섬의 지표 수리전도도는 상류에 조립질 입자가, 하류에 상대적으로 세립질 입자가 퇴적되었음을 보여주었고, 이러한 현상은 강의 부유물이 퇴적되는 특성을 반영하고 있다. 이러한 결과는 상대적으로 딴섬의 남측지역(상류)이 북측 지역(하류)에 비해 강변여과 방식 취수에 유리한 조건을 가질 수 있음을 시사한다. A method estimating unsaturated hydraulic conductivity using Guelph permeameter was developed and applied to the Ddanseom area of Kimhae in Nakdong River basin where the facilities producing bank-filtrated groundwaters are currently under construction. It is believed that the hydraulic conductivity values obtained from this study are useful in determination of recharges through unsaturated zone or from the river. The distribution of the surface hydraulic conductivity shows that sediments are finer downstream, implying the downstream part of Ddanseom has the higher potential of groundwater production.
중소기업용 스마트팩토리 보안 취약점 분류체계 개발: 산업제어시스템 중심으로
정재훈,김태성,Jeong, Jae-Hoon,Kim, Tae-Sung 한국IT서비스학회 2022 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.21 No.5
The smart factory has spread to small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs) under the leadership of the government. Smart factory consists of a work area, an operation management area, and an industrial control system (ICS) area. However, each site is combined with the IT system for reasons such as the convenience of work. As a result, various breaches could occur due to the weakness of the IT system. This study seeks to discover the items and vulnerabilities that SMEs who have difficulties in information security due to technology limitations, human resources, and budget should first diagnose and check. First, to compare the existing domestic and foreign smart factory vulnerability classification systems and improve the current classification system, the latest smart factory vulnerability information is collected from NVD, CISA, and OWASP. Then, significant keywords are extracted from pre-processing, co-occurrence network analysis is performed, and the relationship between each keyword and vulnerability is discovered. Finally, the improvement points of the classification system are derived by mapping it to the existing classification system. Therefore, configuration and maintenance, communication and network, and software development were the items to be diagnosed and checked first, and vulnerabilities were denial of service (DoS), lack of integrity checking for communications, inadequate authentication, privileges, and access control in software in descending order of importance.
커패시턴스 센싱을 통한 섬유 입력 인터페이스 설계와 동작성 연구
정재훈,Jeong, Jae Hoon 한국섬유공학회 2015 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.52 No.6
This study proposes a fabric-type input device that provides mobility by using a weighted value based on the movement velocity between 16 individual capacitors composed of conductive textile. In addition, the proposed device measures the rate of change of dielectric permittivity based on pressure or touch and provides the function like a mouse. A capacitor is composed of a conductive material ($37m{\Omega}/sq$), where a coating of copper and nickel is applied to polyester, and the area of the capacitor is $10mm(W){\times}10mm(L)$. The lower layer is composed of non-conductive fabric having a thickness of 1.36 mm, and the interval between each capacitor is 8 mm with four columns and four rows. Before touch, the capacitance was 120 pF and after touch, the capacitance increased up to 820 pF. In a monitor having a resolution of $1920{\times}1080$, it was observed that the average mobility of a mouse was 60.89 mm and the standard deviation was 0.92 mm, while for a fabric interface, the average mobility was 965.77 mm and the standard deviation was 7.37 mm.
한국 성인에서 주관적 인지저하를 동반한 우울증의 특성과 삶의 질 : 제 7기 국민건강영양조사를 중심으로
정재훈,김성진,정도운,문정준,전동욱,김연수,최현석,이민주,전경수,Jeong, Jae-Hoon,Kim, Sung-Jin,Jung, Do-Un,Moon, Jung-Joon,Jeon, Dong-Wook,Kim, Yeon-Sue,Choi, Hyeon-Seok,Lee, Min-Joo,Jeon, Gyeong-Su 한국정신신체의학회 2021 정신신체의학 Vol.29 No.1
Objectives : This study aimed to investigate quality of life, severity of depression, suicidality, subjective health and subjective stress of depression with subjective cognitive decline in Korean adults. Methods : We used the 7th KNHANES data to enroll 415 participants with a score of 10 or higher on Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), aged 20-64. Depression was divided into two groups based on the presence/absence of subjective cognitive decline. Demographic and psychological characteristics were compared between two groups. Correlation analysis of subjective cognitive decline, quality of life, depression, suicidal idea was carried out. To detect which variables influenced quality of life, a multiple regression analysis was carried out. Results : Among the 415 participants, 98 had depression with subjective cognitive decline. We identified significant differences in age, marital status, education, employment between the two groups. After adjusting for these variables, depression with subjective cognitive decline had lower EuroQol-5D index scores, more severe depressive symptoms without cognition and worse subjective health than depression without cognitive decline. There was a significant correlation between subjective cognitive decline and quality of life (r=-0.236, p<0.001), suicidal idea (r=0.182, p<0.001), depression score without cognition (r=0.108, p=0.028). Through multiple regression analysis, subjective cognitive decline was predictor of reduced quality of life (β=-0.178, p<0.001). Conclusions : Depression with subjective cognitive decline has poor quality of life and severe depression. Cognitive decline should be considered to improve treatment result in depression. 연구목적 국내의 성인을 대상으로 주관적 인지 저하를 동반한 우울증에서 삶의 질, 우울의 심각도, 자살 관련 특성, 주관적 건강 상태 및 스트레스 인지에 대해 조사하고자 하였다. 방 법 국민건강영양조사 제 7기 자료를 이용하여 Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)에서 10점 이상인 인구 415명을 대상으로 하였다. 주관적 인지 저하 유무에 따라 두 군의 특성 차이를 비교했다. 주관적 인지 저하와 삶의 질, 우울, 자살사고의 상관성을 보기 위해 상관분석 및 회귀 분석을 실시했다. 결 과 주관적 인지 저하를 동반한 우울증 집단이 삶의 질과 주관적 건강이 더 좋지 않았고 우울의 심각도가 심했다. 주관적 인지 저하와 삶의 질은 음의 상관관계, 자살사고와 우울은 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 회귀 분석을 통해 주관적 인지 저하가 삶의 질에 부정적 영향을 미치는 것을 확인했다. 결 론 주관적 인지 저하를 동반한 우울증은 삶의 질을 저해하고 우울의 심각도가 심하며 삶의 질, 자살사고 및 우울을 악화시키는 것으로 확인되었다.
개화기 사과 '후지'와 '홍로'의 품종간 저온 피해율, 호르몬과 유리당 분석
정재훈,한점화,류수현,조정건,이슬기,Jeong, Jae Hoon,Han, Jeom Hwa,Ryu, Suhyun,Cho, Jung Gun,Lee, Seul-Ki 한국생물환경조절학회 2021 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.30 No.4
최근 지구온난화에 의한 이상기상으로 겨울철 한파와 봄철 저온에 의한 농작물 피해가 심각하게 발생하고 있다. 특히 과수의 개화기 저온피해는 꽃눈의 생육단계에 따라 차이가 있으며 발육이 진전될수록 내한성이 약해져 개화 직전부터 낙화 후 1주까지 한계온도가 다르게 발생한다. 따라서 개화기가 빠른 사과 '홍로'가 '후지'보다 피해가 심각한 것이 일반적이나 2020년 4월 저온피해는 개화기가 늦은 '후지'의 피해가 심하게 발생하여그 원인을 분석하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 충북 보은군 사과나무 '후지'와 '홍로'를 동시에 재배하는 2농가를 대상으로 품종 간 피해율 실태조사를 실시하였다. 또한 정확한 품종 간 비교 분석을 위하여 생육단계가 동일한 시료를 선택하여 인위적으로 저온처리(-2.0℃, -4.0℃)를 하여 피해 정도를 조사하고, 원인 분석을 위해 조직 내 유리당과 호르몬 함량을 분석하였다. 실태조사 결과 2농가 모두 '후지'가 '홍로'보다 피해율이 높았으며, 특히 B농가(저지대, 평지) '후지'의 경우 피해율이 60.5%로 가장 높았다. 또한 동일한 생육단계의 시료를 사용한 인위적 저온 처리 시험결과에서도 '후지'와 '홍로' 품종 간 피해율에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 유리당 함량은 저온 피해율이 낮았던 '홍로'가'후지'보다 높았으며, 호르몬 분석 결과 정상 꽃눈보다 손상된 조직에서 ABA, IAA와 SA 함량이 높게 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구 결과 조직내 유리당 함량이 높으면 저온 피해율이 낮은 것을 확인할 수 있었으며, 특히 저온 피해율은 sorbitol 함량과 부의 상관관계를 이루고 있다. Freezing damage to fruit trees is frequently occurring due to cold in winter and low temperature in spring to abnormal weather caused by global warming. In particular, the freezing injury of deciduous fruit trees is highly dependent on the developmental stages of the flower buds. And the cold resistance is weakened as the growth progresses, so it is most vulnerable period from flowering to petal fall(post-bloom). Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the cause of the freezing injury caused by severe low temperature to 'Fuji', which has a late flowering period more than 'Hongro' in April 2020. We investigated freezing injury rate in 'Fuji' and 'Hongro' apple trees damaged by natural low temperature at Boeun-gun, Chungbuk province in Korea. In addition, flower buds in the same developmental stage (tight cluster) were treated artificially low temperature to investigate the injury rate for accurate comparative analysis between varieties, and to analyze the soluble sugar and hormone contents in the flower buds. As a result of survey in natural low temperature, 'Fuji' had a higher injury rate than 'Hongro' in both orchards, and in particular, B orchard 'Fuji' had the highest injury rate of 60.5%. Also there were significantly difference in the freezing injury rate between 'Fuji' and 'Hongro' in artificially low temperature treatments. As a result of analyzing the soluble sugar contents in 'Hongro' was higher than 'Fuji'. Also ABA, IAA and SA contents were more increased in the damaged tissue than in the normal flower buds by low temperature treatments. Consequently, it was assumed that the freezing injury was closely related to soluble sugar contents in the flower buds. In particular, the freezing injury rate was negatively correlated with the sorbitol contents.
Biological Activity of Flavor Components Extracted from Elsholtzia ciliata and Elsholtzia splendens
정재훈,손현옥,신한재,현학철,이동욱,임흥빈,Jeong Jae-Hoon,Sohn Hyung-Ok,Shin Han-Jae,Hyun Hak-Chul,Lee Dong-Wook,Lim Heung-Bin The Korean Society of Tobacco Science 2005 한국연초학회지 Vol.27 No.1
This study was to evaluate the biological activity of flavor components extracted from E. ciliata and E. splendens in order to survey the possibility applicable to tobacco and food industry. Flavor components were extracted with dividing into three parts; essential oil, absolute, oleoresin. In the nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation system, the inhibition rate($\%$) of essential oil were $67.3\;\pm\;20.7\%,\;58.1\;\pm\;19.3\%$ at the concentration of 50 ${\mu}g/mL$ of E. ciliata and E. splendens, respectively. The inhibition rate($\%$) of the oleoresin in E. ciliata was higher than one in E. splendens. In the enzymatic lipid peroxidation system, the inhibition rate($\%$) of essential oil and oleoresin was$14.28\;\pm\;2.38\%,\;and\;65.93\;\pm\;0.01\%,\;and\;was\;22.58\;\pm\;2.84\%\;and\;40.73\;pm\;6.04\%$. The oleoresin of two species were showed above $90\%$ of the inhibition rate($90\%$) against autooxidative lipid peroxidation system. $EC_{50}$ values in neutral red uptake assays 24 h of exposure times were $23.3\;{\mu}g/mL,\;341.0\;{\mu}g/mL\;and\;17.2\;{\mu}g/mL$ in essential oil, absolute and oleoresin from E. ciliata respectively, and were $46.4\;{\mu}g/mL,\;681.7\;{\mu}g/mL\;17.6\;{\mu}g/mL$ in three extractions of E. splendens. Oleoresin of two species showed high rate in the cytotoxic effect by neutral red uptake assay. Absolute and oleoresin did not show antibiotic and mutagenic activity. On the contrary, essential oil with over 500 ug/plate showed antibiotic and mutagenic activity in Ames test. Essential oil and oleoresin have a prolongating effect the ciliostasis of rat trachea. This results indicate that flavor components extracted from E. ciliata and E. splendens can be considered to be toxicological safe and to be the possibility applicable the cigarette, food and drug industry as a flavor for expectoration.
방사성 동위원소를 이용한 핵의학과 검사에서 병동 간호사의 방사선 피폭선량 평가
정재훈,이충운,유연욱,서영덕,최호용,김윤철,김용근,원우재,Jeong, Jae Hoon,Lee, Chung Wun,You, Yeon Wook,Seo, Yeong Deok,Choi, Ho Yong,Kim, Yun Cheol,Kim, Yong Geun,Won, Woo Jae 대한핵의학기술학회 2017 핵의학 기술 Vol.21 No.1
Purpose Radiation exposure management has been strictly regulated for the radiation workers, but there are only a few studies on potential risk of radiation exposure to non-radiation workers, especially nurses in a general ward. The present study aimed to estimate the exact total exposure of the nurse in a general ward by close contact with the patient undergoing nuclear medicine examinations. Materials and Methods Radiation exposure rate was determined by using thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) and optical simulated luminescence (OSL) in 14 nurses in a general ward from October 2015 to June 2016. External radiation rate was measured immediately after injection and examination at skin surface, and 50 cm and 1 m distance from 50 patients (PET/CT 20 pts; Bone scan 20 pts; Myocardial SPECT 10 pts). After measurement, effective half-life, and total radiation exposure expected in nurses were calculated. Then, expected total exposure was compared with total exposures actually measured in nurses by TLD and OSL. Results Mean and maximum amount of radiation exposure of 14 nurses in a general ward were 0.01 and 0.02 mSv, respectively in each measuring period. External radiation rate after injection at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients was as following; $376.0{\pm}25.2$, $88.1{\pm}8.2$ and $29.0{\pm}5.8{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in PET/CT; $206.7{\pm}56.6$, $23.1{\pm}4.4$ and $10.1{\pm}1.4{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in bone scan; $22.5{\pm}2.6$, $2.4{\pm}0.7$ and $0.9{\pm}0.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in myocardial SPECT. After examination, external radiation rate at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients was decreased as following; $165.3{\pm}22.1$, $38.7{\pm}5.9$ and $12.4{\pm}2.5{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in PET/CT; $32.1{\pm}8.7$, $6.2{\pm}1.1$, $2.8{\pm}0.6$, respectively in bone scan; $14.0{\pm}1.2$, $2.1{\pm}0.3$, $0.8{\pm}0.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in myocardial SPECT. Based upon the results, an effective half-life was calculated, and at 30 minutes after examination the time to reach normal dose limit in 'Nuclear Safety Act' was calculated conservatively without considering a half-life. In oder of distance (at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients), it was 7.9, 34.1 and 106.8 hr, respectively in PET/CT; 40.4, 199.5 and 451.1 hr, respectively in bone scan, 62.5, 519.3 and 1313.6 hr, respectively in myocardial SPECT. Conclusion Radiation exposure rate may differ slightly depending on the work process and the environment in a general ward. Exposure rate was measured at step in the general examination procedure and it made our results more reliable. Our results clearly showed that total amount of radiation exposure caused by residual radioactive isotope in the patient body was neglectable, even comparing with the natural radiation exposure. In conclusion, nurses in a general ward were much less exposed than the normal dose limit, and the effects of exposure by contacting patients undergoing nuclear medicine examination was ignorable. 목적: 핵의학 검사를 시행한 병동 환자의 시간과 거리에 따른 방사선량률을 측정하여 방사성동위원소 투여를 받은 환자가 병동 간호사에게 미치는 피폭을 예측하고 실제 총 피폭량과 비교하여 보고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: 병동에서 근무하고 있는 간호사 14명을 대상으로 열형광 선량계와 광자극 선량계를 이용하여 방사선 피폭선량을 측정하였고 핵의학 검사를 시행한 환자 50명(PET/CT 20명, Bone scan 20명, Myocardial SPECT 10명)을 대상으로 방사성동위원소 투여 직후와 검사시행 직후에 표면, 50cm, 1m에서 외부 방사선량률을 측정하였다. 측정 결과를 바탕으로 유효반감기를 도출한 후 병동 간호사가 받을 수 있는 피폭량을 예측하였다. 그리고 열형광선량계와 광자극선량계로 측정된 병동 간호사의 실제 총 피폭량과 비교 하였다. 결과: 병동 간호사 14명을 대상으로 한 피폭선량 측정결과 평균값과 최대값은 각각 분기당 0.01 mSv, 0.02 mSv 이었고 핵의학 검사를 시행 받은 환자의 선량률은 표면, 50cm, 1m 거리 순으로 PET/CT는 $376.0{\pm}25.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, $88.1{\pm}8.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, $29.0{\pm}5.8{\mu}Sv/hr$ 이고 Bone scan은 $206.7{\pm}56.6{\mu}Sv/hr$, $23.1{\pm}4.4{\mu}Sv/hr$, $10.1{\pm}1.4{\mu}Sv/hr$이고 Myocardial SPECT는 $22.5{\pm}2.6{\mu}Sv/hr$, $2.4{\pm}0.7{\mu}Sv/hr$, $0.9{\pm}0.2{\mu}Sv/hr$이다. 또한 검사를 시행한 후 측정한 선량률은 표면, 50cm, 1m 거리 순으로 PET/CT는 $165.3{\pm}22.1{\mu}Sv/hr$, $38.7{\pm}5.9{\mu}Sv/hr$, $12.4{\pm}2.5{\mu}Sv/hr$ 이고 Bone scan은 $32.1{\pm}8.7{\mu}Sv/hr$, $6.2{\pm}1.1{\mu}Sv/hr$, $2.8{\pm}0.6{\mu}Sv/hr$이고 Myocardial SPECT는 $14.0{\pm}1.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, $2.1{\pm}0.3{\mu}Sv/hr$, $0.8{\pm}0.2{\mu}Sv/hr$이다. 위의 결과를 바탕으로 유효반감기를 도출한 후 검사종료 30분 후 원자력안전법에서 규정하는 일반인 선량한도까지 도달하는데 걸리는 시간을 반감기를 고려치 않고 보수적으로 계산하면 PET/CT는 표면, 50cm, 1m 거리 순으로 7.9시간, 34.1시간, 106.8시간이며 Bone scan은 40.4시간, 199.5시간, 451.1시간이고 Myocardial SPECT는 62.5시간, 519.3시간, 1313.6시간이다. 결론: 본 연구 결과에 의하면 병동 간호사는 일반인 선량한도 보다 훨씬 적은 피폭량을 받는 것으로 나타나, 실질적으로 판단할 때 핵의학 검사를 시행한 환자로 인하여 받는 피폭의 영향은 미미한 것으로 판단된다.
정재훈,진상규,김훈,Jeong, Jae-Hoon,Jin, Sang-Kyu,Kim, Hoon 한국조명전기설비학회 1999 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.13 No.3
형광등용 조명기구에 사용되는 경명 반사판의 광학 설계 프로그램을 개발하였다. 이 프로그램은 조명기구 설계시간을 단축시킨다. SpeROD(Specular Reflector Optical Designer)는 2차원적인 조건들을 가지고 계산한다. 반사판 설계를 위해 고려되는 조건들은 목표배광, 반사판 그리고 Tangent Spiral Design 방법등이 있다. 본 논문에서는 SpeROD를 이용하여 지름 26mm(T8)의 형광램프와 폭 150mm의 반사판을 가지는 균일 배광 형태와 Bat-wing 배광형태의 반사판을 설계해보았다. 설계된 반사판의 형태에 대하여 배광에측 프로그램인 FIELD를 통하여 배광을 시뮬레이션 해 본 결과, 배광과 효율 면에서 만족스러운 결과를 얻었다. SpeROD, the optical design program. is developed far specular reflectors of fluorescent luminaries. SpeROD can save much tirre when to design specular reflectors. SpeROD calculates conditions 2-dimensionally. The conditions for designing reflectors considered in this program are the intensity distribution, reflector type, and Tangent Spiral Design method. Using SpeROD, uniform intensity distribution type and bat-wing type reflectors are simulated in this paper, and alrrnn(T8) diarreter fluorescent lamp and lmnm width reflector are used for the setting. The sarre setting was simulated in FIElD, the intensity distribution prediction program. and the' result represented the intensity distribution and the efficacy simulated in SpeROD were satisfactory.actory.
정재훈,김응석,이정규,문남주,조호균,Jae Hoon Jeong,Eung Suk Kim,Jeong Kyu Lee,Nam Ju Moon,Ho Kyun Cho 대한안과학회 2010 대한안과학회지 Vol.51 No.5
Purpose: To investigate the effects of intravitreal bevacizumab injection on diabetic macular edema (DME) of different types classified using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). Methods: A total of 82 eyes with refractory DME were enrolled. The DME was classified into diffuse, cystoid, or serous type based on the OCT findings. All cases had received an intravitreal injection of 1.25 mg bevacizumab each month for three months. Foveal thickness, macular volume, and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) were measured before and one month after the injection, and the interval changes in these parameters were compared. Results: The types of DME were classified as follows: diffuse macular edema 50%, cystoid macular edema 31.7%, and serous macular detachment 18.3%. Foveal thickness and total macular volume after intravitreal bevacizumab injection decreased in all types, and the cystoid and serous types showed better response than did the diffuse type with regard to foveal thickness. However, there were no significant differences in the extent of the change in total macular volume or BCVA among the three types of DME. Conclusions: There were differences in the therapeutic effects of intravitreal bevacizumab injection among the different types of DME classified using OCT. These differences may be associated with the stabilizing effect of the bevacizumab. This effect was stronger with regard to vascular permeability, the primary factor in the pathogenesis of the cystic and serous types, than with regard to leakage from the microaneurysm, the primary factor in the pathogenesis of the diffuse type. Practical application of bevacizumab to eyes with different DME types will help in further evaluating intravitreal bevacizumab injection as a treatment option for DME. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2010;51(5):700-706
정상배란성 월경주기에서 혈청 인슐린유사 성장인자 결합단백질의 양상
정재훈,김정구,Jeong, Jae-Hoon,Kim, Jung-Gu 대한생식의학회 1999 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.26 No.1
The insulin-like growth factor (IGF)s are believed to one of several growth factors that play an adjunctive role in ovarian follicular development. These factors circulate bound to a family of IGF-binding protein (IGFBP)s. It is known that circulating IGFBPs are involved in the transport of IGFs to tissues and modulate IGFs actions at local tissue. The purposes of this study were to evaluate changes in serum IGFBPs profiles during normal ovulatory menstrual cylce and to compare serum IGFBPs profiles in periovulatory phase of between normal ovulatory menstrual cylce and controlled hyperstimulated cycle. Fasting blood samples were obtained from 15 normal healthy women throughout normal ovulatory menstural cyle and on the day of aspiration of oocyte from 10 patients undergoing ovarian hyperstimuation for in vito fertilization-embryo transfer. Serum IGFBP-1 - IGFBP-4 were measured by western ligand blot and immunoprecipitation. Serum $17{\beta}$-estradiol was determined by radioimmunoassay. Type and molecular weight of serum IGFBP did not changed during normal ovulatory menstural cycle. No significant variation in the relative proportion and level of each IGFBP was found throughout normal ovulatory menstural cyle. Also, the relative proportion and level of each IGFBP did not correlated with serum $17{\beta}$-estradiol level. There was no significant difference in the relative proportion and level of each serum IGFBP between on the day of ovulation in normal ovulatory menstrual cylce and on the day of aspiration of oocyte in controlled hyperstimulated cycle. Our data indicate that IGFBPs have regulatory functions in ovary through an paracrine and autocrine rather than endocrine mechanism during normal ovulatory menstural cycle.